
In this issue:

Hearts for Mrs. Stango, Rep Petri

Visits, Klinger Salutes Veterans


CEF Casino Nigh, Klinger Book



6th Grade Ice Cream Social 3


Kl i ng er h ead l i n e s

∗ November 2: CEF Casino Night

∗ November 6: In Service Day—No School

∗ Klinger Veterans Day Ceremony

∗ November 19 - 30: Klinger Book Fair

∗ November20: Report Cards

∗ November21: Half Day Conferences

∗ November 22 & 23: Thanksgiving Holiday

∗ December 21—January 1: Winter Break

Klinger New

s & Notes

Klipper SUmmer new


F a l l E v e n t s V o l um e 2 , I s s u e 1

Pennsylvania State

Representative Scott Petri will

visit Klinger Middle School on

Friday November 2nd.

Representative Petri will be

discussing Pennsylvania

Government and how it works

with our 8th graders. The 8th

graders will learn through an

interactive presentation

how government

representatives try to

balance their duties while

appeasing all their

constituents. After the

presentations, if time

permits, Representative

Petri will answer student


S t a t e R e pr e s en tat i v e S cot t P e tr i V i s i t s

Klinger Salutes Our Veterans

Sunday November 11th is the day America officially honors their Veter-ans. Wednesday November 14th is when Klinger Middle School will honor our veter-ans. Veterans from many dif-ferent eras will be invited to at-tend a special ceremony to honor their ser-vice and dedica-tion to our country. Veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Both Gulf Wars and other conflicts will be in attendance with their Klinger stu-dents. The events promise to be in-sightful, sobering and memorable. We look forward to meeting Klinger’s veterans.

Hearts for Mrs. Stango

Klinger Student Council recently held a fund raiser to honor beloved English teacher Mrs. Marita Stango who passed away last year. The students colored and decorated paper hearts. The paper hearts were then collected and offered for sale with proceeds going to the American Heart Asso-ciation. Each heart had a unique de-sign created by the Klinger stu-dents. Stu-dents in turn could put a personal message on the hearts they bought. The personalized hearts were then displayed around the building.

Klinger Middle School

1415 Second Street


Southampton, PA



Office Ext. 13012

Fax 215.364.5955

Mr. Dennis Best


Mr. James Ford

Teacher on Special


Klinger News &


Giant Bonus Card Numbers

The Klinger P.T.O. is looking for your help. Bonus card numbers are still needed to help with our card drive. For every Giant Bonus Card number given to the P.T.O. Klinger Middle School receives cash back. By giving your number you will not lose any of the other benefits like discounted gas or the free turkey. It’s just that easy. Please contact the Klinger PTO with any questions you may have about this program. We hope you are able to donate. Our goal is to collect 1,000 bonus card numbers. Currently we are at approximately 450 numbers.

Wizards vs. Klippers

On Thursday October 11th the Harlem Wizards visited William Tennent High School to take on a Klinger team lead by Principal Mr. Best and staff members from Klinger and Davis Elementary. Team Klinger kept the game close, until they actually kept score. The Wizards then showed their dominance and won by a final score of 87-80. Thank you to all students and parents that came to the game and thank you to all the teachers that were brave enough to take on the Wizards.

Wizard s & bonu s c ard s

Did You Miss

Something? We’re on the Web


Having Fun at the 6th

Grade Ice Cream Social


Yearbook wants your

pictures! Send us

pictures of you

doing something

fun over the

summer or participating in

a physical activity outside

of school (running a 5K,

gymnastics, karate, ballet,

etc.). E-mail pictures as a

jpeg to Mrs. Rajhansa at

[email protected].

CEF Casino Night For a fun night of food, fun and gambling and walk out a winner! Enjoy our food and refreshment and $50 in free casino chips while supporting CEF. Get schooled in black jack, poker, slots, roulette and craps. Our dealers will help you play any game. Winnings will be redeemed for raffle tickets to be entered in prize drawings. Must be 21 to attend. Cash bar available. Donation: $35 per person or our BEST VALUE – 2 for $60

Klinger Book Fair November 19—30

The annual Klinger Book Fair will be held November 19—30

in the Klinger Library. Books can be purchased during confer-

ence time. All proceeds benefit Klinger Middle School. Please

come out and pick up books for the Holidays. Books make

great gifts. We hope to see you there!

Giant Bonus Card


Congratulations to Jared Forcinito who won the Giant Bonuscard Con-

test sponsored by Klinger PTO. Collecting 168 Bonuscard numbers won

Jared a brand new Kindle Fire... Way To Go, Jared!!!

Jared, along with his parents, Mark and Susan Forcinito continue to col-

lect card numbers at their store, Every Dollar Counts, located in the

Justa Farm Shopping Center on County Line Rd. We thank you for your

dedication to Klinger.

The Forcinito Family would also like to extend to Klinger families a 5%

discount on all purchases at Every Dollar Counts. What a nice way to

build community relationships!

The PTO would also like to thank all students and families who are

helping Klinger achieve our goal of 1,000+ bonuscard numbers. Please

continue to collect card numbers from friends/family/coworkers. Send in

numbers to the school office, simply add to our account at or email numbers to klin-

[email protected].

We are currently over 500 numbers!! Keep up the great work! Log on to and watch our totals continue to grow.

Giant Klipper New


Klinger pto new


Klinger pto new


Klinger pto new


Klinger pto new


Klinger pto new


Klipper Pictures


re Klipper Pictures
