
Gov Love! from our southwest district governor, Vanessa Richards

Hello Southwest District! My name is Vanessa Richards, and I am your Governor for the 2011-2012 year! It is an honor to serve as your Governor; thank you all for the opportunity. I would like you all to know that I am here for you this year! Feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions, comments, recommendations, ideas, thoughts, or concerns! Whether you are a club officer or member, I would love to talk to you!

A little about myself: I LOVE children, and I enjoy my time as a nanny and a kindergarten classroom student intern. I have enjoyed three years of varsity cheerleading, serving as captain for one. During my free time (which I don’t have much of), I love hanging out with my friends. My favorite color is pink, I have a dog named Rudy, and my favorite food is…well, I just love food! I have sold my soul to Key Club, and I don’t regret it a bit. I have so many Key Club shirts that I could wear a different one every day for over a month! I also love collecting and trading pins from other districts!

This year, I hope to unify our district. One thing I encourage every club to do is keep a tight bond with their Lieutenant Governor! By keeping in touch with them, you can stay updated on what is happening in the district! Send in articles, take pictures, and let us know how you are doing! We are here to help! I also recommend attending district events such as Key Leader, Weekend of a Lifetime, and District Convention (DCON)! At these events, I have met tons of people and formed bonds that will last a lifetime. You will also build the leadership skills that will help you in your home, school, and community. These weekend events are life changing, so get involved! I applaud all of you for dedicating your high school careers to Key Club! I promise you it can change your life in the best way possible! I wish you all the best in your Key Club endeavors this year!

This year our International Trustee hails from the Pacific Northwest District. This year as Trustee, Josiah says: “I hope to serve as an example and reminder of what a little hard work towards the right goals can accomplish. If we can keep our focus on service and getting our name known, we will truly make a difference in this world. I hope to help the other members of the International Board, and all other Key Clubbers as well, accomplish these goals, which is something I believe I can do and be great at.” Josiah also enjoys participating in his school football and track teams. In addition to the Southwest District, Josiah also serves the Pacific Northwest and KIWIN’S Districts, our sister districts for this year. Josiah’s favorite quote is from Master Yoda: “Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.” We are so excited to have you, Josiah!

Official Publication of the Sizzling Southwest District of Key Club International!

In This Issue: 1 – Gov Love!

1 – Trustee’s Note

2 – DCON Summary

2 – ICON Summary

3 – Board Intros

7 – Admin Team

7 – ME and YOF

8 – Fun Stuff

8 – Club Highlight

8 – District Events

8 – Editor’s Note

Trustee’s note – Josiah zitterkob

Composed by Anna Carroll Volume 49 Issue 1

What went down at


Who has been Making A Difference? Well, if you attended the 2011-2012 District Convention, you know that this year’s theme inspired by Alice in Wonderland left you craving more service! The M.A.D. KEY Party (get it!?) was a smash hit in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and left hundreds of Key Clubbers happily exhausted. The shindig hopped off with a brilliant arts and crafts table where artistic clubbers made and decorated their very own mad hat. There was also great delight to find a suggestion wall where comments could be sticky-noted to a giant paper panel, needless

