  • 7/27/2019 Journal of Humanoid Studies #`6



    October 2010.




    ure 1. Humanoid alien blond.









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    YPE X: An event with many components of high-strangeness ingredients, so bizarre in natur

    at it needs a category of its own and it does not necessary includes the appearance of an entity




    ebruary 2010 in the Connellsville area of Fayette County Pennsylvania, Mark Joyner reports

    at he was walking in a wooded area one evening near Connellsville when he saw a strange

    eature which he believes was some type of primate. He described the creature as standing abo

    ree to four feet tall with black and white fur and a tail. The weight of the creature was estima

    be about 85 pounds.

    he most outstanding feature was that the eyes of the creature appeared overly large and were

    nkish-red in color. The creature was first observed bending down and looking through a fire

    fter apparently being startled by the witness, the creature stood up, walked a short distance, a

    en ran up a tree. (1) (Weird, an escaped primate or a miniature Bigfoot type hybrid?).

    he night of February 27 2010 at an unspecified location in California a witness was reading a

    ook and got a little tired, so he turned off the light and was just relaxing in the dark looking o

    to the yard. That night the moon had been overhead and lit up the backyard like a spotlight.

    ut suddenly he noticed there was a definite separate beam of light about 3 feet across coming

    raight down in one pat of the yard.

    he light beam ended up moving towards one of the windows then held there about 3 feet away

    om it. Their fruit tree in the backyard was covered with white flowers at the time. First on th

    ee he saw what looked like a wave that caught his eye, like when the heat is coming off the

    acktop on a hot summer day. It obscured part of the flowers, but the other flowers and trees e yard were clearly seen. The witness has high end energy efficient silvered windows that bloc

    % of the UV so that was really weird. Then he saw 2 lights in the fruit tree. Little tiny like

    EDs bright white, reminded the witness of when you take a flashlight and see the cat eyes

    oking back in reflection only much brighter. The lights were about the distance apart that eye

    ould be. He noticed because he wears glasses and they projected some light that reflected off h

    nses. Then he saw what looked to be a projection on the white flowers on the fruit tree of a he

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    uch closer, running a zigzag pattern before going behind some trees and fading out. These cr

    oved exceptionally fast, and performed moves planes cannot.

    verything seemed to return to normal and the group went inside---discovering that it was now

    m. Looking back we found the memories were really fuzzy and it had felt as if we had lost tim

    that time had went too fast. (4)

    strange event was reported to have occurred on August 11 2010 around 1506 in Midlothian

    inois (a suburb south of Chicago). The main witness and her boyfriend were playing pool in h

    asement. They had started another game and she had just lit up a cigarette. Both suddenly fellicker. They awoke in the same position by the pool table except that the cigarette was gone

    o lighted cigarettes were found. The boyfriend said that he saw a flash of light and then a tim

    pse. He thought that around 15 minutes of time was missing. (5).

    triangle-shaped craft reportedly crash landed on a mountainside in Sanger, California (just

    utside Fresno) on the night of August 21 2010. A family who observed the hard landing

    ported the incident to California Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) state section director Jeffr

    onzalez. According to Gonzalez, while taking the phone report, he heard a woman in the

    ackground say, Its trying to take off, Its trying to lift! The witnesses claim that the downed

    aft ascended 30 to 40 feet trying to take off again, but was unsuccessful.he crash site is private and inaccessible from public roads, which prevented MUFON

    vestigators from reaching the area, but unmarked vehicles allegedly managed to swarm the

    ene shortly after the incident. From a public vantage point, Gonzalez reported seeing someth

    sembling an arc welding light coming from the crash site during the evening, which led him t

    lieve that the individuals who arrived in the unmarked vehicles were either attempting to rep

    e craft or dismantle it. The following morning, Gonzalez was able to see scorch marks on the

    ound, and surprisingly, the craft was still there. He supposedly has video footage of the crash

    te and the stingray-shaped craft, as he described it, and will make the video available after

    as been processed. According to Gonzalez the videos are being transferred to his computer, bue taking longer than usual because the camera he used doesnt have a digital output. The

    tnesses have called Gonzalez in the past, and they apparently see frequent UFO activity in th

    ea. (A video posted on Youtube shows a triangle shaped craft flying over Sanger, the day afte

    e craft). (6)

