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“Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)”

A Project workA Project workSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment for the award ofSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment for the award of

Master of Computer ApplicationMaster of Computer Application


Sikkim Manipal UniversitySikkim Manipal University

Submitted BySubmitted By PAAVAN

Enroll. NoEnroll. No.-.- 520827432

Under The Guidance ofUnder The Guidance of

Mr. Zubair HussainMr. Zubair Hussain

Senior Faculty, MCA DepartmentSenior Faculty, MCA Department

June 2011June 2011

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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)


I would like to thank first of all The Almighty GOD, because He is the one who has

helped me the most by keeping His blessings on me.

I would also like to thank Mr. J.K Chadha Director & Mr. Mohd

Zubair(Faculty Incharge), Computer Department, Sikkim Manipal

University(LC-02940) , Alambagh. For having the confidence in me,

for all his wisdom and guidance and for giving me the opportunity to

learn from my own mistakes.

I would also express our heart felt gratitude to all other faculty

members of Sikkim Manipal University (LC 02940) , for their help

and support. Without them it was not possible for me to complete my


I would also like to thank all my friends and batch mates for their

selfless help and for encouraging and boosting up my confidence from

time to time.

Last but not the least, a very special thanks to my parent and other

family members for their utmost efforts to make me study and to bring

us up to this stage where I can proof myself.

Keeping this in mind, once again I would like to thank everyone for support.



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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)


Certified that this project report titled “Job Portal Website”is the bonafide

work of “Paavan” who carried out the project work under my supervision.

Mr. J. K Chadha Mr. Mohd. Zubair Director Faculty Incharge HLC Academy I T & Computer Alambagh ,Lucknow


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)


Develop a site as common place for the Job seeker and the employment

provider. Job seeker is the user, who is looking for the good opportunity for

their skills and employment provider are the company or organization, who is

looking for the good skill person for their requirements.

In this system user can save their resume and if required can send his/her

resume to the existing company. In contrast any company can feed their

requirement in this site for the general user’s who are visiting this site.

In maintaining big data and frequently getting data, and doing transaction there

must have strong search engine for searching resume. This is the application

for following requirements -:

1. System could track the requirement of new employment for the new


2. System should accept new resume, could modify and delete resume.

3. System should create new company, could modify and delete company.

4. All user and company must have authentication (valid username and



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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

5. Must mention about the detail of the company profile that developed

this site and mention the way to contact.

6. The objective of a job portal is two pronged - First, to provide an avenue

for a prospective job seeker with the most relevant and appropriate job

opportunities. The more such opportunities that the job portal gives, the

better it would be for the job and the job the job portal themselves.

7. Second, to provide corporate employers with a large number of profiles

in its database, which have good number of quality resumes in terms of

work experience and skills sets as sought by the corporate.

The prime objective behind the development of the online job portal

‘Job Seeker’ is to provide a better solution to the job seekers as well as

the Employers itself.

The key purpose of the project is to:

To deliver better solution to a job seeker for finding a suitable


Employer can register themselves, can upload logos and edit their


Employers can use premium services like posting their advertisements,

post latest vacancies, and list them among top companies list.


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

System can be separated into following artifacts-: 

1. User Detail

a. Register On site

b. Separate Login

c. Upload resume

d. Send resume

 2. Search Engine (Company and General User)

a. By Job Title

b. By Location

c. By skills 

3. User as company

a. Add new vacancy or post

b. Modify and delete vacancy or post, if required

c. View all


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)FEATURES AND BENEFITS

This project is very easy to operate and user friendly i.e. user does not require

any previous knowledge of computer to operate because this system will

Provide user with proper guideline and help which is available at each stage of

working. The scope for development of the web portal ‘Job Seeker’ is to

provide quality service to the job seekers in the current industries such as IT,

Telecom, Marketing, Finance, Banking & Retail Sectors.

The project is aimed to provide efficient services to the users of the

website. The web portal ‘Job Seeker’ has been developed with latest

technology and tools are open source, thus providing higher flexibility to retain

quality service and Maintenance and updation is on regular interval.


Reduced manpower

Generalized software, increased operational efficiency

Increased accuracy and reliability

Reduced operational time

Reduced paper work

Better GUI

Easy to maintain

Easy to update


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) List of Contents

Chapter Name Page No.

1. PHP :Front End 8

2. Phpmyadmin: Back End 18

3. PHP Architecture 22

4. Tools Used For Development 39

5. Hardware and Software Requirement 40

6. Entity Relationship Diagrams 41

7. List of Tables 43

8. System Analysis and Software Model 54

9. Feasibility Report 61

10. System Validation & Testing 63

11. Conclusion 68

12. Future Enhancement 69

13. Limitations 71

14. References 72


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) Introduction to PHP

What is PHP?

Hypertext Pre-processor  (PHPs) is a  server-side scripting language, and 

server-sidescripts are special commands you must place in Web pages. Those

commands are processed before the pages are sent from your Server to the

Web browser of your visitor. A typical PHP files will content commads to be

executed in the server in addition to the usual mixture of text and HTML

(Hypertext Markup Language) tags.

When you type a URL in the Address box or click a link on a Web page,

you're asking a Web server on a computer somewhere to send a file to the Web

browser (sometimes called a "client") on your computer. If that file is a normal

HTML file, it looks exactly the same when your Web browser receives it as it

did before the Web server sent it. After receiving the file, your Web browser

displays its contents as a combination of text, images, and sounds. In the case

of an PHP page, the process is similar, except there's an extra processing step

that takes place just before the Web server sends the file. Before the Web

server sends the PHP file to the Web browser, it runs all server-side scripts

contained in the page. Some of these scripts display the current date, time, and

other information. Others process information the user has just typed into a

form, such as a page in the Web site's guestbook

To distinguish them from normal HTML pages, PHP files are usually given the ".php" extension.


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What Can You Do with PHP?

There are many things you can do with PHP. You can display date, time, and other information in different ways.

You can make a survey form and ask people who visit your site to fill it

out, send emails, save the information to a file, etc

What Do PHP pages Look Like?

The appearance of an PHP page depends on who or what is viewing it. To the

Web browser that receives it, an Active Server Page looks just like a normal

HTML page. If a visitor to your Web site views the source code of an PHP

page, that's what they see: a normal HTML page. However, the file located in

the server  looks very different. In addition to text and HTML tags, you also

see server-side scripts. This is what the PHP page looks like to the Web server

before it is processed and sent in response to a request.

