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  • Jalesa Parks Kacy Nabers Sarah McCain
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  • I used to read those decorating magazines and go into a tailspin. I bet half the cases of clinical depression in women are caused by House Beautiful. Id read it and say, hey, I can make these slipcovers! Remember those chintz ones I made for the living room chairs? I got so excited about the fabric I dreamed about (208). Helen Odom
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  • In Josephine Humphreys Rich In Love, Lucille battles her awareness of both dreams and reality. Southern magazines, such as Southern Living and House Beautiful, seem to hold a sense of self importance and social stature.
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  • A Southern Home wouldnt be complete without an elegantly furnished [] living space (Better Homes & Gardens)
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  • By presenting the dream home to society, Southern magazines suggest that material objects compose a complete home but not necessarily a happy and functional one.
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  • Magazines create an illusion of marriage and family in the South and attempt to make one believe that the principles behind marriage and family simply fall into place. Rich In Love shows that marriage and familial aspects are learned.
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  • Southern magazines eliminate the time and work placed into the production of a home and make the houses seem ready-made, but even if a house is ready-made, problems will still exist. Lucille finds herself being questioned and expected to settle into a ready-made house: marriage that she is neither ready nor prepared for.
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  • I dreamed about slipcovers! Oh well. Then when I got them on the chairs, they were all wrong, didnt look anything like Id envisioned, because there was so much I hadnt taken into account []. Now I see that the secret is to start with an empty room (208-9).
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  • Magazines fail to show readers the emptiness and the steps prior to making the house a home. Therefore, they sell a dream that cannot be fully obtained.
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  • First published in 1896 Oldest magazine still being published House Beautiful is the home design magazine that puts the reader and their lifestyle, tastes, and dreams first. We believe everyone has a beautiful house in them and know that only you can make yours beautiful (facebook page).
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  • Rooms, like people, have admirable traits qualities that we warm to. By accentuating the positive, we evolve a style of decorating the exudes personality (Joann Barwick, editor of 1987 issue).
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  • We look for paradise in the garden, that rarified, disciplined order we dont necessarily find in life (Dec. 1987).
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  • Began in 1967 Published for thirty-two years Six issues were produced each year Focuses on appearance of the home and sophisticated living Sets the standard for Southern women as styles change "Now more than ever, we all realize how precious and fragile our material culture is. - Pat C. Holden
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  • Older Magazine Issues 1980 19921977 1997
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  • 2002 2006 2009
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  • Southern Accents inspires nearly three million readers through our beautiful photographs and insightful writing. We are passionate about the gracious and sophisticated side of the South and infuse our content with a uniquely Southern sense of place (website). Southern Accents celebrates the best of Southern style: classic interiors, beautiful gardens, gracious living, elegant entertaining, and more. Our timeless appeal speaks both to those who reside in the South and those who love and aspire to the Southern lifestyle (website).
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  • The attributes that define Southern style are a quiet assuredness...a confidence...a warmth that embodies the phenomenon of "Southern hospitality." -- Charles Gandy Southern style, to me, is rather eccentric, embodying classic roots with a unique application. Comfort and relating to the outdoors is always a strong consideration for design in the South. Color is also very important, many times pulling in color schemes from nature. -- Cathy Kincaid Our Southern roots compel us to make hospitality and good manners a priority in our daily living. There is an underlying quality of dignity in the way we decorate. -- Cindy Smith
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  • November 1966 August 1985 October 2011
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  • Southern Living celebrates the best of life in the SouthTraveling the South from Dallas to Delaware, we share the fascinating places, people, homes, gardens, and foods that make this region unique, withcontent created by an experienced staff of editors who live the life they celebrate. In 1966, Southern Living was created to highlight the beauty and culture of the growing SouthWith characteristic Southern hospitality, Southern Living is committed to sharing the region we love with our readers, no matter where they may live.
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  • Southern Living would have gone down the drain if we had dealt with the issues of the region O.B. Copeland From J.W. Englishs article Southern Living and Southern Voices: Models of Regional Magazine Success and Failure, presented in 1979
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  • The place looks eligible for a feature article in Southern Living, and I am happy for it as I would be for a friend who has met with sudden success after hard times; its good fortune relieves me Rich in Love, pg. 260
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  • All of these magazines portray the Southern sense of place as a type of dcor rather than a region or something that is tied to the land They also portray a dream that is unobtainable, illustrating the unrealistic dream vs. reality.
