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Midterm Electionsby Yosef Ansarizadeh

*All opinions expressed in this article are the opinions of Yosef Ansarizadeh.

With the recent midterm elections fresh in everyone’s mind, many are concerned with the consequences of a Republican takeover of the House of Representatives. With the Republican candidates riding on an upsurge of anti-Democrat sentiment arising from the “forced” health care plan and heavy spending on the stimulus packages, the Democrats have been ousted out of their House majority. They have only barely held onto their majority in the Senate. Now, when the purpose and effectiveness of the aforementioned stimulus packages is considered against the potential disaster that would arise from the failure of another large financial institution, such as that of Lehman Brothers, it made perfect sense for the Democrats to bail out the failing institu-tions. The Democrats, with the assistance of some enlightened Republicans, effectively turned the country’s fortunes around. While the job market may not be overflowing with jobs, the preservation of the financial institutions, both large and small, ensures that the economy will stabilize sooner rather than later. Regarding the “abuse of power” that some claim was evident within the passage of the health care legislation, the Democrats realized that the opportunity to straighten out the hybrid healthcare system of America and bring it to the modern era was one that would not last; as such, they acted swiftly and forcefully. Some were not of the mentality that the Democrats acted too

forcefully, however; many Obama supporters voted for another party because they claimed that he didn’t get enough done. The heavily biased Republi-can media also played a part in the tarnishing of the reputation of the Democrats. It is unfortunate that the opportunity to change things was so quickly brought to an end. Hopefully by learning from these “mistakes”, the Democrats can retake their status as a party of the common people.In this recent midterm election, the Democrats focused on preserving their strongholds of power,

such as Massachusetts, rather than acquiring new votes. The Repub-licans pursued an aggressive policy of attempting to remove Democratic incum-bents while keeping their candidates in power. Needless to say, the Republicans succeeded. With the Republican takeover of

the House and the reduction of the Democratic Senate majority of the Democrats, the nation will most likely enter a state of gridlock from which legislation is next-to-impossible to pass. This turn-around of the Democrats’ fortunes has brought about a period of strife within their party. As Nancy Pelosi could no longer maintain her status as the Speaker of the House, she had to consider a new position. She is currently the House Minority Leader, a position from which she previously helped bring the Democrats back into power. With her in this position, there is a very real possibility that the Democrats will spring back, stronger than ever.

Being not yet completely disap-pointed about the state of affairs in San Antonio, in the past year I have given a few speeches to the city coun-cil. When people first hear this, they tend to be impressed, but it’s not such a big deal. Any resident of the city of San Antonio can sign up to exercise their right to speak to the city council with the Citizens to Be Heard pro-gram. Fortunately, all I had to do was write my name on a piece of paper. So the first time I did this, I walked into the tall, neoclassical city council chamber, signed my name, and waited quietly for my turn. I listened to the people before me talk, and hon-estly, I was surprised by the quality of the speeches. One man spent his time talking about the Bible's prohibi-tion of tattoos. He said that if the city council did not ban tattoos San Anto-nio would be consumed by Satan.

A Little Insight on a City Council Meeting

This was a tough act to follow. I gave my humble speech about the benefits of public transit. Although decidedly unexciting and un-apocalyptic, the speech was enough for Councilwoman Diane Cibrian, a former Keystone parent, to invite me to the front and I was able to see things from a different vantage point. Surprisingly, I saw many city councilpersons checking their email or playing with their cell phones in the middle of speeches. This shocked me. How could elected officials be so disrespectful to their own constituents? Though I walked in only halfway disappointed, I was just a little closer to becoming completely apathetic. But hey, who knows? Maybe next time it will be different.

