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KAIVALYADHAMAwhere tradition & science meet


03 Inauguration of PGDYT

07 Independence Day Celebration

11 10th Conference in Integrative Medicine

13 Symposium in Yoga Research, USA

15 Spirituality vs Religion - Guest Lecture

18 Workshop at Yogadhama, France


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Maharishi Patanjali emphasized the practice of Ashtang Yoga for attain-

ing harmony at the gross and the subtle levels of our existence. At our

health centre, we have participants coming from various backgrounds.

They have experienced a number of practices, and most of them, have

understood yoga as asana or postures.

We emphasize that yoga is not only asana, but much beyond. We explain

to them the fundamental concept of Astang Yoga, and how the Yamas and

Niyamas are the starting point. How the practice of Yama and Niyama lays

the foundation of one’s personality. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Aparigrah and

Brahmcharya as Yamas and Sacuha, Santosh, Tapa, Swadhyay and Ishwarpranidhan as Niyamas.

From our experience, we have observed that about 90 % of the people let it go as mere information

and continue on their own old beaten path. However, 10 % take notice and amend their ways of

thinking. Interaction with this 10% throws light on how things work.

These 10% are those who have surrendered and come to practice. They have wiped their slate

(book) clean and have come with an open mind to experience. Moreover this experience leads

them to adopt the philosophy, which initially was mere information, but their conscious aware-

ness, converted it to practice. Hence an open mind with sincerity to experience and then interpret

is important.

The world is full of intellectual geniuses, and the more I interact with them, the more I feel that I

am peeling an onion in my pursuit to find some treasure inside. Every time I do so, I find nothing.

I remember a quote of Swami Kuvalyanandas: “Very often philosophical gymnastic is mistaken for

spiritual knowledge. It is to be remembered, however, that no intellectual conviction or philosophical

training will take an individual even a whit nearer to the Lord. Practical experiences in the sublime

regions of Adhyatma alone count. These experiences can definitely be made possible through the

psycho-physiological processes of Yoga.” The reason for this probably is because there are more

preachers then practitioners. We need to change this, starting with each one of us.

Subodh Tiwari

- Administrator





The concluding function of the Foundation course in Yoga and Ayurveda was held on 5th July 2014 at 10.00 AM, in Asana Hall- B. The program began with the Shanti path. Dr. B. R. Sharma, the principal, in his welcoming address, shed light on the principles of both Sciences: Yoga and Ayurveda, and also highlighted the views of Swami Kuvalayanandaji and Swami Digamberji.

After his talk, the students shared their experiences and personal views concerning the course. They all gave a satisfying feedback and a few suggestions regarding the length of the course and a practical session for therapy. The Principal accepted their suggestions and assured to include a one-day practical workshop in the therapy department (Ayurveda and Naturopathy). Swami Maheshananda, in his benediction, gave suggestions about how to materialize the principles of both sciences in our day-to-day life.

At the end, Dr. Sharad Bhalekar proposed the vote of thanks and concluded the session with an omkar recitation and sweets.

On August 2014, between 10.00-11.00 AM, the Diploma in Yoga Therapy course was inaugurated at the Adinath Asana Kaksha. Eight students enrolled for the course. The program began with the shantipath and the lighting of the lamp. The principal, Dr. B. R. Sharma, in his welcome address congratulated the students for choosing this course. He spoke about the aim and objectives of the course, and also high-lighted Swami Kuvalayananda’s views with regards towards Scientific Research, Yoga Education and Yoga Therapy. Professor Bhogal, the assistant Director of the Scientific Research Department, spoke about the real meaning of Yoga Therapy. He explained the necessity of self development and how it is helpful for others. Brig. Suhas Dharmadhikari, explained the significance of value education for Self-development. The students were also requested to express their expectation about the course. Swami Maheshananda-ji, explained about the requisite of discipline for spiritual growth. Finally Dr. Sharad Bhalekar proposed the vote of thanks and concluded the function with the recitation of omkar three times and distribution of sweets.

Concluding function of the Foundation Course in Yoga and Ayurveda

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Life Positive Foundation is a non-profit public charitable trust with varied concerns and interests in the betterment of society. The Foundation is predomi-nantly focused on promoting and spread-ing holistic information, techniques and wisdom to the general public.

