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Sveriges Arkitekter

Stockholm 2011-03-31

Knowledge Exchange Sweden-China

Painting by emperor Hui Zong (1083-1126) of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Opportunities for mutual benefit and innovation in knowledge networks between Sweden and China within sustainable

architecture and urban development.

Report Formas information project registration number 2010-251

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List of content Knowledge Exchange Sweden-China .................................................................. 1�List of content ....................................................................................................... 2�Svensk sammanfattning ....................................................................................... 3�Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5�Presentations ........................................................................................................ 6�

The use of Sustainability Indicators. Reflections on the implementation of this system in China and standardisation work in Sweden. .............................. 6�System ecological approaches to architectural design. The Chinese pilot project scheme for ecological buildingand the case of Potevio office building in Shanghai. ....................................................................................... 30�Research on design and innovation culture. ................................................... 59�The international Master Program: Sustainable Urban Design. ..................... 63�

The Swedish research funding policy and international collaboration. Specific agreements with China. ........................................................................ 69�How can the research community deal with the questions arising from practice? What institutional frameworks are helpful? ......................................... 71�Concluding remarks ............................................................................................ 79�Appendix A: Program ......................................................................................... 85�Appendix B: List of participants .......................................................................... 86�

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Svensk�sammanfattning� Sedan Kina 2005 bestämde sig för att satsa på en uthållig samhällsutveckling baserad på ekosystemtänkande har intresset för samarbete med Sverige utvecklats mycket snabbt. Svenska konsultföretag som Sweco och Tengbom har kunnat etablera sig på den kinesiska marknaden med tjänster och expertis inom detta område. Inte minst tack vare det systemkunnande och den forskningsbaserade kunskap som finns i Sverige, men även tack vare ett antal talande exempel som Hammarby sjöstad och Bo01. Sådana demonstrationsanläggningar har visat sig vara mycket övertygande. Kina sätter också generaliserbara erfarenheter och systematiska arbetsmetoder högt. De har själva satsat mycket på att stärka sin forskning. Sedan ett övergripande samarbetsavtal slöts om samarbete inom utbildning och forskning mellan Sverige och Kina 2004 etablerat 160 olika samarbeten med svenska universitet, inte minst om arkitektur och planering. Resultatet av några av dessa samarbeten presenterades på denna konferens. De svenska arkitektföretagens erfarenheter av arbete i Kina pekar på att det finns en rad forskningsfrågor som behöver belysas för att stärka de svenska arkitektföretagens marknad i Kina. Främst bland dessa en forskning som syftar till att öka de svenska arkitekternas kunskap om det kinesiska samhället och marknadens struktur, men även utvärderingar som stöder de svenska lösningarna. Samarbetet mellan Svenska och kinesiska universitet pekar också på att det finns många generella frågor inom hållbar arkitektur och stadsutveckling som skulle kunna gynnas av ökat forskningssamarbete: systemutveckling, lagar och regelverk, integrerade planeringsmetoder liksom utvärderingsmetoder av delaspekter likaväl som hela integrerade stadsdelar. Även inom metodutveckling för bättre samverkan mellan forskning och genomförande till exempel genom prototyputveckling finns goda möjligheter till samarbete. Kina har de senaste 5 åren genomfört ett program med 100 pilotprojekt med hållbarhetsprofil. Den kontorsbyggnad i Potevio utanför Shanghai som presenterades vid konferensen är ett av dessa projekt. Den har genomförts som ett samarbete mellan kinesiska arkitekter vid Sydöstra universitetet i Nanjing och svenskt systemkunnande hämtat från industriell ekologi vid KTH. Detta har indirekt utvärderats genom att de ansökt om klassifikation enligt det kinesiska miljöklassningssystemet Green Building Design Label (GBDL). Dessa erfarenheter är också intressanta att dokumentera coh sprida utanför Kina. I Kina pågår också ett 10-tal olika program som syftar till att uppmuntra hållbar stadsutveckling med lite olika utgångspunkter. Caofeidian, en framtida stad vid kusten utanför Tangshan för 1,5 miljoner invånare som Sweco planerat, och Wuxi New City där ett område planerats av Tengbom är två exempel på sådana pilotprojekt. Det framkom också att det saknas ett övergripande ramverk och en institutionell struktur för att hantera dessa samarbeten, som ännu så länge är helt personberoende. För det första är det svårt att finansiera rena samarbetsprojekt. För det andra behövs en plattform som kan stötta sådana projekt rent praktiskt. Nordic Center vid Fudan universitetet skulle kunna utvecklas till en sådan plattform. Idag organiseras gemensamma

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utbildningsprogram där. I framtiden kan även forskningsprojekt organiseras därifrån. Även samarbetena mellan Landskapsarkitekturavdelningen vid Pekings universitet och Arkitektur vid Lunds tekniska högskola respektive samarbetet mellan KTH och Sydöstra universitetet i Nanjing skulle kunna utvecklas till sådana plattformar.

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China today is a laboratory for innovation in sustainable architectural design and urban development on a scale never seen before in the world. This means that China set the standard for sustainable urbanization on the global level. China uses Sweden as a strategic partner in this development and Swedish researchers are a part of this development. 160 exchange projects have by now been established between Swedish and Chinese universities.

Not all, but many of these are devoted to architecture and planning. A number of those exchange programs were presented at the international conference Knowledge Exchange Sweden China within sustainable urban development and architectural design. It was held as a SUD Net event under the auspices of the UN and in the UN pavilion during the Shanghai World Expo 2010, on September 26.

The question at focus in the seminar was how can we develop this collaboration for mutual benefit and to spread the experiences gained to the world and through the help of SUD Net (The Sustainable Urban Development Network of UN Habitat)?

The conference aimed at discussing how research collaboration between Sweden and China can be strengthened and developed within sustainable architecture and urban development. This included issues within legislation, standards, institutional frameworks, systems approaches, design and technical solutions as well as working methodologies within planning and design.

China uses her universities as spear heads for development. They have in their turn established collaboration projects with several Swedish universities within the field of sustainable architecture and planning. There are many opportunities for mutual benefit and innovation of knowledge networks in this growing collaboration between Sweden and China on sustainable architecture and urban development.

The conference included 70 representatives from Swedish and Chinese universities and research institutes and Swedish and Chinese providers of services within sustainable architecture and planning. It had a multi stakeholder nature in the spirit of SUD Net of UN Habitat. The presentations were open to international visitors at the expo. It was split in one open session with lectures and one a closed discussion with invited participants. Another 50 persons attended the open lectures.

Research on sustainable architecture and planning, both as built environments and as methods to change the built environment, are fundamental to building better cities and giving people a better life.

At this conference examples of collaboration on development of sustainable architecture and urban areas between Sweden and China were presented. A number of questions and suggestions were put forth that have been gathered in this report.

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The�use�of�Sustainability�Indicators.�Reflections�on�the�implementation�of�this�system�in�China�and�standardisation�work�in�Sweden.�� Ulf Ranhagen, Adj Professor KTH, Chief Architect SWECO / SWECOMember of the Delegation for Sustainable Cities in Sweden


1. Sustainable Urban Development – challenges and tools / ——

2. Indicator Systems in Sweden and China


3. Case Study: Caofeidian International Eco-City / ——

4. Conclusion /

1. Urbanization and the Sustainability Challenge in China

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The extremely rapid urbanisation in China

� From 45% - 65% share of the population within 25 years. � From 500 millions to 900/1000 millions. � 15 mill new citizens every year – 40 000 inv/day. � 2000 sq km new building spaces every year. � More than 100 cities with over 1 million residents. � From 41 to 118 large cities in 2001-2007 (over 1 million residents) � 2001 2007 41 118

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Typical development pattern. Energy consumption and types of Energy in China

� Double energy consumption in the last 10 years. � 2/3 of energy consumption is coal based. � China is the world’s greatest emitter of CO2 from 2007,

but ”only” 4 tons CO2 per capita – USA 20 tons per capita.

Source: Benewick,R & Hemelryk,S (2009

Climate Change is on the Agenda

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Simulated increase in mean temperature 100 years ahead from baseline.