-Drew Schaffer

Kate’s Next Door is a new culinary experience that has just popped up close to Kate’s Frosting. It is a nice café environment with booths and regular tables. They have wide selections of meats, cheeses, and breads for sandwiches (hot or cold, whichever you like more). My personal favorite is the roast beef and cheddar on sourdough bread. Your sandwich can come with a wide variety of sides, including chips, and salads. It is a nice quiet study environment for students and a doodler’s paradise (the tablecloths are made of paper and you are allowed to draw on them to your hearts desire.) So, if you are looking to get a nice sandwich, leave your mark on the tablecloth, or just study, Kate’s Next Door is the place to go.

- David Levcovitz

On the first Friday of every month, take a stroll in Southtown, an area south of downtown. There, at the intersection of South St. Mary’s Street. and the Blue Star Arts Complex, one can explore the art galleries and booths displaying items from fantastic local art-ists. Whether you are looking for a place to eat or just browsing through the art, everyone will be able to see something unique in this historical area. The art pieces found in these galleries

are unique. I visited Southtown in No-vember and many pieces caught my eye. Some of the artwork included Dia de Los Muertos displays made by local students at “Say Si”, an after school art program available to San Antonio stu-dents. There were also abstract paint-ings, photographs of miniature scaled rooms, sand-casted aluminum sculp-tures of antlered hands, and even bird-houses made with popcorn kernels.

All of the artwork was intriguing and one of a kind. If only the night were long enough, I would have spent a good five minutes on every photo-graph and piece of art.

In addition to the galleries, many street vendors were selling jewelry, articles of clothing, glassware, and more. All in all, First Friday is defi-nitely an experience one would not want to miss. -Joy Tan


NHS- Wednesday 1/12 and Friday 1/14French Club- Wednesday 1/19 and Friday 1/21Lit Mag- Wednesday 1/26 and Friday 1/28JSA- Wednesday 1/27 and Friday 1/29

Bake Sale and Taco Sale Calendar

Spanish Club- Wednesday 2/2 and Thursday 2/3Freshman Class- Wednesday 2/9 and Friday 2/11Chess Club- Wednesday 2/16 and Friday 2/18Sophomore Class- Wednesday 2/23 and Friday



Aries (20 March-20 April) Don’t be surprised if you have an in depth discussion with that person who has been on your mind lately. School work will ease, but keep in mind it’s only the calm before the storm, so plan accord-ingly.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)A wise fictional detective once commented to his colleague “You see but you do not ob-serve.” You might want to pause and con-sider whether this applies to you. Do you know if your best friend has been getting enough sleep lately? Or how many steps you take to get to your locker from your car every morning? Or whether it is cloudy today without looking outside the window? Just think about how in touch you are with your world and the people in it. After all, they make up a large percentage of your life. You can’t possibly live in your mind 24/7.

Capricorn (22 December-20 January)

The ripple effects of your kind acts follow you. You thought it was a small, insignificant, meaningless action. But it was more important than you can imagine. Face it: you never fully know the influences your actions have on other people. You could be the cause of joy or heaertbreak for all you know. The trick is to tread lightly on others feelings. This is something you have done quite well.

Pisces (18 February – 20 March)If you catch yourself zoning out that’s okay. You are gifted with a great imagination. Why waste it? Especially on a Friday afternoon. It’s great though when something great you’ve imagined actually hap-pens. Don’t worry. What you have been anticipating will even-tually occur. Soon.

Taurus (20 April – 21 May)Life has been a little strange for you lately. But that’s okay. Expect something good coming your way. It could be a stun-ning grade on that paper, good news regarding something you’ve been waiting to hear about for a while, or maybe something completely out of the blue. But regardless, it will catch you wholly by surprise.

Gemini (21 May – 21 June)The stars align in your

favor. You will do well

on that test (assuming

of course that you’ve

studied). If not,

better luck next time.

Besides, a grade could

never define you.

Leo (22 July – 23 August)Everyone knows that storm has been brewing for a while and is bound to wreak havoc soon. But fear not. When it does, it will not fulfill your expec-tations. In fact, every-thing will go much more smoothly than you antici-pated. Besides, there are few things worth fixing that perseverance and honesty can’t repair

Cancer (21 June – 22 July) If things have been going a tad roughly lately, forget not the heal-ing powers of food and spending time with friends. Perhaps seeing a movie with a few friends complete with popcorn and a cherry slushy is just what you need to get you refo-cused on what’s important and reju-venated for what is to come. So what are you waiting for? Whip out that cell phone and get planning.

