Page 1: Jacqueline Stedman in Tanzania

Education in TanzaniaB.N. International Summer of Service


Initial Goals: The concept of “being with,” to me, means a mutual learning-helping-sharing experience, by getting to know the people, the customs, and the community. Through my work in Tanzania, I hoped to get another perspective on education in comparison with what I have learned through classes at Duke. In addition to helping students learn English, I hoped that by teaching I could gain some professional experience to help further my future plans.

Tengeru, Tanzania: A small town located 15km outside of Arusha, known for its bi-weekly market that floods the streets on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I lived in a volunteer house outside of Tengeru with two other volunteers and two Tanzanian guys who worked with the Green Foundation. I also had a host mother, Mama Gladness, who lived around the corner from us and ran the Green Foundation.

My Fellow Volunteers Mama Gladness

Volunteer House

Teaching English at Mavinuni Primary School: Primary school in Tanzania is taught in the native Swahili. After 7th grade, students must take a standardized test and do well enough to be able to go on to secondary school, which is taught in English. This change in language is a huge challenge for many Tanzanian students, especially those in government schools.

Special Thanks to…• ELI for connecting me with The Green Foundation in Tanzania.• The Green Foundation for helping me get all of the logistics set up for my job and accommodations in Tanzania.• The B.N. program for making this entire summer experience possible.

My Work:• Mavinuni Primary School is a government school that serves over 600 students. It has no electricity and very limited resources available for its students. For example, since none of the students have their own books, the teachers must write every question and detail on the board for students to copy, which takes a lot of valuable classroom time. Each class had between 60 and 70 students, frequently sitting three to a desk.• Initially, I worked with the class 5 English teacher to plan lessons and create teaching aids that were implemented in the classroom. In addition to grammar and vocabulary, I taught the students songs and dances, such as The Hokey Pokey and The Chicken Dance.• In addition, I also began working with class 7 to help them prepare for the upcoming test for secondary school.Challenges:• Language barrier: I went into the summer not knowing any Swahili. Even though I learned basic words and phrases while I was there, it was sometimes difficult to teach without being able to communicate in the native language. I also had many communication mishaps, which could be frustrating at times, but I just had to learn to laugh.• Tanzanian Time: In Tanzania, the way of life is slower and more relaxed. This sometimes translated into a lack of efficiency, which could be frustrating. However, things like the importance of the greeting ritual in conversation or being invited for tea or juice every time we went to visit Mama Gladness show how the less hurried lifestyle also allowed for people to take more time for each other.

Nkoaranga Orphanage: Due to irregularities in the schedule at the school because of exams and a two week vacation, I also started working at Nkoaranga Orphanage. When I was there, Nkoaranga had 23 kids, ages 0 to 5. After they turn five, the children get sponsors to attend boarding school. The Small Things, an organization founded by volunteers, partners with the orphanage to provide support for the children, staff, and volunteers. As a volunteer, I helped to feed the children, change their diapers and clothes, play with them, and just provide much-needed love and attention.

View of Mt. Meru from Tengeru

School Yard My Students My Fellow Teachers

The Playground Nkoaranga’s Babies

AndreaMaureen & PendoVicki