Kaivalyadhama hosted a three days resi-dential workshop on Mind Power from 28th to 30th June 2014. The facilitator of this workshop was Mr. Sunil Parikh.

The event began on 28th June with an early morning yoga session of the insti-tute, followed by a workshop on mind power, and an interactive session in the evening. On the whole the workshop was very successful.

On 18th July 2014, between 3.00 - 4.00 PM, the Diploma in Yoga Education Course was inaugurated at Vasishta Hall. Seventy students enrolled for the course. Mrs. Shruti Poddar, the Director of the Shruti foundation Delhi was the Chief Guest. Professor R. S. Bhogal (the acting principal) along with the college staff organized this function. The program began with the shantipath and the lighting of the lamp. In the begin-ning, Shri Subodh Tiwari, JDA, welcomed the students to the course. He introduced the Chief Guest and also explained the aim and objectives of the course. After this, Ms Shruti Poddar, the Chief Guest explained the role of Yoga for health and wellbeing. She also explained the role of music for health and how it can be introduced in the field of Mantra Yoga. She showed interest in research matters along with Kaivalyadhama, with regards to mantra chanting and its psycho-physiological effects. Thereafter, Professor R.S. Bhogal introduced the college staff and their role in the curriculum. Swami Maheshanandaji, explained the necessity of discipline for spiritual growth. Finally, Dr. Sharad Bhalekar proposed the vote of thanks and concluded the function by reciting omkar three times and distributing sweets.

On 26th July 2014, the board of advisors met. on the 26th July 2014. Important issues relating to policy matters were discussed while looking at the work done in the institute for the past year. Important prospects for scientific research, collaborations and steps to be taken for further growth of the institute were discussed.

Between 28th – 30th July 2014, an orien-tation programme for training of Yoga teachers for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya was conducted. 14 girls and 20 boys were selected through a well-planned screen-ing procedure. Dr. B. R. Sharma addressed the students and gave them practical tips and guidelines for effective communica-tion skills. Twenty schools are selected so

Life Positive Workshop

Advisory Board Meeting

Inaugural of Diploma in Yoga Education

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A seven day workshop in ‘classical tech-niques of meditation’ was held between 10th – 17th August 2014, conducted by Shri R.S.Bhogal. Ten participants experienced depths of meditational techniques drawn from Shiva Samhita, Shrimat Bhagwat and Hathayogic texts. Apart from three-hour meditation sessions in the morning as well as in the evening, special talks on theoretical aspects of Yoga Meditation were held. Individual counseling sessions proved to be of value added impor-tance to the participants. The results of Kaivalyadhama Self Perception rating scale and written comments adequately revealed clear and pronounced positive changes in emotional maturity, a general feeling of well-being, self worth and inward joy, in the participants. All the participants also expressed their total satisfaction in relation to administrative and accommodation related arrange-ments during their stay at Kaivalyadhama.

that Yoga training can be held for three months. In these three months, teach-ers as well as students were trained in Yoga. The results have been excellent, in terms of improvement in the physiologi-cal and psychological aspects, amongst the students.

JNV Orientation Programme

Holistic Meditation Techniques by Prof. R. S. Bhogal


On the occasion of the 68th Independence Day, flag hoisting ceremony was held at the KVN campus at 9.00 AM. The Chief Guest Shri. O. P. Tiwari, Hon. Secretary, Kaivalyadham, hoisted the flag, which was followed by the reciting of the National Anthem. The other distin-guished guests were Brig. Dharmadhikari, (Consultant - Operations) and Dr. B. R. Sharma, Principal, G. S. College.

The students along with their teachers, as well as the staff and students of Kaivalyadham were also present. After hoisting the flag, they were all were requested to assemble in the AV Hall for a cultural program.

All the distinguished guests were felicitated by Dr. S. P. Thakur, Director, KVN and Ms. Deepali Deshmukh, Vice Principal, KVN.

The Cultural Program began with a Patriotic song (Jahaan daal daal par) sung by the students of Std. VI to IX. Ms. Radhika Mulay, a student of Std. V, gave a speech in Hindi. This was followed by another patri-otic song (Nagar Nagar aur gaon gaon mein) sung by the students of Std. V to IX. Amit Mali of Std. VI spoke about Independence Day in English. A group of students of Std. VII and VIII performed a superb dance based on the rhythm of Vande Mataram.

