  • Church Calendar



    7:00 a.m. Mens Growth Group

    8:15 a.m. Prayer, Room 205

    9:00 a.m. Worship Service

    11:00 a.m. Worship Service


    9:00 a.m. VBS

    7:00 p.m. The Most Excellent Way


    9:00 a.m. VBS

    6:00 p.m. Cause Park Night


    9:00 a.m. VBS

    12:00 p.m. Mens Growth Group

    6:45 p.m. Worship Team Practice


    6:00 a.m. Mens Growth Group

    9:00 a.m. VBS


    9:00 a.m. VBS


    Mexico Mission Trip Departs

    July 16

    Lords Supper with Phil Howard

    July 19

    Canyonview Day Camp

    July 27-31

    Do you need more information

    about upcoming events?



    New to SHC?

    Were glad youre here! Wed

    love to get to know you and tell

    you more about our ministries. Fill

    out a visitor card to be contacted

    with more information.

    View our calendar on your

    smartphone or tablet.


    How can I serve?

    Lords Supper Dessert Coordinator

    Sunday Morning Ushers

    Call the church office to find out more about

    these opportunities.

  • Info & News

    Summer Series - Family Matters

    Justin Greene - July 12

    Phil Howard - July 19

    Donald Whitney - July 26

    F a m i l y M a t t e r s

    Canyonview Day Camp

    Registration is open online for kids entering first grade through

    entering sixth grade. Check the church website for more info.

    Cause Men Of God Backpacking Trip

    Fun trip for father and son! Interested? There will be a meeting

    July 26 @ 10:35 a.m. in the chapel. Trip dates are August 5-8.

    Patrick & Becky Patterson

    The Pattersons will be back in the U.S. for a visit from July 10 -

    August 6. If you want to hear an update about the work in East

    Asia, contact them to arrange a meet up!

    Tim & Mary Dady

    The Dadys are fully funded! They leave for Latvia this

    month. You are invited to a send off celebration July 19 at

    Salem Heights Church from 4-6pm. See you there!

  • The ministry of SHC is funded entirely by the generous giving of Gods people. You will notice that we do not pass the offering plate; however, there are offering boxes in the back of the auditorium. We believe from the Word of God that the Spirit of God will lead people towards giving back to God of their first fruits. ...God loves a cheerful giver, (2 Cor. 9:7). Please prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do.

    Monthly Budget Needed $107,000 Monthly Giving To Date $35,604 Fiscal Year to Date +/- -$16,505 Building Fund $25,892

    SHC Staff


    Justin Greene

    Senior Pastor Carl Chica

    Pastor of Family Life Matt MacCollin

    Pastor of Mens/College

    Lay Elders

    Chuck Moore

    Ted Ferry


    Ron Groves

    Administrator Russ Libby

    Director of Ministries Scott Hunter

    Facilities Manager AJ Acker

    Music Ministry Tim Saffeels

    Director of Student Ministries Pete Potloff

    Director of Family Life Ed Reister

    Community Connection Jay Duffus

    Mens Biblical Counseling Laura Chica Womens Biblical Counseling Julie Bernard Womens Ministry

    Giving Update


    Our Purpose To reach people with the love of Jesus Christ,

    provide a safe and supportive environment,

    proclaim the standards of Gods truth,

    duplicate the Christian life in others, and

    celebrate the majesty and works of our Great



    How to Build the Fire Genesis 2; Ephesians 5

    Presented by

    Pastor Justin Greene July 12, 2015

    A man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound

    mystery... Ephesians 5:31-32

    In 1947, Dr. Carle Zimmerman, a professor of sociology at Harvard University, published a book titled Family and Civilization. In this very technical work, he established an unmistakable correlation between the strength of the family and the strength of the culture. As the teeth of one gear mesh with another, the attitudes that undermine a family will ultimately bring down a nation.

    Dr. Zimmerman identified three types of families, the last of which he called atomistic. After a careful study of the worlds great empires, he found that a nation of predominantly atomistic families rarely escapes extinction. I find his description of this type of family eerily prophetic:

    This type of family arises first as an extension of the ideas of freedom of the individual ... Thus the individual is left more and more alone to do as he

  • wishes. At first the freedom becomes an incentive to economic gain ... But sooner or later the meaning of this freedom changes. The individual, having no guiding moral principles, changes the meaning of freedom from opportunity to license. Having no internal or external guides to discipline him, he becomes a gambler with life, always seeking greener pastures. When he comes to inevitable difficulty, he is alone in his misery. He wishes to pass his difficulties and his misery on to others. Consequently he continually helps to build up institutions to remedy his misery. He willingly follows any prophet (and they are mostly false ones) who comes along with a sure-cure nostrum for the diseases of the social system.1

    Thus we witness the peculiar anomaly in that atomistic people, who seem to have given all for this freedom, are the ones who create the most violent and bloodthirsty dictatorships.2

    Here are six of the particular attitudes that Zimmerman states are typical of a society nearing its last days. Most of them have to do with marriage.

    Increased and rapid, easy, causeless divorce. [Guilty-and-innocent party theory became a pure fiction.]

    Elimination of the real meaning of the marriage ceremony.

    Rise of theories that companionate marriage or looser family forms would solve social ills. [A companionate marriage is one in which the couple agrees to just be companions, not to have children, not to commingle their finances, and divorce by mutual consent.]

  • The refusal of many other people married under the older family form to maintain their traditions while other people escape these obligations. [The Greek and Roman mothers refused to stay home and bear children.]

    Breaking down of most inhibitions against adultery.

    Common acceptance of all forms of sex perversions.3,4

    Studies like these reveal the tracks left behind by others. Failure is NOT inevitable, but it is more probable if we do not build our home fires right.


    Q: Why is our perception of marriage (and family) so bleak when the stats on marriage remain positive?

    A: Our Me Generation does not like the materials used to build a good relationship.


    Not the same ... but ONE.

    You were designed different ... change is inevitable.

    The goal is not he needs to change or she needs to change, but Lord, change me so that we can change.

    Not self satisfied ... but serving.

  • Not just happy ... but holy.

    Not gooey but gospel (confession and repentance are important).

    Not your good ... but Gods glory.

    Not picture perfect ... but protected.


    1Carle C. Zimmerman, Family and Civilization (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947), 161. 2Ibid., 760-61. 3Ibid., 776-77. 4Charles R. Swindoll, Marriage from Surviving to Thriving (Nashville: W Publishing Group, a Division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.), 25-27.