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    - Y 390 - Y Surah Bani Israel

    In the nameof Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful. Exalted(is) the One WhotookHis servant(by) nightfrom

    Al-Masjid Al-Haraam,toAl-Masjid Al-AqsawhichWe blessed its surroundings,that We may show himofOur Signs.Indeed He,He

    (is) the All-Hearer,the All-Seer.1And We gaveMusathe Book, and made ita guidancefor the Children(of) Israel,`That notyou take

    other than Me(as) a Disposer of affairs.`2Offsprings(of one) whoWe carried withNuh.Indeed, hewasa servantgrateful.`3And We decreed for(the) Children(of) Israelinthe Book,`Surely you will cause corruptionin

    the earthtwice,and surely you will reach,haughtinessgreat.4So when came(the) promise(for) the first of the two,We raisedagainst youservantsof Ours

    those of great military mightand they enteredthe inner most part(of) the homes, and (it) wasa promisefulfilled.5ThenWe gave backto you

    the return victoryover them.And We reinforced youwith the wealthand sons

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 1-6) Part - 15

    In the name of Allah,

    the Most Gracious, the

    Most Merciful.

    1. Exalted is the One

    Who took His servant

    (Muhammad SAWS)

    by night from Al-

    Masjid Al-Haram to

    Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa

    whose surroundings

    We have blessed so

    that Wemay show him

    Our Signs. Indeed, He

    is the All-Hearer, the


    2. And We gave Musa

    the Book and made it aguidance for the

    Children of Israel,

    saying, `Do not take

    other than Me as

    Disposer of affairs.`

    3. (They were)

    offsprings of those

    whom We carried (in

    the ship) with Nuh.

    Indeed, he was a

    grateful servant.`


    Wedecreed forthe Children of Israel in

    the Book, `You will

    surely cause corruption

    on the earth twice, and

    you will surely reach

    great haughtiness.

    5. So when the (time of)

    promise came for the

    first of them, We sent

    against you servant of

    Ours - those of great

    military might, and

    they entered the inner

    most part of the homes,and it was a promise


    6. Then We gave back

    to you a return victory

    over them. And We

    reinforced you with

    wealth and sons

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    - Y 391 - and made youmorenumerous.6Ifyou do good,you do good for yourselves;and ifyou do evil,then it is for it.So whencamepromise

    the last,to saddenyour facesand to enterthe Masjidjust as they (had) entered itfirsttime,and to destroywhatthey had conquered

    (with) destruction.7` (It) may bethat your Lord(may) have mercy upon you. But ifyou return,We will return.And We have madeHell,for the disbelievers,

    a prison-bed.`8Indeed,this,the Quran,guidesto that which(is) most straightand gives glad tidingsto the believers -those who dothe righteous deeds,thatfor them(is) a rewardgreat,9

    And thatthose who(do) notbelievein the Hereafter,We have preparedfor them a punishmentpainful.10And praysthe manfor evil(as) he prays for the good.And isthe manever hasty.11And We have madethe night and the day(as) two signs.Then We erased(the) Sign(of) the night,and We made

    (the) sign(of) the dayvisible,that you may seekbountyfromyour Lord, and that you may know(the) number(of) the years,and the account.And everything -

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 7-12) Part - 15

    and made you more


    7. (Saying), ` If yo

    do good, you do it foryourselves; and if you

    do evil, it is for

    yourselves. So when

    the final promise came

    (We sent your enemies)

    to sadden your faces

    and to enter the Masjid

    just as they had entered

    it for the first time, and

    to destroy all that they

    had conquered with

    (total) destruction.

    8. (Allah said), ` It ma

    be that your Lord may

    have mercy upon you.

    But if you return (to

    sin) We will return (to

    punishment). And We

    have made Hell a

    prison-bed for the


    9. Indeed, this Quran,

    guides to that which is

    most straight and gives

    glad tidings to the

    believers who do

    righteous deeds thatthey will have a great


    10. And that that those

    who do not believe in the

    Hereafter - We have

    prepared for them a

    painful punishment.

    11. And man prays for

    evil as he prays for good,

    and man is ever hasty.

    12. And We have

    made the night and the

    day as two signs. Then

    We erased the sign of

    the night and made the

    sign of the day visible

    that you may seek

    bounty from your Lord

    and may know the

    number of years and

    the account (of time).

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    - Y 392 - We have explained it(in) detail.12And (for) everymanWe have fastened to him his fateinhis neck,and We will bring forthfor him(on the) Day(of) the Resurrection

    a recordwhich he will findwide open.13` Readyour record.Sufficient (is) yourselftoday,against you(as) accountant.`14Whoever(is) guided

    then onlyhe is guidedfor his soul.And whoevergoes astraythen onlyhe goes astray against itAnd notwill bearone laden with burden,burden(of) another.And not

    Weare to punishuntil,We have senta Messenger.15And whenWe intend thatWe destroya town,We orderits wealthy peoplebut they defiantly disobey

    therein;so (is) proved trueagainst itthe word,and We destroy it (with) destruction.16And how manyWe destroyedfromthe generations

    afterNuh!And sufficient(is) your Lordconcerning the sins(of) His servants All-Aware,All-Seer.17Whoevershoulddesirethe immediate

    We hastenfor himin itwhatWe willto whomWe intend. ThenWe have madefor himHell,he will burndisgracedrejected. 18And whoeverdesiresthe Hereafterand exertsfor itthe effort,

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 13-19) Part - 15

    And everything We have

    explained in detail.

    13. And for every person

    We have fastened hisfate to his neck, and We

    will produce for him on

    the Day of Resurrection a

    record which he will find

    wide open.

    14. (It will be said to him),

    ` Read your boo

    Sufficient is yourself

    against you today as


    15. Whoever is guided is

    only guided for (the

    benefit of) his soul. And

    whoever goes astray only

    goes astray against it

    (soul). And no bearer of

    burdens will bear the

    burden of another. And

    We will not punish until

    We have sent a


    16. And when We

    intend to destroy a town,

    We order its wealthy

    people but they defiantly

    disobey therein; so the

    word is proved true

    against it, and We

    destroy it with

    (complete) destruction.

    17. And how many

    generations have We

    destroyed after Nuh! And

    sufficient is your Lord

    concerning the sins of

    His servants, All-Aware

    and All-Seer.

    18. Whoever should desire

    immediate (transitory

    things), We hasten for

    him therein what We willfor whoever We intend.

    Then We have made for

    him Hell, he will burn

    therein disgraced and


    19. And whoever desires

    the Hereafter and exerts

    the effort due to it

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    - Y 393 - while he(is) a believer,then those[are]their effort,(is) appreciated.

    19(To) eachWe extend(to) theseand (to) these,from(the) gift (of) your Lord.And notis(the) gift(of) your Lordrestricted.20

    SeehowWe preferredsome of themoverothers.And surely the Hereafter (is) greater(in) degreesand greater(in) excellence.21(Do) notmake

    withAllahgodanother,lest you will sitdisgraced,forsaken. 22And has decreedyour Lord,that (do) notworshipexceptHim,

    and to the parents(be) good.Whetherreachwith youthe old age one of them,orboth of them,then (do) notsayto both of thema word of disrespect and (do) notrepel them,but speakto thema wordnoble.23

    And lowerto them(the) wing(of) humility(out) of[the] mercyand say, ` My Lord!Have mercy on both of themasthey brought me up(when I was) small.`

    24Your Lord(is) most knowingof what(is) inyourselves.

    Ifyou are

    righteous,then indeed, Heisto those who often turn (to Him)Most Forgiving.

    25And givethe kinsmanhis right,and the needy,and the wayfarer,

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 20-26) Part - 15

    while he is a believer,

    then it is those whose

    effort is appreciated (by


    20. To each

    (category) We extend,

    both these and those,

    from the gift of your

    Lord. And the gift of

    your Lord is not


    21. Look how We

    preferred some of them

    over others. But surely

    the Hereafter is greater

    in degree and greater

    in excellence.

    22. Do not make (asequal) with Allah

    another god, lest you

    sit disgraced and


    23. And your Lord has

    decreed that you

    worship none but

    Him, and be good to

    parents. Whether one

    or both of them reach

    old age (while) with

    you, do not say to

    them a word of

    disrespect and do notrepel them but speak

    to them a noble word.

    24. And lower to them

    the wing of humility

    out of mercy and say,

    ` My Lord! Have merc

    upon them as they

    brought me up (when I

    was) small.`

    25. Your Lord is

    most knowing of what

    is within yourselves. If

    you are righteous, then

    indeed, He is Most

    Forgiving to those

    who often turn (to


    26. And give the

    kinsman his due, and

    the needy and the


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    - Y 394 - and (do) notspendwastefully.26Indeed,the spendthriftsare brothers(of) the devils.And isthe Shaitaanto his Lordungrateful.27

    And ifyou turn awayfrom themseekingmercyfromyour Lord, which you expectthen sayto thema wordgentle.28And (do) not

    makeyour handchainedtoyour neck,and notextend it (to its) utmostreach,so that you sitblameworthy,insolvent.29Indeed,

    your Lordextendsthe provisionfor whomHe wills,and straitens.Indeed, He isof His slavesAll-Aware,All-Seer.30And (do) notkill

    your children(for) fear(of) poverty.We,(We) provide for themand for you.Indeed, their killingisa singreat.31And (do) notgo near adultery.Indeed, itisan immoralityand (an) evilway.32

    And (do) notkillthe soulwhichAllah has forbidden,exceptby right. And whoever(is) killedwrongfully,verilyWe have madefor his heiran authority,

    but nothe should exceedinthe killing.Indeed, heishelped. 33And (do) notcome near(the) wealth(of) the orphan,exceptwith what

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 27-34) Part - 15

    and do not spend


    27. Indeed, the

    spendthrifts are thebrothers of the devils.

