  • COPYRIGHT 2008 BY DAS GORAVANI [email protected]

    Goravani WeeklySaturn in Leo has us asking the question:

    Blacks in the White House?

    Saturn Governs..Things like the worker, slavery, dark things, the low, hard work, a long road. For African Americans, all

    of the above have been applied to them historically, in America.

    Leo on the other hand, is the office of the King, the seat of Power. Right now, as our first Black presumptive candidate basks in the limelight of making history, its no surprise that Saturn is at the holy degree of 9 in Leo.

    Saturn in Leo is an oxymoron after all. They are opposites classically speaking. Saturn and the Sun dont like each other, and Saturn has tried to stay away, out of the castle, and the Sun has not welcomed him around, even though the Sun is Saturns father, or, light gives rise to dark, where there is white, there is black, opposites are, always.

    When Saturn is in Leo, it is the time for a couple years every thirty years, when we will especially see the usually down trodden rising to power, gaining ground or the upper hand on the usual ruling class, in other words, a reversal of fortunes for the status quo.

    Michelle and Barack Obama, who is the first African American to be the presumptive nominee for one of the two parties. Its history in America.

    Every home is shakingKetu and Mars Attack

    A Jyotish trained friend called me the day that Mars and Ketu entered Cancer simultaneously recently, because yeah, thats kindof a scary thing. The two most killing, cutting and slashing planets simultaneously entering, from opposite sides, one of the more fragile, gentle and sensitive signs and houses of the zodiac,

    the one that rules home. Shortly thereafter, we had the typhoon hit Burma (Myanmar), and then we had the Chinese Earthquake, and now were having an extreme tornado season in America, flooding, and in Africa, things are not getting better. In America, there is a Major Crisis going on

    in the Real Estate market. Homes are not selling, and many are losing their homes. There is a housing crisis.

    Simultaneously, there is a fuel crisis, and many people must sell their gas guzzling vehicles early. Truckers are on strike in many countries. Airlines going broke. These are all vehicle related things, and vehicles too are ruled by the 4th house, which in the zodiac is Cancer.

    Basically, all things ruled or co-significated as I like to say, by the 4th house, or Cancer, are being bashed badly by these marauding killers. Mars also rules thieves, and there must be some of that going on with this fuel crisis; I mean, somebody is making a thief s killing load of cash.


    SATURN IN LEOThe downtrodden raid the center of power, The workers gain control of the castle. Those who used to be held down get their day at the top of the hill.

    KETU/MARS KILLERS COME HOMETyphoons, Earthquakes, Real Estate Mortgage Crisis, Genocide, Starvation, Tornadoes, Severe Weather...Ketu in Cancer with Mars takes its toll on us.

    WEARY HOLY WARRIORSJupiter retrograde in Sagittarius, aspecting Saturn in Leo, courts and priests siding with the unlikely

    CHANGE IN THE DEVELOPING WORLDRahu in Capricorn, poison jungles, hunkered down enemies, and new ideas in old places


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  • COPYRIGHT 2008 BY DAS GORAVANI [email protected]

    Why does Jyotish Work?Simply put, the planets do not cause effects, inasmuch as

    they co-signify qualities by their positions. This is so because they are formed under the same physics as everything else. Their positions, their mass, orbital speeds, makeup, everything, were caused by the same laws that govern all things still.

    So the planets and the signs, because they are the largest feature of our seeable world, represent the frame of matter. All matter is inter-related by nature, by laws, and if one thing bumps a thing, that one then bumps the to speak. Action and reaction are another way of seeing it. Nothing goes unnoticed, all matter is always inter-related.

    So at the moment a thing appears in this realm, it is related by nature to that moment in its surrounding nature or realm that produced it. For example, children appear from pregnant woman, who are fat with the baby. The thing is coming from its surroundings.

    The galaxy is the surroundings of our world. The planets are formed as key representations of large energy fields that surround and inundate us. Their mere existence proves the energy they form upon. Their position is an exact product of an exact science of nature. They represent therefore, a certain primal energy wavelength. Im not trying to sound fishy here. Im trying to sound scientific. What Im saying is something that is logical to see, I believe.

    Nature is a complex system of vibrations, which include frequency, volume, spectrum, wavelength, and all kinds of physical scientific aspects. They divide and form octaves or

    multiplications of themselves, which gives rise to things repeating but on different size scales. So as those large bodies represent seven key elements, so we find sevens repeated in nature based on the planets. All things can be found to be combinations of these key energies, if you learn how to think in that way, by studying Jyotish.

    It is the octave/size aspect of nature and vibrations that gives rise to how Jyotish actually works.

    Planets tell us a combination of forces when we view them against the zodiac in the Jyotish way or tradition.

    We can then literally see that pattern play out in the life of the person born at that moment, if you know how to read, again.

    This is so because that person is a small version of the universe at that moment, or else he/she could NOT manifest at that moment. As children come from pregnant wombs, so too do beings appear in a universe pregnant with them. The universe is also the mother of anything born within it. The universe has to be pregnant is providing all for the mother, and the mother lives only if the land is fertile, the sky raining, etc., so the world and universe provide all, shape all, and from it, all can be read.

