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The boy who tried too hard!

Joshua Palin 1

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It was a warm summer day and nine year old Mark was excited about starting at his new school.

With his smile beaming like the sun, he marched through the gates like a proud soldier.


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The school days rolled by, but Mark was worried. He still had no friends!

Late one cool night, Mark started to make plan on how he would make friends.


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The next day Mark dressed in the funkiest and coolest outfit he could find.

“Everyone will want to be my friend!”.


“ I will be the coolest kid at school”. Mark thought.

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In the playground, kids were buzzing around like honey bees.

The group of boys started pointing and laughing at Mark. “Nice one, fancy pants”


Mark spotted a group of boys and walked over grinning like a clown.

He suddenly tripped and fell into a pool of mud.

Mark was covered head to toe in slimy mud.

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With his face as red as a beetroot, Mark ran off.


He thought of another idea.

There were soccer trials the next day. He will show

everyone that he is the best and they all will want

to be his friend.

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At the soccer trials, Mark showed off all his cool tricks, but he tried too hard and kicked the ball wildly.

The ball took off and flew away like a hot air balloon, right over the fence and down a drain.


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The other boys all turned and looked at Mark, their faces disappointed.

“Look what you did, you lost the ball”

They groaned. “What a show off”


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Back at school, Mark tried again.

Showing off to impress the other boys, Mark said to the new boy “go away and play with someone else”.


He went to speak with the group of boys. Just then another new boy tried to say hello.

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The other boys were cranky that Mark had been so rude.

“You didn’t have to be so mean to him” They shouted. “What a show off”.

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Face wet from tears, Mark ran off to the sheds and

sat by himself feeling sad.


A teacher had been watching Mark and

his attempts to make friends. He sat down

beside him.

“Mark” he said “You are trying too hard, just be yourself”.

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Later that day Mark was riding his bike, the wind blowing through his hair. He was deep in thought.

He was thinking of what the teacher had said. As he turned, he noticed a new family moving in

next door. 12

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Mark noticed their was a boy his age. “Hello” “I’m Mark would you like to play?”

“Sure” said the boy “I’m Peter”.


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Mark soon found out that Peter had the same hobbies and interests as him.


Peter was also going to the same school. Before long, Peter and Mark became the best of friends.

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One day over at Peter’s house, Mark thought to himself you don’t have to be someone your not or to try too hard.