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    ure 3. Triangle Craft

    dditional information on the above intriguing case indicates that the main witness, Justin a

    s wife and mother had gone outside to see on the side of the mountain what appeared to be a

    iangle shaped object sitting on the side of the mountain. He said it had white lights on each

    rner and a bright light underneath in the center with some blue and red lights on the sides. H

    id the shape was definitely a triangle. After observing it for a couple of minutes, he said the c

    ted up about 30 to 40 feet as it was trying to take off but could not and the craft again fell to t

    ound. It attempted to lift off again with no luck and again the craft slammed back down. It dot try to take off anymore. He even said it looked like the craft was damaged on one side. Afte

    w minutes went by, the 3 witnesses started to see vehicles---cars and trucks---arrive at the sce

    hese vehicles came from over the mountain and from below. He said they just came out of

    owhere. He did not know if they were military or not. By this time it was dark and they see th

    hicles headlights on the hill and what he says are helicopters flying overheadbut he wasnt

    re. By the time Gonzalez arrived he could only see 3 lights on the hill. At around 2300 he beg

    videotape other vehicles coming to the site, and on a couple of occasions captured very brigh

    ue flashes of light coming from the area.

    onzalez stayed in the area all night and claims that in the morning around 5:45 he was able to

    e what appeared to be a bunch of pine-trees and what seemed to be a house, and then he notichat looked to him to be a gray or metallic object lying right in front of that house. He said he

    ied to zoom up but it was still to far away. It was hard to tell the shape of the craft but it

    entually it starting taking the shape of a triangle or sting ray in Gonzalezs eyes. (7). (Additio

    formation is still pending on this alleged incident).

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    ure 4. The mythic Thunderbird

    n the evening of August 26 2010, around 2010 near South Greensburg Pennsylvania, just afte

    tting dark, four people were sitting around in the yard having a barbecue and enjoying the

    autiful weather when suddenly, their attention was drawn skyward by a sound like a swish

    swoosh or as one witness stated, like air coming straight down.

    veral of the observers at almost the same time yelled out some exclamations including one ma

    ho said, What the hell is that? They were all startled to see a tremendously large bird that w

    ying over a tree in the yard about 30-40 feet overhead. The man who was doing the cooking

    rned and looked up to see the creature fly above him at a distance of about 40 feet away. As t

    rd passed the tree, it veered slightly to the right and went straight down the road ahead,

    aintaining its low level path. When first observed, the massive wings of the creature were in a

    pward position and were beginning to drop slowly, almost as if they were rolling to the bottom

    he swoosh sound could be heard when the wings were moving. The powerful bird had flown

    bout 125 yards down the road, at which time the wings were coming back up. The creature wabserved as it continued to move steadily down the road, passing just above the roof top of a ho

    th its wings flapping slowly and steadily about 3-4 times until it reached a group of trees abo

    mile away, where it was lost from sight. It took about 20 seconds to go the mile distance.

    he source was able to interview two of the witnesses at the scene and they were able to provid

    tailed description of the giant flying creature. As it passed over, it appeared as though it was

    ering below, with its head and beak positioned downward. It was estimated that if the bird w

    n the ground it would stand between 4 to 5 feet tall. The entire body was the same dark colo

    ther darkish brown or black. The body width was about 25-30 inches wide. One witness said t

    ody, was very bulky and husky. The head was oval shaped, and the beak was short for the s

    the animal, about 8-10 inches long. The tail was about 2 feet long and came out wide to a poi

    was the size of the wingspan of the creature that impressed the witnesses, which they estimat

