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Austin’s ColonyBy Michael Jones II

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The JourneyI heard about Austin’s Colony and decided to move there. My family and I rode by wagon and suffered my challenges like low food and water, uncomfortable places to rest, and natural disasters.

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What I Qualified For

We finally made it to Austin’s Colony. I qualified for 1,200 acres of land and I have 1,000 dollars to invest. My yearly land payment is 48 dollars and I had to pay that right away. So now I have 952 dollars left.

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1822Its 1822 and now we have to invest in crops. I bought 3 acres of cattle, 7 acres of lumber, and 5 acres of cotton. The total cost of crops were 90 dollars. We got paid 160 dollars.

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1822So now we have total 1,022 dollars. I survived the first year but we still have 2 land payments and investments to go through.

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1823Another year in Austin’s Colony. Time pay the land payment. After that we are left with 972 dollars. Now we invest. I bought 20 acres of cotton, 10 acres of lumber, and 15 acres of cattle.

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1823I paid 300 dollars for crops and got paid 500 dollars. So now we have of a 1,174 dollars. We are still managing. I think we are going to make it. But don’t celebrate yet.

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1824Same process. Pay and invest. We pay 48 dollars and now we are left with 1,126 dollars. I also invested in 8 acres of cotton, 10 acres of lumber, and 9 acres of cattle.

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1824All those crops cost me 180 dollars and got paid 400 dollars. My total is now 1,346 dollars. Congratulations I made it. My family is moving to a new town.

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ConclusionIts Decision time!!! My family and I decided on going to Gonzales. We are packing up our stuff and getting ready to move. I'm going to miss this place.

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ConclusionWe are finished packing. Our land grant was approved so now off we go to Gonzales. Traveling and on the road again. There is a lot of sites on the way to Gonzales. Who knows maybe we will come back again to visit.

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