  • 8/13/2019 July 2009Tackling Post Operative Sensitivity in Composite Restorations



    AbstractIn day to day clinical practice, post-operative sensitivity after composite restorations keeps onresurfacing. This article looks at the probable causes of post operative sensitivity. Relevant factors

    like dentin, the adhesive systems and their interrelationship, optimization of bonding & Fusayamas

    techni!ue of cavity preparation etc are considered. "linical recommendations are put for#ard tohelp minimize this problem.

    Key words$ "omposite resin restorations, post operative sensitivity, dentin bonding, Fusayama



    Dr. Abhiit !a"hPostgraduate studentDept. of Conservative Dentistry & EndodonticsModern Dental College & Research Centre,Gandhinagar, Indore !"##$.

    Contact % Eail'a(agh)#$* Mo+ile' -#%-!!!!//!.


  • 8/13/2019 July 2009Tackling Post Operative Sensitivity in Composite Restorations



    In this age of aesthetic dentistry and the gro(ing trend to(ards inially invasive

    dentistry, posterior coposite restorations have +ecoe the nor of conteporary dental

    practice. It has +ecoe a routine for the 0(ell infored1 patient to deand posterior

    22aesthetic1 restorations. 3ongst the availa+le options, directly placed coposite

    restorations offer an e4cellent option as they are esthetic, afforda+le, can +e placed in a

    single appointent and a+ove all, they conserve a lot of tooth structure 5eeping in line (ith

    the philosophy of MID.

    6o(ever, as (e all 5no(, placing direct posterior coposite restorations is a 0techni7ue

    sensitive deanding art1 depending a lot on the clinical situation, the support of the allied

    staff and ost iportantly the e4pertise of the dentist. In spite of the ost eticulous

    procedure, post%operative sensitivity is one of the a8or pro+les associated (ith this type

    of restoration. It is o+served that post%operative sensitivity is a+out #-9 copared (ith

    aalga (hich is a+out "9#. :his has +een inii;ed no(adays (ith the evolution of

    ne(er +onding agents. :here are various causes of post%operative sensitivity (ith

    coposite restorations, +ut the oveent of fluid (ithin the dentinal tu+ules is argua+ly

    the ost coon cause of post%operative coplaints$. :his occurs if the dentin surface

    has not +een properly sealed (ith the +onding agent.

    :his article (ill address the various factors that contri+ute or lead to post%operative

    sensitivity and effective (ays to inii;e the. In the end, it is sued up +y soe

    iportant clinical considerations (hile restoring posterior teeth (ith coposite resins.

    %. D%&ti&a' ()*+%rs%&siti,it* u% to %&ti& +%r/%abi'it*

    Dentine (ill only +e sensitive 2post%operatively< should the dentine +e left e4posed

    after the restorative process and=or accopanying oral hygiene treatent. Dentin

    perea+ility is pro+a+ly the ost iportant factor deterining pulp reactions to

    caries, operative procedures & other locali;ed lesions. If the dentin is iperea+le,

    either +ecause of intratu+ular inerali;ations or due to the lac5 of tu+ular

    counications +et(een priary & secondary dentin, it ay +e a+le to prevent

  • 8/13/2019 July 2009Tackling Post Operative Sensitivity in Composite Restorations


    pulpal daage. In fact, this particular reaction pattern ay +e the +asis for

    successful operative dentistry$.Every effort ust +e ade to restore the prepared

    cavity fully. If any gaps are left +ehind, surely there are chances that the tooth (ill

    +e sensitive post restoration. Careful inspection of the prepared cavity after

    application of +onding agent has to +e done to rule out this factor. 3lso the

    cavosurface of the restored cavity after polishing should +e siilarly inspected.

    E00%cts o0 %&ti& thic1&%ss o& +%r/%abi'it*

    :he hydraulic conductance of dentinal tu+ules is related inversely to their length &

    directly related to the th po(er of their radius$. :hus, deeper the cavity ore

    chances that the dentinal tu+ules have +ecoe shorter & hyperconductive. :his

    increases the potential for dentin sensitivity & the need to seal the thin dentin.

    E00%ct o0 r%"io&a' i00%r%&c% i& %&ti& o& +%r/%abi'it*

    :he perea+ility of dentin is not unifor throughout the teeth. Dentin located near

    the pulp is ore perea+le than that at DE>. :he (ater content of dentin near the

    pulp is also ore than at DE>. ?$$9 to #9@. Dentin near pulp horns is ore

    perea+le than dentin farther a(ay +ecause of high density & diaeters of tu+ules.

    34ial dentin is ore perea+le than pulpal floors. Root dentin is less perea+le

    than coronal dentin and the sclerotic dentin +eneath the carious lesions is also lessperea+le +ecause of hyperinerali;ation of that ;one. Aith so uch variation in

    dentin, the clinician ust ta5e every precaution to seal the dentin giving careful

    consideration to area that is +eing sealed$.

    $. D%&ta' Cari%s

    3n inflaatory response is the natural defense echanis of the pulp of any

    tooth (ith caries that is reaching into the dentine. Early caries does not cause any

    pain, +ut any trauatic procedure, such as cavity preparation and=or the placeent

    of a restoration, ay trigger an enhanced inflaatory response (ith associated

    pain. Bpontaneous pain then occurs once the anaesthetic has (orn off, or soon

    after. :he possi+ility of such pain occurring (ill depend on the severity of the caries,

    as (ell as possi+le traua caused during the restorative process. 3ny additional


  • 8/13/2019 July 2009Tackling Post Operative Sensitivity in Composite Restorations


    +acterial activity due to post%operative icro%lea5age (ill also e4aggerate the

    e4isting inflaation, there+y causing pain.