to say, some awesome discussions also occurred. After that whimsical start, things only got better with a very entertaining entrance of the District Board: all were in costume, and fashionably tardy, hollering “I’M LATE!” After a busy night of opening ceremonies, board nominations and some impromptu dancing- Cupid Shuffle anyone? - the convention-goers skipped off the bed. Early the next morning was the Beads of Courage Walk, where # Key Clubbers strutted their stuff through a brusque course around the hotel. Let me tell you, you’ve never seen such enthusiastic morning people! The walk raised a grand total of $ for children undergoing treatment for serious illnesses. After our contribution to society was successfully completed- for the time being- it was on to workshops. A myriad of these informational workshops led by board members were offered, and there was certainly something for everyone: from salsa dancing to public speaking to service project information, they had it. Did I mention that there were prizes for participation!? Later that night, board members were auctioned off, and individual clubs, with the occasional team-up, donated all the proceeds to Beads of Courage. Dancing members earned extra bids and loud cheers. An amazing dance was the perfect topping to this fantastic weekend. The DJ blared music as a spectacular light show illuminated the floor. Although there were # Key Clubbers present, all somehow managed to squeeze into a 30 foot by 20 foot dance floor! Everyone showcased their best moves, especially in the infamous dance circles that spontaneously formed. During all this fun, there was important business being done too. Elections for the new District Board were held throughout convention, and important caucuses introduced members to candidates and opened the floor to questions. The Delegates that were responsible for voting selected an excellent board, including Lieutenant Governors, the Bulletin Editor Anna Caroll, Secretary/Treasurer Alyssa Goya, and our District Governor… Vanessa Richards! The Southwest District’s new board will do an extraordinary job this year. With their efforts, and the tremendous support of the Administration, next year’s District Convention will be equally amazing! See you next year in Phoenix, Arizona! By: Emily Huffman


chilis sizzled at Icon!!!!!!!

In the heart of Phoenix, Arizona 2,000 Key Clubbers gathered to celebrate a year of service at this year’s International Convention. “Hot Times, Cool Places” was the theme of this year’s convention, and the Arizona weather stuck to it. It was very hot here in the Southwest District, but we cooled off in the hotels lazy river or went shopping at Desert Ridge Mall. This was a jam-packed week full of workshops, dances, a service fair, and a BIG charity walk for the Eliminate Project. We elected the new International Board, got inspired by Eric Saperston, watched some amazing talent, and were dazzled by extraordinist Craig Karges. Throughout the entire week, the mighty Southwest District brought the chili spirit, and everyone at convention knew who the Southwest was. We attended many workshops about different organizations that Key Club can help, such as ending a global water crisis, the Eliminate Project, service on a dime, and even Polynesian dancing. Speaking of dancing, two dances were held, a beach theme and a cowboy theme. This was a time to bond with other Key Clubbers from around the world. We learned about what other districts are up to at the Service Fair. Many booths there had games that you could play to win pins or other great prizes. All the money raised at the booths went to the districts charitable organizations. It was also a great way to meet other Key Clubbers, learn new ideas, and trade pins, of course! We all

participated in a charity walk for the Eliminate Project to raise money to rid the world of maternal/neonatal tetanus. Key Club International raised over $15,000, which is AMAZING! After all this fun, we had to get down to business and elect the new International board and make amendments to Key Club bylaws. After countless hours of caucusing and sitting in House of Delegates, we finally elected our new board. Annie Lewandowski is our new International President, and our very own Catt Lovins of the Southwest District is our new International Vice President! The delegates also chose a board of eleven trustees, one of whom is the immediate past Southwest District Governor Nick Deporzio. Good luck! The convention’s Keynote speaker Eric Saperston inspired us with his life story, and he taught us that no matter the struggles that you face, you can always persevere. Later,

we witnessed some amazing talent during recognition night, ranging from singing, to dancing, and even yo-yo tricks. At the end of the night we were amazed by extraordinist Craig Karges. He blew our minds with his amazing ability to connect our minds. Overall this week was one to remember. Southwest District can’t wait for another great year of service and next year’s convention in Orlando, Florida! By: Caroline Dallstream

I am a senior at Pinnacle High School in Phoenix. I love to read, dance, play piano, hike, and shop. This summer I traveled to Chengdu, China, as a Phoenix Sister Cities Youth Ambassador. My favorite subjects are history and Spanish, although I enjoy chemistry! My favorite food is Pho, a Vietnamese soup that is absolutely delicious! If you are adventurous, you should definitely try it. My Key Club moment was at Andre House, a soup kitchen where you not only serve meals to the homeless but prepare them. Some of my favorite events are KEEN (Kids Enjoy Exercise Now), Service Learning with Little Pioneers, and working at the animal shelter. In the future, I plan on pursuing a double major in International Relations and History with minors in Spanish and Mandarin. After college, I want to go into the Peace Corps and possibly work with a non-profit. Whatever I do, community service will certainly remain a large part of my life. I am looking forward to serving the district as a whole this year. As Lookout Mountain Lieutenant Governor last year, I had a taste of being able to positively impact just my six clubs. This year I strive to help all the clubs have successful years of service. So I leave you with this: “Always bear in

mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”- Abraham Lincoln. Contact me at: [email protected].

