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Dipartimento di Matematica

Corso di Laurea in Informatica, A.A. 2015 – [email protected]

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SUMMARY Introduction Collections and iterators Linked list Array list Hash set Tree set Maps Collections framework

Riccardo Cardin

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INTRODUCTION Data structures can make a big difference in

programmingDo you need to search quickly? Do you need to rapidly

insert and remove element? ... The first version of Java was supplied with a very

small set of classes Vector, Stack, Hashtable, BitSet and Enumeration Java needed a serious data structure library

Without the complexity of C++ STL With the benefit of «generic algorithms» of C++ STL

The collections framework satisfies those needs

Riccardo Cardin

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INTRODUCTION Java collection framework separates interfaces

and implementations It defines a set of interfaces that represents abstract

data structuresEach interface is then implemented in different ways,

each with main focus on some aspects For example, fast insertion, fast search, fixed memory

consumption, ...Using interfaces, you can change the implementation

simply modifying a single statement

Riccardo Cardin

// ArrayList optimizes random access, LinkedList modification stmtsList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();list = new LinkedList<>()

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Riccardo Cardin

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COLLECTIONS AND ITERATORS The fundamental interface for collection is the Collection interface

The add method adds an element ot the collection Returns true if the collection was changed by the addition

Iterators are used visit elements in the collection Implements the Iterator design pattern

Riccardo Cardin

public interface Collection<E> { boolean add(E element); Iterator<E> iterator(); // ...}

public interface Iterator<E> { E next(); boolean hasNext(); void remove();}

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COLLECTIONS AND ITERATORS Using iterators we have decoupled a collection

from the traversing policiesThe order in which elements are visited depends on

the the collection typeUsing the next method the collection is visited one

element at time If the end of the collection is reached an NoSuchElementException is thrown

Use the hasNext method to check if the collection has more elements to visit

Think of Java iterators as being between elements The iterator jumps over the next element

Riccardo Cardin

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Riccardo Cardin

Think of Java iterators as being between elements

While moving, the iterator returns the current element

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COLLECTIONS AND ITERATORS Using next and hasNext it is possibile to

traverse the collection

As of Java 5, there is an elegant shortcut to looping a collection using iterators

To use the for each loop the data structure must implement Iterable<E> interface Riccardo Cardin

for (String element : c) { // do something with element}

Collection<String> c = /* ... */;Iterator<String> iter = c.iterator();while (iter.hasNext()) { String element =; // do something with element}

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COLLECTIONS AND ITERATORS Using an iterator it possibile to remove elements

from a collectionThe remove method removes the element that was

returned by the last call to next There is a strong dependency between next and remove: it

is illegal to call remove if it wasn’t preceded by a call to next

This is the only way to safely modify a collection after the creation of an iterator

Riccardo Cardin

for (Iterator<String> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { // Point the iterator to the current element String string =; iterator.remove();}

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Riccardo Cardin

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CONCRETE COLLECTIONS All concrete collections implement Collection

or Map interfacesWe will introduce only few of them

Riccardo Cardin

Collection type


ArrayList An indexed sequence that grows and shrinks dynamically

LinkedList An ordered sequence that allows efficient insertion and removal at any location

HashSet An unordered collection that rejects duplicates

TreeSet A sorted setHashMap A data structure that stores key/value


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LINKED LIST A LinkedList<E> is an ordered data structure

that stores each object in a linkEach link store a reference to the next link of the seq.

In Java, a linked list is always doubly linked

Riccardo Cardin

Implements List<E> interface

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LINKED LIST Very efficient for remove and add operations

These ops are made through an Iterator Other elements in the list have not to be repositioned after

removal of an element

Riccardo Cardin

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LINKED LIST Also di add operation is made efficiently through

an iterator of type ListIterator<E>

Use List.listIterator method to get oneNew element is added before the current position of

the iterator Be carefull of concurrent modification using iterators

Linked list are very inefficient in random access

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interface ListIterator<E> extends Iterator<E> { void add(E element); E previous() boolean hasPrevious()}

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) // do something with list.get(i);

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Riccardo Cardin

Adding a new element changes at most two


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ARRAY LIST An ArrayList<E> is an ordered data structure

that is very efficient in random access ops. It encapsulate a dynamically reallocated array of

objectsAdding and removing operation are not so efficient

Reallocation of elements is neededUse ArrayList instead of Vector

More efficient due to its not synchronized methods

Riccardo Cardin

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Riccardo Cardin

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HASH SET A Set<E> is a data structure that doesn’t care

about element’s orderingA set contain the same element only onceSearch operation performs very efficientlyA set is a Collection

