



Smyrn~ , Del aware

FIRF. Ml\.NA0~1'1J' PI .ll. N

Approval s:

------------- : ______ _

------------- Date : ______ _

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T. Current Situation

II. Prescribed Burning A. Current and planned use B. Purpose ot prescribed burning c. Identification ot fire management units

1. Tidal marsh !ire management units 2. Impoundment tire management units 3. P'ield/Woodland tire management units

D. L&nd use/habitat objectives of fire management E. Constraints or prescribed burning F. Alternatives to prescribed burning

1. No action 2. Mechanical manipulation 3. Chemical control 4. Extensive grazing 5. Floo<iing

G. Fire management evaluation H. Fire prescriptions

1. Fire Prescription for Woodland Habitat 2. Fire Prescription for Grassland/Brush Habitat 3. Fire Prescription for Tidal Marsh Habitat 4. Fire Prescription for Dikes

I. Annual Prescribed Burn Plan


1 1 2 2 lt 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8

TJI. Wildfire 17 A. Background Information on Fire 17

1. Physical features, habitat, weather, and topoeraphy 17 influence on fire

~. Local attitudes fire 17 3. Wildfil'•e History 17

a. Review of wildfire occurrence 17 b. Fire seasons 1'1 c. State imposed burning ban 1'.) d. Fire danger indices 10

4. Socio-economic considerations 19 13. T...a.nd use and habitat management decisions 19 c. Fire suppression decisions ~O

1. Fire suppression methods ?0 2. Restrictions to fire suppression ?.O 3. Modifi~d suppression areas ?O



Table of Contents (Con't)

a. Objectives of modified suppres3ion b. Area descriptions c. Past fire behavior d. Risks involved e. Environmental conditions f. Suppression techniques to be uDed g. Smoke management h. Legal or physical constraints i. Adjacent ownerships J. Cooperative agreements k. Emergency contingency plans 1. Public intonnation actions

D. Fire damage potential 1. Fuel types and fire damage potential 2 • . Fuel types and rate of spread 3. Fire Severity Index

E. Refuge fire consequence rating F. Suppression

1. Low con3equence Refuge a. Fire Dispatch Plan b. Refuge manpower and equir.ment available c. Cooperator manpower and equipment available

G. Rehabilitat1on 1. Low conse~uence Refuge

Map I. Fire Man11gnment Units M;ip II. Fir<' Sevei·Hy Tnrif•X


Exhibit I Exhibit II Exhibit III F'.xhibi t IV Sxhibit v !.':xhibit VI Rxhibit VI!

Fire Prescription for Woodland HabitRt Fire Prescription for Grassland/Brush Habitat Fire Prescription for Tidnl Marsh Habitat Fire Prescription for Dikes Review of Wildfire Occurrence Cooperative Agreement with Leipsic Vol. Fire Co. Fir~ Dispatch Plan


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I. Current Situation

Bombay Hook National Wil<llife Refuge was established in 1937 primarily to preserve coastal wetlands for waterfowl habitat. The refuge is located on the west shore of the Delaware Bay, 10 miles northeM t of Dover, Delaware. The refuge contains 15,099 acres and 1.ncludes 1?,?01') acres of tidal salt marsh, 1,200 acres of impoundments and associatP.d brackish marsh, 1,000 acres of croplands, 450 acres of woodlands, and 250 aores of grasslands and brush. Bombay Hook is man~ged primarily to provide resting and feeding habitat !or migratory birds. Habitat rl1 ve-r­sity is maintained to provide a variety of native plants and anim~ls. Fire management is an economical and ef'feotive tool that uses na.turn.l phenomena to maintain diversity of habitat types.

Annual precipitation averages 42.3 inches with rainfall distributed throughout the year. Summers are hot and humid with average t~mper~­tures in the mid 70's with occaeional 90° + days. Winters are mild with average December to March temperatures of around 35° - 38° F. Freeze-up of the marshes is irregular, occurring in January and February for a maximum of 2-4 weeks. Winds of 10-15 mop.h. are common in the spring, prevailing from the northwest and southwest. Severe northeast storms occur infrequently •

Soil types vary from marine tidal marsh to a variety of sandy loams on the upland. The marsh soils hava large quantities of organ:ic matter w:fth peats varyin~ in depth from a few inches to several feet.

Prescribed burnine is conducted to manipulate habitat for optimal manaee­ment objectives. The ~tnte or Delaware Department of Nntural Re~ow~ces must approve all prescribed burning a.ctivities. All other management constraints are dependent upon weather, habitat conditions, and available manpower.

Wildfires have occured in the past, however no resource damage or ~eroonal have resulted. The majority of w:!.ldfires were ca1J~< ~d 'by c :if·':­

lessness, negligenc~ or were intentional.

TT. Prescribed Burnin&

A. Current and Planned Use

The current and planned use of prescribed burning is to manipulate natural habitat oonditions for the accomplishment of specific m~nage­ment objectives. 13ombay Hook's 12,200 acres of tidal marsh is the largest pristine marsh remaining in Delaware that has not been grid­di tohed for mosquito controlo Marsh burning ie recognized as the most effective rnethod to maintain pristine marsh oonditiona. 'T'he


refuge marsh provides a natural teeding area tor a wintering pop­ulation of up to 50,000 snow geese. Marsh burning provides acces s


to marsh plants by geese, improves plant vigor and controls encroach­ing brush. Preecrfbe burning is also conducted along impoundment peripheries, dikes, fields, and woodland areas.

Purpose of Prescribed Burni ng

Prescribed burning is used to obtain several objectives:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.




11. 12.