    And the Shaitaan is

    ever ungrateful to his


    28. And if you turn away

    from them seeking

    mercy from your Lord

    which you expect, then

    speak to them a gentle


    29. And do not let your

    hand be chained to

    your neck or extend itcompletely so that you

    become blameworthy

    and insolvent.

    30. Indeed, your Lord

    extends provision for

    whom He wills and

    straitens (it). Indeed,

    He is All-Aware, All-

    Seer ofHis slaves.

    31. And do not kill

    your children for fear

    of poverty. We provide

    for them and for you.Indeed, their killing is a

    great sin.

    32. And do not go

    near adultery. Indeed, it

    is an immorality and an

    evil way.

    33. And do not kill the

    soul which Allah has

    forbidden, except by

    right. And whoever is

    killed wrongfully, We

    have made for his heir

    an authority, but lethim not exceed (limits)

    in (the matter of) taking

    life. Indeed, he is

    helped (by the law).

    34. And do not come

    near the wealth of the

    orphan, except with


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    - Y 395 - [it] isbestuntilhe reacheshis maturity.And fulfilthe covenant.

    Indeed,the covenantwill bequestioned.34And give full[the] measure whenyou measure,and weighwith the balancethe straight.That(is) good

    and best(in) result.35And (do) notpursuewhatnotyou haveof it any knowledge.Indeed,the hearing,and the sight,and the heartallthose

    will beabout itquestioned.36And (do) notwalkinthe earth (with) insolence.Indeed, youwill nevertearthe earthand will neverreach

    the mountains(in) height.37Allthatis[its] evilnearyour Lord, hateful.38That(is) from what(was) revealedto you(from) your Lordof

    the wisdom.And (do) notmakewithAllahgodotherlest you should be thrown inHell,blameworthy,abandoned.39Then has your Lord chosen (for) you

    sonsand He has takenfromthe Angelsdaughters?Indeed, yousurely say a wordgrave.40And verily,We have explainedinthisthe Quran,

    that they may take heed,but notit increases themexcept(in) aversion.41Say, ` If(there) werewith Himgodsasthey say,thensurely they (would) have sought

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 35-42) Part - 15

    is best until he reaches

    maturity. And fulfil the

    covenant. Indeed, the

    covenant will be


    35. And give full measure

    when you measure, and

    weigh with a straight

    balance. That is good

    and best in result.

    36. And do not pursue

    that of which you have

    no knowledge. Indeed,

    the hearing, the sight,

    and the (feelings in) the

    heart - all those will be


    37. And do not walkupon the earth with

    insolence. Indeed, you

    will never tear the earth

    (apart), and you will

    never reach the

    mountains in height.

    38. All that (i.e.,

    above mentioned), its

    evil, is hateful in the

    sight of your Lord.

    39. That is from what

    your Lord has revealed

    to you of the wisdom.

    And do not make (asequal) with Allah

    another god, lest you

    should be thrown into

    Hell, blameworthy and


    40. Then, has your Lord

    chosen sons for you

    and taken from among

    the Angels daughters?

    Indeed, you say a grave


    41. And verily We have

    explained in this

    Quran, that they maytake heed, but it does

    not increase them

    except in aversion.

    42. Say, ` If there ha

    been with Him gods, as

    they say, then they

    (each) would have


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    - Y 396 - to(the) Owner(of) the Thronea way.42Glorified is Heand Exalted is He above whatthey say(by) heightgreat.43Glorify[to] Himthe seven heavens

    and the earthand whatever(is) in them.And (there is) notanythingexcept glorifiesHis Praise,butnotyou understandtheir glorification.Indeed, Heis

    Ever-Forbearing,Oft-Forgiving.`44And whenyou recitethe Quran,We place between youand betweenthose who(do) notbelievein the Hereaftera barrier

    hidden.45And We have placedovertheir heartscoverings,lest they understand it,and intheir earsdeafness.And whenyou mentionyour Lordin

    the QuranAlone,they turnontheir backs(in) aversion.46We know best[of] whatthey listento [it]whenthey listento you,and when

    they(are) in private conversation,whensaythe wrongdoers,` Notyou follow buta manbewitched.`47Seehowthey put forthfor you

    the examples;but they have gone astrayso notthey can(find) a way.48 And they say,` Is it whenwe arebonesand crumbled particles,will we

    surely (be) resurrected(as) a creationnew.`49Say,` Bestones

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 43-50) Part - 15

    to the Owner of the

    Throne a way.

    43. Glorified is He

    and Exalted and is Hein high exaltation

    above what they say.

    44. The seven heavens

    and the earth and

    whatever is in them

    glorify Him. And there

    is not a thing but

    glorifies His Praise, but

    you do not understand

    their (way of)

    glorification. Indeed,

    He is Ever-Forbearing,


    45. And when you recite

    the Quran, We place

    between you and those

    who do not believe in

    the Hereafter a hidden


    46. And We have placed

    on their hearts

    coverings, lest they

    understand it, and in

    their ears deafness. And

    when you mention your

    Lord Alone in the

    Quran, they turn their

    backs in aversion.

    47. We know best what

    they listen to when they

    listen to you and when

    they are in private

    conversation, when the

    wrongdoers say, ` Yo

    follow not but a man


    48. See how they put

    forth for you the

    examples; but they

    have gone astray so

    they cannot (find) away.

    49. And they say,

    ` When we are bone

    and crumbled particles,

    will we surely be

    resurrected as a new


    50. Say, ` Be stones

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    - Y 397 -

    oriron.50Ora creationof what(is) greatin your breasts.`Then they will say,`Whowill restore us?`Say, `He Whocreated you(the) firsttime.`Then they will shake

    at youtheir headsand they say,`When (will)it (be)?`Say, `Perhapsthat(it) will besoon.`51(On) the DayHe will call you

    and you will respondwith His Praise,and you will think,notyou had remainedexcept a little (while).52And sayto My slaves(to) saythatwhich(is) best.

    Indeed,the Shaitaansows discordbetween them.Indeed,the Shaitaanis to the manan enemyclear.53Your Lord(is) most knowingof you.If

    He wills,He will have mercy on you;orifHe willsHe will punish you.And not We have sent youover them(as) a guardian.54And your Lord(is) most knowing

    of whoever(is) inthe heavensand the earth.And verilyWe have preferredsome (of) the Prophetstoothers.And We gaveDawoodZaboor.55Say,`Call

    those whomyou claimedbesides Him,[then] notthey have power(to) remove the misfortunesfrom youand not(to) transfer (it).56Thosewhom

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 51-57) Part - 15

    or iron.

    51. `Or a creation that

    which is great within

    your breasts.` Thenthey will say, `Who

    will restore us?` Say,

    `He Who created you

    the first time.` Then

    they will shake their

    heads at you and say,

    `When will it be?` Say,

    `Perhaps it will be


    52. On the Day He

    will call you and you

    will respond with His

    Praise, and you will

    think that you had notremained except for a

    little while.

    53. And tell My

    slaves to say that which

    is best. Indeed,

    Shaitaan sows discord

    between them. Indeed,

    Shaitaan is a clear

    enemy to man.

    54. Your Lord is most

    knowing of you. IfHe

    wills, He will have

    mercy on you; or ifHe

    wills, He will punish

    you. And We have not

    sent you over them as a


    55. And your Lord is

    most knowing of

    whoever is in the

    heavens and the earth.

    And indeed, We have

    preferred some of the

    Prophets to others. And

    We gave Dawood


    56. Say, `Call thosewhom you claim (as

    gods) besides Him, for

    they do not have the

    power to remove the

    misfortunes from you

    nor to transfer (it to

    someone else).

    57. Those whom

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    - Y 398 - they call,seektotheir Lordthe means of access,which of them

    (is) nearest,and they hope(for) His mercyand fearHis punishment.Indeed, (the) punishment(of) your Lordis(ever) feared.57And not(is) any

    townbutWe(will) destroy itbefore(the) Day(of) the Resurrectionor punish itwith a punishmentsevere.That isinthe Bookwritten.

    58And notstopped UsthatWe sendthe Signsexceptthatdenied themthe former people.And We gaveThamudthe she-camel(as) a visible sign,

    but they wrongedher.And notWe sendthe Signsexcept(as) a warning.59 And whenWe saidto you,` Indeed,your Lordhas encompassedthe mankind.`

    And notWe madethe visionwhichWe showed youexcept(as) a trialfor mankind, and the treethe accursedinthe Quran.And We threaten thembut not

    it increases themexcept(in) transgressiongreat.60And whenWe said to the Angels,` Prostrateto Adam.`So they prostratedexceptIblis.He said, Shall I prostrateto (one) whomYou created(from) clay?`61He said,

    ` DoYou seethiswhomYou have honored,above me?IfYou give me respite

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 58-62) Part - 15

    they call seek means of

    access to their Lord,

    which of them is

    nearest, and they hope

    for His mercy and fear

    His punishment. Indeed,

    the punishment of your

    Lord is ever feared.

    58. And there is not a

    town but We will

    destroy it before the Day

    of Resurrection or

    punish it with a severe

    punishment. That is

    written in the Book (of

    Our decrees).

    59. And nothing has

    stopped Us fromsending Signs except

    that the people of the

    former generations

    denied them. And We

    gave Thamud the she-

    camel as a visible sign,

    but they wronged her.