Dr. S. P. Thakur, Director, KVN, inspired the students with his speech. Brig. (Retd.) Suhas Dharmadhikari, in his speech, shared his childhood experience through a Marathi poem. Dr. B. R. Sharma, Principal, G.S. College, Kaivalyadhama, narrated a value based story shedding light on ‘harmony and blending between thought and action in life’.

At the end the Chief Guest, Shri. O. P. Tiwariji Secretary, Kaivalyadhama, expressed his appreciation for the sincere efforts of the students as well as the teachers.

The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Deepali Deshmukh, Vice Principal, KVN.

The program concluded with the distribution of sweets to students by our Chief Guest and other dignitaries.

Independence Day Celebration

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Shri. K. P. Raghuvanshi, Director General and Managing Director of Security Cooperation, visited the institute for a day. He was taken around to the various departments and shown the work carried out in the institute.

Balasaheb Vikhe Patil is synonymous with rural devel-opment. He has taken the dreams of his father for taking forward rural economy by means of setting up farmers cooperatives, educational institutions, including medi-cine and engineering. At a time, when education was not a commercial affair but a service to the society, he set up these institutions, which changed the whole paradigm of the rural district of Ahmednagar. He won the lok sabha seat for seven times. This karma yogi was at the institute for some days.

On 5th September 2014, the 54th Teachers Day was celebrated by the students of {D.Y.Ed., D.Y.T. and B.A. (Yoga Shastra)} Gordhandas Seksaria College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis at the Saraswati Mandir, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla. Brigadier Suhas Dharmadhikari, Registrar, was the Chief Guest, Dr. S. P. Thakur, Director of KVN was the Guest of Honour and the programme was attended

On 20th August 2014, Yogacharya Padmvibhushan B. K. S. Iyengar passed

away. He was a great inspirational teacher, having led his students by

quoting examples. For example, he said: “I tell people live simply and die

majestically.” During his last moments, he was surrounded by students

and family, amidst sacred chants. Upon hearing the news, a condolence

meeting was organized at the institute, and all the students and staff

paid their floral tributes to the legendary Yogacharya. Shri. O. P. Tiwari

offered his last respects in Pune. He was the President of the Indian

Yoga Association and we shall feel his vacuum.

Shri K P Raghuvanshi at KaivalyadhamaPadmabhushan Balasaheb Vikhe Patil at


Talk by Paul Dallaghan

Obituary: BKS Iyengar

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by Dr. B. R. Sharma, Principal, and the teaching and non teaching staff of the college. The programme began with lighting of the lamp, followed by a cultural programme presented by the students show-ing their gratitude and respect towards the teachers. A student, Sandeep Hebbar from the D.Y.Ed. gave a talk in which he said that ‘Mother’ is the first teacher for a child and then comes the role of a teacher who helps and motivates the child to unfold his potential. This was followed by an interesting game where the teachers and the staff participated and had fun. Brigadier Suhas Dharmadhikari, highlighted the role of teachers in shaping the personality of a student. The event was concluded by vote of thanks.

Teachers' Day Celebration




On 4th July 2014, Dr. B. R. Sharma, Principal of our College was invited as the key note speaker at the inaugural session for the one day national seminar on ‘Dimensions of Yoga and its Dynamics’. This semi-nar was jointly organized by Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai and Mop Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai. He enlightened the gathering on the topic ‘Classical and Contemporary Dimensions of Yoga’ and he was also requested to chair a session in the seminar.

Shri. Subodh Tiwari was invited to Jakarta to present a lecture on ‘Research trends of Yoga and prin-ciples of Yoga Therapy at Kaivalyadhama’ at the Atma Jay medical college Jakarta. This was organized by Shanti Kaivalya Yoga.

From 17th to 20th July, Kaivalyadhama was repre-sented at the 10th Annual Oncology Training Conference for Yoga Teachers prepared by MD Anderson, University of Texas hospital. This famous cancer centre as a first one in North America introduced the Department of Integrative Medicine lead by Lorenzo Cohen, PhD recognized as a leading researcher worldwide on yoga and healing.

Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute was represented by Lee Majewski, who organized a table with books, posters and informa-tion about the Institute and the rejuvenation program for cancer patients. People showed great interest and more and more people are recognizing the name. The conference was attended by about 300 practitioners from North and South America.


