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Trinity Topics The Newsletter of Trinity Episcopal Church in Toledo, Ohio


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V O L U M E 1 3 4

, N U M B E R 1

Simon Palmer lightsthe Christ candle on

Christmas Eve

The people walking in darkness have seen agreat light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

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SUNDAY, JAN 6 ! EPIPHANYIsa 60:1-6, Eph 3:1-12, Matt 2:1-12

ON E SERVICE ONLY10:45a Parish Eucharist

SUNDAY, JAN 13 ! EPIPHANY 1AIsa 42:1-9, Acts 10:34-43, Matt 3:13-17

9:00a Eucharist w/ hymn s10:00a Formation10:45a Parish Eucharist

SUNDAY, JAN 20 ! EPIPHANY 2AIsa 49:1-7,1 Cor 1:1-9, John 1:29-42

ON E SERVICE ONLY10:45a Ann ual Parish Meeting

SUNDAY, JAN 27 ! EPIPHANY 3AIsa 9:1-4, 1 Cor 1:10-18, Matt 4:12-23

9:00a Eucharist w/ hymn s10:00a Formation10:45a Parish Eucharist


EPIPHANY 4AEx 24:12-18, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matt 17:1-9

9:00a Eucharist w/ hymn s10:00a Formation10:45a Parish Eucharist

SUNDAY, FEB 10 ! LENT 1AGen 2:15-17; 3:1-7; Rom 5:12-19; Matt 4:1-11

9:00a Eucharist w/ hymn s10:00a Formation10:45a Parish Eucharist

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v e n t s

What happens at Trinity between issues of Topics? Find out by subscribing to Digital Topics,ourweekly e-newsletter. Go to trinity toledo .org to sign up. It’s free, secure and you canunsubscribe at any time. (Not that you’d want to!)


Notice of Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, January 20 at 10:45The entire congregation is called together for one servicedu ring wh ich w e will...Elect vestry m embers (see pages 6-7)

Discuss th e state of the par ishCelebrate the accomplishmen ts of 2007

New service, formation timesBeginning Janu ary 13, the early service time w ill be 9 amand A du lt Formation will begin at 10. Formationofferings includ e a d iscussion of the comin g w eek’slectionary texts in the Wa lbridge Room a nd coffee andconversation in the Living Room.

Trinity Artist Series Events

Chamber music for Pianoand StringsFriday, Janu ary 25 at 7pmMembers of the SonoNovoChamber Ensemble present aprogram of intimate chamberclassics including Schubert’sTrout Quintet and Faure’s PianoQuartet No. I in C minor . Tickets:$10/ $8

Fabulous FablesFriday, February 1 at 7pmThis is an even ing for the kid inall of us as Canterbur y andSonoNovo present tw o timelesstales set to music by John Rutter:The Wind in t he Willows an d The

Reluctant Dragon. Tickets: $10/ $8

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f r om

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c t or

W e pride ou rselves on being an inclusive pa rish, andwe wouldn’t dream of being anything else. But beinginclusive is hard w ork: When we take on th at label,

we comm it to grow into it for the rest of our life as a commu nity.

Therefore, we m ust look for places wh ere we ma y not be includ ingothers, and strive to grow even more into our mission.

In my few mon ths here, I hav e heard several times, "If anyth ing everhappened to ______________, we’d be in big trouble! They knoweverything about_________."(Fill in the task, committee or event of you r choice.) I’ve also h eard a few t imes, "I’d love to d o _________,but I don ’t wan t to step on anyo ne’s toes."

I’ve heard the same concerns spoken in every chu rch of which I havebeen a mem ber. True, none of us can be rep laced–each of us isun ique an d has sp ecial gifts. But a n excess of specialness can lead toexclusion.

How inclusive are we? This month I ask you to look at w hateverministries you d o in the church–or anyw here in your life--and ask you rself:

• Am I w illing to bring somebody else on board to share in w hat I do?• Can I mentor another in learning wh at I do?• Is this ministry all about G od, or is it becoming m ore abou t me?• Am I w illing to receive inp ut, and may be even some constru ctive criticism, from a n ew set of

ears and eyes?

I don’t alway s get pretty answ ers wh en I ask these questions of myself. The un-pr etty answ er is nota sign that any one of us needs to step d own or walk aw ay. It is an honest opportun ity for growth an dgrace.

At the beginn ing of this year, I am asking y ou to m ake one resolution: Don’t go it alone. Or, tophrase it in p ositive terms (and better grammar), go two by tw o. Whatever ministry you do here, bringsomeone else on board . Take a new er person w ith you on a visit or to a meeting. If you plan a sp ecificevent or fund raiser, make sure you h ave at least one more person as a co-chair. Invite a member of thecongregation who has been aroun d for aw hile to help out.

