
s«^* - >«; *«M» ..;»'.s8



.1X8 '.••r a t • t >u rch

>o.v ;<>r a t

> u r « j h .


Law. N. Y.

Law, N. Y.

vthing p e r * .->• perform^ iu:,ner..~<2|a;

i^r. desip4&.. . >vy BlOfek" B a n * ,

I R . ^r>i Coqrt

1 fr> 3 P ^ j i S . I 'hon© 2 3 1 *

Y. \ . m



. 1

D .

to 1


B E R O r at L a w , urg-h, N . ; 'T.


!». '



N. Y



ay. May




palace 1 M ) 1 M> <>F T H E CMDRRELLA

1. Mary Ful l er a s the

t - : th of the Doi ly of



i; VM1 N

• d v

n o




Ml \ I t S T W E E K L T i .rrent events .

111 n \ K R r s MOjNES • .: h drania." v, : ' ':•


WIM of the Canadian

:«.> reels feaffiurtns BoS)

in t Hazo! IJuckhaaa.


M M i a i t a *

MONDAY TONET « , 15*14,


- T h e i t tveatSgaHoir^tfc^ia^iatot of Colonel Morten wfefttast t h e M c -Dorwell sa loon « * » « » « * . ' * g o u c S |

Peru and ©iaa&sth atxeets MH be continued before I S * * * * Attorney Col ling this moraiaaK;

*--A team -cif ^ i*nm*an t m u ^ e ^ aached to a ~£>r*i«te «pbotw*er,- a (»carass c o v e r t wggofc Awed &«. ^on* v*eyims .passenger* to an* f««n Platte-burgh Barrack* created aJively eom-raosioa OB BrMs* a t * * mtatte* TOorafins by overtuwildjr sthe wsagan a n d drisg&ng I t a l o t ) * , B t t o g e s t r m

no Peru street a&e* tanhice away Srxm (their driver at the depot. The S t e a l s which 1 W M M ^ te front of the station flvMfe * t m n k Wte3 b o . . ios loaded pa took Afca* «t a pass­ing automobile and boned.' The mules Sfc tmfcfcing' * *ha*» Ifa* Wpset ihe-1 * ^ n d o n e r " a n d \sta*ted up Bridfce street on the n m Cherts they w^r© stopnexi at the corner of Pewi. Rrafc-tto-atly ao danvase was done

% Fiuaxoio sastoxTEB.

\v< lllfy showing all





5 cents.

r>-vis froan aJ) »ver the

:h»T'h quaiSty reecis.

mpon ntg-h*. AidtHSss36a

Hoars 2Tb S ifloM

OPTOMETRIST AND OFHCXlWf Eyes Examined, GLafesiE^aSDlsbed,

Eranaea Repaired, L e n s e s ; Replaced , trhile you wait . If; afecessary. 19 church Scree* , BarIincto«t Ffc,

At 9 PEBIT STUIET ,•.'.14 Head of F i h a Class H^TiE^a 1

.fjarr Wack tns r^ , S years ©IC wfej-ght-.EiffP; 3 pair bJa^& horseS,''Shears:cfl^. . *seiFh)t, 21 ©0; l bl Do& liotse, . S • years v&3d, we ight 1 4 W ; 1 M a c k terse, 4 ^eajs o!d. wfeigha, 1S00; i grair gT«?jTS,

aaid 8 years old, weighit, ,23M; 1 matched IsrowJffis, 5>aa<i 6 years

o3d,-w«>!«hi, 23{M>; i Qsajj- horse , 4 yieara waasht 1200; l ^h^4affii'«p«35y, 6

years o!d; 1 grep horse, 4 years ol^t wejg-ht, 104©.

lYimiutHi TUWHJ MatlKhfUTilKTs Sat-nrday awl Was then I,«ckc(I

WUbam Cfcattttsoto ftafims froon BwaiteSfton w a s Sa£»raa&- i n s h t locH-ed up <y oO»ut Tnlda%bt ad tcr he haA thoroushay trijnfcne& three tovmsfel-lows» whb vrere mixed up in a toraacj ts:h3ch started iix t h * Eagle Cfcffc oa River street. 'The street % h t took fsiace at the corner of Bj&fee ancl Spwth BSver stresrts and ,wtis auiclcly broJsen Mp by OCHccrs FtedUaScJc an3 Liberty, One of tfhe Biem strack aad •wlso/in $&mnt& to the *rf«waJ|c re­ceived a gash over th^ ^osa <&3& A •exipitte by the naatie of S'rwdLSeymtwA The row started in *h* seJooix w^ewj it Ss cialaaoa three or four of tfce ymmfc. njen ffeca *o>vn .jn?cd anfi picked- /« t ether' "'Sur3i&st«»..;'-ft&y5 Giastmar®. saki. &e woWM'-- 'lkeet»; Q«l«t'

