Page 1: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Jyothisha Prakaasham



Page 2: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



Editorial .................................................................................................................... 3

Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam ................................................................................ 5

Bhavartha Ratnakara - VIII ......................................................................................... 9

Maasaphalam – Vrischika of Jaya varsha ..................................................................... 17

Comparative Analysis of yogas of lagna ...................................................................... 19

Phaladeepika - II ...................................................................................................... 27

Muhurtha - Griha Pravesha ........................................................................................ 38

Predictions for the year 2015 ..................................................................................... 41

Horoscope Analysis ................................................................................................... 48

Anukramaanika ........................................................................................................ 52

Page 3: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



We have come to yet another month – this month of Vrischika is important in that it finds

Saturn and Sun together in the keeta sthaana of Vrischika. There would be many issues that

the world will face in this month and many people will also face issues.

But amidst all issues, it is just one goal that we all are knowingly or unknowingly seeking. It

is this one goal alone that all are seeking though majority of people are unaware of this goal

that is being sought out by them. This goal is termed as moksha in the scriptures and

characterized by complete cessation of sorrow and ever rejoicing in bliss.

Until this goal is achieved we will find ourselves going from one birth to another while

experiencing only sorrow. If we think death puts an end to sorrows then we are wrong as it

will not put an end; sorrows will continue in the next birth. Even as a person’s problems will

not end by moving from one house to another, similarly moving from one birth to another

will not put an end to problems. It might appear to temporarily reduce problems but

eventually problems will spring up again.

Wise people are those who seek out the ultimate goal of life of moksha through knowledge

of the scriptures. But even many who strive to achieve this will not be able to achieve due

to many obstacles in the world. The world of duality always poses an obstacle in one or the

other way depending on our past actions. It would be good therefore if we are aware of

these obstacles. Knowing that something is going to happen will make us anticipate it and

therefore its effect also will be less. Therefore it is essential for sadhakas seeking moksha to

know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems or deal it with

it in the best possible, while continuously progressing towards the ultimate goal of life of


This is where the science of astrology comes in. It will make us understand as to what is in

store for us so that we will be able to either nullify it or reduce it so that our progress

towards the goal of moksha will not be hindered in anyway. But astrology is a science that

is very tough to master and if only one can master at least a bit of astrology he will find it

useful for himself and others – therefore ardent seekers should strive to learn astrology.

Page 4: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Since this science of astrology isn’t that easy to learn therefore it is the purpose of this

magazine to bring out the various nuances of astrology in simple terms. Through the

various articles in this magazine, those who want to learn astrology will be able to easily

learn it to the extent that eventually they are able to continue their studies themselves

while practicing it for the benefit of the world. May this magazine serve this purpose so that

desiring people will be able to become true astrologers thereby helping the entire world in

one or the other way.

May we all strive to learn and implement the science of astrology so that we are able to

progress ourselves to the ultimate goal of life of moksha and help others as well to attain


Page 5: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam


Previously we saw the sixth sadhana that is required by a sadhaka whose is striving to

become a true astrologer. This sadhana was the most important of all sadhanas as without

it there is no way of becoming a true astrologer. The sadhana was that of learning the


Any science is learned through the scriptural texts that explain it. Without theoretical

knowledge of the science, we will not be able to implement it. Similarly the science of

astrology also requires learning of shaastras in order to gain proficiency in it.

Shaastras are two types that have to be learned by an aspiring astrologer. First is Vedanta

and second is that of Jyothisha. Jyothisha is something required in order to become an

astrologer. The various texts of acharyas of past have to be thoroughly learned and

mastered before practicing astrology. Without knowledge of these, one will not have any

knowledge of astrology and any practice would lead to calamitous effect for oneself and

others. Even as a person who doesn’t learn any book of chemistry and tries to practice

chemistry will cause himself and others harm, similarly a person who doesn’t learn the texts

of acharyas in astrology will do himself and others harm.

But merely learning the texts of astrology alone is not enough for an astrologer. As we have

seen earlier, it is only a realized master who knows the past, present and future. Since

realization is only possible through Vedanta therefore an aspiring astrologer should also

master the science of Vedanta. Without knowledge of Vedanta, though he might know the

texts of astrology his words often will not come true and therefore he will be an astrologer

whose astrology rarely comes true. Through learning of Vedanta, a sadhaka also will be able

to have devotion unto Ishwara. Therefore whatever happens will be attributed on to

Ishwara. This would make him an instrument in the hands of Ishwara. His words will be that

of Ishwara and therefore whatever he predicts will become true. Therefore truly he will be

able to help out others through the science of astrology – in other words, he will be able to

become a true astrologer.

Page 6: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


But what is the point of learning Vedanta or even the science of astrology if one isn’t able to

implement it in one’s very life? A person who himself isn’t blissful will not be able to impart

bliss to others through any means (even that of astrology). Therefore the author mentions

the seventh sadhana as that of samatva yoga or vision of equanimity.

sÝm> smTvdzRnyaeg>,23, saptamaù samatvadarçanayogaù|23|

23. Seventh is yoga of the nature of vision of oneness (equanimity).

As mentioned earlier, what is the point of knowing any science without knowing the ultimate

science of Vedanta? Though a person who is well versed in a science will become proficient

and expert in it, still it will not serve the ultimate goal of life of complete cessation of sorrow

and ever rejoicing in bliss. If we are not able to attain the ultimate goal of life then we will

constantly be suffering in sorrows, discontentment, peacelessness and dissatisfaction.

Generally we all are leading such a life where though we have everything in the world we

have no contentment in the mind. Such a state is wherein a rich person is, without having a

heir. Of what use is all the wealth he has accumulated if there is no heir to him at all?

Similarly without knowledge of the science of Vedanta, one will not attain the ultimate goal

of life and therefore everything will be a mere waste.

One who himself isn’t blissful will not be able to impart bliss to others in anyway. Since

astrologers are approached by people who are suffering in order to get rid of their suffering,

therefore it is important that the astrologer himself is blissful so that he will be able to

impart bliss to others (and remove their sorrows and sufferings).

Also as we have seen earlier, only a knower of Brahman will be able to predict the future

accurately. Others might get their predictions correct but that would be either due to luck or

God’s grace. Since astrology is a divine science which can help others get rid of their

sorrows and make them progress towards moksha, therefore it is important for an

astrologer to become a knower of Brahman.

Page 7: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Knowledge of Brahman is attained through Vedanta (which was the previous sadhana) but

of what use is any knowledge if it doesn’t get converted into intuitive experience or wisdom.

Put in Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s words, knowing milk is knowledge whereas wisdom

or vijnaana is having tasted milk. The author says that the sadhana of samatva yoga or

samatva darshana will directly lead to vijnaana.

Really speaking, implementation of Vedanta is through vision of equanimity or samatva

Darshanam. Ultimately truth is that whatever is seen as the entire world is just an illusion of

names and forms in Brahman – this means that everything is one Brahman alone. Even as

one dreamer appears as the entire dream world similarly it is one Brahman who appears as

the entire world. But currently we perceive duality in the world and consider it to be real. In

order to realize the truth that one Brahman alone is present here, we should get rid of

duality and this is through vision of equanimity or seeing everything as one.

Moreover when a person starts seeing everything as one he will be without any dual notions

or preferences in his mind. Being a mere witness to whatever happens, he will be able to

make judgements appropriately. An astrologer should be one who remains a witness to

whatever he is predicting – only then he will be able to openly talk about predictions

whether they are good or bad. Hiding bad and just mentioning good is the way of the world

but an astrologer shouldn’t follow this as it will not help whoever is coming to him. In order

to remain a witness to all his predictions he should be able to see everything as one


Thus due to many reasons we can say that the sadhana of vision of oneness is very

important for an aspiring astrologer and all such people should put effort to implement this

at all times.

As to the effect of samatva yoga, the author explains in the next sutra.

@tSmadev }aniv}anàaiÝ>,24, etasmädeva jïänavijïänapräptiù|24|

24. From this alone is attained knowledge and experience (jnaana and vijnaana).

Page 8: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


As we have seen previously, though knowledge of scriptures is jnaana it will not lead to

direct experience or moksha which is vijnaana and attained only through implementation of

Vedanta. Vedanta is implemented through seeing everything as one non-dual reality of

Brahman. Therefore we can say that the sadhana of samatva yoga will lead to knowledge

and wisdom – in other words, it will directly take a person to moksha.