True, it may not w ork ou t: someon e’s gifts may n ot match a p articular ministry, or someone’sschedu le just m ay not work out. Help th at person get connected to a p lace wh ere his or her gifts w ill bea good fit.

Will this mak e a little more w ork for each of us? You betcha. But it w ill prev ent bu rnou t, stagnation,isolation, and exclusion. It will also inoculate us aga inst that p esky viru s called "terminal specialness."Most importa ntly, it will shows other s that we really are inclusive: we w elcome people not just at thedoo r, but into t he full life of this pa rish.


“An excess of specialness can lead to exclusion.”

Two by two


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c o n g r e g

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Member Matters

Lucy Noel Laboe was born to Tom & Cindy

Laboe on December 24.

Elizabeth Johanah Windnagle , was born to Jennifer Siebold & Chris Windnagle onDecember 27.

Jason Rahe graduated from the University of Toledo with his Masters degree in EducationalTechnology in December.

Mission & Ministryconference features MikeKinman of EGR

This year’s Mission &Ministry conference focuses

on the connection betweenparish vitality and parishmission, something theTrinity comm unity know s alot about! The keynotespeaker is the Rev. MikeKinman, Executive Directorof Episcopalians for Global

Reconciliation. Mike is a dyn amic speaker andhis passion for the Gospel imp erative of theMillennium Development Goals has inspiredthe national church.

The conference, w hich is also a great tim e tocatch u p with folks from arou nd the d iocese,takes place at the Cleveland Airport Mar riott onFebruary 1 & 2. The cost is $30 per personbefore Janu ary 28. The hotel room rate is $75 pernight p lus tax. The dead line for hotelreservations is Friday, Januar y 11. Flyers areavailable on the curv ed w all or you can registeronline at w ww

Youth Happening at St.

Tim’s, PerrysburgHappening is a spiritual retreat for youth, led

by youth w ith the sup port of adults. Many wh ohave “h app ened ” describe it as a life-chan gingexperience. Hap pening p rovides youth anopp ortu nity to get closer to God, grow in faithand relax in an informal, loving env ironment.This year, Hap pen ing takes place nearby at St.Timoth y’s in Perrysbu rg on February 15-17.

The cost of the w eekend is $45 and you d onot ha ve to be Episcopalian to attend . Brochur esare av ailable in the chu rch office (or see Marieon Sundays) or you may ap ply online atww w.doh The application dead line isJanu ary 21.

Two events at St. Michael’sOn Wedne sday, February 13 , the Watoto

Children’s Choir from Uganda will perform atSt. Michael’s inthe H ills at 7 pm.Watoto means“children” in

Swahili and thesechildren areamong thethousand s inUganda that have

lost a paren t to AIDS. Performan ces are asoulful blend of native African rhyth ms,contemporary gospel music and ethnic dan ce.

Dr. Kevin Anderson, psychologist andaward -winning writer and p oet will speak to

an ecumenical group onSunday afternoon, March 2

from 2 to 4 pm at St.Michael’s. Kevin speaks inan engaging manner aboutthe seven sp iritual practicesof marriage in w ays thatcouples have foundenriching and emp owering.

His talk is based on h is book, The SevenSpi ritual Practices of Marriage. can bepu rchased March 2

The cost of this event is $10 per p erson.Contact the St. Michael’s parish office at 419-

531-1616 to reserve your spot.

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o u t r e a chi n

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Thanks from Salem Lutheran

Trinity supp orts theFeed Your Neighborand ou treachministries of SalemLutheran Chu rch, inthe Vistulaneighborhood. This isone of the Toledo’sneediest areas and ispart o f our d owntownneighborhood. Theywrote u s the following

just before Christma s: “Dear Brothers and Sisters inChrist, Salem congregation gratefully acknowledges thecont inued support of Trinity Episcopal. We have beenso blessed at Salem as we begin our celebration of God’sgreat gift t o all and the wonderful prayers and support we have experienced from so many partners in m issionas we cont inue our north Toledo min istry. Please

convey our thanks and appreciation to all at Trin ityand may the Lord continue to bless your manyministries.”

We have been invited to a Gratitud e Brunch onSaturd ay January 12 from 10 a.m. to noon at H opeLutheran to recognize our support of SalemLutheran Church. The message from Hop e reads:“Within the streets and houses of Toledo’s oldest neighborhood, the V istu la area, there live 6,000 men,women and children. A woman lives there who hassaid on more than one occasion: ‘Thank God for answered prayer, Salem is forever there.’ Our congregation here at Hope is one of Salem’s many

Mission Partn ers and w e have found our shared min istry there to be life changing for us. I know that asa partner in Salem’s ministry you, too, have found that true. On January 12th we will share in a nice brunch,receive thanks and hear from Salem’s leaders their visions and plans for a mission in which we all share.”Please let Liddy or the Outreach Committee knowif you w ould like to attend .

