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Page 1: Jake’s Development

Jake’s Development

By: Chelsea Tamietti

Page 2: Jake’s Development

Physical Development

Greatest Strengths: Jumping, Climbing, Running, Balancing

Balancing on one foot during a dance

Climbing outside play equipment (not taking the stairs)

Climbing then hanging from the play structure

Future growth: •Continue balancing•Hand eye coordination/foot eye coordination for future with sports

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Home-based/School-based Suggestions for future growth

Jake struggles with Fine motor but he is improving.

Activities Home:• Gardening- planting seeds/pulling weeds• Tri-Pod grip- holding a pencil/ crayons•Work on name with different objects ie. popsicle sticks, q-tips

Activities School:•Tri-pod grip- pinching beads, eye dropper, tongs•Tracing•Lacing beads/ cut up straws

•Since Jake is active, getting him into soccer and other sports would be good to continue his development.•Continue salsa dancing as well to help with coordination.

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Cognitive Development

Scaffolding- Student using appropriate space vocabulary-Jake was learning from him

Jake using animism with the props

Future Growth:•Attention and Memory•Academics•Creativity•Continue Scaffolding by building on what he already knows

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Home-based/School-based Suggestions for Improvement

Jake writing his letters: A, B, R, K

Activities for Home (focus and attention):•I-spy•puzzles•red light green light•musical chairs

Activities for Home (academics):• Counting different objects (how many chairs)•Count street signs when driving•Flash cards (colors, numbers, shapes, letters•Pointing out letters in text•Describe colors on clothes

Activities for School (academics):•Letter/color/shape Bingo•Upper and lower case letter matching•Shades of color matching•Talk about the shapes around the classroom

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Language Development

“I wore my flash shoes. My dad got my shoes and it was cool and I was happy”

“Excuse me Mrs. Nikki. I want to color now Mrs. Nikki.” Then later he said, “I’m not finished yet”

“Look I found this in my pocket! It’s Pie!”

Strengths:•Polite•Speaks in full sentences (most of the time)•Good grammar•No longer inputs Spanish words when speaking English

Future Growth:•Continue working on using full sentences•Phonics (sounds of letters)•Pronouns•Verb tenses

Language Examples:

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Home-based/School-based Suggestions for future growth

“Dis is da bad guy.” And “Dis is the stars”

“I make a happy face”

“I go to him house” Work on the ‘th’ sound at home and placement of tongue. School also provides speech for help in this area

Pronouns- at school, speech programs can work with him on this

Verb tenses- common for age, but can work with parents/speech teacher on proper tenses

Also; at home and at school have him communicate about what he is doing so during his play/when he is working on projects ask open-ended questions to help him communicate even more.

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Social Development

Jake Playing cooperatively with friends

Working with friends to build a castle

Strength: Social Skills Areas for future growth: conflict management and more cooperation

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Home-based/School-based Suggestions for future growth

Activities for Home:•Continue bringing him to social events-Salsa dancing events•Park•Play dates•Soccer- becoming part of a team•Work on helping him use his words when he is upset

Activities for School:•Work on what words to use with friends- not tattle tailing•Encourage interactions with other students (girls)•Giving tasks that can only be accomplished with working with another student (puzzles/games)

Cooperative Play

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Emotional Development

Jake was the helper of the day and told everyone how excited he was

These are his “flash” shoes- He will tell you how happy he is when he wears them and how much he loves them

Strengths:•He will sometimes say when he is happy•He gets sad if other friends are sad•He is very curious and will investigate anything new in the centers•He is fearless and will hand/jump from anything•He is confident•He is Sympathetic

Future Growth:•Talk about other emotions•Working on self-control

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Home-based/School-based Suggestions for future growth

Activities for Home:• Review different emotions and talk about how he is that day and why

Activities for School:•Give him opportunities to get his wiggles out so he can be more focused•Work on when it is okay to be crazy and when it is time to work