What Do PHP pages Look Like?

Server-side scripts look a lot like HTML tags. However, instead of starting and

ending with lesser-than ( < ) and greater-than ( > ) brackets, they typically start

with <?php or <? and will typically end with ?>. The <?php or <? are called

anopening tags, and the ?> is called a closing tag. In between these tags are the

server-side scripts. You can insert server-side scripts anywhere in your Web

page--even inside HTML tags.


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Benefits of PHP

Whenever we think off to begin any website, we consider on several aspects of

the site including website designing, web developing, web hosting, its

maintenance, its flexibility, usability, scalability and how will it be easy to

handle and above all the overall allocated budget for this site.

After considering on these aspects, if we decide to develop a site that looks

attractive, smooth running, fast downloading, cost effective and easy to handle,

we will definitely zeroed on PHP, one of the most popular web development

scripts among Java, ASP .Net, .JSP and PHP..

PHP is an open source server side programming language available at free of

cost that can be get easily from the market. Its coding style is quiet easy to

understandable and it is very efficient on multi-platforms like Windows,

Linux, and UNIX etc. It is very flexible but powerful language, most suitable

for developing dynamic web pages. Nowadays developing dynamic websites

are in the huge demand due to its specific characteristics like it automatically

refreshes and does not need to make much changes manually.

In the recent development, PHP has grown enough to fulfill the requirements

of the clients, several web tasks can now be easily perform using PHP that was

not possible earlier. For example now we can develop from small websites to

giant business and organizational websites, informative forums, chatting

platforms, CRM solutions, e-commerce shopping carts, community websites,

e-business, shopping carts and gigantic database driven sites. Moreover, data


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handing has also been pretty handy in PHP in which the programmers can

easily store data, serialize, creating cookies, calculating viewers by cookies

and sessions and excellent file management system.

In terms of advantage in running, PHP does not put strain on servers. It uses its

own inbuilt memory space that decreases the workload from the servers and

the processing speed automatically enhances. Its script is optimized to make

the server's job easier, thus nowadays the uses of PHP is being popular among

the programmers.

PHP has also upper hand in running multimedia files as PHP is not much

dependent upon external plug-ins to run the programs. It is executed

exclusively by server and therefore need nothing from the end users. PHP must

be installed on the server and server parses the code at its source, executes and

sends it properly send properly formatted html to the client computer. The

user's browser only sees code it understands.

And, final in terms of Budget, which is the most crucial part of the software

development especially for the small business users who wants to develop

money making websites to earn thick profit in minimum investments. The

limitation of budget is the biggest obstacle for small businesspersons. For

those, PHP is the key solution as it is available at free of cost under PHP

General Public License and most of its associative required software's like

MySQL, Text Editors and Apache Server are also freely available, so it proves

very cost effective for the developers. However, in terms of performance it is


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)similar efficient like other programming languages of same category.

Preparing to code

Your environment for coding PHP applications should ideally contain these

tools: an IDE (integrated development environment) for writing and debugging

PHP scripts; a simulated server for testing deployment of the scripts; and a

reference source listing the detailed parameters needed for all PHP functions.

You can get the last of those features easily by surfing to, the home

page of the PHP development. All documentation for the PHP language is


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there. The docs include sample code, links to relevant resources, and

contributed comments from PHP users, whose real-world experiences in PHP

can make the difference between code that works and doesn’t work.

Integrated development environment

It’s possible to code PHP scripts in a plain text editor, but your development

time will be much shorter and your development experience will be much

happier, if you instead type your code within an integrated development

environment (IDE).

A PHP IDE will point out syntax errors as soon as you make them, so

you’re not wasting time hunting down such errors after you’ve uploaded a

script to your server. An IDE will also clean (“tidy”) and format your code, so

all the braces and parentheses line up nicely. If you’ve ever tried fixing

unmatched parentheses errors using a plain text editor, you know how vital

this feature is.

An IDE will also have a feature equivalent to Microsoft’s Intellisense,

which displays pop-up menus that list the parameters and description of the

PHP function you’re currently typing. This feature deletes the need for

constant switching back and forth between your browser and development

windows to consult the PHP API.

At least two organizations offer free IDEs for PHP: and

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The PHP runtime environment

Since PHP runs on a server, getting a simulated server for your development

environment will help you see how your PHP script runs when you deploy it

on the production server. You could install just the server software on your

hard drive, but your workflow will be smoother if you integrate the installation

with your IDE. The help pages for the NetBeans IDE have detailed

instructions on installing an implementation of Apache server, and configuring

it to work with NetBeans.

Using PHP on Webserve1. Bang lines are not required and will be ignored if present. (This

information is provided for historical purposes as the previous web server environment required bang lines.)

2. You should use .php as the file extension. This refers to only PHP files

executed directly via a URL. Include files may use other extensions,

such as .inc. If you have PHP files that currently use .php4 extensions, it

is strongly recommended that you move toward using .php for these


3. The script must have owner execute permission. For best security, we

strongly recommend using permissions set to 700 (only owner has read, write, and execute privileges).

For example, where "script.php" is the name of the file containing the

script, change the file permission as follows.

chmod 700 script.php


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Understanding PHP Data Types

Variables can store data of different types, and different types of data can do

different things. For example, you can add variables whose values are numbers

(1 + 2), but adding variables whose values are characters (a + b) doesn't make

much sense.

You can store the following simple types of data in PHP variables:

Integer: A whole number (no fractions), such as –43, 0, 1, 27, or 5438. The range of integers that is allowed varies, depending on your operating system, but in general, you can usually use any number from –2 billion up to +2 billion.

Floating point number: A number (usually not a whole number) that includes decimal places, such as 5.24 or 123.456789. This is often called a real number or a float.

Character string: A series of single characters, such as hello. There is no practical limit on the length of a string.

Boolean: A TRUE or FALSE value.

Boolean data types represent two possible states — TRUE or FALSE. Boolean

values are used mainly to compare conditions for use in conditional

statements. For example, PHP evaluates an expression, such as $a > $b, and

the outcome is either TRUE or FALSE.

