
Dont let bitterness and discouragement set the tone for your life. God is saying, W ipe away the tears and get back in the game. You don t have to live your life angry. Just relax and let God be God. If we take responsibility for our lives, it can often be a shocking experience b ecause suddenly we have no one to blame! -Joyce Even when its difficult, remember that the same winds trying to defeat you are th e winds God will use to push you to a new level Get your hopes up. Raise your expectations. Your best days are still in front of you. God has perfect timing...Never early...never late...It takes a little patience.. .It takes a lot of faith As you reflect on the events of last year, remember, the storms you have encount ered have only made you stronger. You are wiser, you are more alive, and you are headed for victory. Your brightest days are right out in front of you! Always r emember that with God on your side, nothing can hold you back! In order to live the "higher life," we must be willing to die to the "lower lif e." When we fall down, God is always there to pick us back up. God has seen what you have been through, every tear youve shed. He knows the disa ppointment, the heartache you feel, and this is not the end. Its a new beginning. God knows how to change peoples hearts. He promises that one day those who hurt y ou will reach out and shake your hand. Remember, you are not here by accident; you are here on purpose, for a purpose. Don t label yourself below the potential that God has set for you. How great is His goodness that He has stored up for you! Thats the future God has for you! Wea r that label! Ps 31:19. When negative thoughts come, dont let them take root. Switch over into faith and say, Gods goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. Shake off the negative comments. What people say about you doesnt determine who y ou are. Keep your head held high, and God will promote you in spite of what they said. Youre never too old, or too young, to do something amazing with God. You may not see anything happening, but be assured, Almighty God is not only awa re, but He is at work. He already has the solution. If youll just keep moving forward, being the best that you can be, God will give you favor and cause people to want to be good to you. Even though life is not always fair, God is fair. If youll keep your trust in Him and not get bitter, God has promised He will pay you back for every unfair thin g that has happened As long as you have asked God to forgive you, and you are pressing forward in th e direction He wants you to go, you can know with confidence that God is pleased with you. Get ready. God is saying, Its going to happen sooner than you think. I am shifting things in your favor. Youre going to come into acceleration. The abundant life begins today by embracing what you have and being thankful for it! Anytime you dont know what to do or how to do it, remember, God does. Love is pure... It bears no grudge, does not seek revenge and sees the best You cant go through the day thinking negative thoughts and expect to live in vict ory. Your life follows your thoughts. If you want to enjoy life, you have to let God be God. God can do amazing things in your life when you seek Him firs If you want a testimony, you are going to have a test Don t waste your strength & energy on something that you don t have to! The Lord will fight YOUR battles - give it over to HIM! People may disappoint us, they may let us down, but God will never let us down! Praise Him because He is faithful! Is there something you want to change in your life? Start by seeing yourself the

way God sees you. When you reach the end of your strength and resources, thats when God begins with His strength and resources. Quit worrying about the people who are trying to hold you back. God knows how to move the wrong people out of your life and bring the right people in. Make good choices right now. Discipline doesn t always feel good but later on it yields a harvest in our lives if we make right choices. God will never ask you to do something and not give you the ability to do it. Thank God for what He has already done. Be strong and confident, knowing that th e answer is on the way. Dont get ahead of God! Instead of worrying about tomorrow, just take the steps yo u need to take today. God requires us to love people even when we dont like them. Joyce When you live with an attitude of praise and thanksgiving, you are shielding you rself from the attacks of the enemy. You cant do it in your own strength, but God is all-powerful. Theres no limit to H im. So ask God to make a way even though you cant see a way.

You may feel that you are trapped in a rut, but there s hope! God wants to resto re your sense of value. - Joel Osteen To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart. Don t let anyone squeeze you i nto a mold. You may not see a way, but God has a way. He has already lined up everything you need to live in victory. Not everyone is relevant to your purpose. Don t spend time making irrelevant peo ple relevant. Your critics may be laughing now, but know this: God is faithful. In the end, yo u will have the last laugh. Even though life is not always fair, God is fair. If youll keep your trust in Him and not get bitter, God has promised He will pay you back for every unfair thin g that has happened. Keep praying and watch God turn your mess into a miracle! You may not see anything happening, but be assured, Almighty God is not only awa re, but He is at work. He already has the solution. Your opposition may be stronger and better equipped, but when God opens up His f loodgates, theyll be no match for you. If we won t forgive people, we have no right to ask God to forgive us. If you foster an image of defeat and failure, then you re going to live that kin d of life. Say today: I can do whatever God asks me to do through Christ who gives me stren gth. The moment you asked for forgiveness, God forgave you. Now do your part and leav e the guilt behind. Remember: God s presence is with you all the time. We don t have to go looking f or God, He is there. It s easy to make excuses. When God asks us to do something we just need to do i t! You need to get ready; not for a trickle, not a stream, but a flood of Gods favor , a tidal wave of Gods goodness. You are full of potential. You are overflowing with creativity. Theres nothing in your heart that you cannot accomplish. If your situation isnt changing, God may be using it to change you and bring you to a higher level. God is a sovereign God. His plan for us is always good, but His plan may be diff

erent than our own plan. No one should be satisfied with a mediocre, barely-get-along kind of life. God h as a great plan for you! Read more: Holding grudges and blaming are acts of the ego, while surrender and forgiveness are acts of the Divine. Let go of disapproval and know that God will send people who celebrate your tale nts, your personality, and your accomplishments. If their name isn t GOD, their opinion doesn t matter and their approval isn t n eeded. Don t waste a lifetime trying to convince someone to love or like you! Go where u are celebrated & not tolerated! When you spend time with God, just be yourself and be comfortable in His presenc e. As long as youre sincere, He will hear. Let God help you release any unforgiveness that s keeping you down and start foc using on new possibilities. God wants you to live free! God will shut a door because He has something better for u! Don t try to force o pen what is to be closed off! One of the worst things you can do is have a heart full of unforgiveness. God has promised that He will use whatever comes into our lives for our good. Be at peace. When you honor God, when youre good to people, and kind, compassionate and mercif ul, His blessings will come looking for you. You are not what you feelyou are what you believe. Your feelings will catch up if you re steadfast in your belief. Our relationship with God should not just be a Sunday event. You may not be able to do this in your own strength, but thats okay. When you are weak, He is strong. When you dont see a way, God has a way. When you thank God in spite of your situation He prepares the way for your deliv erance! Ps 50:23 God knew exactly what He was doing when He created YOU! Give yourself permission to glow. After all, no one else has the authority to do this for you. Your good is happening right now, even as you accept this statement of truth. We can change. By the grace of God, we can begin making right choices and develo ping new habits that will bring us the life we desire. God is a God of multiplication. What you have may be small right now, but its not going to stay small. Youre going to come into increase. Every time you make a choice to do the right thing, the next time it gets a litt le easier. Get ready. Because you have been faithful and honored God, He is going to put yo u in a position you could have never gotten to on your own. If you stay busy thinking about right things, the devil wont be able to fill your mind with wrong things. Will you say this today? "This is the day that my life begins to turn around!" 80% of success is just showing up. Keep getting up in the morning and doing what you know to do and God will show up! Your situation can be impossiblebut when you prayyou are connecting with the God o f the impossible! We can handle just about anything if we take life one day at a time. One of the greatest prayers you can pray is, God, have Your way in me. The more you talk about your problems, the more unhappy you will make yourself. With God, your path shines brighter & brighter. Today is already designed to be better than yesterday. God is merciful whether it was your fault or somebody elses fault. Dont waste time trying to make people like you. You are one of a kind and you hav e something great to offer! No action goes unnoticed.