    10 feet or more in length. When asked why nobody thought to take a picture, they pointed ou

    at while there were cell phones lying there with camera functions, all involved were mesmeriz

    y the encounter. One fellow he talked with said that after the experience he felt as if he was

    lmost in shock. It was later learned that another witness who lived along the road where the

    g bird flew over also reportedly saw the creature. One witness has been a long time hunter an

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    very familiar with birds native to the state and is certain that he saw something quite unusua

    he area where these observations have taken place, while surrounded with some wooded

    cations, is well populated and nearby Route 119 is a highly traveled roadway. (8)

    n August 28 2010 in Fort Worth Texas at around 2 to 4 a.m. a witness was lying in her bed

    leep when she woke up with a strange feeling that something was near her. When she opened

    r eyes, she saw blue, red and green lights above her. When she tried to focus in on what I was

    oking at she saw part of a circular rim almost like the edge of a plate. She then got the feeling

    at she was about to be taken. She became frightened and quickly turned around toward heusband. She closed her eyes and the next thing she knew she was waking up to her alarm goin

    f. The image is fresh in her head and now she is afraid to go to sleep. She is not sure if she wa

    ken and when she tried to share the incident with her husband he laughed at her (typical

    action). (Bedroom visitation? Or abduction?). (9)

    n August 30 2010, in Lees Summit, Missouri a witness had initially woken up at 3:00 a.m.

    cause his dog was acting really funny. The animal was growling and smelling the bedroom

    ndow. So the witness thought that it needed to use the bathroom. He went outside and smo

    cigarette while his dog went into the yard. He was looking up at the sky trying to find the moo

    nd he saw a large blue light. At first he thought it was an airplane, but then it started movingoser toward his yard and he saw two other blue lights with all three forming the shape of a

    iangle all moving together toward his yard. He kept looking to see what it was then got scared

    nd decided maybe he should go back inside so he called his dog and went inside.

    ater on that night around 2255 the witness went to let his dog out again. He was acting strang

    e smoked a cigarette looking at the sky and once again there was the big blue light, but a little

    rther to the side of where it was the first time. This time he only saw two blue lights and he w

    oking at them trying to see what they were. The next thing he knew he was looking down at th

    ound had no cigarette in his hand anymore and he got up to looked for his dog which acted a

    had seen a ghost. He started growling and smelling toward where the light was, but the ligas already gone. He went inside and it was now midnight. He doesnt know what happened

    tween the hour he was outside and does not remember. A couple of months before his brothe

    ld him about a weird shaped light outside his window, but nobody believed him. (10). (Missin

    me perhaps an abduction event?).

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    ure 5. Chupacabra/Gargoyle type creature

    t the end of August 2010 in the area of Guanica, Puerto Rico a strange creature with wings resembl

    at of a giant bat, which locals had likened it to a gargoyle has attacked several local livestock and a

    ocal man. The attacks from the supposed gargoyle are similar to the better known and mythical

    hupacabras. Apparently this gargoyle type creature also sucks the blood out of its victims. Some of

    cals identify the creature as indeed a Chupacabra but others claimed that it is a different type ofeature, a sinister denizen of the old ruins and tunnels of the ancient sugar cane mill Central Guanic

    cated in the Ensenada barrio.

    he attacks have been reported for years in the region but the recent majority have been in Guanica, b

    so in nearby Lajas and San German. The creature has been seen by numerous locals who have opte

    t to make official reports with the local authorities. The man that was reportedly attacked by the

    nged creature suffered wounds to his stomach and deep scratches on his back. The man reported th

    range creature with huge wings had ambushed him in his backyard. A local police officer by the

    me of Miguel Negron reported that while patrolling the old barrio area he heard loud flapping of

    ngs coming from the top of a nearby zinc roof. Officer Negron says that some of the witnesses

    scribe the creature as resembling a huge bird that gives off a strong sulfur-like smell and devours li

    imals, like dogs, cats, horses, draining most of its victims of blood. According to investigator

    ofessor Reinaldo Rios some have described the creature as gargoyle like and grotesque in nature


    n September 2 2010 around 4:30 a.m. a witness at an unspecified location in Pennsylvania reported

    eing a flash of green light in the bedroom followed by an hour and a half of missing time after

    serving a cylinder shaped object in the sky during the early morning hours.

