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VBS is open to all children pre-school through 6th grade. Vern will be teaching

and leading activities for the 7th-12th graders. Offerings collected will be

given to Youth For Christ. T-shirts will be available for purchase at $10 each.

It’s The Go Fish Guys!! Vacation Bible School

Sunday - Thursday, July 17-21 6:00-8:00 pm

The Go Fish Guys will be in concert at Hosanna Lutheran Church in Mankato on Friday, June 17th from 7:00-8:30 pm. Tickets are $15.00 per person.

Call 507-388-1766 to reserve yours! Any questions speak with Sue Hamberg.

IDES $979.04 was raised through our Easter offering and

sent to IDES for the earthquake/tsunami relief efforts in Japan. Thank you for your generosity!

PHCA & NEICSC Please be in prayer for our summer camps as the staff

and leadership gear up for another season of outreach.

Church Planting The MCEA’s efforts in the Hermantown (Duluth) area continue to progress.

Please be in prayer for that as well as Derek & Amanda (Hatten) Olsen’s efforts with the Northern Plains Evangelical Assn to plant a church in the

Bismarck, ND area. They covet your prayers as they recently made an offer on a home and are working on the move to their new location.

Haitian Ministries The Albert Lea Church continues to support Jean Paulite financially and prayerfully! Leadership of Haitian Ministries is currently in transition with Mike & Ronda and Dan & Jonette Schue as key leaders. Jean and his wife, Julie, are planning

a trip to the U.S. possibly in October. Your prayers are truly appreciated. Sunday, June 19th

Our Church Missions

You’re invited to a bridal shower in honor of Mark Mangskau and his fiancé Kim Ackerman to be held Saturday, June 11, 10:00 a.m. at the church building.

Christian Workers will meet on Tuesday, June 7th at 6:00 pm. Devotion: Lori. Host-esses: Lori & Lola. Communion prep for June: Pam & Rose. The potluck fellowship dinner will be Sunday, June 12th following the morn-ing worship service. Rose & Janice’s circle is scheduled to serve.

A church wide rummage sale is being considered this summer with proceeds going

to the youth fund. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you’re interested in participating.

The Salvation Army is in need of volunteers to serve meals to about 70 children and numerous adults. The hours are from 10:00 to 2:00. Volunteers may choose the day(s) that best fit their schedule. An application form may be picked up at the SA office, 302 Court St. Any questions please call 373-8776.

Vern will be out of the office June 22-30. Please contact the elders if you have an immediate need. Mike Kilgallin, president of Crossroads College, will fill in preaching.

The God Squad (6th & 7th graders) will have a Pizza, Pop & Popcorn Party, Sunday, June 5th directly following the morning worship service. Kids will enjoy the movie Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Children may be picked up between 2:30 and 3:00 pm.

Aim Hi seniors will meet Tuesday, June 21st at noon for lunch and their monthly meeting.

PRAYER REQUESTS • Bill Fritsch, recovering from surgery to

remove a cancerous brain tumor • Joyce Copas, chronic back pain • Deb Schewe, cancer, upcoming surgery • Dorothy Sorenson, recent back surgery • Edna Schocker, recovering

from surgery • David Euerle, Jen Newton’s

dad, inoperable lung cancer • VBS, July 17-21 • Josh Bryand & other military now deployed • Those affected by the recent tornadoes PRAYER OF PRAISE • Vern & Pam’s home in Watertown sold

June 2011 Serving Schedule 5 12 19 26

Communion Dave A. Bob S. Ken Steve Offering prayer Bob S. Ken Steve Jerry Outside Usher Ben/LeRoy Nathan/Scott Vern S/Troy Rick/Wayne Smalls Sheila/Tyler Grace/Marissa Cindy A/Faith Sheila/Tyler Communion prep Instruments Robyn/Sandy Video Projection Eric Sound System Bob N. Worship Team Kendall, Marsha, Justin, Rebecca Greeters Jerry & Cindy Back up greeters: Bob & Sue

Rose & Pam


General fund balance 4-1-11.................... 4,569.71 Receipts ................................................. 13,567.10 Disbursements....................................... 10,503.90 General fund balance 4-30-10.................. 7,632.91 Total all funds........................................ 42,140.92 Average attendance: Sunday school .................. 55 Average attendance: Morning worship .............. 131