You were never created to reach a certain level and then plateau. You were creat ed to excel. God will make your wrongs right. He wants to repay you for every unfairness. He is a God of justice. Before you were born, God stamped His approval on you. Be secure in who God made you to be. God will not allow any person to keep you from your destiny. They may be bigger, stronger and more powerful, but God knows how to get you to where youre supposed to be. Say "no" to the world and "yes" to God. It is God who gives us countless blessings. God not only wants to bless you, He wants to sustain your blessings! You were created to excel. Theres no limit to how high you can go in life. Keep s tretching to the next level. You will have happy days. God will turn your darkness around. He will give you b eauty for ashes, joy for mourning. God may not remove your challenge, but He will use it to your advantage. When you begin to see yourself as God created youyou will start to understand you r real purpose and your God-given destiny. As long as you have breath, you have a purpose. Everything God ever asks you to do, even if its difficult, He asks because He has something great in mind for you. You are not ordinary. You didnt come off an assembly line. You werent mass-produce d. There will never be another you! You are a Masterpiece! erpiece Pray about everythingfear nothing! If youre going to do anything great for God, you have to take chances. You have t o be courageous! God is with youyou are never alone. You are His beloved. God sometimes wants to shut a door completely before He can open doors to new po ssibilities. Maybe you have had some doors close in your life. In spite of every thing, know that God is stirring you to accomplish His purpose in your life. God knows what it takes to bring order back to your life. Trust Him. Hes working on something and when Hes done, everything around you will be made better No matter what life throws your way, fight for your dreams. It may be taking a l ong time, but God still has a plan to bring it to pass. It s never too late! You r time is coming. Love, Lisa The closer you are to God, the more strength you ll have the do the right thing and say no to the wrong thing. God is not looking for someone with a perfect performance, but someone with a ri ght heart. When we no longer have to impress people, but are living to please God, we will have freedom to be who God created us to be & enjoy life. Youve got an edge. One touch of Gods favor can turn everything around in your life . The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world. ~Marianne Williamson You are not an accident. God has given you the right gifts, the right talent, th e right personality. You have the courage, the strength, the ability you need. Like pulling weeds from a garden, forgiveness isnt a one-time event. Do it whenev er necessary! If God did it for you once, He will do it for you again. Youve seen Gods goodness in the past; now see it in the future. If you re too busy for God, then it s time to change your schedule. You may be getting older, but you can still get there. All is not lost. You can still get there youve still got what it takes to make it.

You may not feel qualified, but when God breathed life into you, He equipped you , empowered you and anointed you. Don t worry about what everyone else is doing, worry about doing what God asked you to do. God made you with a purpose, with a destiny to fulfill. Do your best to bring ho nor to Him. Its not enough to just pray. Its not enough to just believe. You have to demonstra te your faith. Choose to do what is right no matter how you may feel. There is nobody else in the universe like you, no one else with your gifts, your style, your wisdom, your exact perspective. Give yourself and your worries to God, and begin enjoying the abundant life He h as planned for you! Gods says, "If you ll take the limits off of Me, I ll amaze you with My goodness . As soon as you have a problem, make a decision to say: I trust God. Faith is believing that God told you the truth. You are more than a conqueror, b lessed and highly favored...Whatever you believe-you become. Pro. 23:7 @TheGodLight: At the centre of your being, you hold the answer to every question , so why look outside when you are part of the answer." Bad memories will play the most often, but just because the memory comes up does nt mean you have to watch it. Change the channel. There is not one life that doesnt add tremendous value to the whole. Before you judge someone else, stop and think about all that God has forgiven yo u for.

You must take what God gives you and make the very most of it. Dont sit around th inking, why did this happen to me?

The opposition may be powerful, but don t be afraid. For there are more on your side than on theirs. God has you SURROUNDED! 2 Kings 6:16 Nothing can stop the plan of God for your life. God has already declared the end from the beginning. He says, I will bring it to pass. I have purposed it. I wil l also do it. ( Isa. 46: 10-11) God made you with a purpose, with a destiny to fulfill. Do your best to bring ho nor to Him. We have to get rid of excuses, no matter why you are the way you are, don t let it be an excuse to stay that way. God is not looking for sacrifices, He s looking for obedience. Ordinary prayers will get you ordinary results. Radical faith will get you radic al results! When life deals you a tough blow, dont be bitter. Recognize that you are a prime candidate for God to show His favor and goodness through. Faith is about trusting God even when you dont understand His plan.

With God there is no limit to what you can do. There is no obstacle you cant over come. Through Him, all things are possible. God s not going to do everything for us, but we can t do anything without Him. Commit to an inspired vision that demands you be the biggest, best you that you ca n possibly be. Life is too short to hang around cynical people. Find people who will believe in your dreams and celebrate your victories. Its good to ask for your needs, but today I challenge you to ask for your dreams. Learn to accept yourself. See yourself as God sees you. His love is unconditiona l. When trouble comes, always remember God is still there, He s working, and He has a plan for you. Make room for what God wants to do in your life today. If you want Gods results, do things Gods way! Believe what God says about you, not what people say about you. Within each painful experience lie seeds of wisdom and the opportunity for new b eginnings. People have the right to their opinion, and you have the right to ignore it. There is no limit to what you can do. There is no obstacle you cant overcome. The Lord is your provider. When those negative thoughts come remind them of this: God already has plans for you. Plans for good and not disaster, to give you a bright future and a hope. { Jer. 29:11}

You may feel unqualified, insecure or overwhelmed by life, but God sees you as s trong, talented and a victor. God has already given you the power to break free from all the things that have held you back. The best way to get along with people is to not expect them to be like you. -Joy ce Every time we are blaming, we are casting ourselves in the role of the victim & somebody else in the role of the victimizer. With one small shift from God, what shouldve taken you 40 years to accomplish, Go d will do in a split second. Release your faith. God is shifting things in your favor. Hes moving the wrong pe ople out and the right people in.

Be willing to go the extra mile to maintain peace. Before we can experience the pure state of love, we must learn how to give forgi veness - to ourselves & to others We should be slow to anger and quick to forgive, not quick to anger and slow to forgive. -Joyce God is a God who restores all things! Restoration means: to give back something that has been taken away or lost to bring back to a former or normal condition

to put back in place, position, or rank to bring back to health and strength! Your circumstances dont determine your destiny. When you want to see the mountain in your life removed - PRAY!!! God wants to use you in spite of your weaknesses. If God chose to use perfect pe ople only, Hed have no one to use. You may not feel like you deserve it, you may not feel worthy, but understand th at Christ took your guilt so that you can be free. Stop comparing yourself to other people; you are an original. We are all differe nt and it s okay. You can feel afraid, but you don t have to be afraidGod is with you. God will restore the years that have been lost. Dont dwell on the past. Look to w hat you will recover. Joel 2:25 You cannot see everything as negative and expect to live a positive, happy life. You may have failed, but Gods mercy never fails. The warrior often discovers their true destiny on the path they try to avoid tak ing. You ve got what it takes. God never asks us to do something He hasn t already eq uipped us to do. Taking responsibility means taking ownership. You are closest to your victory when you face the greatest opposition. Dont take Gods favor for granted. He is the source of all good things in your life Part of trusting God means trusting Him when things dont make sense. Know that Hi s plan is always for your good! When you remain peaceful, the devil doesn t know what to do with you. If you want to be a rich person, or become a richer person, dont let the poor per son inside of you do your talking When you feel intimidated, remind yourself that you have the DNA of Almighty God . Demonstrate your faith by taking bold steps to move toward what God has put in y our heart. If you get your mind going in the right direction, your life will go in the righ t direction. God has every intention of bringing to pass every dream and every promise He has put in your heart. If you re not at peace with yourself, you can t be at peace with anyone else.

Do you really have too much to do, or, are you trying to do too much? Stand in the present moment, and declare yourself complete

Quit worrying about people who are trying to hold you back. God will not allow a nyone to keep you from your destiny.

The truth of the matter is, no one knows your destiny except God. People may see your potential but no one can get you there except God.

God promises to take even the worst of situations and turn it around for our goo d and the good of others. No matter what things explode in your life, God is goi ng to be there. God s got a hold on YOU! Love, Lisa Don t be full of yourself. Instead, be full of God! No obstacle in your life is insurmountable. Gods power in you is greater than the power thats trying to hold you back. Don t put off until another day what God wants you to deal with today. No matter how large or small, easy or difficult, each choice that we make, indiv idually or collectively, alters the direction of our lives. No matter what comes your way, make up your mind youre going to live this day hap py. Nothing youve done is too much for the mercy of God It is not possible to have good emotional health while harboring bitterness, res entment and unforgiveness. Unforgiveness is poison! Quit blaming yourself. Quit blaming others. God can still get you to where youre supposed to be. He knows how to restore the years. Meekness is not weakness, its strength under control As long as you have breath, you have a purpose. Be bold and embrace all that God has for you today! You have to believe that God is in control. That means there is no need to be st ressed out and worried. Faith begins when we say, I trust You, God. (Psalm 31:14) God will help you be all you can be, but he will never let you be successful at becoming someone else. You are called to be a cut above. You have excellence on the inside. Now stir it up and bring it to the outside Change is a processit comes little by little. You may have made a lot of wrong choices, but youve also made a lot of choices th at were right. Focus on your good qualities. Focus on your victories. Get off th e treadmill of guilt. When you have a spirit of excellence, you do the right thing not because somebod y is watching you, not because theyre making you do it. You do it to honor God Nothing youre facing is a surprise to God. He had the solution before you had the problem. Psalm 46:10: Be still and know that I am God. Believe God is with you and more p owerful than any trouble. He will show you a way through and get you to somethin g better. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Your job is not your source; God is your source. If you are not yet in the presence of your vision, start with what you love. Imagine going through each day enjoying every moment, feeling purposeful and ful filled Happy New Year! What if u had no history? What would u do? What would be possibl e in 2013? Sending love & Divine courage to go Beyond. The level of consciousness you choose to tune in to each moment of each day will determine the quality of your experience of the world. Serving God doesnt mean well no longer have difficulties. Were still on the battlef ield, but we dont have to fight alone. Dont be afraid of change, because it is leading you to a new beginning Our lives are a louder sermon than anything we say. The perfect people and the perfect experiences have shown up in your life. There is a whole array of wonderful feelings waiting for an opportunity to move through our body. You can choose to take the difficult road of doing it your way or surrender to a higher will and live in partnership with the greater whole. We are here for one reason and one reason only: to get closer to the divine forc e that governs the universe Allow divine love to fill up the container of your consciousness and wash away y our human worries What you resist persists. Understanding this statement is the key to embracing you r fears. What are you resisting?

