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  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt




    -- Published in DNA: Sunday, Feb 20, 2011,Published in DNA: Sunday, Feb 20, 2011,-- ByBy ChandniChandni BurmanBurman

    Group Members:

    Megha Kamdar (28)Rajkumar ( )


  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt


    Silver prices have been going up for a while. On 19th feb Silverclosed at an all-time high of Rs 48,700. In the last one year,

    silver has given a return of around 100% in dollar terms and84% in rupee terms.

    Still, it makes sense to buy silver.


  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt


    Important factsImportant facts The precious metal has emerged as the best-performing asset

    both over the last 12 months as well as over the last 5 years,comfortably outpacing gold, the traditional favourite.

    "Silver is the new gold,"

    Over the last five years, silver has given a return ofover 240%. Similarly,if you had bought silver worth Rs 100 a year ago, it would now beworth more than Rs 200. In contrast, gold has given a return of 150%over five years and 25% over the last 12 months (see graphic).

    Domestic brokers are, however, more upbeat on the metal. Religare'sManglik says it makes sense to increase silver's share in the portfoliofrom around 10% to 15-20%. "Everything today is in favourof gold andsilver going up.

  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt


    Six reasons!!!Six reasons!!! To invest money inTo invest money insilversilver

    1. China has turned net


    2. Supply demand mismatch

    3. Norecycling of silver4. Not easy toramp up


    5. New uses of silver

    6. The investment argument

  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt


    1.China has turned net1.China has turned net

    importerimporter In 2005, China exported 100 million ounces of silver (one troyounce = 31.1 grams).

    In 2010, five years down the line, the country has turned a netimporter, importing 122.6 million ounces, which is around 14% of

    the glo

    bal pro



    India, the biggest consumerof gold and silver in the world,imported 1,200 tonnes of silver in 2010, up 20% from the previousyear.

    This increase in imports has largely been attributed to increase inthe price of gold, thus making gold jewellery very expensive. Thishas made people in these countries turn to silver jewellery. In fact,as the price of silver keeps going up, more and more people arelikely to take fancy to silver jewellery.

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    2. Supply demand mismatch2. Supply demand mismatch

    Silver demand is more than silver supply, and thus the prices

    have been on a run.

    The Silver Institute, which tracks silver supply, reports that

    from 2000 to 2009 ,the supply of silver went up to 709.6million ounces, up from 591 million ounces. This shows an

    increase of around 2% per year.


    demand in 2009 stoo

    d at aro

    und 889 milliono

    uncesand the difference between supply and demand was largely

    met out of scrap sales.Given this, nearly 19% of silver

    demand is being meant out of scrap sale. This is not


  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt


    3. No recycling of silver3. No recycling of silver

    One way to increase supply is torecycle silver like gold

    has been over the years. Silver is largely used as an

    industrial metal.

    But it is used in very small amounts as an industrial

    metal.Given this, it is not easy torecycle silver.

    Experts are of the view recycling will become

    monetarily feasible only once the price of silver crosses

    around $50 perounce (currently it quotes at around

    $32-33 perounce).Given these reasons, increasing sale

    of silver scrap is not very easy.

  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt


    4. Not easy to ramp up production4. Not easy to ramp up production

    Experts who closely track silver believes that the world

    is running out of silver.

    The most vociferous of this lot, Adrian Douglas, the

    proprietorof Market Force Analysis and also a director

    ofGATA (the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee), has

    gone on record to say the world will run out of silver

    in 2020, and thus become the first element of the

    periodic table to become extinct.

  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt



    So, if we were to believe these experts,

    there is five times more gold on this earth

    than silver. But does that reflect in the

    price of these metals ? ? ?


  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt



    This decreasing inventory cannot be built up through

    increase in production. The earths crust has around 17

    times more silver than gold. Despite this, silver

    production cannot be ramped up quickly.

    The primary reason for this is that it is rare to find a

    pure silver deposit. Hence, nearly 2/3rd of the silver that

    is mined comes as a by-product of mining other metals,

    like copper, zinc and lead. So, increased production ofsilver in turn depends on the price of the other metals

    it is co-mined with.

  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt


    5.New uses of silver5.New uses of silver

    Silver has lots of industrial uses. Silver is currentlyused in electrical applications like conductors,switches, fuses etc. It is also used in photography,and silver alloys are used as cathodes in batteries.

    Now, silver is also used in water purification andair handling systems. It is also a natural biocideand is very effective against bacterial infections

    All this will ensure the demand for silver keepsgrowing.

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    6. The investment argument6. The investment argument

    Investors are gradually realizing the potential of

    silver. This has led to an increased demand for

    silver coins as well as exchange traded funds


    Data from the Silver Institute shows that the

    investment demand for silver went up by a

    whopping 184% to 136.9 million ounces in the

    year 2009.

  • 8/7/2019 jai mata di - eco ppt



    Economic recovery has pushed demand and prices of

    commodities globally. But silver has outperformed

    almost all significant metals and has given returns that

    are higher than what the Sensex or crude petroleum

    would have earned overone year as well as over thelast five years.

    Moral of the story: Buy silver.

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