Dr. B. R. Sharma at the Seminar in Chennai

Dr. Lee Majewski in Texas

Shri. Subodh Tiwari in Jakarta

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S. D. Pathak attended the round table Open forum Discussion on a Mission-mode drive against Diabetes in Mumbai in the revered presence of Hon. Health Minister, Additional Municipal Commissioner, Shree Sanjay Deshmukh and eminent Diabetologists of Mumbai.

Dr. Pathak spoke of the importance of a research based approach in establishing the impact of Yoga as a preven-tive measure in pre-diabetics, at the forum. He emphasized the need to detect pre-diabetics and give them an appro-priate Yoga programme, as an important part of the ‘Drive against Diabetes Mission’, taken up by BMCC recently. He held a productive discussion with Dr. Daksha Shah, Deputy Executive Health Officer, Non Communicable Diseases, MCGM who welcomed the suggestions made by Dr. Pathak and assured her full support for the research project relat-ing Pre-diabetics. Dr. Pathak also had an opportunity to speak about the venture to Mr. Sanjay Deshmukh at the occasion.

A detailed discussion with Mr. Sudheendra Kulkarni Chairman of ORF concluded with his wholehearted support and co-operation towards Dr. Pathak. Dr. S. D. Pathak in Mumbai

Subodh Tiwari at Mount Abu


12th – 16th September 2014, Shri. Subodh Tiwari was invited as a speaker at a conference on ‘Spirituality in Research’. He spoke on the research trend at Kaivalyadhama.

One of the ashram of Brahmkumaris referred to as 'Shantivan' is a remarkable place with a large number of dedicated sevaks working towards the promotion of spir-ituality amongst individuals. It has adopted the concept of harmony in day-to-day living.


From 24th - 26th September 2014, symposium in yoga research was held at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Berkshires, Western Massachusetts. SYR showcases some of the best new research and offers multiple poster sessions as well as ample opportunities to interact with other scientists, experts and professionals in the field. Dr. Vartika Dubey, Kaivalyadhama Health and Yoga Research Center Inc., USA chaired the award committee.

Dr. Vartika Dubey at the Symposium in Yoga Research, USA

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Kaivalyadhama, Mumbai presented one more

guest lecture on 27th June 2014, amongst its

popular series of ‘monthly guest lectures’. The

speaker this time was Dr. Jyoti Bhivandker and

the topic was ‘thinking right’. The inauguration

of the workshop commenced with the custom-

ary prayer and lighting of the lamp. The guests

and invitees were warmly received by our staff

at Kaivalyadhama.

The dynamic and experienced speaker, Dr.

Bhivandker, who is a specialist in Graphology

(science of handwriting) and Hasta Mudras,

explained the significance and methodology of

Thinking Right using the above-mentioned two

sciences. Dr. Bhivandker was felicitated by Shri

Jayantibhai Shah (a very senior Life Member

of Kaivalyadhama) in the presence of Dr. G.P.

Shulka (Asst. Director) and Dr. Nutan Pakhare

(P.R.O. & Medical Consultant). The customary

introduction of the Guest Speaker and the vote

of thanks were done by our P.R.O., Dr. Nutan


There were about 35 individuals in the audi-

ence. The significance of 'thinking right'

for attaining success in life was brilliantly

brought out by the speaker. The lecturer was

well received and cheered all the way by the


The evening ended with the chanting of omkar.

Kaivalyadhama, Mumbai continued with its monthly guest lecture in the month of July with the

topic being ‘Spirituality versus Religion’.

The famous and distinguished speaker, Mrs. Smita Jayakar (actress and spiritual guide), was

invited to speak on the topic. The event began with the shanti path followed by the lamp lighting.

Mrs. Jayakar was felicitated by our trustee Shri. Suhas Bhat.

Smitaji began with a short melodious bhajan. In her talk, she coherently brought out the essen-

tial difference between Spirituality and Religion. Spirituality leads you inwards, it does not bind

anyone and it makes people detached from material things. On the contrary, religion mostly

leads you outwards and limits or restricts you within a framework. Transgressing the frame-

work may generate guilt. For example, if you one day miss your daily puja, you may start feel-

ing guilty from within. It may be prudent when one follows religion but does not force others

to follow the same. Spirituality teaches you to follow all religions. God is the same whereas His

forms may be innumerable.