What's up Key Clubbers? I am a senior at Dysart High (Class of 2012 Whoo!) I play football, tennis, and I am a wrestler. My favorite types of music are Hip Hop/Rap and R&B. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is the best! I LOVE Key Club! It's my number one priority (besides family and school of course). My home club is Dysart Key Club. I have served over 250 Key Club service hours. This is my second year serving as an Lt.G. My first year, I received the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor Award. This organization is just so amazing, and I'm proud to be a part of it. I am also holding the position of On To Convention Chair. If you have any ideas

about DCON, don't hesitate to come to me or Governor Vanessa. We are more than happy to listen. ! I Love helping others and giving advice.If you wanna know anything else about me or have questions about Key Club, or even just wanna chat, go ahead and email me or even Faceboook me.

I’m from Tucson, Arizona, and I attend Marana High School. Some of my favorite classes in school are my medical classes. My school has a great Medstart academy not only though its classrooms but also with an internship program, which I am participating in this year. It has helped me confirm my plans for after high school of wanting to go to college to continue to peruse the medical field. When I’m not in school, I love spending time with my friends and family, as well as volunteering. I joined Key Club my freshman year, and I fell in love. Each Key Club memory throughout the years is

unique, and each project has an impact and importance. I know though that this year will be special due to the honorable position I have been granted. I’m so excited! Some of my goals for this year are to really be involved with my schools by making sure that we are staying in contact, that we have as many face to face President meetings as possible, and that all the officers from each high school, especially the presidents, are continuously updated. The most important of my goals is to make sure that my schools stay busy, grow, and have a successful year!

Hello Southwest District! I have had the honor to serve my division twice, and I am supper excited to start the year. So here is a little bet about myself: I live in Roswell, New Mexico, and I attend Goddard High School. Oh and yes, I am a Junior. I can speak in both English and Spanish, and believe it or not, Spanish is my first language. Another thing is I am extremely into the Arts. I am in my schools drama club, show choir called Stargazers, color guard, and of course Key Club! Other than that I am also a big history nerd. I love these things so much I even want them to be a part of my life in the future. I want to major in theater and music, also minor in history, and then get my teaching degree. After that, I’ll pursue my dream of being an actor, all while staying involved with the K-Family.

I love Key Club, the Caverns Division, and the Southwest District. Therefore I will work to the best of my ability to serve each of them.

Black Canyon LTG/dcon chair – Tony Galindo

Catalina Ltg – Dakota Hogeboom

Meet your 2011-2012 Board (LTG=Lieutenant Governor)

Email: (division)[email protected]

Caverns Ltg – jose lujan

Secretary/treasurer – Alyssa goya

Apollo Bourgade Catholic Cactus Centennial Greenway

Ironwood Moon Valley Peoria Accelerated

Canyon Del Oro Catalina Foothills Cienega - AZ Ironwood Ridge Marana Sabino University

Alamogordo Carlsbad Cloudcroft Clovis Goddard Lovington NMSVH Roswell

Hello everyone! I live in Silver City, New Mexico, and I go to Silver High School. I was a cheerleader, and I play in the band. I am the 2011 Silver High band drum major! I also take dance classes and enjoy baking. My favorite Key Club memories are anything to do with our local Aktion Club. They just make me feel so good about myself. After I graduate I want to attend New Mexico State University and major in Hotel Managing and Tourism, and minor in pastry making. Yes, that means cupcakes! The thing I am most excited for this Key Club year is DCON! This year it’s in Mesa (Phoenix), Arizona. With our fantastic district board this year, it is guaranteed not disappoint or be lame! If you have any questions feel free to email

me. I look forward to meeting everyone from our fantastic clubs from our amazing division.