Climate Goals: Min 15 % renewable energy in year 2020. US $ 184 billion invest. Target for 2020: Reduction of CO2. By 40-45% per unit of GDP.

Source. Prof Lin Erda (2007)

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National Strategies in China

Source: Vice Minister Qiu Baoxing (Ministry of Construction)

Urban structures

� Regional Planning � City Cluster � Compact City (>10 000 p /sqkm) � Low-carbon Eco-Cities (200 ?) � Low-rental housing

Technical sub systems

� Green Building � Energy Efficiency � Renewable Energy Supply (Solar + wind) � Bicycling + Public transport (Motorways)

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� Urban Sewage 200 billion 2010 - 2015 Urban – Rural relationships /

� Urban and rural balance (green/blue lines) � Rural heritage protection � Urban heritage protection � Learn from developed countries

Large scale investments in renewable energy

� 30 milj homes have solar panels for heating. � = 2/3 of the world’s total solar heating systems. � Solar farm in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, 65 sqm solar panels (20GW).

Renewable energy in housing areas.

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2. Swedish efforts to promote sustainable urban

development / SWEDEN / Considerable environmental improvements since the Stockholm Environmental Summit 1972.

1972 .

Sweden has a strong position in the field of sustainable urban development.

Western harbour/Bo 01 Malmö

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Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm

R&D projects – Institutional export

Gårdsten, Gothenburg

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Swedish governmental support to sustainable urban development

The SymbioCity Concept

A Swedish Partnership Initiative

The Swedish Planning System has a strong focus on sustainable development

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Planning with environmental objectives! (SAMS-project)


The SAMS-project proposed possible planning indicators for the public, decision-makers and researchers

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The new approach was to investigate planning indicators as a tool for the development and assessment of planning alternatives as a supplement to monitoring indicators.

“ ”

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Planning indicators can be used to develop and assess plans on regional, city, city district and block level

Indicators for sustainable development in municipalities

A Development Project within the Swedish Building Living Dialogue To develop INDICATORS to promote sustainable development in collaboration between planners and environmentalists.

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To test and critically evaluate the methodology in municipal case studies in four Swedish Municipalities: Malmö, Kalmar, Karlstad och Hofors.

Monitoring indicators for follow-up of the development 15-20 years back (circles) respectively 3-5 years back (arrows) was applied in four municipalities /4 15-20 3-5

Companies with rapid growth Reduced emissions of CO 2

Urban density Health differences

Source: Malmö Stadsbyggnadskontor 2004 Planning indicators combined with radar graphs or MCA- multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of alternatives for a city district in Nyköping (Sustainable Municipality project)

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International Systems as CASBEE, BREEAM and LEED have yet to be generally applied in Sweden as for planning

LEED, BREEAM and CASBEE focuses mainly on the building level. LEED-ND for neighbourhood development is the latest LEED certification system. Based on combined principles for smart growth, new urbanism and green infrastructure and buildings. Limitations

� Max size approx 128 ha � Too formalized and complicated measuring process


� Gives incentives for improving the standard beyond minimum requirements

� Makes it possible to compare urban areas

3. An example of an indicator system developed through

Sino-Swedish collaboration

Caofeidian Project – Important Demo in China

--- The Bohai zone will become next strategic development area after the Pearl-river Delta and Yangze –river Delta. Caofeidian should play important

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demonstration role on scientific development by good planning, good construction and good utilization (17th CPC goal).

2006.7.29 President Hu Jintao 2006.7 & 2007.5 PM Wen Jiabao

Cross-Border Dialogue between Sweden and China

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� Agreements between the Swedish and Chinese Governments. � Agreements between the Ministry of Trade and Commerce and


The INDICATOR SYSTEM of the Eco-City will support the overall vision of a world-renowned, modern, people-focused, prosperous, climate-neutral and environmentally sustainable city.

The Conceptual Model for the Indicator System reflects an integrated and multidisciplinary approach

Legend Core: Health and life quality Yellow: Environmental, socio-economic & socio-cultural factorsGreen: Urban sub systemsBlue: Institutional factorsSurround: Spatial factorsSource: Sida Manual for Environmentally Sustainable Urban Development, Sida Ulf Ranhagen

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Two main types of Indicators:

Planning Indicators - vision /

� 30 sqkm � 12 sqkm � Urban areas/

Monitoring Indicators /

� Implementation/ � Operation/

Planning indicators are tools to steer the planning and construction of the Eco-City in accordance with its overall vision – prioritised objectives

� 30 Key Indicators and Targets

� 140 indicators with targets levels related to Swedish and Chinese references

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Examples of key indicators related to nine themes of planning 9


� 80% of all blocks should be mixed-use � Residents/workplaces = 80/20 – 20/80


� Share of land for higher education and research incl research and science parks 20%.

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� Walking distance to stops for public transport < 300m � Walking distance to urban nodes < 800m � Share of travel by foot and bicycle > 50% � Share of travel by car < 10%

4 - GREEN and BLUE City

� Share of urban public space including green space and market places 35% of city area. / 35%

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� Share of yearly amount of storm water which is stored >75% / >75%


� Heat and electricity in residential buildings <45 + 25Kwh/sqm � Share of renewable and excess energy sources >95%

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� Separated treatment of black water and grey water. � 100% blackwater is digested for biogas production. � 100% waste collection and separation. � 80% of generated food waste to biological treatment for nutrient and

energy recovery.


� Basic block 230mx230m should be divisible into smaller block.

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Qualitative Indicators

� Balance simplicity and complexity � Balance openness and closure � Position and visibility of landmarks

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� Combination of indicators related to all other themes.

The indicator system has been developed through planning dialogues and in collaboration between research and practical applications. / 4. Conclusion

Sustainability indicators – OPPORTUNITIES

Functions as an alarm clock – the ecological footprint. Makes it possible to follow-up environmental changes over time. Elucidates the relationship between environmental and socio-economic objectives. Facilitates the follow-up of the integration of the environ- mental objectives in plans. Sharpens the comparison of alternatives in SEA and EIA. Acitivates the dialogue among experts, NGOs and citizens.

Sustainability indicators – RISKS

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Quantifiable, precise measures may overshadow qualitative but more relevant. Too rash conclusions with regard to casuality, causes and effects. Indicators become norms instead of tools. The planning work becomes fragmented – complexity will be replaced by illusory simplicity.

Final reflections

� China is midst of an unprecedented urbanization.

� This causes an enormous pressure on the environment.

� At the same it offers a ”window of opportunity” for green solution. “

� There is a need for indicators as a tool both for follow-up and


� The Sino-Swedish collaboration in this field should be strengthened.

� The indicator system of Caofeidian eco-city and other Chinese and Swedish R&D is one starting-point for the future process.

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System�ecological�approaches�to�architectural�design.�The�Chinese�pilot�project�scheme�for�ecological�buildingand�the�case�of�Potevio�office�building�in�Shanghai.�� Zhang Tong, professor at Southeast University, Nanjing Ronald Wennersten, professor at KTH, Stockholm. Sustainability plans to support the development of master plans for cities Professor Ronald Wennersten Department of Industrial ecology KTH, Stockholm, Sweden The Challanges!

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Do we have any visions of the sustainable city?

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Why are we going this way?

� Ad hoc planning � Different strong stakeholders ”colonize” the future

Integrated planning Integrated planning means that Spatial Development Framework has to be linked to Environmental and Social Management Frameworks

Hammarby-Sjöstad in Stockholm.

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Swedish experiences:

� Hammarby-Sjöstad (New area soon finalized)

� Royal Seaport (New area in planning phase)

� Järva (Older suburb areas from “million program()

Stop - That is Sweden, a highly developed country – not China!

Water situation in Stockholm in the old times. Future cannot be predicted - Only invented:

But it can be ”colonized” by strong stakeholders! And it can get worse by Ad hoc planning! We have to create a Roadmap to the future we want We need:

� Dedicated city leaders with long term visions � Joint visions � Comprehensive planning including

environmental plans � Short,and long term targets

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Integrated planning is:

� Sustainability Assessment of present situation. Which are the important sustainability aspects social, economic, environmental?

