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    FinQuiz Formula Sheet CFA Level II 2016

    Reading 9: Correlation & Regression

    1.  Sample "#$ %&' (  )*+) ,*+,




    Correlation Coefficient = 2), (   34567896:897:  or

    2 (  3458)&,:


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    FinQuiz Formula Sheet CFA Level II 2016

    Reading 11: Time Series Analysis

    1.  Linear Trend Models = yt = b0 + b1t+ !t 

    •  Predicted/fitted value of yt in period

    (T + 1) = )1(ˆˆˆ 101   ++=+   T bb yt   

    2.  Log-Linear Trend Models =  yt   = eb0+b


    3.  Autoregressive Time-Series Models:

    •  First order autoregressive AR (1) = xt 

    = b0 + b1 x t-1 + !t 

    •   pth-order autoregressive AR (p) = xt 

    = b0 + b1 x t-1 + b2 x t-2 + …..+ b p x t-p


    4.  Mean reverting level of 



    1   b

    b x



    5.  Chain Rule of Forecasting:

    •  One-period ahead forecast =

     ˆ xt +1

     = b̂

    0 +

     b̂1 x


    •  Two-period ahead forecast=

     ˆ xt +2

      = b̂

    0 +

     b̂1 x

    t +1 

    6.  Random Walks and Unit Roots:

    •  Random Walk without drift = xt = x t-

    1 + !t where, b0 = 0 and b1 = 1.

    •  Correcting Random Walk = yt = xt - x


    •  Random walk with a drift = x t = b0 + x

    t-1 + !t where, b0 # 0 and b1 = 1

    •  By taking first difference yt = xt - x t-1

    = b0 + !t 

    7.  Using Dickey-Fuller Test = xt - x t-1 = b0 +

    (b1 -1) x t-1 + !t


    Smoothing Past Values with n-Period

    Moving Average =


     x x x xnt t t t    )1(21   ..... !!!!   ++++


    9.  Correcting Seasonality in Time Series


    •  For quarterly data = x t = b0 + b1x t-1 +

     b2x t-4 + !t 

    •  For monthly data = xt = b0 + b1x t-1 +

     b2x t-12 + !t 

    10. ARCH model =

    t t t    µ ! " " !    ++=   #1



    2ˆˆ  where

    t µ  is

    an error term

    •  Predicting variance of errors in period

    t+1 =  !̂  2

    t t +1 =  "̂ 

    0 +" 

    1 #̂ 



    Reading 12: Excerpt from ‘Probabilistic

    Approaches , Scenario Analysis, Decision Tree

    & Simulations’

    Reading 13: Currency Exchange Rates


    Bid-offer Spread = Offer price – Bid price

    2.  €F@ 2=J ( Q‚#= ƒ„…GEKJ 2=J r


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    •  For one year horizon =

    F  f  /d  ! S  f  /d   =

    S  f  /d i f  ! id 1+ i





    ' ( S  f  /d (i f  ! id  ) 

    •  Using day count convention:

    F  f  /d  ! S  f  /d   = S  f  /d 






    1+ id  Actual











    (i f  ! id )


    7.  Forward discount or premium as % of spot




    d  f  d  f  

    d  f  d  f  ii

    S  F !"



    If uncovered interest rate parity holds


    F  f  /d 

     ! S  f  /d 

    S  f  /d 

    =%"S e

     f  /d  # (i f  ! id  )


    8.  Purchasing Power parity (PPP)

    •  Pf  = S f/d % Pd 

    •  S f/d = Pf  / Pd 


    Relative version of PPP = %'S f/d = (f  – (d 

    10.  Ex ante version of PPP = %'Sef/d = (ef  –


    11.  Real Exchange Rate

    qf/d =!!













    d d  f  


    d d  f  


     P S 


     P S /










    d d  f  d  f  


    CPI S q



    12.  Fisher effect:


    id = r d + (!

    d •  if  = r f  + (


    •  if  – id = (r f  – r d) + ((!f - (


    •  (r f  – r d) = (if  – id) - ((!f - (


    13.  When both uncovered interest rate parity

    and ex-ante PPP hold:

    •  (r f  – r d) = %' S!f/d - %' S

    !f/d = 0

    •  International Fisher Effect: if  – id = (!f -


    14.  When all the key international parity

    conditions are held at all times:

    BOP = Current A/C + Capital A/C +

    Official Reserve A/C = 0


    Real exchange rate = “” = “”


    q– H q—   H ˜– H ˜—  

    16.  Interest Rate Differentials, Carry Trades

    and Exchange Rates

    q L/ H 

     = q L/ H 

     + (i H 

     ! i L

    )! (! "  H 

     !! "  L

    )! (#  H 

     !#  L

    17.  Policy Rate under Taylor rule:

    •  i = rn  +!  +" (!  ! ! *)+# ( y! y*


    •   Neutral real policy rate + Current inf

    rate + ) (Inf gap) + * (Output gap)

    18.  Exchange rates using the Taylor Rule =

    ™šS›‹RšV ( ™šS›‹RšV r 20Rš H 20

    šS r

    œ Ršž ŸRš   H šS H ŸšS   r

    ¡Rš H ¡ ŸRš   H ¡šS H ¡ ŸšS   H

    ¢Rš H ¢šS  

    Reading 14: Economic Growth & The

    Investment Decision


    Economic growth = Annual % ' in real

    GDP or in real per capita GDP

    2.  P = GDP R£›¤



    3.  Expressing in terms of logarithmic rates:

    •  (1/T) % 'P = (1/T) % 'GDP + (1/T)

    %' (E / GDP) + (1/T) % '(P / E)

    •  % ' in stock MV = % ' in GDP + %

    ' in share of earnings (profit) in GDP

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    + % ' in the price-to-earnings


    4.  A two-factor aggregate production

    function: Y = AF (K, L)

    5.  Cobb-Douglas Production Function = F

    (K, L) = K ) L1 - ) 

    6.  Under the Cobb-Douglas production


    •  Marginal product of capital = MPK =

    ) AK )-1 L 1-) = ) Y/K

    •  ) Y/K = r!) = r (K) / Y = Capital

    income / Output or GDP

    7. Output per worker or Average labor

     productivity (Y/L or y):

    •  GDP/Labor input = TFP % capital-to-

    labor ratio % share of capital in GDP

    •  Or y = Y/L = Ak ) 

    8.  Contribution of Capital Deepening = Labor

     productivity growth rate – TFP


    Contribution of Improvement intechnology = Labor productivity growth

    rate – Capital Deepening

    10.  Growth Accounting based on Solow

    Approach = 'Y /Y = 'A / A + ) 'K/K +

    (1 – )) 'L/ L

    11.  Labor productivity growth accounting


    •  Growth rate in potential GDP = LT g

    rate of labor force + LT g rate in labor


    12.  Balanced or Steady State Rate of Growth

    in Neoclassical Growth Theory:

    •  Growth in physical capital stock = 'K

    = sY – +K


    In the steady state:

    •  Growth rate of capital per worker = 'k

    / k = 'y / y = 'A / A + ) 'k / k =¥¦§

    1+ ¨! Steady state growth rate of

    labor productivity

    •  Growth rate of Total output = 'Y / Y

    = Growth rate of TFP scaled by labor

    force share + Growth rate in the labor

    force =©

    1+ ¨ + n

    •  Steady state Output-to-capital ratio =ª





    1+ ¨  r r _ ( ® 

    •  Gross investment per worker =©

    1+ ¨  r r _ ] 

    •  Slope of straight line = [+ + n + , / (1

     – ))]14. During the transition to the steady state

    growth path:

    •  Growth rates of output per capita = 'y

    / y =©

    1+ ¨  r ¯°


    « H ® (


    1+¨ + ¯° (y/k – -)

    •  Capital-to-labor ratio = 'k / k =©

    1+ ¨  r °


    « H ® (


    1+¨ + s

    (y/k – -)


    Proportional impact of the saving ratechange on the capital-to-labor ratio and per

    capita income over time:


    k new

    k old 

















    ! -1













    16.  Production function in the endogenous

    growth model = ye = f (k e) = ck e 

    •  Growth rate of output per capita =

    'ye/ye = 'k e/k e = sc – + – n

    Reading 15: Economics of Regulation

    Reading 16: Inventories: Implications for

    Financial Statements & Ratios

    1.  End. Inventory = Beg. inventory +

     purchases – COGS

    2.  ±²" ‚J2 DEA= (U4Š;³ 349Š 4m 44ˆ9 ;5;y³;´³ m4< 9;³

    U4Š;³ µ0yŠ9 ;5;y³;´³ m4< 9;³ 

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    3.  LIFO Reserve = FIFO Inventory – LIFO