And once an aspiring astrologer has attained the ultimate goal of life of moksha, he will be

able to help anybody and everybody with predictions of astrology in order to get rid of all

sorrows and to progress quickly towards the goal of moksha.

But since without knowledge, wisdom is impossible therefore this sadhana should be

preceded or at least performed along with gaining knowledge of Vedanta. Else though one

might try to implement it, it will be of no use and will only lead to no fruit or sorrow in the

long run.

Since this sadhana ensures that a person attains the ultimate goal of life of moksha and

therefore is able to help out others, therefore it is very important and should be

implemented by all aspiring astrologers.

We have come to the end of the seven sadhanas, we will see a summary of them in the

next month before continuing with the rest of the sutras.

May we all strive to learn Vedanta and astrological texts so that through becoming true

astrologers we are able to rejoice in bliss and make others rejoice in bliss as well.

PS: Please find the sutras with literal translation in the below link:

Page 9: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Bhavartha Ratnakara - VIII

We now come to the 9th chapter of the text. This chapter deals with the Rajayogas. Let’s see

and understand this chapter through some examples.

There are total 18 rules mentioned here in this chapter. We shall see each rule with some

examples, wherever we can.


1. If the 2nd and 5th lords are in their respective houses or in the 9th and 10th,

rajayoga is conferred.

Chart 1

Analysis: The native of the above chart is the head of a mission center. She is well

respected by people. She is invited to deliver speeches at many places and many like the

natives discourses. She enjoys the raja yoga in this way.

We see that the 2nd lord from lagna is mars and mars is placed in the 10th house. Though its

neecha, it attains neecha bhanga, as it is in a Kendra. Thus the 2nd lord is well placed. The

Page 10: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


5th lord Saturn is in the 12th house and so not well placed. Thus yoga from the 2nd lord is

present in the chart.

The native here enjoys only partial yoga as per the rule. So partial yoga we do see in her

chart as well as in the natives life.


Analysis: The 2nd lord venus is in the 10th house. Giving lot of raja yoga for the native of this

chart. The 5th lord sun for this chart is in the 10th house. Thus both the 2nd and 5th lord are

in 10th and produce rajayoga partially.

The native has some say at work place and has the confidence of the higher authorities.

Native has good position and name as well at work place. Native is in good books of many

people. This all indicates rajayoga as shown in the chart.

2. If the 2nd and 11th lords are in 10th, free from afflictions, rajayoga results.

Page 11: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


In the above chart 2, we have seen 2nd lord in the 10th and 11th lord Saturn is in the

9th house. So partially this yoga is present.

3. Rahu’s placement in 4th, 5th, 10th or 11th gives a rajayoga during Rahu dasa.

Chart 3

Analysis: For the native of this chart from lagna, rahu is placed in the 5th house. Currently

rahu dasa is going on for the person. The native travels far and wide, due to the

responsibilities at work place. Faces lot of challenges at work. It has brought the native

much name and fame during this period, due to the new profession. The new profession

with lot of stardom came to the native once rahu period started. Before that native was not

that well known among masses. Lot of materialistic pleasures were bestowed on the

individual during this period. Thus rahu period, brought lot of raja yoga and worldly life.

Native is leading a kingly life with all luxuries, comforts and name and fame.

4. Ketu in the 5th or 9th is evil. In the 3rd, it’s capable of producing a rajayoga.

5. The placement of Moon and Venus in 3rd is auspicious, during the Venus dasa.

Page 12: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Chart 4 – Aishwarya rai

Analysis: This is the chart of Miss universe and a famous Bollywood actress, who became an

adorable one to many in India. Turning 41 this year she is the mother of a 3 yrs old child.

Native has moon and venus in the 3rd house. This is very auspicious as we can see in the

case of aishwarya. Venus dasha was the starting dasha for her at the time of birth. Almost

at the end of venus dasha, her birth took place.

It’s during the moon dasa that aishwarya shot to limelight. During this dasha she got

recognized the world wide as Miss world. Thus we see that moon and venus in the 3rd

house are auspicious.

6. There’s no permanent yoga if the 10th lord is either in 3rd or 11th.

In chart 3 we see that the 10th lord from lagna is moon and is in the 3rd house. From

moon the 10th lord mercury is in the 11th house. Thus we see that both from lagna

and moon the 10th lord is either in 3rd or in 11th. This yoga shows that the raja yoga

the native is enjoying currently will not be permanent. The native currently is

enjoying lot of raja yoga compared to the earlier the life of the individual. So later as

well rajayoga may not be seen in the natives life.

Page 13: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


7. When Jupiter lords the 10th, his placement in 3rd gives the same yoga as that when

he’d have owned the 3rd.big swami

8. While the placement of the 9th lord in 8th is generally unfavorable, the same

placement when Jupiter lords the 9th is very auspicious.

9. When the 8th and 9th lords associate, the dasa of the former will confer fame and


Chart 5

Analysis: Mercury is the 5th and 8th lord for the native of this chart, which is debilitated.

Venus is the 4th and 9th lord for this chart. Mercury and venus are in the 2nd house. So we

see an association between the 8th and 9th lords.

In the mercury dasa, the native got a job and also parallel started doing mtech. All this has

brought name and fame to the native. The native became lucky during this period.

Page 14: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


10. An association of the 10th and 11th lords confers a rajayoga during the 11th lord’s

dasa, while bad results occur during the 10th lord’s periods and 11th lord’s bhuktis.

11. Venus in 10th produces no yoga. If Saturn is in the 7th, his periods prove fortunate.

12. Saturn in the 3rd or 9th, or Rahu in 7th certainly confers prosperity.

13. Jupiter in the 3rd, 8th and 9th confers fame and prosperity. If in 12th, the native

goes to heaven after death.

Chart 6

Analysis: Jupiter is in the 3rd house for the above chart. Native of the chart has lot of name

and fame around the world. Jupiter is the 10th lord in the 3rd house. This gives the native lot

of courage. The native got lot of name and fame due to his Guru as Jupiter stands for guru.

Page 15: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


14. A parivartana between the 9th and 10th lords is a very powerful rajayoga, as does

the parivartana between the 5th and 10th lords.

15. If the 9th and 10th lords are in their respective houses, it’s very fortunate.

Chart 7

Analysis: The native of this chart has a good position, job wise till now. Authority, position

and power at work are present. This rajayoga is due to the strength of the 10th lord. 10th

lord is in the 10th house and is exalted. 9th lord sun is also in the 10th house. This has

fortified the 10th house and profession.

16. The placement of the 9th and 10th lords in 7th and lagna respectively is auspicious.

17. The native enjoys power and fame if the 5th, 7th and 10th lords are in quadrants

and trines.

18. When Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are all exalted in a chart, a rajayoga results.

Page 16: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Chart 8

Analysis: The above chart is of Sri sri Ravishankar. We see that sun is exalted. Mars and

Jupiter are also exalted. Sun is the 5th lord in lagna, which gives lot of raja yoga to the

person. Mars is the lagna lord exalted in 10th house. This as well is a big raja yoga. Jupiter

being the 9th lord is exalted in the 4th house.

There are hamsa yoga and ruchaka yoga formed in the chart. Thus he chart with many

planets exalted will have good rajayoga.

This ends the rules of chapter 9 on Rajayogas. We shall continue with the next chapter of

Bhavartha Ratnakara in the next edition of the magazine.

Page 17: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Maasaphalam – Vrischika of Jaya varsha

Currently we are going through the month of Vrischika in the Jaya Varsha (this roughly

comes to Nov 15 to Dec 15 of year 2014).

As we saw previously, vrischika is a keeta sthaana (as keeta or scorpio) and Saturn in

vrischika generally causes a lot of problems. In this month we find the planets of Sun,

Mercury, Venus and Saturn joining in Vrischika. The combination of Sun and Saturn itself is

very bad (as both are enemies). This in turn should cause a lot of conflicts in the world with

respect to anything and everything. Venus also afflicted by Saturn would mean that people

would become passionate and this would in turn lead to troubles for themselves and others.