PHP considers the following values FALSE :

The string FALSE (can be upper- or lowercase)

The integer 0

The float 0.0

An empty string

The one-character string 0


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The constant NULL

Any other values in a Boolean variable are considered TRUE. If you echo a

Boolean variable, the value FALSE displays as a blank string; the value TRUE

echoes as a 1. Functions often return a Boolean variable that you can test to see

whether the function succeeded or failed.

Assigning data types

Most other languages require that you initialize the variable before using it,

specifying what type of data it can hold, but PHP is more informal. You don't

need to tell PHP which data type is in a variable. PHP evaluates the data when

you assign it to the variable and then stores it as the appropriate type.

Generally, this is helpful. PHP guesses the data type pretty accurately.

PHP also converts data when it needs to be converted. For example, if you

have the following statements, PHP converts the data types with no problem:

$firstNumber = 1; # PHP stores it as an integer$secondNumber = 1.1; # PHP stores it as a float$sum = $firstNumber + $secondNumber;

Technically, the third statement is not possible because the data to be added

are different types. However, PHP converts the integer to a float so that the

addition proceeds smoothly. This happens automatically and invisibly and is

very helpful.

Type casting

On a rare occasion, PHP guesses badly when it stores the data. You might need

to do something with a variable, and PHP won't let you because the data is the

wrong type. In such a case, you can specify how you want PHP to store the 16

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data, rather than let PHP decide for itself. This is called type casting. To

specify a particular type, use a statement like one of the following:

$newint = (int) $var1;$newfloat = (float) $var1;$newstring = (string) $var1;

The value in the variable on the right side of the equal sign is stored in the

variable on the left side as the specified type. So the value in $var1 is stored in

$newint as an integer, as specified by (int).

Be careful when doing type casts. Sometimes you can get unexpected results.

For example, when you cast a float into an integer, it loses its decimal places.

To do this, PHP rounds the float toward 0. For example, if $number = 1.8 and

you cast it into an integer — $newnumber = (int) $number — $newnumber

will equal 1.

You can find out the data type of a variable by using a statement like the



For example, the following statement checks the data type of $checkvar:


The output from this statement is int(27), which tells you that $checkvar

contains the integer 27.


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Back End – PHP/MySQL


MySQL is a database.

The data in MySQL is stored in database objects called tables.

A table is a collection of related data entries and it consists of columns and rows.

Databases are useful when storing information categorically. A company may

have a database with the following tables: "Employees", "Products",

"Customers" and "Orders".

Why Database Required?

It is actually surprising how useful a database can be when used with a

website. There are a huge variety of things you can do when you

interact the two, from displaying simple lists to running a complete

website from a database. Some examples of PHP and MySQL being

used together are: Banner Rotation. On this site, where each banner is, a PHP script is

called. This opens a database and picks a random banner from it to show the visitor. It also counts the number of times the banner has been viewed and could, with a few changes, track clicks too. To add, change or edit the banners all I have to do is change the database and the script will pick the correct banners for all the pages on the site.

Forums. Hundreds of forums (message boards) on the internet are run using PHP and MySQL. These are much more efficent than other systems that create a page for each message and offer a wide variety of options. All the pages in the forum can be updated by changing one script.


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) Databases. One quite obvious example is sites which get all there

information from a database. For example Script Avenue is run by a few scripts, which gain all their information from a large

database. All the different script categories can be accessed in one script by just changing the URL to access a different part of the database.

Websites. If you have a large website and you want to change the design it can take a very long time to update and upload all the pages. With PHP and MySQL your whole website could be just one or two PHP scripts. These would access a MySQL database to get the information for the pages. To update the website's design you would just have to change one page.

What Do I Need?

You only really need three things to run PHP scripts which access MySQL

databases. Firstly, you will, of course, need a webserver. This can either be on

a computer of your own or on a web host. Any web server software should

work with PHP and MySQL but the best to use is Apache, which is free.

PHP also needs to be installed on the server. If it is not already installed you

can install it (or ask your web host to install it). It can be downloaded from

PHP and is also free. If you are not sure if you have PHP installed I will show

you a way to check it later.

Finally, you will also require MySQL. This is the actual database software.

You can also use most other types of database (SQL, Oracle etc.) but as this is

a PHP/MySQL tutorial I will deal just now with the


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)MySQL database (although the commands used here will also work with SQL

databases). As with the other software you need, MySQL is free and can be

downloaded from the MySQL homepage. If you are not sure if you have

MySQL installed, I will show you how to check later.

If you cannot install (or your web host won't allow) PHP and MySQL you can

still use another web host. Freedom2Surf are a free (banner supported) web

host and support PHP and have MySQL installed. HostRocket are an excellent

web host and can offer you 300MB of space with PHP, MySQL and loads of

other extras for under $10 a month.

Testing For PHP and MySQL20

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There is a simple test for both PHP and MySQL. Open a text editor and type in

the following:




and save it as phpinfo.php

Now upload this to your webspace and go to i

t in your browser. If you have PHP installed you will see a huge page with all

the details of your PHP installation on it. Next, scroll down through all this

information. If you find a section about MySQL then you

will know that MySQL is installed.

Managing Databases

Although all the database administrative options can be done through PHP

scripts, I strongly suggest installing a copy of PHPMyAdmin on your server. It

is an excellent free set of scripts that will provide you with an administrative

interface for your MySQL database(s). You can add, remove, edit, backup and

view your databases using this and it is especially useful when troubleshooting

your databases.

  PHP Architecture  


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Protocol layer


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Protocol layer implements the external interface to SQL Server. All operations

that can be invoked on SQL Server are communicated to it via a Microsoft-

defined format, called Tabular Data Stream (TDS). TDS is an application layer

protocol, used to transfer data between a database server and a client. Initially

designed and developed by Sybase Inc. for their Sybase SQL Server relational

database engine in 1984, and later by Microsoft in Microsoft SQL Server, TDS

packets can be encased in other physical transport dependent protocols,

including TCP/IP, Named pipes, and Shared memory. Consequently, access to

SQL Server is available over these protocols. In addition, the SQL Server API

is also exposed over bando web services. 

