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Week #11

Limited Edition. =)

Teacher Laura this week I am going to talk about an accident, or things that just happens for a reason.Well on the night of Friday the 20th of November 2015 I decide to take my skateboard and go out to the malecon and get some fresh air, since I was going to teach the next morning I needed a good time to clean my soul with a beautiful ride on my skateboard, everything was going ok, I was having what I was looking for, when I was coming back from my trip and I was approaching to my neighborhood around 9:30pm I saw these two kids(16 years old) doing graffiti to the school like nothing was going on, so my good citizen part of me told me: stop them, who do they think they are to be doing that?, that is vandalism, well I stop and said to them: stop doing that, and they did, but they started telling me to fuck off and stuff like that, so I took his spray paint can and throw it away, so we kept arguing and out of nowhere because he came out from the back, I just saw this big knife and did a step back, but he still got me in the chest, I fall down for like a second and they started running, but now I was pissed off and a lot of blood was coming out of my chest, but I still got the strength to go after him so I did, we ran like a mile and I was yelling out loud: AGARRENLOS! AGARRENLOS! And again out of nowhere this truck with some armed guys (later I discover the they were government) took one of the kids (at this time we were in walt-mart parking space) and give him a good putasos and took the knife but they let him go, I do not know why but the kid kept running but we still got the one who got into walt-mart (police arrive and some government staff) for some reason that I am not aware they did not do anything about attempted murder the kid commit. At this time I was all cover in blood, the ambulance arrive, they took me to hospital clean my chest do some stitching and I went home all injured for protecting my Barrio and my

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beautiful city that all these Lacras want to ruin by doing all that bad graffiti they do, and in return I did not get anything of JUSTICE because of the government of shit that we have in Mexico. Good thing I did not do it for them I did it for the city for me because I walk that avenue everyday and I saw everything demacrado, but it is alright, I have to take this as another chance to do things the right way.


A stabbing is penetration with a sharp or pointed object at close range. Stab connotes purposeful action, as by an assassin or murderer, but it is also possible to accidentally stab oneself or others.