Anything that inspires you, excites you, and motivates you in your life is spark ed by the Divine When we don t trust our instincts, we place all our power outside ourselves. Rise up and become the person you are capable of being We must trust that everything in the universe is guiding us to a higher place. When you learn that you can trust life, life will deliver treasures beyond your imagination Your presence on this earth matters. The world needs you The promise of a flower lives within every seed, and within each of us lies the ability to lead an extraordinary life We can forget the truth, but the universe never does. All of our choices impact our futures. There is nothing wrong with future thinking or goal setting, but living in the f antasy of one day keeps our real lives on hold. Every time fear wins, you lose Claim responsibility for your own experience You can use every experience to serve people. The practice of forgiveness is vital 4 the healing of our hearts so that we Bcom e willing 2 open up 2 a greater level of divine connection. Now is the time to take back your energy, your power, and your peace We have 2 ask ourselves this fundamental question: Do I want 2 align w/ the great est vision of myself, or do I want 2 align w/ my excuses? It may look impossible, but God can do the impossible. Just because you dont see anything happening doesnt mean God is not working. Nobody is born to an insignificant life Much of our power is to be found in the choices we make and the actions we take Your outer world is a mirror of your inner world Forgiveness often looks like a generous gift we R giving to someone else, it is ultimately an act of self-love & a gift we give 2 ourselves Timing plays an important part in learning to trust God. If He did everything we asked for immediately, we would never grow and develop When you are filled with self-love, U have the courage to tackle your deepest fe ars & the confidence to do whatever it will take to succeed. When you let go of what no longer fits in your life - you are making room for wh at does! God has a more awesome plan for your life than you could ever imagine simply bec ause He loves you! When we are truly confident and secure, the opinions of others cannot control us . God has brought you too far to leave you where you are. Hes has something great i n your future! God has uniquely gifted you to help someone. Be available as God opens doors for you to do so Remind yourself: this is God s timing in your life. He has a plan. He knows what s best, even when you don t see it or feel it. He tells us he is always working behind the scenes on our behalf. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Give God your problems and allow Him to give you solutions.

Don t accept things the way they are. Believe God for MORE! You have been made u nique and precious to God, made on purpose, for a purpose. #YouAreMadeForMore! L ove, Lisa

We serve a God who blesses & takes care of His people. When we are faithful, He

will always take care of us. When you trust the universe, you get to play in the magical world of Gods plan. What are you focusing on, the size of your obstacle, or the size of your God? God does not focus on whats wrong with you. He focuses on whats right with you. Hes not looking at all your faults and weaknesses. Hes looking at how far youve come. Believing that God is at work to change you will bring its manifestation. If you will tend to God s business, He will tend to yours. There s something within you reaching for something higher. You come to this pag e every day. You wish to learn more. You hope to have more. You desire to become more. Honor that something. It will grow. And inspire us all. Your vision is a precious gift from the Divine Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day! God takes w hat the enemy meant for bad & turns it for ur good! Things might not have worked out the way you planned. But, this is a new day. Ge t ready for the new things God has for you. Those who hurt us are usually hurting themselves, and their pain may be so stron g that they are not even aware they are hurting us. -Joyce God hears and He sees, and you are not alone in your struggles. Remain firm and stable, for God has your deliverance planned. Your attitude belongs to you and it s your choice if you want to have a good one . Learn how to enjoy where you are on the way to where you re going. God has given us the privilege of prayer so we wont worry. God has invested entirely too much into you for you to be comfortable in somethi ng less than you were created to be! God is never too busy for you. Every unfair situation, every sickness youve had to endure, God is saying, That is not the end. It is not over. I still have something amazing in your future. God s way is always the best way. Stay open and let Him do it His way. Celebrate other peoples victories. Let their successes inspire you. If God did so mething so wonderful for them, He can do it for you. If you resist talking about how big the problem is, the walls that are holding y ou back will come down. Sometimes we dont understand why we are waiting. Often it is because God has some thing great in store, its just not the right time. God is always with youand Hell never give up on you. It actually takes more energy to live a less than satisfying life than it does t o live a fantastically exciting one. Imagine having all the courage and confidence you need to conquer your world. When compassion is activated in your awareness, you are finally free to stop tak ing everything so personally. Remember that your body is a delicate gift - a temporary home for your soul. Vision lifts you up. It makes you smile a secret smile because you know that you have something very special to share You can use every experience to serve people Dont forget that your future is determined by the choices you make today By bringing completion to the past, you can become ready to move on to the futur e. Thank U Lord for everything YOU did in 2012 - I am soooo GRATEFUL! Now, filled w ith faith & expectation I look for YOUR GREATNESS & GLORY in 2013! Stand in the present moment, and declare yourself complete. Accept ur past, support ur present, believe in & encourage ur future. There are far better things ahead than anything u left behind! Its not the chains that hold you is your mind! Dont take a minute for granted. See every day as a gift from God. We re called believers because our job is to believe. It s not always easy, but it s what God called us to do. God doesn t always deliver us "from" things; often, He walks us "through" them. Replace those thoughts of worry with thoughts of hope, faith, & victory. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. -Psalm 147:3

We do not need self-confidence, we need God-confidence! Be determined that your life is not going to be ruled by fear but by God s Word. God loves you and He has a great plan for your life. Trust that He s in control and will work things out for your good. "I forgive me. I forgive me. Everything that I was holding onto, I let go. I surrender. I surrender. I m ready for my change." When we release the past and grab hold of hope, we will see how God keeps his pr omises. Choose to let go of any hurt, anger or bitterness. You find a release th at allows God to bless you and promote you in a greater way. YouAreMadeForMore! Love Lisa If we look at the people who have made a great difference in the world, we see t hat they all made courageous choices God never said that we wouldnt have unfair situations, that we wouldnt experience loss. But He promised if we would stay in faith, He would restore everything tha t was stolen. Sometimes it takes the things that don t last forever to teach us the lessons th at will. God will never leave or forsake you! Set your mind that no matter what is going on in your life, you will have a good attitude. To utilize our intelligence correctly a calm mind is very important The more you do what s right, the more joy you will have in your heart. Be the best that you can be, and God will take care of your critics. The best way to get along with people is to not expect them to be like you. It s impossible to be negative and happy. God heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. God hears and God heals. He will work things in his time. Keep talking to him, keep believing. Psalms 14 7:3 I declare, God, if You say Im blessed then I believe Im blessed. Remaining calm in adversity is a sign of great spiritual strength. No matter wha ts going on in your life right now, Hold your peace! God uses the people in your life to show you areas you need to improve. Ask God to change you before you ask Him to change somebody else. As you grow, as you let God mold you, those seeds of greatness God has placed on the inside will take root and start to flourish. You will never be happy if u continue to hold on to the things that make you sad . Let go, forget what is behind u & press forward! Despite awful events and dark valleys, God will use the aftermath to give you a larger audience and a taller platform for sharing his love. #YouAreMadeFor More! Love, Lisa When you walk in love, you give up your right to be right You must have the guts to throw off the chains of modesty and mediocrity in orde r to be the light that the world needs. Your destiny has been given by God, not men. Choose to believe you have a destin y beyond what the naysayers say. There is more for you than what others are will ing to believe. Focus on the possibilities. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Release your faith. God is shifting things in your favor. Hes moving the wrong pe ople out and the right people in. Forgive the people that hurt you last year. God will pay you back with double th e joy, double the victory What God lifts up, no person can push down. Dont go into the new year holding a grudge from last year. Leave the hurts and di sappointments behind. For many its embarrassing to think youre great, beautiful, kind, loving, or smart. The only thing stopping you from being your whole authentic self is fear. To ove rcome your fear, you have to face it and replace it with love. Shake off anything that is holding you back. Make room for God to do something n ew in 2013. Happy New Year!

