Page 1: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister
Page 2: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister


4級の内容とねらい●リスニングテスト(全40問 70点満点)


・ 天候や感情をあらわす形容詞、前置詞、時刻、動詞の現在進行形などを、文の会話の中からききとり、その意味を理解する。・ 買物や遊びでの会話や、自己紹介、童話などをきいて、その内容、場面を理解する。・音と文字の結びつきを理解し、アルファベットを認識できる。・ 一般疑問文およびHow many, Where, Whatなどではじまる疑問文を理解し、適切な答えを選ぶ。

●スピーキングテスト(全10問 30点満点)担当教師との個人面談形式で行う口頭テストです。英語によるあいさつや質問に対して英語で答えます。各問の応答に対して、その内容や音声、正確さなどに応じて、0~3点の4段階で評価されます。主なねらい→・日常の初歩的なあいさつができる。

・自分のことや身近なことなどについての問いかけに答える。・ 絵を見ながら基本的な質問に答える。(主にYesまたはNo、あるいは単語のみで答えられるもの。)

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第42回JAPEC児童英検《リスニングテスト 4級》

問題 テーマ 使用した文型や評価基準となる語彙など 配点

1 家族で買い物 (名詞・形容詞) small bag white sneakers striped tiesquare watch black hat long dress 10

2 ネコのCharlie(名詞・動詞)eating read the newspaper move over

looking at bird is flying climbing the tree be carefulfall down play catch sleeping 10

3 レストランで(動詞の現在進行形) cooking cleaning the table

carrying food coming into the restaurantreading a menu talking 10

4 はじまりの音は (フォニックス) b/bee busy k/kangaroo kickingr/rain rabbit p/parade penguin h/horse happy 5

5 バードウォッチング (前置詞) on the slide in the pond by the bicycleunder the bench on the bridge between the men 5

6 Tomからのメール (自己紹介) オーストラリアのTomから送ってきた自己紹介のメールの内容にあう絵を選ぶ。 10

7 いろいろな童話 (会話)白雪姫や3匹のこぶたなど、いろいろな童話にでてくる会話を聞いて、あっている絵を選ぶ。 10

8 赤ずきん(疑問文) Is it ~ or ~? What is ~ doing?

How many are there ~ by ~? Is there ~ under ~? Is the man ~ing? What does ~ have in ~? 10

(満点70)※4級の合格基準は、リスニングテストとスピーキングテストをあわせて 合計得点が70点以上であり、その中スピーキングテストの得点が15点以上あること。

Page 3: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister

もんだい 1 2 5


れんしゅうKate: I want a small bag, Mom.Mom: A small bag? How about this one?Kate: Oh, that's nice.

もんだい[No.1] Mom: What do you want to buy, John?

John: White sneakers. I want a pair of white sneakers.

[No.2] Kate: What are you going to buy, Dad? Dad: A striped tie. I’m looking for a

striped tie.

[No.3] Mom: Do you want a watch, Emily? Emily: Yes, I want a square watch. Mom: A square watch? Emily: Yes. Please buy me this, Mom.

[No.4] John: Grandpa, what do you want to buy? Grandpa: A black hat. I want a black hat.

[No.5] Emily: How about you, Mom? What are you going to buy?

Mom: A long dress. I’m going to buy a long dress.

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Page 4: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister


れんしゅうKate: What’s wrong, Charlie? You’re not eating at all.

もんだい[No.1] Grandpa: I want to read the newspaper.

Please move over, Charlie. Charlie: Meow.

[No.2] Grandma: What are you looking at, Charlie? Oh, a bird is flying.

Charlie: Meow.

[No.3] Dad: You’re climbing the tree, Charlie. Be careful not to fall down.

[No.4] John: Let’s play with this toy mouse, Charlie. Can you catch it?

Charlie: Meow.

[No.5] Mom: Where are you, Charlie? Oh, you’re sleeping in the box.

2 5もんだい 2

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Page 5: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister

もんだい 3 ここは、レストランです。さあ、今から説明するのはどの人のことでしょう。あっている人の記号を答の欄に書きましょう。

れんしゅうHe’s cooking.

もんだい[No.1] She’s cleaning the table.

[No.2] He’s carrying food.

[No.3] They’re coming into the restaurant.

[No.4] She’s reading a menu.

[No.5] They’re talking.

2 5


れんしゅう 1 2 3 4 5










Page 6: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister

もんだい 4 今から絵に関係のある言葉を言いますが、どの言葉も同じ音ではじまります。その音をあらわす字を(  )の中から選んで答の欄に書きましょう。

れんしゅうBees, bees, busy bees.

もんだい[No.1] Deer, deer, dancing deer.

[No.2] Kangaroos, kangaroos, kicking kangaroos.

[No.3] Rain! Rain! Run, rabbits, run!

[No.4] Parade, parade, penguin parade.

[No.5] Horses, horses, happy horses.