Data storage

The main unit of data storage is a database, which is a collection of tables with

typed columns. SQL Server supports different data types, including primary

types such as Integer, Float, Decimal, Char (including character strings),

Varchar (variable length character strings), binary (for unstructured blobs of

data), Text (for textual data) among others. It also allows user-defined


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)composite types (UDTs) to be defined and used. SQL Server also makes server

statistics available as virtual tables and views (called Dynamic Management

Views or DMVs). A database can also contain other objects including views,

stored procedures, indexes and constraints, in addition to tables, along with a

transaction log. A SQL Server database can contain a maximum of 231

objects, and can span multiple OS-level files with a maximum file size of 220

TB.[17] The data in the database are stored in primary data files with an

extension .mdf. Secondary data files, identified with an .ndf extension, are

used to store optional metadata. Log files are identified with the .ldf


Storage space allocated to a database is divided into sequentially numbered

pages, each 8 KB in size. A page is the basic unit of I/O for SQL Server

operations. A page is marked with a 96-byte header which stores metadata

about the page including the page number, page type, free space on the page

and the ID of the object that owns it. Page type defines the data contained in

the page - data stored in the database; index, allocation map which holds

information about how pages are allocated to tables and indexes, change map

which holds information about the changes made to other pages since last

backup or logging, or contain large data types such as image or text. While

page is the basic unit of an I/O operation, space is actually managed in terms


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) of an extent which consists of 8 pages. A database object can either span all 8

pages in an extent ("uniform extent") or share an extent with up to 7 more

objects ("mixed extent"). A row in a database table cannot span more than one

page, so is limited to 8 KB in size. However, if the data exceeds 8 KB and the

row contains Varchar or Varbinary data, the data in those columns are moved

to a new page (or possible a sequence of pages, called Allocation unit) and

replaced with a pointer to the data. 

For physical storage of a table, its rows are divided into a series of partitions

(numbered 1 to n). The partition size is user defined; by default all rows are in

a single partition. A table is split into multiple partitions in order to spread a

database over a cluster. Rows in each partition are stored in either B-tree or

heap structure. If the table has an associated index to allow fast retrieval of

rows, the rows are stored in-order according to their index values, with a B-

tree providing the index. The data is in the leaf node of the leaves, and other

nodes storing the index values for the leaf data reachable from the respective

nodes. If the index is non-clustered, the rows are not sorted according to the

index keys. An indexed view has the same storage structure as an indexed

table. A table without an index is stored in an unordered heap structure. Both

heaps and B-trees can span multiple allocation units.……………………….



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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Buffer management

SQL Server buffers pages in RAM to minimize disc I/O. Any 8 KB page can

be buffered in-memory, and the set of all pages currently buffered is called the

buffer cache. The amount of memory available to SQL Server decides how

many pages will be cached in memory. The buffer cache is managed by the

Buffer Manager. Either reading from or writing to any page copies it to the

buffer cache. Subsequent reads or writes are redirected to the in-memory copy,

rather than the on-disc version. The page is updated on the disc by the Buffer

Manager only if the in-memory cache has not been referenced for some time.

While writing pages back to disc, asynchronous I/O is used whereby the I/O

operation is done in a background thread so that other operations do not have

to wait for the I/O operation to complete. Each page is written along with its

checksum when it is written. When reading the page back, its checksum is

computed again and matched with the stored version to ensure the page has not

been damaged or tampered with in the mean time.


 Logging and Transaction

SQL Server ensures that any change to the data is ACID-compliant, i.e., it uses

transactions to ensure that any operation either totally completes or is undone

if fails, but never leave the database in an intermediate state. Using


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transactions, a sequence of actions can be grouped together, with the guarantee

that either all actions will succeed or none will. SQL Server implements

transactions using a write-ahead log. Any changes made to any page will

update the in-memory cache of the page, simultaneously all the operations

performed will be written to a log, along with the transaction ID which the

operation was a part of. Each log entry is identified by an increasing Log

Sequence Number (LSN) which ensures that no event overwrites another. SQL

Server ensures that the log will be written onto the disc before the actual page

is written back. This enables SQL Server to ensure integrity of the data, even if

the system fails. If both the log and the page were written before the failure,

the entire data is on persistent storage and integrity is ensured. If only the log

was written (the page was either not written or not written completely), then

the actions can be read from the log and repeated to restore integrity. If the log

wasn't written, then also the integrity is maintained, even though the database

is in a state when the transaction as if never occurred. If it was only partially

written, then the actions associated with the unfinished transaction are

discarded. Since the log was only partially written, the page is guaranteed to

have not been written, again ensuring data integrity. Removing the unfinished

log entries effectively undoes the transaction. SQL Server ensures consistency


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)between the log and the data every time an instance is restarted.

 Concurrency and locking

SQL Server allows multiple clients to use the same database concurrently. As

such, it needs to control concurrent access to shared data, to ensure data

integrity - when multiple clients update the same data, or clients attempt to

read data that is in the process of being changed by another client. SQL Server

provides two modes of concurrency control: pessimistic concurrency and

optimistic concurrency. When pessimistic concurrency control is being used,

SQL Server controls concurrent access by using locks. Locks can be either

shared or exclusive. Exclusive lock grants the user exclusive access to the data

- no other user can access the data as long as the lock is held. Shared locks are

used when some data is being read - multiple users can read from data locked

with a shared lock, but not acquire an exclusive lock. The latter would have to

wait for all shared locks to be released. Locks can be applied on different

levels of granularity - on entire tables, pages, or even on a per-row basis on

tables. For indexes, it can either be on the entire index or on index leaves. The

level of granularity to be used is defined on a per-database basis by the

database administrator. While a fine grained locking system allows more users

to use the table or index simultaneously, it requires more resources. So it does

not automatically turn into higher performing solution. SQL Server also

includes two more lightweight mutual exclusion solutions - latches and


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)spinlocks - which are less robust than locks but are less resource intensive.

SQL Server uses them for DMVs and other resources that are usually not busy.

SQL Server also monitors all worker threads that acquire locks to ensure that

they do not end up in deadlocks - in case they do, SQL Server takes remedial

measures, which in many cases is to kill one of the threads entangled in a

deadlock and rollback the transaction it started. To implement locking, SQL

Server contains the Lock Manager. The Lock Manager maintains an in-

memory table that manages the database objects and locks, if any, on them

along with other metadata about the lock. Access to any shared object is

mediated by the lock manager, which either grants access to the resource or

blocks it. 