    he witness thought the object in the sky might be a star, but noted that it looked like a cigar orlinder shape. The time was 4:30 a.m. and the witness went inside and lay down in bed. Very short

    ter the witness reports both a flash of green light and a voice speaking in a language not understood

    hadowy figures were seen in the bedroom.

    couldnt move, I felt my dog up against me, but she never moved or barked, the witness stated. I

    ed very hard to move my arms and feet, but it was like having sleep paralysis, but I knew I was wid

    wake. I definitely felt, and caught glimpses of the presence of small shadowy figures in the bedroom

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    he witness then reports that they did not feel as though they were in their bedroom any longer. The

    xt recall is that they were back in their bedroom and the time was 6:04 a.m. (13).

    an undisclosed location in Missouri on the night of September 3 2010 around 30 minutes afte

    idnight an anonymous witness reported that he had been awakened by a bright flash in the ro

    ke a camera flash. He opened his eyes and saw a small disc-like UFO in the corner of the room

    th a large dome on top of it with windows all around the dome. The disk was a light gray

    etallic color with black around the windows, it was lighted on the inside and there were no lig

    n the outside, except the one it kept flashing from the front of the vehicle. The witness watchede 12 diameter craft move about the room from corner to corner, flashing the strobe-like ligh

    e believes it was a camera of some sort), then it hovered over his bed.

    e tried to remain as still as possible while shaking his wife and getting her to wake up. She als

    w the craft just as it moved into position near the foot of their bed. He noticed a very low

    umming sound. It then moved slowly forward and that is when they saw the tiny beings inside

    e craft looking out at them---they both sat up in bed and the beings looked surprised, then th

    aft took off very quickly towards the closet/chimney area and disappeared. They could not ge

    od look at the beings inside the craft, but the witnesses claim that they had large heads for th

    mall bodies, and they looked humanoid. All he could see was a kind of gray skin color and he

    inks the eyes looked more like human eyes, not large almond-shaped eyes that are like theypical grays. Later after they had fallen asleep again, the witness again woke up and saw a

    hite-gloved hand floating approximately 10 above his head. He only saw this for a couple of

    conds, and then it disappeared. He jumped out of bed to investigate but could find nothing in

    om. (Apparently the couple has seen similar things in the past). (12).

    bizarre report came to light on September 21 2010 from Egg Harbor, New Jersey, as witness

    aimed to have seen a person falling from the sky on Tuesday.

    elly Hale told Egg Harbor police that she and two co-workers at Shore Veterinarians were

    oking out their office window when they saw someone plummeting straight down, no paracho paraglider. Ms. Hale didnt think the person---who was free-falling headfirst, at a slight an

    was wearing a parachute. Reports said three also saw a small plane pass by, and that there we

    o reports of missing skydivers.

    rom NBC Philadelphia:

    You could see the arms and legs flailing and his clothes were blue, a dark blue like a navy, bla

    nd gray, Hale said. Theres no doubt that it was a person. Were 100 percent sure.

    gg Harbor police, with in the air help from U.S. Coast Guard and New Jersey State Police,

    arched the area on Tuesday.

    We didnt see any signs of debris, we didnt see any broken branchesof something like, falli

    rough the tree-line, U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant Commander Paul Whitmore told NBChiladelphia. We didnt see anything out of the ordinary, but thats not to say it didnt happen



    Case studies:

