
The Job Search Survival Kit – Job Search And LinkedIn Tips. Part 20

Getting The Upper Advantage No Matter The OddsBy: Anthony Hines

A Reminder Of Who Am I & Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me?

Who Am I….I am a hardworking guy who, like many others, found himself out of work during the economic downturn in 2010. After a long battle of wrong turns, job search strategies that led to no where, and dead end leads, I decided to take a more strategic approach to my job search. Like anything else in life, I needed to treat my search like a full-time job and create a plan that would allow me to stand out above the competition.

Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me…because I quickly realized that to handle an event like that is to focus on what you can control and share the experience to help others. I believe that an experience not shared is a lost opportunity in life, and that smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s experiences.

Step By Step By Step By Step.

BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING MORE.Get Your Resume Checked Email your resume to [email protected] and tell them I sent

you. That way you will get a free comprehensive and detailed report of how your resume looks and flows. Go for it because without a great resume, you have no chance of getting any job much less a great job. The turnaround is quick and the service is stellar.

Read My Job Search Tip Document First .These are the Free documents that tell you everything that I did to get activity & visibility in my search. Email me at [email protected] and I will send you them.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

The next group of slides will discuss things that I believe you should if you are about to graduate or have just graduated college and want to enter the workforce successfully.

I will tell you the tip or idea and let you know why I like it to help you in dealing with the process.

Remember, I am by no means a professional and never claim to be. I am just giving you things as I see them to help you to see through the ‘fog’ and get ahead in your career.

I hope my ideas help you out and help me to end unemployment one person at a time.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Let’s start with the easy and obvious stuff to help you get a good job.

Make sure you have contacts in the school job placement office and continually check in proactively. The more you make the effort , the more you will be noticed and remembered.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Have you hit every job fair that the school has put on? Maybe one does not fit your skills perfectly but you never know what other jobs that companies are looking to fill that either have just been approved or about to be approved. That pipeline could be key to you getting a job. Go for it and stress your transferrable skills. You never know until you try.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Volunteer in your field in your spare time. You never know where it can land and since you have some spare time, maybe you can use this time by volunteering . Maybe you want to work at a charity event that involves golf or tennis because decision makers seem to be at those events. Get in a place where decision makers are and where they are happy to be and you can communicate more freely and with less stress. Plus you are doing something that is making a difference. Compassion is never a bad thing. Don’t discount the power of giving your time for a cause or two.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

How is your LinkedIn profile? You may think it is light but actually, it does not have to be. In school, you accomplished a lot of successful projects and assignments with others right? So, you and your friends need to recommend each other. Write these freely for all of your friends and classmates and some will write some for you. LinkedIn loves this and your profile will get more meat to it. Do this generously and you will see that your profile will really gain space in search and in quality information.

Do not waste time with endorsements. Do recommendations. They have more value overall. Plus you want to keep doing it as you think of more people. Remember people will see your name on all of the pages of people that you recommend as your own which can only lead to more view. This could be huge for you. Do a few every day and watch how your profile expands.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Now that you are thinking about LinkedIn recommendations, how about teachers, counselors and previous job bosses? Remember, this is not something you need to do all in one day. As you think of people, recommend them and watch as your profile grows.

This will lead you to be noticed more and now you are on your way. Think about it.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Look for junior level certifications that are available just by taking a test and minimal experience. Maybe something like the CAPM (junior project manager) or something like that. You are used to taking tests and some certifications allow low levels of actual experience to be eligible. Ok, maybe the one you want is not allowing you to take it right now but work towards it. Certs always help.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Join LinkedIn Groups that tailor to your major or interest.

Start commenting in discussions and making connections in the group. Get connected to people who can help you right away.

Start discussions and publish posts as when as great articles. People will notice and you will be known by the group(s) that you do this in. Believe me, it happens, slowly but surely it happens.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Consider getting involved with a family business. You can learn great transferrable skills and the experience will be real. I don’t care what the industry is, you can only learn. Also, consider your extended family? Think? Are there business owners in your family that have no one to take over their business as they age? People don’t always say how well they are doing and remember, all money is green. Keep your eyes open for opportunities like this in your world and if available, you may want to consider it.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Get some retail experience in your career as early as you can possibly get it. Benefits are improving and some pay for more education if you meet requirements.

You learn customer service skills, training skills, people management skills, time management skills, stress management skills and much more which are all transferrable skills.

You meet lots of people daily and that is never a bad thing and then there’s the discount. Plus, jobs always open up in the corporate office and people who work in the stores get preference as they know the business. It could be a great way in and then there’s the discount.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Now this is very very very important. You must set the right expectations regarding the start of your career.

STOP thinking that just because you are a college graduate, you will enter a company in a high position.

Instead, be very happy to enter at a lower position and do your best to impress. Believe me, if you strive for success and work hard, that higher position will find its way to you. Keep your eye on the prize but focus on the job at hand. Day in and day out, give your best effort and people will notice. Companies are always looking for good people and its much easier to give the position to someone who has demonstrated their merit. Get in and work hard and don’t ever give up on yourself. You can do it but it takes time and effort. If you stick with this plan you will beat many other graduates who just expect to come in high and get discouraged. I guarantee that this will get you good results and as you gain responsibilities and titles, add all of those to your LinkedIn profile. Little by little things will open up for you.