Combination of these planets also would lead to lot of heat and heat related issues springing

up quite a lot. Considering that Vrischika is a watery sign, water related diseases also could

be seen lot.

Aries and Gemini people (lagna and moon being Aries or Gemini) would face a lot of issues

this month as Sun would be in 8th and 6th respectively for both of them. Aries people will

face a lot of issues with their work, parents etc. whereas Gemini people would face issues

with health, enemies etc. Care should be taken by both of these people to ensure that they

do proper propitiations or chanting to nullify or reduce the bad effects of this month.

Since Sun would move into Dhanus next month, therefore things will be a little better next

month even for governments as well. This month, governments should find issues with

respect to their people, finance etc. (which should substantially reduce in the next month).

The one savior that we can say with respect to the combination of planets in Vrischika is the

aspect of exalted Jupiter from Kataka. Thus those who have surrendered unto Gurus or

those who are under the banners of Gurus (or their missions) will be protected and they will

not face that much problems (like others of the world).

As of the middle of the month (Dec 1st), the positions of the planets are as below:

Sun – Vrischika (moves to Dhanus on the 16th of December)

Mercury – Vrischika (moves to Dhanus on the 13th of December)

Page 18: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Venus – Vrischika (moves to Dhanus on the 6th of December)

Mars – Makara

Jupiter – Kataka

Rahu – Kanya

Ketu – Meena

Saturn – Vrischika

Needless to say, the month of Vrischika is something that has to be dealt with carefully and

those who can do chanting and other propitiations should do it irrespective of whether it is

bad for them or not. This would in turn give stability and peace to the world.

As to how the month of Dhanus is, we will see in the next month.

Page 19: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Comparative Analysis of yogas of lagna

We have seen very famous yogas as mentioned in the great texts like

BrihatparasaraHorasastra, phaladeepika, 300 important combinations etc and discussed

with examples about all the rajayogas and their effects in the life of individuals.

Today we shall see the yogas with are connected to the lord of the lagnai.e the ascendant

lord. If the ascendant lord itself is the cause of the yoga and creates many yogas, the result

will be individual growth, prosperity and well-being as the lagna lord stands for the

individual. Such people will be standing out among the masses. They will make a mark for

themselves in life.

Such yogas which are based on the lagna lord or ascendant lord and which are good and

famous yogas are 1) Chamarayoga 2) Sankha yoga 3) Bheri Yoga 4) Mridanga Yoga.

The above yogas are mentioned in the book BrihatParasaraHorasastra, 300 important

combinations By B.V.Raman. Let’s see the definitions in various texts, with examples.

Chamara yoga

BHPS chapter 36th, Vol 1

Meaning: If the ascendant lord is exalted in an angle and be aspected by Jupiter, chamara

yoga is formed. This yoga also occurs if two benefics are in the ascendant or 9th or 10th or

7th. The results of this yoga is that the native will be a king or honoured by king, long-lived,

scholarly, eloquent and versed in all arts.

As per phaladeepika, the ascendant should be occupied by a benefic while the ascendant

lord is in a good house or in exaltation.

Page 20: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Chart 1 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Analysis: Gandhi as we all know is a well know figure in India. He is honored even today by

the whole nation. He is well learned as he studied law. Gandhi always had Gita book with

him and considered the book as a guide to him in various situations.

Here we see that lagna lord is venus, which is in his own house. It is in Kendra. Lagna lord

venus is also aspected by Jupiter from 7th. Also the 6th and 8th houses are not occupied.

Benefics are in lagna, 7th and 10th as well. So many conditions apply as we have discussed

earlier. Thuschamara yoga is present in the chart above.

Page 21: Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika… · know their future to an extent so that they are able to either avoid problems

Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Chart 2 -- SPB

Analysis: He is very famous and well known and is almost like king in the cinema music

field. He has a special position for himself in the music world and has lot of fan followers

who look upon him as their role model.

He is well versed in all arts. He was an actor, singer, music direction and producer. Thus he

has many roles in the industry and gained lot of name and fame and well respected by all.

Lagna lord is Jupiter and is in a Kendra. Venus is in the 7th house from lagna. Benefic

planets are located in 7th house and 10th house. Thus we see that the yoga is partially

present in this chart and similar effects are seen in the life of the individual.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sankha yoga

BHPS chapter 36th, Vol 1

Meaning: If the ascendant lord is strong as the lords of the 5th and 6th are in mutual angles,

then what is known as sankha yoga is produced. Alternatively if the ascendant lord along

with the 10th lord is in a moveable sign, while the 9th lord is strong. One born is such yoga

will be endowed with wealth, spouses, sons, be intelligent and pious, meritorious and long


As per phaladeepika, the lords of Kendra and kona occupy in conjunction an auspicious

house, it forms sankha yoga.

Chart 3 -- A.P.J KALAM

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Analysis: The lagna lord is moon which is not neecha and located in the 5th house. Jupiter is

exalted in lagnai.e a Kendra and is aspecting the lagna lord moon. Hence we can say that

lagna lord is strong.

5th lord in the above chart is mars. Mars is located in 4th house i.e a Kendra. The 6th lord is

Jupiter and is in Kendra as well. Thus the 5th and 6th lords are in mutual kendras. Thus

sankha yoga is formed.

We all know him as a pious human being, who is generous, intelligent, wealthy and


Chart 4

Analysis: The lagna lord is venus and is in its own house. So the lagna lord is strong. The 5th

lord in the above chart is Saturn and is in a Kendra. The 6th lord is Jupiter and is also in

Kendra. Thus both the 5th lord Saturn and the 6th lord Jupiter are in mutual kendras from

each other and also aspect each other.

Native is pious and intelligent. Wealthy and kindly disposed.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Bheri Yoga

BHPS chapter 36th, Vol 1

Meaning: If the 12th, ascendant, 2nd and 7th are occupied, as the 9th lord is strong, the

native obtains bheri yoga. It is also formed when venus, Jupiterand lord of the ascendant

are in an angle while the 9th lord is strong. The native will be wealthy with wife and sons, be

a king, virtuous and endowed with good behavior, happiness and pleasures.

In chart 1 of mahatma Gandhi we see this yoga. 12th house has sun. 2nd has Saturn. 7th

house is occupied by Jupiter. Thus all these houses have planets. Ascendant lord is venus

and is in its own house. 9th lord is mercury and is placed in lagna and is strong. Here in this

chart we also see that venus, lord of ascendant and Jupiter are in mutual angles as well.

Thus almost all of the conditions are fulfilled in this chart.

We all know that Gandhi ruled the hearts of many people. Whole nation was behind Gandhi

ji. He was like a king as everyone followed his words and decisions. He was a virtuous and a

great leader. Thus we see the effects of the yoga.

In chart 4 as well we see this yoga. The 7th and the 12th houses are having planets Saturn

and mars respectively. 2nd house doesn’t have any planets. The ascendant lord is venus and

is in its own house forming malavya yoga. Hence it is very strong. The 9th lord is mercury

and is also in lagna. So we see that all the conditions are almost met in this chart.

The native leads the life of a king, with many people to serve and enjoys all pleasures and

comforts in life. Thus we see the effects of the yoga.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Mridanga yoga

BHPS chapter 36th, Vol 1

If the ascendant lord is strong as others occupy angles, trines, own houses or exaltation

signs, the yoga is formed. The native concerned will be a king or equal to a king and be


Chart 5 – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Analysis:The ascendant lord in the above chart is mars. Mars is exalted and placed in a

Kendra. Jupiter is exalted and is in an angle. Same is it with sun. Mercury and venus have

exchanged houses. Saturn and moon are not in their own houses or exaltation houses.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, has ashrams spread all over the world. He is treated like a king,

wherever he goes. He has great name and fame. He has followers all over the world.

Thus we have seen couple ofyogas based on the lagna lord in this edition of the magazine.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Phaladeepika - II

We shall discuss the second chapter or adhyaya of the text. The second chapter is called

“Planets and their varieties”. It mentions about the significance of all planets. This chapter

has 36 slokas in total.