Yoga is one of the methods that takes you onto the spiritual path. Smitaji answered questions

raised by the audience, thus making the session interactive and interesting. The session ended

by Smitaji chanting another lovely bhajan.

Introduction to the Speaker and the vote of thanks were done by our P.R.O. & Medical Consultant,

Dr. Nutan Pakhare.

14th – 19th July 2014, Kaivalyadham once again held the popu-

lar workshop on Positivity & Peace. The workshop began with

the inauguration on 14th July with the customary prayer and

lighting of the lamp. The staff warmly welcomed the guest and


The conversant and dynamic Dr. Minnu R Bhonsle was the guest

speaker at the lecture. She shared her vast expertise and expe-

rience on the topic with very poignant and thought provok-

ing stories. Dr. Bhosle was felicitated by Dr. Satish D. Pathak

(Associated Professor & Research Officer at the Scientific

Research Dept at Kaivalyadham-Lonavala), Dr. G.P. Shulka (Asst.

Director) and Dr. Nutan Pakhare (P.R.O & Medical Consultant).

Lecture by Dr. Jyoti Bhivandker





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From 11th -16th August 2014, Kaivalyadham once again held the much demanded workshop on Diabetes Management. The workshop began with the customary ‘shantipath’ and lighting of the lamp. Mrs. Naina Daryanani (workshop coor-dinator) welcomed and introduced the guest lecturer as well as the invitees, to the event.

The guest speaker was Dr. Anand Gokani, a highly knowl-edgeable and renounced person. He shared his vast exper-tise and experience on the topic. Dr. Gokani also happens to the great grandson of Mahatma Gandhiji. He was felici-tated with a shawl and an sriphal by Dr. G.P. Shulka (Asst. Director). A vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Nutan Pakhare (P.R.O. & Medical Consultant), and the event concluded with the recital of three Om’s.

The yoga practical classes were magnificently conducted by Mr. Anukool Deval and assisted by Mrs. Naina Daryanani. The participants were from various backgrounds, but came in search for the same thing, that was a positive approach towards diabetes management.

On the final day, Dr. Abhijit Redij was invited to come and clear any doubts that the participants had. Mr. Anukool Deval created a concise forty- five minute yoga programme that the practitioners could follow daily, so that their practice would not be missed due to any time constraints.

The workshop concluded with the distribution of the workshop kit. All the participants were very happy about the overall conductance of the programme and were grateful to the institute for their efforts for enlightening them on how to manage Diabetes.

Kaivalyadhama, Mumbai continued with its monthly guest lecture in the month of August with the topic 'Relevance of Patanjali Yoga Sutras (PYS) in Modern Times.'

The lecture was delivered by D. N. Ganesh Rao, Professor of Yoga and Philosophy and advisor to our Institute.

As usual, the lecture commenced with the Shanti Path followed by the lighting of the lamp. Dr. Rao was felicitated by Asst. Director, Dr. G. P. Shukla.

Dr. Rao first explained to the house full hall audi-ence, details of the nature, origin, composition and content of Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

Interspersed with specific Sutras and their expla-nation, interestingly the lecture brought out the significance of this great Sutra work to both: the teachers and practitioners of Yoga as well as to the common man. Given the characteristics of modern day life style as well as the problems (physical and mental) faced by man today, the relevance of Patanjali Yoga Sutras cannot be over-emphasized.

The audience were engrossed by the insightful lecture.

The session ended with three chants of omkar.

Introduction to the Speaker and the Vote of thanks were provided by our P.R.O. & Medical Consultant, Dr. Nutan Pakhare.

An overwhelmingly positive feedback was received from all those who attended the lecture.

Workshop on Positivity & Peace from 14th-19th July 2014

Diabetes workshop

Lecture by D. N. Ganesh Rao

The yoga practical classes were delightfully conducted by Mrs. Ami Kothari and assisted by Mrs. Naina Daryanani. The participants were from various backgrounds and different cultures. However, they all came in search for the same thing: a positive attitude towards life. This was so wonderfully taught.

The workshop concluded making everyone feel connected in mind and body with positive vibrations within. The participants were extremely grateful towards the institute for the wonderful experience and knowledge gained.



