Page 1: Joanne - Jerusalem  Presentation

By: Joanne Engelhard

Page 2: Joanne - Jerusalem  Presentation

הכותל המערביThe Western wall is the only part of the Holly Temple that is still standing. Jews go there to have Bat or Bar Mitzvah some go to pray or just to put a note. Many people feel more connected to G-d when they go to the Western wall.

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Yad Vashem is a museum dedicated to all the Jews that died because of the Holocaust. There is a eternal flame in the museum that is in honor of all the people that died because of the Holocaust. There are a lot of pictures and information of all the adults and children that died.

יד ושם

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כיפת הסלע

Dome of the Rock is the most important Muslims temple in Israel. It is located in Old Jerusalem City.

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Via Dolorosa is the path that Jesus went through carrying a really heavy cross. Jesus fell seven times when he was walking. If you go visit this path you can see that the spots he fell are marked.

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Temple Mount is an elevated area in the Old City. It is especially holly to Jews and Muslims. Many things in our history took place in Temple Mount, Some of them are: G-D took the earth to form Adam and Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac.

ית ב5 ר ה5 ה5

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King David Hotel is one of the most important hotel in Jerusalem. When the British ruled Israel someone put a bomb in the hotel. When he blew up the bomb a part of the hotel blew up and some of the British chiefs died.

מלון המלך דוד

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Hadassah Hospital is a very important and famous hospital in Jerusalem. The Jewish artist Marc Chagall donated stain glass windows the represent tribes of Israel.

מרכז רפואי הדסה

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Jaffa Gate is the main gate to the Old City of Jerusalem.

Sha'ar Yafo

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העיר העתיקה

The Old City of Jerusalem is part of the capital City. When the city was built in the olden times they made a giant wall that surrounds the city to protect it.

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The Shuk is the Arab Market. You can find almost everything. Its fun discussing the price of things with the merchants because they lower their prices every time.

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The most popular part of the Israel museum is shrine of the book because it is shaped like an onion. In a part of the museum you can find the biggest collection of objects found in Israel.

מוזיאון ישראל

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The Knesset is a building were the Israeli congressmen work. In The Knesset they make Israel's laws.


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