SQL Server also provides the optimistic concurrency control mechanism,

which is similar to the multiversion concurrency control used in other

databases. The mechanism allows a new version of a row to be created

whenever the row is updated, as opposed to overwriting the row, i.e., a row is

additionally identified by the ID of the transaction that created the version of

the row. Both the old as well as the new versions of the row are stored and

maintained, though the old versions are moved out of the database into a

system database identified as Tempdb. When a row is in the process of being

updated, any other requests are not blocked (unlike locking) but are executed

on the older version of the row. If the other request is an update statement, it


Page 31: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)will result in two different versions of the rows - both of them will be stored by

the database, identified by their respective transaction IDs. 

Data retrieval

The main mode of retrieving data from an SQL Server database is querying for

it. The query is expressed using a variant of SQL called T-SQL, a dialect

Microsoft SQL Server shares with Sybase SQL Server due to its legacy. The

query declaratively specifies what is to be retrieved. It is processed by the

query processor, which figures out the sequence of steps that will be necessary

to retrieve the requested data. The sequence of actions necessary to execute a

query is called a query plan. There might be multiple ways to process the same

query. For example, for a query that contains a join statement and a select

statement, executing join on both the tables and then executing select on the

results would give the same result as selecting from each table and then

executing the join, but result in different execution plans. In such case, SQL

Server chooses the plan that is supposed to yield the results in the shortest

possible time. This is called query optimization and is performed by the query

processor itself. 

SQL Server includes a cost-based query optimizer which tries to optimize on

the cost, in terms of the resources it will take to execute the query. Given a

query, the query optimizer looks at the database schema, the database statistics


Page 32: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)and the system load at that time. It then decides which sequence to access the

tables referred in the query, which sequence to execute the operations and

what access method to be used to access the tables. For example, if the table

has an associated index, whether the index should be used or not - if the index

is on a column which is not unique for most of the columns (low "selectivity"),

it might not be worthwhile to use the index to access the data. Finally, it

decides whether to execute the query concurrently or not. While a concurrent

execution is more costly in terms of total processor time, because the

execution is actually split to different processors might mean it will execute

faster. Once a query plan is generated for a query, it is temporarily cached. For

further invocations of the same query, the cached plan is used. Unused plans

are discarded after some time. 

SQL Server also allows stored procedures to be defined. Stored procedures are

parameterized T-SQL queries, that are stored in the server itself (and not

issued by the client application as is the case with general queries). Stored

procedures can accept values sent by the client as input parameters, and send

back results as output parameters. They can also call other stored procedures,

and can be selectively provided access to. Unlike other queries, stored

procedures have an associated name, which is used at runtime to resolve into

the actual queries. Also because the code need not be sent from the client


Page 33: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)every time (as it can be accessed by name), it reduces network traffic and

somewhat improves performance. Execution plans for stored procedures are

also cached as necessary.  


Main article: SQL CLR

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 includes a component named SQL CLR via which

it integrates with PHP Framework. Unlike most other applications that use

Framework, SQL Server itself hosts the PHPFramework runtime, i.e.,

memory, threading and resource management requirements of PHPFramework

are satisfied by SQLOS itself, rather than the underlying Windows operating

system. SQLOS provides deadlock detection and resolution services for

PHPcode as well. With SQL CLR, stored procedures and triggers can be

written in any managed PHPlanguage, including C# and VB.NET. Managed

code can also be used to define UDTs which can be persisted in the database.

Managed code is compiled to PHPassemblies and after being verified for type

safety, registered at the database. After that, they can be invoked like any other

procedure.[24] However, only a subset of the Base Class Library is available,

when running code under SQL CLR. Most APIs relating to user interface

functionality are not available. 


Page 34: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)When writing code for SQL CLR, data stored in SQL Server databases can be

accessed using the PHPMYADMIN APIs like any other managed application

that accesses SQL Server data. However, doing that creates a new database

session, different from the one in which the code is executing. To avoid this,

SQL Server provides some enhancements to the PHPMYADMIN provider that

allows the connection to be redirected to the same session which already hosts

the running code. Such connections are called context connections and are set

by setting context connection parameter to true in the connection string. SQL

Server also provides several other enhancements to the PHPMYADMIN API,

including classes to work with tabular data or a single row of data as well as

classes to work with internal metadata about the data stored in the database. It

also provides access to the XML features in SQL Server, including XQuery

support. These enhancements are also available in T-SQL Procedures in

consequence of the introduction of the new XML Datatype (query,value,nodes



SQL Server also includes an assortment of add-on services. While these are

not essential for the operation of the database system, these provide value

added services on top of the core database management system. These services

either run as a part of some SQL Server component or out-of-process as

Windows Service and presents their own API to control and interact with


 Service Broker

The Service Broker, which runs as a part of the database engine, provides a

reliable messaging and message queuing platform for SQL Server applications.

Used inside an instance, it is used to provide an asynchronous programming

environment. For cross instance applications, Service Broker communicates


Page 35: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)over TCP/IP and allows the different components to be synchronized together,

via exchange of messages.  ………………………………………………

 Replication Services

SQL Server Replication Services are used by SQL Server to replicate and

synchronize database objects, either in entirety or a subset of the objects

present, across replication agents, which might be other database servers

across the network, or database caches on the client side. Replication follows a

publisher/subscriber model, i.e., the changes are sent out by one database

server ("publisher") and are received by others ("subscribers"). SQL Server

supports three different types of replication: 

Transaction replication

Each transaction made to the publisher database (master database) is synced

out to subscribers, who update their databases with the transaction.

Transactional replication synchronizes databases in near real time.

Merge replication

Changes made at both the publisher and subscriber databases are tracked, and

periodically the changes are synchronized bi-directionally between the

publisher and the subscribers. If the same data has been modified differently in

both the publisher and the subscriber databases, synchronization will result in a

conflict which has to be resolved - either manually or by using pre-defined



Page 36: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Snapshot replication

Snapshot replication published a copy of the entire database (the then-snapshot

of the data) and replicates out to the subscribers. Further changes to the

snapshot are not tracked.