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It was a mixed event, whereby about 40 people attended the

course. As usual, it was strictly traditionally based on Patanjali’s

teaching. One of the theory classes was not meant for the work-

shop students; it was purely for the students of the Certificate

course. It also included practice teaching which was supervised

by Tiwariji’s student Ms. Veronique Vedinh Sharma. The course

was a success.

During the last week of August 2014, Sri Sudhir TIWARI from Kaivalyadhama International

Canada and Nathalie Anthony, presented a workshop at the sacred place of Saint-Antoine-

l'Abbaye in France. The subject was 'The yogic tradition of Kaivalyadham'. Sudhir gave lectures

on the tradition, on Yoga, on Ayurveda and how they are related one to another. He taught

Pranayama, settling the practice on the roots of the tradition.

Sudhir and Nathalie both belong to the International teachers network of Kaivalyadhama.

The participants were exceedingly enthusiastic regarding the teaching, and are looking forward

to attend another workshop next year.

Students from all over the world gath-

ered at the Samahita Retreat in Koh

Samui, Thailand to study with Shri.

O. P. Tiwariji. As a leading influence

of pranayama, and a practitioner,

Tiwariji shared his in-depth knowl-

edge and insight on Hatha Pradipika,

the practice of Hatha Yoga and on life.

Tiwariji is considered an expert in the

entire field of Hatha Yoga through his

direct experience, as well as the schol-

arly knowledge of the Hatha texts.

The students were all eager to receive

his teachings and to further their

understanding and practice. The visit

marked his 14th consecutive year and

they look forward to welcoming him

back to Samahita Retreat in July 2015.





Workshop at Yogadhama, France Shri. O. P. Tiwari at Samhita Retreat, Thailand

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From August 14th to 17th 2014 Shri. Sudhir Tiwari held a workshop on Yoga, Pranayama, Ayurveda and Yoga philosophy at Pureyoga in Vienna, Austria.

The workshop was aimed at yoga practitioners of all levels, from the beginner to the seasoned prac-titioner. People from numerous European countries gathered together to spend some precious days studying with Sudhir.

In the morning session, the group practiced asana, Pranayama and meditation, under the guidance of Sudhir. In the afternoon Sudhir gave talks on his profound knowledge in yogic philosophy and how to apply traditional yoga texts in our day to day life.

Despite of the size of the workshop, each participant received personal treatment, consisting of an ayurvedic consultation and pranic pulse taking. Furthermore an individual pranayama practice based on pranic pulse information sheet was given to each participant after the workshop.

Some of the students already knew Sudhir from September 2013 where he held a workshop at Pureyoga, together with his father and beloved teacher Shri. O. P. Tiwari.

Old and new students were impressed by Sudhir`s profound wisdom, his natural moving in the ancient sciences Yoga and Ayurveda and at the same time his modesty and his kind and respectful way of treat-ing people. Pureyoga is waiting for the next workshop with Shri Sudhir Tiwari.

A special workshop was conducted by Shri Sudhir Tiwari in Scotland. It included practical instruc-tion on pranayama, therapeutic asana based on Kaivalyadham tradition and ayurveda. The students gained through the practices taught and perfected over the weekend. There was a pulse check, talk on ayurveda, the purpose and history of yoga through Patanjali and Swami Kavalyananda. Asana, meditation, preparatory practices and mantra chanting were also part of the workshop. It was a pleasure having Sudhir teach us and look forward to seeing him in Scotland again.

Shri. Sudhir Tiwari at Pure Yoga, Vienna

Shri. Sudhir Tiwari in Scotland



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Between 5th - 7th September, Kaivalyadhama France invited Lee Majewski for a 3 day workshop on Yoga for Cancer. There were 20 participants, all seasoned yoga instructors, some for the first time at the Kaivalyadhama France work-shop. We managed to co-create a meaningful time of learn-ing and discussions. During the 3 days of practice of asanas, meditations and chanting a lot of participants reported major shifts in awareness. We all agreed that it will be beneficial to organize longer and more in-depth workshops during the 2015 summer.