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    mong the dozens if not hundreds of humanoid types reportedly encountered worldwide by

    dependent witnesses of varied backgrounds and nationalities are a sub-category known by

    fferent monikers, such as The Blonds, Nordics, tall whites, Venusians, perhaps even Ange

    ure 6. Tall Blond

    ven though this type of entities were popularized in Contactee lore by such people as George Adam

    nd his Venusians), Howard Menger, and others in the early 50s and later by latter day Contactees l

    nrique Rincon (Colombia) and Sixto Paz Wells among others. They had been apparently encountere

    d reported by others outside the Contactee-realm before and after Adamski and Menger anddependently of Wells and Rincon and from diverse locations worldwide. And unlike popular belief

    ese entities are not all reported to be tall and the saviors of humanity, some act totally indifferent

    mans, even perhaps with cold indifference. In order to illustrate the different types of this catego

    entities and their varied behavior and locations of appearance, I will summarize a few sample


    The Soldier and the blond woman

    the summer of 1949 near an unnamed village in the Brusilov area, Zhitomir region, Ukraine (thenSSR) the witness, Vasily, a retired officer of the Red Army had returned to his native village after t

    ar (The Great Patriotic War) and one day he was returning to his village through a field of wheat

    cated under some high-voltage electrical power lines. Everything was as usual, but suddenly a very

    usual silence seemed to envelope the area.

    he stunned Vasiliy felt as if he were in a sort of vacuum, (Oz effect) all the usual sounds, like bird

    ickets, the wind, etc, were gone. Vasiliy stopped walking and looked around, at this point he saw a

    zarre woman standing close to him. The first thing he noticed was her unusual height, she was almo

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    gantic, perhaps 2.5 meters tall or taller. She had yellow-golden, shiny, wavy long hair, bright and

    usually deep blue eyes. The strange woman was dressed in a tight-fitting silvery metallic overall. T

    tlines of her figure were unusually correct and very beautiful. Somehow, the witness felt afraid and

    mmediately took out his pistol and screamed at the woman, Hands up! Dont move! his first thoug

    as (This was at the start of the Cold War) that the strange woman was some sort of foreign spy or

    boteur dropped in the area by parachute.

    owever in the very next moment Vasiliy suddenly felt unable to react as usual, all his normal functi

    pear to slow down, he apparently began to loose control of his body functions, soon he was paralyz

    d in a trance-like state, unable to utter a single word. Next he heard the womans voice directly inss head, her lips were not moving. He heard, Hide your toy! as she pointed to his pistol. Suddenly

    asiliy was then able to move again, and felt very unusually relaxed and he did as he was told. The

    range woman then motioned for him to follow her somewhere and the next phrase Vasiliy heard in

    ind was, Would you like to come with us We will show you other planets! But out of fear Vasil

    fused the invitation, he next heard, Well then, go and continue your way! and then the woman

    mply disappeared in plain sight of the witness.

    ut of fear Vasiliy dared not to tell anyone except for a limited number of trusted people about his

    counter. He also found out that during the time when he had met the strange woman in the wheat fi

    ere had been a problem with the electrical supply of the village. Apparently there had been an alien

    hicle near the witness but it had been probably optically disguised or camouflaged. (15)

    The Alpine guide and the strange visitors

    early 1951 in the small village of Casteil, Pyrenees Orientales, France, Jacques B. Bley, then an

    pine guide and inn keeper, was confronted by a strange man who bowed to him and asked to be

    rnished every day with 2 bottles of milk and some bread. This man, over 6ft tall, with blue almond

    aped eyes and blond hair falling to his shoulders was of athletic physique, with long fingered white

    nds, and wore extremely tight trousers, black boots, and an ample shirt and jacket with tight sleeves unusual appearance attracted attention. This man came to the hotel for milk and bread every day

    few weeks. Asked where he came from, he replied From above.

    radually he began to talk with Bley, developing profound themes of social political character, wh

    ey could understand only with difficulty. Bley learned that he was engaged in making a topograph

    ap of the local mountain massif, and was shown it; a team of topographers would have had to wor

    onths to do this work, and the unknown man had done it all by himself in less than 15 days. One d

    secretly followed him to his camp, and found him living in a strange conical tent, metallic gray, v

    w, near which was an identical being who appeared to be a woman. Another time, Bleys young s

    otographed the 2 beings, over the strangers protest; when the film was developed, both photos

    peared to be entirely unexposed. Finally the strange man told Bley that it was time for him to retu

    there and that, as he had no money like yours, he would pay for the bread and milk with some

    ld nuggets he had gathered from the local stream. Ribera spoke to the jeweler who bought these

    ggets from Bley; he remembered the incident. The mayor of Casteil also verified the existence of t

    range man. (16)