    4.  FIFO COGS = LIFO COGS – ¶_· in LIFOreserve= LIFO COGS – (End LIFO

    Reserve – Beg LIFO reserve)

    5.   N.I (FIFO) = Net Income (LIFO) + [¸ inLIFO reserve % (1 – tax rate)]

    6.  R.E (FIFO) = R.E (LIFO) + [LIFO reserve

    % (1 – tax rate)]

    7.  Tax liability (FIFO) = Tax liability (LIFO)

    + (LIFO reserve % tax rate)

    8.  Cumulative amount of Income Tax savings

    using the LIFO method e.g. in year 2015=

    (LIFO Reserve at end of 2015 % tax rate in


    9.  Amount added to R.E e.g. in year 2015, if

    FIFO method is used instead of LIFO

    method = [LIFO Reserve at end of 2015 % 

    (1 - tax rate in 2015)]

    10.  To convert B.S to FIFO:

    •  Inventory is increased by LIFO


    •  Cash is decreased by (LIFO Reserve % 

    Tax rate %).

    •  Shareholders’ equity (R.E) is

    increased by [LIFO Reserve % (1 – tax

    rate %)]

    11.  Inventory Turnover Ratio =¹49Š 4m 44ˆ9 94³ˆ


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    6.  Adjusted EBITDA=Adj EBIT + dep exp +

    amort. Exp. or Adj. EBITDA= EBITDA

    (as reported)


    Adj. Operating CF =Reported operating

    CF – cap int

    8.  Adj. Investing CF=Reported investing CF

    + cap int



    ÇJ‚ ƒ„‚ ( È

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    Reading 18: Interoperate Investments

    1.  Summary of Accounting Treatment of Investments

    Income Statement (I.S) Balance Sheet (B.S) Statement





    "  i income = Market rate at purchase % Initial fair value (FV) of a

    debt security

    Or i income = i pmt – Amort

    i pmt = (Coupon rate % Par value)

    Amort = i pmt – i income

    If debt security is sold: Realized g/l reported on I.S = SP – CV or

    Amort cost

    "  Initially, at FV (IFRS) or initial price paid (US


    "  Subsequently, reported at amort cost at the

    subsequent reporting date on B.S.





    i income = Market rate % Initial FV

    "  Unrealized g/l = FV at the end of Yr t – Amort Cost at end of Yr t

    If debt security is sold:"  Realized g/l reported on I.S= SP – Recorded FV

    "  Initially, at FV.

    "  Subsequently, at FV at subsequent reporting date

    on B.S.



    fair value

    "  i income = Market rate at purchase % Initial FV

    Unrealized g/l = FV at the end of Yr t – Amortized Cost at end of

    Yr t

    If debt security is sold:

    "  Realized g/l reported on I.S= SP – Recorded FV

    "  Reported at FV at the end of Yr t

    Subsequently, at FV at the subsequent reporting

    date on B.S



    "  i income = Market rate at purchase % Initial Fv

    If debt security is sold:

    "  Cumulative unrealized g/l is removed from OCI and entire g/l

    recognized in P&l statement.

    Where, Realized g/l in I.S = (SP – Recorded FV) + Unrealized g/l

    "  Reported at FV at the end of Yr t

    "  Subsequently, at FV at the subsequent reporting

    date on the B.S.

    Unrealized g/l (net

    of tax) = FV at end

    of Yr t – Amort Cost

    at end of Yr t

    •  Unrealized g/l

    (net of tax) is

    reported as OCI

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    5.  Downstream Transactions

    Investor’s share of Associate’s

    reported NI (% of Ownership Interest

    % Reported NI)


    Less: Amort of excess PP (xxx)

    Less: Unrealized profit (% of

    Ownership Interest % Profit from the

    downstream sale in Associate’s NI)


    = Equity Income to be reported as a

    line item on Investor’s I.S


    Unrealized profit = % of goods unsold % Profit

    on the sale to investee

    Investor’s share of the unrealized profit =

    Unrealized profit % % of goods unsold

    Investor’s share of associate’s

    reported NI (% of Ownership Interest

    % Reported NI)


    Less: Amort of excess PP (xxx)

    Add: Realized profit (% of goods

    unsold % Unrealized profit)