Growth doesn t just happen, it s making a decision to go to the next level. God has more in store for you than you can even imagine. Can you perceive it The key to having unshakeable faith is not to consider your circumstances. Consi der your God. Gods Word is medicine for our soul and the food we need to keep our spirit strong . There is no end to the things we can get upset over. If the world s not going to change then we need to. You are loved and you are valued by God! With God, you are never out of options. Find your worth and value in God. You have value because God loves you God has given us His peace. Hes told us to cast our cares on him and He will figh t our battles for us Your miracle may be taking a long time but God didnt bring you this far to leave you. Gods mercy is bigger than any of your mistakes. So press forward with your head h eld high. Every day is a gift from God and every one that we waste is a day we can t get b ack. If you think down, you will go down. If you think up, you will go up. Youll alway s travel in the direction of your thinking. When you do the right thing even when it s difficult, you will reap a great harv est. God let you go through the wilderness first, so when u get ready to lead others, u will have credibility through the things u have suffered. Faith is an act. It can be seen and heard. Faith is believing that God told you the truth. Dont dare give up now! Your answer is on the way! Luke 5:17-20 God not only sees where you are, He sees where you can be. In everything, do your best. What have you done with excellence today? Hold on to the Word of God until you get what you came for! Until you are healed ! Until you see your family restored! Until you see your dreams fulfilled! Love, Lisa You can be in a stormbut the storm doesnt have to be in you. Hope is your ANCHOR t hat keeps you steady in the storms of life. Never give up hope! Be encouraged, L isa Give people the freedom to fail-because everybody fails at some point in life. P ut down your rocks. Practice restoration! #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Trouble don t last always! No matter what you are going through today, this seas on of your life is TEMPORARY! Be encouraged, Lisa God knows how to protect you, not only from harm, not only from the wrong people . God will protect you from yourself. Do you need wisdom today? Jesus is our Wonderful Counselor. Hes as close as the a ir you breathe! See Isaiah 9:6 Pressing forward means changing your focus from you-all you did or didn t do-and focusing on your purpose and what you are meant to do. God wants to do a new th ing for you. Believe he cares for you, always has, and always will. #YouAreMadeF orMore! Love, Lisa Give yourself the gift of forgiving others. (Ephesians 4:32) You are a masterpiece, a miracle in the making and God has something great just ahead. Trust that God has a plan for your life that is bigger than you. #YouAreM adeForMore! Love, Lisa Youalone and all by yourselfare a person of influence. You, one person, can make an indelible imprint in this world. Own it! Love, Lisa ods favor surrounds us like a shield. He can open doors for you that no one can s hut. Lord, I believe that you know all things and you are in control, so help me be c omfortable, "not knowing." The next time you find yourself in a situation thats uncomfortable, instead of fi

ghting against it, have the attitude, I must need this or I wouldnt be here Tell people that you appreciate their hard work, because you might be the only p erson who ever tells them. (1 Corinthians 8:1) Take the same time that you would normally spend worrying and instead thank God that the answer is on the way. Thank God that He is fighting your battles, that breakthroughs are coming. Most important, spend your energy on doing the things that please God. If you co ntinually focus on your failure, you relive it over and over again. Don t let a moment become a lifetime. Too many of us let our lives be claimed by a failure. What a waste. Instead of f ocusing on our weakness, we need to focus on our strengths. We need to focus on our goals: to grow, to be a good mother or father or husband and wife, or a pers on and friend, to work with excellence, and to do the things that please God. Th at kind of focus will override failure and get us to the great things God has in store for us. Your destiny is not determined by your critics. Rise above the criticism and run your own race. Learn how to forgive; quickly, frequently and throughly. Dont let negative comments change who you are. Be strong in who God made you to b e. Youve got to send your words out in the direction you want your life to go. You c annot talk defeat and expect to have victory. Declare victory today. If you feel alone, I want to assure you that you arent. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you & is with you right now! When people disappoint you, remember, we are all on a journey of growth. Give pe ople the grace to grow. Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever. When all is s aid and done, you will be increased. Before making a commitment, think about it carefully and make sure you are willi ng to finish what you start. God will help you overcome wrong motives and intentions if youll simply ask and r eceive help rather than trying to do it on your own. Worry increases pressure; prayer releases peace. Make a decision today to invite God to work in your life. You may not be where you want to be, but you can look back and thank God youre no t where you used to be. Forgiveness isn t doing a favor for someone elseyou are setting yourself free whe n you forgive someone else. You wont move forward into the new things God has in store if you always replay t he negative things that have happened. Make the journey and don t quit till you ve arrived! Decide to be a God pleaser, not a people pleaser. Are you waiting on God, or is He waiting on you? Open your heart and invite God into every circumstance because when God enters t he scene, miracles happen. We can t control what other people do and how they treat us, but we can control our response to them. Emotionally driven decisions are usually bad ones so learn to let emotions subsi de and then decide. Dont settle for a small view of God. We serve the God that created the universe. Don t be afraid to shut a door when that season has ended- God already has a bet ter one opened for you! Stop just hearing things and start doing them. Bring your obedience to a new lev el. Your vision sets your expectations. See yourself blessed, strong, healthy, & acc

omplishing your dreams. Are you afraid of doing what Gods called you to do? You dont have to be. God says youve got what it takes because youve got Him! Every 24 hours God has a fresh new supply of grace, favor, and forgiveness. Everywhere you go, imagine the most powerful force in the universe breathing in your direction. There is no freedom like not having to impress everybody. God is bigger than our questions. Don t live just for yourself; it will never turn out good Even when its difficult, just remember, the same winds trying to defeat you are t he winds God will use to push you to a new level. A person of excellence does the right thing even when no one is watching. If you will change your thinking, God can change your life. We can t live in the regrets of the past. No matter what kind of past you ve had, it does not have to affect your future. There is no word more powerful than the Word of God. Who are you going to get in to agreement with: God or people? You cannot lead someone to a place youve not been yourself. God has been making arrangements for ur part in His plan long before u were born . Ur past doesn t surprise Him - Ur present doesn t worry Him! :) If you have Jesus in your life, you have more than enough. Fear is a dead end, but faith always has a future.

Look upon every experience you ve ever had, and everyone who s ever played any r ole in your life, as having been sent to you for your benefit. In this universe, which was created by a divine, organizing intelligence, there are simply no acc idents. Happiness does not depend on your circumstances. Its a choice that you make. Our past experiences may have made us the way we are, but we don t have to stay that way. If youll move forward, God will take your scars and turn them into stars for His glory. God would not have put a dream in your heart if He had not already given you eve rything you need to fulfill it. Your life is not going to change until you change your thinking Jesus didnt die so we could have religion. He died so we could have a deep, intim ate, personal relationship with God. Youve been painted by the most incredible painter there could ever be. When God c reated you, He stamped His approval on you. How bad things may look right now means nothing. It s how good you know they can look with God s help that counts. Nothing in life happens to you; it happens for you. God wouldnt have allowed it i f He didnt have a purpose. Sometimes we have to choose to let go of guilt on a daily basis. That means, sit uation by situation, choice by choice. Look to God instead of yourself and be en couraged. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Joy and peace are found in believing, not in getting everything you want. Faith is having a positive attitude about what you can do and not worrying at al l about what you can t do. Theres nothing too big for God.and nothing too small for Him, either. He cares abo ut every detail of your life! Quit being discouraged over what didnt work out. Its not over until God says its ov er. When you feel overwhelmed and youre tempted to take everything into your own hand s, you have to make yourself be still. The battle is not yours. The battle is th e Lords.

