
Audience Segmentation

(to stop our content marketing being )


Content Marketing is kind of a big deal

Over 85% of brands are doing it


2015 B2C Content Marketing Trends

And we spend 25% of our budgets on it

70% of brands have created more content this year than they did last year

And this is set to increase


“Content is king and the corporate website is dead”



69% of Britons are closing down accounts and subscriptions


Only 21% understand if content marketing has any value


84% say that “brand awareness” is their top goal

Less than half of those doing it, believe they’re any good at it


And as a result we’re just creating a whole lot of...



Low barrier to entry


It builds trust


It’s what search engines say we should do


“It’s the case that if you do enough excellent, interesting, useful, funny, compelling stuff [...] your links take care of themselves.” Matt Cutts, June 2014


“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”


“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Planning and Data

Context Audience Understanding


Low barrier to entry


It builds trust


It’s what search engines say we should do


Clearly Defining Audiences


Who InfluencersWhat Where

Audience demographicsage, location,


Who are our audience

influenced by?

Content types, themes,

interests, trends




GA demographic & interest reports





What are your customers doing on social?



People don’t search with keywords

Different people search with intent





Create audience segments

● Demographic

● Interest types

● Platforms

● Key segment influencers

Thank you!