FOUND DEAD ^W 0F ^ x mrngmmm



TJieee mm & 4e^ £e«ii&|g' ot *4gm thriiUg;hoittt t h i s t*£y Sfeuturday * f t « > woo« when,It became kaowp Wiat AJ»-4re«r Mdfeefe^ on*, off «attdt«wsfe*s *ola>est and m>?t ¥«ib?«ee^#tii«ai* 4ia&. iswssed ?*wsr ait t»*i b«m<9 va lBr<*i4 afreet shortly «a?t«r .$ o'cioek, *$&*•

HfctetRisjto mm 19 twx* of »i» and had been a. JSfe Jot^r t^sideat <je, the xiity, *iways taodmr ««- *dUvfe *«-



Stephen Barn*, asdd aibonsfc «5 year^ was'-found •dea'tf in tehe « o w eh«lfe o?i •the farm o* Mr. aad afavs. WllHatta Btai', saboat fo^ar aaUes \v©it of th t viiSagD osf Cfaera'busoo Saturday evcxi-ios; after ha.Trto& bee» «n'syi*s- fwsift early 4^ *ho roremoou, jittA Ds. Mt/rl-ar?ty, trtio esamki'&d the fcody siaiei that cteftth was due to iwart fMltiwfe.

Bansy, who -was a distatxt reiettve of Hw. Bray, *ad been eirmployed so the farm for 4he padt jffiSy s-ears, a»>d oa aotttrday mtvrnijaig- he *wn& a&pw* etotiy in his usual TiefciVth -when he i«-tuwwSd. from *h6 fcutter feotoay alter teas dfejirered t h e mi lk Ironn t h e item a« *ra» iUa scustoai, MXA Bra^ xvas ate th* t*me*of Ws return m nwedi o f water tor household purposes and! h* offered to get it for her after he* had j*ut up his teasn, aa^ins tha.t a t "the ea<me time he would set aolfiteieni igstter to vca ft his o&Ut J&MS?. Be then sSt&ried with the team Sfor the barn and that \\-as ^he last time ho isto stem aMve." When, after <beina. dfosent throughout the forenoon, he di<3 not retarn to the house, the anem-bers of the family feewwn.e sontewha*. worried attd nu^e s&tveh >for htm

^ut-witjtout «aeeess. -V&out € o'clock to ihe •ipvehms ^f f iaM "llyan* anaih^j'

:,$ari»ei* 'hat$> dri»ent4he' -<sx«s sntte tj*&; sheit'-SEar the parji^oW:.of m1lk?«s"|ui*

oowiicmzni w w ^ <pv »v >^n»m rami

, * » • • « « •

tm.pvmmi* of AH order of Bon. Victor F . Boir«, Surrofmte of Clinton County,. K«w York, notion is *er*hy thm *ceordinc to^law to m pttwotiM htivlnc clalmt * * # n * Clead Atare, iat» of Alton*, In «»i& county of CUntoxv d«oiW^L to 5t«»*nt thn JNUA« with th« vouchor* thereof, to th« irab-«or!b«r# * t M* pl*x* _<X tUNkHMteUnsr nutfn«M, « th* o«K* of ttehfy L. Carpenter, Alton*. N. T. on or Wove t&a i4 th diiy of Sej&rtomber, 1S44. /

Attornty for Adminktr»tor H-Adr.

teri»ent of *he ^lly. t\j? nearly nf-ty ysara he h^d.^been «»^aeed in the nw>at 1*q«ittess <tnd was well *no*wi not oe}y*tn the *i%y IwitJthrowfehont *h« -cotanty. Before the w » oe w«st-em beef became 39* general Jtht&ugh-out *hi» ieetion Andrew McKeefe fot-years ftraveled .througfe th6 county vmt cha^n^r ^om the larmers th«ir <«t-^te f«• n|4rfce% purposes and thus formed Jan ,»cqju.ointanie& «& i»td,e as that of *sfe mm m the conn*^ *od ,*n every* acQUainWee hft had A Mfe-lo«e friend. IniShe *eftth of Aoda^wr **«>-Keeke another landmhrR )has 'passed awa>vat3d A man >vho«o chariot while withowt" di8plztfr k n « f » bounds,