� Creating a vision for the city � Environmental plan � The process for realizing the environmental plan and how it is

integrated into the Spatial Development Framework including a business model

� Follow up and correct Co-operation KTH – Southeast University:

Development of strategic sustainability plan for Bixi Town, Jiangsu province

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View from Bixi Town Hall meeting with planners and towards Yangtse River.

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a Pilot Green Office Project in Shanghai Sweden Architecture Week, Knowledge Change Within Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development. Professor ZHANG Tong, Southeast University

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Location in red with Pudong International Airport at yellow dot to the right.Shanghai C and the Yangtse delta above. Lake Taihu to the left with the local cities Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou.

Master plan, Whole Industrial Park

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Facts of Planning Project China Potevio Shanghai Industrial Park Client China Potevio Shanghai Industrial Park Co. Ltd. Design Design Institute of Architecture, Southeast University Technical Consultant Department of Industrial Ecology, KTH Shanghai Research Institute of Building Science Location Fengxian District, Shanghai Total Property Area 92667m² Total Floor Area under Planning 73480m² Floor Area, the 1st Construction Phase as Pilot Green Industrial Park14487m²

Facts of 1st Construction Phase Plot Area 19416m² Total Floor Area 14487m²FAR 0.75 Programs One Office Building and Three Factory Buildings Floor Area of Office Building 4370m² Floor Area of Factory Buildings 10069m² Project Set-up Apr. 6, 2006 Earth-breaking: Mar.12, 2008 Construction Completion: Sept.9, 2010 Total Cost of Office Building: 20,000,000RMB / 4,580RMB/m² Cost Accretion due to Green Techniques: 1,000 RMB/m²

Eco-Potevio Project was labeled as Chinese national pilot project of green building in 2008.The design of the office building was collected as Top 10 Green Design at the book “ Super Cases of Green Building” co-compiled by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, China as well as Energy Foundation, USA.The design of the office building is now applying for the 3-star Chinese Green Building Design Label (GBDL).

Birds Eye View

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Main Entrance and the Plaza.

South View.

Sunshading-enveloped Office Building on the Grass Slope.

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Targets and Principles Target 1 Building configuration and space organization should manifest the design principles of Simplicity, Efficiency and Moderation, embody both ethical and aesthetical characters of green architecture, and be integrated with the dimensions of culture and humanism. Target 2 High quality of Comfort and Healthy.

Target 3 Low energy consumption, 60% energy saving compared to the normal buildings of 1990s. Target 4 The whole project process (design, construction, running) should follow the requirements of National Criteria of Green Building, aiming to achieve the label of highest level, 3-star Chinese Green Building Design Label (GBDL).

Model view, 1st construction phase.

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Collaboration with KTH Visiting Research at KTH during the Phase of Preliminary Design

From Sept. 2006 to Jan. 2007, during the phase of preliminary design, architect ZHANG Tong and a research team went to Stockholm taking visiting research on sustainable architecture collaborated with Department of Industrial Ecology, KTH.

The achievements of the research work as well as Swedish collaborators’ works were compiled as a special issue of Chinese magazine World Architecture in July 2007 named as “Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture in Scandinavia”.

The continuing research were finally published as the book “Green North: Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture in Scandinavia” in January 2009. The book contents theoretical research of the knowledge and history of sustainable architecture in Nordic countries and several categories of case studies such as Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm, Bo01 in Västra Hamnen, Malmö, Viiki Community in Helsinki, KTH library and lecture building Riksäpplet II in Haninge Campus etc.

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Case studies on Scandinavian experience of sustainable architecture are very helpful for the project design. Some convincing solutions such as sun-shading façade of Alba Nova lecture building at KTH and natural ventilation system in Riksäpplet II at KTH Haninge Campus really worked as important references for the design.

Green Techniques Applied

Passive � Low Shape Coefficient (Surface-to-Volume Ratio) 0.298 � Space Configuration Encouraging Natural Ventilation � High Performance Thermal Insulation Building Envelop � Semi-underground Space and Green Roof � Adaptive Shading Façade

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� Natural Lighting Active

� Renewable Energy Sources: Geo-thermal Heat Pump � Modularized Adjustable Floor Ventilation and Cooling Ceiling � Heat Exchange Ventilation System � Contamination and Moisture Controlled Air-Conditioning � Storm Water Treatment and Grey Water Reuse � Energy Saving Lighting � Environment-friendly and Healthy Materials � Building Intelligent System Controlling and Integrating all the

Technologies Applied in the Building.

Main Indicators of Energy Saving Total Annual Energy Consumption: 1,299,689MJ/a

Annual Energy Consumption: Reference Building Eco-Potevio

Heating 39.18kWh/m² 10.86kWh/m² Air Conditioning 29.40kWh/m² 12.34 kWh/m² Lighting 28.36 kWh/m² 11.58 kWh/m² Total 96.94 kWh/m² 34.78 kWh/m² Proportion 100% 36% Energy-saving Efficiency 64% Annual Consumption of Reclaimed Water 2,496 m³/a Green Roof Irrigation 6.83 m³/d Car Washing 1.20 m³/d Garage Cleaning 1.26 m³/time Ratio of Using Reclaimed Water 47.2%

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Energy Saving By efficient strategies of space composition and passive solutions, to control and reduce the requirement of energy to get high quality of comfort and healthy.

Low Energy Requirement

Efficient Energy Consumption

Generation - Renewable Energy Source Distribution - Efficient Heat Transfer Medium Exchange - Air-conditioning Solutions

Low Energy Requirement / Passive Strategy Low Shape Coefficient The semi-underground lower part of the building is enclosed by a thick envelop composed of 40cm soil with grass and 5cm XPS thermal insulation. It makes the interior space have stable temperature and humidity, revealing the quality of natural cave. The upper part of the building is a highly compact hexagon volume fully enclosed by a layer of adaptive shading façade. The final calculation of shape coefficient is 0.298, much lower compared to the Shanghai local regulation of energy saving building, 0.40 (DGJ08-107-2004,J10307-2003 ).

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Low Energy Requirement / Passive Strategy Self-Shading

� At the south side, the only opening of restaurant at ground floor is deeply shaded by 2.89m-3.64m cantilever of upper volume.

� The main entrance facing east is also shaded by the upper volume with 2.02m.

� Part of upper volume surface is intilted, embodying the function of self-shading.

Low Energy Requirement / Passive Strategy High Thermal Performance of Building Envelop

Exterior wall: � 20cm autoclaved lightweight aerated concrete slab � + 5cm XPS heat insulation


� thermal-break aluminium alloy frame + Low-e Double Glazing � shading coefficient 0.4 � heat transfer coefficient 2.16 W/m².K

1. Heat Transfer Coefficient, Roof K=0.33 W/ ·K �0.7W/ ·K (National

Code GB50189-2005)

2. Heat Transfer Coefficient, Exterior Wall K=0.40 W/ ·K �1.0W/ ·K (National Code GB50189-2005)

3. Heat Transfer Coefficient, Cantilever Ceiling K=0.49 W/ ·K �1.0W/ ·K

(National Code GB50189-2005) 4. Ground Thermal Resistance R=1.57 W/ ·K �1.20 ·K/ W (National

Code GB50189-2005)

5. Window Thermal Performance: - Opening Ratio, North Wall 0.12 - Opening Ratio, East Wall 0.25 - Opening Ratio, West Wall 0.31 - Opening Ratio, East Wall 0.46

All the windows and doors use heat-isolated aluminium alloy frame + Low-e double glazing (6mm low-e glass + 12mm air + 6mm normal glass), Heat Transfer Coefficient K�2.8W/ ·K

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Adaptive Shading Façade The upper volume of the building is enclosed by a complete envelop of aluminium shading façade, which has 72 cm intermediate space apart from the exterior wall. The shading unit at the place corresponding to the windows can be adaptively opened by various angles according to the different climate conditions as well as different requirements of lighting, shading and view.