All the living non-living matter on the earth, inherits some properties from these seven

planets. All the matter on the earth is influenced by one planet or the other. Thus anything

on the earth can be related to the planets. Such the microcosm is connected with the

macrocosm. Thus we see a beautiful relation between the two, which reiterates that we are

under the influence of planets. Thus a human being and his life is not independent of the

universe. This mapping pattern between the microcosm and macrocosm is what is shown in


The seven planets, excluding rahu and ketu are considered here. Rahu and ketu do not have

any physical existence but are mere shadowy planets, hence are ignored here. The order of

the planets taken in the text is as follows: sun, moon, mars, mercury, Jupiter, venus and


The sloka’s 1 to 7 deal with what the planets stands for in an individual life at a gross level.

Sloka1 : It is through the Sun that a wise man out to ascertain about a person's copper,

gold, father, anything auspicious, one's own self happiness prowess, courage, power,

victory in war, service under the sovereign, glory any work relating to the God Siva, tripto

forest or mountainous regions, taking an active part in Homas or Yajnas, temple, acuteness

and enthusiasm.

Sloka2 : It is from the Moon that one ought to determine the welfare of the mother, mental

tranquility, sea-path, white chowire, umbrella, good fan, fruits, tenderness, flowers, corn,

agriculture, fame, acquisition of pearls, bell-metal, silver, sweet substances, milk, etc.,

cloth, water, cows, women, good meals, bodily health and beauty.

Sloka3 : It is through Mars that a person should ascertain his strength, products derived

from the Earth, the qualities of his brothers, cruelty, battle, daring act, odium, kitchen; fire,

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


gold, kindred, weapon, thieves, enemies, energy, attachment to females not his own,

uttering falsehood, prowess, mental dignity (loftiness of thought), sin, commanding an

army, and wounds.

Sloka4: It is Mercury that influences one’s learning, eloquence, skill in the fine arts, eulogy

from the learned, maternal uncle, dexterity in speech, cleverness in religious meditation and

the like, aptness for acquiring knowledge, intelligence, sacrifice, any religious rite relating to

Vishnu, truth-speaking, oyster-shell, place of recreation, skill in, mechanical arts, relations,

"the rank of an heir-apparent, friends and one's sister's son or daughter, etc.

Sloka5: It is through Jupiter that one ought to seek information about one's knowledge,

good qualities, sons, minister, behaviour, teaching, magnanimity, knowledge of Vedas,

Sastras and Smritis, prosperity in everything, beatitude, reverence to 'Gods and Brahmins,

sacrifice, penance, religious faith, treasure-house, wisdom (learning), conquering of the

senses, happiness of the husband, honour and compassion.

Sloka6: Information regarding one's wealth, vehicles, clothes, ornaments, hoarded goods,

triple symphony (union of song, dance and instrumental music), wife, happiness, scents,

flowers, sexual intercourse, couch, house, prosperity, pleasure in poetry, addiction to many

women, sport, lasciviousness, minister ship, charming speech, marriage and festivity should

be sought for through Venus.

Sloka7: As regards one's longevity, death, fear, degradation,misery, humiliation, sickness,

poverty, labourer, reproach, sin, impurity, censure, misfortune, constancy ,resorting to low

people, buffalo, drowsiness, debts, iron, servitude, agricultural

implements, Jail and captivity, one ought to guess through Saturn.

From the 8th to 14thsloka the qualities/temperaments of each of the planets has been given

in detail.

Sloka8: The Sun is of a bilious temperament and is strong in bones in the body. He has a

limited quantity of hair, and possess a dark-red form. He has eyes of a reddish brown

colour. He is clad in red and has a square-built body. He is valiant and wrathful, and has

massive arms.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka9: The Moon has a huge body, and is young as well as old; he is lean and white; has

fine lovely eyes, black and thin hair. He governs blood. He is soft in speech, wears a white

garment and is beautiful in complexion. He has wind and phlegm in his composition and is

mild in temperament.

Sloka10: Mars has a slender waist, curled and shining hair. He has fierce eyes, he is bilious

and cruel in nature. He wears a red garment, and is of a reddish hue. He is wrathful but

exceedingly generous. He has a youthful appearance and governs marrow in the body.

Sloka11: Mercury is green as the blade of a Durva or panic grass. He is a mixture of the

three humors (Vata - wind), (pittha - bile)and (Kapha-phlegm). His body is full of veins. He

is pleasant in his speech. He has red and long eyes and is clad in green, He governs the

skin, is fond of fun and possesses even limbs.

Sloka12: Jupiter has a body of yellowish hue. His eyes and hair are brown. He has got a fat

and elevated chest and possesses a bigbody. He is phlegmatic in temperament and is

exceedingly intelligent. His voice is similar to that of a lion or the sound of the conch. He is

always after wealth.

Sloka13: Venus is clad in a garment of variegated colour. He has black curled hair. His limbs

and body are huge. He has much wind and phlegm in his composition. His body has the

colour of the Durva sprout. He is very lovely and has broad eyes. He has treasured his virile


Sloka14: Saturn is dark in form, lame, and has wind in his composition. He has got deep

eyes, and a lean and tall body full of arteries and veins. He is idle, and is exceedingly

calumniating. He governs the muscle in the body. He is cruel and has no pity. He is dull-

headed. He has got large nails; teeth, stiff hair and limbs. He is dirty and is of sinful

disposition. He is fierce and is a personification of anger. He is ripe with old age and wears a

black garment.

The places, directions, people and gods are mentioned from sloka 15 to 20.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka15: The following are places frequented by the Sun: A temple belonging to Siva, an

open area, an open place where there is light, a region destitute of water and the Eastern

quarter. The Moon's abodes are place where Goddess Parvati is kept, the spot occupied by a

female, a place where there is water, a herb or plant a spot where honey or liquor is kept

and the North-west quarter. The places resorted to by thieves, or occupied by low people,

one where there is fire, a battle-field and the Southern quarter are declared to Delong to

Mars. Mercury governs the places frequented by learned men, the spot where God Vishnu is

kept, an assembly a recreation ground, a mathematical hall and the Northern quarter.

Sloka16: The places belonging to Jupiter are: Treasury, the Aswattha (Pipul) tree, the

dwelling of Gods and Brahmins, and the North-east quarter. The places of Venus are:

courtesan's quarters, the harem, the dancing hall, the bed room, and the south –east

quarter. Saturn's abodes are the lines where low people (out-casts)live, dirty places,

Western quarter and the temple of the deity(Sasta-generally known as aiyanarkoil in Tamil

and analogous to in Kannada). The places of Rahu and Ketu are: an ant-hill, the dark holes

occupied by serpents and the south-western direction.

Below is the diagrammatic representation of the same that is mentioned in the above


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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka17: A worshipper of Siva, a physician, a king, a performer of a sacrifice, a minister,

tiger, deer, and the ruddy goose, are signified by the Sun. One who worship Sasta deity, a

female, a washer man, a cultivator, an aquatic animal, a hare, an antelope crane and the

Greek partridge - are denoted by the Moon.

Sloka18: Matters relating to the cook (in the kitchen), an arms bearer, a goldsmith, a ram,

a cock, a jackal, a monkey, a vulture and a thief belong to Mars. A cowherd, a learned man,

an artisan, a clever accountant, a Vishnu bhakta (worshipper of Vishnu), Garuda, a chataka

bird, a parrot and a cat are represented by Mercury.

Sloka19: An astrologer, a minister, a preceptor, a Brahmin, a Sanyasi-chief, an important

personage, a pigeon, a horse and a swan relate to Jupiter. About a musician, a wealthy man

a sensualist, a merchant, a dancer, a weaver, a courtezan, a peacock, a buffalo, a parrot

and a cow, one ought to ascertain through Venus.

Sloka20: An oil monger, a servant, a vile person, a hunter, a blacksmith, an elephant, a

crow, and the cuckoo-these have to be assigned to Saturn. A Buddhist, a snake-catcher, an

ass, a ram, a wolf, a camel, a serpent, a place enveloped in darkness and the like, a

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


mosquito, a bug, an insect and an owl-all these should be declared to belong to Rahu and


From the next sloka onwards the relationship between the planets is being spoken about.