The itanerJa iirHi'be held.fsom St. £ofc»*« church, this «rtomllJe, a* 9 o'ctoek the anterment fcelns in 3Jownt Cajanel cemetery. -

whip -(too trao if. he an«* ith^sn. -on the, 'fhere: atotwd .:#a«^» %ody iyitts. n^ar street.; T h | # ^ wm$stLfi& fca.^olns. He, .«ai , »* ,srfea£br ".flu 'BeaituS' Sn "-' ty court, this moiTOni?. ' /•'-


..'; Mary Fai!cr-fn *-*ri>h<S End of ^ e . p n br<ata*»,' -Edison v$ra*bKA -"Trajfe " ^ t t t e ?*h. of tho' l>e?^ o f jha Ua%.Serjfeg.' *1n.:Reinerohriai£e^ ^ l l g ' a t a n i a « " » • Owt im» i3^ A i t s l a i d ; ' ® a ; . » ^ ^ S J iiJMjefl,:, .»«rh«s Idiot", Biograph djrWnB, ^Rastns BtO» tas Ride", Pathe comedy. ^eid»j?>--* •*3*e i>c te«ure%jgi^Hlgyem Street jflrama « ^ h .Oa^pte' BltMSlWKtt to'.ftHt title. I<QIO fhjf, £» a -del^etf«3fe.iea*ai*,' "Hearst "Weekly^'.latest erentf, **Cu* pid Versos>29oni^, ¥tfe«granh Nornia TajTOage .and'l^&jbielanoy-.featuJed,---A d v . -• • ' . " > , . • • " - ' • . •

*th© '-tjall of the ^asidSnrs1. -.-*he- >miii;

%<%$-'$$&&' m. *a» *ld«» «sth -abjije" -a«*d owjcV Wi h*a#i and fee 'i*ia jbeca.' #Aft foir's©«%rd3'.Jtmit», . t e Sldflarily \Vjja -ail '.oSK* .w?nl' tor m& <0&a& W& arsiv*! roade ,«n fe^lnaiiian''' ©f • t feo ' '^^». d^dlniar-€hi» iteash' iezta'$ati to.heat* fa^sm ' H# xiigs ' ; a s^ed ' In r e a c n ^ j

fbad, in"^he #ast'"*re^ed--Barry-for

OBETtTAlty. 'On Wedaesatay J&wie ^4, Charlei

Louia Karold: Marshan, only «on o f 5fr. and' lEm. William i . MSiraih&tL passed peaeeftilly a.aay aSfter % Shoi* illness at Ws home ift Valcour.

He «ns eleven months and nine days «rld. A host of <grievitt« firtenxliy aaa reUtlve» extend their heartfelt ^yaoSposhy to the berea%*ed DareiK* and Join in rthcir grfef over the ixm ft* th* baby smilt», the *ahy laughter and iprattle wihfch will bn«ha;eh an*l • malee • Jto^w ithelf 'liame.»«»,in#r«... ;

v'ilm f «>n«tal-. *«x«s' toeW' sS^a^ ' a t ' 1*9' •a. M. pit S t A:pgK«fine*» etewehi.

-IM'i'l l l lV> ; jil {iHlti.tliliililjllMEill.llW'inig

-*40-«; 'm. Ittoiy- Cofflamatnlan. - -. 'iKhttRsdaK . ro^ s»a»' t;3d''.».; m*

!at*% €om«iuni00, • ,. , -.,-

^ * p r ^ « r ^ ^ ' n d d r e m - : ' -'t'aesday, J t tn* i30th,—Sunday school

p j e n i e * . .;•_• . ' , . . - „ . . . .- :. • Rev. AHierl 0a!e, rciAioii *



The Fos*». » • Rat d rank • of.,"!**; t , =.,. ^ _^ _ ^ . ,. . 4

Canadian 'MadteKMI itt" tlfi© I«e1te':^»i, 1 9 ^ '^f*f«Bim , | ^ ^ n N - 4 4 M | P ! turitiR tup' Reat ^|i?ar^es'feife' Leeii. ard' and H a s o t P Q ^ i P K -. ^ 1df%»ifc? of mflfttary m o « n ^ ? i t i p n | r eGEoA.