    And We did not send

    the Signs except as a


    60. And when We told

    you, ` Indeed, your Lor

    has encompassed

    mankind.` AndWe didnot make the vision

    which We showed you

    except as a trial for

    mankind, as was the

    accursed tree

    (mentioned) in the

    Quran. And We threaten

    them, but it increases

    them only in great


    61. And when We said

    to the Angels, Prostrat

    to Adam. So the

    prostrated except Iblis.He said, ` Shall

    prostrate to one whom

    You created from clay?`

    62. He said, DoYou

    see the one whom You

    have honored above

    me? If You give me


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    - Y 399 - till(the) Day(of) the Resurrection,I will surely destroyhis offspringexcept

    a few.`62He said,` Go,and whoeverfollows youamong them then indeed,Hell(is) your recompense -a recompenseample.`63

    ` And incitewhoeveryou canamong themwith your voice,and assault[on] them with your cavalryand infantryand be a partnerinthe wealthand the children,

    and promise them.`And notpromises themthe Shaitaanexceptdelusion.64 ` Indeed,My slavesnotfor youover themany authority.And sufficient(is) your Lord

    (as) a Guardian.`65Your Lord(is) the One Whodrivesfor youthe ship inthe sea,that you may seekofHis Bounty.Indeed, Heisto you

    Ever Merciful.66And whentouches youthe hardshipinthe sea,lost (are) onesyou callexceptHim Alone.But whenHe delivers youtothe land

    you turn away.And ismanungrateful.67Do you then feel securethat (not) He will cause to swallowyouside(of) the landorsendagainst you

    a storm of stones?Thennotyou will findfor youa guardian?68Or do you feel securethat (not)He will send you backinto itanother time,and send

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 63-69) Part - 15

    till the Day of

    Resurrection, I will

    surely destroy his

    offspring, except a few.`

    63. He said, ` Go, an

    whoever among them

    follows you, then

    indeed, Hell will be

    your recompense - an

    ample recompense.

    64. ` And incite whoever

    you can among them

    with your voice and

    assault them with your

    cavalry and infantry and

    become a partner in

    their wealth and their

    children and promisethem.` But Shaitaa

    does not promise them

    except delusion.

    65. ` Indeed, you hav

    no authority over My

    slaves. And sufficient is

    your Lord as a


    66. Your Lord is the

    One Who drives the

    ship for you through the

    sea that you may seek of

    His Bounty. Indeed, Heis Ever Merciful to you.

    67. And when hardship

    touches you at sea, those

    whom you call are lost

    except Him Alone. But

    when He delivers you to

    the land you turn away

    (from Him). And man is

    ever ungrateful.

    68. Do you then feel

    secure that He will not

    cause a part of the land

    to swallow you or send

    against you a storm ofstones? Then you will

    not find a guardian for


    69. Or do you feel secure

    that He will not send

    you back into it (i.e., the

    sea) another time and


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    - Y 400 - upon youa hurricaneofthe wind,and drown youbecauseyou disbelieved?Then

    notyou will findfor youagainst Usthereinan avenger?69And certainly, We have honored(the) children of Adamand We carried themonthe land

    and the sea,and We have provided themofthe good thingsand We preferred them overmanyof those whomWe have created(with) preference.70

    (The) DayWe will callallhuman beingswith their record,then whoeveris given his recordin his right hand,then thosewill readtheir records,and not

    they will be wronged(even as much as) a hair on a date seed.71And whoever isinthis (world)blind,then heinthe Hereafter(will be) blind,

    and more astray(from the) path.72And indeed,they were about (to) tempt you awayfromthat whichWe revealed,to youthat you inventabout Us

    other (than) it.And thensurely they would take you(as) a friend.73And if not [that]We (had) strengthened you,certainly,you almost(would) have inclinedto them

    (in) somethinga little.74ThenWe (would) have made you tastedouble (in) the life,and double(after) the death.Thennotyou (would) have foundfor you

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 70-75) Part - 15

    upon you a hurricane of

    wind and drown you

    because you

    disbelieved? Then you

    will not find therein an

    avenger against Us.

    70. And We have

    certainly honored the

    children of Adam and

    We carried them on the

    land and the sea and

    provided for them of

    the good things and

    preferred them over

    many of those whom

    We have created, with

    a (marked) preference.

    71. The Day We will callall human beings with

    their record, then

    whoever is given his

    record in his right

    hand, then those will

    read their records, and

    they will not be

    wronged (even as much

    as) a hair on a date


    72. And whoever is blind

    in this (world), then he

    will be blind in the

    Hereafter and moreastray from the path.

    73. And indeed, they

    were about to tempt

    you away from that

    which We revealed to

    you so that you invent

    about Us other than it

    (i.e., something else);

    and then they would

    surely take you as a


    74. And ifWe had not

    strengthened you, you

    would have almostinclined to them a little

    in something.

    75. Then, We would

    have made you taste

    double (punishment) in

    this life and double

    after death. Then you

    would not have found

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    - Y 401 -

    against Usany helper.75And indeed,they were about(to) scare youfrom the land,that they evict youfrom it.But thennotthey (would) have stayedafter you

    excepta little.76(Such is Our) Way(for) whom[verily]We sentbefore you ofOur Messengers.And notyou will find(in) Our wayany alteration.77

    Establishthe prayer,at the decline(of) the suntill(the) darkness(of) the night and Quranat dawn,indeed,the Quran(at) the dawnisever witnessed.

    78And fromthe nightarise from sleep for prayerwith it(as) additionalfor you; it may bethatwill raise youyour Lord(to) a stationpraiseworthy.79And say,

    ` My Lord!Cause me to enteran entrancesound,and cause me to exitan exit soundand makefor mefromnear Youan authorityhelping.`80And say,

    ` Has comethe truthand perishedthe falsehood.Indeed,the falsehoodis (bound) to perish.`81And We revealfromthe Quranthatit(is) a healing

    and a mercyfor the believers,but notit increasesthe wrongdoersexcept(in) loss. 82And whenWe bestow favoronmanhe turns awayand becomes remote

    on his side.And whentouches himthe evilhe is(in) despair.83Say,` Each

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 76-84) Part - 15

    any helper against Us.

    76. And indeed, they were

    about to scare you from

    the land to evict youfrom it. But then, they

    would not have stayed

    after you, except for a

    little while.

    77. (Such is Our) way

    for those We had sent

    before you of Our

    Messengers. And you

    will not find any

    alteration in Ourway.

    78. Establish prayer at

    the decline of the sun till

    the darkness of the night

    and (the recital of) Quranat dawn. Indeed, the (the

    recital of) Quran at dawn

    is ever witnessed.

    79.And from (a part) of the

    night, arise from sleep

    for prayer with it (Quran)

    as additional (prayer) for

    you; it may be that your

    Lord will raise you to a

    praiseworthy station.

    80. And say, ` My Lord

    Cause me to enter a

    sound entrance and to

    exit a sound exit andmake for me from

    Yourself a helping


    81. And say, Truth ha

    come, and falsehood has

    perished. Indeed, the

    falsehood is bound to


    82. AndWe revealed of

    the Quran that which is a

    healing and a mercy for

    the believers, but it does

    not increase the

    wrongdoers except inloss.

    83. And when We

    bestow favor on man, he

    turns away and distances

    himself. And when evil

    touches him, he is in


    84.Say, Each

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    - Y 402 - worksonhis manner,but your Lord(is) most knowingof who[he](is) best guided

    (in) way.`84And they ask youconcerningthe soul.Say,` The soul(is) of (the) affair(of) my Lord.And notyou have been givenofthe knowledgeexcept

    a little.`85And ifWe willed,We (would) have surely taken awaythat which We have revealedto you.Thennotyou would findfor youconcerning itagainst Us

    any advocate,86Excepta mercyfromyour Lord.Indeed,His Bounty isupon yougreat.87Say,` Ifgatheredthe mankind

    and the jinnto[that]bringthe like(of) thisQuran,notthey (could) bring the like of it,even ifweresome of themto some othersassistants.88

    And verilyWe have explainedto mankindinthisQuranfromeveryexample, but refusedmost(of) the mankindexceptdisbelief.89And they say,

    ` Neverwe will believein youuntilyou cause to gush forthfor usfromthe earth a spring.90Oryou havefor youa gardenofdate-palmsand grapes,

    and cause to gush forththe riverswithin themabundantly.91Or you cause to fallthe sky,asyou have claimed,upon us(in) piecesor

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 85-92) Part - 15

    works according to his

    manner, but your Lord

    is most knowing of who

    is best guided in the


    85. And they ask you

    concerning the soul.

    Say, ` The soul is of th

    affair of my Lord. And

    you have not been given

    of knowledge except a


    86. And if Wewilled,

    We would have surely

    taken away that which

    We have revealed to

    you. Then you would

    not find for yourselfconcerning it any

    advocate against Us,

    87. Except as a mercy

    from your Lord. Indeed,

    His Bounty upon you is


    88. Say, ` If th

    mankind and the jinn

    gathered in order to

    bring the like of this

    Quran, they could not

    bring the like of it, even

    if they assist oneanother.

    89. And verily We

    have explained for

    mankind in this Quran

    every (kind of) example,

    but most of the mankind

    refused (everything)

    except disbelief.

    90. And they say, ` W

    will never believe you

    until you cause to gush

    forth for us a spring

    from the earth.

    91. Or you have a garden

    of date-palms and

    grapes and cause the

    rivers to gush forth

    within them abundantly.