Analysis Services

Main article: SQL Server Analysis Services

SQL Server Analysis Services adds OLAP and data mining capabilities for

SQL Server databases. The OLAP engine supports MOLAP, ROLAP and

HOLAP storage modes for data. Analysis Services supports the XML for

Analysis standard as the underlying communication protocol. The cube data

can be accessed using MDX queries. Data mining specific functionality is

exposed via the DMX query language. Analysis Services includes various

algorithms - Decision trees, clustering algorithm, Naive Bayes algorithm, time

series analysis, sequence clustering algorithm, linear and logistic regression

analysis, and neural networks - for use in data mining. 


Reporting Services

Main article: SQL Server Reporting Services

SQL Server Reporting Services is a report generation environment for data

gathered from SQL Server databases. It is administered via a web interface.

Reporting services features a web services interface to support the

development of custom reporting applications. Reports are created as RDL



Page 37: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Reports can be designed using recent versions of PHP with Business

Intelligence Development Studio, installed or with the included Report

Builder. Once created, RDL files can be rendered in a variety of formats

including Excel, PDF, CSV, XML, TIFF (and other image formats, and HTML

Web Archive. 

Notification Services

Main article: SQL Server Notification Services

Originally introduced as a post-release add-on for SQL Server 2000,

Notification Services was bundled as part of the Microsoft SQL Server

platform for the first and only time with SQL Server 2005.with Sql Server

2005, SQL Server Notification Services is a mechanism for generating data-

driven notifications, which are sent to Notification Services subscribers. A

subscriber registers for a specific event or transaction (which is registered on

the database server as a trigger); when the event occurs, Notification Services

can use one of three methods to send a message to the subscriber informing

about the occurrence of the event. These methods include SMTP, SOAP, or by

writing to a file in the file system. …………………………………………  


Integration Services

Main article: SQL Server Integration Services

SQL Server Integration Services is used to integrate data from different data

sources. It is used for the ETL capabilities for SQL Server for data

warehousing needs. Integration Services includes GUI tools to build data

extraction workflows integration various functionality such as extracting data


Page 38: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)from various sources, querying data, transforming data including aggregating,

duplication and merging data, and then loading the transformed data onto other

sources, or sending e-mails detailing the status of the operation. 


Full Text Search Service

Main article: SQL Server Full Text Search

 The SQL Server Full Text Search service architectureSQL Server Full Text

Search service is a specialized indexing and querying service for unstructured

text stored in SQL Server databases. The full text search index can be created

on any column with character based text data. It allows for words to be

searched for in the text columns. While it can be performed with the SQL

LIKE operator, using SQL Server Full Text Search service can be more

efficient. Full Text Search (FTS) allows for inexact matching of the source

string, indicated by a Rank value which can range from 0 to 1000 - a higher

rank means a more accurate match. It also allows linguistic matching

("inflectional search"), i.e., linguistic variants of a word (such as a verb in a

different tense) will also be a match for a given word (but with a lower rank

than an exact match). Proximity searches are also supported, i.e., if the words

searched for do not occur in the sequence they are specified in the query but

are near each other, they are also considered a match. T-SQL exposes special

operators that can be used to access the FTS capabilities. 

The Full Text Search engine is divided into two processes - the Filter Daemon

process (msftefd.exe) and the Search process (msftesql.exe). These processes

interact with the SQL Server. The Search process includes the indexer (that

creates the full text indexes) and the full text query processor. The indexer


Page 39: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)scans through text columns in the database. It can also index through binary

columns, and use iFilters to extract meaningful text from the binary blob (for

example, when a Microsoft Word document is stored as an unstructured binary

file in a database). The iFilters are hosted by the Filter Daemon process. Once

the text is extracted, the Filter Daemon process breaks it up into a sequence of

words and hands it over to the indexer. The indexer filters out noise words,

i.e., words like A, And etc, which occur frequently and are not useful for

search. With the remaining words, an inverted index is created, associating

each word with the columns they were found in. SQL Server itself includes a

Gatherer component that monitors changes to tables and invokes the indexer in

case of updates. 

When a full text query is received by the SQL Server query processor, it is

handed over to the FTS query processor in the Search process. The FTS query

processor breaks up the query into the constituent words, filters out the noise

words, and uses an inbuilt thesaurus to find out the linguistic variants for each

word. The words are then queried against the inverted index and a rank of their

accurateness is computed. The results are returned to the client via the SQL

Server process . ……………………………………………………………..


Page 40: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) Tools   Used For Development

Software Requirement:

Front End PHPBack End MySql

Operating System Windows Xp, NT/LinuxWeb Server Apache

Designing Tools MarcoMedia Dreamweaver

Hardware Requirements:


Page 41: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) The following are the Hardware Requirements for developing web portal ‘Job Seeker’:

Number Description Required Capacity Recommended

1.Processor 600 MHz processor 1 gigahertz (GHz)


2. RAM 256 Mb 512 Mb

3. Operating System

Windows XP, NT

Or Linux

Windows XP Professional x64

Any GUI Linux Distribution

4. Video 800 X 600, 256 colors 1024 X 768, High Color 16-bit

5. MouseMicrosoft mouse or compatible pointing



Combo CD/DVD ROMLG / Samsung/ Sony


Page 42: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)  Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

0 Level DFD

1st Level DFD:



Job Portal Website Login

2.Select the Job Type and City3.

Submit the Resume



New User Master

Login Detail

Job Type Master

Job According to City

Relevant Job Information

User personal Detail

Page 43: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)


New User 1.New User

Registration form

1.1Record All

User Details

1.2Record to the

job type

1.3Select the Job


1.4New Company


New User Master

Job Type Master

2.New company


Company Information

Job Submit

3.Submit the Job

3.2Submit the job according to technology

3.1Submit the job according to


Show all jobs


All jobs according to type and city

Relevant Data

Company Information

2nd Level DFD

Page 44: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)


Table “ login ”

Field 1 Field 2email passvarchar(50) varchar(50)

Table “ newuser “

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6username

email pass repass ques ans







Table ProfessionalInfo:

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8ExpinYear


SalinLakh SalinThousand

Indus Funcarea Jobrole keyskill

Numeric(18, 0)


Numeric(18, 0)

numeric(18, 0)





Table all jobs:

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6

Field 7

Field 8







Table companyField 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8

Id email name phone fax city state typevarchar(50)








Table currentemloyerInfo

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7Current

employerdesign frommont

hfromyear tomonth toyear Jobprofile

varchar(MAX) varchar(50)

varchar(50) numeric(18, 0)

varchar(50) numeric(18, 0)