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Renewable Energy Source Geo-thermal Heat Pump System

� A geo-thermal heat pump system provides renewable heat source for HVAC.

� Energy coefficient cop 5.273>2.64 (National Code GB50189-2005) � Annual Cooling Supply: 461117 MJ/a � Annual Heating Supply: 366965 MJ/a � Heat pump system provides hot water at the same time. Domestic

hot water is 100% generated from renewable source.

Section Diagram of Geo-thermal Heat Pump System and Cooling Ceiling.

Energy Distribution and Heat Exchange

Stable heat from the earth is transmitted and distributed by water through boreholes to heat pump.

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The office spaces at 3rd. and 4th. floor are air- conditioned by radiating ceiling. Heat is distributed efficiently through capillary tubes by the medium of glycol.

Heat Exchange Ventilation, Winter (left) & Summer (right) Section

The ventilation system is equipped with heat exchanger to recycle the abandoned heat. The enthalpy efficiency of the heat exchanger is up to 50%, whiles the temperature efficiency is higher than 70%.

Counterflow Heat Exchanger

Natural Ventilation

Sectional diagram of ventilation.

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� The 24-meter high atrium functions as central chimney of the

building integrated natural ventilation system. � More than 30% of windows can be opened to absorb fresh air in.

Ventilation Opening at Interior Walls

� The 40cm-high adjustable opening at the upper part of interior walls facing the atrium are intentionally designed to encourage natural ventilation.

Detail of Ventilation Opening at interior walls

Ventilation Openings in Riksäpplet II, Haninge, Stockholm as reference.

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Main Entrance Functions as Ventilation Trap

The infundibular shape makes the main entrance space function as a fresh air trap within the whole ventilation system. The self-shading effect makes the entrance much more cooler than the upper part of atrium, which highly strengthens the chimney effect by mechanism of heat pressure.

Simulation Analysis and Modification of Floor Plan

The 3rd floor plan was modified according to the result of simulation analysis, enlarging the opening at south- east corner to enhance the fresh air inlet in summer and spring, making ventilation flows more even.

Distribution of wind speed under heat pressure effect.

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Distribution of wind speed under wind pressure effect, summer and spring.

Distribution of wind speed under wind pressure effect, winter and autumn.

Distribution of wind speed on 3rd floor, winter and autumn.

Distribution of wind speed on 3rd floor before modification, summer and spring.

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3rd floor plan before modification 3rd floor plan after modification

Enlarge the fresh air inlet.

Natural Lighting

The Atrium The atrium also works as a bright centre of natural lighting. The S shaped structures at the top filter the sunlight and make it even and soft.

Section Diagram: Natural Lighting.

Detail of S-shape structure acting as light filter.

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The Atrium under Construction.

Skylight of Exhibition Hall

The green roof of the exhibition hall is ripped to 6 strips to make the sunlight penetrate into the interior space.

Detail of the Structural Skylights.

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The Exhibition Hall under Construction

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Integrated Green Surface

� All the roofs of the four buildings including the factories as well as the various slopes enveloping the lower volume of the office building are all covered by soil and grass.

� Green Roof: 5452m² � Green Slope Envelop: 2610m² � Grass Ground: 4932m² � Integral Green Ratio: 66.92% � Total Permeable Ground Area: 6522m² � Permeable Ground Area Ratio: 58.97%

Green Slopes Enveloping the Lower Volume:

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Application for 3-star Green Building Design Label (GBDL).

The project is now applying for National 3-star Green Building Label (GBL), which is the highest level certification in China. Since the building is not yet put into use, it is for the moment applying for 3-star Green Building Design Label (GBDL). According to the national code Evaluation Standard for Green Building (GB/T 50378-2006), which is enacted in 2006, there are three levels of green building label from 1-star to 3-star. The code evaluates building from 6 categories of criteria:

1. Land saving and outdoor environment. 2. Energy saving and utilization. 3. Water saving and utilization. 4. Material saving and utilization. 5. Indoor environment. 6. Operation and management.

In each category there are 3 kinds of criteria, which are control, general and optional respectively. All the green label building should meet the criteria of control items. According to the satisfaction of general items and optional items, buildings are graded from 1-star to 3-star.

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GBDL Evaluation Standard Level General Items (36 as total) Optional

ItemsLand saving and outdoor environment

Energy saving and utilization

Water saving and utilization

Material saving and utilization

Indoor Environment

Operation &Manage-ment

6 10 6 5 6 3 13 * 3 4 3 3 3 1 0** 4 6 4 3 4 2 5*** 5 8 5 4 5 2 8

Eco-Potevio GBDL Evaluation Level General Items (36 as total) Optional

ItemsLand saving and outdoor environment

Energy saving and utilization

Water saving and utilization

Material saving and utilization

Indoor Environment

Operation &Manage-ment

6 10 6 5 6 3 13 Passed 5 8 5 3 5 3 9Failed 1 1 1 1 0 0 3Excluded 0 1 0 1 1 0 1

Evaluation of Optional Items, Eco-Potevio Project Land saving and outdoor Environment

5.1.12 Reuse of abandoned site × 5.1.13 Reuse of abandoned building � 5.1.14 Permeable Ground Area Ratio

58.97%�40% �

Energy saving and Utilization

5.2.16 Energy-saving Efficiency 64%�60%

5.2.17 Distributed CCHP system (combined cooling, heating and power supply)


5.2.18 Use of renewable energy source Hot water generated from renewable energy source 100%�10% total consumption (or, electricity generated from renewable energy source �2% total consumption)

5.2.19 Lighting power density (LPD) �criteria in Design Standard for Building Lighting (GB 50034)

Water saving and utilization

5.3.12 Ratio of Using Reclaimed Water (office and commercial building) 47.2%�40%

Material saving and utilization

5.4.11 Resource-saving and environmental friendly structure


5.4.12 Ratio of using reusable material �5%

Indoor environment 5.5.13 Adjustable exterior sun-shading system

5.5.14 Indoor air quality monitoring system

5.5.15 Day-lighting in interior and underground space

�Passed, ×Failed, - Excluded

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Research�on�design�and�innovation�culture.�� Bob Lee, professor at Konstfack Design University, Stockholm. Yu Ying, dean and professor at the design department of Tongji university, Shanghai.

Culture differences & bridges / Case studies / Wetland Plaza Shanghai - Stockholm 2007.6 / , 2007

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Sino-Swedish Gift Design Contest 2009.11 for the Swedish Expo Pavilion / 2009 11

Chinese culture meets Swedish culture - Tradition + Innovation = The best of the tow worlds!

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Prize ceremony with swedish minister of trade Dr Ewa Björling. Conclusions Differences in Mind-set Working methods Processes

Bridges: - Staff w Cross Culture Communication Skill Sets - Institutionalized Platforms: SSDCEC, CCC etc - Business Partnership on Both sides

- - -

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The�international�Master�Program:�Sustainable�Urban�Design.�� Yu Kongjian, professor at Peking university, landscape architecture department and principal at Turenscape. Peter Sjöström, ass. professor at Lund university.

GSLA SUDes GSLA – SUDes Exchange programme: Continues exchange GSLA – SUDes staff since 2008

• 2008-2009: 1 year visiting professor, Han Xili Joint project and workshop 25+30 Master students from SUDes and GSLA

• 2009: Olympic Park Bejing Joint project and workshop 25+30 Master students from SUDes and GSLA

• 2010: Shunde, Pearl River Delta, PRD Coming:

• 2010-2011: Exchange programme EMCW • 2010-2011 Research project “Children on Foot” • 2010-2011 Research project “Bodymapping”

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Olympic Park – Post Olympics Cooperation Lund University and Peking University - fall 2009

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OLYMPIC PARK POST OLYMPIC Joint student exhibition in Malmo case, UBPA, World Expo 2010

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Shunde, Pearl River Delta Cooperation Lund University and Peking University - fall 2010

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Ongoing Research:

1. “Children on Foot” - Providing possibilities for children physical activities in urban green space.

2. “Body mapping” – The sense of the city.