    92. Or you cause the sky

    to fall upon us in pieces

    as you have claimed or

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    - Y 403 - you bringAllahand the Angelsbefore (us).92Orisfor youa house ofornamentoryou ascendintothe sky.And neverwe will believe

    in your ascensionuntilyou bring downto usa bookwe could read it.`Say, ` Glorified (is)my Lord!` WhatI ambuta human,a Messenger.`93

    And whatpreventedthe peoplethatthey believewhencame to themthe guidance exceptthatthey said,` Has Allah senta humanMessenger?`94Say,

    ` If(there) wereinthe earthAngelswalkingsecurely, surely We (would) have sent downto themfromthe heavenan Angel

    (as) a Messenger.`95Say,` Sufficient (is)Allah(as) a witnessbetween me and between you.Indeed, Heisof His slavesAll-Aware,All-Seer.96

    And whoeverAllah guidesthen he (is)the guided one;and whoeverHe lets go astray - then neveryou will findfor themprotectorsbesides Him.And We will gather them

    (on) the Day(of) the Resurrectionontheir faces -blindand dumband deaf. Their abode(is) Hell;every timeit subsides,We (will) increase (for) them

    the blazing fire.97That(is) their recompensebecause theydisbelieved

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 93-98) Part - 15

    you bring Allah and the

    Angels before (us).

    93. Or you have a house

    of ornament or youascend into the sky.

    And never we will

    believe in your

    ascension until you

    bring down to us a

    book that we could

    read.` Say, ` Glorified

    my Lord! Am I

    anything except a

    human Messenger?`

    94. And what

    prevented the people

    from believing when

    guidance came to themexcept that they said,

    ` Has Allah sent

    human Messenger?`

    95. Say, If there wer

    Angels on the earth

    walking securely,

    surely We would have

    sent down to them from

    the heaven an Angel

    (as) a Messenger.`

    96. Say, ` Sufficient i

    Allah as a witness

    between me and you.Indeed, He is All-

    Aware, All-Seer ofHis


    97. And whoever Allah

    guides then he is the

    guided one; and

    whoever He lets go

    astray then you will

    never find for them

    protectors besides Him.

    And We will gather

    them on the Day of

    Resurrection on their

    faces - blind, dumb anddeaf. Their abode is

    Hell; every time it

    subsides We will

    increase for them the

    blazing fire.

    98. That is their

    recompense because

    they disbelieved

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    - Y 390 - Y Surah Bani Israel

    In the nameof Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful. Exalted(is) the One WhotookHis servant(by) nightfrom

    Al-Masjid Al-Haraam,toAl-Masjid Al-AqsawhichWe blessed its surroundings,that We may show himofOur Signs.Indeed He,He

    (is) the All-Hearer,the All-Seer.1And We gaveMusathe Book, and made ita guidancefor the Children(of) Israel,`That notyou take

    other than Me(as) a Disposer of affairs.`2Offsprings(of one) whoWe carried withNuh.Indeed, hewasa servantgrateful.`3And We decreed for(the) Children(of) Israelinthe Book,`Surely you will cause corruptionin

    the earthtwice,and surely you will reach,haughtinessgreat.4So when came(the) promise(for) the first of the two,We raisedagainst youservantsof Ours

    those of great military mightand they enteredthe inner most part(of) the homes, and (it) wasa promisefulfilled.5ThenWe gave backto you

    the return victoryover them.And We reinforced youwith the wealthand sons

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 1-6) Part - 15

    In the name of Allah,

    the Most Gracious, the

    Most Merciful.

    1. Exalted is the One

    Who took His servant

    (Muhammad SAWS)

    by night from Al-

    Masjid Al-Haram to

    Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa

    whose surroundings

    We have blessed so

    that Wemay show him

    Our Signs. Indeed, He

    is the All-Hearer, the


    2. And We gave Musa

    the Book and made it aguidance for the

    Children of Israel,

    saying, `Do not take

    other than Me as

    Disposer of affairs.`

    3. (They were)

    offsprings of those

    whom We carried (in

    the ship) with Nuh.

    Indeed, he was a

    grateful servant.`


    Wedecreed forthe Children of Israel in

    the Book, `You will

    surely cause corruption

    on the earth twice, and

    you will surely reach

    great haughtiness.

    5. So when the (time of)

    promise came for the

    first of them, We sent

    against you servant of

    Ours - those of great

    military might, and

    they entered the inner

    most part of the homes,and it was a promise


    6. Then We gave back

    to you a return victory

    over them. And We

    reinforced you with

    wealth and sons

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    - Y 391 - and made youmorenumerous.6Ifyou do good,you do good for yourselves;and ifyou do evil,then it is for it.So whencamepromise

    the last,to saddenyour facesand to enterthe Masjidjust as they (had) entered itfirsttime,and to destroywhatthey had conquered

    (with) destruction.7` (It) may bethat your Lord(may) have mercy upon you. But ifyou return,We will return.And We have madeHell,for the disbelievers,

    a prison-bed.`8Indeed,this,the Quran,guidesto that which(is) most straightand gives glad tidingsto the believers -those who dothe righteous deeds,thatfor them(is) a rewardgreat,9

    And thatthose who(do) notbelievein the Hereafter,We have preparedfor them a punishmentpainful.10And praysthe manfor evil(as) he prays for the good.And isthe manever hasty.11And We have madethe night and the day(as) two signs.Then We erased(the) Sign(of) the night,and We made

    (the) sign(of) the dayvisible,that you may seekbountyfromyour Lord, and that you may know(the) number(of) the years,and the account.And everything -

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 7-12) Part - 15

    and made you more


    7. (Saying), ` If yo

    do good, you do it foryourselves; and if you

    do evil, it is for

    yourselves. So when

    the final promise came

    (We sent your enemies)

    to sadden your faces

    and to enter the Masjid

    just as they had entered

    it for the first time, and

    to destroy all that they

    had conquered with

    (total) destruction.

    8. (Allah said), ` It ma

    be that your Lord may

    have mercy upon you.

    But if you return (to

    sin) We will return (to

    punishment). And We

    have made Hell a

    prison-bed for the


    9. Indeed, this Quran,

    guides to that which is

    most straight and gives

    glad tidings to the

    believers who do

    righteous deeds thatthey will have a great


    10. And that that those

    who do not believe in the

    Hereafter - We have

    prepared for them a

    painful punishment.

    11. And man prays for

    evil as he prays for good,

    and man is ever hasty.

    12. And We have

    made the night and the

    day as two signs. Then

    We erased the sign of

    the night and made the

    sign of the day visible

    that you may seek

    bounty from your Lord

    and may know the

    number of years and

    the account (of time).

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    - Y 392 - We have explained it(in) detail.12And (for) everymanWe have fastened to him his fateinhis neck,and We will bring forthfor him(on the) Day(of) the Resurrection

    a recordwhich he will findwide open.13` Readyour record.Sufficient (is) yourselftoday,against you(as) accountant.`14Whoever(is) guided

    then onlyhe is guidedfor his soul.And whoevergoes astraythen onlyhe goes astray against itAnd notwill bearone laden with burden,burden(of) another.And not

    Weare to punishuntil,We have senta Messenger.15And whenWe intend thatWe destroya town,We orderits wealthy peoplebut they defiantly disobey

    therein;so (is) proved trueagainst itthe word,and We destroy it (with) destruction.16And how manyWe destroyedfromthe generations

    afterNuh!And sufficient(is) your Lordconcerning the sins(of) His servants All-Aware,All-Seer.17Whoevershoulddesirethe immediate

    We hastenfor himin itwhatWe willto whomWe intend. ThenWe have madefor himHell,he will burndisgracedrejected. 18And whoeverdesiresthe Hereafterand exertsfor itthe effort,

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 13-19) Part - 15

    And everything We have

    explained in detail.

    13. And for every person

    We have fastened hisfate to his neck, and We

    will produce for him on

    the Day of Resurrection a

    record which he will find

    wide open.

    14. (It will be said to him),

    ` Read your boo

    Sufficient is yourself

    against you today as


    15. Whoever is guided is

    only guided for (the

    benefit of) his soul. And

    whoever goes astray only

    goes astray against it

    (soul). And no bearer of

    burdens will bear the

    burden of another. And

    We will not punish until

    We have sent a


    16. And when We

    intend to destroy a town,

    We order its wealthy

    people but they defiantly

    disobey therein; so the

    word is proved true

    against it, and We

    destroy it with

    (complete) destruction.

    17. And how many

    generations have We

    destroyed after Nuh! And

    sufficient is your Lord

    concerning the sins of

    His servants, All-Aware

    and All-Seer.

    18. Whoever should desire

    immediate (transitory

    things), We hasten for

    him therein what We willfor whoever We intend.

    Then We have made for

    him Hell, he will burn

    therein disgraced and


    19. And whoever desires

    the Hereafter and exerts

    the effort due to it

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    - Y 393 - while he(is) a believer,then those[are]their effort,(is) appreciated.

    19(To) eachWe extend(to) theseand (to) these,from(the) gift (of) your Lord.And notis(the) gift(of) your Lordrestricted.20

    SeehowWe preferredsome of themoverothers.And surely the Hereafter (is) greater(in) degreesand greater(in) excellence.21(Do) notmake

    withAllahgodanother,lest you will sitdisgraced,forsaken. 22And has decreedyour Lord,that (do) notworshipexceptHim,

    and to the parents(be) good.Whetherreachwith youthe old age one of them,orboth of them,then (do) notsayto both of thema word of disrespect and (do) notrepel them,but speakto thema wordnoble.23

    And lowerto them(the) wing(of) humility(out) of[the] mercyand say, ` My Lord!Have mercy on both of themasthey brought me up(when I was) small.`

    24Your Lord(is) most knowingof what(is) inyourselves.