Downward Dog Center, Toronto, hosted Sudhir Tiwari for a retreat in Midland ON, Canada at the pictur-esque Sugar Ridge Retreat. The retreat consisted of asana, pranayama, chanting and meditational tech-niques. Around 25 plus participants attended. The basics of pranayama was explained in theory, and practical sessions were held in the morning and the evening. The group were eager to learn and practice continuously. Hence, another retreat has already been booked for August 2015.



Dr. Lee Majewski at Kaivalyadhama, France

Pranic Immersion Yoga Retreat with Sudhir Tiwari

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The investiture ceremony was held on 2 August 2014 for the academic year 2014-15. The Chief

Guest for this occasion was Swami Chaitanya Swaroop Das ji, Chairman of Kaivalya Vidya

Niketan. He was welcomed with a huge round of applause and felicitated by Dr. S. P. Thakur,

Director, KVN, Lonavala.

The programme began with the forming of a Head boy and Head girl. The Head boy was Master

Chinmay Sakhrekar, Class IX and the Head girl was Miss Mahima Gamot, Class IX. They were both

found by Swamiji and Dr. S. P. Thakur.

The Student Council was formed by Vice Principal Mrs. Deepali Deshmukh. House captains were

formed by the respective House Masters of the Secondary and the Primary sections. For the

Secondary section all the captains and vice captains were from Std IX and VIII, respectively. For

the Primary section, the captains and vice captains were from Std V and IV, respectively.

The oath was taken by the Chinmay. All the students repeated after him taking full responsibil-

ity. Speeches were given by Chinmay in English and in Hindi by Mahima. They promised that they

would take responsibility of their duties wholeheartedly.

Dr. S. P. Thakur explained why responsibility is important in life and what role the members of

the Student council have to play. He also spoke about leadership qualities, which were taken in

good spirit by the members of Student council.

Swamiji appreciated the Vice Principal, teachers and students for organizing the programme in

a befitting manner and wished for better performance of the school in different areas.

Mrs. Deepali Deshmukh proposed a vote of thanks and thanked Swamiji for sparing his valuable

time for this function. She also spoke some inspiring words and expressed her heart felt grati-

tude towards everyone who extended all possible help to make the programme a grand success.




the 8th

International Conference

onYoga in Education

December 27-30, 2015


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Swami Kuvalyanandaji established Kaivalyadhama with a view to spread

the message of yoga and also to understand the mysticism of the East and its

scientific interpretation by the West so as to have a healthy society, spending

lesser money on medicine. With this aim, the existing facilities at Kaivalyadhama

need to be improved by having an auditorium, a central meditation hall and

expansion of the college building with an appealing ambience.

We therefore appeal to all our well wishers, mentors, citizens and institutions to

please kindly contribute wholeheartedly. The donors would be able to avail tax

benefit under 80G of Income Tax Act.


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the groups continued to participate in their regular extra-curricular activities during school hours.

The present study showed that yoga training improved micronutri-ent absorption in adolescent rural residential school children. Yoga also improved the physical fitness status in children. Yoga helps in gentle and automatic massaging of internal organs and thus helps in enhancing the functions of the digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, endocrine system, nervous system, and excre-tory system. It is worthwhile mentioning that micronutrient absorp-tion might have been enhanced due to yoga training, even when no external micronutrient supplements were provided to the partici-pants. Yoga, being a simple and inexpensive health regimen, can be incorporated as an effective adjuvant therapy to governmental child health initiatives in school curriculum thereby ensuring a bright future for our children.


Verma, A., Shete, S. U., Thakur, G. S., Kulkarni, D. D., & Bhogal, R. S.,

(2014). Effect of yoga practices on micronutrient absorption and phys-

ical fitness in rural residential school children: A randomized control

trial. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 5

(2), pp. 179-184.


Micronutrient deficiency is a contributing factor in many child deaths in India. Micronutrient deficiency leads to impaired physical and mental health, primarily in children. Micronutrient deficiency is often ignored as it does not lead to child deaths directly, and there-fore it is often referred to as “hidden hunger.” Micronutrients are extremely important in pre-school and adolescent children due to the rapid physical and mental growth during this period. Deficiency of micronutrients such as Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Copper, Magnesium and Vitamin A leads to mental and physical growth retardation in chil-dren of all ages.