Virgo (23 August – 23 September)It’s time to think critically. Are the opinions of others influencing yours in a nega-tive way? Are your thoughts really your own? Are you relying on accurate sources of information? Whether it’s the news or gossip or your textbook, you should think twice about absorbing without questioning. You just might be surprised when you uncover the source of a widespread falsehood.

What’s your Sign?

Libra (23 Septem-ber – 23 October)Right now there are many things clam-oring for your attention and they are threatening to undermine your concentration. But angst not! With a little hard work and a dash of cre-ativity they will sort themselves out. What’s most impor-tant now is to free yourself from that work obsession. Take some time out to let loose and breathe. The city won’t collapse with-out you. At least not for a little while.

Scorpio (23 October–22 November)Comments can sting. Don’t lose track of your own worth. When you know how valuable you are, it is bound to shine through no matter what others say and give you an iridescent glow of invincibility. If you find it difficult to remember what exactly makes you you, talk to someone who really knows you, or look through some old keep-sakes. Getting in touch with the past never hurts.

Sagittarius (22 November–22 December)So that movie is ancient. But some-how you can’t get it out of your mind even though you are driving those around you to the brink of insanity by talking about it all the time. Or maybe they are just already crazy and that is why they cannot understand your enthusiasm. Regardless, you don’t let their snide remarks and irritated faces stop you. Why live if you can’t have fun?

2. a. Achiever b. Caregiver

3. a. Decisive b. Diplomatic

1. a. Confident b. Helpful

7. c. Record Keeper d. Trend Setter

6. c. Organized d. Creative

Personality Quiz!!

What Personality Type are you? This quiz will help you find out!

Step one: Select the word in each pair that you feel best describes you. If you can‛t decide between two words, go with your first instinct.

4. a. Productive b. Faithful

5. a. Goal-Centered b. People-Centered

8. c. Punctual d. Daring

9. c. Quality Centered d. Idea Cemtered

10. c. Perfectionist d. Free Spirited

Results: Step 2:Total the number of each letter you selected.Total A‛s = _____Total B‛s = _____Total C‛s = _____Total D‛s = _____

The highest number is your dominant personality type. The second highest number is your subdominant personality type. If you have the highest number of A‛s, you are a North. If you have the highest number of B‛s, you are a South. If you have the highest number of C‛s, you are an East. If you have the highest number of D‛s, you are a West.

NORTHS - Get the job done fast. - Strengths: Determination, Leadership, Drive, Accountability, Confidence- Weaknesses: Impatience, Intimidation, Bossiness, Arrogance - Independent - Can‛t stand indecision.

SOUTHS - Build the best teams.- Strengths: Cooperation, Diplomacy, Patience, Loyalty- Weaknesses: Indecision, Insecurity, Over- sensitivity, Dependence- Slow and laidback- Can‛t stand conflict.

EASTS - Do it right the first time. - Strengths: Analysis, Organization, Focus, Tenacity- Weaknesses: Obsession, Pessimism, Sarcasm, Narrow-mindedness- Serious- Can‛t stand inaccuracy.

WESTS - Expand all horizons.- Strengths: Creativity, Vision, Motivation, Curiosity- Weaknesses: Disorganization, Boredom, Impulsiveness, Rebelliousness- Adaptable.

Winter Spirit!1. Do something nice for someone without them knowing about it.

2. Reach out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.

3. Instead of stepping on acorns, save them and plant them.

4. Write a note to a friend or family member telling them how much they mean to you and then tape it somewhere where they will fi nd it.

