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Time is more valuable than money.Things don't just happen, they happen just.

1.sincerity is not a test of truth. (he must be right, he's so sincere wrong!!)

2. ideas+inspiration

Ideas can be life-changing

Mysteries of the mind leave the laughters laugh, mockers mockBe thankful for what you already have.

Cynicism blocks you when it comes to your past and future, people, institutions, your chances

ListenTake some notes

Don't be a follower, be a student

Philosophy and my opinion the major determining factor in how my life works out the problem is my own personal philosophy!

It's easy to blame other things than my philosophy - taxes (they are too high), system, waether, traffic, circumstances, economy, age, parents, cynical neighbours

Throw away the excuses! Start with your philosophy! Change your mind, thinking, philosophy if it doesn't work!A few errors in judgement repeated every day.

Personal changeOne person doesn't make business, corporation, the econom run, possibility

We don't start with inspiration, but with education (life change/we)

Putting wisdom and attitude into discipline and labourGetting rich is too easy

2 parts oft he labour do what you can (make a list what am I not doing that would be easy and helpful), do the best you can

Could, should, and will

Go fishing, and catch the first fish and look into its mouth

Start count coins

Get the list of the stuff I could do start the better lifechange process, don't postpone

Start setting up some discipline

Do the best you can

4. results be willing to face numbersI'm broke put that on your refrigerator, I'm forty and broke sth is wrong, I'm messed up

One discipline fits another it's called health change, lifechange, relationships change

Success is a numbers' game

How books have I read?

How committed am I?

5. lifestyle learning how to live well

Fashion for yourself a good life, take your results, money,

If you wish to be wealthy, study well

If you wish to be happy, study happiness

Happiness sth you design, a study, a praxtice, ana rt, not an accident

Mone doesn't make you sophisticated and cultured, one can be a rich clod