1 5

( b g j )こたえ

1 ( d f q )

2 ( e k n )

3 ( r v y ) r

4 ( o p t )

5 ( h l s )

Page 7: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister

もんだい 5 いろいろな鳥がいる公園に、子どもたちがバードウォッチングにやってきました。さあ、子どもたちは鳥がどこにいると言っているのでしょう。それぞれが言っている場所の□に○を書きましょう。

れんしゅうGirl: I can see a bird on the slide,

on the slide.

もんだい[No.1] Boy: I found a swan in the pond,

in the pond.

[No.2] Girl: There is a crow by the bicycle, by the bicycle.

[No.3] Boy: I can see some little birds under the bench, under the bench.

[No.4] Girl: I found some ducks walking on the bridge, on the bridge.

[No.5] Boy: Look! A big bird is between the men, between the men.

1 5






Page 8: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister

2 5


れんしゅうHi! I'm Tom.I'll tell you about my family.There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me.

もんだい[No.1] My father is a chef.

He works at a French restaurant.

[No.2] My sister is a singer. She often sings on the stage.

[No.3] I have two dogs. They're very big.

もんだい 6

[No.4] There is a pond near my house. I sometimes go fishing there with my


[No.5] My favorite subject is art. I want to be an artist in the future.








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Page 9: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister

2 5


れんしゅうBaby bear: Mama! Papa! Look!Mama bear: What is it?Baby bear: Someone is sleeping in my bed!

もんだい[No.1] Old woman: Hello, little girl. I have some

apples. I’ll give you one. Here.

Snow White: Oh, thank you. It smells good.

[No.2] Old woman: Stop, Stop, Gingerbread Man! Gingerbread Man: No, I won’t stop. I can

run fast. You can’t catch me!

[No.3] Donkey: Oh, these are so heavy. I can’t walk any more.

Man: Come on, Donkey. Let’s cross the river.

Donkey: No! I’m tired.

もんだい 7

[No.4] Town Mouse: This is our dinner, Country Mouse.

Country Mouse: Wow! They look delicious. Can I eat all of them?

Town Mouse: Of course, you can.

[No.5] Wolf: Let me come in, little pig. Little pig: No, no! Go away. I won’t let

you in. Wolf: OK. Then I’ll come down the



れんしゅう 1 2 3 4 5










Page 10: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister

2 5


れんしゅうIs it a sunny day or a rainy day?     A. It’s a sunny day.     B. It’s a rainy day.

もんだい[No.1] How many pictures are there by the window?         A. Three pictures.         B. Four pictures.

[No.2] Is there a flower under the bed?         A. Yes, there is.         B. No, there isn’t.

[No.3] What is the girl doing?         A. She’s walking after the wolf.         B. She’s waving her hand.

[No.4] Is the man wearing glasses?         A. Yes, he is.         B. No, he isn’t.

[No.5] What does the woman have in the basket?         A. A carrot.         B. Some grapes.

もんだい 8



A  B


A  B

2 A  B

3 A  B

4 A  B

5 A  B

Page 11: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister


(PICTURE C) 実際の絵はカラーです

[Instructions and questions] [Sample answers]

 ( 3 点×10) 30点満点※A passing mark is 15 out of 30.


Hello. What’s your name?

1.How old are you? ― (I’m)    (years old).

2.Can you cook? ― Yes, I can.   No, I can’t.

PICTURE Cを見せて (Showing picture C)Please look at this picture.

3.How many birds do you see on the tent? ― (I see) two (birds)   (on the tent).

4.テントの中の女の子を指して(Pointing to the girl in the tent)What is she doing? ― She’s reading (a book).

5.What color are the towels? ― (They’re) yellow.

6.Do you see three fish in the pond? ― Yes, I do.

7.Does the boy have a net or a bucket? ― (He has) a net.

8.What is the man cutting? ― (He’s cutting) a watermelon.

9.Is there a brown dog under the table? ― No, there isn’t.

10.テーブルのそばにいる女の子を指して(Pointing to the girl by the table)Is she smiling or crying? ― She’s smiling.

[Instructions and questions] [Sample answers]

 ( 3 点×10) 30点満点※A passing mark is 15 out of 30.


Hello. What’s your name?

1.How old are you? ― (I’m)    (years old).

2.Can you cook? ― Yes, I can.   No, I can’t.

PICTURE Cを見せて (Showing picture C)Please look at this picture.

3.How many birds do you see on the tent? ― (I see) two (birds)   (on the tent).

4.テントの中の女の子を指して(Pointing to the girl in the tent)What is she doing? ― She’s reading (a book).

5.What color are the towels? ― (They’re) yellow.

6.Do you see three fish in the pond? ― Yes, I do.

7.Does the boy have a net or a bucket? ― (He has) a net.

8.What is the man cutting? ― (He’s cutting) a watermelon.

9.Is there a brown dog under the table? ― No, there isn’t.

10.テーブルのそばにいる女の子を指して(Pointing to the girl by the table)Is she smiling or crying? ― She’s smiling.

Page 12: JAPECI'll tell you about my family. There are four in my family: my parents, my sister and me. もんだい [No.1] My father is a chef. He works at a French restaurant. [No.2] My sister