Sloka21: Mercury is the Sun’s neutral; Saturn and Venus are his enemies. The Moon's

friends are the Sun and Mercury; the rest areall neutrals to him. Mars' neutrals are Venus

and Saturn, and Mercury is his enemy. The Moon is Mercury's enemy; Venus and the Sun

are his friends.

Sloka22: Venus and Mercury are the enemies of Jupiter; Saturn is neutral to him. Jupiter

and Mars arc neutral towards Venus. Saturn and Mercury are his friends. Jupiter is neutral

towards Saturn. Venus and Mercury are his friends. In cases where certain planets have

been omitted, they must be considered to fulfill the relationship that has not been


There is a rule to determine the friends, enemies and neutrals of a planet. Planets are

friendly to any given planet when they happen to own the 5th, 12th, 2nd, 4th, 8th and 9th

houses counted from the planet's Moolatrikona Rasi or when they happen to own the

planet's exaltation Rasi. The rest are his enemies.

Place the particular planet in his Moolatrikona Rasi. Mark the lords of the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th,

9th and 12th houses and also of the exaltation Rasi of the said planet. Planets reckoned

twice are friends; those reckoned once are neutrals; the rest are enemies. But the

Luminaries if invited once are considered friends.

Example: Take the case of Mars. His Moolatrikonais Mesha. The lords of 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th,

9th and 12th and of his exaltation Rasi are respectively, Venus, the Moon, the Sun, Mars,

Jupiter, Jupiter and Saturn.

So the Luminaries and Jupiter are friends of Mars. Venus and Saturn are neutrals. Mercury

is his enemy. The reader is advised to work for himself the friends of other planets on

similar lines.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Below is the table prepared to show the relationship between the planets, based on the rule

that is mentioned above.

Planet Friend Enemy Neutral

Sun Mars , Jupiter Saturn, Venus Moon, Mercury

Moon mercury --- Sun, mars, Jupiter,

Saturn, venus

Mars Moon, sun, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn

Mercury -- Moon Sun, mars, Jupiter,

Saturn, venus

Jupiter Sun, moon , mars Venus, mercury Saturn

Venus Saturn, mercury Sun, moon Mars, Jupiter

Saturn Venus, mercury Sun, moon, mars Jupiter

Sloka23: Planets are mutually friendly for the time being when they occupy the 3rd, the

4th, the 2nd, the 10th, the 12th and the11th from one another. Ascertain what planets are

naturally friendly, what are naturally neutral and what are inimical and then deduce from

these two kinds of friendship those that are very friendly and those that are very inimical.

Saturn casts a full glance at the 3rd and 10th houses; Jupiter at the5th and 9th; Mars at the

4th and 8th. All planets cast a quarter glance at the 3rd and 10th houses, half a glance at

the 5th and 9th;three-quarters of a glance at the 4th and 8th; and a full eye at the7th.

Sloka24: The planets from the Sun onwards sway over periods of half a year, a Muhurta (2

ghatikas), a day, two months, one month,15 days and a year respectively.

Note: Here the duration of retrograde or vakra for each planet is given. Sun –half year,

Moon- muhurtha, mars – a day, mercury – two months, Jupiter – one month, venus- 15

days and Saturn – a year.

Venus and Jupiter are Brahmins; the Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas. The Moon is a Vaisya;

Mercury is the lord of the Sudra community. Saturn is the leader of the outcastes. The

Moon, Jupiter and the Sun are planets typifying Satva. Venus and Mercury are essentially

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


the planets of Rajas or passion. Mars and Saturn own Tamas or darkness as their

distinguishing characteristic.

The lords of the six seasons are greeshma(summer), varsha(rainy), sarad(autumn),

hemanta(before winter), sisira(winter), vasanta(spring)

Greeshma - 20th May to 19th July

Varsha - 20th July to 19th September

Sarat - 20th September to 19th November

Hemanta - 20th November to 19th January

Sisira - 20th January to 19th March

Vasanta - 20th March to 19th May

The following are the ruling planets for the above mentioned seasons in the following order

as below.

(1) The Sun and Mars, (2) The Moon, (3) Mercury, (4) Jupiter, (5) Saturn and (6) Venus.

Sloka25: The Sun and Venus are termed father and mother respectively of the child born in

the day; Saturn and the Moon, during the night. Failing to play the role of parents, each of

these pairs of planets gets the designation of paternal uncle and maternal aunt.

The Moon represents the left eye, while the Sun the right one. Mars represents the younger

brother and Jupiter, the eldest one. Mercury denotes the adopted son.

Sloka26: The Moon represents the body and the Sun, the soul. Mars and the other planets

denote the five senses. The enemies of the Sun, viz. Rahu Gulika and Ketu will cause

trouble to the body and the soul.

Mercury governs smell (nose); Venus and the Moon, taste; the Sunand Mars, govern sight;

Jupiter, sound. The rest, viz., Saturn, Rahu and Ketu govern touch.

Sloka27: The waning Moon, the Sun, Mars; Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are known as malefic

planets. Mercury too in conjunction with any of them is malignant.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Ketu, Mercury, and Saturn are eunuchs. Venus, Rahu, and the Moon are females. The rest,

viz., the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are males. Rudra (Siva, Amba (Parvati), Guha (Kumara),

Vishnu, Brahman, Lakshmi, Kala (Yama), the serpent Adisesha and

Brahman are the presiding deities of the planets from 'the Sun in their order.

Fire, water, fire, earth, ether, Water and air are the constituents respectively of the Sun and

other planets taken in their order.

Sloka28: The Sun's grain is wheat; the Moon’s rice; the grain belonging to Saturn is

sesamum; that of Jupiter, Bengal gram; that of Ketu, horsegarm: The grain signified by

Mars is Dhal. Mercury re-presents green gram; Dolichos lablab or cowgram is denoted by

Venus, and black gram by Rahu.

The countries signified by the nine planets, Rahu, the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury,

the Moon, Ketu and Venus are respectively: (1) Ambara, (2) Kalinga, (3) Saurashtra, (4)

Avanti(5) Sindhu (6) Magadha, (7) Yavana, (8) Parvata and (9) Keekata.

Sloka29: The ruby is the Sun s precious stone; the pure spotless pearl which is fit to be

beautifully worn belongs to the Moon. Coral belongs to Mars. Mercury's precious stone is the

emerald shaped like the bird Garuda. Topaz belongs to Jupiter. Venus owns diamond.

Saturn's gem is the stainless sapphire. Agate and the Lapis lazuli or Turquoise are said to

belong to the remaining planets Rahu and Ketu respectively.

Sloka30: The substances ascribed to the planets from the Sun onwards are copper, bell-

metal, copper ore lead, gold, silver andiron.

The articles of apparel for the several planets will be such clothes as bear their respective

colours. But the one belonging to Saturn isa rag while the one appropriate to Mars will be a

cloth singed by fire.

Sloka31: Pungent bitter, salty, mixed, sweet sour (acid) and astringent are the flavours

respectively of the Sun, Mars, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka32: The Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars have their characteristics mark or token on

the right side. The rest have their marks on the other side. The planets from the Sun

onwards have marks on the hip, on the head, on the back, on the arm-pit, on the shoulder,

on the face, and on the leg.

The Sun is a person of 50 years. The Moon is one of 70 years. Mars is 16 years old. Mercury

is lad of 20 years. Jupiter is a person 30years old. Venus is a child of 7 years. Saturn and

Rahu are each100 years old.

Sloka33: Rahu is black in colour, tall in stature and of a lowcaste; he has got skin-disease;

he is a heretic; he has got hic-cough; he speaks falsehood; he is cunning; he suffers from

leprosy; here viles others and is devoid of intelligence.

Sloka34: Ketu has a red and fierce look a venomous tongue, and an elevated body; he is

armed; he is an outcast of a smoky colour and is inhaling smoke always; he has bruised

limbs; he is lean and is malicious.

Sloka 35: Lead and an old garment belong to Rahu while a mud vessel and a mixed cloth of

variegated colour have been allotted to Ketu.

Mercury, Saturn and Venus are the friends of Rahu as well as Ketu. Mars is natural to them.

The rest are enemies.