When you remain at peace, almighty God will fight your battles It is better to do less with peace than it is to do more with stress. If youve made mistakes, know this: Our God is the God of a second chance. Happiness is not based on your circumstances, but on a decision you make. You have made your wishes and dreams known to God. Now comes the time for faith. Faith that all is right, right now. Its hard to worry and trust God at the same time. God wants your mind to be at pe ace. God looks past the superficial things and sees the potential on the inside. God sees the seeds of greatness that He has placed within you. You may miss out on Gods best while distracted by battles that dont matter. Choose your battles wisely. You cant fail if you dont quit. Keep standing, keep hoping, keep believing because God is faithful! A great prayer for us to pray: "Show me the way I should go. Teach me to do Your will." Ps. 143:8-10 Faith is a decision we make about where we are going to put our trust. Stop blaming people, circumstances, the devil or even God for things that go wro ng, & start being the person God intended you to be! -Joyce God says, I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts. He s going to restore! Be on the lookout for MORE! Joel 2:25 If you have been unfairly treated or unjustly accused, the Lord is your Defender . Choose forgiveness & be free! There s only one response we should have towards fear: I will not fear! You are perfectly created by God, exactly how He intended you to be - fearfully & wonderfully made with a specific purpose! If you refuse to be happy until you have no problems or challenges, you will pro bably never be happy! Don t be someone who pays more attention to what God doesn t do than what God do es do. Things dont have to be good in order to turn out good.When fear comes knocking at your door, send faith to answer. Is fear holding you back? Fear is like a prison with no lock on it. You can walk out anytime. See 1 John 4:18. Before finding fault with others we should first take a good and honest look at ourselves. There is nothing going on in your life that Jesus doesn t understand. Replace the little fear-filled thoughts and conversations in your everyday life with short, simple prayers. When you follow what s in your heart, you may lose friends. But nothing compares to the approval of the Creator of the universe. God has promised if you ll turn matters over to Him and let Him handle them His way, He ll make your wrongs right. You ll have to give God a little more room in your life if you really want peace When you understand that you are heavy with Gods favor, then its easy to be heavy with expectation. Don t worry about your future.. God is already there. #worryFree Faith is the only antidote for fear. Even though we may have written God off, He never writes us off. Talk about what God has done in your life more than you talk about what the devi l is doing in your life. You are not who they say you are. You are who God says you are. Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). You have to believe, no matter what has come against you, no matter how unfair i t was, things are shifting in your favor. God wants to be involved in even the smallest details of our lives. (Proverbs 3: 6)

Listening to God is our decision; no one else can make it for us You don t need to know the why behind everything if you trust God.

Put your trust in God. He is still in control. He still has you in the palm of H is hand. You re never going to get so spiritual that the devil won t lie to you. There are things we dont understand. But, what the enemy means for harm, God can turn around and use it to His advantage. Fear can never be "fixed" - It can only be contested, deconstructed, & ultimatel y dethroned! Kill it with faith! You never really know yourself until you see yourself under pressure. It is impossible to succeed without learning how to handle criticism. You are a world changer and a history maker. Just Own It! Love, Lisa Dont believe the lie that youre stuck and youll never get better. God already has a path of success laid out. Only you can make the decision to live peacefully. When tragedy and loss happens, God will bring you through. He is close to the br okenhearted. God is going to show His strength, His healing, His goodness, His power like youv e never seen before. You might as well get ready. Its easy to think of God way up high looking down from heaven, but, Hes just as cl ose as the air you breathe. If you cant do what youre about to do in faith and with confidence, then dont do it ! When you hurt, God feels the pain. Youre His most prized possession. Youre His chi ld. Dont be devastated by disappointment. If your plan didnt work, try something else. God is with you today! Is fear holding you back? Fear is like a prison with no lock on it. You can walk out anytime. See 1 John 4:18. Compassion is a gift God has placed within each of us to turn outward toward som eone else who is hurting. Do you have a dream? God planted that dream in your heart for a reason. We can either confront fear, and do it afraid, or let fear control our lives. In all things, give thanks. (1 Thes. 5:18) No matter what happens in your life, God is with you. (Isaiah 41:10) Faith is the only thing I know of that is stronger than fear. Age is just a number. So get out there and do the things you ve always wanted to do The first step to transformation is a relationship with God. If we build more windows and fewer walls we will have more friends. One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God. Instead of asking "why u went thru something"? Ask, "why u survived it"? The bet ter ? is "WHAT S NEXT"?:) Gods peace is always available, but we must choose it. Be kind.. everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle Know that you are not alone. The Lord understands what youre going through and ha s promised to be with you in every trial of life. Change the way you speak about yourself, and you can change your life God wants us to get our approval, our worth, our value from Him. That way were no t dependent on other people Be truly present in the moment that you are in and dont let life slip by unnotice d.

Remain calm in every situation because peace equals power You may go through difficulties, but God has wonderful things planned for you! Waiting on Gods timing doesnt have to be drudgery. Discover the wisdom and beauty of living on His timetable. Today, remember what God has done for you. What have you thanked God for today? With God on your side, you cannot possibly lose. He can make a way when it looks as though there is no way. God is calling us to be bright lights shining out in a dark world. Dreams go through a process. There is an appointed time. Thou it lingers, wait f or it, because it will not delay. #YouAreMadeForMore! It doesn t matter how big your obstacle is. You and God are a majority. He will always cause you to triumph If God showed you everything He had in store for you, it would boggle your mind. What we do when nobody is looking is more important than what we do when being w atched. Sometimes when you are the closest to your breakthrough the pressure is the grea test. You have come too far to give up now! If we learn to be amazed at what God has done and is doing in our lives, we will never be without hope. Don t define yourself by what you go through. Define yourself by the Word of God Make a decision to bless someone today who doesn t like u & doesn t deserve it w ith a kind word, gesture & goodness! You are not here on earth by accident. God has a plan and a purpose for your lif e. God uses our trials like a springboard to catapult us to our DESTINY. You ve com e to far to turn back now. Stay in the game! Love, Lisa Decide to put a smile on God s face with your conversations today. There is one thing I want you to understand about failure, it s that failure is never final. Begin again! Believe again! Love, Lisa Friends, God knows what He is doing. Hes got it all figured out. In God, there is always a place of new beginnings. It is never too late to begin again! God has new things on the horizon of your life, but you will never see them if y ou live in and relive the past. God is the only one we must say yes to all the time, and in order to do that we ha ve to say no to people sometimes. -Joyce The Holy Spirit leads, guides and prompts us but He leaves the choices up to us. If you ve been feeling ppl don t honor you correctly. Be SURE you re honoring Go d correctly. The rest will work itself out God has unlimited supplies. The only thing that limits Him is our ability to rec eive. Dont use feeling bad as an excuse to mistreat other people. Your words have amazing power, so quit talking about what you cant do and start t alking about what God can do. There is life after the sickness, life after the divorce, life after the bad bre ak. A full life is still in front of you. Forgiving someone takes a considerable amount of COURAGE because it requires you to be a bigger person and let things gosomething most of us dont want to do. Grud ges spread and invade our healthy emotions. Forgiveness conquers bitterness! Mov ing toward your goals will require you to be COURAGEOUS enough to release the bi tterness youve held for so long. Remember to forgive as you want to be forgiven! God has a plan for your life. Receive His plan by putting your faith in Him. God does not just want to give you strength - He wants to be your strength! When you are in trouble, go to the throne before you go to the phone. I do not m ean to suggest that it is wrong to seek counsel. I am just suggesting that you p ray and allow the Lord to lead and guide you through the Holy Spirit. Let Him ch oose the right counselor for you. Just because a person has been through what yo u are going through, or is a close personal friend, does not mean that individua l is the right counselor for you. So I repeat, pray! Use what you have.. Where you are,, and dont complain.. It ruins everything .. A

