Page 1: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012
Page 2: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012

Oh! Community hub

– office space – venue space – variety of community uses

Arts centre – theatre, dance & gallery – arts activities – youth theatre

Youth employability – 16 – 26 years – volunteering & internships – tasters + projects e.g. takeover

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Page 4: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012

What did we want to do?

• New trustees

• Advertise hire space

• Build awareness of OH

Page 5: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012

Where did we start from?

• Little in-house knowledge as work application

• Personal use by staff & volunteers

• An ok web site

• General interest & willing to give it a go

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Page 7: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012

(1) Recruiting trustees

Our problem – How to find new blood? – Limitations of existing channels – No budget or cast of thousands

A solution? – To Tweet or not to Tweet – Plus a bit of FaceBook too

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Page 10: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012

(2) Advertise hire space

Our problem – Spaces not being used – Lord Leverhulme dilemma? Which 50%?

Solution – Facebook

– Twitter

– Pinterest

– Enews

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Page 14: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012
Page 15: John Ryan, Oxford House - social media presentation at Locality's Convention 2012

(3) Build awareness of OH

Our problem – Not enough people know about – Unused spaces & events – Need to generate more income – No little ‘black book’

Solution – Create a presence – Tell the story or stories – Bury the myths – Build engagement

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Has it worked?

• Difficult to prove but…

• Reached new audience of trustees & we did recruit successfully

• Increase in use of hire space & activities over last 12 months

• Awareness has increased both through anecdotal feedback & increase in enquiries for our 3 strands of work

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Lessons • It’s a medium not the medium

• Relate it to your communications strategy

• Be bold

• Use strong images

• Be yourself

• Try humour? Or Maybe not…

• Use measures & tools to help evaluate

• Don’t get hung up blaming the internet for everything

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John Ryan CEO Oxford House in Bethnal Green [email protected]
