
Jerry JäppinenBerlin, DE

I do concept design, product development, user research and consulting in diverse teams, for adiverse set of clients. HTML5 is my bread and butter. A�er 10 years of UX design in web, mobile &games projects, I still create cool things while teaching myself and others every day.

I currently work as a senior designer in Berlin, Germany. I'm also available for interesting freelanceprojects either locally or remotely.

[email protected] +49 172 179 8535LinkedIn GitHubMedium Twitter


SENIOR UX DESIGNER AT DCMNUX and design lead for product and tech for DCMN.

SENIOR UX DESIGNER AT OLX GROUPUX and design lead for global content quality and fraud detection systems ofOLX and other Naspers brands.

SENIOR UX DESIGNER AT GOEUROUX and service design and user research for travel e-commerce on the web aswell as mobile apps.

LEAD DESIGNER AT OMNIATADesign lead for the full user journey of Omniata's analytics service frommarketing to dashboard UX and end-user support. Customers in games andtech.

SENIOR DESIGNER AT EFICODEDesign, development & consultancy for customers. Marketing, training andproduct development for us.


2017 - 2018

2016 - 2017

2015 - 2016

2011 - 2015

UI ARTIST AT DIGITAL CHOCOLATEUI design, technical art, social game services for consumers. Tools and analyticsfor us.

WEB DESIGNER AT VERKKOVARAANIWeb & graphic design, in-house CMS development lead.

FREELANCERWeb design and development for customers.

STUDENT AT UNIVERSITY OF TURKUFaculty of Social Sciences, Practical Philosophy.


I WORK DAILY ONProduct concepts, UX and wireframes Design thinking and agileCoaching, workshops and consultancy Interaction and visual designPrototyping, information architecture Frontend development, asset productionUser research, testing and usability

I ALSO UNDERSTANDAccessibility and motion Analytics and big dataDatabases and version control Documentation and standardsGame development Networking and APIsProject management

I design and develop products for the web and native platforms. I speak excellent English andFinnish, and some German and Swedish.

2010 - 2011

2008 - 2010


2007 - 2010



1/2018 - Now DCMNMedia booking, offline media planning and tracking automation.My role: Principal UX Design, user testing, design systems and guidelines,coaching, design

4/2017 - Now ProductBeatAgile product management application for small to medium-sized so�waredevelopment teams.My role: Concept design, UX design, frontend

OLX Group Payment SolutionsDesign and frontend lead for global content quality and fraud detectionsystems of OLX and other Naspers brands. Product concepting, UX andfrontend on global payment solutions.My role: Principal UX design, concept design, interaction design, informationarchitecture, frontend architecture (React), frontend development (React), userresearch

7/2017 - 1/2018


OLX Group: Content quality, fraud prevention and CSDesign and frontend lead for global content quality, fraud detection andcustomer support systems of OLX Group and Naspers brands.My role: Principal UX design, concept design, interaction design, informationarchitecture, frontend architecture (Vue.js), frontend development (Vue.js,ZenDesk), user research

2/2017 - 1/2018

GamebookMy role: UX audit, UX design,

8/2017 - 4/2018

GoEuro product developmentDesign and user research in product development for a travel planner startup.GoEuro is an e-commerce site and a mobile travelling app that consolidatesground and air transport through hundreds of partners in multiple Europeancountries.My role: User research, concept design, interaction design, UX

2/2016 - 1/2017

Trybe appInitial brand, product and mobile app design for a new home food deliveryservice. Web design and development for role: Consultation, concept design, UX design, visual & logo design, webdevelopment, web

9/2015 - 6/2017



Omniata product developmentUX design and engineering in analytics product development. Customers ingames and tech industries.My role: Principal UX design, concept design, interaction design, visual design,marketing, information architecture, frontend architecture,

3/2015 - 2/2016

SotepalauteWireframing and protoyping the basic concept for a frontend of a nationalhealth provider feedback system.My role: UI design, wireframing,

12/2014 - 2/2015


SoveliaConcepting and designing of the recreated architecture and UX of the Cad-Q'sinternationally deployed SaaS product. Frontend development of JavaScriptclient on Knockout.js.My role: Concept design, usability research, visual design, UI design,consultation, frontend architecture, frontend development

3/2014 - 3/2015

OP: online credit service for car buyersRedesign and responsive layout architecture of an online credit applicationsystem. Integration of car dealership data via REST APIs, including extensivesearch options.My role: UX design, usability research, frontend

1/2013 - 2/2014

ePassiWeb development for the online presence and customer service portal for acustomer processing digital payments with a benefit voucher system.My role: Web development,

3/2014 - 4/2014

Mobile HR assistant appDelivery and consultation on a mobile prototype of a digital HR assistant appfor the customer in the retail business.My role: UX design, frontend development

6/2014 - 7/2014

EcolaneConcepting and designing of the frontend client architecture and UX of thecustomer’s internationally deployed routing and dispatch scheduling so�warefor desktop and mobile.My role: Concept design, usability research, visual design, UI design,prototyping,

7/2014 - 9/2014

Devops DaysVisual identity, logo, prints & web design for the biggest devops event inFinland.My role: Visual design, logo design, web development, print design, web

9/2014 - 11/2014

Moss appUser interface and visual design for a photo sharing mobile app.My role: UI design, visual & logo design, consultation

10/2014 - 12/2014


Robot FrameworkVisual identity & web design for the open-source test framework.My role: Visual design, web


Elisa KirjaUser experience of both internal publishing tools and multiplatform web storefor ebooks. User experience and graphic production for iOS, Android andWindows ebook client applications.My role: Service design, UX design, visual design, web store & mobile apps,prototyping,