SUMMARY OF THE MAY COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting called to order by Dave at 7:35 pm. Phil opened the meeting with a devotion & prayer. Minutes of the April council meeting and the April 17th special meeting were read and approved. Special thanks to Ben for arranging the mower demo and to Bob H. for checking out the new mower. Minister's Report: 1) Vern’s work with the MCEA is progressing with a present emphasis on a church plant in Herman-town, MN. Vern will be attending an all day meeting Tuesday, May 24th. 2) Vern’s work as president of the Convention is now complete. 3) Vern & Kim produced a “Messages and Memories” booklet. Also working on organizing a congrega-tional prayer list for specific ministries. 4) Vern & Pam wish to thank the congregation for all the love and support shown to them. 5) The “Vision Team” newly formed at Vern’s recommendation will begin meeting May 19th. 6) First wedding performed here was Adam & Beth Hamberg. Elders' Report: The elders met twice, May 4th and 11th. Discussed the following: 1) Website progress will allow for ser-mon audio capability. 2) The Vision Team will consist of 5-6 members working under the elders for the purpose of recog-nizing immediate and future church needs and forming ideas and plans to meet those needs. 3) A change in Haitian Minis-tries leadership. 4) Vern described present efforts with the State Convention and MCEA. 5) Vern will take some time off the end of June, Crossroads College president Mike Kilgallin will preach. 6) Continued discussion of effective eldership and how to energize the church. 7) Church family units will be listed and divided among the elders for shepherding re-sponsibility and gathering information. Treasurer's Report: Strong month reflecting a positive attitude in the church. Trustees' Report: Repairs are needed to the west water heater vent. Also, the fan in the east ladies’ room needs to be replaced. Deacons' Report: 1) Spring cleaning day was successful. 2) Friday, May 20th is the city’s annual electronics collection. Vern will ask Kendall to gather the old electronic equipment to dispose of. 3) The Easter breakfast went well. Old Business: 1) A new color copier lease agreement has been signed with IKON in Rochester. 2) Dar motioned to accept a bid from Total Glass & Lock for new exterior doors near the sanctuary, which include: crosses on the doors, new locks & keys, and panic bars on both doors. If the amount exceeds $3,000 an additional meeting will be called for approval. New Business: 1) 65 attended the last Wednesday family night at Edgewater Park. 2) Several members have inquired about a multi-family rummage sale at the church with the proceeds to benefit the youth fund. A sign-up sheet will be posted to see what the interest level is. Dar made a motion to adjourn, Bob H. seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned with prayer at 8:44 pm. Ken Fiscus, board secretary

A small group has agreed to begin meet-ing together to cast a vision for the present and future needs, hopes, desires, and dreams of our congre-gation. In addition to forming mission and vision statements for

our church they are presently considering the possibility of a proposed name change. If you have thoughts and suggestions regarding this subject or other matters pertaining to the vision for our future please feel free to speak with our Vision Team: Kendall Langseth, Kim Storvick, Cindy Copas, Bob Hamberg and Ryan Shea or Vern and the elders.

VERN’S VIEW: Vern Harris

Literally translated, pura vida means “pure life.” This phrase is as common place in Costa Rica as Aloha would be in Hawaii. The Costa Ricans don’t use it to emphasize spiritual purity or restraint but instead use this phrase in the same way we might say, “whatever,” or “take it easy,” or “relax and enjoy!” Pura Vida is a call to embrace life, to take time to really live. Now I should add that I am not much of a pura vida kind of guy. I have a hard time sitting still, relaxing and embracing the notion of “doing nothing” and simply soaking in the value of the day. This occasionally brings me into conflict with God. God leads us through life at a steady, unhurried pace and He warns us repeatedly of the dangers of racing forward, push-ing ourselves ahead of Him. I find that when I do race out ahead I am lead not by the Spirit but by the impatience of my own heart and it doesn’t take long to realize that I have lost my peace and diminished my joy. George McDonald said it well when he wrote, “In whatever man does without God, he must either fail miserably, or succeed more miserably.” Walking with God does not allow short cuts, no matter how tantalizing they may seem at the time. I recall the inference of Exodus 13:17 “God did not lead them by the way of the Philistines, although that was nearer.” God isn’t interested in the shortest way, or the fastest way. He leads us always in what is always the best way, according to His wisdom and will. Therefore I would like to remind and suggest: 1. Start your day right with the Lord. With a few moments of prayer, a look at his Word, and a thought toward what is His will that is presently being revealed, we find ourselves refreshed and prepared for whatever the day may bring. 2. Take “blessing breaks” during the day. In whatever moments you have to yourself as the day moves forward, take account of what God is doing and give thanks for his blessings. 3. Try to keep margins built into your life. We should keep margins of time, not always planning to the minute; margins of money, not always spending to the limit; and margins of peace, not allowing anger or attitude to rise to a dangerous level. 4. Learn to relax and smell those roses. This isn’t going to happen naturally or accidentally. We need to make an effort at relaxing (I know that sounds like a contradiction, but I still think it is true), and take the time to appreciate the world, the love, the people, the purpose, the promise, everything that our gracious God is giving us. The precious months of summer are upon us and I can think of no better time to try to build this pura vida habit of attitude. The sermon messages for June will have more to say on this subject so let's relax, rejoice, and recuperate as the Lord speaks to our hearts and as we commit ourselves to being attentive and listening to Him.

CHURCH OF CHRIST 1705 SE Marshall Albert Lea, MN 56007

MINISTER: Vern Harris

Office 507-373-0814 Cell 320-248-1842 [email protected]

ELDERS: Dave Anderson 402-6000

Steve Borge 391-4333 Bob Snow 684-2010


Kim Storvick 507-373-1533

[email protected]