I am going to be a senior this year. A surprising fact is that this is my first major position in Key Club. Before this, I was just a member, but I am honored for being chosen. A few of my hobbies include cooking, caring for animals, and video-gaming. I have been cooking since I was about five, and cared for animals all my life. Some of you may be wondering which games are my favorites since I like video-gaming. Well that is either Pokemon or the Super Mario Bros. A few of my goals this year are graduating in the top 10% of my class, as well as making the Estrella division the best it can possibly be! My future goals include becoming a veterinarian or chef, as well as traveling to

Italy. Well, that’s a bit about me, and I am excited about working in the Southwest District this year. Feel free to contact me via e-mail or Facebook.

Hey Southwest, I am a senior at Boulder Creek High school this upcoming year. I really enjoy community service and making things out of duct tape. One of my favorite sports is hockey. I also really love school and my favorite class is Spanish because it is always an adventure. My favorite Key Club moment is the first time I went to my clubs Senior Citizen Prom. Seeing all the seniors have a good time dancing was priceless. Some of my goals for this year are to increase communication between the board and the clubs, even communication among the clubs, and increase membership and enthusiasm for Key Club. My goal for the future is to attend

Northern Arizona University’s nursing program and become a registered nurse, and maybe start my own clinic to help people that don’t have insurance. One of my favorite quotes is from Gandhi "The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others." One thing I am looking forward to this year is working with all the clubs in my division and watching them succeed and working with the district board on making the Southwest the best district ever!!!!!

Hey y’all! My name rhymes with Shmaroline Thallstream (it’s Caroline Dallstream). Throughout this year, I want to be the best I can, and I want McDowell Division’s clubs to reach their full potential. To do this, I plan on creating close bonds with my division’s clubs and among the clubs themselves. Ideas will flow through communication, and our homes, schools and communities will benefit! Now for a bit more about myself: I am a Leo, which means I’m a natural leader; I am a vegetarian; I love to do activities, especially soccer; I’m a bit on the wild side, and all the more fun for it; and I absolutely love the gratification I get when I know I’ve helped to make the world a little

bit better of a place. I can’t wait to make a difference with my favorite organization. GO CHILIES!!!

I am a junior this coming 11-12 year. I go to Payson High school, and my favorite class is Math. Throughout my years in Key club I have been a club president and an Ltg, and I am currently serving my second term as a Ltg. My hobbies include student athletic training, being an Ltg, swimming, texting, and cooking. My favorite food is anything Italian, favorite song is “What the Hell” by Avril Lavigne, and my favorite place on earth is the ocean. After high school I am going to go to college, most likely in Arizona, and my major is currently undecided. My goal for this year is to improve communication in my division and to all over improve my division.

Copper Ltg – Nathan jackson

Lookout Mt. ltg – Emily Huffman

Estrella ltg – Willie Greves

Mcdowell Mt. ltg – Caroline dallstream

Mogollon rim ltg – Janine tantimonaco

Bisbee Buena Cliff Cobre Silver

Desert Edge Dysart Imagine Prep-Surprise Independence Kellis Millennium Shadow Ridge Willow Canyon

Boulder Creek Desert Foothills North Canyon Paradise Valley Pinnacle Shadow Mountain

Boulder Creek Desert Foothills North Canyon Paradise Valley Pinnacle Shadow Mountain


Beaver Creek

Camp Verde


Mingus Union

Hey everyone! I go to Mohave High School, which is one of the nine schools in the best division in the Southwest, MOHAVE! During my term as LtG, I plan to not only visit each school in my division several times but also highlight them in my newsletters, increase service opportunities for every member, complete an incredible divisional project, and get ready for the best DCON ever! I am entering my fourth year as a Key Clubber, and before that I was a proud member of my middle school’s Builders Club. When I’m not doing KCI stuff, I can be found watching the baseball (GO RED SOX!!!), at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club, or having fun with my friends. I plan on becoming a teacher later in life

and a Key Club advisor! If you have any questions about me, our division, Key Club, or Boston sports, feel free to email me.