To control encroacrunent of brush into marshlands . To control encroachment of brush into grasslands . To reduce fuel accumulatior1 of vegetative duff li ttcr. To maintain a diversity of habitat types. To reduce machanical management (mowing) thus re<luci~ costs associated with manipulative practices. To maintain dense nesting cover habitat. To reduce chemical spraying as a management tool in removing undesirable vegetation. To improve access to marsh plants for grazing geese by removing acctmIUlated wrack and vegetative litter. To maintain habitat in an early vegetational succession stage. To improve visitor observation along the public tour route by burning tall dense vegetation along the impound­ment dikes • To maintain pristine marsh conditions. To improve plant vigor.

c. :Identification ot Fire Management Units

There arc 18 fire management 'lmits, see Map I. Ten units (A,B,c, D,E,F,G,H,I,M) are located in tidal marsh, four 'lmits (K,L,N,P) are managed impoundment areas, and four tmits (J,O,Q,R) are fields/ woodland areaso

Fire Management Units

A. Air Force Tract Unit B. Kelly Island Unit c. Kent Island Unit D. Green Creek Unit E. Bombay Hook I s land Unit F. Weir Gut Unit G. Leipsic River Unit H. Ragged Island Unit I. Needham's Island Unit Jo Boat House Unit K. Raymond Pool Unit

. MN' -~ I llnmb31¥_, llpok N11tio~111l Wildl i ro Hefugt:i f' ue 1·1anagoment Utllto


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IL c. ll. t:. F. G. H. 1. J. K. L. H. N. o. p, Q. R.

/lir Force Tract Unit Kelly laland Unit K.·11t 111land Unit Green Creek Unit Bombay Hook Island Unit \oh•ir Cut Unit L~ipaic River Unit Ragged laland Unit Needhar.'1 bland Unit Boat HouH Unit Raymond Pool Unit Shearne11 Pool Unit Honey Hanh Unit BC?ar Swa11p Unit Dutch Neck South Unit rinis Poo l Unit Uutch Neck North Unit Fishc1 Tract Unit


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_OPERATING MAP ~t. f ·,~ .. ,n 'o....... 1 , c

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AUGUS.T I~. 1966


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• 1.

• 2.


L. Sheamess Pool Unit M. Money Marsh Unit N. Bear Swamp Unit O. Dutch Neck South Unit P. Finis Pool T.hlit Q.. Dutch Neck North Unit R. Fisher Tract Unit

Tidal Marsh Fire Management Units

Tidal marsh management tmits represent 81% of total refuge acreage. Marsh habit~t is the moat important resource on the refuge and it is the largest pristine marsh area remain-ing in Delaware. The ten tidal marsh units contain 12,200 acres of salt tolerant vegetative species and primarily in­clude : cord grass (Spartina alterniflora), salt marsh hay (2_. pa tens), spike grass {Distichlis ·apicata), high ~ide huuh (Iva frutescens) , groundsel bush {Baccharis 'halimifolja) an·l gTa;t reeds {Phragmi t cs comrmmis). 'lbe marsh g:-acse~ ;_:r("~ preferred foods of many waterfowl species . The snoir' goon t.:; ~.n particular feeds on the tmderground rhizomes of the marsh grasses. Continuous feeding by snow geese in the same marsh areas year after year results in mud nat areas that are void of vegetation - tenned eat-outs. Prescribed burning of the marsh for the benefit of snow geese is an effective management tool. Marsh areas that are burned attract grazing snow gees e . 'nleretore snow geese can be moved to specific marsh areas, which will allow heavily grazed eat-out arean to revegetate. Burning removes the accumulated vegetative litter, promotes plant v1gor and .controls encroachment of brush.

Impo\D'ldment Fire Management Units

'nlere are four managed impoundments on Banbay Hook that have an extensive dike system with water control structures, and sur­ro'lmding grassland and woodland habitat. 'Ibe impoundments arP. intensively managed to control water levels and vegetativ6 com­posjtion. Management objectives foous on manipulating the impoundment uni ts to provide optiJmlm Wildlife habitat.. Tens of thousands of waterfowl utilize the impotmdments during fall, winter and spring.. The impotmdmenta provide the primary food supply (fish) for a resident pair of bald eagles. The eagles nest in the woodland habitat surrounding t he impol.ll'ldments. The dike system 13 also a public tour route and provides wildland and wild.lite observations for approximately 40, 000 visitors :i.nnually ..

Field/Woodland Fire Management Units

'lbere are £our field/woodland fire management units. These units are l ess intensively managed than other units, however they pro­vide a diversity or wildlife habitat. 'nle fields include 1,000


acres of croplands (corn with winter wheat as a cover crop) ann small scattered tracts of grasslands and brush. Womll:.tnds bo:rder these fields and primarily contain mixed stands of hardwoodn.

D. Land Use/Habitat Objectives of Fire Management

Prescribed hurninG is an economical and effect! ve m~th0r3 o: m;· r' 1.-:..:..oe; uplandJ, brush, ·11oodlands and marsh. Rotational hurnin~ of gr'i:J:·:l~.nds

is used to prevent encroachment of brush and to mai11tnin !:!'m3r· n.esUng Fire also helps maintain brush areas in a succeris:I onn.l f!ta.t;e that is beneficial to a variety of wil dlife. In woodlands, !'ire JJre­vents litter accumulation and maintains the understory.

Burning is a valuable tool in preventing encroachment of brush -espeoially high tide bush and myrtle - into the marsh areas. Burnin6 also reduces litter accumulation in dense phragmites stand~.

Burning in the tidal marsh reduces t he vegetative mat thus improving access by grazing geese. Snow geese have decimated some maroh arAae and created extensive mud fiats where cordgraas once tludshed . An estimated 500 acres of eat-outs have occurred~ Snow gees~ cause the damage due to their habit of feeding on the underground rhizom~3 of the plant. Proscribed burning of the marsh is a proven management tool in attracting snow geese. Marsh areas t.'lat are distant from the eat-out nre~s are burned, to attract snow geese to these areas . The result ia that the geese have the same preferred foods in abund­ance and with easier access; and the eat-out areas will he given a rest period from grazing impacts, hopefully to revegetate eat-out mud flat nrea:1.

s. Constralnts of Prescribe<l Burning

'..Jind speed is the mont critical element when burning so that propose..! objectives of the burn are achieved. Winds should be greater than 5 m.pqh. but not more than 20 m.p.h. Wind direction should be cxnmined on each day of burnins so that objectives of that particular b'.U'Tl unit will be achieved. Required wind direction in the fire management units fo unspecific due to the vast open area involvcrl.

Water level conditions must be considered prior to burning.. Jn units where tidR.l flooding occurs, burning should be planned du.ring low tidal amplitude to allow the burn to cover a greater are~.

