
“Preparing Business Students to Stand-Out in the Career Search Process by Leveraging Their Study

Abroad Experience”

Kimberly S. Hogelucht, Ph.D. Professor of Business

Director of Business Internships Point Loma Nazarene University

San Diego, CA

ACBSP International Conference Cancun, Mexico

November 4, 2016


Background on Subject

• My mission statement

To help others “shine”

• Background in helping students prepare for the career search process

• Study abroad experience is one way to “shine”

• Invited to speak at Global Studies Orientations on the subject


Preview of Main points

• Research on value of study abroad experience to the career search process

• Ways students can leverage study abroad experience:

On resume

In job interview

Through Informational Interviews



• Scarce research on subject

• Interviewed those who would know best.

Employment Recruiters


Director of Study Abroad


Benefits of Study Abroad Personal Growth ~ Emotional Intelligence ~ Intercultural Experience

Studying abroad results in tremendous personal growth and sense of independence (Dwyer, 2004).

Personal Growth is achieved through:

Living away from home for the first time

Adjusting to new cultural norms

Making new friends

Maintaining GPA


Personal Growth attained through study abroad is often noted by employers

Sandy Soohoo-Rafaei, Director of Global Studies at Point Loma Nazarene University, states: “Students who choose to study abroad demonstrate

a level of motivation, commitment and maturity that sets them apart from their peers…”


An Increase in Emotional Intelligence is acknowledged by Employment Recruiters

• Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is defined as the ability to identify, assess, and control one’s own emotions, the emotions of others, and that of groups(Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2013).

• EQ is central to leadership success.


Importance of EQ to Employment Recruiters

According to Julianna Sanchez, Campus Recruiter for the top search engine in the country:

“Study abroad experience is important because it helps students become more aware of those around them, such as colleagues and clients, as well as how

to become more emotionally intelligent…”


The Appeal of Intercultural Experience to Employment Recruiters

• Students who have studied abroad are often selected for unique international employment opportunities compared to those students who have not studied abroad (Orahood, Kruze, & Pearson, 2004; Dwyer, 2004).


Value of Intercultural Experience

Ali Meersman, Campus recruiter for Ernst and Young Accounting Firm, reveals the importance of study abroad experience due to her organization’s international involvement. She states,

“As a recruiter for a global accounting firm, I highly value any kind of multicultural experiences students

have had. Study abroad programs stand out on a resume because they show me that this student not only had the organizational skills to coordinate the

trip, but the courage to step out of their comfort zone and willingly experience a new culture.”


How Students Can Leverage Study Abroad Experience in the Career Search Process?

Incorporating experience on their Resume

Answers to interview questions

Conducting Informational Interviews

Tell story of mock interviewer…


1. Leveraging Study Abroad Experience on One’s Resume

• Meet Jake DeSaegher, studied abroad at University of Auckland in New Zealand, Spring 2013.

• He believes listing this experience on his resume resulted in three incredible job offers.

Jake pictured on mountain top in New Zealand ~ May 2013


Jake shares: “While applying for a job at the Big 4 Accounting Firms, I included my study abroad experience at University of Auckland, New Zealand on my resume and it definitely set me apart from other candidates…I believe listing my study abroad experience on my resume demonstrates a little bit about my personality because it shows that I enjoy learning new things and am comfortable with change…I believe it did play a role for why I was offered a job by 5 accounting firms three of which were Big four very competitive firms.”


• Meet Angela Skowronek, who studied abroad three times during her undergraduate years in Spain and England.

• She finds highlighting her abroad experience on her resume helped her connect with her interviewer who had also studied abroad.

Angela pictured above at Park Guell ~ 2012


Angela shares:

“The value to be gained from studying abroad extends far beyond the credits I earned. My experiences abroad made me more well-rounded, stimulated my personal growth and development, and helped boost my resume…”


List University, Location, Nature of Coursework, and Date of Attendance


Highlighting Multiple Study Abroad Experiences


2. Leveraging Study Abroad Experience Job Interviews

• Feedback from recruiters reveals stories from study abroad experiences make students memorable (Bangerter,

Corvalan, P. & Cavin, 2014; Stevens & Kristof, 1995).

• Quote from Ali Meersman, Campus Recruiter for Ernst & Young (2016).


Studying Abroad is a Great Source for Answers to Interview Questions

Meet Colin Page, a senior, who shares how studying abroad Spring 2015 through the Semester-at-Sea program provided him with ample evidence to support being positive and getting out of one’s comfort zone (Page, 2016).

Pictured above – Colin with an elephant in India.


Colin shares:

“My Semester-at-Sea experience really allowed me to stand out in an interview because of the amazing experiences I had and how much I grew through them. After the first few countries I traveled to, I realized that no matter how much research I did, I was never prepared for everything, and could never see everything…Having positive mindset always goes a long way, regardless of the situation.”


3. Making Global Connections Through Informational Interviews

• Meet Courtney Volek, current Senior, majoring in Fashion Merchandising.

• Studied abroad Spring 2016 in Florence, Italy.

• Traveled extensively.

• Found informational interviews a great way to expand her global contacts in fashion.

Courtney in Paris ~ April 2016


Courtney shares:

“While in Italy, I conducted an informational interview with the manager of “Fashion Loves You.” Florentine University of the Arts (FUA) students and faculty manage daily operations, where experiential learning expresses FUA’s mission to foster interaction with the local community through a Florentine perspective of fashion. By talking with this experienced professional, I gained great insight into the retail market within Italy.”



• In summary, research including interviews with those who know best (employment recruiters and students) reveal that study abroad experience does give students an “edge” in the career search process.


By encouraging students to leverage their study abroad experience


• Highlighting it on their resume

• Incorporating study abroad

experience into their interview answers

• Expanding their global network through informational interviews while abroad…


We, as professors, can help them “shine” in the career search process.



Olivia Hogelucht ~ Great Ocean Road

Australia ~ May 2016 #ACBSPCancun

References Bangerter, A., Corvalan, P. & Cavin, C. (December 2014). Storytelling in the selection Interview? How applicants respond to past behavior questions. Journal of Business and Psychology, 29 (4), 593-604. DeSaegher, J. (July 25, 2016). Personal communication regarding student’s perspective of leveraging study abroad in the career search process. Dwyer, M. M. (2004). Charting the impact of studying abroad. International Educator 13(1), 14-17, 19-20. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. & McKee, A. (2013). Primal Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Meersman, A. (July 25, 2016). Personal communication regarding a recruiter’s perspective of study abroad experience in the career search process. Orahood, T., Kruze, L., & Pearson, D. E. (2004). The impact of study abroad on business students’ career goals. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 117-130. Page, C. (July 25, 2016). Personal communication regarding a student’s perspective of leveraging study abroad in the career search process. Sanchez, J. (July 26, 2016). Personal communication regarding recruiter’s perspective of study abroad experience in the career search process. Skowronek, A. (July 21, 2016). Personal communication regarding student’s perspective of leveraging study abroad in the career search process. Soohoo-Refaei, S. (July 23, 2016). Personal communication regarding a Global Studies Director’s perspective on the value of study abroad in the career search process. Stevens, C.K. & Kristof, A. L. (1995) Making the right impression: A field study of applicant impression management during job interviews. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 587-606. Volek, C. (July 20, 2016). Personal communication regarding student’s perspective of leveraging study abroad to expand global connections. • •