I am currently a senior at Brophy College Preparatory. My favorite classes in school all have to do with history, one of my passions. Outside school and Key Club, I participate heavily in my church and work at Barrow Neurological Institute doing research. My dream one day is to become a neuro-oncologist and help those who have brain tumors. This passion stems from the fact that I lost my beloved grandmother to leukemia three years ago. On a more jovial note,

I love to play soccer and especially watch it. My favorite team is Manchester United. I am very excited for the coming year with all the people I will meet and befriend. I am looking forward to getting new events in place for my schools. My goal for this year is to try and make technology a bigger part of the communication in Key Club by setting up Facebook accounts for each of my schools so they can tell the world about the good work they are doing. This would attract more students to Key Club. Another goal of mine is to try and create events where different clubs can attend and create interconnectedness among the schools. I love Key Club so much, and I want to try and expand it any way I can. I am looking forward to working with my amazing fellow board members to make Southwest Key Club the best it can be for all of you.

I live in Casa Grande, Arizona, and I go to Vista Grande High School. This is my first year as LtG, and I hope to do a great job and to make my division better. Next year I will be a junior which means that it will be my 3rd year in Key Club. So far I’ve been freshmen and sophomore class representative before I got elected to Lieutenant Governor. My favorite Key Club memory is when my club was at the Relay for Life since back then we were still a new club and didn’t know each other, but by the end of it we were good friends and learned to get along better. Something that is different about me is that I was actually born in Alaska even though I’ve lived in

Arizona most of my life. Some of my hobbies are reading, playing music, weight lifting, writing, and, of course, Key Club. As far as music, which is one of my favorite things, I love to play saxophone and clarinet, but I also play guitar and some piano. My favorite place to go to is Monterrey, Mexico, because that is where my family is from, and I visit twice a year. I especially love the tacos there, and I’m learning to make them the way my mom does since she makes the best tacos and the best food in general. Finally, my goals for the future include going to college and studying bioengineering and hopefully curing cancer. Mostly though, I just want to help people any way I can, which is one of the reasons I love Key Club.

Hello everyone! Like most of you, I have favorite hobbies, books, animals, music and other things. Some of my most loved hobbies are Key Club, Fencing (with swords and armor), playing video games (my favorite is God of War 2), and working on art. I love to read. It's hard to find me without a book on hand. My favorite style of book is fantasy fiction, such as The Maximum Ride series, The House of Night series, and yes, I know it's cheesy, but Twilight. Another thing, I love animals. Right now, I have two Great Danes, one Shiba Inu, and three cats. All my dogs are pure bred, however, all my cats have been

saved from a shelter. My favorite style of music is considered underground. I like bands like: Within Temptation, Rammstein, and Five Finger Death Punch. I like these bands because they're different. I do not play sports, and I don't understand them, but I still support my teams just like I will support all of you. I'm very excited to get to know you all. Let's all have a great year, and I hope to see you soon.

Mohave ltg – jonathan moss

North mt./superstions ltg – shane D’Sa

Papago ltg – luis hernandez

Petroglyph ltg – Amanda howlett

Anelope Kingman Kingman Academy Kofa Lake Havasu Mohave Mohave Accelerated River Valley Telesis

Brophy Central St. Mary Sunnyslope Thunderbird Xavier

American Leadership Academy Arizona College Prep Chandler Gilbert Hamilton Mesquite Skyline

Williams Field

Basha Casa Grande Coolidge Maricopa Perry Queen Creek Vista Grande

Aztec Bosque Cibola - NM Gallup Gallup Catholic Rio Rancho V. Sue Cleveland

Did you know? We have two Southwest District Key Clubbers on the International Board this year! Congratulations to Catt Lovins, International Vice-President (Immediate Past Southwest District Secretary/Treasurer), and Nick DePorzio, International Trustee (Immediate Past Southwest District Governor)!