Sloka36: Planets are said to be badly-placed when they are eclipsed, debilitated (occupy a

depression sign or Amsa), when they are posited .in the house of an enemy, or when they

occupy the 8th,the 6th or the 12th house. In other positions, they are said to be well-


If the Moon be in the 12th, 11th, 1st, 6th, 5th, or the 7th house at the time of a query

about water in a big irrigation project, increase of water can safely be predicted.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Sloka37: The Sun represents trees that are inwardly strong and at the same time tall. The

Moon and Venus indicate creeping plants. Ketu and Rahu signify a clump of tree or a bush.

Mars and Saturn indicate thorny trees. Jupiter and 'Mercury signifies respectively fruit-

bearing and fruitless trees. Venus and the Moon represent those that are sappy and

blossoming. The Moon represents herbs; all sapless and week trees are signified by Saturn.

Rahu indicates (Shorea Robusta) trees.

Thus ends the 2nd Adhyaya on "Planets and their varieties" in the work Phaladeepika

composed by Mantreswara.

We shall continue with the next chapter in the next edition of the magazine.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Muhurtha - Griha Pravesha

The instinct of building homes and shelter is same in animals, birds as well as man. Birds

build their nests and even honey bees build honey combs, so man is no exception to this.

The prosperity and well-being of the family and its coming generations is desired by one

and all, when a newly constructed house is ready to be occupied.

For a house to be built the material and surrounding factors should be conducive and the

magnetic forces created as a result of the construction should be conducive for health and

prosperity of the family. There is a different branch of study called Vaastushastra, which

deals with how to construct a house and ways of constructing.

A good time has to be seen for laying the foundation of the house, for putting up the door

frame, digging well and for house warming as well. The panchabhootas should be conducive

and create positive vibrations and auspiciousness to the construction. No matter how much

attractive the building may be or be well engineered, if its lacks the cosmic forces and

energies, it may not allow the owner to reside. It may just turn out to be a dilapidated

building or home for owls and birds. Even the well-educated and intelligent masses, do take

resort to the astrological timings inorder not to take any risks in life.

Sun is responsible for the creation and destruction of the objects and beings in this world.

Thus sun is the key planet which should be well placed for house warming ceremonies.

Venus stands for worldly affairs and thus has a role to play. Jupiter represents the god’s

grace and hence has to be considered too.

Thereare specific months of a year which are suitable for house warming. New houses

should be entered when is in uttarayana. As we know we have summer, rainy, winter and

spring seasons in India. Rainy season or summers are not very suitable for house warming

as it’s too hot during summer and there is chance of all the insects to be active during rainy

season. To avoid all such inconveniences the months of when the sun traverses from

Makara to Karkata is considered auspicious. This is when the sun is said to be in uttarayana.

The months of vaisakha(Vrishabha), Jyestha(Mithuna), Magha(Kumbha) and

Phalguna(Meena) are best suited, while kartika, margasira are neutral. Karthika(Vrischika)

and margasira(Dhanus) fall under dakshinayana.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


As we all know muhurtha means it consists of the panchaangas of tithi, vara, nakshatra,

karana and yoga. The tithi’sprathama(1st), chaturthi(4th), saptami(7th), astami(8th),

Navami(9th), ekadasi(11th) , chaturdashi(14th), amavasya and pournami have to be

avoided. Pournami is lesser evil compared to amavasya. The other tithis excluding above

can be considered for the event.

The days in a week, which are preferable for such auspicious occasions are Monday,

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday ruled by Saturn, sun and

mars are not suitable.

The nakshatra or a constellation under which the grihapravesha should happen is very

important. Certain stars have certain potentials, to protect from evils or produce counter

effects. Event should be avoided under bharani, Kartika, chitta, aslesha, visakha, Jyesta,

moola and revathi stars. Mrigasira, ardra, punarvasu, hasta, uttaram, swati, Uttarashada,

uttarabhadra and sravana are auspicious. Rest of the star’s are considered neutral.

Rahukalam on that particular chosen day has to be avoided by the native. The lagna fixed

for the auspicious time should be a fixed sign. Taurus, leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed

signs. Common signs of Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius and Meena are neutral. However the

movable signs should be avoided. The 8th house from the lagna fixed, should be vacant.

Planets like Saturn in the 8thhouse, show the likelihood of theft, sun of fire accidents, Moon

of lack of peace of mind etc. Jupiter and venus should be well placed in the chart. The

rising signs should be preferably owned by venus or Jupiter.The upachayas should have

malefics and all benefics should be strong and well disposed. Moon also should be strongly

placed in the chart.

Yogas are 27 in number. Some are subhayogas and some asubhayogas. Sobhana,

saubhaagya, aayushmaan, Vriddhi, Harshaa, Siddhietc are good yogas. If these are chosen

for the event, the results will be auspicious. Yogas such as atiganda, shoola, ganda,

Vyatipaata, Vyaaghaataetc are not good for auspicious events.

When entry into the house is effected by such a combinations, prosperity, happiness and

long life is said to be conferred upon the individual. The GrihaPravesa done under one’s own

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Janmanakshatra or JanmaLagna will be highly beneficial. Grihapravesha should be avoided

when the owner’s wife is in advanced pregnancy(above 6 months).

If none of the above stated conditions are satisfied in a period of time and there is an

urgency of performing the ceremony, then Brahma Muhurtha can be selected. It is the time

between 4 to 5 a.m in the morning on any day.

Brahma muhurtha is that time of the day which is always auspicious and any event

performed during that time, will evoke the blessings of the divine and is considered very

auspicious. All evils can be warded off if any event is performed during this time.

In case the muhurtha selected is not completely satisfactory and there are some negative

forces inspite of all the considerations, then propitiation should be done to the effect.

Chanting of LalithaTrishati, Lalithasahasranamaetc at the time of Grihapravesha, will help

ward off the evils.

Entering a house is a matter of great importance as the results produced by the local

magnetic forces at the time of entry of the family into it, may leave upon its members far

fetching results of good and bad. All human actions are productive of such magnetic forces.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Predictions for the year 2015

We are coming to the end of the year 2014. Excitement is in the air as the new year is fast

approaching. Time doesn’t wait for anyone. 2014 has been a very eventful year, with a

mixture of bad and good things. Life is a mixture of both good and bad. But all look forward

for only good events to happen in their lives. We should make our minds prepared for

upcoming year and all the blessings it brings with it.

Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu are slow moving planets and hence their effects are long lasting

and make mark in the life of individuals. Hence we consider these planets, their positions

and transition effects for the predictions. Saturn will be in Vrischika for the next year.

Jupiter is currently exalted in cancer and Rahu is in Virgo. In 2015 on July 14th Jupiter will

transit into leo.

Now let’s see the predictions for all the 12 houses, which can either be a rasi or lagna in a

chart. We should combine the effects of both rasi and lagna and in the chart, to arrive at

appropriate predictions.

Aries/Mesha: Jupiter is in 4th house exalted and will be move to 5th house after mid of the

year. Educational pursuits for higher studies will materialize this year. It’s a good year for

students and academicians. It’s a good time even for spiritual pursuits. Good thoughts and

actions will result this year. Jupiter is the 9th and 12th lord and is well placed in 4th and 5th.

So father of the native will be doing well. There can be little financial loss as well as 12th lord

is in 4th. Spiritual inclination will be more as 12th lord Jupiter moves to house of Leo.

Currently Jupiter is aspecting Saturn in vrischika. This is a good indication as the bad effects

of saturn are reduced.

Saturn is a malefic for aries natives. Saturn in the 8th will cause lot of health issues. It is

astama sani period for the natives. Lot of obstacles in all undertakings shall be experienced.

Some will loose their jobs or change jobs. Saturn being the 10th and 11th lord and in the 8th

house, shall lead to even financial losses to the native. Elders of the native will also go

through tough times. If Saturn is weak in the native’s chart, then it may cause severe

health issues.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Rahu in the 6th will also contribute to health troubles. Native should be careful about

Stomach troubles and food poisoning.

Overall, this year is good for higher studies, but they will face more obstacles also in all

these. Things may go slow in life. One should be very careful about health. Change of job is


Taurus/Vrishabha: Jupiter is exalted in the 3rd house currently and will be moving to 4th

house in 2nd half of the year. Kith and kin of the native will be doing good and the native will

become bold and take right decisions. 2nd half of the year is favourable for studies as Jupiter

moves to 4th house. Native’s mother will be doing good also at that time. Some legal issues

regarding property may surface as 8th lord is in the 4th house. But as yogaraka Saturn will

be aspecting the 4th house, things will be under control.