    You see everything is a multiplication of complex greater frequencies, or simply greater ones, that become complex by their own multiplication and echo in complex inter-relating. We live in the physics of vibrations, which in their complexity become matter, which gives rise to all we see.

    We are in an ocean of energies, and the planets stand as icons of the largest most primal vibrations in this realm, and the stars behind them too, they are the map of our mothers womb.


    BV Raman once said that the difference between himself, a person who believes in Jyotish, and a person who does not, is simply that he, BV Raman, had studied it.

    Indeed, if you study it, you realize it works. If you do not, you may have doubts, but youll be wrong.

    But why does it work, or how does it work?

    Das Goravani outs his opinion on this primeval question.

    painting Zodiac by author


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  • COPYRIGHT 2008 BY DAS GORAVANI [email protected]

    The Death of Fire WaterThe Descent of Oil

    Worldwide these days, there is an Oil Crisis. Demand is up, supplies are limited, so the price keeps rising. America is dying under the weight of gasoline costing 4 times what it used to. Mars in Cancer equals Fire Water, as Mars is fiery energy and Cancer is water, but Ketu is there, and hes the great remover, killer, black hole, he takes things away. These two together spell fear about a lack of fire water.

    Because this is happening 12th to Leo, it drains the party going on with the Black man ascending to power. It fuels the issues that detract from happiness for anyone happy about Saturn in Leo, or Barack Obamas supporters. The people who cause the gas crisis, probably prefer Republicans.

    Between the housing crisis, disasters that affect peaceful home life, and now the fuel crisis, this combo of Mars and Ketu in Cancer is really making everyone feel the pinch of their ability to co-signify our collective pain.

    Retrograde JupiterGods Weary Warriors

    Jupiter went all the way up to the end of Sagittarius, then decided to turn around and tour back through it. Oh gosh, no rest for the Warrior of God.

    Retrograde motion is just exactly like Going back over familiar territory. Jupiter is righteous ideals, and now hes in his own sign, the 9th sign, the Holy sign, but also one having much to do with things like Barracks, not the candidate, the place where soldiers live. Jupiter in Sagittarius IS the perfect Holy Warrior.

    So, this means that the Mideast Crisis goes on, Jihad goes on, the US with its world police attitude goes on, and we get to hear all the same rhetoric weve been hearing for awhile, some more. Oh great. Dogma is directing our Karma.

    On the good side, this transit indicates that these are blessed times, and indeed, in the US, we HAVE made some good ground by having a woman and a Black man go so high in Politics here like never before. The fact that this could

    happen while Jupiter is in Sagittarius is an especially good sign for liberals in America because usually Jupiter sides with the status quo, so here, the fact that he is so blessing the current times, means that the status quo is changing to the other side now.

    In the Muslim world, this all gets reversed, since dogma is the status quo there, and so Saturn raiding their Leo means the voices seldom heard there are being heard (like bloggers in Saudi Arabia, youth protests in Iran). People in the Arab world are starting to question Islam, as much as other are flocking to it more fanatically than ever. Such is the polarizing effect of the transits we have now.

    Priests, represented by the Strong Jupiter, will come out and bless Saturn in Leo, in other words, they will speak for the low, reversing previously held dogmas, and change will occur.

    Its no wonder that Candidate Obamas slogan is Change. The stars show support for change. Expect pronouncements from religious leaders

    CONSIDER THIS:SMART ROMANSThe word consider comes from Latin con-sidere. Yes, thats the same sidere that is the root of our Jyotish sidereal zodiac. Con means to add basically, so, the term con-sidere in Latin meant to add the stars (to your plans). So originally, the word consider meant literally to consult astrology. Now consider means think about.. and thats all. Its become a prefix. It used to be a whole concept. Well, it still is, to those of us in the know. Know, probably comes from gyan, which over time became gyaa, gyoh, kyoh, know, etc. Gyan is Sanskrit for knowledge.

    The study of the roots of words is called Etymology. Try out:


    You Are


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  • COPYRIGHT 2008 BY DAS GORAVANI [email protected]

    that surprise. Expect the high and mighty to come down off their throne and admit that the downtrodden exist, and that they need attention.

    When Saturn is in Leo, its like being the big leader in the big protected white house, and the problem somehow comes and plops down in your lap anyway. Picture a big muddy worker running through the castle yelling I cant take it anymore. The politicians scramble to calm him down with promises of aid.

    And the big priests, from their big temples, will say, Yes, this is blessed.

    Its a time of preventing revolution. If conditions do not improve, that Saturn will cause revolution against the powers that be.

    Jupiter is giving the nod, that the Sun, who listens to Jupiter, had better pay attention. Currently, the Sun is still partying in party land Taurus, but soon he will get down to work in more serious and task oriented Gemini.