(Animated W # ^ p - f " s«?e3»Es on th©.ba£^ir,';«^ii^8a- i t i i i ' Death" ^ n 1 i ' « » ' # - ^ " ^ n « # ' ; ^ . : Ccriumfeia are reaStt«4*|)JSa^ W" totifeg of torture on « s a « h »^it» "^hrSners M

j AUaaaa and Kew''.JjToi%> $3&St naasadte' j 7,oao (poii^PTOcn. .afea' t i r# .other &ieh

qualHj reolsL Don^t" d^PiH 't^SS fft coupon n^ht . AdfeisS!ion %'"'"'

^axar, and ^uluSand, I^xemhur«:> :^»i-



Special Price For June IN TAILOR MADE

A Saving of 25 Per Cent f I beg to Announce the arrival |o£ the latest models, fashions joiid fabrica in silks and white pehg^ for June T 12ape Ck»aits and tailored coats kad suits mjade by superior work-loanshjp, always appeal to the eye , [ All the best quality of cloth i*ejiuced $LeO per yard I Alterations, Cleaning and pres­sing our specialty

Best Quality, Correct Styles, Artistic Workmanship, Perfect fit

IN. Leekoff ; Ladies' Ftashionable Tailor

0 Mar^ret $t P|^ne 579-J •mm

\ MONUMENTS * ! E v e r y t h i n g tn the Granit© or Mar-

l>|e Un© direct from t h e quarries. No

« | ldd lemen- 9?Mrty-six years expert-

e i | ce . N o r ^ w h e n you buy from

H O J B A N B R O S . , R u U a n d . VL

M L K A G E B . I buy. ««nt or se31 «I1 kind* of

mileages. Harry L. Booth, Wltherill Hwoao, Unrcaret StreeCr-AdT.

•« • i -

Board of Fa%®#" •^0O3^m • -®£lc% iriattsburgih, N . T , i '-*

Sealed bads wi l l fm $9&&V!e4 hy.1jh»> Board of l>ubMc Worfcl unt i l VM, *u fn. July 3rd, 1914, a n d . t h 4 » . JPW^«T

; l y opened a n d refcd* l o r ®ja^^la l | ' :

all labor and m a t e r i a l f o r buildiWr sewers complete for 8«rvlce o n R u g a r

s t r e e t soo feet more o r lesas f r o m t h e •existing manbote at intersection of 3eekman and Rugar 4tePjM5 eaater-ly. ." ;

The sewer shaU be bui l t o f 10 inch vitriued pipe according t o p lane e n d specificaUona on file in.j|h»'©.88e© o f the City Engineer. Fto^fttiT(inform*; lion on application t o t in? *City Bn» g-meer.

Copies of specifloations m a y i»e procured upon t h e deposi t Of $2.00 which amount wil l h e f%|Sjnfled u p o n return of tine said SSO^Sc^tlOn J&nd plans

E^ch t.d no be accompanied by a lionu or certified checK o f ' f l v e <5) per rent of the amount .Of hid as a guarantee that if t h e hid is accepted a con/tract will be entered upon.

I'mpo.sais must be eealed and m a r k ­ed Bids for Rugrar street sewer .

The r.sht is reserved to reject a n y or all t.,ds. By order o f the Board of Public W.-rks, March t%, J«14.

i E- S E Y M O U R ' City Clerk ; H E N R Y J LANGLOIS

C ty Enpmeer.

NOTICE In pursuance of a n order "of S o n ,

Victor F. Boixe, Surroea*© o f CUnton , County, N e w York, not ice SS~»ere i | s | given according to few &fJ^$$raQSt$

having c laim* a g a i n ^ ' Jamea Boyd, late of Plafctsburgft In said County oif CUniton, deoea^ad, t o {present t h e earn* with the vouchers thereof, t o the sutracri^ra at the ir i ^ u » $jt tran®acUng business, a* '^he'^^oe~<bir their aotorney, Benj . P. ^^nJOffing', 85 Margaret St., Plattshurgh, % Y „ o a or before the 21st d « ^ <rf~3*i3y» 1914.

LORINDA M. ^ f t p g , '' ISAAC M E R K K L .

AdaainastTStors. BENJ. F. FEtNTBERG.