Saturn in the 7th house, will be beneficial to the native. Job prospects will be better than

previous 2.5yrs. There might be a change in position at work for better. There shall be

travels as well. Saturn is the 9th and 10th lord in 7th, so travels on account of work can be

predicted. It’s a favourable time for marriage, studies, job etc. Financial inflow is also seen

this year.

Rahu is in the 5th house for the native. It shall help in all worldly pursuits and higher

studies. This position may not bring much good name to the native as well. This also

indicates travel abroad.

It’s a good time for marriage and other auspicious events.

Overall it’s a good time for the natives of this sign.

Gemini/Mithuna: Jupiter is in the 2nd house. This is a good time for finances to flow in.

Pursuit of studies can be carried out during this time. It will bring happiness in the family.

Native shall support and guide people through his words. In the 2nd half of the year, the

native will become more courageous. The kith and kin of the native will do good in the 2nd

half of the year.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


The Saturn is in the 6th house. Saturn is the 8th and 9th lord. Saturn the 8th lord in 6th house

causes the health issues. Legal issues, accidents are also possible during this tim. One

should be careful.

Rahu is in the 4th house. This might cause come confusions and distress at home. Vehicles

should be driven carefully. Comforts may lack as well.

It’s a good time for marriage and auspicious events.

Overall it’s a mixed bag of good and bad things this year.

Cancer/Karkataka: Jupiter is exalted in lagna. This is a very good time for this sign natives.

Jupiter is the 9th and 6th lord in lagna. Promotions and higher positions can be expected by

the natives. They will get name and fame and become leaders. All due court cases and

financial issues will be resolved. It is a good financial yr as well. Native’s father also will be

doing good this year. Native shall be lucky this year and will be protected from all situations

by grace of the lord. Father of the native will be doing good this year.

Saturn is in the 5th house. This also is a good location for Saturn. This will give all worldly

possessions to the native. But this will also lead to lack of faith and bad name. But as

Jupiter aspects Saturn, so the evil shall be reduced. Saturn is the 8th lord, which is in the 5th

house, so some mental tensions can be there.

Rahu is in the 3rd house. The native may face situations, where courage may be lacking.

May not be a good time for kith and kin.

It’s a good time for marriage and auspicious events.

Overall it’s a good time this year, for the natives of this sign.

Leo/Simha: Jupiter is in the 12th house for the natives of this sign. This will lead to loss of

position and power. Loss of money or lot of expenditure can be predicted. Not a good time

for children and for elders. But as Jupiter is exalted, so the negative effects will be mild.

Jupiter is the 5th and 8th lord for this native. 5th lord in 12th house, means the native will be

away from children. Children of the native may travel abroad as well.

It’s a good time for children of the native. The native will get some bad name, but that will

not sustain for long as Jupiter is exalted.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Saturn is in the 4th house for this sign. Saturn is the 7th and 8th lord. So the native might

have some problems related to problems. So some legal issues are also possible. Native

should be careful about his vehicles. Mother of the native may also see some difficult times

as Saturn is in the 4th house.

Education may face some obstacles this year as 8th lord is in the 4th house of education and

Jupiter, which stands for education is in the 12th house. One should be careful regarding


Rahu is in the 2nd house. The native may some financial troubles and family issues.

It’s a good time for marriage.

Overall it is not a very good time for the natives of this time. But it is not very bad as well.

Virgo/Kanya: The 7.5 yrs of sani period is just over for the natives of this sign. It’s a sign of

relief for them. So coming year will be better than earlier time. Native’s kith kin will be

having tough time this year. Saturn is the 5th and 6th lord in the 3rd house.

Jupiter is the 4th and 7th lord. Jupiter is in the 11th house. All desires of the native will be

fulfilled. Education will progress well this year. It will be a good financial year, with good

inflow. It is a favourable time for marriage. Job wise also it’s a good time. It’s also a good

time for children of the native as Jupiter aspects the 5th house.

Rahu is in the lagna. This is not good for the health of the native. There are bad influences

on the native. It is not a good time for marriage.

This is better year compared to last couple of years.

Libra/Thula: Jupiter is in the 10th house for natives of this sign. This is a favourable position.

This will give power and position at work place. The native shall do lot of good actions which

are spiritually oriented. Work shall move smoothly this year with good results. Financial

inflow will be good. Mother of the native shall be doing good. Jupiter is the 3rd and 6th lord

placed in 10th house. So the native’s kith and kin will be doing good this year. Enemies also

will be powerful and shall manifest themselves at work place.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Saturn is in the 2nd house for the native. This gives good finances. Saturn is the 4th and 5th

lord. So the prospects of children and mother will be good this year.

Rahu is in the 12th house. This indicates that travels may be there this year.

It’s a good time for marriage and auspicious occasions.

Overall it’s a good time for the natives of this sign.

Scorpio/Vrischika: Jupiter is in the 9th house for the natives of this sign. The native shall

have long distance travel. They might travel abroad as well this year. Its a good time.

People go away from guru and ashram during this time. It’s a good time for the native’s

father. Native shall be lucky and be like a leader this year. Jupiter is the 2nd and 5th lord for

this sign. So it’s a good time for children. They shall do well. Also there shall be no financial

problems, money shall come on time and people will not face any need to money.

Saturn is the 3rd and 4th lord and is in lagna. There shall be lot of health issues for the native

of this sign. Food poisoning and allergies shall be seen this year.

Rahu is in the 11th house. This may lead to some troubles for elders of the family.

It is a favourable time for marriage, but may lead to lot of problems.

This is a year of mixed experiences for this sign.

Sagittarius/Dhanus: 7.5 years sani period has started for the natives of this sign. Lot of

travels, health issues and troubles and discomforts in life are possible this year. Saturn is

the 2nd and 3rd lord for the natives. This year the person shall experience some money

losses as 2nd lord is in the 12th house. The kith and kin of the native shall also be facing

some trouble. Native should be careful especially with respect to feet.

Jupiter is 8th house for the native. It is not a good position. Jupiter is the lagna lord and 4th

lord. Hence health troubles can be there this year. Stomach troubles can happen as Jupiter

also stands for stomach. Also studies may not progress very smoothly this year. There can

be financial troubles as well as Jupiter; the planet for money is in the 8th house. Native’s

mother should also be careful this year.

Rahu is in the 10th house. This may leads to issues at work place.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

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prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Not a good time for marriage, job and education.

It is not a good time for natives of this sign. Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu all give trouble for the


Capricorn/Makara: Saturn is the lagna and 2nd lord. Saturn is in the 11th house. This helps

to earn lot of money. The person’s desires will be fulfilled this year. It’s a good financial


Jupiter is the lord of 3rd and 12th house. Jupiter is placed in the 7th house. The native’s wife

will be doing good this year. The kith and kin of the native also will be happy. There shall be

financial inflow. Name and fame and position will come to the native. This is favourable

place for the Jupiter as well. The natives father will also be doing good.

Rahu is in the 9th house. This is not good for the father of the native. Luck may not favour

the native much.

It’s a good time for marriage and auspicious occasions. Higher studies can also be


Overall it’s a good time for the natives of this sign as Saturn and Jupiter are favourably


Aquarius/Kumbha: Saturn is in the 10th house. Saturn is the lagna lord and 12th lord. It’s a

very good time for the natives of this sign. Lagna lord is in the 10th house. The person will

rise high in position at work place. They shall head projects and have command over

masses. They will earn lot of money.

Jupiter is in 6th house. Jupiter is the 2nd and 11th lord for this sign. Money matters may not

be very smooth this year. This is not a very favourable time for students. They may not do

well in their studies unless they put more efforts. Father of the native may also go through

rough waters.

Rahu is in the 8th house. This is not good for health. Native should be careful about food


Its not a good time for marriage and education as well.

