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Java Justice

• Fair Trade in church and at home • "Brew Justice: A CRC Blend"

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Should Christians care about trade?

“Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, and his upper rooms by injustice; who makes his neighbors work for nothing, and does not give them their wages…” (Jeremiah 22:13)

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“Hear this, you that trample on the needy,   and bring to ruin the poor of the land, saying, ‘When will the new moon be over   so that we may sell grain;and the Sabbath,   so that we may offer wheat for sale?We will make the ephah small and the shekel great,   and practice deceit with false balances, buying the poor for silver   and the needy for a pair of sandals,   and selling the sweepings of the wheat.’”(Amos 8)

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What is Fair?

If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.”

(1 Cor 12:26)

“Whosoever commands the

trade of the world commands

the riches of the world and

hence the world itself.”

- Sir Walter Raleigh

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“Before you’ve finished your breakfast this morning,

you’ll have relied on half the world.”

- Martin Luther King Jr.

Why coffee?

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Why coffee?

• Coffee is the second most Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the traded commodity in the world… after… after oil.

• $5 billion/year domestic $5 billion/year domestic industry.industry.

• Small farmers produce 75% Small farmers produce 75% of the world’s coffee supply.of the world’s coffee supply.

• Christians are big coffee Christians are big coffee drinkers.drinkers.

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The Coffee TradeSmall Farmers - Many coffee farmers receive prices that are less than the cost of production, forcing them into a cycle of poverty and debt.

Local Exporters - The low prices they pay farmers have earned them the nickname “Coyotes.”

Roasters - The largest profits are controlled by 4 major multinational corporations.

Retailers - Sell the product via supermarket or cafe.

Consumer - You.

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Who Gets the Profits?

You buy a cup of coffee for $1 - How is that money divided?

Retailers - $0.30 or 30%

Roasters - $0.35 or 35%

Coyotes - $0.30 or 30%

Small Farmers - $0.05 or 5%

Is that Fair?

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Fair Trade Levels the Playing Field

•Equal Employment•Opportunities for Advancement

•Fair Wage

•Environmental Protection•Public Accountability•Long-Term Trade•Healthy and Safe Work•Technical Assistance

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Investment in community

Supply chain


Profit, profit, profit

Payment when you ship it, no creditIf the skills benefit commerce, generate good publicity

Finds lowest-cost, often middlemenDirected at increasing profitability

People, planet, profit

Advance credit eases lean times

Technical assistance, training build skills; social projects benefit all in communityThe “least of these” are made partnersDriven by consumer education / advocacy for social responsibility

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“In the last decade, the major coffee companies’ revenues have doubled. During the same time, the

earnings of ordinary coffee farmers have been slashed by two-thirds.”

- Nestor Osorio, International Coffee Organization“Coffee prices have plummeted to all-time lows in

recent months and are currently less than $.50 per pound, with no increase in sight. With world

market prices as low as they are right now, we see that a lot of farmers cannot maintain their families and their land anymore. We need Fair Trade now

more than ever. ”

- Jeronimo Bollen, Manos Campesinas (a Fair Trade Cooperative in Guatemala)

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Fair Trade Coffee: The Alternative

“Consumers have more control over the food chain than many of us think. Since the free-market system respects

buying power above all else, consumers need to speak the language the market

recognizes. That means expressing a clear choice about how we want our

food grown, processed, and delivered to us, and whom we want to profit

from the conduct of the trade.”- Myrna Greenfield “Making Coffee Strong”

Fair Trade Certification Guarantees:

1. A Fair Price - Floor price of $1.26 per pound

2. Democratic Organization - Producers belong to Cooperatives

3. Direct Trade and Long-Term Relationships - Partnerships

4. Access to Credit - Improve technology

5. Environmental Protection - 85% of Fair Trade is also Organic

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“Whenever you are in doubt, apply the following test: Recall

the face of the poorest and weakest person you may have

seen and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of

any use to them.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

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• Look for the logo.• Ask your grocer to

stock Fair Trade.• Pray for your farmer

as you sip your first cup.

• Tell your friends!• Challenge yourself.

Go Fair Trade at Home

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• Get a group of advocates together.• Find out your current “coffee situation.”

•Set a goal or two.•Catch flies with honey!

Go Fair Trade at Church

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When BUDGET gets in the way

• Opportunity to practice gospel-living:– Mark 6:21, “Where your treasure is, there your heart is

also.”– Communal act of generosity.– There are people behind what we consume.– Finances are part of our faith.– Church budget as a moral document.

• Educate with every cup.• One-year challenge.• Voluntary contributions.

– Basket by the coffee pot– Sell bags for home-use to supplement

the budget

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Brew Justice

Supports farmers.Supports justice programs in CRC


Supports you!

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• $10/pound (home use)– Medium roast– Dark roast– Decaf

• $36.50/5-lb (church use)• $7.50/lb (fundraising use)•

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• Spread the love.– Black Gold– “Fair Trade Fellowship”–,– Alternative Gift Market– Keep us posted!

[email protected] (US)• [email protected] (Canada)

What’s next?