    Ifyou are

    righteous,then indeed, Heisto those who often turn (to Him)Most Forgiving.

    25And givethe kinsmanhis right,and the needy,and the wayfarer,

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 20-26) Part - 15

    while he is a believer,

    then it is those whose

    effort is appreciated (by


    20. To each

    (category) We extend,

    both these and those,

    from the gift of your

    Lord. And the gift of

    your Lord is not


    21. Look how We

    preferred some of them

    over others. But surely

    the Hereafter is greater

    in degree and greater

    in excellence.

    22. Do not make (asequal) with Allah

    another god, lest you

    sit disgraced and


    23. And your Lord has

    decreed that you

    worship none but

    Him, and be good to

    parents. Whether one

    or both of them reach

    old age (while) with

    you, do not say to

    them a word of

    disrespect and do notrepel them but speak

    to them a noble word.

    24. And lower to them

    the wing of humility

    out of mercy and say,

    ` My Lord! Have merc

    upon them as they

    brought me up (when I

    was) small.`

    25. Your Lord is

    most knowing of what

    is within yourselves. If

    you are righteous, then

    indeed, He is Most

    Forgiving to those

    who often turn (to


    26. And give the

    kinsman his due, and

    the needy and the


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    - Y 394 - and (do) notspendwastefully.26Indeed,the spendthriftsare brothers(of) the devils.And isthe Shaitaanto his Lordungrateful.27

    And ifyou turn awayfrom themseekingmercyfromyour Lord, which you expectthen sayto thema wordgentle.28And (do) not

    makeyour handchainedtoyour neck,and notextend it (to its) utmostreach,so that you sitblameworthy,insolvent.29Indeed,

    your Lordextendsthe provisionfor whomHe wills,and straitens.Indeed, He isof His slavesAll-Aware,All-Seer.30And (do) notkill

    your children(for) fear(of) poverty.We,(We) provide for themand for you.Indeed, their killingisa singreat.31And (do) notgo near adultery.Indeed, itisan immoralityand (an) evilway.32

    And (do) notkillthe soulwhichAllah has forbidden,exceptby right. And whoever(is) killedwrongfully,verilyWe have madefor his heiran authority,

    but nothe should exceedinthe killing.Indeed, heishelped. 33And (do) notcome near(the) wealth(of) the orphan,exceptwith what

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 27-34) Part - 15

    and do not spend


    27. Indeed, the

    spendthrifts are thebrothers of the devils.

    And the Shaitaan is

    ever ungrateful to his


    28. And if you turn away

    from them seeking

    mercy from your Lord

    which you expect, then

    speak to them a gentle


    29. And do not let your

    hand be chained to

    your neck or extend itcompletely so that you

    become blameworthy

    and insolvent.

    30. Indeed, your Lord

    extends provision for

    whom He wills and

    straitens (it). Indeed,

    He is All-Aware, All-

    Seer ofHis slaves.

    31. And do not kill

    your children for fear

    of poverty. We provide

    for them and for you.Indeed, their killing is a

    great sin.

    32. And do not go

    near adultery. Indeed, it

    is an immorality and an

    evil way.

    33. And do not kill the

    soul which Allah has

    forbidden, except by

    right. And whoever is

    killed wrongfully, We

    have made for his heir

    an authority, but lethim not exceed (limits)

    in (the matter of) taking

    life. Indeed, he is

    helped (by the law).

    34. And do not come

    near the wealth of the

    orphan, except with


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    - Y 395 - [it] isbestuntilhe reacheshis maturity.And fulfilthe covenant.

    Indeed,the covenantwill bequestioned.34And give full[the] measure whenyou measure,and weighwith the balancethe straight.That(is) good

    and best(in) result.35And (do) notpursuewhatnotyou haveof it any knowledge.Indeed,the hearing,and the sight,and the heartallthose

    will beabout itquestioned.36And (do) notwalkinthe earth (with) insolence.Indeed, youwill nevertearthe earthand will neverreach

    the mountains(in) height.37Allthatis[its] evilnearyour Lord, hateful.38That(is) from what(was) revealedto you(from) your Lordof

    the wisdom.And (do) notmakewithAllahgodotherlest you should be thrown inHell,blameworthy,abandoned.39Then has your Lord chosen (for) you

    sonsand He has takenfromthe Angelsdaughters?Indeed, yousurely say a wordgrave.40And verily,We have explainedinthisthe Quran,

    that they may take heed,but notit increases themexcept(in) aversion.41Say, ` If(there) werewith Himgodsasthey say,thensurely they (would) have sought

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 35-42) Part - 15

    is best until he reaches

    maturity. And fulfil the

    covenant. Indeed, the

    covenant will be


    35. And give full measure

    when you measure, and

    weigh with a straight

    balance. That is good

    and best in result.

    36. And do not pursue

    that of which you have

    no knowledge. Indeed,

    the hearing, the sight,

    and the (feelings in) the

    heart - all those will be


    37. And do not walkupon the earth with

    insolence. Indeed, you

    will never tear the earth

    (apart), and you will

    never reach the

    mountains in height.

    38. All that (i.e.,

    above mentioned), its

    evil, is hateful in the

    sight of your Lord.

    39. That is from what

    your Lord has revealed

    to you of the wisdom.

    And do not make (asequal) with Allah

    another god, lest you

    should be thrown into

    Hell, blameworthy and


    40. Then, has your Lord

    chosen sons for you

    and taken from among

    the Angels daughters?

    Indeed, you say a grave


    41. And verily We have

    explained in this

    Quran, that they maytake heed, but it does

    not increase them

    except in aversion.

    42. Say, ` If there ha

    been with Him gods, as

    they say, then they

    (each) would have


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    - Y 396 - to(the) Owner(of) the Thronea way.42Glorified is Heand Exalted is He above whatthey say(by) heightgreat.43Glorify[to] Himthe seven heavens

    and the earthand whatever(is) in them.And (there is) notanythingexcept glorifiesHis Praise,butnotyou understandtheir glorification.Indeed, Heis

    Ever-Forbearing,Oft-Forgiving.`44And whenyou recitethe Quran,We place between youand betweenthose who(do) notbelievein the Hereaftera barrier

    hidden.45And We have placedovertheir heartscoverings,lest they understand it,and intheir earsdeafness.And whenyou mentionyour Lordin

    the QuranAlone,they turnontheir backs(in) aversion.46We know best[of] whatthey listento [it]whenthey listento you,and when

    they(are) in private conversation,whensaythe wrongdoers,` Notyou follow buta manbewitched.`47Seehowthey put forthfor you

    the examples;but they have gone astrayso notthey can(find) a way.48 And they say,` Is it whenwe arebonesand crumbled particles,will we

    surely (be) resurrected(as) a creationnew.`49Say,` Bestones

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 43-50) Part - 15

    to the Owner of the

    Throne a way.

    43. Glorified is He

    and Exalted and is Hein high exaltation

    above what they say.

    44. The seven heavens

    and the earth and

    whatever is in them

    glorify Him. And there

    is not a thing but

    glorifies His Praise, but

    you do not understand

    their (way of)

    glorification. Indeed,

    He is Ever-Forbearing,


    45. And when you recite

    the Quran, We place

    between you and those

    who do not believe in

    the Hereafter a hidden


    46. And We have placed

    on their hearts

    coverings, lest they

    understand it, and in

    their ears deafness. And

    when you mention your

    Lord Alone in the

    Quran, they turn their

    backs in aversion.

    47. We know best what

    they listen to when they

    listen to you and when

    they are in private

    conversation, when the

    wrongdoers say, ` Yo

    follow not but a man


    48. See how they put

    forth for you the

    examples; but they

    have gone astray so

    they cannot (find) away.

    49. And they say,

    ` When we are bone

    and crumbled particles,

    will we surely be

    resurrected as a new


    50. Say, ` Be stones

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    - Y 397 -

    oriron.50Ora creationof what(is) greatin your breasts.`Then they will say,`Whowill restore us?`Say, `He Whocreated you(the) firsttime.`Then they will shake

    at youtheir headsand they say,`When (will)it (be)?`Say, `Perhapsthat(it) will besoon.`51(On) the DayHe will call you

    and you will respondwith His Praise,and you will think,notyou had remainedexcept a little (while).52And sayto My slaves(to) saythatwhich(is) best.

    Indeed,the Shaitaansows discordbetween them.Indeed,the Shaitaanis to the manan enemyclear.53Your Lord(is) most knowingof you.If

    He wills,He will have mercy on you;orifHe willsHe will punish you.And not We have sent youover them(as) a guardian.54And your Lord(is) most knowing

    of whoever(is) inthe heavensand the earth.And verilyWe have preferredsome (of) the Prophetstoothers.And We gaveDawoodZaboor.55Say,`Call

    those whomyou claimedbesides Him,[then] notthey have power(to) remove the misfortunesfrom youand not(to) transfer (it).56Thosewhom

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 51-57) Part - 15

    or iron.

    51. `Or a creation that

    which is great within

    your breasts.` Thenthey will say, `Who

    will restore us?` Say,

    `He Who created you

    the first time.` Then

    they will shake their

    heads at you and say,

    `When will it be?` Say,

    `Perhaps it will be


    52. On the Day He

    will call you and you

    will respond with His

    Praise, and you will

    think that you had notremained except for a

    little while.

    53. And tell My

    slaves to say that which

    is best. Indeed,

    Shaitaan sows discord

    between them. Indeed,

    Shaitaan is a clear

    enemy to man.

