Page 1: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

John Maurer [email protected]

PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:

Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Google Maps API Documentation:

GDAL/OGR Documentation:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

Page 2: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

Page 3: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

But first, some philosophy. Any technical project has:

Some big “IFFS”…

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

Page 4: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:


Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer



Aim for sweet spot (intersection/heart) but in reality you cannot achieve all IFFS equally…

Page 5: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Game Plan:Investigate the “IFFS” of using Google Maps for…

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

1. Imagery

• USGS DEM Oahu hillshade

• UH/SOEST/HMRG Hawaii bathymetry

2. Points

• fish aggregating devices (FADs)

3. Polygons

• humpback whale national marine sanctuary

4. Polylines

• underwater cables

Page 6: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

Use GDAL and OGR command-line utilities that come with OSGeo4W:

Use DOS if you do not have a Unix terminal installed on your Windows machine:

open the “Start” window (more info)

type “cmd” (this opens the DOS “command” window)

cd c:\osgeo4w\bin (or wherever you installed OSGeo4W)

NOTE: You will need to specify the full data path to wherever you download files in

the examples that follow…

Page 7: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

USGS DEM Oahu hillshade:

Get the data:

Get data summary:

gdalinfo hilloah.tif

Reproject from UTM Zone 4 NAD83 to latlon WGS84:

gdalwarp -t_srs "epsg:4326" hilloah.tif hilloah.epsg4326.tif

Reformat from GeoTIFF to PNG (and make zero values transparent):

gdal_translate -of PNG -a_nodata 0 hilloah.epsg4326.tif hilloah.epsg4326.png

Produce image tiles (this will take a few minutes): --s_srs="+init=epsg:4326" --zoom=5-15 -a 0,0,0 hilloah.epsg4326.png

Page 8: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

USGS DEM Oahu hillshade:

View page source of

Add untiled imagery to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleDem // implement GGroundOverlay

Add tiled imagery to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleDemTiled // implement GCopyright, GTileLayer, and GTileLayerOverlay

• function getTMSTiledUrl // converts TMS tile order to Google Maps tile order…

Page 9: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

UH/SOEST/HMRG Hawaii bathymetry:

Get the image:

Get data summary:

gdalinfo hmrg_bathy_50m.png

Expand indexed color to RGB values (needed for below):

gdal_translate -of vrt -expand rgba hmrg_bathy_50m.png hmrg_bathy_50m.vrt

Produce image tiles (this will take a few hours): --s_srs="+init=epsg:4326" --zoom=0-14 hmrg_bathy_50m.vrt

Page 10: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

UH/SOEST/HMRG Hawaii bathymetry:

View page source of

Add untiled imagery to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleBathyColor // implement GGroundOverlay

Add tiled imagery to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleBathyColorTiled // implement GCopyright, GTileLayer, and GTileLayerOverlay

• function getTMSTiledUrl // converts TMS tile order to Google Maps tile order…

Add WMS tiled imagery to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• gmap_wms.js

• function toggleBathyColorWMS // implement createWMSTileLayer from gmap_wms.js

Page 11: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

fish aggregating devices (FADs):

Get the data:

Get data summary:

ogrinfo -so fads_nmfs.shp fads_nmfs

Produce KML:

ogr2ogr -f KML fads_nmfs.kml fads_nmfs.shp

Produce GeoJSON:

ogr2ogr -t_srs "EPSG:4326" -f GeoJSON fads_nmfs.json fads_nmfs.shp

Page 12: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

fish aggregating devices (FADs):

View page source of

Add KML to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleFads // implement GGeoXml

Add GeoJSON to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleFadsGeoJson // implement MarkerManager

• function createFadMarker // implement GMarker, ELabel, GEvent.addListener

Add tiled WMS to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• gmap_wms.js

• function toggleFadsWMS // implement createWMSTileLayer from gmap_wms.js

Page 13: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

humpback whale national marine sanctuary:

Get the data:

Get data summary:

ogrinfo –so hihwnms.shp hihwnms

Produce KML:

ogr2ogr -f KML hihwnms.kml hihwnms.shp

Produce GeoJSON:

ogr2ogr -t_srs "EPSG:4326" -f GeoJSON hihwnms.json hihwnms.shp

Page 14: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

humpback whale national marine sanctuary:

View page source of

Add KML to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleWhale // implement GGeoXml

Add GeoJSON to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleWhaleGeoJson

• function createWhalePolygon // implement PolylineEncoder, ELabel, GEvent.addListener

Add tiled WMS to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• gmap_wms.js

• function toggleWhaleWMS // implement createWMSTileLayer from gmap_wms.js

Page 15: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

underwater cables:

Get the data:

Get data summary:

ogrinfo -so Cables.shp Cables

Produce KML:

ogr2ogr -f KML Cables.kml Cables.shp

Produce GeoJSON:

ogr2ogr -t_srs "EPSG:4326" -f GeoJSON Cables.json Cables.shp

Page 16: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Command Center:

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

underwater cables:

View page source of

Add KML to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleCable // implement GGeoXml

Add GeoJSON to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• function toggleCableGeoJson

• function createCablePolyline // implement PolylineEncoder, ELabel, GEvent.addListener

Add tiled WMS to Google Maps:

Look at JavaScript for:

• gmap_wms.js

• function toggleCableWMS // implement createWMSTileLayer from gmap_wms.js

Page 17: John Maurer PacIOOS Hawaii Data Explorer:  Workshop Google Maps API Examples:

Synopsis:Here are the sweet spots when applying Goggle Maps for…

Richard (Abe) Coughlin HAWAII PACIFIC GIS CONFERENCE 2012 WORKSHOP - Open Source applications in Web Mapping John Maurer

1. Imagery

• untiled imagery are sluggish (but simple)

• tiles are “good and plenty”: fastest in map but requires storage space

• can change opacity, specify stack order, and show copyright

• no time?, no space?: tiled WMS next best

• can use WMS GetFeatureInfo to query map click for data

2. Points

• KML: minimal support in Google Maps compared to Google Earth

• KML = , WMS = , GeoJSON =

• MarkerManager is your friend

3. Polygons/Polylines:

• KML = , WMS = , GeoJSON =

• PolylineEncoder is your friend