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◎Production cost for advertorials: ¥ 300, 000/ page◎Advertorial placement is subject to certain restrictions with regard to content, design, etc. Please contact us for further information.◎The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising whose content is deemed inappropriate. The publisher shall not be held liable for any claims, such as defamation, violation

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ページ数Number of pages

掲載寸法天地×左右(cm)Size (cm)

広告料金(円)Advertising rates (Yen)

中面Rop 4C1P 27.9×21.0 900,000

中面(1C)Rop 1C1P 25.0×17.2 400,000

中面(1C1/2P)Rop 1C 1/2P 12.1×17.2 300,000

表4Outside back cover 4C1P 26.6×20.0 1,200,000

表3Inside back cover 4C1P 27.9×21.0 900,000

表2見開Inside front cover 4C2P 27.9×42.0 2,200,000

目次前見開きDps before toc 4C2P 27.9×42.0 1,900,000

目次対向Single page facing toc 4C1P 27.9×21.0 950,000

ハガキPostcard 1C表・裏 14.5×10.0 900,000

Rate Card

株式会社ハースト婦人画報社 〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山3-8-38 南青山東急ビル3F 婦人画報 ビジネス部 Mail to: [email protected]

2020年1月現在As of January, 2020

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Closing Dates

月号Cover Issue

発売日On-sale date

タイアップ申込締切日Order deadline for advertorials

撮影用きものご提供締切日Deadline for kimono for photo shoots

純広申込締切日Order deadline for advertisements

オフライン校了締切日 オンライン校了締切日時 16:00Online proof deadline

春号 Spring 2/20 12/3 12/5 1/7 1/24 1/30

夏号 Summer 5/20 2/28 3/5 3/30 4/21 4/24

秋号 Autumn 8/20 6/3 6/5 6/29 7/27 7/30

冬号 Winter 11/20 9/2 9/4 9/30 10/26 10/29


株式会社ハースト婦人画報社 〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山3-8-38 南青山東急ビル3F 婦人画報 ビジネス部 Mail to: [email protected]

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