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1. “Providing possibilities for children physical activities in urban green space” -

Comparison between Beijing and Malmo. Research site China : Zhonghaifuyuan neighborhood park in Beijing. Research site Sweden: Malmö.

2. Body mapping – The sense of the city A design tool for Urban Designers.

Research process:

• Pick out 96 strong feeling places; • Analysis each place from the 5 senses; • Summary the type of senses. • Abstract the physical elements that contribute to strong senses in 5

senses; • Abstract the physical space that contribute to strong senses;

Research tool: (The psychologist JJ Gibson’s system of senses)

• Visual system • Auditory system • Taste-smell system • Basic-orienting system • Haptic system

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The�Swedish�research�funding�policy�and�international�collaboration.�Specific�agreements�with�China.�� Kristina Björnberg, The Research Council Formas Representing the Swedish research council for environment, agriculture sciences and spatial planning. The main financer of research on sustainable urban development in Sweden. I won’t take the whole heading of my speech, but just concentrate on the China Sweden cooperation. Overall policy for research and development financing. Sweden is one of the countries in the world with highest research of GDP - 4%. 75% Private. 25% Public financing. 50% Directly to the universities. The universities decide on their own how to use the money. 50% through councils through competition. 1/10 succeed. Only high quality research. How can we use the available funding in a good way? Cf Vinnova. Deal more with innovation and company research. Europe, US, China Japan and Brasil is important. There is a bilateral agreement between the Chinese and Swedish governments since 2004, which will now be updated. Six areas of academic cooperation are highlighted. Unfortunately sustainable urban development is not included, but energy, environment, technology etc. The government will do efforts to develop the bilateral cooperation. The universities themselves have already acted. Today there are more than 160 agreements between Swedish and Chinese universities. On institutional level there are even more. A lot of cooperation is going on already. A number of these are about Sustainable Urban Development (SUD). This includes: Post Doc Grants Guest scientists (Swedish/Chinese) Research projects, but Swedish money cannot be sent to China. Conferences. 1st july 2010 a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Urban Development Cooperation between Ministry of Housing and Rural

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Development, The People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Environment, Sweden was signed in Wuxi, China. It highlights different fields of cooperation. One is Sustainable and Integrated Urban development as we have heard about this afternoon. It includes the following important aspects:

1. Low carbon concepts and technology into urban-rural planning and construction.

2. Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development. 3. Building Science and Technology. 4. Building energy efficiency and green buildings. 5. Conservation of historical cultural cities and towns. 6. Urban Water. 7. Municipal Solid Waste. 8. Urban transportation systems.

All the aspects of urban development that we are aware of. This Memo also highlights different approaches of cooperation. One of them is joint research. The approaches includes:

1. Joint demonstration projects. 2. Seminars, workshops and meetings. 3. Exchange visits. 4. Exchange events and joint research. 5. Publications Chinese – English 6. Other forms of cooperation.

So what I would like to say is that there is really a window of opportunity for cooperation on sustainable urban development between Sweden and China at this moment. An opportunity for Chinese and Swedish universities to start Interdisciplinary research with high scientific quality and high societal relevance. It’s a challenge and a bit to work at now to identify the projects. PMS. Good fundament for the discussion.

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How�can�the�research�community�deal�with�the�questions�arising�from�practice?�What�institutional�frameworks�are�helpful?�� Round Table Discussion Chaired by Pehr Mikael Sällström Words by among others: Göran Cars, KTH Robert Lavelid, Tengbom Ulf Ranhagen, Sweco Jan Staël von Holstein, Tongji College of Design and Innovation Dong Wei, Dongnan university, Nanjing Tony Clark, CENTEC, Swedish Embassy in Peking Olov Schoultz, Boverket Lars Johansson, AIX Architects Yu Kongjian, Peking university & Turenscape PMS opening. Göran Cars, collaboration KTH - Fudan Head of the dept of urban planning and the environment at KTH. Collaborative efforts KTH - Fudan. But I’d prefer to make an input to this discussion by telling how we set it up. Nothing about the program as such. When we started this program we looked around at what was in place then. We observed two things:

1. Very much time spent with very little return. 2. Collaborations seldom had a clear base and system for sharing

resources. We started with a master program with a very clear based base for collaboration and share of resources. It works out very well. Based on that platform we can now go on to further steps. The basis for this cooperation is:

1. Partner they can trust and rely on. 2. Driven by utility and value for money.

Other things start happening around it. E.g. we now start up a course on urban development for Chinese practitioners coming to Sweden. We must have a clear business plan.

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We should invite companies to this course to tell about their experiences of working in China. Robert Lavelid, Tengbom Worked in China 5 years with different projects. Master Planning, especially Wuxi 150 km norths of Shanghai. Detailed master planning job. We hope to get to the next stage. Difficult. We have to collaborate with local developers. One aspect we have learned is not a technical issue. We have a need of defining the needs of chinese people, the social aspect. We would like to put that forth to the researchers. How can we get to those aspects of the plan? The main issues in the master plan are social. There’s an enormous development. People are moving from the countryside to the cities. What are their needs, and what can research do to define these needs? This includes: How to solve public transport. Social Buildings. How to handle these things. We need social knowledge. The need of young urban Chinese people. Chinese vocabulary. Sustainable is not only the technological or economical, but social and social sustainability. First when we have these aspects we can look forward. Know more about the planning problems. Totally different timetable. You have to learn how to handle these projects in China. Ulf Ranhagen, Sweco I want you to emphasize some important issues to focus in the strategy for cooperation. I have been involved in the process in China since 2001 when we won a competition for a sustainable neighbourhood in Shanghai at Luodian in the north part. We first came to China our projects have gone through a transformation in three distinct stages: 2001 Focus on architectural design and copying model towns of the

old days. A kind of New urbanism principles. 2005 Large interest for Hammarby Sjöstad the eco-cycle model.

Started a integrated approach to the issues. 2008 Conceptual planning, and multi-stakeholder collaboration

approach. Interest in public space.

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We have seen some speculation in real estate. Luodian will be sold in the end. We have learnt that the Chinese want ready solutions. You must ask what they need from us. Coming:

1. We have started to introduce the participatory approach. I know there is a Community action program in China. I heard about that in Rio, at WUF World Urban Forum. It is tried at the small scale village level.

2. The focus is on energy and heating. Develop district heating systems.

3. The Environmental impact assessment is the 3rd key to the development.

Jan Staël von Holstein, prof of Design strategy, College of design and innovation at Tongji university, Shanghai. Responsible for the building of an entirely new College of Design and Innovation. Rare opportunity to start an entire education process from the beginning. One of the things we are looking for there is research. Meaningful development is based on advanced research. We have found that it is difficult to get funding for research in China. We get a little from developers. Nothing from industry. The kind of research we need is both on planning and architecture and also industrial design, which will be critical for China at the next stage of development. The whole field of industrial design is involved when going from “made in China” to “creative China”. We need to base this on a human centered type of research. It touches on the demographics of the change in China. The young and the old generation. Average age 31 years. Half the Chinese population is now one child. They have lots of money. What will homes look like for them? We need to look at this group, and find a different approach compared to the older generations. In 15 years 50% of the population in China will be elderly. An enormous challenge. In this field China can learn from the Scandinavian experiences. We need to understand more about Energy Water We need new approaches to research with projects you can actively be involved in. Both within planning, architecture and design. Agreement is one thing. The other is practical short projects, prototyping and actually doing something to test ideas. For instance: Prototyping the sustainable village in the countryside. There will be a flow of 350 million people to the cities. Massive. How can we stop that from happen? We must develop serious alternatives in the countryside. That includes cultural ideas and sustainable economic bases.

