Page 1: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Jacquelyn FernándezEDU 6339 March 22, 2012Content VocabularyProfessor: Dr. Robles-GoodwinSouthern Methodist University


Page 2: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Colony: A country or area under the political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.

Colonia: Territorio dominado y administrado por una potencia extranjera.

Page 3: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Migration: the movement of people from one country or region to another with the intent of staying at that place for a long period of time.

Migración: el movimiento de personas de un país o región a otro con la intención de quedarse por un largo periodo de tiempo.

Page 4: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Settler: a person who settles in an area, especially one with no or few previous inhabitants.

Poblador: Persona que habita en un lugar, especialmente un lugar con pocos habitantes.

Page 5: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Society: A group of people that is bound by the same culture or way of life.

Sociedad: Grupo de personas que están unidas por una misma cultura o un mismo modo de vivir.

Page 6: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Bodies of water: all the different sizes and shapes of water naturally found on the Earth's surface. Examples are oceans, seas, bays, lakes, rivers, and ponds.

Cuerpos de agua: Todas las diferentes masas y extensiones de agua que son naturalmente encontrados en Tierra. Ejemplos incluyen el océano, mar, laguna, y rio.

Page 7: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Communication: ways people send and receive messages thereby linking people and places.

Comunicación: medios de los cuales las personas mandan y reciben mensajes. Como resultado se relacionan diferentes personas y lugares.

Page 8: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Environment: the geographic characteristics that surround and affect the way people live.

Medio ambiente: Las características geográficas que rodean y afectan la manera de vivir de las personas.

Page 9: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Map: a graphic model of the earth or a part of the earth that is drawn on a flat surface.

Mapa: Modelo grafico de la Tierra o parte de ella que es dibujada en una superficie plana.

Page 10: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Region: an area that has one or more geographic characteristics in common.

Región: Área que tiene una o mas características en común.

Page 11: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Technology: skills, methods, tools, machines and other things used to perform activities. Technology changes over time and affects the way we live, work, and play.

Tecnología: Conjunto de los conocimientos, instrumentos y métodos técnicos empleados para realizar diferentes actividades. La tecnología cambia con el tiempo y afecta como vivimos, trabajamos, y jugamos.

Page 12: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Transportation: ways that goods and people move from place to place thereby linking communities.

Transportación: El medio del cual las personas y productos se desplazan de lugar a lugar creando relaciones en comunidades.

Page 13: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Consumer: A person who buys and uses goods and services to satisfy economic wants.

Consumidor: Una persona que compra y consume productos y servicios para satisfacer sus deseos económicos.

Page 14: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Demand: The amount of a resource or product buyers are willing and able to buy at different possible prices.

Demanda: Pedido de mercancías o bienes sujeto al pago de una cantidad determinada.

Page 15: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Economy: The way a society organizes to produce, distribute and consume goods and services.

Economía: La manera en que una sociedad se organiza para producir, distribuir, y consumir bienes y servicios.

Page 16: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Consumer goods: Things that people make or grow that satisfy economic wants.

Bienes de consumo: cosas que las personas producen para satisfacer deseos económicos.

Page 17: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Money: Something that is used to buy and sell resources, goods, and services.

Dinero: Algo que es usado para comprar y vender bienes, servicios, y recursos.

Page 18: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Price: The value of a resource, good or service stated in money terms.

Precio: El valor monetario de un recurso, bien, o servicio.

Page 19: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Taxes - Money paid to the government so it can provide some goods and services.

Impuestos: Dinero pagado al gobierno para hacer frente a las necesidades públicas.

Page 20: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Authority: the right to use power to control the behaviors of others.

Autoridad: Derecho de usar el poder para el control de los comportamientos de otros.

Page 21: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Citizen: a person who is a member of a town, city, state, or country.

Ciudadano: Persona que habita en un lugar geográfico.

Page 22: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Democracy: a form of government in which power is held by the people. The people exercise their power either directly or through elected representatives.

Democracia: sistema de gobierno en el cual la gente tiene el poder. La gente ejercita su poder directamente o por medio de representantes.

Page 23: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Government: a group of people who work together to bring order to a community, state, or nation. The main jobs of a government are to make and enforce laws.

Gobierno: Conjunto de personas que trabajan para traer orden a la comunidad, estado, o nación. Los trabajos principales del gobierno son crear y en forzar las leyes.

Page 24: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Justice: the act of being fair and honest

Justicia: acto de ser honesto y justo.

Page 25: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Culture: the language, traditions, beliefs, clothing, and activities of a group of people.

Cultura: el idioma, las tradiciones, las creencias, la vestimenta, y actividades de un conjunto de personas.

Page 26: Jacquelyn Fernández EDU 6339 March 22, 2012 Content Vocabulary Professor: Dr. Robles-Goodwin Southern Methodist University


Trade - The exchange of resources, goods, and services through barter or the use of money.

Comercio: Negocio que se hace al vender, comprar o intercambiar géneros o productos para obtener beneficios.