nd accomplishes nothing > > #goForward!! There may be times when you just have to love people from a distance. You can be bitter about your short comings or thankful for your blessings God has given us hundreds of promises not simply for us to read and enjoy, but t hat we might boldly declare them to bring us victory. Freedom is not letting your yesterday affect your today If you dare to see the invisible, God will do the impossible. Your dreams are a God-given destiny. Dare to dream big. During a rough time when you could be complaining, but instead youre praising, th at gives the enemy a nervous breakdown. That challenge you re facing, it s not happening to you; its happening for you. G od is going to use it to your advantage. You don t need anyone else s approval for YOUR dream. God gave it to you, not th em. You and God are a majority! Love, Lisa We need to be more concerned about waiting patiently than waiting. Right now you re walking in your destiny. God s ordering your footsteps and dire cting your path. You re headed in the right direction. Love, Lisa God does not require us to earn His love, and we must not require others to earn our love. God didnt create any of us to be average. He didnt make us to barely get by. We we re created to excel. Choose to not allow an event to define who you are or keep you from the bright f uture God has mapped out for you. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa It is great to have a plan, but the power to perform the plan & accomplish the p urpose means I trust & depend on God! Anxiety is trying to figure out tomorrow today. (Matt. 6:34) We almost always see only what s wrong with other people and not what s wrong wi th us The first day you prayed, God heard you. The first time you asked, God set the m iracle into motion. You can trust Gods timing. God has it all figured out. What youre praying about, w hat youre believing for, its not going to be one second late. God knows every disappointment, every loss and every challenge. The good news is that your story ends in victory God is working in your life, even when you don t see it No matter what dream has died, it s not OVER. There s a dream keeper. If there s one thing we can count on, it s that when God begins something, he will complet e it. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa There is no freedom without forgivenessboth received by God and extended to other s. One of the best ways to ensure a deepening friendship with God is to have a hear t that wants to obey Him. Put your emotions aside, then decide.\\\ Seeds of discouragement cannot take root in a grateful heart. Take time today to find at least one thing to be grateful for. Don t curse your crisis! God has chosen you for a miracle! :) Do you know what the antidote to fear is? Receiving His perfect love. With God o n your side, fear has to go! See 1 John 4:18. God can do in a split second what might otherwise take years. Be bold and go through every day with confidence for God is with you Everything is beautiful .. But beautiful isn t everything (being kind is) When you make mistakes, don t give up, but ask for God s forgiveness and press o n. Make that same commitment each and every day. If you want to get over a problem, stop talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind. You may have heard it said that fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. If we can recognize the root of fear as a lie, then we can reject it and e mbrace the truth of Gods Word which sets us free from fear. Jn 8:32 Being happy doesn t mean that everything is perfect. It means you ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Quit focusing on what youve done wrong. God has already rolled away your shame, e mbarrassment, failures, and setbacks. Be kind to someone today who doesnt deserve it. God can turn around any situation. He can turn your darkest hour into your brigh test hour. Nothing is too hard for Him. Keep honoring God with your life, stay in peace, trust His timing and God will o pen doors that no man can shut. Bandage up whats hurting. Forgive the person who did you wrong. You have a destin y to fulfill. Worry and worship are exact opposites, and we d all be much happier if we learne d to become worshippers instead of worriers. You may go through some failures, but God does not change His mind. His calling is still on your life. He still has a destiny for you to fulfill. God wants to breathe new life into your dreams. He wants to breathe new hope int o your heart. You CANNOT rebuke a devil you continuously grant access to your life. Just because someone criticizes you doesnt mean its true. You are who GOD says you are! Share this with someone you love. I repeat:: God is much much kinder than you think .. Lean on him .. TRUST in Him .. What we focus on is what we develop in our life. To fulfill your destiny, stay true to your heart. Don t let anyone squeeze you i nto a mold. Love is not just a word, it s how we treat people. You have gifts, talents and abilities. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! God loves you and He has a special plan for your life. You are created in His im age, & you never have to compare yourself with anyone else. I m not where I need to be, but thank God I m not where I used to be. Speak success over your future. You will produce what you say. If you re living to impress someone, it should be God. Every day is a brand-new start! We can let go of yesterday s disappointments and give God a chance to do something wonderful for us today. Love should be the main theme of our lives. You can t change people, only God can. God is not on vcation. You may feel forgotten, but God never forgets about you. He is at work right now in our lives and when he begins something he will comple te it. #YoAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa The moment you prayed, God established a set time to bring His promise to pass. Dont overcrowd your schedule, because when you do, it is an open door for stress. Get up! Be happy 2day! Don t stress about whats gone, cherish what you have,, ST AY excited about whats what s coming! You dont have to worry. Stay in peace. Enter into His rest. God has you in the pa lm of His hand. You can increase your joy today by helping someone that is less fortunate than y ou are. If you want to achieve GREAT things, you need to have a GREAT dream! Ask God to enlarge your vision today! if you are frazzled, frantic and frustrated because your life is out of control, its time to make some changes. he dream in your heart may be bigger than your environment, but sometimes you ha ve to get out of that environment in order to see that dream fulfilled. Dont wait for the people who have hurt you to fall off the face of the earth; cho ose to forgive today. You dont have to live a life filled with hurt, anger, bitterness or resentment. Y ou just have to make up your mind not to. God does not help those who help themselves. He helps those who know they cant he lp themselves. The fear of being hurt will hurt you more than facing that fear and finding free dom.

Don t worry about changing what you cannot change. The good news is that we serv e a God who can. God says, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Matt.19:26). Forgiving others is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself. Staying angr y is like taking poising yourself hoping it will hurt them. Getting into the "new"- requires letting go of the "old"! Release anything that doesn t fit ur dream & destiny Stop focusing on what you can t do and start focusing on what God can do Your life is like a go through changes before you become somethi ng beautiful. God is helping me, and every day I am making progress! Growth requires facing where youre at so you can go to the next level. When you give God praise, God steps in to fight your battles for you! When you dwell on the fact that Almighty God breathed His life into you, approve d you, equipped you and empowered you, then any thoughts of inferiority wont have a chance Are you holding a grudge, or is a grudge holding you? When you have a spirit of excellence, you do more than you have to. You dont just do the minimum amount required; you go the extra mile. When you face something that seems overwhelming, put it in the hands of God and declare, Gods got this! I will not fear because God is with me. before anyone could put a curse on you, God put a blessing on you, and the bless ing always overrides the curse. If you don t know what to do, don t be ashamed. You may not know, but you know t he One who does! Joy and peace are found in believing Gods promises. If youre upset or sad, check w hat you believe If you ll let God be your vindicator, He will bring justice and promote you righ t in front of those trying to make you look bad. Nobody else is in charge of your happiness except you. Learn to do your own thinking dont let other people do it for you! Everyone has days when they feel overwhelmed. Remember, God wants to refresh you r soul. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matt 11:28 Dont settle for a small view of God. We serve the God that created the universe. The minute fear arises, if you will pray, sooner or later you will see it overco me by the power of God. There s nothing about me God rejects. He accepts me, faults and all. He desires to use me whether I m qualified or not. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa God says to bless those who hurt you and pray for them. Take a moment and pray f or that person youre thinking of! The joy of the Lord is our strength! Refuse to spend today in a bad mood. Don t let your feelings control you. Don t spend ur life trying to get someone who is blinded to see ur value! You ar e a rare treasure!! You don t have to feel like doing the right thing to do it. Just make the choice to do it. Let go of the past, and let God be God! What others say about you is not nearly as important as what God says. He says y ou re valuable, loved and accepted! Joyce God planted a dream in your heart for a reason. No one else can dream it for you. No one else will accomplish it for you Never leave God out of the equation. God is not mad at you. Everyones life of faith has times of light, but also times of darkness. If you wa

nt to walk in the light, let the word of God be your guide

God will open a door to more for you even through chaos and trauma. He s unfoldi ng a plan, despite awful events and dark valleys. In fact, it is there that he s hows up MORE than ever. #YouAreMadeForMore! Be encouraged, Lisa You can t please all people all the time - no need to even try! Just make sure y ou please God - the one who matters most! Stop asking God to change your circumstances and ask God to change you! When you find yourself thinking the wrong thing, immediately interrupt yourself with the Word. Don t think that you have to "fix yourself up" before you talk to God. He loves you and will meet you just the way you are. Think about what you have been thinking about and you may find the source of som e of your discontent. -Joyce God has a plan, and only trusting Him will allow us to enjoy it. "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one s courage." When you get up early, work hard and have a spirit of excellence, you are making a difference in your future You encourage or discourage yourself by what you say. You can raise or lower you r self-esteem by your own words. So listen to what you are saying about yourself . #YouAreMadeForMore! Bless you, Lisa Falling down is not failure - staying down is! Let the grace of God pick u up & set u in His love! We cant change ourselves, but we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to do the work. No matter what happens during your lifetime, you can be sure that God is working everything out for your good. (Romans 8:28) God is directing every one of your steps. He has already lined up solutions to y our problems. Get this down in your spirit: God is my source, and He is not limited. I will tr ust in Him and His unlimited resources. Statistics say that 10% of all people wont like us, so lets enjoy the 90% who do a nd stop worrying about the 10% who dont! Get excited about seeing your life unfold. Celebrate who you are today and who y ou are becoming in your future! If you can catch a glimpse of how much confidence God has in you, you will never again shrink back into an inferiority complex. You may have been through disappointments but this is a new day. Your greatest v ictories are still in your future! God always brings balance. (Matt. 6:33-34) Take your dreams and the promises God has put in your heart and declare every da y that they will come to pass. Get in agreement with God. Enlarge your vision. Make room for a flood of Gods goo dness. Freedom is not letting your yesterday affect your today. One of the greatest gifts God has given you is individuality. Don t get mad at yourself for not being perfect, but do your best to be obedient to God every day. Learn to separate yourself from the opinions of others & consecrate yourself to God. His opinion is the only one that matters!