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Energy issues. We want to create down to earth projects together with universities in architecture, planning and design. It will be short term practical projects 2-4-6-8 weeks and fast prototyping. Collaboration with universities is a key to access the local networks and areas where we have bridges to cross. Dong Wei, prof. of sustainable urban planning, Southeast university. I agree with this gentleman. (Shows map of the region.) I am from Nanjing. It was the capital of China before 1949. Here is Hangzhou of Zhejiang province. There are many small and medium size cities in this area. History of Nanjing. Urban transformation of the city in the past 30 years. My school is the oldest in China, established in 1907 by master scholars who had studied in the US. Architecture school include teaching, research and practice. There are 4 departments: architecture, urban planning, landscape planning and building conservation. It is run by the ministry of education in China. We also run the regional Unesco center. We have an architectural design and urban planning institute doing commissions all around China. The program is the same as most Chinese universities. It includes a full master program of 4 years and a candidate program of 3 years. We have international collaboration with several foreign universities: TU Vienna Shenzhen university Australia MIT NTNU ETH KTH Some of our collaborations in the past 10 years: Collaboration with NTNU in Trondheim. They represent a new kind of language for the urban structure. ETH Zurich exchange of students for one semester every year since the early 1990’s.

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Collaboration with KTH has started with prof. Ronald Wennersten. Six times a year we have studios with different universities. Highly appreciated by the staff. Not more nor less per year. Architects from Sweco and Hongkong have for instance been invited to these studios. To collaborate with foreign colleagues is very interesting. High efficiency come from collaboration. We want to hold an international forum to discuss the opportunities in China. PMS Question: What is the strongest aspect of the Swedish collaboration compared to other countries? Dong Wei: Sweden is the best example. During the latest years I visited Sweden many times. We have sent more than 10 researchers and doctoral students to KTH. You also have a lot of experience of retrofitting old areas, which is becoming a big issue now in China as well when we are going to turn the cities we built for 350 million people over the last 30 years into sustainable cities. Yu Kongjian, prof. Landscape Architects, Peking university. PMS: What do you think of our future and possibilities for collaboration? YKJ: Nice introduction about money. Yes, we are interested in money - of course. Distinguished councellor from the embassy! Very good representation. International organization. Companies etcetera. First: Cooperation so far has been based on individual interests. We need a more institutionalized process. More administrators and businessmen. This is my first suggestion. But, we don’t know how to find an official way to have a strong collaboration. The agreement in july between the ministries is critical. Prof. Holstein made a good point. How to get at these different resources? We need to educate the younger generations. Second: Sweden is very strong in green building, design, planning and environmental technology. What we do in China is very superficial. How can we do it deep enough to make it happen? People in Sweden are really good, but how to make it really happen here in China? These projects could be very expensive. How to cut the price and transform the technology into reality? Third:

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We need to involve the government to build a platform and cut expenses. Foreign consultants can only supply top services in China. For instance, the services don’t include construction documents. But the Chinese code didn’t change. It was written by the Soviet union 50 years ago. How can we transform that? That’s where we need support from the government. Tony Clark, Swedish Embassy in Peking My staff wanted me to say a few words. Living in China since 2006. Started CENTEC 3 years ago. 8 people today working with Swedish companies, municipalities and architecture firms etc. We go with many Chinese delegations to Sweden. We say it is important with committed leadership. There’s often one very committed leader walking before the others. Ha asks: Can you deliver one Hammarby, or one Bo01? Answer: Kind of hard. One big challenge. Huge demand for packaging of what we have been able to get together in Sweden. How to localize it? And at the right price. Another version that can provide the objectives that China want: energy efficiency and pollution reduction. I remember walking in Sweden with a delegation. The issue is, they don’t really know where to go and how to get there, but they trust Swedish experts. They have a huge need for capacity. In China there are 660 major cities, and 1000’s of others. 3000 cities with a Christer Larsson that is looking for capacity to handle the local challenges. We think about “beställarkompetens” (client competency), the capacity to understand what is needed and how to implement it in the Chinese system. Our experience of working with architects has been good. We have encouraged them to integrate swedish technology. Some bio-gas plants have been built. Some waste collections systems, water cleaning plants and large scale heat pumps. There are other areas where we can contribute, but we are looking for suppliers. China is working internally much on climate change. China wants to achieve a lot. Every level do what they can. They are now about to finish the 2015 plan. Can we do some joint research to support the perspective in this plan? We are setting up a low carbon calculation project. How to calculate the carbon emissions? China is looking for that now. Any in-put to this would be good. By introducing Swedish technology we can lower carbon emissions. PMS: Good you brought up the need for tools. We need that in Sweden too. Olov Schultz, International affairs, Boverket (National board of housing building and planning). After the signing of agreement in July, our director made a visit in Beijing organized by CENTEC. We met with several ministries and the China academy of science. The item of energy efficiency in building is one of the sectors in which we can cooperate, but also urban development.

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On September 17 we met a group of e-governors. They wanted to know how we are dealing with information, citizen participation etcetera. We are on and we are trying to find projects to support. But we also need finance. We have a 200 people staff. We will start with energy. We are also interested in other perspectives, but it is wise not to start eating from all dishes, but to start with one field. We want to try finding financial solutions with you. PMS: We are approaching time limit. I have already noted several issues for further research with the social perspective at the core of it, not forgetting tools for the calculation of carbon emissions. But we also have the initiative from KTH to start an education program for Chinese practitioners. May be that can support the client competency that CENTEC asks for? And the suggestion from Southeast University to organize an international forum to discuss the opportunities in China. And the institutional issues of financing international research and cooperation between business and academia. More? I’m curious to have a comment from the companies. The way you work integrated with research and practice. My experience is that the Swedish system doesn’t allow as much flexibility as the Chinese system. On the other hand China can benefit from learning more professional practices. We should be open to finding new models of work. Lars Johansson, AIX Architects We are a medium sized company. 80 employees in Stockholm. We have been quite involved in industrial production methods in wood. Working on sawmill Holmen, large project outside Norrköping. Worldwide export. The situation in China. You have started a program of re-forestation. No wood used in your large scale building programs. Trying to re-introduce this traditional material. You are famous for using it in a traditional way. We are working on it in the modern way. We want to come into dialogue with you and discuss possibilities in this field. PMS: I realize that we can add another issue to our long list of issues for future research cooperation. Low carbon building technology: the example of industrial wood construction. Last comment from our chinese friends: Yu Kongjian: Thank you very much for organizing such a wonderful dialogue. The department of Landscape Architecture at Peking University os open as a cooperation partner.

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As a practitioner, Turenscape have 600 employees open to collaboration. We are building a platform for China in the field of Architecture and Landscape Planning. So much work. Everybody is welcome. We have 20 times as much work for every individual architects compared to Sweden. Foreigners fly back and forth. They should stay longer and settle down here. Then we can do things. Dong Wei: I want to express my thanks to the Swedish Association and especially Pehr Mikael who did a lot of work for this. Hope to collaborate with all of you. Other: Ronald Wennersten: Lots of input for me as a researcher. We have a project on carbon calculation which is part of the Clinton initiative with evaluation of carbon emissions in international cities. We discussed with Formas and Energimyndigheten about our project here in China together with Southeast university, but they were not interested in a project in China. It is difficult to get money to work in China. And the same for the Chinese. There is no matching between this. That’s very interesting and important. Our doctoral students do very relevant projects. They should be more involved with the projects that companies are doing. Lars Reuterswärd, UN, hosting the conference: Thank you for holding this conference here. It’s exactly what this location should be used for. Good with research collaboration, but from a UN perspective in 30 years ahead the urban global population will increase 100% from 3 to 6 billion people. The same volume as it took all history to accumulate. You should keep that in the back of your head. We at the UN try to work through actors. Bo01 and Hammarby are fine, as well as some examples in China. But your experiences of this dynamic development here in China should be communicated to those who just start now elsewhere. The problems encountered in China are far more relevant in other parts of the world. Most research is done by the rich countries, and the urbanization mainly takes place in poor countries. We try to create excellence centers to transfer knowledge and competency. China is active in UN Habitat. Tongji is active with scholarships in Africa. Close cooperation also with Chalmers in Sweden. Partner universities to support the developing countries. Combine Chinese and Swedish experiences in these places! Thank you!