An HashSet<E> uses hash codes to distinguish among elementsAn hashCode is a number that can be derived from

object data You must provide an hash function to your classes The function must be compatible with the equals method

Riccardo Cardin

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HASH SET Hash codes have to be computed quickly

Hash functions have some hash collision Using the correct hash function the number of collision

should be unlikelyHash table are implemented as an array of linked lists

Riccardo Cardin

Using an hash function, the bucket in which inserting a new element is equal to hash(element) % #bucket

If the hash function produceds values that are randomly

distributed, collision should be rare



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HASH SET An HashSet is implemented using an hash table

The contains method is very efficient, because it has to lookup the element only in one bucket

An iterator to hash set visit each bucket in turn Because of scattering, they are visited in a seemingly random

orderThe add method adds an element if it is not already

present Don’t mutate an element in a set once inserted

If the hash code of an element were to change, the element would no longer be in the correct position

Riccardo Cardin

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TREE SET A TreeSet<E> is a sorted set

While iterating over the collection, the elements are presented in sorted order

It uses a red-black tree to store data Insertion is slower than insertion in an hash table, but it is

still much faster than insertion in an array or linked list ...but a tree set automatically sorts the elements ;)

The type of the elements may implement Comparable<T>

Riccardo Cardin

public interface Comparable<T> { // It returns a value that is < 0, = 0 or > 0 int compareTo(T other);}

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TREE SET What if elements do not implement Comparable or

if you need more than on compation alg?Provide a Comparator during set construction

The compare method acts like the compareTo method Function object (lambda anyone?!)

Using an HashSet or a TreeSet?There must be a total ordering defined on elements

You have to implement also the Comparator interfaceDo you neeed elements to be sorted?

Riccardo Cardin

public interface Comparator<T> { // Defines how two elements of type T have to be compared int compare(T a, T b);}

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Riccardo Cardin

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MAPS A Map<K,V> is a data structure that allows you to

search an element using a keyA map stores key/value pairs

Key must be unique: If you call the put method twice with the same key, the second value replaces the first one.

If no info is associated with a key, get returns null In sets to find an element you must have a copy of it

An HashMap hashes the keysRiccardo Cardin

// HashMap implements MapMap<String, Employee> staff = new HashMap<>(); Employee harry = new Employee("Harry Hacker");staff.put("987-98-9996", harry);

String s = "987-98-9996";e = staff.get(s); // gets harry

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MAPS The collection framework does not consider a

map itself as a Collection It is possible to obtain views of the map

If you are interested in all the values of a map, loop over the enumeration of its entries

Iterators on views cannot add elements to the map An UnsupportedOperationException is thrownRiccardo Cardin

Set<K> keySet() // Set of keysCollection<K> values() // Collection of valuesSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() // Set of pairs (key,value)

for (Map.Entry<String, Employee> entry : staff.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Employee value = entry.getValue(); // do something with key, value}

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THE FRAMEWORK A framework is a set of classes that form the

basis for building advanced functionalityThe Collection framework defines classes to

implement collectionsThe main interfaces are Collection and Map

Insertion interfaces are different between the two types

To get the elements from a Collection, just iterate over it To get a value from a Map, use the get method

Riccardo Cardin

// To insert an element in a Collectionboolean add(E element)// To store a key/value pair in a MapV put(K key, V value)

V get(K key)

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THE FRAMEWORK A List is an ordered collection

There is the concept of position of an element

A list provides random access methods Lists provides a specialized iterator, ListIterator

A Set is a Collection with no duplicatesThe add method can reject a value if already presentMethods equals and hashCode are used to maintain

elements inside the setRiccardo Cardin

void add(int index, E element)E get(int index)void remove(int index)

void add(E element)

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THE FRAMEWORK The framework provides some wrappers

Riccardo Cardin

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THE FRAMEWORK The framework have some companion objects

The Arrays type allows to trasform arrays into List

The list returned is a view on the array: it is not possible to change the size of the list; elements are the same

The Collections type have a bunch of utilities The method nCopies builds an illusory immutable list

Object is stored only once Method singleton returns an illusory set with one element

And so on...Riccardo Cardin

static <T> List<T> asList(T... a)

List<String> settings = Collections.nCopies(100, "DEFAULT");


A.k.a. views

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Riccardo Cardin

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REFERENCES Chap. 13 «Collections», Core Java Volume I - Fundamentals, Cay

Horstmann, Gary Cornell, 2012, Prentice Hall

Riccardo Cardin
