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Java Enterprise Edition (JavaEE) Intro

version 7

Revision: v2018-08-20Built on: 2019-08-22 07:07 EST

Copyright © 2019 jim stafford ([email protected])

This presentation introduces the JavaEE enterprise framework and its associated API standards.

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Purpose ............................................................................................................................ v

1. Goals .................................................................................................................... v

2. Objectives ............................................................................................................. v

1. Java Technology Levels .............................................................................................. 1

1.1. Java Standard Edition(tm) (JavaSE or JSE) ......................................................... 1

1.2. Java Micro Edition(tm) (JavaME) ......................................................................... 1

1.3. Java Enterprise Edition(tm) (JavaEE, JEE, EE4J, or Jakarta EE) ........................... 1

2. Why Enterprise? .......................................................................................................... 3

3. JavaEE Architecture .................................................................................................... 5

3.1. Profiles ............................................................................................................... 5

3.1.1. Web Profile .............................................................................................. 6

3.1.2. Micro Profile (coming?) ............................................................................. 6

3.2. Application Components ...................................................................................... 6

3.2.1. Application Clients .................................................................................... 6

3.2.2. Applets .................................................................................................... 6

3.2.3. Servlets/JSPs/JSF .................................................................................... 6

3.2.4. Enterprise JavaBeans(tm) (EJB) ............................................................... 7

3.3. Containers .......................................................................................................... 7

3.3.1. Servers .................................................................................................... 7

3.4. Resource Adapters ............................................................................................. 7

3.5. Databases .......................................................................................................... 8

4. JavaEE Specifications ................................................................................................. 9

5. JavaEE Version Highlights ........................................................................................ 13

6. Summary .................................................................................................................... 15

A. Sources ...................................................................................................................... 17

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1. Goals• Understand the purpose of enterprise applications

• Understand the role of a container

• Introduce the overall architecture for JavaEE

• Introduce the standards contained within the JavaEE framework

2. Objectives

At the completion of this topic, the student shall be able to:

• Identity characteristics of enterprise applications

• Identify the difference between a JavaEE API, JavaEE provider, and a JavaEE module

• Identify the different container types for JavaEE

• Identify the standards that make up a JavaEE

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Chapter 1.


Java Technology Levels

1.1. Java Standard Edition(tm) (JavaSE or JSE)• Core Language

• Formerly called J2SE. Changed started with JavaSE 6

• Java APIs are what applications are written against.

• Standardized

• Java Runtime Edition (JRE) is what applications run with.

• Many providers

• Java Developer Kit (JDK) is what applications are built with

• Many providers

• JRE and JDK provider choices are independent

1.2. Java Micro Edition(tm) (JavaME)• Formerly called J2ME

• Targeted at smaller devices

• Small footprint

• Limited power

• Limited and sporadic bandwidth

1.3. Java Enterprise Edition(tm) (JavaEE, JEE, EE4J, or

Jakarta EE)• Formerly called J2EE. Change started with JavaEE 5

• Movement from Oracle to Eclipse Foundation after/at JavaEE 8

• Temporarily called EE4J (Eclipse Enterprise for Java) [


• Has officially become Jakarta EE []

• Targeted at enterprise deployments commonly deployed to data centers

• Persistence/Data Access

• Scaling

• Transactions

• Security

• Resource Management

• Availability

• Distributed

• Web-based

• Generally deployed in N-Tiers

• Interface

• Transacted Business Logic

• Persistence/Back-end Integration

• Contains

• APIs (standardized)

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Chapter 1. Java Technology Levels


• Compatibility test suites

• Reference Implementation (Glassfish)

• Providers (e.g., Glassfish, JBoss/Wildfly, WebSphere, WebLogic, Payara)

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Chapter 2.


Why Enterprise?

Figure 2.1. Needs and JavaEE/EJB Implementation Options

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Chapter 3.


JavaEE ArchitectureFigure 3.1. JavaEE Architecture1

3.1. Profiles• Subset of JavaEE APIs targeted at key use cases

• Share common underlying APIs for consistency

1JavaEE 7 Specification []

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Chapter 3. JavaEE Architecture


• Provide smaller gates of entry for providers

• Provide means to eliminate deprecated specs from concern

• Risk fragmenting community and introducing confusion -- not taken lightly

3.1.1. Web Profile• WAR deployments

• Only JavaEE profile to date

• Noted Exclusions

• Full EJB support, including remote interfaces and legacy 2.x capabilities

• JMS and Message-Driven Beans (MDBs)

• Web Service Standards

3.1.2. Micro Profile (coming?)• Not yet officially pay of Jakarta EE but part of Eclipse Foundation (Eclipse MicroProfile [https://])

• Micro-Container-focused services [


• Config

• Metrics

• Fault Tolerance


• ...