New s from the Renaissance

Acknow ledging Trinity’s annu al gift to theRenaissance Residents’ Care Fun d, Van Am brose,Vice President of Found ations says: “Your gift willassist in providing supportive services to modest income older adults who reside at Renaissance Senior

Apartments. It is a blessing to know we can look toTrinity as a partner in our ministry at Renaissance,

particularly now that our residents have been displaced by the gas problem in the basement. On behalf of our residents, t hank you again for your support of our

special fund for the Renaissance. It is deeplyappreciated. We will keep you posted as we work to bring our residents home again.” The latestnew s is that the residents w ill not be able toretur n before April 1 so they will need ourcontinued prayers un til then.

Harbor House needs

Harbor H ouse, the transitional housingfacility for wom en recovering from su bstanceabu se, has received a w ond erful facelift insideand out thanks to a grant from the StranahanFoundation. They do have ongoing needs tokeep a household of 14 wom en run ningsmooth ly. Their wish list includes pa pertowels, toilet pap er, laund ry d etergent,bleach, bath towels and washcloths andperson al toiletries. If you w ould like tocontribute an y of these items, please placethem in th e Feed Your N eighbor basket andlabel them “Harbor H ouse”.

Spreading the w armth atStew art Academy

We received this message from th e girls atStewart : “Dear Trinity Members, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the “SundayUndies” and the stuffed anim als. Mr. Keaton and

Mrs. M uggy give the stuffed animals to us w henwe are sick or sad. We love you very very much.Thanks for always thinking of us.

Love, Your Girls at The Ella P. Stewart Academy for Girls.”

We w ill be collecting hats, scarves a ndmittens for the girls at Stew art Academ ydu ring the month of January. This is when it

gets really cold an d th e girls really need tokeep fingers, ears, heads and faces warm.Please bring in you r gifts on Sund ay Janu ary27 to be blessed before distribution to theschool.

Valerie Garforth,, Outreach Chair

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v e s t r y n

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Jeff Albright

How l ong have you been attending Trinity?Since Ad vent I in 2003.

What do you lov e about the Trinitycommunity?I love the warm sense of commun ity and thecaring relationsh ips that th e Trinity family haswith each other. I app reciate the openness andsense of inclusion. Trinity is a place where m ypar tner Scott and I can feel at home.

What skills/talents/gifts/passions/convictionsdo you b ring to the w ork of the Vestry andTrinity?I have a passion for social justice issues an dhave orga nized Trinity's participation in TheNa tional Weekend of Faith in Action on theDeath Penalty. Anyone wh o has served on the

vestry w ith me w ill attest to the fact that I amnot afraid to speak my m ind and to ask toughquestions. In the comin g years Trinity w ill facesome d ifficult choices w hen it comes to finances,I believe that I am w ell suited to help m akethese choices withou t forgetting our Mission.

Lucia Cooper

How l ong have you been attending Trinity? Abou t 18 years.

What do you lov e about the Trinitycommunity?I love the diversity of our commu nity. Everyon eat Trinity is not the sam e as me, and I find th atinteresting and challenging. Trinity's diversityhelps me to grow as a person.

What skills/talents/gifts/passions/convictionsdo you b ring to the w ork of the Vestry andTrinity?I am pa ssionate about Trinity's long-termfutur e. As a member of the Vestry, I hop e to beable to ad d ress that issue. I also hop e that my30 years in business could h elp.

Jason Rahe

How long have you been attending Trinity?I have been attend ing Trinity for almost 30 years.

What do you lov e about the Trinity commun ity?What I love about the Trinity commu nity how wemake sure everyone feels welcome and how gladwe are to have them at Trinity. No m atter if theyare par ishioners we see every week or if they arevisitors that have d ecided to join us for one of ourservices we m ake sur e that all feel welcome h ereat Trinity.

What skills/talents/gifts/passions/convictions doyou bring to the w ork of the Ves try and Trinity?I feel that I can bring a lot to the w ork of theVestry and Trinity. I am very hard working,ded icated in everything I do. When I am given atask I see it throu gh to its completion. It w ould

be an hon or to be given the opportu nity to giveback to Trinity by being a m ember of the Vestry.

Karen Wabeke

How long have you been attending Trinity?Twenty-tw o years, minus time aw ay for college

and law school.