Hello Southwest Key Clubbers! I currently live in El Paso, Texas, (right on the Mexican border) and am a junior at Coronado High School. Go T-Birds! I just moved to El Paso this year from Wisconsin, which has definitely been a major change for me. I have eight schools in my division, including my own school. I am very passionate about community service, which is why next year will be my fourth year in Key Club. Looking back at my years as a member of Key Club, my best memory is going to District Convention because of all the wonderful people I met and all the things I learned. Besides volunteering, I am also Assistant Editor of my school's newspaper and a member of National Honor Society. With the little spare time I have, I enjoy reading and playing guitar. As Lieutenant Governor, I hope to charter more clubs in my division and convince more schools in my division to attend District Convention. This year, I look forward to working with

new people, trying new things, and ultimately having fun while serving. Looking way into the future, I hope to work in the field of journalism and continue to volunteer. For now, I hope to have a successful year as a member of the Southwest District Key Club Board!

Hello! I am a senior at La Cueva High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My favorite subject is science, and by graduation, I will have taken nearly every single class. I also love English, particularly rhetoric, math, and history. Learning new things is fascinating. I play the violin and the piano, and I am learning Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. I am involved in Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, other clubs, and, of course, Key Club. This year, I plan to strengthen the division by improving communication and encouraging more activity and participation. To do this, I will connect the clubs with the the Internet, hold frequent meetings among the boards of my clubs, and organize

divisional projects in which multiple clubs participate. The foundation of a strong organization is communication. Then great ideas, like recruitment strategies or projects, can be shared so that everyone may utilize them for the betterment of Key Club. What I look forward to most in this upcoming year is working with all of the awesome boards in my division. I think that it takes a special sort of courage and determination to become a leader, and I deeply respect anyone who is willing to lead. I look forward to meeting and working with some great leaders this year.

Los Alamos, New Mexico, is the place I call home: A tiny town where the main attractions consist of hanging out at the local Co-Op or going to the movie theater (the only public building open after 9 o’clock). There of 6 things that make my life run: food, sleep, movies, motorcycles, my youth group, and my pony. My favorite movies are “Remember the Titans”, “She’s the Man”, and “The A-Team.” My favorite foods are Indian and

Italian. Ever ridden a motorcycle? You should! And, if you aren’t going to ride a bike, buy a horse. My girl is named Scarlet O’ Hara, and we love to fox hunt more than anything else. My youth group at my church is my 2nd family. I am also in my church’s youth rock band. Community service is something VERY important to me, so I love Key Club. My favorite Key Club project is the annual Breakfast with Santa we do in our town. I love to take all the pictures of the cute kids sitting on Santa’s lap. I have dreams of someday being a specialized physician of some sort, possibly going on to work with Doctors Without Borders, and of spending my summers working at Centrifuge Christian Camp until I get there. Anyway, we are totally going to OWN this year, in the best way possible. PEACE!

Hi Southwest district! I'm a sophomore at Marcos de Niza High School in Tempe Arizona and am involved in volunteering and theatre at my school. I also run track in the spring and am very excited for the upcoming year as Lieutenant Governor! I have a lot of new ideas for this year including expanding the Harvest for Humanity program that is already established at Marcos to all South Mountain division schools. I hope we all have a great year together!

Hey Southwest! I’m a senior at Dysart High school (Go Demons!) and on top of Key Club I’m also in the sports medicine program, and I’ll be taking on an EMT course through GCC this fall. I served as Lt. Governor last year. However, this year I’m returning as the ELIMINATE and New Club chair for the district. But aside from all that logistical stuff I really like corny jokes, rain, and doodling. With my new position, I’ll be writing a monthly column that will be getting out through your Lt. Governor’s newsletters. I’m super excited to be promoting ELIMINATE and I can’t wait to hear of the amazing projects that your clubs may be doing this year… What did the lawyer name his daughter? Sue. Contact me at: [email protected].

Rio grande ltg – erin duncan

Sandia Mountain ltg – ryan sun

Sangre de cristo ltg – michelle boerigter

South mountain ltg – Jessica dim

Eliminate/new club chAIR – PERLA DE LOS ANGELES

Americas Coronado Franklin Las Cruces Mayfield Onate Socorro St. Mary

CEPI Cibola Del Norte ECA El Dorado Highland La Cueva Manzano Sandia

Los Alamos Robertson Santa Fe Santa Fe Indian School West Las Vegas

Corona del Sol Desert Vista Dobson Marcos de Niza McClintock Mt. Pointe Tempe Accelerated Tempe

There’s no Me in Service, is there?