Overall it’s both a mixture and bad and good this year.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

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prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Meena/Pisces: The natives of this sign, have just got some relief from the astama sani for

last 2.5 yrs. Now Saturn moved into the 9th house. It’s a favourable time as 11th and 12th

lord Saturn is in the 9th house. As the 11th lord is in the 9th house, it will be a good financial

year. It’s a good time for father as well.

Jupiter is in the 5th house. Lagna and 10th lord is in the 5th house. It’s a good time for name

and fame. It’s a time when good thoughts and ideas shall help the individual. The actions of

the native will be more mental. This year will help in spiritual growth of the person. God’s

grace shall shower on the individuals mind.

Rahu is in the 7th house. This is not favourable for marriage.

It’s a favourable time for education, marriage and job as well, due to Jupiter and Saturn


These are the predictions for the coming year. We need to combine both the effects of both

the lagna and rasi for an individual, to arrive at the predictions. The strength of the planets,

Saturn and Jupiter in the individual chart also play a role in the good and bad effects a

person may experience during this period.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Horoscope Analysis

A P J Abdul Kalam

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam also known as A.P.J Abdul Kalam was a world

renowned scientist and administrator who was the 11th president of independent India. He is

also known as Missile Man of India. He inspires the youth and tries to spend more time with

them and always tries to guide them. He worked at ISRO as a scientist and even headed the

project for launching ballistic missiles and as the man behind launch vehicle technology.

Kalam was born in rameswaram a district in tamilnadu in a muslim family. His father

Jainulabdeen was a boat owner and his mother’s name is ashiamma. He was from a poor

background. He had average grades at school but was said to be one having strong desire

to study and was an hard working student. He even tried to contribute financially to his

family by distributing newspapers very early in the morning daily. Seeing his strong desire

to pursue higher studies his sent him to St josephs college at Tiruchirapalli for higher

studies after his school. He graduated in physics in 1954. He moved to madras in 1955 to

study aerospace engineering.

Kalam faced many a challenges in life and had faced failures also in life. While at

engineering, he was given a very difficult task by the dean of the college . the dean

threatened to even revoke his scholarship, if he was not able to perform the task in next

three says. Kalam worked tirelessly and finished the work. Inspite of all his hard work, he

missed to become a fighter pilot, his life’s dream. But he somehow overcame the set back in

life and joined aeronuatical development establishment of defence research and

develeopment organization – DRDO as a scientist.

He climbed great heights as a scientist and came to known by the world as a great scientist.

He played pivotal role in Pokhran-II ,India’s nuclear tests in 1988. He was awarded the

Bharata Ratna for all his efforts as a scientist, for his advocated plans to develop India. He

wrote about his visions to take nation forward in his book India 2020. Kalam is known for

his motivational speeches and interaction with the student community in India. He always

preached a corruption free India.

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Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Analysis: There are many yogas in the chart. Jupiter and mercury are exalted. Venus is in

its own house. Moon is neecha but attained neechabhanga. Jupiter exalted in lagna, gives

rise to hamsa yoga. Venus in its own house causes malavya yoga. Mercury exalted helped

him to continue his studies inspite of all issues. Apart from all this he has parijatha yoga,

one of the rare Raja yoga, that has brought him all royality, comforts, name and fame.Thus

we see two panchamahapurushayogashamsa yoga and malavyayogas are present in this

chart. Two planets are exalted and one planet venus is in its own house. Thus we see that

the chart is good with planets well placed.

Hamsa yoga made him a frank, corruption free, noble man. He was known as a good

person, generous and well mannered. Jupiter is the 9th lord as well. 9th lord in lagna, had

made him a leader. He lead the team for many missions in ISRO. He also acted as an

advisor to the prime minister. Youth look upto him as a leader as a role model. This is due

to 9th lord forming hamsa yoga in lagna. Such people will rise in life and will occupy high

positions in life and act as leaders and guide people. People look upon such people as role


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Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


Malavya forming in the 4th, helped him to study well and was the reason behind his passion

for studies. He enjoyed all pleasures and comforts holding various positions to his capacity

in his profession. He travelled places and was even the president of India. He got all the

royal escorts and paraphernalia and lived like a king, during his presidential yrs. This is due

to the parijatha yoga in the chart. The kingly life as a president of india is all due to this


5th lord mars is in the 4th house, hence his mind was always in studies. From lagnamandi is

in the 2nd house. This shows that he is not from a great family as w eall know. This shows

that he was just an average boy in school. But due to his passion in studies as a result of

venus in the 4th house, he could do well in education. Thus he was a hard working student.

Lagna lord moon is neecha and in 5th house, so this made him a thinker in life. Jupiter

exalted in lagnaaspecting 5th house helped him to have strong personality. Jupiter also

stands for education, so also he could do higher studies and had that passion for studies.

From lagna 5th house was aspected by exalted Jupiter. From moon 5th lord Jupiter is exalted

and is in the 9th house. Thus he could become a scientist. From moon the 11th house has

mercury exalted and sun and rahu. Exalted mercury aspecting the 5th house and 5th lord

exalted, were the reason for his research works and he being a scientist. This also gives him

good thoughts and good ideas and a vision of great India arises from this. 5th lord exalted

also gave him name and fame in life.

Moon is neecha but has attained neechabhanga as Jupiter is exalted in Kendra. 5th lord from

moon is also exalted. Thus he had a strong will and determination to complete the task

given. Mercury exalted made him good at education and also meticulous at work.

2nd lord sun is with mercury exalted and ketu. This all gave him the power of good

speeches. Mercury is the planet of speech. He is known to Move the masses by his


Saturn aspects sun and sun is with rahu. Sun is also not in Kendra. But 9th lord is exalted.

Sun stands for father and 9th lord stand for father. So his father faced lot of problems in life,

but was a good man. Even from moon 9th lord is neecha, but Jupiter is exalted in 9th. So it

shows mixed effects. As Jupiter is exalted and is in lagna and in dharma sthana, we know

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prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha


kalam as a man of virtues and one who follows dharma. He also remained a vegetarian and

boldly accepted other faiths as well.

Mandi in the 2nd indicates no family happiness. From moon also 2nd house has Saturn. Good

family life is not indicated. 7th lord Saturn from lagna is in the 6th house. Venus has malavya

yoga from lagna. So venus is well placed from lagna. From moon, venus is in the 12th,

which is not good. Exalted Jupiter aspects the 7thhouse from lagna.These mixed factors

show chances of a partner.

But we see that venus aspects the 10th house of work. 10th lord mars which is a yogakaraka

is with venus. 10th lord mars also aspects the 10th house. Venus which is a planet of passion

along with 10th lord aspecting 10th house made him literally married to his profession. So we

can say that he was so much passionate about his work that he didn’t think about marriage

in his life. As 2nd house has mandi and 2nd house being afflicted, it would not have been a

great married life. The gochara and dasha periods may not have created a favourable

situation for him to marry as well.

10th house has mandi from moon. This shows that he went through lot of challenges and

ups and downs in life, especially due to his profession. But Jupiter exalted in the 9th house,

made him lucky and he could see success in life.

Sun is aspected by Saturn and is with ketu, so he is a good individual but not spiritual.

Lagna having 9th lord and Jupiter in 9th from moon, made him being seen as a leader and

could not get into spiritual path, though he is a good man. He could not even be a political

leader, but entered politics due to Saturn aspects on sun.

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Jyothisha Prakaasham Vrischika (Jaya)

Vetti yah vedaangam sa aapnothi paramam padam

prathikoolanivaarakam mokshopakaarakam cha



1. Editorial

2. Jyothishavidanustaana Vivaranam - This can be called Jyothishavid 101 or explanation

about how to become a knower of astrology.

3. Bhavartha Ratnakara–brief analysis of the work of Bhavartha Ratnakara.

4. Maasaphalam – brief analysis of effect of the month.

5. Nakshatras – analysis of the various nakshatras.

6. Phaladeepika – analysis of the work of Phaladeepika.

7. Parijatha Yoga – an analysis of Parijatha Yoga.

8. Knowledge signified in horoscope – an analysis of what signifies or denotes knowledge in

a horoscope.

9. Transit of Saturn and its effects – an analysis of Saturn’s transit from Thula to Vrischika.

10. Horoscope analysis - brief analysis of the horoscope of a renowned person.

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Suggestions to make this magazine better through requesting of articles on specific topics

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