10/2012 - 8/2013


Rovio EntertainmentConsultation, design and tools development for internal technology teamdealing with analytics dashboards, build automation and level editors.My role: UI design, analytics, so ware development tools, prototyping,consultation

9/2013 - 11/2013

DeveoSo�ware development tools & version control service.My role: Principal UX design, service design, interaction design, visual design,visual identity, logo, API design, frontend architecture, so ware

10/2011 - 10/2012


DigitaStatus monitoring tools for a customer in telecommunications andbroadcasting.My role: UI design, frontend architecture,

9/2012 - 12/2012

Freelance projectsFreelance web projects and graphic design for prints for many universitystudent organizations and other customers.My role: Print design, web design, web development

2007 - 2012

Zombie LaneUsability research, user interface improvements and graphical asset productionfor Digital Chocolate's Zombie-themed free-to-play social game on Flash.My role: Usability analysis, UI design, wireframing, visual design, prototyping

11/2010 - 1/2011

Army AttackUX, user interfaces and technical art for Digital Chocolate's tactical war-themedsocial game. Building of UI scenes for the game on Flash.My role: Usability research, UI design, wireframing, visual design, webdevelopment, prototyping

2/2011 - 5/2011


Gangs of BoomtownUX, User interfaces, technical art and frontend development tools for DigitalChocolate's Western-themed social game. Building of UI scenes for the game onFlash.My role: Usability research, UI design, wireframing, visual design, motiondesign, frontend architecture, web development, prototyping

5/2011 - 9/2011

Region ArcticaDesign and delivery of branding, visual identity, marketing materials and onlinepresence for a Nordic travel marketing network.My role: Visual design, logo design, branding guidelines, web design, webdevelopment

2009 - 2010

Magnus MalmbergDesign and delivery of the digital visual identity and online presence for thecustomer in the architecture and engineering industryMy role: Visual design, web design, web development

2009 - 2010

Turku School of EconomicsDesign and delivery of an online learning community for the customer's EMBAprogram.My role: Web design, web development

2009 - 2010

KonerentDesign and delivery of the online presence for an industrial equipment rentalcompany.My role: Web design, web development

1/2010 - 3/2010

VerkkovaraaniDesign and delivery of the visual identity, online presence and marketingmaterials for the company.My role: Visual design, print design, web design, web

1/2010 - 4/2010

AutrosafeOnline presence and extranet for an industrial import company.My role: Visual design, web design, web

4/2010 - 5/2010

KuulosuojaVisual identity, marketing materials and online presence of a campaign for theFinnish Federation of Hard of Hearing.My role: Visual design, print design, web design, web

5/2010 - 6/2010

OBH NordicaDesign and delivery of e-mail marketing solution and e-mail templates.My role: Web design, web development

7/2010 - 8/2010

Ground CommunicationsDesign and delivery of the online visual identity and digital marketing solutionsfor the customer.My role: Visual design, web design, web development

7/2010 - 8/2010

PTTDesign and delivery of the visual identity, online presence, marketing materialsand extranet portal.My role: Visual & logo design, print design, web design, web

8/2010 - 9/2010

eAdminArchitectural and service design for the internally developed CMS forVerkkovaraani.My role: Research and development, service design, so�ware development

1/2010 - 9/2010

AltDesign and delivery of the online presence and extranet portal for thecustomer.My role: Web design, visual design, web

9/2010 - 10/2010

PemamekDesign and delivery of the online presence and extranet portal for thecustomer.My role: Web design, visual design, web

9/2010 - 10/2010

OK Study CentreDesign and specification of the online presence for the customer, consultationon web development for their development organization.My role: Web design, web

8/2010 - 10/2010


Island GodUsability research and user interface improvements for Digital Chocolate'sFlash-based social game.My role: Usability research, UI design, visual design

10/2010 - 11/2010

Finnish Coeliac SocietyDesign and delivery of the online presence, online magazine, web portals andmember services for the customer end their subsidiary organizations theFinnish Youth Coeliacs.My role: Visual design, visual guidelines, web design, web

2008 - 2009

AmusaDesign and delivery of the original Amusa Culture Market online presence,community services, and advertising solution.My role: Web design, web

2008 - 2009

2009 United Mill ServiceDesign and delivery of the online presence for an industrial maintenancecompany.My role: Web design, web development

2009 Nordic Casemix CentreDesign and delivery of branding, visual identity and online presence for aNordic provider of medical definition services.My role: Visual design, logo design, branding guidelines, web design,

2009 Tiusanen LawDesign and delivery of the online presence for the customer.My role: Web design, web


2009 Finnish Federation of Hard of HearingDesign and delivery of the online presence and member web service portal ofthe Finnish Federation of Hard of Hearing.My role: Visual design, web design, web

2009 The Alzheimer Society of FinlandDesign and delivery of digital visual identity, online precence and memberservice portal for the customer.My role: Visual design, visual guidelines, web design, web

2009 VersotLogo and online marketing materials for an online learning program of AIKEGroup.My role: Visual design, logo design

2009 Finnish Association of Architects SAFADesign and delivery of the online presence and a member service for theFinnish Association of Architects; extranet-based online member service and e-mail templates.My role: Web design, web

2009 Finnish Sports Association of Persons with DisabilitiesDesign and delivery of the online presence and extranet for the customer.My role: Visual design, web design, web

2009 ROTIDesign and delivery of the online presence and an extranet service for thenational assessment organization of infrastructure construction.My role: Web development

Lahja ElämälleDesign and delivery of the online presence for a national organ donorcampaign.My role: Web design, web development


2008 WittfinnDesign and delivery of the online presence for an industrial service provider.My role: Web design, web development

2008 Finnish Plastics Recycling LtdDesign and delivery of the online presence for the customer.My role: Visual design, web design, web

2008 FCGDevelopment of multiple extranet-based systems.My role: Web