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    he now classic encounter took place on October 21 1954 around 1645 near the village of Ran

    afford, England.

    rs. Jessie Roestenburg heard a noise like an aircraft and she ran out into the garden. There

    und her two children lying prostrate and terrified. Above the children was a huge saucer-

    bject with a dome, the front part of which was transparent stated Mrs. Roestenburg. Starin

    e children from the machine were two unsmiling human-like creatures, with long faces and l

    air. Jessie then ran to the back of the house in fright. The object then moved over the ho

    overed there for about 15 seconds and then shot off at high speed. The men inside the object

    hite skin, long blond hair to their shoulders, and very high foreheads. They wore turquoise b

    othing, resembling ski suits. The object hovered at a tilted angle while the two occupants loothe scene sternly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionately.

    fter about 15 seconds during which these men gazed at her, the craft ascended at a 45-deg

    ngle, with a blinking violet light in front. Leaving a contrail, it circled the house, and t

    reaked out of sight. (17).

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    nother case from the same year occurred in the hamlet of Linha Bela Vista, state of Rio Gra

    o Sul, Brazil only a couple of months later on December 9 1954.

    ometime in the evening farmer Olmira da Costa e Rosa was cultivating his crops of French be

    nd maize at his place, 2 miles from Venancio Aires, when he heard something like a sew

    achine, and animals in a nearby field panicked. He then saw an object, shaped like a bow

    plorers hat, cream colored and enveloped in a smoky haze. It was hovering just above

    ound, and three strange looking men were there, one inside the craft, one examining a barb

    re fence, and one close to the farmer. In astonishment the farmer dropped his hoe, and the m

    miled, approached, picked up the hoe, examined it carefully and handed it back to him. He tnt down plucked a few plants, and walked back towards the machine, with the others.

    he craft rose slowly to about thirty feet, then accelerated, and flashed away towards the wes

    gh speed. The farmer, almost completely illiterate, had never heard of flying saucers. He

    ble to study these men at close range and in great detail. They were of medium height, bro

    ouldered, with long blond hair blowing in the wind. With their extremely pale skin and slan

    es, they were not normal looking by Earth standards. Their clothing consisted of light bro

    veralls garments fastened to their shoes, which were heel-less. He concluded that they mus

    iators from some foreign country. (18).

    The laughing spacemen of Aubagne

    t the end of October 1959 in the village of Aubagne, Bouches du Rhone, France, around 1800

    tness a Miss Moulet, 45, was hanging out her washing in the twilight, with her 3 children, w

    e saw an egg-shaped object descend silently, to hover just above her. Through a wide triangu

    ndow in its front, strongly illuminated, she could see about 20 persons, tall, with wavy bl

    air and very light skin. Wearing white suits and short sleeves. They were smiling or perh

    ughing at her. The air became very cold. After 10-15 minutes the object took off ag

    sappearing in 2 or 3 seconds, leaving a slight trail. (19)

    the sixties reports describing similar humanoids, tall, blond, human like, etc continued to co

    from different locations worldwide, the so-called Grays were not yet here in force

    bduction stories were few and far between.

    very brief report from 1963 details a case which purportedly took place in the Brazilian stat

    arana, Brazil. At dawn as a crowd of people stood watching a forest fire, they saw huge b

    aped object of a bright zinc color, 100 ft wide; descend silently into the burning area, whhovered 12 ft from the ground for 15 minutes. 2 or 3 tall good-looking people got out of

    scended to the ground and then walked about picking up burnt material, stones, etc. (20).