Page 45: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

Table EducationalInfo

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4degree specelization institute Yearofgrad

varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) numeric(18, 0)

Table resumes

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3email headline filename

varchar(50) varchar(MAX) varchar(50)

Table PersonalInfo:Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7


pass name email date month year

varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) numeric(18, 0)

varchar(50) numeric(18, 0)

Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 11 Field 2state city Mobile areacode landline

varchar(50) varchar(50) numeric(18, 0) numeric(18, 0) numeric(18, 0)

Table submitjobField 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5code name skill ldate Package

varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(MAX) datetime varchar(50)

Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10type exp reallocate city state

varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50)


Page 46: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

User View

Home Page view :

Login Form –


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Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)



Page 48: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

Job seeker registration :


Page 49: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

Job Posting Registration :


Page 50: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)


Page 51: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

Employee Recruiter :


Page 52: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

View Resume :


Page 53: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

Contact us :


Page 54: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)


Problem definition


Page 55: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)The basic aim of problem definition is to obtain a clear understanding of needs

of clients and users, what exactly is desired from the software and what are the

constraints on the solution.

In this project sites which provide platform for jobseekers is our client and the

jobseekers and companies will be the user of the software.

The aim of developing this project is to auto mate the functioning of the

resumes submission and maintaining them and also provide the information of

the recruitment by companies.

They wants to fully computerize the works of recruitment, through they will be

able to manage the database of various companies.

This system provides the ease to the user so that they can easily get the

information of vacancies and their requirements sitting at a place and

companies can also recruit online and can communicate with users.

All these factors play an important role in job seeking and recruiting. 

Requirement Analysis


Page 56: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)The final output of the software is based upon requirement analysis and


For smaller problems that can be comprehended the specification activity

might come after the entire analysis is completed.

However it is more likely that problem analysis and specification are done


All the information for a specification comes from analysis, here is the very

Important concept comes that is SRS(System Requirement Specification)that

defines each and everything on which client and developer relies so we can say

that it is a deal document which defines the complete system requirements that

user wants and functionality according to the client. Developer develops

software with keeping in mind the SRS points.

Company name and their registration id.

User name and their information.

Details about vacancies.

 Searching Method


Page 57: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) According company name

By technology

By company name

By company status

By user name first/last

By qualification

By date/experience


Waterfall Model

The simplest model is the waterfall model, which states that the phases are

organized in linear order. In a typical model, a project begins with feasibility

analysis. On successfully demonstrating the feasibility of a project, the

requirement analysis and project planning begins.

The design starts after the requirement analysis is complete, and coding begins

after the design is complete. Once the programming is completed, the code is

integrated and testing is done. On successful completion of testing the system

is installed.After the regular operation and maintenance if the system takes


Linear modeling of activities has some important consequences: First, to

clearly identify the end of phase and the beginning of the next, some


Page 58: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)certification mechanism has tobe employed at the end of the each phase. This

is usually done by some verification and validation. 

 There are two basic assumptions for justifying the linear ordering of phases.

Here two basic assumptions for justifying the linear ordering of phases in the

manner proposed by the waterfall model.

A successful software product is one that satisfies all the objectives of the

development project. These objectives include satisfying the requirements and

performing the development within time and cost constraints.

For many projects, the linear ordering of these phases is clearly the optimum

way to organize thee activities. 

Limitations of Waterfall Model:

A large project might take a few years to complete. It’s a document driven

process that requires formal documents at the end of each phase.

No backtracking is possible.

This model assumes that the requirements of a system can be frozen before the

design begins but for some systems, it is impossible. 

Analysis of Proposed System:


Page 59: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Online job portal website is a distributed project. Projects can be categorized

in two ways:

1. Local area network projects

2. Distributed projects

Local area network projects are those projects where applications has to be in

cooperated in the local area network of the client i.e. with n its premises only.

In LAN cases, server is not remotely located and client access this application

through this network. Here the question of platform independence does not

arise and we use technologies like: Visual Basic, FoxPro, D2K or C and C++.

But distributed projects are those projects where application is remotely

situated. In these kind of projects application is remotely situated on to the

remote server from where client machine connects to the remote server and

application is downloaded on to client machine. Here the question platform

independence arises and we use technologies like ASP.Net. 

 Data Gathering:

This project is a Business to Consumer and is a well-commercial site of

property which serves Indians and others, with a variety of property. 

Business System Elements:

1. Objective: The system analyst must be aware of exactly what the user

requires room a specific system. That is management goals or objectives

must be fully understood.


Page 60: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)2. Constraints: The analyst and the user must both recognize any

limitations or constraints that may be imposed when the analyst is

designing a computerized system. Some types are:

Legal constraints

Budgetary constraints

Equipment constraints

3. Controls: The user must familiarize the analyst with the ways in which

errors are minimized under the current system.

4. Input: All the data that server as their basis for, desired output must be

studied where all data used for processing originates. How often is each

type of input generate? If there are code or abbreviations used for input

does the analyst have complete list of these. What happens to input

document after has been processed?

5. Processing: The analyst must then analyze the processing or type of the

operations that are currently performed in order to achieve the desired


Feasibility Report  


Page 61: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Depending on the results of the initial investigation the survey is expanded to a

more detailed feasibility study. A feasibility studies test of system proposal

according to its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user

need and effective use of the resources.

There are six distinct but inter-related types of feasibility study:

Technical feasibility

Operational feasibility

Economic feasibility

Social feasibility

Management feasibility

Time feasibility

1. Technical feasibility: this is concerned with specifying equipment and

software that will successfully satisfy the user requirement. The

technical need of the system may vary considerably.

o The facility to produce outputs in a given time.

o Response tome under certain condition.

o Ability to process a certain volume of transaction at a particular


o Facility to communicate data to distant location.

2. Operational feasibility: It is mainly related to human organizational

and political aspects. The points to be considered are :

o What change will be brought with the system?

o What new skills would be required?

o If not, can they be trained in due respect of time?


Page 62: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)3. Economic feasibility: Economic analysis is the most frequently used

technique for evaluating the effectiveness of a proposed system. More

commonly known as cost/benefit analysis.

The procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected

from a proposed system and compare them with costs. It benefits

overweigh cost; a decision is taken to design and implement the system.

Otherwise, further justification or alterations are made to have proposed

system approved.