3.2. Application Components• Different types

• Deployed to client (Applets)

• Deployed to data center (Servlets and EJBs)

• Undefined deployment (App Clients)

3.2.1. Application Clients• Java programs (e.g., GUI running on client)

• Have access to middle-tier

3.2.2. Applets• GUI components typically running in browser

• Access middle-tier indirectly thru Web container and HTTP

3.2.3. Servlets/JSPs/JSF• Generate content to browser from Web container

• Can be UI/HTML-based

• Can be service/XML/JSON (or other structured data forms)-based

• May contain EJBs providing transactional support

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Enterprise JavaBeans(tm) (EJB)


3.2.4. Enterprise JavaBeans(tm) (EJB)• Contain business logic

• Manage transactions, resources, security, etc.

• May provide direct support for RMI and Web service clients

3.3. Containers• Provide runtime support for JavaEE application components

• Provide an interpose layer around/between each component

• Inject required components

• Application developers may think of the Application Server==Container

• Containers address specifics of the standards (e.g., deployment artifact structure)

Figure 3.2. POJOs, Components, and Container Interpose

3.3.1. Servers• Host the containers and their application clients

• No physical requirements (single server or multiple servers per container/conatiner type)

• May be a general-purpose transaction platform adapted to JavaEE by the containers

3.4. Resource Adapters• System-level software component

• Extends standard APIs into specific resources (e.g., JDBC)

• Framework provided for:

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Chapter 3. JavaEE Architecture


• Connection/Resource Pooling

• Security Management

• Transaction Management

3.5. Databases• Pervasive player in most JavaEE application clients

• Not applicable for Applets

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Chapter 4.


JavaEE Specifications

Table 4.1. JavaEE 8 Specifications a b




Version Web Profile Course Relevance

Enterprise JavaBeans


3.2 EJB-lite Primary

Java Persistence API


2.2 Y Y

Context and

Dependency Injection


2.0 Y Y

Dependency Injection

for Java (JSR-330)

1.0 Y Y

Common Annotations

for the Java Platform

1.3 Y Y

Java Transaction API


1.2 Y Y

Java Message

Service API (JMS)

2.0 Y

Bean Validation 2.0 Y Y

Interceptors 1.2 Y Y

Managed Beans 1.0 Y

JavaEE Connector



JavaMail 1.6

Batch Applications for

the Java Platform


Concurrency Utilities

for Java EE


Web Service


Version Web Profile Course Relevance

Java API for RESTful

Services (JAX-RS)

2.1 Y Y

Java Architecture for

XML Binding (JAXB)

2.2 Y

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Chapter 4. JavaEE Specifications


Web Service


Version Web Profile Course Relevance

JSON-B 1.0 Y

JSON-P 1.1 Y (maybe)

Java API for XML-

based Web Services



Web Services



Java API for XML-

based RPC (JAX-



Java API for XML

Registries (JAXR)


Web Services for



Web Socket 1.1

Web Related


Version Web Profile Course Relevance

Servlet 4.0 Y Minor

JavaServer Pages


2.3 Y Minor

JavaServer Faces


2.3 Y

Expression Language 3.0 Y

JSTL 1.2 Y



Version Web Profile Course Relevance

Java Authentication

Service Provider

Interface for

Containers (JASPIC)


Java Authorization

Service Provider

Contract for

Containers (JACC)


Java EE



Java EE Deployment 1.2

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Version Web Profile Course Relevance

Debugging Support

for Other Languages

1.0 Y

aJavaEE 8 Specification []bWikiPedia []

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Chapter 5.


JavaEE Version Highlights1


"CORBA Integration"; Dec 1999

• RMI over IIOP


"Local Interface EJBs"; Sep 2001

• Connector API

• EJB (2.x) local interfaces and new CMP model


"Web Service Enabled"; Nov 2003

• SOAP Web Services

• Deployment, Management, JAAS


"Ease of Development"; May 2006

• Annotations

• Better Defaults

• EJB and Servlet Dependency Injection



"More Ease of Development"; Dec 2009

• Profiles; making some components optional

• Flexible deployments; no EJB.jar or EAR requirement

• No interface EJBs

• Component and Dependency Injection


"Offloading Additional Common Infrastructure Tasks and More Ease of Development"; June


• Additional Web standards; Web Sockets and JSON

• HTTP Client API within JAX-RS

• Batch API

• Concurrency Utilities

• More consistency between CDI and component models

• More inherent integrations with Validation API

• Simplified JMS API

• JPA Schema generation

1Wikipedia JavaEE Versions []

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Chapter 5. JavaEE Version Hig...



"Focus on modern web applications";August 2017

• Expanding support of JSON with JSON-B

• HTTP/2 protocol

• JAX-RS server-sent events

• API for identity stores

• ...

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Chapter 6.


Summary• Made a technical case for JavaEE and EJB

• Described an envolution of EJB

• Showed where EJB fits within the JavaEE Specs

• Introduced 4-5 types of EJBs

• Introduced 3 EJB deployment types

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Appendix A. Sources1. "JSR-000366 JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 8 (Java EE 8) Specification (Final

Release)", Linda DeMichiel, Bill Shannon,

jsr366/index.html, 7/31/17 Oracle America, Inc.

2. "JavaEE Version History", Wikipedia,,

September 3. 2012.

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