According to past research studies, dietary sources alone cannot provide a 100% recommended dietary allowance of micronutri-ents. Therefore, nutritional supplements are particularly essential for proper physical and mental growth of children. However, nutri-tional supplements alone might not be helpful in improving the over-all health of children. The extent of absorption of nutrients is also important. In this context, Indian traditional practices such as yoga might help in improving the digestive system and hence the absorp-tion of nutrients. Yoga has multiple physical, mental and spiritual benefits. There are scientific evidences showing that yoga improves physical and mental health in children, as well as adults. Therefore, Scientific Research Department, Kaivalyadhama conducted a research study to see the effect of yoga practices on micronutrient absorption in adolescent rural residential school.

Eighty-two adolescent rural residential school children (age 11-15) were selected from Gurukul residential school, Lonavla, and randomly assigned into two groups i.e. experimental group (n=41) and control group (n=41). The participants of both the groups were not exposed to yoga practices previously. Four micronutrients i.e. Fe, Zn, Mg, and Cu were measured at the baseline. At the end of 12 weeks, physical variables such as: height, weight, flexibility, grip strength, and abdominal strength were measured using standard-ized instruments. The children of the Experimental group under-went a training of yoga practices. Under the supervision of a yoga expert, they trained for an hour in the morning, excluding the week-ends and holidays, for a total period of 12 weeks. The Control group did not undergo any yoga training during this period. However, both

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FROM MINDFULNESS TO MINDLESSNESS (published in the latest issue of Living Now Magazine in Australia)

- Ranjit Rao

This may seem to be just a semantic exercise. However the distinction is

a very important one. One simply cannot become mindless by trying to

stop the mind and emptying it of all thoughts. Trying to force the mind

into submissiveness only leads to an inner revolt.

The mindfulness revolution has spread across the world like wild-fire. Thousands of scientific studies have shown benefits in happi-ness, concentration, improved health and greater empathy. There is no doubt that the practice of being mindful is a remedy for many of our modern-day maladies.

The term ‘mindfulness’ is used for a certain state of awareness. Through this, we become aware of the movements of the mind, and realise that we are separate from the mind. It is also a path to a deeper state of being where the mind becomes transparent or clear, and then it becomes a vehicle that transmits the inner world within.

This state is analogous to a turbulent lake that becomes absolutely calm and still, such that the very depth can be seen – and clearly. The calm, still mind can be considered a mindless state. Only when the mind is completely empty and devoid of turbulence, can the deeper states be appreciated. The path to mindlessness is that of mindfulness.

This may seem to be just a semantic exercise. However the distinc-tion is a very important one. One cannot simply become mindless by trying to stop the mind and emptying it of all thoughts. Trying to force the mind into submissiveness only leads to an inner revolt. It has to be a state that is arrived at by a number of different paths.

Even the ‘path of mindfulness’ may not suit every individual. That is the danger with ‘one path fits all’. Every individual is different and unique and requires a path that suits his or her temperament. Many years ago Transcendental Meditation movement swept across the world imparting an individualised mantra meditation that was suit-able for everyone. The Brahma Kumari movement uses visualisation

as part of their meditation. Other techniques such as the sudarshan kriya of Art of Living, shambhavi maha mudra of Isha Foundation, and kriya yoga of Paramahamsa Yogananda and the self realisation Fellowship utilise the breath and postures to raise the energies to heightened states. Vipasana meditation is a Buddhist style medita-tion, which would most closely replicate the modern-day mindful-ness technique.

In the yogic tradition there are several broad paths that are described, depending on the nature of the individual. Karma yogis require a much more action-orientated path with an attitude of self-less service. Gnana yogis are more analytical and need to utilise the sharpness of their intellect to work out what is their real nature. Devotional people may take to the path of bhakti or surrender very naturally and aim to merge with the object of their devotion. Hatha yogis use their body and breath to arrive at the inner domains of meditation. The traditional domain of Raja yoga uses all aspects, but is mainly a mental discipline.

The beauty of the yogic traditions is that they recognise that many paths lead to the same goal. Mindfulness is just one path to mind-lessness, and mindlessness is the window to the Soul!

Apart from his profession as a surgeon, Mr. Ranjit Rao is keen golfer,

practices yoga and competes in marathons. He is passionate about

good health and well-being. He is married with two children aged 13

and 11.

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Editor: Subodh Tiwari

Assoc. Editor: Dina Khimasia

Assistance: Malti Shanbag

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