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    series of strange events was reported the same year, 1963, from the small town of Seva, Puerto Ric

    ne afternoon the 11-year old witness (apparently involved in other encounters) was lying down for

    esta after lunch. As soon as she placed her head on her pillow, she felt strange, as if she couldnt m

    he was panicked and tried to scream out for her mother (nearby) to help her, but her mother thought

    e was sleeping (dreaming). And then she saw a man enter the room. It was not something like a gh

    cause she could see him clearly.

    he man was wearing some type of spacesuit, very similar to the one like the astronauts, except that

    d no helmet at all and he had long hair. And I was very scared, when I looked at him. He was fair

    inned, blue eyes and beautiful long hair. And he looked at me and he tried to smile at me but I wasared that I wasnt smiling. And I still was crying, you know, inside me I was crying Help me! Hel

    e! you know. Somebody is in the bedroom The man then pointed to the wall, it was a concrete w

    d when she looked she was able to look through it, she then realized that she could see through all

    alls. She saw the cars coming and going, the neighbors house, etc. And I felt maybe I m dreaming

    . I thought to myself, I am dreaming. Its just a dream. And I saw all the movement that was goin

    at the time. And I was able to hear. My hearing was developing in such a way that I could hear mi

    way, everything that was going on. And I could even see the car that was going to come maybe thre

    inutes later. And for me at first I was scared but later it was for me like a game, you know, that I co

    el this, it was something that I enjoyed doing it, hearing whatever is going on three or four miles aw

    d looking at everything. And he just moved the finger and everything stopped. And when thatppened, I look at him and he turned his back and disappeared. And then I was able to move again.

    he then told her mother about her weird dream and her mother told her that she had only been asl

    r 2 or 3 minutes, so it couldnt be. Her mother told her she saw her with her eyes closed sleepin


    ure 7. Blond spaceman

    1968 in the village of Savsjon, Varmland, Sweden, the main witness a woman named Lyyli

    lsson had been out fishing with her 11-year old daughter. The girl left and went home. As the

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    ild came to a ridge she saw two persons wearing overall like outfits and a bit further up a

    ownish bell-shaped object. A while later Lyyli passed the same place and saw the men who

    lked between themselves in an unknown language. Hiding about 40 meters from them, she sa

    at they were of a Nordic type and wore silvery overall-like outfits. Their craft stood a bit

    rther up on the ridge. When she came home her daughter confirmed Mrs. Nilssons observat


    n March 29 1968 at around 1:15 a.m. in Fos-su-Mer, Arles, France an unidentified 22-year ol

    echanic, on a motorbike between Fos-su-Mer and Port Saint Louis, observed a UFO descendnd land near a power transformer. An opening appeared in the base from which was emitted

    ight white light.

    hen a human appearing entity emerged and descended to the ground on a kind of ramp. He w

    sort of security guards outfit with a rolled collar. The suit was light colored and brillian

    oven of heavy stitches. The mans hair was while blond or white, and cut in a crew-cut. He

    amined the ground around him and then noticed the witness, whom he watched for a momen

    fore re-entering the object. He examined the ground around him and then noticed the witnes

    hom he watched for a moment before re-entering the object. The UFO took off gently with a g

    cool air. (23).

    o be continued on Vol. 2 Nr 1 next month..


    aying within the theme of this Volume I will describe a little known case that occurred at theight of the WWII (1943) in Dover Beach, England.

    n an intensely foggy night a brother and sister had left the lights on and taken down the

    rtains, feeling the fog was blanket enough for the wartime blackout restrictions. The house w

    ght by the beach, and they were decorating an upstairs bedroom for their parents. As they we

    usy wallpapering they just suddenly saw inches from the large bay windows a white craft

    overing. It was like inverted saucers, with a wide band of bright blue separating the bottom so

    hite, from a transparent top. In this were two good looking young men, with long sandy hair t

    eir shoulders. Dressed in white jumpsuits, with bright blue sashes at the waist, matching the

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    aft, they were gazing with compassion at the witnesses. The craft was quite silent. The brothe

    nd sister decided, As they were foreign looking, whilst they were obviously male, they had

    minine hair styles. This was unheard of before the Beatles era ushered in long hair. They h

    be Russians, they decided and perhaps they knew something more about the way the War

    as going, than we had been told. (24).