    2. Li&%rs

    :his is a controversial, +ut iportant. Do (e really need any for of liner under acoposite restoration (hen a good seal can +e achieved using a +onding syste

    Ahy cover the dentine, (hich is an e4cellent +onding surface for conteporary

    +onding agents, (ith a liner (ith 7uestiona+le value Current thin5ing is steering

    a(ay fro the use of liners +ut still ore research needs to +e done. It has to +e

    5ept in ind that a near 2perfect< seal in the clinical situation is very difficult to

    achieve, (hile in the situation of a 0not so perfect seal1, the liner ight still have a

    real value2. iners, (hen used, need to support ?and 5eep on supporting@ the

    overlaying coposite restoration3. 3ny decoposition (ill result in a defective +ase,

    causing a possi+le puping=percolating action during astication % resulting in

    sensitivity. :he use of calciu hydro4ide liners to stiulate secondary dentine

    foration for pulp protection is +eing re%considered. Boe researchers say

    secondary dentine (ill for in any case % as a response to the restorative process,

    (hile others 7uestion the need for secondary dentine (hen a good seal can +e

    provided4. Regardless, any still advocate the use of Calciu 6ydro4ide in near

    e4posures. f late use of M:3 has also gained support fro any clinicians.

    3pplying a suita+le +onding agent norally eliinates the need for additional cavity

    lining5. ne of the ost popular and siplest (ays of reducing or eliinating

    postoperative hypersensitivity is +y applying a desensiti;ing +onding agent.

    Desensiti;er is applied to the entire cavity surface after it has +een etched, rinsed

    and dried. 3fter application, the desensiti;er is dried +riefly (ith a slo( air 8et +efore

    the adhesive is applied and polyeri;ed according to the anufacturer

  • 8/13/2019 July 2009Tackling Post Operative Sensitivity in Composite Restorations


    penetrates directly into the dentinal tu+uli, produces protein coagulation in the

    depths of the tu+uli and stops oveent of the tu+ular fluid +y foring a septu.

    Many advocate the use of Resin odified Glass ionoer liners or plain Glass

    ionoer liners for effective sealing of the dentin follo(ed +y a layer of flo(a+le

    coposite263. :his definitely helps in reducing sensitivity and +etter control of

    polyeri;ation stress contraction. 6o(ever, handling of GIC is little difficult and

    often leads to voids, iproper sealing. It can detach fro the dentin under the filling,

    after the filling has +een placed. :his can result in icrocrac5s, (hich lead to

    pro+les (hile che(ing and su+se7uent post operative sensitivity.

    3. Ca,it* Pr%+aratio& T%ch&i7u%s

    a8 Trau/a

    :his is an iportant factor often overloo5ed as a possi+le cause of post%operative

    pain. Aith dentine +eing a living tissue (e should e4pect soe response, no atter

    ho( 0atrauatically1 the caries is reoved and cavity prepared. Bharp +urs,

    inial pressure and ade7uate (ater coolant can inii;e the traua during

    cavity preparation.

    b8 )%at

    :his can +e generated during cavity preparation due to e4cessive pressure, and is

    often caused +y +lunt +urs. Cavity preparation (ithout using proper (ater spray

    could also result in e4cessive heat +uild%up or dehydration of the pulp. Even a sall

    ! to./FC pulpal teperature rise could cause severe pulpal necrosis. Bharp +urs

    (ith ade7uate (ater spray should al(ays +e used during preparation, as (ell as an

    interittent drilling action. perators should +e especially careful (hen using slo(

    handpieces for caries reoval +urs ust +e sharp, (hile the pressure applied and

    duration of contact ust +e 5ept to a iniu.

    c8 Pu'+a' %h*ratio&


  • 8/13/2019 July 2009Tackling Post Operative Sensitivity in Composite Restorations


    :his can occur due to the displaceent of pulpal fluid. Dehydration is liited +y the

    resulting sear layer, +ut prolonged e4posure, especially after etching, could lead

    to pulpal traua through dehydration.

    8 Pu'+a' %9+osur%If coplicated (ith +acterial containation, it can definitely cause sensitivity. Caries

    on the pulpal floor area should +e reoved last to prevent=liit +acterial

    containation in case of an accidental pulpal e4posure ?first reove caries along

    the cavity (alls@.

    %8 Ca,it* Mar"i&s

    3n iportant factor in preventing possi+le icro%lea5age ?and thus sensitivity@ is the

    part of the tooth in (hich the cavity argins are located. :he +onding procedure is

    only relia+le in dentine and enael +ut 7uestiona+le in ceentu. 3lthough, a

    hy+rid layer can +e esta+lished in ceentu, +ut it is not clear if long ter sta+ility

    can +e aintained. Root ceentu is often poorly inerali;ed due to :oesD, $))# #'#, "%"N.

    !. Christensen G Preventing sensitivity in Class II coposite resin restorations.

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    aterials and insertion techni7ues. :he Dental 3nnual, #-NNN!%#)).

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    Report, $))! #%!.

    #).Kusayaa : 3 ne( dental caries treatent syste developed in >apan. Proc.

    >apan 3cad., #--) //'H, #$#%#$/.

    ##. Pashley D :he evolution of dentin +onding fro no etch to total etch to self etch.

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