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  • 8/17/2019 Jurasic Park review


    What can I say? Jurassic Park is one of the most underrated movies ever. Yes, Idid say underrated. True, it is the fourth highest grossing movie ever (for thetime being) and was a motion picture bible for eight-year-olds across the country, but it has never been regarded as artistically superior. When, in reality,the movie is one of the best sci-fi movies ever. It contains all of Spielberg's magical strokes of genius from fantastic art direction and wonderful camera techniques to astounding technical quality ( which comes from his well known control ov

    er technology). The minor flaws of a theme park are masterfully embedded into the art direction, script etc.And the acting is superb. This is one of the only movies I've seen with great acting by children.It had an undeniable effect on cinema being one of the first movies to use CGI at such a large scale. However, themost ingenious aspect of the film is the portrayal of the dinosaurs as animals rather than ruthless monsters.The graphics of the movie is awesome compare to 90's. At many times throughout the movie, the humans are portrayed as antagonists and the respect and appreciation of the dinosaurs is wonderfully developed. And,best of all, like star wars you can analyze the movie all you want or just sit back and enjoy the ride.

    In the year 1993, Hollywood saw something unlike anything else, the film Jurassic Park. Never before 1993 had dinosaurs been so breathtaking and realistic on the silver screen.This is an underrated movie according to the IMDb ratings. It isn't even in the top 250. Today, people don't appreciate it as much, mainly due to the fact that other movies like it have been made. Growing up in the 90's, this was one of my favorite movies. As a kid, I only watched it to see the dinosaurs, as I didn't understand a whole lot of it. Today, I realize how great the plotting and suspense are.

    The story is great, how at first we see how the magic was created, and then later we see the magic turn into a disaster, in which everyone's life is at stake.In the movie graphics and special effects are still good today, but they were revolutionary for back in 1993. The acting is good, and the ensemble cast is great.

    All of the action sequences are perfectly executed, creating plenty of suspenseand tension.Even though it was adapted from a book, this unique story was destined to become an incredible film. Great casting, decent acting, great special effects, beautiful and perfect score by John Williams, incredible directing. I believe this movie has to be one of the greatest science fiction films ever made. Although not entirely true to the book, (though someone should never say a movie is not good because it is not exactly like the book because that really doesn't matter) Steven Spielberg made this story a landmark in special effects and a standard for thriller films to be compared to. It also contains some scenes that are instant classics, such as the first time they see the dinosaurs, the kitchen scene with the raptors,the end scene with the raptors and the T-Rex, the scene with the T-Rex and the kids in the jeep, and of course the scene where the T-Rex ch

    ases the jeep. I will keep this movie in my list of favorites and classics tillthe day i die.

    Wow! That's about all one can say about this movie. The first time that I saw it I was mesmerized. The movie looked so cool and hey, it actually had a good plot. If you haven't seen this movie yet, get out from your cave and see it right away. I have seen this movie umpteen times and it still shocks and suprises me. If you have a DVD player I suggest that you buy the Jurassic Park 2 pack as soon as possible. The movie sounds and looks great, and the extras are cool too. So to summarize go see this. Spielberg is a true genius. Almost all of his movies were great. 10/10!

    It's hard to believe that it's 6 years since this film appeared at the cinemas.At the time it was a truly ground-breaking film, managing for the first time toportray dinosaurs in an extremely realistic manner, unlike those plasticine mons

  • 8/17/2019 Jurasic Park review


    ters that we were forced to watch in previous monster movies. Jurassic Park will also be remembered as the movie that finally made George Lucas sit up and realise that it was possible for him to make his prequels.

    It's hard to believe that it's 6 years since this film appeared at the cinemas.At the time it was a truly ground-breaking film, managing for the first time to

    portray dinosaurs in an extremely realistic manner, unlike those plasticine monsters that we were forced to watch in previous monster movies. Jurassic Park will also be remembered as the movie that finally made George Lucas sit up and realise that it was possible for him to make his prequels.

    Parents need to know that kids who watch Jurassic Park will see lots of people -- and a few innocent animals -- being hunted and eaten by very realistic-looking dinosaurs, but there's little actual blood and gore (although one somewhat gruesome scene involves a severed arm). There's tons of suspense, many "jump" scenes, and some chases/crashes; basically, the characters -- including children -- are in near-constant peril. (All of this is made more intense in the 3-D version,

    though the effects aren't as overbearing as some newer 3-D releases.) Expect a bit of mild swearing (as well as one "s--t") and some smoking and drinking, too.In the less intense environment of home, kids as young as 9 may be able to handle the fright factor with an adult at hand, but sensitive children should skip this one.

    I don't know why I loved this movie so much. Maybe it was the utter amazement when I first saw the Brachiosaurus eat from a tree. Or maybe it was my adrenalinerushing when two 12 year old were attacked by velociraptors. It might possibly be the chills that went down my spine when the T-Rex first made his terrifying roar.

    We all know that this has some of the greatest special effects, even today. Also, if there's anything that can match the awesome T-Rex, it's the movie's musical score. I swear, listen to it more than once, and you're bound to see the movieyet again, if for that sole reason. It's that powerful. Oh sure, acting isn't this movie's strong suit, but who looks for acting in a Dinosaur thriller? Who?!Anyway, I think I've made my point. Jurassic Park: One of America's greatest classics. Steven Spielberg created magic with this movie. If you haven't seen it once, you haven't seen it at all.