    54. Your Lord is most

    knowing of you. IfHe

    wills, He will have

    mercy on you; or ifHe

    wills, He will punish

    you. And We have not

    sent you over them as a


    55. And your Lord is

    most knowing of

    whoever is in the

    heavens and the earth.

    And indeed, We have

    preferred some of the

    Prophets to others. And

    We gave Dawood


    56. Say, `Call thosewhom you claim (as

    gods) besides Him, for

    they do not have the

    power to remove the

    misfortunes from you

    nor to transfer (it to

    someone else).

    57. Those whom

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    - Y 398 - they call,seektotheir Lordthe means of access,which of them

    (is) nearest,and they hope(for) His mercyand fearHis punishment.Indeed, (the) punishment(of) your Lordis(ever) feared.57And not(is) any

    townbutWe(will) destroy itbefore(the) Day(of) the Resurrectionor punish itwith a punishmentsevere.That isinthe Bookwritten.

    58And notstopped UsthatWe sendthe Signsexceptthatdenied themthe former people.And We gaveThamudthe she-camel(as) a visible sign,

    but they wrongedher.And notWe sendthe Signsexcept(as) a warning.59 And whenWe saidto you,` Indeed,your Lordhas encompassedthe mankind.`

    And notWe madethe visionwhichWe showed youexcept(as) a trialfor mankind, and the treethe accursedinthe Quran.And We threaten thembut not

    it increases themexcept(in) transgressiongreat.60And whenWe said to the Angels,` Prostrateto Adam.`So they prostratedexceptIblis.He said, Shall I prostrateto (one) whomYou created(from) clay?`61He said,

    ` DoYou seethiswhomYou have honored,above me?IfYou give me respite

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 58-62) Part - 15

    they call seek means of

    access to their Lord,

    which of them is

    nearest, and they hope

    for His mercy and fear

    His punishment. Indeed,

    the punishment of your

    Lord is ever feared.

    58. And there is not a

    town but We will

    destroy it before the Day

    of Resurrection or

    punish it with a severe

    punishment. That is

    written in the Book (of

    Our decrees).

    59. And nothing has

    stopped Us fromsending Signs except

    that the people of the

    former generations

    denied them. And We

    gave Thamud the she-

    camel as a visible sign,

    but they wronged her.

    And We did not send

    the Signs except as a


    60. And when We told

    you, ` Indeed, your Lor

    has encompassed

    mankind.` AndWe didnot make the vision

    which We showed you

    except as a trial for

    mankind, as was the

    accursed tree

    (mentioned) in the

    Quran. And We threaten

    them, but it increases

    them only in great


    61. And when We said

    to the Angels, Prostrat

    to Adam. So the

    prostrated except Iblis.He said, ` Shall

    prostrate to one whom

    You created from clay?`

    62. He said, DoYou

    see the one whom You

    have honored above

    me? If You give me


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    - Y 399 - till(the) Day(of) the Resurrection,I will surely destroyhis offspringexcept

    a few.`62He said,` Go,and whoeverfollows youamong them then indeed,Hell(is) your recompense -a recompenseample.`63

    ` And incitewhoeveryou canamong themwith your voice,and assault[on] them with your cavalryand infantryand be a partnerinthe wealthand the children,

    and promise them.`And notpromises themthe Shaitaanexceptdelusion.64 ` Indeed,My slavesnotfor youover themany authority.And sufficient(is) your Lord

    (as) a Guardian.`65Your Lord(is) the One Whodrivesfor youthe ship inthe sea,that you may seekofHis Bounty.Indeed, Heisto you

    Ever Merciful.66And whentouches youthe hardshipinthe sea,lost (are) onesyou callexceptHim Alone.But whenHe delivers youtothe land

    you turn away.And ismanungrateful.67Do you then feel securethat (not) He will cause to swallowyouside(of) the landorsendagainst you

    a storm of stones?Thennotyou will findfor youa guardian?68Or do you feel securethat (not)He will send you backinto itanother time,and send

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 63-69) Part - 15

    till the Day of

    Resurrection, I will

    surely destroy his

    offspring, except a few.`

    63. He said, ` Go, an

    whoever among them

    follows you, then

    indeed, Hell will be

    your recompense - an

    ample recompense.

    64. ` And incite whoever

    you can among them

    with your voice and

    assault them with your

    cavalry and infantry and

    become a partner in

    their wealth and their

    children and promisethem.` But Shaitaa

    does not promise them

    except delusion.

    65. ` Indeed, you hav

    no authority over My

    slaves. And sufficient is

    your Lord as a


    66. Your Lord is the

    One Who drives the

    ship for you through the

    sea that you may seek of

    His Bounty. Indeed, Heis Ever Merciful to you.

    67. And when hardship

    touches you at sea, those

    whom you call are lost

    except Him Alone. But

    when He delivers you to

    the land you turn away

    (from Him). And man is

    ever ungrateful.

    68. Do you then feel

    secure that He will not

    cause a part of the land

    to swallow you or send

    against you a storm ofstones? Then you will

    not find a guardian for


    69. Or do you feel secure

    that He will not send

    you back into it (i.e., the

    sea) another time and


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    - Y 400 - upon youa hurricaneofthe wind,and drown youbecauseyou disbelieved?Then

    notyou will findfor youagainst Usthereinan avenger?69And certainly, We have honored(the) children of Adamand We carried themonthe land

    and the sea,and We have provided themofthe good thingsand We preferred them overmanyof those whomWe have created(with) preference.70

    (The) DayWe will callallhuman beingswith their record,then whoeveris given his recordin his right hand,then thosewill readtheir records,and not

    they will be wronged(even as much as) a hair on a date seed.71And whoever isinthis (world)blind,then heinthe Hereafter(will be) blind,

    and more astray(from the) path.72And indeed,they were about (to) tempt you awayfromthat whichWe revealed,to youthat you inventabout Us

    other (than) it.And thensurely they would take you(as) a friend.73And if not [that]We (had) strengthened you,certainly,you almost(would) have inclinedto them

    (in) somethinga little.74ThenWe (would) have made you tastedouble (in) the life,and double(after) the death.Thennotyou (would) have foundfor you

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 70-75) Part - 15

    upon you a hurricane of

    wind and drown you

    because you

    disbelieved? Then you

    will not find therein an

    avenger against Us.

    70. And We have

    certainly honored the

    children of Adam and

    We carried them on the

    land and the sea and

    provided for them of

    the good things and

    preferred them over

    many of those whom

    We have created, with

    a (marked) preference.

    71. The Day We will callall human beings with

    their record, then

    whoever is given his

    record in his right

    hand, then those will

    read their records, and

    they will not be

    wronged (even as much

    as) a hair on a date


    72. And whoever is blind

    in this (world), then he

    will be blind in the

    Hereafter and moreastray from the path.

    73. And indeed, they

    were about to tempt

    you away from that

    which We revealed to

    you so that you invent

    about Us other than it

    (i.e., something else);

    and then they would

    surely take you as a


    74. And ifWe had not

    strengthened you, you

    would have almostinclined to them a little

    in something.

    75. Then, We would

    have made you taste

    double (punishment) in

    this life and double

    after death. Then you

    would not have found

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    - Y 401 -

    against Usany helper.75And indeed,they were about(to) scare youfrom the land,that they evict youfrom it.But thennotthey (would) have stayedafter you

    excepta little.76(Such is Our) Way(for) whom[verily]We sentbefore you ofOur Messengers.And notyou will find(in) Our wayany alteration.77

    Establishthe prayer,at the decline(of) the suntill(the) darkness(of) the night and Quranat dawn,indeed,the Quran(at) the dawnisever witnessed.

    78And fromthe nightarise from sleep for prayerwith it(as) additionalfor you; it may bethatwill raise youyour Lord(to) a stationpraiseworthy.79And say,

    ` My Lord!Cause me to enteran entrancesound,and cause me to exitan exit soundand makefor mefromnear Youan authorityhelping.`80And say,

    ` Has comethe truthand perishedthe falsehood.Indeed,the falsehoodis (bound) to perish.`81And We revealfromthe Quranthatit(is) a healing

    and a mercyfor the believers,but notit increasesthe wrongdoersexcept(in) loss. 82And whenWe bestow favoronmanhe turns awayand becomes remote

    on his side.And whentouches himthe evilhe is(in) despair.83Say,` Each

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 76-84) Part - 15

    any helper against Us.

    76. And indeed, they were

    about to scare you from

    the land to evict youfrom it. But then, they

    would not have stayed

    after you, except for a

    little while.

    77. (Such is Our) way

    for those We had sent

    before you of Our

    Messengers. And you

    will not find any

    alteration in Ourway.

    78. Establish prayer at

    the decline of the sun till

    the darkness of the night

    and (the recital of) Quranat dawn. Indeed, the (the

    recital of) Quran at dawn

    is ever witnessed.

    79.And from (a part) of the

    night, arise from sleep

    for prayer with it (Quran)

    as additional (prayer) for

    you; it may be that your

    Lord will raise you to a

    praiseworthy station.

    80. And say, ` My Lord

    Cause me to enter a

    sound entrance and to

    exit a sound exit andmake for me from

    Yourself a helping


    81. And say, Truth ha

    come, and falsehood has

    perished. Indeed, the

    falsehood is bound to


    82. AndWe revealed of

    the Quran that which is a

    healing and a mercy for

    the believers, but it does

    not increase the

    wrongdoers except inloss.