Control lines (fire lanes or fire breaks) are required for each unit prior to burning. Fire breaks may be natural boundaries such as roads, creeks, tidal guts, water, etc. Fire lanes are cleared lanes in forest areas, brushy areas, or grasslands.. Each unit's control line must be cheoked prior to treatment on the day of the burn. Control lines should subdivido large Rreas into logical 1-day burning jobs ., Dense timber stands or heavy fuel pockets should not be near control linesv


An Open Burning Penllit lllUBt be reoeived trom the State ot D!!laware, Depart.ment ot Natural Resouro•• and Environmental Control, Air Resources Section, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, Delaware prior to pre­scribed burning operations being oonduoted on Bombay Hook National Wildlite Retuge. Burning must be conducted mider the guidelines ot the permit. '!he Cmmty Fire Call Board must be notified prior to initiating each burning operationi Kent Cmmtys 911.

Controlled burning oan only be conducted during October 1 - March 31 during the hours ot 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M., and from April 1 - September 30 during the hours ot 8100 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.

F. Alternatives to Prescribed Burning

1. No Action

under a no management Policy, normal vegetative sucoessional patterns will continue. Brush would continue to invade wetlands and grasslands. This would result in the loaa of nesting habitat tor waterfowl and other species, and would result in a deterioration of the impolmdments peripheral habitat. Dutt litter and aocunulated tuels would continue to build up creating a serious tire patential which could cause ha'b-1 tat damage. Marsh eat-outs by snow geese would continue, creating extensive mud flats (which are non-productive) and causing a loss ot me.rah vegetation and a lowering ot the marsh area •

2. Mechanical Manipulation .

Mechanical manipulation is possible only in dry areas accessible to trac~ors. Areas of dense brush could be removed with a bulldozero 'nlis type ot operation is not cost etteotive and would require considerable energy consumption. This method would not be applic­able to wetlands.

3. Chemical Control

Herbicides have effectively proven themselves in the contr ol of vegetation. The use of organophosphates has al so reducad the toxicity levels that remain in the environmentw Chemical controls are appropriate tor certain undesirable species (Johnsongrass , thistle, and Phragmites) and will continue to be used aa approvals and funds available. However, a chemical control program can­not be conducted over an extensive area because it is cost prohib­itive (e.g. Rodeo is presently $83.00/gallon). In adclition a chem­ical control program would not produoe the ettects that a burning program produces, that ia, removal ot vegetative litter buildup. Chemical control would only add to the litter aoo\.IDUlation.



4. Extensive Grazing

Vegetation control, to an extent, can be accomplisheQ by extensive grazing. The introduction of goats or cattle on ret'uge lands to eliminate vegetation would require extensive fencing in the areas where vegetation consumption is required 0

Extensive manpower would be involved and the problems associated with escaped animals could be significant. It would also talce years to nccomplish the desired effect.

An increase in the deer herd wonl.d accomplish only ~i~imal resulto for v~eetation control becnuse of the sele~Livc r l i ~~ of these animals. It is th~rcfore considered unreason:ibJ •.) to attempt veeetation manipulation at the l evel ,.1enl re.~ h~· extensive grazing efforts .

5. Flooding

Flooding of the refuge could not be achieved without ~erioU.'3 destruction of habitat. Flooding is not considered feasi bl e for vegetation manipulation on the refuse.

Fire Management Evaluation

The burn is evaluated to determine its effectiveness in meeting pre­scribed objectives and to gain information to be used in future plan-ning. Evaluation of oach burn will consider: 1) Was prcburn preparation adequate? 2) Were objectives met1 3) Did the burn adhere to the plan? 4) Were conditions o! weather, fuel conditions and fire behavio~ wlthin planned ·limits? 5) What were the environmental e!.f'ects on soil veceta­tion and wildfire? 6) Was the fire confined to area; any eacape? 7) W:i.r;

burning technique correct? 8) Were costs comparable with benefits d~rived?

Fire management evaluation within the tidal marsh areas Will focuo on the success of the bum to attraot.,snow goose feeding. Changes in vegetative types and brush control will also be evaluated in the bum areaso

Evnluatton of the manaced impoundment uni ts will foc 1;z on the success of fire to remove encroaching brush and accumulated duff litter; and improvement of visitor observation opportunities {by rc~ovnl of tall dense vegetation) along the public tour route.

The field/woodland fire management units will be evaluated according to the success in removal of weeds, brush, and duf'.f littero

H. Fire Prescriptions

------- -----

Fire pi-ascriptions are specified for individual habitat types within the fire management units. The habitat types to be treated arc: 1) woodlamle; 2) gra:rn lands /brush areas ; 3) tidal marsh; 4) d 1.kes.


1 • Woodlands

The ~50 acres of woodlands contains uneven aeeu stands of mixed hardwoods (white oak, pin oak, red oak, tulip poplar, maple and hickory) with indivitlual scattered evergreens (cedar, holly, pine). The woodl and areas would be burned only when manaeement objectives require it. At present there are no objectives to be met which require burning in woodland areas. Exhibit I detailG prescz·iption conditions for burning woodlands.

2. Graealands/Bruoh Areas


There are 250 acres of grassland and brush areas on the refuge. The grasslands and brush areas (30 acres) located along the impoundment peripheries will be burned annually. Drainage ditches (5 acres) that border the fields will be burned annually. other grassland and brush areas (210 acres) will be burned on a 2 year rotational cyole with 105 aoree burned annually. Exhibit II details prescrip­tion oonditiona for burning grass and brush areas.

Tidal Marsh

The 12,200 acree of tidal marsh is scheduled for a 3 year rotational burn cycle with approximately 4,050 aores to be burned annually. '1'1e annual burning program will include various scattered units through­out the tidal marsh araas which will also allow snow goose grazing to bo distributed. Exhibit III details prescription conditions for burning tidal marsh areasv


'Ibere are approximately J!- miles (25 acres) of dikes along the 4 impoundments. The dikes are scheduled to be burned annually.

I. Annual Rum Plans

Annual prescribed burn plans will be filed with submission of AWPA, aa needed. The annual prescribed burn plan details treatment :;pecif­ications required for the 18 fire management unit e .