5. Paint your toenails multiple colors or wear mismatched socks just for fun.

6. Run through the sprinklers no matter the temperature.

7. Bake a cake and bring it to school to share.

8. Tell someone how nice he or she looks.

9. Draw snowfl akes in your notes.

10. Wear a scarf even if it’s not cold.

11. Watch a winter movie.

- Rachel Arrey

December is a month full of holiday cheer and gift giving of all kinds.Having trouble finding the perfect Christmas gift or findinga gift you can afford? See if you can find any ideas here!

Dad-Personalized or Unique Mug-Personalized Photo Frame-Polo or Nice T-Shirt-A New Pair of Shoes

Mom-Candles-Day at the Spa-A Nice Blouse-A Gift Card to her Favorite Store

FriendsGuys Girls-A Video Game-Spurs Tickets-Trading Cards-Chess Set

-Jewelry-Clothes (Blouse, Scarves, Headbands)-Makeup (Liplgloss, Nailpolish)-Sillybandz-A Purse or a Tote Bag-Lotions/Sprays

Holiday Gift Guide

Anyone Else-Laptop Bags/Sleeves-Watches-Books-Wallets-Sunglasses-Ipod/Ipod Accessories(Cases, Headphones, Speakers)

If you really want to save money and make someone happy, makesomething homemade, such as a personalized hand-written cards,baked goods, a homemade video, a friendship bracelet, a personalizedT-shirt, artwork, dinner, breakfast in bed, CD mixes, etc.

Also, remember, you know your loved ones better than anyone else. Use what you know about them to find the perfect gift. If they love certain foods, movies,things, buy gifts pertaining to that. If you have an inside joke with a friend, maybeyou can find a gift relatingto that or write about it in a card. Good luck gift hunting!

-Costume Shirts-Gift Cards-Money-Shower Radio-Gift Basket(Maybe Filled With Goods and Chocolates)

-Gail Tan

Kyra HoodBy Travis Howk

My name is Kyra. That’s about all the time that I have for an introduction right now, but I’m sure that you’ll get to know me very well sometime. Just not now. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week. Maybe when I’m finally caught. But for now, I’m running. Running feels nice. I love the feeling of the wind twisting through my hair, tugging at my red braid that falls down to my hips. Running is like flying for me. I glide across the grass, like an arrow cutting through the air, dashing between the trees as fluid as the wind itself. But then again, you ask, why am I running? Long story. It all started when I was born. My father’s really powerful. He’s gone through a lot of wives. He really wants a daughter, but none of his first twelve wives were able to give him one. Each one of them was killed. My mother, young and fair, was unfortunate enough to be his next choice as a wife. She gave him a daughter (me!) and he was not that happy. After all, as the king, he needed an heir to the thrown and I, a girl, was not adequate. So he tried to kill me. But for some reason, he didn’t succeed. I was kept alive. Perhaps he did it for my mom. Maybe he loved her a lot more than his other wives. Maybe I was hidden. Either way, I was kept alive by my mother until I was 12. It was at this age that all the girls in the kingdom were required to go before the king. When it was my turn to go before the king, I slowly walked up the steps towards his thrown, careful to keep my eyes towards the ground. Eye contact, unless he demanded it, was a definite no. “Look at me,” he demanded. Obeying his command, I looked up. He was hideous. Hundreds of wrinkles ran like streaks of rain down his face, folding over one another. He was balding, gray hair only covering the area around his ears and his head was covered with liver spots. “So beautiful,” he said as he ran a finger down the side of my face. I shuddered at the touch of his slimy finger. Hon-estly, I thought that my father had never seen a bath in his life. His finger slid over the angle of my cheekbone, leaving his grime across my face. Slowly it approached my lips. No. He had gone too far. I slapped his hand away from my face and then quickly gasped in horror at what I had done. A small, crimson bruise was beginning to well up on my father’s hand. His eyes were filled with fire. He rose from his chair, faster than I had ever seen him move in his life and then he brought his hand down upon my cheek in a flash of movement. I was knocked to the ground. Instinctively, my hand rose to my face and as I drew it back I saw blood. “Go,” he murmured, his body shaking. “GO!” he roared. “GET OUT OF MY SIGHT AND NEVEREVER COME BACK!” He fell back into his chair, the rubied crown falling down over his brow. Servants rushed forward, ushering in waiters with wine and other alcohols to dull his pain. I heard heavy footsteps behind me above the frantic whispering of the other girls. Such idiots, I thought, They would never understand why I did what I did. The footsteps grew louder and it finally dawned on me who they belonged to. Guards. If they got me, I would be thrown into the deepest dungeon, never to see the light of day again. I had to stay out of their hands.