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Concluding�remarks� Pehr Mikael Sällström Secretary of research at the Swedish Association of Architects China has been building up capacity to handle large scale urban and rural development since the early 1980’s. The realization of the Shanghai Expo 2010 is a clear sign that they are now closing up on the west. Already back in the 1980’s the Swedish research community did some research exchange with Chinese colleagues on urban planning and energy. But at that time the major challenges were concerned with building up the institutional capacity in China. I remember visiting Qinghua university in 1990 when I met a proud professor in acoustic engineering who wanted to show me his anechoic chamber that the foreigners had built for him. Now he was looking for research to use its capacity. As for planning this was the time when China established their planning system and started to make ground maps of their cities. Still in the mid 1990’s I had the experience that it was not uncommon that the first thing to do when starting work for a new plan in a former rural area would be to make a ground map. When architects from all over the world were invited to Peking for the UIA congress in 1999 there was a new spirit in the air. 1000’s of young Chinese architects gathered around the seminars eager to get access to the knowledge and experience from abroad. The British architectural theorist Kenneth Frampton made his historical opening speech urging the developing countries to go for collective transportation systems. The chief architect of the World Expo Professor Siegfried Wu told me during our conference that the issues of urban life and the creation of sustainable public spaces in the Chinese cities were very much at the heart of the plans for the world expo. He said that he believed that the greatest achievement of the expo is the addition of 5 subway lines to the metro system in Shanghai. They really establish a new kind of public space for the citizens where they can interact and meet each other in a new modern way. The vision of Frampton at the UIA in Peking has come true 10 years after, at least in the major Chinese cities. This is a fabulous achievement! But already at the World Urban Forum in Nanjing in 2008 we could see that the Chinese were doing plans of all sorts from the local to the regional level and that they were beginning to realize the need for integration of different aspects, both horizontal and vertical. There were plans for among other things bio-diversity, water systems, heritage conservation and transportation, apart from the over-arching spatial development plans. During the same period China has seen the rise of large scale private or semi-private urban developers, as the housing production was privatized around 1999. Now they are about to take over the initiative, as we can see when Tengbom architects need to make partners with private developers at Wuxi. Same thing for Sweco at Tangshan. This is a new phenomenon in China.

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But still the municipalities in China are to a great extent both the planners and the builders of their communities. They plan and finance and construct. This means there is need for integration and negotiation between the different administrations within the municipality and between the local and national levels, as SWECO has experienced in their work with regional planning at Tangshan in the north. The regional level is still not so developed and seems to be weak compared to the local and national levels. Even though that might be the case also in Sweden, still we have a much more elaborate system for regional management of urban development than China. This may be the reason why a Swedish consultancy such as SWECO has been invited to work on that level in China since 2008. Professor Ranhagen also related at the conference that participatory planning is coming in China now. We can see that they try to adopt such concepts on the village level, below the municipal and county levels. (China has 5 administrative levels, compared to the three levels in Sweden.) That means in built up areas with approximately 1000-10.000 inhabitants. As several of the speakers at the conference told us, this could be an interesting field for cooperation between research and practice in China. But we should keep in mind that the real commercial potential so far is concentrated to the large city centers along the Chinese coast. One of the best markets for Swedish architects and planners being the area around Shanghai where the per capita incomes are approaching 100.000 RMB (approximately the 2-3 double consumer value in Swedish kronor) and the tax revenues of the municipalities are soaring high as the population will double in the next 7 -10 years. All the rural areas become urbanized in the delta. A development which Swedish consultants now take part in. Energy and reuse of resources is a relatively new concern in Chinese planning. The shift of focus from design to eco-cycles in 2005 related by professor Ranhagen at the conference, coincided with the adoption of a new ambitious program by the People’s Congress to build a “circular economy” based on the German and Japanese examples of environmental management in that year. China is to a great extent still a planning economy where targets are decided by the People’s Congress on a 5 year basis and therefore can be supported by ambitious public financing. At the moment the major problem with the Chinese model seems to be a short term focus resulting from that the governors are elected on 5 a year term. Within that time they must deliver tangible economic output to be considered for new assignments. This results in tight time schedules and priority of time. Participatory models are looked at with a certain scepticism as they tend to result in development at a comparatively lower speed. The connection between the governors and the local populations is generally weak as they are elected by the central government. Spectacular new technologies come with high political prestige and support good careers in the system. Many of the political leaders are engineers and seems to be more interested in technology transfer than social development. But as we learnt during this conference, this is not the only truth about the Chinese model. Our bringing up of the theme of Human centered architecture and urban development, was received with interest and positive acclamations by our colleagues, the participants and media.

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After having listened to the speakers at the Sweden China Knowledge Exchange seminar it is clear to me that there is really a window of opportunity. It is not only related to the fact that our ministries of Construction and Environment respectively have signed a memorandum of cooperation in July 2010. It is first of all related to the major concern in many developed countries that the forecasted development of China will take place in a way that doesn’t harm the global eco-system, and especially not add carbon emissions. When our prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt met the Chinese leaders in 2008 and signed a general agreement between our two nations the fundamental idea was that we must help to transfer the relevant technologies to China. In exchange for that China would do their best to have economic growth without damaging the global eco-system. The other concern of the developed countries is to integrate China with the global economy and to get access to the Chinese market for our goods and services. These two drivers go hand in hand when it comes to climate technology export activities. But as professor Cars told us the Chinese also want useful things to come out of the cooperation. They want to make money! I observed that professor Yu was pleased with that statement. The universities are not commercial agents, at least not when it comes to making profits out of the knowledge they produce. They can sell education as professor Cars pointed at. But we can see from the example in China that they work as ambassadors for our culture and our way of thinking. They open up relationships that our companies can benefit from in the next phase of development. They can find competent staff for their commissions and they can get access to knowledge they need to be efficient and relevant on the market. As we have learnt at this conference there exists already more than 160 cooperation projects between Swedish and Chinese universities. It is overwhelming. We were able to gather a few of those teams working within the field of sustainable architecture and urban development to this conference. But even in this field there are additional projects going on that were not able to participate and present their work this time. The point made by professor Yu is that we need to strengthen the institutional framework around our cooperation. We also learnt from professor Wennersten that the financing of international cooperation projects within research is not granted by the systems in our countries. The Swedish Embassy in Peking try to do something about that funding small investigations on key issues for their marketing efforts. That is good, but the institutional issue should also be brought up in the discussions about a new research strategy for sustainable architecture and urban development in Sweden. It was good to hear that Boverket will do some exchange programs on the legislative issues starting with energy. To establish harmonious standards between Sweden and a key market as China is a sensible priority by the government. Professor Staël von Holstein made a point speaking of the methodology of research by design where prototyping and combining theoretical studies with concrete projects is a key method.

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Apart from these institutional remarks the conference offered a quite long and inspiring list of possible research projects that I am sure that Formas will embrace and do the best of! These are the research issues that the participants at the conference came up with:

1. Social aspects of planning, such as needs of young Chinese as well as elderly as a basis for master planning.

2. Demands on public transport and social buildings in Chinese master planning.

3. Developing district heating systems. 4. Understanding the water supply issues. 5. Community participation models for planning. 6. Standardization of environmental sustainability indicators and

assessment criteria on the different stages from regional planning to building quality certification, especially those that support holistic and systemic approaches.

7. Prototyping the future home for the Chinese one child generation. 8. Prototyping the Chinese village of the future. 9. Understanding needs of the growing population of elderly people. 10. The role of developers on the market – new ways of working. 11. Legislative system development of laws and regulations, e.g.

energy. 12. Adoption of Swedish models on the Chinese market, especially

aspects of economic competitiveness. 13. Retrofitting the existing urban areas and buildings into more

sustainable areas. 14. Tools to calculate carbon emissions. 15. Wood construction and design in China with industrial methods.

Some of these issues have a more fundamental character. Others are more applied. But generally speaking research in sustainable architecture and urban development is more oriented towards applied research than towards fundamental issues. However the list exemplifies the complexity of the field and the need to develop the kind of conceptual models of the field which professor Ranhagen presented. That kind of general tools facilitates cooperation and development of different aspects of the field without loosing sight of the whole. To use the systematic approach of Ranhagen we could say that the research issues ranges from

1. social aspects (such as living habits and needs of the 1 child generation), through

2. technical systems (such as district heating, public transportation or industrial wood building systems for multiple dwellings),

3. institutional capacity (such as legal frameworks, developer partnering, calculation of carbon emissions or participatory planning) to

4. spatial (resource) factors (such as the Chinese village of the future or dealing with water and green areas in urban landscapes).