.. .. . t-'


Exhibit I. Fire Prescription tor Woodland Habitat

1 • Treatment specifications

a. Desired aooomplishment

The objectives ot prescribed fire in the woodlands are: 1) to reduce fuel accumulation ot vegetative duff litter; 2) to control enoroaohment of brushs 3) to maintain under­story habitat in an early auccessional stage; 4) to improve wildlife access within this habitat; 5) to maintain a div­ersity ot plant speoies.

b. Desired fire behavior

The desired fire behavior within the woodlands areas should have a low rate ot spread with a moderate intensity to ad­equately remove dutt litter and to destroy encroaching brush species. The name should range 2 - 10 feet in height, with a 2 - 5 teet height most desirable. Flame length should not exceed one-fourth the length ot the unit.

c. F.nvironmental conditions

Fuel moisture should range between 20% - 50% to facilitate a satisfactory burn without oausing damage to the hard­wood forest. Wind speed should exoeed 5 m$p.h. but less than 20 m.p.h., a 10 - 13 m.p.h. wind is ideal. Optimal wind direction would be westerly, however any wind direc­tion should accomplish obJeotives and be controlled. Soil moisture will be high (50% - 75%) due to the water tabla, but the soil should not have extensive puddles of water. A temi:>erature of 20• - 4o• F. is preterredo

2. Treatment Strategy

a. Preburn preparation

Control lines (fire lanes or fire breaks) must be established around eaoh burn unit. Complete on-site inspection of respec­tive lines must be oonducted on date of (and prior to) igni­tion. Control lines should be a minimum 10 feet wide.,

b. Ignition Teohnique

A low intensity baold'ire will be used to establish all cri­tical control lines. A baoktire Will also be used in under­story habitat where wind speed allows a low rate of spread

... ..-

with A modernte :intensity flame . A hcn•J f1r'1 "·il l hr: ~1r;erl in hcnvy hrush ar~as , and when low wind spE:l:,~ c1r;._,.:; !.ot, allow a backfire to obtain moderate intensi ty fl::.r.-,t; Hhlch prevents accomplishment of objectives .

c. Igniti on methodn


All ignitions will be conducted with a hand-held drip torch. Individual firefighters Will be designated "Torchers" and will be tho only personnel to conduct ignitions.

d. ?iring Sequence

The Fire Boss will command the sequence of ignitions. Critical control lines Will be igneted initially, with the most critical line ienited first. Critical fire lines are any fire lanes or fire breaks where there is concern that the fire could escape control or could jump the established control line. A backfire •Nill he used to establish a blackened control line at fire lanes and breaks. After all blackened control lineH are established remaining portions of the unit will be ignited. Backfires and/or head tires will be ignited to accomplish specific objectives, upon consideration of the local oonditionso

3. Preburn Monitoring

General veget~tional characteristics will be rtocumented prior to each burn. In special cir cumstances , transects may be est ablinhed to determine vegctational change after th~ burn •


Exhibit II. Fire Prescription for Grasslands/Brush Habitat

1. Treatment specifioationa

a. Desired accompljshment

The objectives ot prescribed fire in the grasslands/brush areas are: 1) to control encroachment of brush; 2) to maintain habitat in an early auccessional stage; 3) to reduce fuel accumulation ot duft litter; 4) to reduce mechanical and ohemioal manipulation1 5) to improve pla.nt vigorJ 6) to maintain a diversity of habitat types; 7) to reduce chemical spraying tor removal ot undersirable vegetation.

b. Desired :fire behavior

The desired tire behavior is to have a low to moderate rate ot flame spread with a moderate intensity. The flame height should range between 2 - 10 teet, with a 2 . - 5 feet height most desired. Flame length should not exceed one-halt the length ot the unit •

o. Environmental donditions

Nel moisture should range between 20% - 50%. Wind speod should range between 5 - 20 m.p .. h. with a 10 -13 m.p.h .. wind most desirabl~. Wind direction is pre­ferred to be westerly, but mtiY be southerly, northerly, or easterly. Soil moisture will be high (50% - 75%) due to the water table, but there should not be extensive puddles of water. A temperature of 20° - 4o• F. is pre­ferred.

2. Treatment Strategy

a. Preburn preparation

Control lines must be established aro\Dld each burn unit. Complete on-site inspection ot control lines must be conducted prior to ignition. Control lines should be a minimum 10 feet wide •

b. !gnition technique

A low intensity backfire will be used to establish all critical control lines. A backfire will also be used in areas where wind speed allows a low rate of flame spread with a moderate intensity !lame. A head fire will be used in heavy brush areas, and when low wind speed does not allow a backfire to obtain a moderate intensity flame.

c. Ignition methods

All ignitions will be conducted with a hand-hslct drip torch. Individual firefighters will be designated n D ''Torchers" and will be the only personnel to conduct ignitions.

d. Firing sequence

The Pire Boss will comnand the sequenoe ot ignitions. Critical control lines will be ignited initially, with the most critical line ignited tirst. Critical fire


lines are any !ire lanes or fire breaks where there is concern that the tire could eeoape oontrol or could jump the established control line. A back:tire will be used to establish a blackened control line at tire lanes and breaks. After all blackened control lines are established remaining portions ot the unit will be ignited. Backtires and/or head fires will be ignited to acoanplish specific objectives, upon consideration of the looal conditions.

Preburn monitoring

General vegetational characteristics will be docunented prior to each burn. In special circumstances transects may be estab-1 ished to determine vegetat ional change after the burn •

r -

Exhibi t III. Fire Prescription for Tidal Marsh Habitat

1 . Treatment Specifications

a . Desired accomplishment

The obj ectives of pre3cribed fire i n the t i dal marnh ar eas are: 1) t o remove accumulated \fegetative l itt er ; 2) t o improve accesD to marsh plants tor grazing ge~s~ ; 3) to improve plant vigor; 4) to control encroachment of brush into marshlands; 5) to maintain dense nestine cover; 6 ) to attract snow geese to marsh arena that have not been grazed heavily, eo that eat,-out mudflats will have R perion of vegeta.tional recovery.

b. Desired fir e behavior

The desired fire behavior within the t:idal mar:'h :i~·c:as sh ould h~ve n l ow to moderate rRt~ of fl~mc n~r~~d with ~ ~oderate i nt ens ityg The flame shoul d r~cc ?. - 1S feet l n ht!i eht, ~d t h 2 - C feet height moat 11c~Jirabl0 . r.>l."l.m(:) l ength shoul d not exceed one- half the lenc;~;'h of t 'l'v:.: ~J.:-, 1 t .

c . F.nv l 1•onr.1i..:n L;il conditi on:;

Fuel mointur·~ will r ange bet.ween 25% - '.)~ u1 w t o ~he t.idnl cyclcc , hw n i ng uhould be concluct c11 a t J o.-: ti.c l~ .