Acting completely on instinct, I rolled to the left off of the elaborate carpet. I heard gasps and people yelling incomprehensible sentences, but I didn’t heed any attention to them. My focus was on the servant’s door. I bounced onto my feet and sprinted for the door. I heard the armor clanking behind me, the metal resonating in the marble thrown room. I heard Mariah, my mistress, ushering me inside the door. I knew that she would be punished for her actions, but I was grateful to see that she was still looking out for me. After all, I had just smacked the most powerful man in all of the land. I was not expecting that many people to look that highly on it. I slipped into the doorway and heard it slam shut behind me. I heard the guards banging their fists against the doors. I still had a long passageway ahead of me (139 strides to be exact). I rounded the turn at the end of the corridor and nearly smacked into the doctor, who was rushing to the aide of the king. Not that he needed it. He was too pampered. He had the kingdom, all the money in the world, my mother…. Oh crap. My mom. What was going to happen to her? If she died, this would be all my fault. A single tear rolled down my eye, caressing my cheek and bleeding with my fears for her. I dashed farther down the hallway, one hand in front of me at all times. The corridor was dimly lit, shadows hanging like monsters above me. My hand felt along the wall, scrapping against the molded stone. Suddenly, I hit metal. The metal gates were the only thing standing between me and my freedom. I groped against the giant handles and strained against their weight, my muscles rippling with the effort. Slowly, but surely, the doors began to creak, their rust slipping off in flakes into my hair. The door opened a crack and a beam of light burst in through the door, illuminating the hallway behind me. Once again, I heard the beat of armor against the hard stone floor. The soldiers were coming. I puller harder, a few more inches were all that I needed. Clank. Clank. Clank. Doom. Doom. Doom. Every echo signaled my fate. CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! Echo-ing, closer and closer as the door took its time. It was almost as if the door was mocking me. At last, I felt the breeze slipping through the door. If the breeze was through, then I, a child of the wind, could slip through as well. I darted into the crack and out into the open. I heard the soldier’s shouts and yells of anguish as they banged against the door. I knew they would get it open. That’s why I had to find a hiding place and fast.

Kyra HoodBy Travis Howk





Crossword Answers!!

Across: 1. Strict or sten in appearance or manner. Markedly simple without adornment or ornamentation. Austere4. A statement that is accepted without proof. Postulate8. Na (element). Sodium10. Calculus Teacher. Preston12. Filius (LAtin translate to English).Son14. Beowulf‛s tribe. Geats15. Tan(45) + 11640 - 20(117 + 465) = One16: English King with 6 wives and changed the religion in England. Henry VIII18. New Headmaster. Yager19. Teacher with a rabbit skin in his cabinet and animal skulls on his bookcase. Caraway

Down:2. Building with Mr. Howk‛s room is Stevens Hall. 3. A movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. Zionism5. Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane. Osmosis6. Keystone‛s end of the year magazine. Litmag7. Greek infantrymen(beginning in late 7th century) who were heav-ily armed and wore bronze or leather helmets, breastplates and shin guards. Hoplites 9. Has a jar of M&Ms for students (and other teachers). Lindsey11. Cheaveux (French translate to English). Hair13. La Cena (Spanish translate to English). Dinner17. New Keystone online website for grades adn homework. Renweb19. Country with the Capital: N‛Djamena. Chad