Attoroisy COT AdiaiaaJWa«tori^'-'A.d'

A s e w sca le o f f e e s wi l l go Mto effect $a the ITnUiedl States jptttat «er.. jpfce, A£?!g>&< 1* «s •!•»,# the: ij^terna-tlonll' masey order;hAnfgg IS' ben-. ^ceraeJt with; <Sreat Britain and Ireland ~ "*"s \ "Ptm*et .'^ostein,, -RaJipJft?' ^imt^'W^^^ipl^imt »ady. $»fi0»-|>n» Ifer«^sfe'''1l5el^i!a,^nito 'Aiiitfta!» m, #iii#«n«fi!B»av ifigpK; --Mem ' -SsiSiiat: JPales,- New Zealand, Liberia,, Hon&-

•lir. # # - i l l* ; , | a ^ ^ . | ^ i i ^ ?' %:


- -'^IWiBfc'

SWBT l». O. BVKINIS. The United Suutcs postoffjce au»

thariiles *t Washxaj^n h a w deejded .to""«ai 4 twaney differ* an an* o ty o r fiwwi -'ha^nji;' ia mon^y order ofCce, *f .ISio" ©rd^j«viab presented wKhm thir-J ty dm®-€tar':*»e person *o %hoan )the> | i# \ " ftaf^le,'.' 1?he new leu-Heur i s «f-C«iaiW* ©tt: jro^- 5L Ottder <hffc |m»* ^..aj«*«ai"ii»e ord«r most he lashed 0 , 4 ^ ' « i i 3 t 0 * tow» t n •wNien i t I s ^ -*f t*ea^r ;^h* 1 *tr» order tw» «s«ed to^^o^f fwi^Ience of tr«vel©rst. « « -d^the'«td"jptoa, if * ner*.on leS home $$TdW' * : mohigr »r4f^ wms tece*w*d

jhet tai i t i t onfil h© retarned. flSia twwoj fornj of iden*ftc*tlo« romainp,

JDIBD ( W H M M M W ^ W * ^ ^

4 . ^ © l i ^ l f ^ A t ^ W l i l i R ^ r i ^ t l ^ r m * at h ^ home on Couch atrest, Corral

.--. limn i piwi.iii'iwiil II»I nil iiiimi 11 ny.iiii 'III i« H W J ^ — I I I I , — — , .

pSt«i. June £2. l*l< t a dwiEtttcr <Alicft

01GREBS M b 0 W ' ® R 0 A TEMPBBMWi f F llOj tot so l o n g i & f t ^ i i f t ^ i l l f 4

T h e " b o % ^ ^ "• .. ..v ^ ..Jl. ...., .. .. Is^W^llft'SNiw'M Iti ' ..,. . , . . if i t did aof; l i ^ off | o i | t i e l | l g 3 b $ # ^ t a a t i t rtotm sooia develop a fever. As * £ i i% W ^ ' ^ 0 V f r ; W ? ^ & ' t I WSGl&oior -sjs-tem# as ^ S s " i O p e ^ p^W^WW^^mJS^W^ ; t te^, ;*"he/ |#" ^ i t i \de | ^ 9 # M ^ m « 4 | M w ^ f l ^ | | | J P ^ ^ jgfcjswi&fa or expand so^ae toA^iag m o r « . # 1 ^ > I o o l % m& skin an9 eool the b^dy off faster ^e.i^Sg9Vt,.-^k.. YM$%

NESS E E S l t t f S .

beats i m tiie body alia n ^ a ^ ^ e c i a l strain on the M a t


Toy^ .Als u l b • ' • 1 4 ' V V / . ~ V „ .,'• Vv . .T ' ' -u *Hre- is a ^ o a - ' ^ ^ ^ ^ m t . a - i a a - m a s t e r r ' ^ - ' B a o l d p S ^ b . - ' r ' I ^ - ;

sun is a long way of, W& i t w jasfe a big fire, all t he same; I t IB a cood


In porswrnoa cr wi oWer o t Hbn Tiorar f*. feolr*, i f t r f i a t s «f Oto-ton O M I A T , K*» T«r t , l#lio« i s n*r«. 4 ^ ««v*n ibost*bit to.aafk to oM pw-•ons h*v{nt oaatH&lijralwit J«r^Bi*h Bird tots J B « JMstUfcur** In said Conaty o t Oiaaon, > bass ad, to pre. •ent i n* • * » * , with tn« vonoheir UtarwoC,* .siibsortbar, 4* Ma plaoe of «rans»eilB« hysiasM « t the law of-»oa of Charl«i H. ttcnor. a t No. 14 nelnksrhofe dt„ In rhe O t y o f Piatt** hur&h, N . Y., on o r oafora tha fJw day «f Inly, t*i4k

P K M R jr. jirRD. *-*A4Y. Kx««to».