What do you lov e about the Trinity commun ity?The people, the music, the outreach, and the

resilience and perseveran ce of the congregation.

What skills/talents/gifts/passions/convictions doyou bring to the w ork of the Ves try and Trinity?I bring a d ifferent persp ective to Vestry, having

attended Episcopal churches elsewhere (inWellesley MA, Boston MA, and Ann Arbor MI)and serving on the vestry in Ann Arbor. But I'vealso attend ed Trinity since the mid 1980's andhave a strong sense of where we've been and howfar we've come. I'm excited to be back at Trinityand to help shape wh ere we're going in thefutur e. As a law yer, I also bring a know ledge of legal issues that m ight arise in the course of ourwork and an ability to analyze pr oblems frommultiple angles.

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Jim Zechman

How long have you been attending Trinity?

After being a life long Luth eran, abou t threeyears ago it became time for a church chang e.In 30 plus year s of marriage Joni and I haveattended several Lutheran congregations in theToledo area. We have changed congregationsbecause of location, because size and becauseone had a better youth program th ananoth er This time we chan ged because the fitwith Trinity seemed just right, not as a parent,not as a choir member, not as a pa rt of theimmediate neighborhood, but just as an adu ltmem ber of a caring congregation.

What do you lov e about the Trinitycommunity? The music program brou ght me to Trinity. The

rad ical hosp itality hooked m e. Theinclusiveness and social programs mad e mewan t to stay. There are just so many neat thingsabou t Trinity. The music and w orship style tostart with. How can you not love the people atTrinity, both the congregation and theVestry. The inclus iveness of Trinity isactive and real; the hospitality is pr acticed w ithmuch enthusiasm.

What skills/talents/gifts/passions/convictionsdo you bring to the w ork of the V estry andTrinity?My past experience in congr egational churchcouncil and comm ittees makes me feel that Ihav e something to offer to Trinity and theVestry. I think past experience is the assetI bring to vestry. In other congregations l havebeen, at different times, a mem ber of thecouncil, a committee mem ber, a Sun d ay schoolboard m ember. Sometimes a little differentbackgroun d gives an add ed d imension toprob lem solving. Even though Trinity is doinga lot of great things, m y experience shows th ereare alway s some little problem areas tha t couldbe worked out w ith fresh look

Vestry candidates, from top: Jeff Albright, Lucia Cooper, Jason Rahe, Karen Wabeke, Jim Zechman

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Trinity Episcopal Church

One Trinity Plaza " Toledo, Ohio 43604-1585

Phone: 419-243-1231

Fax: 419-243-0920Email: [email protected]

Serving Downtown Toledo since 1842.

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PAIDToledo, Ohio

Permit Number 529

We’re on the

SUNDAYS 9 & 10:45 am, Holy Eucharist10 am Formation for all ages

HOLY DAYS as announced


Teresa LaCourse, Allen Tennant, Ruth Oatis, Nancy Paulas, Marshall Brown, Paul Fager,PFC Matthew Drake; those on death row, all victims of war and violence; Marie Harkeyand David S. Nelson in their continuing vocational discernment.

For those who have died : In the parish: B. R. Hatfield. In the world: GeorgeMacDonald Fraser (writer).


servicesParish Staff Elizabeth Hoster, Rector Wayne F. Anthony , Associate for Music and the Arts Susan Lowrey, Associate for Spiritual Development

Marie Harkey, Associate for Digital Ministries Virginia Shafer, Executive Secretary

Jane A. Bueche, Parish Accountant Bridget Blanchard , Organist

Parish Vestry Becky Roth, senior warden; Steve Salander,

junior warden; Charles Kiskaddon, treasurer;Hydie Ralston, clerk

Jeff Albright, Darl Crawford, Bud Gartz, Jane Gomersall-Zohn, Jennifer Siebold, Sherre Owens Smith,

Parish Offices Mon thru Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Phone 419.243.1231 Fax 419.243.0920Email: [email protected]

Episcopal Diocese of Ohio 2230 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2499800.551.4815 216.771.4815The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Bishop Ordinary Next-to-New Thrift Shop Mon & Thurs, 9:30 am – 3 pm;

Jeanne Mitchell, Manager

Building Services Johnson’s Cleaning Services, Housekeeping


vision & mission Trinity is called to be a progressive, inclusive and creative urban community.! We will practice radical hospitality.! We will be engaged in the life of our city.! We will stand with those in need: the poor, the sick, the friendless, the marginalized.! We will actively invite all to experience and celebrate God’s living presence.! We will journey together toward a Christ-centered life, pursuing personal ministries

that connect us to God, to one another, and to the world around us.