Finding a moment of peace is a decision. Even in a sea of chaos, peace can be at tained, because true harmony is always done on the inside. Can I get an Amen! You may have obstacles in your path, but the good news is the Power that is for you is greater than any power against you. I like what my friend said recently, A day surrendered to God is a day free from worry, fear and anxiety. Don t determine your worth and value by how other people have treated you. If youre not where you want to be, dont get discouraged. I urge you to stay focuse d on your dreams and let God lead you to your purpose so that you can walk into your destiny! God is opening up heaven to u for an encounter with Him! Get ready for a transfo rmation, revelation & all things possible season! God accepts you as you are, but He doesn t want you to stay the way you are. When you fail, He keeps loving you because His love is not based on you; its base d on Him. Nothing you confess to God could make Him love you any less When you follow the destiny God has given you, you will live with passion and en thusiasm. God says not only will you get out of debt, you will lend and not borrow. God is the one that put the dream in your heart. He wants to amaze you with His goodness Freedom is not letting your yesterday affect your today. God had a purpose for you even BEFORE He called you. His calling of you is a com pliment. Hes using you as an answer to someone elses prayer. Do you believe in you r purpose?

The moment you asked God for forgiveness, He forgave you. And the good news is, He didn t cancel your destiny. I declare this year a year of superabundance for you in the name of Jesus! The L ord anoints u to prosper & be blessed! Your worst day with God is still better than your best day without Him. For every battle u went through - there is BIG TIME BLESSING coming to u! God IS a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him Forgive the person who badly hurt you long ago, the stranger who stepped on your toe in the grocery store, and everyone in between. Don t live life in mediocrity, bound by addictions, negative and defeated. Press forward and take hold of everything God has in store for you. If someone has offended you, start sowing forgiveness. You may need some yoursel f someday. God is BIGGER than the problem standing before you! Trust HIM for your VICTORY He won t fail you! Its easy to give people what they deserve, but its a privilege to give them mercy.

You cant give away what you dont have. And unless you have love for yourself, you wont progress in Gods will, which is to love others. God is preparing you for greater things, so don t be surprised when He asks you to think better of yourself and act accordingly. When you have a problem don t go to the phone, go to the Throne We must show the world something and not just tell them about it.

If you stay busy thinking about right things, the devil wont be able to fill your mind with wrong things. Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Fath er except through me." -John 14:6 Much of what u are holding on to no longer fits ur life - it s a weight! Release it & let God bring u the new! Believe that God is a rewarder and thank Him in advance for His blessings, favor and victory in your life. Love is not a feeling, it s an action. It s never too late to begin. It s not our circumstances that steal our joy, it s the way we think about them. Stop making excuses & start doing what God is telling you to do. What will you m ake the decision to start today? You may be in the middle of something that has exploded or imploded in your life . God s ready to pick up the pieces. He saves what is broken. He makes all thing s new because he has a plan, a purpose. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Thank God for the situations He s turning around. If you ll do that, you ll feel a new joy rising up on the inside. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matt hew 11:28 You may have been through a storm, but God will bring you out better off than yo u were before. God may not be pleased with all your behaviors, but He is pleased and delighted with YOU! (Psalm 18:19) Like a GPS, God will talk when its time to make a turn. Maybe God isnt saying anyt hing because youre moving in the right direction. It s the journey, not the destination, that makes life great. A balanced life requires work, rest, worship and play. If you are missing any pa rt of it, you are not likely to be happy. Joyce When you make a promise to someone, keep it. God always keeps His word, and we s hould keep ours. You are called for GREATNESS!! With God on ur side u can do all that is in ur he art! GO FOR IT- He has u! Do what make you happy . Sometimes the greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness. Don t give up on what God has called you to do. The end result is worth the pain . Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. Psalm 62:5 NIV Declare today, God has a good plan for me, plans to prosper me and give me a futu re and a hope! #IDeclare Today I pray for those who need financial breakthrough. He is able to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory Hold on to your faith. It may not look like there is a way, but God still has a way. Make a decision to keep pressing forward, keep believing and keep stretching unt il you see your dream fulfilled. It s our faith that pleases God. Trust Him today. Wait with faith; God is working!

Its not enough to just pray. Its not enough to just believe. You have to demonstra te your faith. Fear and faith have something in common. They both cause you to believe in somet hing that isnt there. One touch of God s favor can bring you out of your difficulties and turn your ad versities around for good. Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe in somethin g we cannot see. Youre not a failure until you stop trying. If you have no other testimony you hav e this one: Im still here. When the enemy tells you youre going to fail at something, do it anyway. Nothing is more frightening than never changing. "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." -Hebrews 11:1 Every time you look in the mirror, remember that God created you and that everyt hing He creates is beautiful and good! Joyce Be open to change, knowing that God has something better in front of you. New le vels of favor are in your future. God loves to use ordinary people just like you and me, faults and all, to do ext raordinary things. Whatever you need help with today, know that God cares about the details of your life, and He wants you to depend on Him. If your vision is limited, your life will be limited. Take the limits off by med itating on His Word! God has favor in your future, and you can expect new opportunities, divine conne ctions and supernatural breakthroughs. Pray for those who hurt you. It may not be easy at first, but make the decision and stick with it, and God will take care of the rest. God is directing every one of your steps. He has already lined up solutions to y our problems. If you can catch a glimpse of how much confidence God wants you to have, you wil l never again shrink back into an inferiority complex. You will continue to make it. You have a secret weapon your opponent can t see-C ONFIDENCE in God. Your faith and confidence in God fills you with something more : the promise of God-the ability to WIN. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa God has uniquely gifted you to help someone. Be available today as God opens doo rs for you to do so. God has promised that if you ll turn matters over to Him and let Him handle them His way, He ll make your wrongs right. Remember, with God all things are possible. Get with God and see miracles unfold in your life! The Bible says, Arise [from the depression in which circumstances have kept you] . Shine for your light has come.. Everything will be more beautiful once you are up again, because the glory of the Lord will rise with you. Love, Lisa Don t throw in the towel. The Bible says patient endurance is what you need. Pla nt your feet in the Word of God, keep your eyes on the prize, and be patient as you wait on God s timing. There is VICTORY! #YouAreMadeForMore! Love Lisa Whatever dreams and hopes you have, take it one day at a time. God doesn t want you to quit or give up. You can t change the past, but you can leave it behind recognizing that in God s eyes the past is done with and settled. PRESS FORWARD! #YouAreMadeForMore! Love , Lisa If youll be patient and wait for Gods timing, He will give you the desires of your heart. Whether we understand a situation or not does not change God nor his character. God has a plan. He is at work for YOU! #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Dont seek to be a people pleaserdont compromise what you know is right in your hear t to gain the approval of others. The only approval you need is the Gods, and you

already have that. No matter what you ve experienced in your past or how many problems you have, Go d will do a miracle for you! Philippians 1:6 Whatever you do, don t let anyone else make you mean or hard-hearted. The dreams God has given you are treasures worth living for. In your quiet time, when it s just between you and God, dare to ask Him for your deepest hopes, your greatest dreams. Gods not mad at you, Hes madly in love with you. Theres nothing you can do to chang e His love for you. If youve been away from God, turn to Him & receive His love t oday! Let God pay you for past injustices. Dont try to collect from the people who hurt you, because the people who hurt you can t pay you. Be honest about where you are at so that you can get to where you want to be. Hold on to your faith no matter what the situation looks like knowing that God i s a Way Maker & worker of the impossible When someone walks out of your life- see it as God making room for the right per son to walk in! :) You may have seen Gods goodness in the past, but you have not even touched the su rface of what God has for your future. God is about to do a new thing. Don t spend all your time trying to win over your critics. Just run your own rac e. When you do what s right when you don t feel like it, you are growing. As you prepare for the coming weeks with friends and family, think about this; w hen all is said and done, people will remember their experience with you more th an they will remember table settings, decorations or gifts. Let them experience peace and life when they are around you! You may have to endure some people speaking against you, but if you can stay on the high road, you will prove their criticism invalid. Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice! Phil 4:4 We develop character when we trust God when things are going bad, not when theyre going well. What you look at longest becomes strongest in your life! Don t get distracted by the little foxes :) We are not free until we no longer have anything to prove and we are not living to impress people. -Joyce If the battle has nothing to do with your destiny, don t waste your time fightin g it. When we give God complete control over our lives, our joy increases and we can e nter His rest. In order to walk in the GREATNESS God has for u, you ll have to break out of ur comfort & familiar zone! Go for it & reject the fear What you focus on in life is what grows and develops in your life. You are made in the image of almighty God. He has crowned you with glory and hon or. God considers YOU His masterpiece! God has a plan for your life and He wants to heal you when you are hurting Your vision is ur bridge to ur future!! It is a mental picture of where God has promised to take u!! See BIG! God is trying to do something new, but unless you re willing to enlarge your vis ion, you ll miss the opportunities He has for you. God wants you to dream! He has a wonderful plan for your life that s even bigger and better than you know When God created you, He went to great lengths to make you exactly like He wante d. When you forgive people, you re doing yourself a favor. No matter what you ve experienced in your past or how many problems you have, Go