    The fact that Jupiter is in his own sign while Saturn raids the Castle, is a sure sign that even the money lenders, the bankers, the investors, the behind the scene advisors, everybody of influence, is recognizing the power of the Black man, or the commoner, the power of the rising masses, the working class, the power they have to stomp right on in when they want to. Their collective mass, is scaring the powers that be. Why? Because the masses are being pained tremendously in their hearts, at home, because theyre being ripped off, at least in America, by greedy mortgage companies, and greedy oil companies or countries. Americans are suffering, and that leads to anger, which leads to action. Anger may come from a name for Mars: Angarika

    Note that the pained 4th house, Real Estate and Vehicles, is directly 8th to the strong Jupiter, or bankers, meaning, they are having death fears caused by the crisis at home and with Vehicles. This is serious, and calls for serious action.

    Unrest in the JungleRahu Rides the Monster

    Rahu is said to co-signify poison, foreigners, trouble, illusions, and threats to the leading powers that be. Rahu is basically a trouble maker, but linked to those furthest from power, in a way, that makes it similar to Saturn. Rahu is in Capricorn (the monster) for the next year and a half roughly.

    Capricorn is said to be a crocodile, or a monster with a pretty face. Its the enemy sign as seen from Leo, so that gives you an idea about it. That alone means that it is the seat of the enemy of the King. It is also Jupiters debilitation, which means the preacher man, and the kings advisor, both are powerless there. This means that Capricorn is basically the distant and foreign jungle, the place where our power to control is at its least. Al Queda, the Taliban, the mountains of

    Afghanistan, the jungles of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Sadr City in Baghdad, these are Capricorn signified areas for example, or places where George Bush and Pat Robertson are not likely to visit.

    Rahu in Capricorn is kindof normal in a way- we expect there to be poisons and bad guys in the jungle, right? But this transit is more than that...this means that we will feel, for the next year and a half, a real brewing and amassing of foreign forces in hard to reach places. This is a sign to wise leaders that the enemy is hiding out in hard to reach places.

    During this tour of Rahu, we will see sudden poisoning of rural places, and disease rampant in hard to help countries, places where the Western power and money have a hard time reaching. This is already going on in Myanmar (Burma), where the government is supposedly not allowing outside help, and in so doing, is damning


    The Current Transits on June 12th 2008

    What do the big

    rocks near to us

    tell us about the

    moment in this

    field of energy?

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  • COPYRIGHT 2008 BY DAS GORAVANI [email protected]

    its people to disease and suffering (supposedly), and they live in a monsoon type of area, a jungle type of area, far from the current big powers. This is an example of Rahu in Capricorn.

    Rahu is troublesome, represents reversal of ideas, usurping of power, attempts to kill leaders, and in Zimbabwe right now we see someone trying to usurp power and stop a rightful leader. The King of Nepal was just ousted, and I believe that all over the places far from the Western powers they are experiencing upheaval in various ways. For example, India is coping with a massive trend away from its traditions. In China and Arabia for example, people are speaking out. Seeing that they too can have it all, (Saturn in Leo- the low rising up), they are changing their ideas, which causes upheaval. Rahu in Capricorn could be said to mean Upheaval in the developing world. That of course is a Euro/US-centric phrase, but thats ok because astrology is just about energies co-signified, and it flows with the times. One day, Capricorn may represent the US, but right now, Leo represents the US, and Capricorn rules places far from its control, where its enemies are.

    Its interesting that the US taxes its citizens on the day that the Sun ascends to its greatest power each year, or the day it roughly enters Aries that is, namely, April 15th. Is it coincidence, or did they plan it that way? Its definitely co-signification, in perfection.

    Brown hands behind bars, a picture of Saturns significations, receiving a blessing from the realms of Jupiter, the Courts

    BOTH of the above headlines are from CNNs home page, right at this moment, as I write this. Both of them show the types of things Ive been discussing, especially the Power Rise of the low, the dark, the previously held down, represented by Saturn.

    The headlines go on to tell us, in the case of the Guantanamo detainees, that George Bush is not happy about this ruling. In other words, the King of current power, is not happy about the Rights being Granted by the Courts to the Low. Thats Jupiter, the courts, granting powers (favorably aspecting) the low (Saturn, who is in Leo being aspected by Jupiter).

    Oprah is a Black Woman, two strikes of powerlessness, yet, she is in power, very much so, at this time. She is influencing public opinion in America in a Big Way.

    The cover of one thoughtful magazine right now reads SuperPower: Get over it!

    Thats what these transits are saying as well. Om Shanti. -DG

    WERE ALL GONNA DIE !And until then, were all going to live in a body which is forced to die, yet every living creature runs from death screaming for its life.

    Death is scary because it is unknown. If we knew for sure it was going to be great, we wouldnt mind, but we dont know, so we are afraid.

    Yet, it is the place from where we came. We also came from the unknown, that is, we do not know where we were before we were placed in the womb.

    So why not trust maa, the place from which we came, to handle us carefully once again? It only makes sense, to NOT fear the inevitable recycling through the mother energy. ILUVMAA!

    All the while, if you study Jyotish, you can see that a grand plan and place of planning and lessons has us in its loving teacher grip. So live and learn, is what its all about. Live, and Learn. Thats life.

    Please Subscribe at:

    Das Goravani2852 Willamette St #353 Eugene OR 97405


    Rahu in Capricorn

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