4. Social feasibility: Social feasibility is a determination of whether a

proposed system will be acceptable to the people or not. This

determination typically examines the probability of the project being

accepted by the group directly affected by the proposed system change.

5. Management feasibility: it is determination if weather a proposed

system will be acceptable to management. If management does not

accept a project or gives negligible support to it, the analyst will tend to

view the project as the non-feasible one.

6. Time feasibility: It is a determination of whether a proposed system can

be implemented fully within a stipulated time frame. If a project takes

too much time it is likely to be rejected.


Testing Methodologies:


Page 63: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Testing is generally done at two levels- Testing of individual modules and

testing of the entire system (System Testing). During systems testing, the

system is used experimentally to ensure that the software does not fail, i.e. that

it will return according to its specifications and in the way users expect.

Special test data are input for processing, and the results examined. A limited

number of uses may be allowed to use the system and depends on it.

Testing is done throughout systems development at various stages (not just at

the end). It is always a good practice to test the system at many different levels

at various intervals, that is, sub systems, program modules as work progresses

and finally the system as a whole. If this is not done, then the poorly tested

system can fail after installation. As you may already have gathered, testing is

very tedious and time consuming job. For attest to be successful tester, should

try and make program fail. The tester maybe an analyst, programmer or

specialist trained in software testing. One should try and find areas in which

program can fail. Each test case is designed with the intent of finding errors in

the way the system will process it. Through testing of programs do not

guarantee the reliability of systems. It is assure that the system runs error free. 

Unit testing:

This involves the tests carried out on modules programs, which make up a

system. This is also called as a Program Testing. The units in a system are the

modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to perform a specific

function. In a large system, many modules at different levels are needed. Unit

testing focuses on the modules, indecently of one another, to locate errors. The


Page 64: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)programs should be tested for correctness of logic applied and should detect

errors in coding.

For examples in the “Online Web Consultancy” system, feeding the system

with all combinations of data should test all the calculations. Valid and invalid

data should be created and the programs should be made to process the data to

catch errors. In the “Online Web Consultancy” system, the phone no consists

of digits, so during testing one should ensure that the programs do not accept

anything other than a digit code for the Phone No. Another e.g. for the valid

and invalid data check is that , in case digit no is entered during the entry of

transaction, and that number foes not exists in the master file, or if the number

entered is an exit case, then the programs should not allow the entry of such

cases. All dates that are entered should be validated. No program should accept

invalidates. The checks that are needed to be incorporated are: in the month of

Feb the date cannot be more than 29.

For the months having 30 days no one should not be allowed to enter 31. All

conditions present in the program should be tested. Before proceeding one

must make sure that all the programs are working properly.  

Module testing:


Page 65: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Receiving complaints:

This module keeps of all the complaints received from the customer. Once the

customer login he/she has to select the category under which the complaint is

going to be submitted.

If the customer foes not know to which category the complaint belongs then

the customer can use the search engine which requires a keyword present in

the complaint to be submitted for searching. If any match is found then the

relevant category to which the complaint belongs is displayed to the customer.

So the customer can submit the complaint under the specified category. If no

match is found for the keyword submitted for the search then the customer is

allowed to submit the complaint under the miscellaneous complaints.

Once the category is selected there are two ways of submitting complaints.

Each category will contain predefined complaints. If the customer complaint is

already present as predefined complaint then the customer can select the

specified complaint. If the customer complaint is not present in the predefined

complaints then customer can customize submit the own complaints. Once the

system receives the customized complaints from the customer it automatically

generates a complaint number and it displays the complaint number to the

customer which is to be used by the customer for future verification for that

particular complaint.

Processing Complaints:


Page 66: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)This module keeps track of all the complaints that are processed by the

customer support representative. Once the customer support representative

logins, the customer support representative is allowed to review all the

complaints received under the particular category and the status is unsolved.

Once the customer support representative views the entire unsolved complaints

customer support representative can get complaints which have to be solved.

Once customer support representative request for a complaint the distribution

engine distributes the complaints synchronously. The distribution engine does

not distribute the same complaint for more than one customer support

representative. Once the distribution engine distributes a complaint to

customer support representative the status of the complaint is changed from

unsolved to processing. The customer support representative can perform some

functions according to the complaint received from the distribution engine.

Once the customer support representative receives a valid complaint then the

customer support representative is bound to give the solution by verifying

various customer records. The customer support representative can use the

search engine which is used to retrieve the customer records based on the date.

The complaints are solved by the customer support representative based on the

rules and strategies that are already deployed in the system.

Black box testing:


Page 67: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of

proposed system, since no system could be useful if it does not produce the

require output in specified format. The outputs generated or displayed by the

system under consideration are tested by asking the user about the format

require by them. Hence the output format is considered in to ways-one is on

screen and another in printed format.


Page 68: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)Conclusion

Working on the project was good experience. I understand the importance of

planning and designing as a part of software development. But its very

difficult to complete the program for single person.

Developing the project has helped me some experience on real time

development procedure.


Page 69: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)

The application developed is design in such away that any further

enhancement can be done with ease. The system has the capability for easy

integration with other system. New modules can be added to the existing

system with less effort.

Currently, the only way for the training department to know about their

efforts on training programs conducted is the feedbacks send towards them by

the participants. The drawback which persists in this procedure is that the

department should blindly believe on the comments they have received from

the participants. an enhanced way to receive the feedback of the training given

is to conduct an online examination based on the training program. The

training department can later evaluate the results get a clear cut idea on their

efforts on training programs conducted.

Providing extra facilities can enhance the planning module. One of them is the

provision for communication with the resource managers. Currently while

planning the personal checks for the resource availability in a manual way. a

well consistent communication facility can be provided between the system

develop and the resources available. They will help a lot for the planning

personal to know whether the resources are free or not at the time of planning


Page 70: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal)itself. If the venue for the training program is not vacant the planning personal

can then go for another one which is vacant. Currently the system does not

have any control on the monitory details the system can be facilitated to have a

control on monitory detail.



Page 71: Job Site

Job Seeker (Online Job Portal) The system can be used by only the literate persons

The system has been developed for seeking the job and recruiting

through websites.

Lack of effective monitoring system.

Slow information exchange between user and company.

Lack of decision support system for long term and strategic planning.

Generation of report take time.