    HE FRINGE______________________________________________________________

    gain staying within the blond human-like, Nordic, humanoid, I like to present a strange series of ev

    id to have occurred early in 1976 in France.

    he location was the small town of Domene in the Isere region of France, and the first incident

    portedly took place on January 5 1976.

    round 1750 Jean Claude Silvente, 10, was walking through a brush grown vacant lot (surrounded bildings) when he heard a noise, and saw a UFO had landed at the edge of the brush. About 30 feet

    way, it was a bell-shaped object about 15 ft high, white luminous, resting on 5 thin legs. A door ope

    d a giant at least 6.5 foot tall emerged, walking stiffly and with his arms extended in front of him

    e manner of a sleepwalker. He wore a tight white luminous coverall and had long blond hair. On th

    ck of his hands was a green circle. When the boy sneezed, this giant turned toward him, and Je

    aude ran home. Shortly afterwards he was sent to get milk; while returning, he saw the same being

    llowing him on the sidewalk at 80 ft distance, still with his arms stiffly in front of him. The witness

    n home. (25).

    ut it was not over for Silvente, the next day (January 6) around 1800, Silvente was returning from

    tting milk when again he saw the UFO being of the day before, in the same posture, only 12 ft awais time. He spilled the milk and ran. His sisters boyfriend, who was following him, saw nothing. B

    en, at the same place (on a sidewalk only 30 yards from his house), Jean Claude, his mother, his 17

    ar old sister, and her boyfriend saw a red headlight dive down from the sky at them as it would

    nd on them. They ran in panic to a nearby police station. (26).

    here was an additional reported encounter on January 8, again in Domene, this time at around 2045

    hen an anonymous adolescent saw a red yellow point of light descend from the sky to the same vac

    t that a UFO had landed on the fifth. Getting up on a little gravel heap, he saw on the ground an obj

    ft in diameter and 25ft high that emitted a bright red yellow light, which hurt the eyes. After 2 or 3inutes he noticed a non-material luminous form, which frightened him so that he fled. (27).

    credibly an almost identical humanoid was seen in another location in France 10 months later.

    the evening of October 10 1976 in the small commune of Chamouilley, in the Haute-Marne, a girl

    om nearby Eurville was on her way to Cousances-les-Forges to meet her fiance and she arrived at

    it to Chamouilley the beams of her Mobylette illuminated a very tall being standing in the middle o

    e road. The figure then advanced in her direction placing his arms directly in front of him (again lik

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    eepwalker). The humanoid measured over 2 meters in height; it had an uncovered heard with long

    ond hair and was wearing something resembling welders goggles that covered his eyes. The figure

    so wore a phosphorescent combination suit that reflected light. The frightened witness dropped her

    oped and took refuge in a friends house nearby. She did not see the humanoid depart. (28).

    nyone with information or questions can contact the author Albert S Rosales at the 2 following ema

    [email protected]

    1. Mufon case log, case # 220613. NUFORC David MacDonald Kentucky MUFON State director5.

    10. Bosque Perez in: case files Case # 2526614. Alexander N. (Collector of UFO related information from Kiev) & Dr. Anton A. Anfalov PhD. (The ma

    source apparently spoke to the witness in 1968)16.Antonio Ribera in HUMCAT listing17.Gavin Gibbons for FSR also Wolverhampton Express & Star18.Donald Hanlon, The Humanoids

    19. M. Cohin of SVEPS in LDLN # 12520. Donald Hanlon, The Humanoids21. Michael D. Swords Grassroots UFOs22. Olof Svensson UFO Sweden23. Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne HUMCAT24. Margaret Ellen Fry Who are they?25. Michel Levy, LDLN # 15926. Michel Levy, LDLN # 15927. Raoul Robe regional catalogue, Groupe 5255