Soil moi sture will be 100%. Wind speed ohould r ane e between 5 - 20 m., p. h ., a 10 - 13 m. p . h . win<i i s rno:Jt desirable . A west erl y wind direction fa most <les il·nbl e , however any w-1nd direction would accomplioh objectives without complioati ons., A temperature of 30° - 45° F v is pref erred.

2. Treatment Strat egy

a. Preburn preparati on

Control lines must be established around each bu:rn u.~it. Compl ete on- site inspection of control lines must be conducted prior to ignition. Control lines ahouln be a minimum 10 f eet wide.

; ;.

b. Ie;nitfon tochnique

A l ow intensity backfire will be used to establish all critical control lines. A backfire will nl so he uncd in areas where wind speed allows a l ow rate of f l amu spread with a moderate intensity flame. A head fire will be used in heavy brush areas; and when low wind spc~d does not allow a backfire to obtain a moderate intensity flame.

c. !guit ion methods

All igni tiono will be conducted with a hand-held rfri11 torch. Individual firefighters will be designated as "Torchers" and will be the only personnel to conduct ignition.

d. Firing sequence

'nle Fire Boss will conmand the sequence ot ignitions. Critical control lines will be ignited initially, with the most critical line ignited !irst. Critical fire lines are any fire lanes or fire breaks where t here i 3 concern that the fire could escape control or could junp t he established control line. A hack!iro will be u.'Jed to establish' a blackened control line at fir0 l anes and breaks. After all blackened control lines are established remaining portions of the unit will be i~nitc:d. 'Rack.fires nnu/or head firn3 vrill bo ignited to accomplish spe~ific 0bjcctives , upon consideration of t he loc~l co:iditions.,

3. Preburn monitor.ine;

Cl~rer:i1 vegct .a tional chaT' i9ticr; wi ll 1?c do ::ur::· ·l:l .c·u :·1!"i t) r to each bu'!'Il ., In ~pecial cil·cumst<?s tz·;1..--;3:1c l,_-, m::; :,r ~-.. ~ <> ::>i .a'"i-­lishe d to determi ne vegetat ional change af ter t~e b• ... u:-:i .

Exhibit rv • •


Fire Prescription for Dikes

1. Treatment specifications

a. Desired accomplishment

The objectives of prescribed fire along the diken are : 1) to control brush; 2) to reduce vegetative litter ; 3) to improve visitor observation along the tour route by burning tall dense vegetation; 4) to remove dead phrag­mites canes !or a herbicide spraying program; 5) to r e­duce mechanical mowing of vegetation; 6) to improve plant (grass) vigor.

b. Desired fire behavior

The desired !ire behavior along the dikes should have a low rate of spread with a moderate intensity. The flame should range 2 - 15 feet in height, with a 2 - 8 feet height most desirable. Flame length should not exceed one-halt the length of the tmit •

c. Environmental conditions

Fuel moisture should range between 20% - 50%. Wind opeed should range between 5 - 20 m.p.h. with a 10 - 13 m.poh. most desirable. Wind direction ie preferred to be westerly, but may be southerly, northernly or easterly. Soil moisture will be high (50% - 75%) due to the water table, but there should not be extensive puddles ot water. A temperature of 20• - 40° F. is preferred.

2. Treatment Strategy

a. Preburn preparation

Control lines 1DU.9t be established around each dilte. Com­plete on-site inspection of control lines must be made prior to ignition. Control lines shou1d be a mini.mum 1 O f'eet wide.

b. Iinition teohnigue

A low intensity baoktire will be used to establish all cri­tioal oontrol lines. A baok:tire will alao be used in areas where wind speed allows a low rate of name spread with a

.. 16

moderate intensity flame. A head tire will be used in heavy brush areas; and when low wind speed does not allow a backfire to obtain a moderate intensity flame ..

c. !gnition methods

All ignitions will be oonduoted with a hand-held d r ip torch. Individual firefighters will be designated as ''Torcbers" and will be the only personnel t o conduct ignitions.

d. Firing Sequence

The Fire Boss will comnand the sequence of ignitions. Cr i tical control lines will be ignited initially, with the most critical line ignited first. Critical tire lines are any tire lanes or tire breaks where there is oonoern that the tire could escape control or could Jump tbe established control line. A baoktire Will be used to establish a blackened control line at tire lanes and breaks. After all blackened control lines are established remaining portions ot the unit will be ignited. Backfir es and/or head tires will be ignited to accomplish specific objectives upon consideration to the local condit ions.

3. PrebUI'Tl monitoring

Gener nl veget ati onal char acteristics will be documented pr i or to each burn. In special circum..~tances t ransect o may be ~stab­lished t o detennino veget ational change after th~ burn~


III. Wildfire

A. Background Information on Fire

1. Physical Features, Habitat, Weather and Topo5raphY Influence on Fire

Bombay Hook National Wildlife Re:f'uge contains 12,200 acres of tidal marsh, This marsh is open flat habitat and does not border private property without a water boundary in between. '!he likelihood ot a fire escaping this marsh and destroying private property is very minimal, 'nle remaining refuge acreage is interspersed with four impoundments, 10 miles of gravel road, agricultural fields and approximately 450 acres of woodlandso It would take an unlikely set of circumstances for fire to pose any threat on Bombay Hook Refuge.