Understanding Key Club International’s Major Emphasis

Actually, there is ME in service, and it has to do with Key Club International’s mission! Known as Key Club’s Major Emphasis: “Children: Their Future, Or Focus,” guides Key Clubbers to make a global impact while helping children in any way, everywhere. This requirement on clubs’ annual achievement reports can be fulfilled by working to better the lives of children in any way in their communities. Great and easy global ways to take part in Key Club’s Major Emphasis are through our official International Service Partners: UNICEF, Children’s Miracle Network, and March of Dimes. UNICEF works globally to provide food, medical care, and education to impoverished youth. Children’s Miracle Network raises money to pay for medical care for children with serious illness who cannot afford the costs associated with treatment. March of Dimes works to educate the public about how to foster the health of babies and raises money to help pay for the care of babies born too early or in poor health. Other programs such as Live 2 Learn promote early childhood education and are also great organizations to work with on our Major Emphasis. How can you get involved? Coming up this fall is the fundraising event Trick or Treat for UNICEF, for which every Key Club will receive collection boxes. Give these to Key Clubbers, teachers, and local businesses and raise money for UNICEF and the Kiwanis family’s mission to eradicate the disease maternal/neonatal tetanus (MNT) by 2015, called the ELIMINATE Project. MNT is a devastating condition that takes the lives of newborn babies and new mothers all over the world. This a big deal, so get involved and help make this horrible disease disappear! ELIMINATE is also Vanessa’s Governor’s Project! If that’s not enough, you could also make bracelets for critically ill children right here in the Southwest through our District Project: Beads of Courage, which raises money for care and helps children document their journey through treatment with beads. This program started here in the Southwest, and it’s our job to keep it going strong! For more information on any of these projects, visit or www., or email Governor Vanessa at [email protected] or the ELIMINATE Project Chair Perla de Los Angeles at [email protected].

Bob Kitchen Assistant to the Administrator

Bob is a charter member of the Glendale HS Key Club, and has been a Dysart Key

Club advisor since 1980 and an Admin Team member

since 1997. His son Paul was a club officer, and his son Matthew was a Governor.

Meet the ladies and gentlemen who make Southwest District Run!

Susan Poland District Administrator Susan has been the Dysart

Key Club advisor since 1980, and an Admin Team member since 1996. Her son Preston was a club

officer, and her daughter Taryn was a distinguished

SWD Governor.

Vickie Biehn Assistant District

Administrator Vickie has been a Key

Club advisor since 1995, an Admin Team member since 2000, and she was

Administrator 2008-2011. Her daughter Danielle was

a member.

Katy Koch Texas Zone

Administrator Katy has been a Key Club Advisor since

1994, and an Admin Team member since 2001. She arranges travel for the board.

Debbie Klein New Mexico Zone

Administrator Debbie has been a Key

Club advisor for Aztec Key Club since 1995, and an Admin Team member

since 2001. Her daughter Vickie was a Lieutenant


Manny Gonzales Admin Team

Member Manny has been a Key

Club Advisor at Pinnacle Key Club since 2005, an Admin Team member

since 2008, and he hosted ICON 2011 in Phoenix,


Cheryl Doles Admin Team

Cheryl has been on the team since 2000. She was the Key Club advisor for Roswell and Goddard, and Southern NM

Zone Administrator. Her daughter Jennifer and son

Jared were both SWD Governors and

International Trustees.

Deb DesChene Seargant – at –

Arms Deb has been an Admin

Team member since 2009 and organizes

Weekend of a Lifetime. Her daughter Stephanie

was in Key Club.

We can’t forget our admin team!

Have a great service project idea but no cash?

These grants offered by Key Club International can turn

your dream into a reality! Turn in your application, found at, by October 15th!