Ok School’s Out – Now What?

Got a great idea for a business or product? Look into your school’s business incubator program. That’s a great way to get a business off the ground.

Look at or sites like that as a possible way to get funding as well.

Talk to your local Small Business Administration office as many of these offices offer classes in how to run a small business. Maybe you won’t use these ideas right away but you may down the road.

OK School’s Out – Now What?

How about working at the college you just graduated from? There are jobs there too and in many departments. Keep your eye on that option as well.

No matter what job you get, there are ways for you to gain from it such as skill development, networking, business acumen and more but it is up to you to get it.

OK School’s Out – Now What?

Did you ever think of working on a cruise ship for a year or two?

Yes, it is hard work but there is no better way to break into the work force, meet lots of people, develop customer skills and see the world.

People start off thinking that they will do it for a year or two and 10 years later they are still going strong. Hey, its always an option and it’s a great conversation starter in an interview or networking event. Just a thought.

OK School’s Out – Now What?

Whatever job you work at, always look to join the mentoring program. Sometimes it takes work to find out the detail but look into it and join it. If there is no program, try to find a mentor and have one unofficially.

If you have a mentor, drive the relationship so that you set the meetings and agendas etc. This will show leadership and will help you to gain confidence in the workplace. Always make sure you ask your mentor about mistakes or career errors because smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s mistakes.

OK School’s Out – Now What?

Look to get informational interviews with contacts that your or people close to you know. Don’t be afraid to ask. Relatives, neighbors, people in common circles, whoever you can think of as this gives you a great opportunity to gain knowledge , develop contacts, stay busy and get interview experience. After each one, you update your LinkedIn profile with the notification that you did it to keep that profile fresh as well.

OK School’s Out – Now What?

Make sure your social media world knows that you are looking. Update your Facebook friends on your job search progress. You never know who they all know or jobs that they know are coming. Friends are friends and they want to help you usually. Be public about your intentions and skills an the like. You never know where it can lead you. Keep many irons in the fire because remember, that you are only looking for one job so leave no stone unturned.

OK School’s Out – Now What?

Plus, keep your dream alive. No matter what your job is during the day, you always want to find time to develop something in an area that you are passionate about. Worst case, you can do this in your spare time. Maybe you want to develop a blog or newsletter about your passion at first and build something from there. Never give up on that dream no matter what job you have. Don’t waste any time when you are at this stage of your career. You never know where things can lead. Remember, when you are doing something you love, you never have to work again . Work towards this every day no matter what else is happening in your life.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

There is a saying that “Youth is wasted on the young.” Don’t let that happen to you. Use your youth, energy and enthusiasm to your advantage. Take advice and talk to other people who have gone through what you have gone through. Learn from their experience. Be positive in all you do and show passion. Believe me, people will notice. Go to networking and professional events and learn to listen. Remember, you have two ears and one mouth so listen twice as much as you speak so you can learn the experiences so you can avoid what you don’t want to be associated with. Plus, you learn how to not waste time or effort on things that are valueless. Listening is key to getting ahead. Face it, you don’t have all the answers so don’t make believe that you do. Be humble and hardworking. Let your work do your talking and spend as much time as you can with people you can learn from. Be a sponge. It will make a big difference in your career.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Got great professional skills and experience that you can share with a company that needs help? You may want to consider Maven. This company has a list of many requests for information or experience that maybe you could answer and pick up some cash on the side while doing it. Plus, you can tell your friends about it and make some cash if they signup . Check out this link for more information.

Thoughts For You To Ponder

I want to reiterate that I am not a professional and only providing you with things I did that helped me out during my own job search.

I do these presentations because the job search process has a lot to do with attitude and outlook. That’s on you. Excuses are for losers. Be a winner and take charge. You can do it because you have done it before I bet.

Make sure you individualize any all of the information provided on this or any of my presentations. My ideas are to guide you and help you to understand concepts.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

If you want to quickly increase your linkedin connection total, including many recruiters, go to .

This paid service will make your connection total explode. I caution that if you are not ready for a substantial amount of LinkedIn connection requests especially from recruiters, you may not want to sign up and believe me it doesn’t stop. They keep coming.

Now if you want that type of traffic and want many more contacts guaranteed, please use the above link for quick service.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

If you have found this presentation helpful and found some ways to gain an advantage in your job search, then my hours of work to help the unemployed one person at a time has been a success.

please email me at [email protected] and tell me how its going. If you have read my docs and have seen my other Job Search Survival Kit presentations , I believe that you are on your way to your next group of opportunities. Embrace the challenge and do your best daily. Go for it and don’t look back. No excuses, no delays, no procrastination. Go for it.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Come join the LinkedIn group that I recently created. It is called the Anthony Hines Job Search Survival Group. It’s a unique group because the people in it really support and help each other to get their next opportunity.

Just log into, go to groups and join the above named group. People really seem to find it useful and I check in often as well. Come join today.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Go back to and check out my other “Job Search Survival Kit” presentations because over the recent past, I have added a bunch of new chapters that enhances what you have just read and will also help to get you an even better edge in your job search journey.

Check out my Job Search Survival Kit on as well.

Just search for it and it will come right up.

Most importantly, make sure you email a copy of your resume to [email protected] for your free resume critique because you have no chance of ever getting a great job without a great resume to get you noticed.