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As for the other question of the conference, how cooperation between universities and business can be strengthened, we were not as creative. However one thing is obvious from the above statements. Our Chinese colleagues are as eager as we are to develop a professional practice. They welcome our companies to establish branches in China and partake in the massive undertaking of building a more sustainable China. It is very hard to sell service to a market where you are not present on a daily basis, as professor Yu underlined. Swedish companies have specific and specialized competencies that are on great demand in China. The business models that works are based on this fact. Swedish architects and planners working in China act more as teachers and have close ties with the universities to access competent local staff for the realization of their projects. As for research it would be interesting if our governments could sponsor key development projects of a pilot character to a greater extent. The Chinese initiative to build 100 pilot green buildings all over the country, of which Potevio offices is one example, is an interesting example of how development and innovation is run by China. We still lack the same kind of initiative from the Swedish side to support the introduction of Swedish models of sustainable urban development in China. Funding of demo projects is non-existent. Swedish researchers should also be part of the efforts in Wuxi and Tangshan in a more systematic fashion in the same way as Chinese researchers are now being involved with our most recent developments in Norra Djurgårdsstaden (The Royal Seaport in Stockholm). We also need our government to take the long term responsibility to create the institutional framework for our exchange and future cooperation. May be the institutional framework created by the cooperation between Fudan and KTH, could be a fundament for that? But considering the commercial character of the Chinese market a more independent institute such as the one that SWECO has started may turn out to be as effective. By now the knowledge exchange between Sweden and China develops at an unimaginable speed. Very much thanks to initiatives taken by the Chinese, but also thanks to one of the largest ever marketing effort made by a Swedish government for a single market ever! But we must also consider the long-term perspective offered by professor Reuterswärd in his final words. What we learn from the cooperation between Sweden and China will in the next phase be a global standard. The fact that China for the moment gives such great attention to our example shouldn’t let us believe that this will last forever. If we want to be part of the next phase of development we must be in China as well and learn from their large scale experiments in a more systematic way. China is now gearing up to its former position as one of the major, if not the major, center of the world pre 1800. When I asked some of the Chinese participants at the conference about their view of the presentations they said they had expected a more systematic approach to the issue. When Swedish architects and planners come to China it is not enough to do practice as usual. China is a culture where systematic and generalized knowledge is held very high. They created a standardized construction method for the wood pavilions they used to live in until the early 20th century already in the 10th century when Song Dynasty official Li Mingzhong (1065-1110) published his Building Manual (Yingzao Fashi) in 1103 at the imperial court in Kaifeng.

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The Chinese have chosen Sweden as a strategic partner because we have a systematic and research based thinking in our building and planning activities. They respect us as experts. We must not forget that when we come to China. When it comes to creativity the Chinese can easily compete with us, as the Potevio Office project is proof enough of to me. It is time we welcome China in the global village and listen to their knowledge and expertise as well!

Emperor Hui Zong (1083-1126) of the Northern Song dynasty was an important promoter of the building arts in China. He was also a talented calligrapher and painter. Here he has depicted the Herons rising above the gate of Kaifeng one spring morning.

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Appendix�A:�Program� (open session) Location: Auditorium, UN Pavilion 13.00 The use of Sustainability Indicators. Reflections on the implementation of this system in China and standardisation work in Sweden. Professor Ulf Ranhagen, KTH and Sweco consultants. 13.30 System ecological approaches to architectural design. The Chinese pilot project scheme for ecological buildingand the case of Potevio office building in Shanghai. Prof. Ronald Wennersten from KTH and Prof. Zhang Tong from Southeast University. 14.00 Research on design and innovation culture. Prof. Bob Lee of Konstfack Design University and Tongji University and prof. Yu Ying, dean of design department at Tongji university. 14.30 The international Master Program Sustainable Urban Design. Prof. Yu Kongjian of Peking University and Peter Sjöström of Lund university. (closed session) 15.00 Break, coffee in the VIP section 15.30 – 17.00 Round Table: How can the research community deal with the questions arising from practice? What institutional frameworks are helpful? Opening by Kristina Björnberg, Formas. The Swedish research funding policy and international collaboration. Specific agreements with China. Words by among others: Cecilia Malmsten, Ahlqvist & Almqvist Arkitekter Stellan Fryxell, Tengbom China Dong Wei, Dongnan (Southeast) university, Nanjing Tony Clark, CENTEC Lars Johansson, AIX Architects Yu Kongjian, Turenscape Chair: Pehr Mikael Sällström

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Appendix�B:�List�of�participants� Melis Atacan Lund university Svante Berg Berg & Berg Arkitekter AB Nicholas John Bigelow Lund university Kristina Björnberg Formas Aleksandra Blazevska Lund university Göran Cars KTH Royal Institue of Technology, Stockholm Dag Cavallius Nyréns Architects Sin Yan Chan Lund university Tony Clark CENTEC Jonathan Cohen Jojprod Li Ding Sweco Architects China Wei Dong Southeast university, Nanjing Mina Dorrigiv Lund university Lena Dübeck Swedish Board of Housing, Building and Planning Patrik Faming Swedish Board of Housing, Building and Planning Monica Fundin Pourshahidi Swedish Museum of Architecture Cecilia Hansson Malmö City Planning Office Wan Hua Lund university Anna Hult KTH Royal Institue of Technology, Stockholm Bengt Isling Nyréns Architects Lars Johansson AIX Arkitekter AB Bengt E Johansson Sveriges Generalkonsulat i Shanghai Tadas Jokubauskas Lund university Ashwin Karjatkar Lund university Gunilla Kronvall Lund university HUA TUNG KUN Lund university Fritz Larsson VETERO ELIN LARSSON Lund university Christer Larsson Malmö City Planning Office Karin Larsson Hauschild + Siegel Robert Lavelid Tengbom Bob Lee Tongji Design Faculty Hongling Liu KTH Industrial ecology Cecilia Malmsten Ahlqvist & Almqvist arkitekter / Perspective Juliane Miani Lund university Samin Salehi Moorkani Lund university Elisabet Näslund Swedish Association of Architects Daniel Nilsson Riksantikvarieämbetet Helena Norlén UN Expo Pavilion Mats Norrbom Nyréns Architects Maria-Jose Olavarria UN Expo Pavillion Bárbara Palacios Orozco Lund university Beril Özbay Lund university Gisele Paiva Lund university Chloé Ponçon Lund university Lena Rahoult Swedish Museum of Architecture

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Ulf Ranhagen KTH Royal Institue of Technology, Stockholm Anders Rehnberg Sveriges Arkitekter Lars Reuterswärd UN Expo Pavillion José Manuel Riquelme Lund university Danguolé Ru�inskaité Lund university Anna Rygård The Swedish Expo Committee Jan Staël von Holstein Tongji Design College Pehr Mikael Sällström Swedish Association of Architects Tiina Sarap Sweden Agriculture University SLU Olov Schultz Swedish Board of Housing, Building and Planning Cord Siegel Hauschild + Siegel Eva Sjölin Arkplan Peter Sjöström Lund university Emil Soleymanpur Lund university Laila Strunke Sveriges Arkitekter Kurt Strömberg Mona Svensson Burlövs kommun Pavlovi� Tamara Lund university Richard Tegnér AIX Arkitekter AB Olov Tyrstrup Rasmus Waern Wingårdhs Ronald Wennersten KTH Industrial ecology Rune Winsnes Vara kommun Liu Xiaoping Suzhou Institue of Sustainable Urban Development Xianfang Yang Lund university Tan Ying Sweco Architects China Kongjian Yu Beijing university Ying Yu Tongji Design Faculty Ping Yu CENTEC Tong Zhang Southeast university, Nanjing