2. Local Attitudes Toward Fire

Controlled burning by locals was used extensively up unt il t he 196o •s in conjunction with salt hay farming and trappi ng operati ons . Thou­s ands of acres of marsh were burned in the spring on an arJ1ual basis. The burni ng encouraged new growth and removed the litter accurm.llation for incr eas ed plant vigor. Trappers burned the marsh for improved access .

Burning is a recognized management tool in this areav Many local marsh owners still burn their marshes primarily to stimulate cord­grass growth and improve conditions for muslcrat~ The Delaware DepRrtment of Natural Resources Woodland Beach Wildlife Management Are~ (located 2 miles north of the refuge) prescribe burns several hundred acres of marsh annually.

Refuge personnel prescribe burned thousands of acres of tidal marsh during the 1~0's and 195o•s. As much as 9,000 acres of marsh were burned annually. Objectives were to remove litter accum­ulation, increase plant vigor and provide improved acceas for snow goose grazing,

3. Wildfire Histo:ry

a, Review of Wildfire Occurenoe

Most wildfires that have occurred on Bombay Hook were the result of negligence, carelessness or were set intentionally, see Exhibit V, There has been no damage to habitat or facilities reported in a:ny of these fires, It was reported that fire actually improved the marsh habitat. Eighty-five per cent of all fires over the last 25 years occurred during February - Mayo This is the same time period that traditional burning occurred by trappers and salt hay farming operations. Seventy percent of all wildfires that have occurred were a result of' negligence, intention, or carelessness.


Exhibit v.

Review of Wildfire Ocourrenoe on Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge

~ Acres Habitat Location Ca.use

'18.rch 1977 300 Salt marsh Bombay Hook Island Negligence/intentional

ileb. 1976 50 Woodland/grass Air Force Tract Negligence/intentional

)ec. 1976 6 Corn stubble Fisher Tract Carelessness - hunter dropped a match

\.pril 1974 800 Salt marsh Bombay Hook Island Carelessness - stranded fisherman set signal fir

'4ay 1965 1750 Salt marsh Bombay Hook Island Intentional

• 19611 35 Salt marsh Bombay Hook Island Spread from adjoining private dump

'"eb. 1959 Unknown Snlt marsh North Boundary ~pread from adjoin1ne private marsh being burned hy trappers



b. Fire Seasons

The period from May through September has hsitorically been the highest tire danger oeason in Delaware. Periods of drought during these months creates the greatest fire hazards. The Refuge fire season extends February - Mayu During this period the marsh grasses are dry and the likelihood of fire is much greater, due to habitat conditions and the carelessness o! local attitudes towards marsh burning. An additional fire season of July - September could occur if drought conditions caused the corn crop to wither and dry out.

o. State Imposed Burnine; Ban

During drought conditions the State of Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control designates periods in which a complete ban on open burning is imposed. Current permits restrict open burning from April 1 - September 30.

d. Fire Dapger Indices

Although drought conditions throughout the State of Delaware may impose open burning restrictions and create severe fire hazards, the potential. for damage to the Refuge remains slight. All building facilities are located in the open ann could he protected without special equipment neededu The most SP.Vere damage that could occur would be destruction of the woodlands.

4. Sonic-Economic Considerations

Economic usee on the refuge are limited to co0perativP- fn rmin~ and muskrat trapping. All permittee acreage is planted in corn. It is estimated that the four permittee farmers realize an c~timatcd profit of $911 per acre on· 585 acres for a total profit of 1·54,990. Six muskrat trappers grossed about $8.225 during the 1982-83 season.

Preocribt:! burning or the marsh would improve muskrat habitat which would accomodate a larger muskrat population. Muskrat trappers would directly benefit by having greater opportunities to harvest muskrats. An uncontrolled wildfire within the refuge upland areas would cause little socio-economic impact, resulting only in possible loss of agriculture crops to cooperative farmers.

J.and Use and Habitat Management Decisions

Wildfires were a more serious problem in the past when locals burned their salt hay marshes without controlling the burn. Wildfire could become more serious in the future as new habitat management programs are introduced, and public use programs are expandedu Arson could become a new factor in wild.!ire ignition, and prescribed fires could oocasionally escape control~ Fire suppression strategy will need to anticipate and deal with these new problems as they arise.


c. Fire Suppr ession Decisions

1. Fire Supression Methods


3tandard f i re suppression methods for wildfire wi thin the r efuge interior i nclude initial attack with the 100 gallon pumper nnd di spatch of three per sonnel to the fireo Central Alarm (911) i s contacted !or assistance from the Leipsic Volunteer Fire Company. If "the fire cannot be controlled, fire lanes or !ire breaks will be established and baclt tires will be ignited to protect refuge l ands, facilities or adjoining private property. Additional l ocal volunteer firo companies will bo contacted tor assiotance if a wildfire continues despite tbese efforts. It is unlikely that any wildfire could burn so extensive that the Boise Interagency Fire Control would have to be contacted (by the Regional Fire Coordinator). Woodlands are not extensive and individual woorl­l and areas are separated by extensive agricultural fields, bodies of water, roads or other natural fire breakso

Restrictions to Fire Suppression

rn t he event a wildfire occurs in the tidal mar sh area, modi fied supprGssion actions will be utilized. '!he wildfire will be mon­itored closely and allowed to burn. The ont i r e tidal marsh area is i nclu<led in t he Annual Prescribed Burn Pl an.. If a Wildfire t hreatens any adjoining privat e land , then backfires will be i gnited at natural f ire breaku t o prevent a headfi r e from spott j.I'lb across the f i re break. Other t ypes of f ire suppr es3ion in the tidal mar3h are extr emel y di ffi cult. Access to the t i dal marsh ~rcas i s by smal l boat only. Wenther condi t ions and tidfll ampl itude often prevent boat acces/J to maro'h areas . I u addi t i on th e rt: 1 n i:n ~ i !''·' ~;D)Jpru:: !Ji c; n equ1.pment avail abl e i n the l ocal area that can cro:w t ;h1..: r.:~~csh mud .

Modi fied Suppression Ar~a.s

Modif ied f i re suppressi on actions will be conducte~ on al l of t he tidal ~r3h manaBement units ..

a. Objectives for modified suppress ion areas

A1l units within the t idal marsh area have similar objecti ves ; 1) to reduoe vegetative litter accumulation; 2) to improve plant vigor, · and t~. 3) improve access to preferred marsh plants by grazing snm1 geese.

b. Area desoription

All units (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,M) consist of tidal mar sh and are identified on Map I.