'ii r , n •••„, , , ,„„., NOTK »£

iPifietd, Chauftcey ft, fa pursuance of an order of Hon Victor I**. Boire, 4Swrro««te of Clinton county, New Tor*, notlea Is hereby «iven accord loi? io law t« *U person* having* claims aisainst Channcey "F. Pifield late of Cily„otl»laU«(bamh in said County ot Clinton daceased. to ipte&eht the came, w i th tha vouchers thereof, t o the sulwcrfbem a t their place of tranaactiaK business, a t the ofGee of Aghew and Agnew, No. 6 Clinton street, Piattsaurah, N, T.*, on or be­fore the t t t h da r of December 13i4.


Bit€cutora - ^ k d v ,

Now Is The Time For Kcnking and Gampfng-We Are Ratdy

Ata Mmmtf Mhtimm Bit 0p

Scandwiches and Luncbes Of Delicious -X old, Cooked amd Ready-to-eat Me« t^ Reliehes,

Fancy Crw*A:«a»* etc, alio Salads T o Order ".

A Terspbone call 1496) will insitre »e ryke wtd we ietow freetoany pai t of thecity

Hie Germanr Delicatessen 46 BrlakerirtK St Cor Oak

For the coatenlence pf ttie pulblic we are open Sunday mominir until 10.30 and in the afternoon irom 4,30 to 7,30 p. m.

The Celebrated Cliquot Cfub Ginprer Ale and Soft Drinkf always on Ice - '

sse "nr,a»

Lamarcbe -& Bf m*H « * *

General Contractofs n& "BufiHefS A N D A L L K I N D S OF* R E l ' A l T t WOIUK,

. Cement Blocfca and Brick* mad* to ordar. Camant Walk*, Corkiag and Ploora, ' ~ • i v -. '

All camant Work art?** atpaelal attention. ' ' "^JJ ALL WORK GtlARANTKED Estimate* cboerfally r i i l M H i Houae Phon»—BBAULT 679-J. Hon«* I>hone—LnUARCfita *S4-W ' * " *• . OrFICBphoaa t f.R, t - 4£ jj \ ; 5

omfecac Ko. 4

*-a*1 I

. 2^!«"

, -**

SBBM* am


Jimiky Press Hag Coupon One coupon and 98 cefcts whenprea«rted at t ie Press office entitle the bearer to one 5x3 it dotrbte seamed, American 5a«r, pole anrl iron hMer. Parcel Post 15 cents extra


4 ti^$to


• • :

u p our crops in '* ce and pare&es otur'

A 3

servant wbetLit warms v$ Jui?«i»ler and t t if* a bad master w h e a ^ i f t e s m heat in hammer. x r • ™ . - . • • ' • " ' " "

^ e e p in t h e shadMPiii#k r .aapo3fib!e i ^ m^st worJs in t h e l r f l T O P J a T YOlffl [AT WITH A, W P f jgBW>INSDiS 5!«ep in a cnrfrntW'-^mmg m in hol'.#i

Our bodies ate fiin««sade4 by Wan^ets ot hot, iaoisf air, just as* a ftove is, and a 5Fiad fesreafca np these blankets and coob us off. ; >;. *

Wmn ips i f CjLOTHtUG 4Wf| OPgNCOtTOH UNOiH^ilil 4ET .T^is-«i«T;#fr%^rfn$r$eift FURNAOE OJF A idw' lM^i^T AS

The mm whs perspires freely looks hot, hnf;%! is aot4a^»l;|fot as

in mien, as ^ ^ k a V e ^ a K _„, „ .., ... igiaxjoii%t!0oisa©

THAT T£P £QB8EmATIOJI E 4 J $ ! & $


»},.lei?jt;gMfel''«'1 'Jf»H''<a

yxHi no more to ouy than tne


»^.# ?

•sr * •

^ i s . «,

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rraiptieoutp t$ngk&&id 78" per cent.

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