Editor’s note: Anna Carroll

I really hope you have enjoyed the first issue of the Key to the Southwest that I have put so much time and effort into creating! I am so excited to be working for you all this year! I live in Los Alamos, New Mexico, and attend Los Alamos High School, at which I am a senior this year. After serving as the Lieutenant Governor for the Sangre de Cristo Division last year, I could not imagine going through my senior year in Key Club without the district board in my life. I decided to run for Bulletin Editor because I love to write and organize. I also love horseback riding, petting my miniature donkey Jeffrey, playing with my dogs, spending time with friends, listening to Panic! At the Disco, and watching How I Met Your Mother and Project Runway. This year, I hope that I can be an even better Bulletin Editor than I was Lieutenant Governor last year! Although I have had a lot to learn in the areas of technology and publishing, I have already made great strides and am so ready to keep an open mind and gain even more knowledge and experience. I know that this year I will fulfill my duty as Bulletin Editor to provide each of you with the resources necessary to get the most out of your experiences in Key Club and accomplish the goal we all share: providing service for those in need! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you at: [email protected].

do you know Southwest district?

Test your savvy with this fun puzzle!

Club and divisional highlight:

Los Alamos High School in the Sangre de Cristo Division

Los Alamos High School Key Club in Los Alamos, NM, joins four other clubs to make up the sizzling Sangre de Cristo Division in North Central New Mexico: Santa Fe High School and Santa Fe Indian School in Santa Fe, and West Las Vegas High School and Roberson High School in Las Vegas. And why, exactly are we so hot? Here’s why: The Los Alamos High School Key Club is rich with traditions of service and leadership. Each fall we join our partner clubs to kick off our year of service by helping stuff Zozobra, a giant puppet that is an important part of an annual Santa Fe fiesta. Throughout the fall, we join our local Kiwanis club to put on pancake breakfast fundraisers for our community. In December, the annual pancake breakfast with Santa is always a hit. Everyone looks forward to February, when we serve as waiters and waitresses at a 50’s style sock hop dance to benefit the Los Alamos Family Council. Our Kiwanis advisor, Morrie, always dresses up as Elvis and entertains the crowd. Spring ushers in a busy season of service with our daffodils for hospice project, where we deliver daffodil orders to benefit a local hospice, and booth at the Los Alamos County Family Festival, a fair for local kids. And

why else are we hot? Could it be because we are home to the Southwest District Bulletin Editor, Anna Carroll, and therefore the subject of our first highlight?

the hottest place in the southwest!

Clues: Across 4. Janine's in her second year here 6. Ryan is rocking this division 8. Our Southwest District Symbol 9. Our new International Trustee 10. Dakota can help you in this division 12. He takes care of two divisions 13. Tony is your LTG 16. She rides in Sangre de Cristo 18. She's Our District Adminisrator (adult) 19. Our past Governor, a new Trustee 21. This Petroglyh LTG loves Twilight 22. The LTG for McDowell Mt. writes, too 23. She looks over Lookout Mountain Down 1. A Key Club service partner 2. She lived in Wisconsin, now in RioGrande 3. Vanessa or Perla can help with this 5. She's the Southwest District Governor 6. Jessica works here 7. Our District Project 11. The Vice-President of KCI from Southwest 14. She went to China this summer 15. She put this paper together 16. Jonathan is playing up his division 17. LTG Willie cooks for this division 20. He's the LTG for Copper division 24. He's Papago's LTG

Most answers are in this very paper!

Important District Event Dates: September 10th – Officer Training Rallies – Various Location

Contact LTG Learn how to better Serve Your Clubs!

October 14-16th – Key Leader – Camp Sky Y, Prescott, AZ Visit: Refine your skills with all types of leaders

November 11-13th – Weekend of a Lifetime – Kamp Kiwanis, Gallup, NM Contact Deb DesChense: [email protected] (Reg. by late

Oct.) Learn leadership skills with Key Clubbers from all over the Southwest

And get the next issue of the Key to the Southwest!

Thanks los Alamos monitor for printing our paper!