, • •, '· ·: .


o. Past fire behavior

Seventy-one percent of all wildfires that have occu."Te<l on Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge were located in tidal marsh areas. Past fire behavior has resulted in no damage to refuge facilities or to the resource. The fires have historically burned only the rnarGh veeetntio:i, an<l r (:::iul -i ,,~rl in improved plant vigor und a reduction in veget ative l itt er.

d. Ri~ks involved




Minimal risks are invohrcd in modified suppression ef fort:.J in the tidal marsh. The tidal marsh extends 10 miles nlong the Delaware Bay and is surrm.mded by water on all four sides. There are numerous islands within the 12,200 acres of tidal marsh and it would take an unlikely set of circumstances for a fire to pose a threat to refuge resources or to adjacent private land. The only risk involved would be that high winds could cause a spot fire across the natural breaks, thl.1:3 igniting private marsh areas.

Envirorunental conditions

'lbe tidal marsh areas include 12,200 acres of mud, water, and vegetation. Weather conditions and tidal amplitudP. determine accessability~ During high winda, extreme cold or ice conditions or during low tide the marsh area is nearly inaocessable. The mud and water barriers prevents heavy equipment from being used in this environmento

Suppress:i.on techniques to be U-'3ed

'nle primary suppression technique to be uned will be to :identify a natural break and backburn to prevent a strong wind driven head fire from spotting across the fire break,.

Fire fighters with hand tools could bo ohuttled to a march wildfire aite by boat. This method of suppr~ssion would only be effective if the fire was a slow backing fire. A strong wind-driven head fire could not be stopped by fire­fighters with hand tools in a tidal marsh environment.

Smoke management

Due to the isolated location of Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge smoke management is relatively simple. Precautions must be taken so that the auto tour route is not smokea out. Adjacent landowners dwellings are located approximately 1/2-mile trom any fire management unit thus smoke should not be a problem. The only dwelling looated closer than 1/2-mile would be a trailer located adjacent to Finis Road on the Snow Tract. Precautions should be taken when burning the Finis

Pool Unit so that windage does not smoke out thin trailer.

h. Legal or physical constraints

There are no known legal or physical constraints for modi­fied suppression actions in the tidal marsh areas of the refuge.

i. Ad.1acent ownerships


Land ownerships that lie adjacent to the refuge are aeparated by large agricultural fields measuring up to one-half mile long. These fields consist of corn in the surmner and wheat in the winter. There should not be any danger to adjacent ownerships from modified suppression actions because the marsh areas are located from one-quarter up to two miles from them. The most conceivable possibility of a w1lclfirP. spreading from the refuge onto adjacent property would involve a marsh fire nprending to adj acent private mar ::.>h ..., 1'. :nap of adj a cont ownernhip::i is incl\J<.ic<1 i n F.xhi hit VIT, F.i. !''2 r:., cpu. tel: Plan.

j. Cooperative aS)r eements

Rcfue;e personnel conduct init ial attack on wildfire: wh r..:rc modified suppressi on action3 are not conducted. Primary fire suppression responsibility lies with the Leipsic .Volunteer Fire Company, Leipsic, Delaware, under cooperative agreement. See F..xhibit VI.

k. Emergency contirgency plan

Emergency contingency plans for escaped fires would he initiated when private property is likely to be destroyed or peoples lives are threatened. It would take an unlikely set of circum.9tances tor these oonditiona to occuro Under the emergency contingency plan private dwellings that are threatened would be evacuated. Additional looal volU!lteer fire companioa would be contacted tor support and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources would be oontacted for heavy equipnent support.

l . . Public i~ormation action

Local news releases by the Delaware Environmental Control Section alert the general public to hazardous fire conditions. The Department also inf on:na the public of periods when burning restrictions are in effect. The Refuge distributes a leaflet on prescribed burning operations, which describes hovr, why and when prescribed burning is conducted.


D. Fire Damage Potential

1. Fuel txpea and fire damage potential

Fire damage potential throughout the Refuge is detailed in Map II. Fire Severity Index. Approximately 95% (14,344 acres) of the Refuge has a damage potential rating of 0 (zero) - no damage potential. These areas include all of the tidal marah units (12,200 acres), portions of the impoundment units (1,000 acres) and portions of the field/woodland units (1,144 aores). Approx­imately 4% (6o4 acres) of Refuge hab1.tat has a damage potential rating of 1 {one) - some resource loss could occur, but should regenerate with no apparent loss of habitat. These areas include 49 aores of woodlands within the impoundment units and 555 acres of woodlands within the field/woodland units. Approximately 1% (151 acres) of Refuge habitat has a fire damage potential of 2 (two) - loss of habitat with a detrimental effect on refuge objec­tives.. The only serious habitat lose that could occur would be loss of the woodland areas around Shea.meas Pool thnt provide nenting hn'b:f.tat for a resinen.t pa:i.r of bald eagles.

2. Fuel type8 r?nd rate of spread

Fuol typ('O ~nu rate of spread for calculated fire hohavlor i:; detailed in Map IT, Fire Severity Index. All tidal march units have a low to moderate rate of spread, due to twice daily inun­ci.a tion by tidal cycles. The woodland areas have a harclwood litter habitnt wlth a moderate rate of sprcod. The impotmdment units and agricultural fields both have a low rate of sprend~ In the impounded marsh the ~ate of spread is dependent upon se~sonal fluctuation3 , rainfall, and tho water table.. The calcul~ted rate of spread is lowo The agricultural fields are also rated as low spread. Grass fields border the agricultural areas and are rated at a moderate spread.

3. Fire Severity Index

The Fire Severity Index (Map II) combines fuel type with damage potential rating to provide a rating ot tire severity for individ­ual habitat areas. The tidal marsh units have a 0 (zero) damage potential with a low to moderate rate of spread for a combined :tire severity rating of Low (MO).. The woodland unite (with the exception ot Shearness Pool woods) have a damage potential of 1 (one) oanbined with a moderate rate o:t ·spread for a combined :tire severity rating o:t Low {M1). The agricultural fields have a damage potential ot 0 (zero) with a low rate of spread for a combined Low (LO) :tire severity r~ting. The Shearness Pool woods has a damage potential of 2 (two) combined with a moderate rate of spread for a fire severity rating of medium (M2).