    83. And when We

    bestow favor on man, he

    turns away and distances

    himself. And when evil

    touches him, he is in


    84.Say, Each

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    - Y 402 - worksonhis manner,but your Lord(is) most knowingof who[he](is) best guided

    (in) way.`84And they ask youconcerningthe soul.Say,` The soul(is) of (the) affair(of) my Lord.And notyou have been givenofthe knowledgeexcept

    a little.`85And ifWe willed,We (would) have surely taken awaythat which We have revealedto you.Thennotyou would findfor youconcerning itagainst Us

    any advocate,86Excepta mercyfromyour Lord.Indeed,His Bounty isupon yougreat.87Say,` Ifgatheredthe mankind

    and the jinnto[that]bringthe like(of) thisQuran,notthey (could) bring the like of it,even ifweresome of themto some othersassistants.88

    And verilyWe have explainedto mankindinthisQuranfromeveryexample, but refusedmost(of) the mankindexceptdisbelief.89And they say,

    ` Neverwe will believein youuntilyou cause to gush forthfor usfromthe earth a spring.90Oryou havefor youa gardenofdate-palmsand grapes,

    and cause to gush forththe riverswithin themabundantly.91Or you cause to fallthe sky,asyou have claimed,upon us(in) piecesor

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 85-92) Part - 15

    works according to his

    manner, but your Lord

    is most knowing of who

    is best guided in the


    85. And they ask you

    concerning the soul.

    Say, ` The soul is of th

    affair of my Lord. And

    you have not been given

    of knowledge except a


    86. And if Wewilled,

    We would have surely

    taken away that which

    We have revealed to

    you. Then you would

    not find for yourselfconcerning it any

    advocate against Us,

    87. Except as a mercy

    from your Lord. Indeed,

    His Bounty upon you is


    88. Say, ` If th

    mankind and the jinn

    gathered in order to

    bring the like of this

    Quran, they could not

    bring the like of it, even

    if they assist oneanother.

    89. And verily We

    have explained for

    mankind in this Quran

    every (kind of) example,

    but most of the mankind

    refused (everything)

    except disbelief.

    90. And they say, ` W

    will never believe you

    until you cause to gush

    forth for us a spring

    from the earth.

    91. Or you have a garden

    of date-palms and

    grapes and cause the

    rivers to gush forth

    within them abundantly.

    92. Or you cause the sky

    to fall upon us in pieces

    as you have claimed or

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    - Y 403 - you bringAllahand the Angelsbefore (us).92Orisfor youa house ofornamentoryou ascendintothe sky.And neverwe will believe

    in your ascensionuntilyou bring downto usa bookwe could read it.`Say, ` Glorified (is)my Lord!` WhatI ambuta human,a Messenger.`93

    And whatpreventedthe peoplethatthey believewhencame to themthe guidance exceptthatthey said,` Has Allah senta humanMessenger?`94Say,

    ` If(there) wereinthe earthAngelswalkingsecurely, surely We (would) have sent downto themfromthe heavenan Angel

    (as) a Messenger.`95Say,` Sufficient (is)Allah(as) a witnessbetween me and between you.Indeed, Heisof His slavesAll-Aware,All-Seer.96

    And whoeverAllah guidesthen he (is)the guided one;and whoeverHe lets go astray - then neveryou will findfor themprotectorsbesides Him.And We will gather them

    (on) the Day(of) the Resurrectionontheir faces -blindand dumband deaf. Their abode(is) Hell;every timeit subsides,We (will) increase (for) them

    the blazing fire.97That(is) their recompensebecause theydisbelieved

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 93-98) Part - 15

    you bring Allah and the

    Angels before (us).

    93. Or you have a house

    of ornament or youascend into the sky.

    And never we will

    believe in your

    ascension until you

    bring down to us a

    book that we could

    read.` Say, ` Glorified

    my Lord! Am I

    anything except a

    human Messenger?`

    94. And what

    prevented the people

    from believing when

    guidance came to themexcept that they said,

    ` Has Allah sent

    human Messenger?`

    95. Say, If there wer

    Angels on the earth

    walking securely,

    surely We would have

    sent down to them from

    the heaven an Angel

    (as) a Messenger.`

    96. Say, ` Sufficient i

    Allah as a witness

    between me and you.Indeed, He is All-

    Aware, All-Seer ofHis


    97. And whoever Allah

    guides then he is the

    guided one; and

    whoever He lets go

    astray then you will

    never find for them

    protectors besides Him.

    And We will gather

    them on the Day of

    Resurrection on their

    faces - blind, dumb anddeaf. Their abode is

    Hell; every time it

    subsides We will

    increase for them the

    blazing fire.

    98. That is their

    recompense because

    they disbelieved

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    - Y 404 - in Our Versesand said,`Whenwe arebonesand crumbled particles,will we surely (be) resurrected(as) a creationnew.`98Do notthey seethat

    Allah,the One Who,createdthe heavensand the earth(is) Able[on]to createthe like of them?And He has madefor thema term,nodoubtin it.

    But refusedthe wrongdoersexceptdisbelief.99Say,`Ifyou possessthe treasures(of) the Mercy(of) my Lord,thensurely you would withhold

    (out of) fear(of) spending.`And ismanstingy.100And certainly We had givenMusanineSignsclear,so ask(the) Children of Israelwhen

    he came to them,then saidto himFiraun,`Indeed, I[I] think you -O Musa! (you are) bewitched.`101He said,`Verily,you knownonehas sent down

    theseexcept(the) Lord(of) the heavensand the earth(as) evidence, and indeed, I[I] surely think youO Firaun!(you are) destroyed.`102

    So he intendedtodrive them outfromthe land,but We drowned himand who (were) with himall.103And We saidafter himto the Children of Israel,

    `Dwell(in) the land,then whencomes(the) promise(of) the Hereafter,

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 99-104) Part - 15

    in OurVerses and said,

    `When we are bones

    and crumbled particles,

    will we surely be

    resurrected as a new


    99. Do they not see

    that Allah Who created

    the heavens and the

    earth is Able to create

    the like of them? And

    He has appointed for

    them a term about

    which there is no

    doubt. But the

    wrongdoers refuse

    (everything) except


    100. Say, `If you

    possessed the treasures

    of the Mercy of my

    Lord, then you would

    surely withhold out of

    fear of spending.` And

    man is (ever) stingy.

    101. And We had

    certainly given Musa

    nine clear Signs, so ask

    the Children of Israel

    when he came to them

    and Firaun said to him,

    `O Musa! Indeed, Ithink you are


    102. He (Musa) said,

    `Verily, you know none

    has sent down these but

    the Lord of the heavens

    and the earth as

    evidence, and indeed,

    O Firaun! I think you

    are destroyed.`

    103. So he intended to

    drive them out from the

    land, but We drowned

    him and all those whowere with him.

    104. And We said after

    him (i.e., Firaun) to the

    Children of Israel,

    `Dwell in the land, then

    when the promise of

    the Hereafter comes,

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    - Y 405 - We will bringyou(as) a mixed crowd.`104And with the truthWe sent it down, and with the truthit descended.And notWe sent youexcept

    (as) a bearer of glad tidingsand a warner.105And the QuranWe have divided, that you might recite ittothe peopleatintervals.And We have revealed it

    (in) stages.106Say,` Believein itor(do) notbelieve.Indeed,those who were giventhe knowledgebefore it,whenit is recitedto them,they fall

    on their faces(in) prostration.`107And they say,` Glory be toour Lord!Indeed, is(the) promise(of) our Lordsurely fulfilled.`108And they fallon their faces

    weeping,and it increases them(in) humility.109Say,` InvokeAllahor invokethe Most Gracious.By whatever (name)you invoke,to Him (belongs)

    the Most Beautiful Names.`And (do) notbe loudin your prayersand notbe silent therein,but seekbetweenthata way.`110And say,` All Praise(is) for Allah

    the One Whohas not takena sonand notisfor Hima partner inthe dominion,and notisfor Himany protectorout of

    weakness.And magnify Him(with all) magnificence.`111

    Surah 17: Children of Israel (v. 105-111) Part - 15

    We will bring you as a

    mixed crowd.`

    105. And with the truth

    We sent it down, andwith the truth it

    descended. And We

    have not sent you,

    except as a bearer of

    glad tidings and a


    106. And We have

    divided the Quran so

    that you might recite it

    to people at intervals.

    And We have revealed

    it in stages.

    107. Say, ` Believe i

    it or do not believe.Indeed, those who were

    given the knowledge

    before it, when it is

    recited to them, they

    fall on their faces in


    108. And they say,

    ` Glory be to our Lord

    Indeed, the promise of

    our Lord must be


    109. And they fall on

    their faces, weeping,

    and it increases theirhumility.`

    110. Say, ` Invoke Alla

    or invoke the Most

    Gracious. By whatever

    name you invoke, to

    Him belong the Most

    Beautiful Names. And

    do not be loud in your

    prayers and not be

    silent therein, but seek

    a moderate way

    between that.`

    111. And say, ` Al

    Praise is for Allah, the

    One Who has not taken

    a son and Who has no

    partner in (His)

    dominion nor (needs)

    any protector out of

    weakness. And magnify

    Him with all


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    - 406 - Surah Al-Kahf

    In the nameof Allah,the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful. All Praise(is) for Allahthe One Who(has) revealedtoHis slavethe Book,

    and not(has) madein itany crookedness.1Straight,to warn (of) a punishmentsevere,fromnear Him,and give glad tidings(to) the believers,

    those whodorighteous deeds,thatfor them(is) a good reward.2 (They will) abidein itforever.3And to warnthose whosay, ` Allah has takena son.`4Notthey haveabout itanyknowledgeand not their forefathers.Mighty (is)the word(that) comes outoftheir mouths.Not

    they sayexcepta lie.5Then perhaps you would (be)the one who kills yourselfovertheir footsteps,ifnotthey believein this[the] narration, (in) grief.6Indeed, WeWe have madewhat(is) onthe earthadornment

    for it,that We may test [them]which of them(is) best(in) deeds.7 And indeed, We(will) surely makewhat(is) on itsoilbarren.8Or

    you thinkthat(the) companions(of) the caveand the inscriptionwere,among

    Surah 18: The Cave (v. 1-9) Part - 15

    In the name of Allah,

    the Most Gracious, the

    Most Merciful.