d will do a miracle for you! Philippians 1:6 Instead of focusing on the difficulties in your life, start pursuing the dreams God has placed on your heart. YES is in your future If you saw yourself as God sees you, you would smile a lot. If God is willing to forgive us, we should be willing to forgive others. Just because you dont see anything happening doesnt mean God is not working. Quit worrying about what other people think and just be who God made you to be. If you will run your race, God will take care of your critics. Unforgiveness in your heart will hurt you more than anyone else. Your dream will go through a process. You may not be able to see it right now, b ut you are walking in your DESTINY. Don t quit in the middle of the process. #Yo uAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa God loves to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. You may not feel ca pable in your own strength, but God s Word states that He always causes us to tr iumph. God has placed a dream deep in your heart, and He s equipped you with everything you need to fulfill that dream God planted a dream in your heart for a reason. Pursue it! No one else can dream it for you. No one else will accomplish it for you. Every difficult thing that God has asked you to do is something that will benefi t you in the long run. Negative words can stop God s best plan. Learn to bless your future. God loves you and wants to have an intimate relationship with you. Did you know that He wants to make your life wonderful, worth living, and something to get ex cited about getting up every day? Whatever we think on repeatedly becomes a part of us. Change the course of your life and destiny by choosing which thoughts you accept or reject. #YouAreMadeFor More! Love, Lisa God wants to make you whole. He doesnt want you to spend the rest of your life hu rting. Dont be so afraid of failing that you never take a chance. Dont stay in the safety zone. You may feel safe, but you will never succeed at developing your full pot ential or being fulfilled in what you are doing. Step out into what you feel God is leading you to do, and you will soon discover what you can and cannot do. God has a one-of-a-kind, awesome, amazing plan for you! Are you focused on your problems, or are you focused on your God? You may not see a way, but God has a way. He will get you to where He wants you to be. Fear does not mean you are a coward. It only means that you need to be willing t o feel the fear and do what you need to do anyway. Happiness is not based on your circumstances, but on a decision you make. God has not forgotten about you. He is behind the scenes, quietly preparing you. In a theatre, you dont see whats going on behind the scenes, but the final produc t. God will put you on His display after youre equipped, prepared & mature. Stay close to Him & never make display your focus. Dont get discouraged. He loves & like s YOU. "The Bible gives us a list of human stories on both sides of the ledger. One lis t of human stories is used as examples do what these people did. Another list of human stories is used as warnings - don t do what these people did. So if your story ever gets in one of these books, make sure they use it as an example, not

a warning." -- Jim Rohn Not only must we ask God for things He has promised us but we must receive them (see John 16:24). If you feel unworthy, you probably wont ask, and even if you do , you wont receive by faith. Dont let feelings rule you anymore. Take a step of fa ith and start improving your quality of life today. Believe that you make good d ecisions, that you are a valuable person with a great future, and something good is going to happen to you today! Dont waste you life waiting until everything is perfect before you start enjoying it. Use your words to lift others. Call out their seeds of greatness. Push them into their divine destiny. Not sure what my future holds but I know who holds it #Jesus Praising God helps keep our minds on Him, His power and the good things that are taking place in our lives. Dont let the fear of failure stop you from trying. God can do in a second what might otherwise take years! Im so glad for the peace that comes from above. The world didnt give it, and the w orld cant take it away! God designed you on purpose to be the way you are. You have what you need to ful fill your destiny. Dont be afraid of change because it is always necessary for progress. Joyce The good news is, God is therewaiting to take the lead again and show us the righ t way to go. Potential is a priceless treasure, like gold. All of us have gold hidden within, but we have to dig to get it out. God never intended for you to feel self well and yet accept yourself. an love. I dont love everything I God is changing you daily. Ask Him of your imperfections. bad about yourself. He wants you to know your You must be able to say, I can love what God c do, but I accept myself because God accepts me. to help you accept and love yourself in spite

Instead of dwelling on your difficulties, focus more on the fact that God is for you and His power is at work in you. I stand against every faith destroyer in ur life in Jesus name! I declare a ren ewed mind, healed heart and whole spirit for u! By acting on God s Word and not merely reacting to the situation, you ll be able to manage your emotions instead of them managing you. U don t have to convince someone of ur greatness - it s a waste of energy! Pray people in ur life who understand ur possibilities! If it is draining you - deny it access! Get ur joy (strength) back by clearing t he clutter in ur life! Promotion doesnt come from people, but from God. You may not have the approval of someone "important," but you have the favor of God. Sometimes you have to look at how far God has brought you instead of how far you have to go. You might be facing some pretty BIG giants. When you don t know what to do, keep your eyes on the one who does. You won t even have to fight in this battle. God will do it for you. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa God is good and you can trust Him! Happy Friday! You were called by God to be victorious every day! Declare victory in every area of your life. When we are truly confident and secure, the opinions of others cannot control us . When God places a dream in your heart, He deposits in you everything you need to accomplish that dream. Have confidence because you are equipped! Celebrate the progress you are making in life

You may have struck out in the past, but its a great day to get back in the game. Youre next hit may be a homerun! On the hard days of life, when you think you can t make it one more day. Somethi ng kicks in and helps you, and you find yourself in tomorrow. You did make it. Y ou have more in you than you thought. That more is God. That more is his grace. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa God is the Master Chef of your life. One ingredient can turn bitter into sweet. Today I pray for those who are dealing with anxiety or frustration about somethi ng. Cast your cares on Him because He cares for you! Mercy cannot be earned or deserved; it is a gift. God will fight your battles! When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn bac k; this I know, because God is for me. Ps 56:9 Ask God to fill your mouth with the words you need to say today. No issue is so small that it doesnt require Gods wisdom. Did you know it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile? Smile and giv e your face a rest! Theres an old saying, If youre not smiling, youre like a person with a million dolla rs in the bank and no checkbook. You can t REST more than you WORK and expect God to bless your DREAMS! God will only bless what you are willing TO DO! Psalms 1:4 Even if God doesnt do exactly what youre expecting, maybe Hes got something better in mind Ive learned that God is more interested in changing me than He is in changing my circumstances. See Phil 2:13. You attract what you respect in life! If you want to change your world, you must first change your mind. Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all th ings are possible." (Matthew 19:26) God is the only one we must say yes to all the time, and in order to do that we ha ve to say no to people sometimes. With God on your side, your setback is really a setup for a comeback! Anytime we try and fail, we learn something that can benefit us in the future if we wont give up. I keep hearing in my spirit- there is a flow of favor coming to u!!! :)). Get re ady and receive it! God will always bring the right people into your life, but you have to let the w rong people walk away. Sometimes what we think is a disappointment, is really God getting us in positio n to go to a new level. God took hold of you for a purpose. He is perfecting and completing what he has done in your life. It s not over! It s only just begun! Love, Lisa No matter where we are, or what relationship we are in, God must become our anch or because relationships and circumstances can shake us and threaten to sink us from time to time. #YouAreMadeForMore! Love, Lisa Dont live to please people, live to please God. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Do what s right, first. Don t sit around and wait for someone else to do the rig ht thing first. Reprogram your mind with Gods Word to be a can do person so that youre ready to acce pt all God has in store for you. God is always speaking. The question is, are you listening? Stop worrying about what everyone does to you and start worrying about how you r espond to them. You were born to win. You were born for greatness. You were created to be a cham pion in life. God is not mad at you. He s forgiven us of every sin we ve confessed and repente

d of, and we need to forgive others too. God is goodthink about what He is doing instead of what He s not doing. Sit with your eyes closed for two minutes. During that time, pray to be shown im ages of yourself embodying the high