E. Re!uge Fire Consequence Ratin.g

Bombay Hook National Wildlife Ref'uge'a tire consequence rating is low. 'lbis rating ia based on the general topography of the area, tbe exten­sive tidal marsh system, and the extensive open fanned land. It would take an unlikely combination of events tor fire to pose a:ny threat on Bombay Hook.

F. SUJ?Pression

1 • Low consequence refuge

a. Fire Dispatch Plan

See Exhibit VII, Fire Dispatch Plan

b. Refuge manpower and equipment available

See Exhibit VII, Fire Dispatch Plan

c. Cooperator manpow~r and equipment availa.ble

See Exhibit VII, Fire Dispatch Plan

G. Rehabilitation

1. Low consequence ret'uge

There are no areas on the refuge where planned rehabilitation of habitat would be required.

Map Ti: rire Severity Index based on fuel Lype damage polenllal and rale of spread .

)~ 'I, • I I

">-.. .... ( \

I • ) .._)' ~·


• 't•lfD .,t.llf r •a•t~'-r cir r"c •of(lltJO-


BOMBAY HOOK •U1.t01111~ti.U


OPERATING MAP Jor•«•IO io-.uti rrt lc~u:11.10

'"•• "''


; '

.... *-


D=~o ~~e 41-' .$' •-9/°>

~= Some res rce loss,but will regen ate .

- Resource los with

....... .i. effect ~ refll~


Bombor H.... objectiv s . . 1:1 Poo•l5<50 = Resource oss . potentia

r \ l!:2Sl to get 0 refuge . •. Lon9 Bar Point

. ' . \





~ = extreme

0 =high ~ ..,..,._"

= moderate

= low

O.r I




F..xhibit VI



This Cooperat i ve Agreement by and between the Bombay Hook Nati onal 'v-!j.ldlife Refuge , horeinaftcr r ef erred to as Bombay Hook, and the Leipsic Volunte~r Fir e Company, h ereinaf ter referr~d t o as t he Cooperator.


;rr1F.RF~'\!3 , Bombay Hook i s l ocat ed in Kent Cou.~ty, Delaware and encompas~c3 15,099 acres cons:f.stine of tidal marsh , timberl ands , croplands , impo1m1..'lle:nts an-1 grass­lantls , and

~.m::REA.S , The primary objectives of Bombay Hook are to prnvide hahitat ~.nd protec­t:fon for migratory birds and other wildlifl1 , and to provi de wildlife :>.r~:1 wildlan~t~;

observation to the public, an:l

·.~EAS , The Cooperator has pri mary fire suppression capabilities within the P-oc:hay Hook l ocality, and

·.-.W.REAS , Bombny Hook h~s requested fire suppression fror.; the r,oop~rF.to1~ ln order to pro·tect t he lands, resources , buildings ancl the geneY'al ;.it:blic from fh'e , nnd

:IHEREl-3 , prescrlbed burning is recognized by the Department of I r,ter:Lor und th(:: U0 S 0 Pish and Wlldlifc Service as a WJeful tool in manaeing rcnourc~s for !;ho benefit of wildlife , and

;·JHEREAS , Born~ay Hook has an approve:d Fire Management Pl,:?.n on file ~·:hi ch calls for ·Lhe burning of approximn .. tcly 11 ,050 ncrou nnnually, anrl

\J'HERE.~S , the Covperator is ir!terestcd in ~.rai ninl; its m.:,rr_o(:~';3 ::.n t~e h~1s:.c t <:ct.­niqucs of prcncribcd buming ( non- 3tructual) ,

NOW THEREFORE, since it is in the int~rcst of hoth "Bomb3.:t Hock :l:1c ·'.:.b"" ~cop .:ra":cr to enter into a cooperative agree:nent enco=ipac3ing fire ~upprc:ssio-:--. i'.tr...; t:rc: .. : ~!"ibed hu!"l1ing on Bombay Hook, each agency agrees to the following:

' !- .

• ..

Bombay Hook agrees:

1. To provide classroom training in preacribed hurning (non-ntructurnJ) tachniques.

2. Provide in-the-field training in fire lane construe tion and propf.·r use of firefighting tools.


3. Provide Refuge land to be burned during the prescribed burnine training course.

Ji. Provide scheduled burning dates.

5. Provide a fire boss and the written Fire Prescription Plan for every prescribed burn that is to be conducted.

6. Conduct a pre-fire meeting before every burn to go over all asp~cts of the burn.

The Cooperator agrees to the following:

1. Provide f:lre nupprension at no cost to Rombny Hook :fn thP- "lvnnt ()f A.


;>. Provide av:tilahle personnel anrl firef:f.c;htine;/mnergrmcy<mt t0 Bombay Honk pre~crihed burns at no coct to Bombay Hook. Thi s P.1Uipmnnt rnn.y include but is not limited to the :

A . F:i r0 truck :A. Brush truck c. Ambulance

3. Holrt Bombay Hook nnd the U.S. Fish & Wil<:Uife Service bl"lmelesr> in the event of an injury sustained to any Cooperator member while p~.rt.i ~ip<tting in the pre!'lcr:ihed burning op0ration on Romhny Ho0k.

,, E~tablish a "buddy ~yotem" for· all Hook pr~ocribed bur·ning opernl. ion. will be responsible for the safety ''buddies" will remain within sight

firemen who participate in the Bomhny Under this nyst,.!m irnlivitJu::i.1 fjr-1~m,~ri

of his "buddy". At all times the or sound of one another.

5. Provide personal proteotive P-quipment and apparel for all firemen who participate in a Bombay Hook prescribed burn. This equipment and apparel should include but ie not limited to the following:


A. Hard Hat B. Eye Protectors c. Gloves D. Protective Coat E. Protective Boots


Refuge Manager Bombay Hook NationRl Wildlife ~ef.

Chief Leipsic Volunteer ft'ire r,ompr.ny