    1. All Praise is forAllah, the One Who

    has revealed the Book

    to His slave and has

    not placed therein any


    2. (He has made it)

    straight, to warn of

    severe punishment

    from Him and to give

    glad t idings to the

    believers who do

    righteous deeds that

    for them is a good


    3. They will abide in

    it forever.

    4. And to warn those

    who say, ` Allah ha

    taken a son.`

    5. They do not have any

    knowledge about it,

    nor had their

    forefathers. Grave is

    the word that comes

    out of their mouths.

    Nothing they sayexcept a lie.

    6. Then perhaps you (O

    Muhammad SAWS)

    would kill yourself in

    grief over them, if they

    do not believe in this


    7. Indeed, We have

    made that which is on

    the earth as adornment

    for it that We may test

    (as to) which of them

    is best in deed.

    8. And indeed, We

    will make what is on it

    a barren ground.

    9. Or you think that

    the companions of the

    cave and the

    inscription were

    wonders among

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    - 407 - Our Signs,a wonder?9Whenretreatedthe youthstothe cave, and they said,` Our Lord!Grant usfromYourselfMercy,and facilitatefor us

    fromour affairright guidance.`10So We castovertheir earsin the caveyears -a number.11ThenWe raised them up

    that We make evidentwhich(of) the two partiesbest calculatedfor what (they had) remained(in) time.12Wenarrateto youtheir storyin truth. Indeed, they (were)youthswho believedin their Lord,and We increased them

    (in) guidance.13And We made firm[on]their heartswhenthey stood up and said,` Our Lord(is) the Lord(of) the heavensand the earth.Neverwe will invoke

    besides Himany god.Certainly,we would have said,then,an enormity.14 These,our people,have takenbesides Himgods.Why notthey come

    to themwith an authorityclear?And who(is) more wrongthan (one) whoinvents againstAllaha lie?15And whenyou withdraw from themand what

    they worshipexceptAllah,then retreattothe cave.Will spreadfor you your LordofHis Mercyand will facilitatefor you[from]your affair(in) ease.`

    Surah 18: The Cave (v. 10-16) Part - 15

    Our Signs?

    10. When the youths

    retreated to the cave and

    said, ` Our Lord! Granon us Mercy from

    Yourself and facilitate

    for us from our affair

    right guidance.`

    11. Then We cast (a

    cover) over their ears in

    the cave for a number of


    12. Then We awakened

    them that We make

    evident which of the

    two parties was best at

    calculating the time theyhad remained.

    13. We narrate to you

    their story in truth.

    Indeed, they were

    youths who believed in

    their Lord, and We

    increased them in


    14. And We made firm

    their hearts when they

    stood up and said, Ou

    Lord is the Lord of the

    heavens and the earth.We will never invoke

    besides Him any god.

    Certainly, (if we did) we

    would have then uttered

    an enormity.

    15. These, our people,

    have taken gods besides

    Him. Why do they not

    come to them with a

    clear authority? And

    who is more wrong than

    the one who invents a

    lie against Allah?

    16. And when you

    withdraw from them and

    that which they worship

    besides Allah, then

    retreat to the cave. Your

    Lord will spread for you

    of His Mercy and will

    facilitate for you your

    affair in ease.`

  • 7/31/2019 Juz-15


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    - 408 - 16And you (might) have seenthe sun,whenit rose,inclining awayfrom their cavetothe right,and whenit set,passing away from themto

    the leftwhile they(lay) inthe open spacethereof.That(was) from(the) Signs (of) Allah.WhoeverAllah guidesand he(is) the guided one,and whoever

    He lets go astraythen neveryou will findfor hima protector,a guide.17 And you (would) think themawakewhile they(were) asleep.And We turned them

    tothe rightand tothe left,while their dogstretchedhis two forelegs at the entrance.Ifyou had lookedat them,you (would) have surely turned back

    from them(in) flightand surely you would have been filledby them(with) terror.18 And similarly,We raised themthat they might questionamong them.Saida speaker

    among them,` How longhave you remained?`They said,` We have remaineda day ora part(of) a day.`They said,` Your Lordknows besthow long

    you have remained.So sendone of youwith this silver coin of yoursto the city,and let him seewhich isthe purestfood,and let him bring to you provisionfrom it,and let him be cautious.And let not be awareabout youanyone.`

    Surah 18: The Cave (v. 17-19) Part - 15

    17. And you might have

    seen the sun when it

    rose, inclining away

    from their cave on the

    right, and when it set,

    passing away from

    them on the left while

    they lay in an open

    space thereof. That

    was from the Signs of

    Allah. He whom Allah

    guides is the guided

    one, and he whom He

    lets go astray - never

    will you find for him

    a protecting guide.

    18. And you would

    think them awake,while they were

    asleep. And We

    turned them to the

    right and to the left,

    while their dog

    stretched his forelegs

    at the entrance. If you

    had looked at them,

    surely you would

    have turned back from

    them in flight and

    would have been

    filled by them with


    19. And similarly,

    We awakened them

    that they might

    question one another.

    Said a speaker among

    them, ` Howlong have

    you remained?` The

    said, ` We hav

    remained a day or a

    part of a day.` The

    said, ` Your Lor

    knows best how long

    you remained. So

    send one of you with

    this silver coin of

    yours to the city and

    let him see which

    food is purest there

    and bring to you

    provision from it and

    let him be cautious.

    And let no one be

    aware about you.`

  • 7/31/2019 Juz-15


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    - 409 - 19` Indeed, [they]ifthey come to knowabout you,they will stone youor

    return youtotheir religion.And neverwill you succeedthen -ever.` 20And similarly,We made knownabout themthat they might knowthat

    (the) Promise(of) Allah(is) true,and that(about) the Hour(there is) nodoubt in it.Whenthey disputedamong themselvesabout their affairand they said,

    ` Constructover thema structure.Their Lordknows bestabout them.`Said those whoprevailedintheir matter,` Surely we will takeover them

    a place of worship.`21They say,(they were) three,the forth of themtheir dog; and they say(they were) fivethe sixth of themtheir dog -guessingabout the unseen; and they say,(they were) sevenand the eight of themtheir dog.Say,` My Lord,

    knows besttheir number.Noneknows themexcepta few.So (do) notargue about themexcept(with) an argumentobvious,and (do) notinquireabout them

    among them(from) anyone.`22And (do) notsayof anything,` Indeed, I will dothattomorrow.`23Except,` IfAllah wills.`And remember

    your Lordwhenyou forgetand say,` Perhaps[that]will guide memy Lord

    Surah 18: The Cave (v. 20-24) Part - 15

    20. ` Indeed, if the

    come to know about

    you, they will stone

    you or return you to

    their religion. Then

    never will you succeed

    - ever.`

    21. And similarly, We

    made known about

    them (to the people)

    that they might know

    that the Promise of

    Allah is true and that

    there is no doubt about

    the Hour. When they

    disputed among

    themselves about their

    affair and said,` Construct over them

    structure. Their Lord

    knows best about

    them. Said those wh

    prevailed in their

    matter, ` Surely, we wil

    take over them a place

    of worship.`

    22. They say they were

    three, the forth of them

    being their dog; and

    they say they were five,

    the sixth of them being

    their dog - guessingabout the unseen; and

    they say, they were

    seven, and the eight of

    them was their dog.

    Say, ` My Lord, know

    best their number.

    None knows except a

    few. So do not argue

    about them except with

    an obvious argument

    and do not inquire

    about them from


    23. And (do) not say ofanything, ` Indeed,

    will do that tomorrow.`

    24. Except, If Alla

    wills. And remembe

    your Lord when you

    forget and say,

    ` Perhaps my Lord wil

    guide me

  • 7/31/2019 Juz-15


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    - 410 - to a nearer (way)thanthisright way.`24And they remainedintheir cave (for) threehundredyearsand they addednine.25Say,` Allah

    knows bestabout what (period)they remained.For Him(is the) unseen

    (of) the heavensand the earth.How clearly He sees![of it]And how clearly He hears! Notfor thembesides Himanyprotector,and notHe shares[in]His Commands

    (with) anyone.26And recitewhathas been revealedto youofthe Book (of) your Lord.Nonecan changeHis Wordsand neveryou will findbesides Him

    a refuge.27And be patient,yourself,withthose whocalltheir Lord in the morningand the eveningdesiringHis Face.And (let) notpass beyond

    your eyesover them,desiringadornment(of) the life(of) the world,and (do) not obeywhomWe have made heedlesshis heartofOur remembrance,and follows

    his desiresand ishis affair(in) excess.28And say,` The truth(is) from your Lord,so whoeverwills -let him believeand whoeverwills -let him disbelieve.`

    Indeed, Wehave preparedfor the wrongdoersa Fire,will surroundthemits walls. And ifthey call for relief,they will be relievedwith waterlike molten brass,

    Surah 18: The Cave (v. 25-29) Part - 15

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