    = Equity Income to be reported as a

    line item on Investor’s I.S


    Business Combinations6.  Merger = Company X + Company Y

    = Company X

    7.  Acquisition = Company X + Company Y =

    (Company X + Company Y)

    8.  Consolidation = Company X + Company

    Y = Company Z


    9.  Full Goodwill = Total FV of the

    Subsidiary – FV of subsidiary’s

    identifiable net assets


    Partial Goodwill Method:

    •  Goodwill = FV of acquisition –

    Acquirer’s share of FV of all

    identifiable tangible and intangible

    assets, liabilities and contingent

    liabilities acquired


    •  Goodwill = Purchase price – parent’s

    (acquirer’s) proportionate share of the

    FV of subsidiary’s identifiable net


    11.  Under Acquisition method, the allocation

    of PP:

    FV of the stock issued xxx

    Add: BV of Investee’s net assets xxx

    = Excess PP xxx

    FV of the stock issued xxx

    Less: FV allocated to identifiable net



    = Goodwill xxx

    12.  Allocation of excess PP: Excess PPP =

    Sum of diff b/w FV and BV of identifiable

    assets + Goodwill

    13.  Combined Assets & Liabilities (A&L)

    reported on Consolidated B.S under

    acquisition method: Consolidated B.S

    under acquisition method = BV for A&L

    of Investor + FV for A&L acquired from



    Combined Paid-in Capital (PIC) = (FV of

    the stock issued to effect the transaction –

    Par value of the stock issued) + Additional

    PIC of investor

    15.  Minority Interest = % of subsidiary not

    owned by the Parent % Subsidiary’s Equity

    16.  Value of non-controlling interest under full

    goodwill method = Non-controlling

    interest’s proportionate interest in

    subsidiary % FV of subsidiary onacquisition date

    17.  Value of non-controlling interest under

     partial goodwill method = Non-controlling

    interest’s proportionate interest in

    subsidiary % FVof the subsidiary’s

    identifiable net assets on acquisition date

    Goodwill Impairment:

    18. Goodwill Impairment Test under IFRS:


    Impaired when CA of the Cash-generating

    Unit > RA of the Cash-generating Unit

    •  Impairment loss = CA of Cash-generating

    Unit - RA of Cash-generating Unit where,

    RA = Higher of Net SP and its VIU

     Net SP = FV – costs to sell

    VIU = PV of expected future CF of

    cash-generating unit

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    19. Goodwill Impairment Test under U.S.

    GAAP (Two Step Approach)

    •  Step 1: Goodwill Impairment Test

    •  Impaired when CV of Reporting Unit

    (including Goodwill) > FV of

    Reporting Unit (including Goodwill).

    •  Step 2: Measurement of Impairment

    loss = CV of Reporting unit’s

    Goodwill - Implied FV of Reporting

    unit’s Goodwill

    •  Where Implied FV of Reporting unit’s

    Goodwill = FV of Reporting Unit –

    FV of Reporting unit’s net assets

    Reading 19: Employee Compensation: PostEmployment & Share-Based

    1.  Under DC Plans: Pension exp = Co.’s

    annual contribution to plans adjusted for ¸ in yr-end accruals

    2.  Funded Status = PV of DB obligations –

    FV of plan assets


    Period pension cost of a Co.’s DB pension

     plan = ¸ in Net pension liability or assetadjusted for employer’s contributions

    4.   Net i exp = Discount rate % Net Pension


    where Discount Rate = rate used to

    calculate PV of future pension benefits

    5.   Net i income = Discount rate % Net

    Pension asset

    6.   Net return on plan assets = Actual return

    on plan assets – (Plan assets % i rate)

    7.  Actuarial g/l = Actual return – (Plan assets

    % Expected return)

    8.  Total Periodic Pension Costs =Sum of

    components of periodic pension costs

    •  Total periodic pension cost in a given

     period = ¸in Net pension liability or

    asset adjusted for employercontributions

    •  Total Net periodic pension cost (End

    Funded Status* – Beg Funded Status*)

     – Employer Contribution

    where *Pension liability is treated as a


    9.  Adjusted Total P&L pension exp (income)

    •  = Current service costs + i costs + (-)

    actuarial losses (actuarial gains) + past

    service costs (or plan amendments) –

    (+) Actual return (loss) on plan assets


    •  = Reported Total P&L pension exp

    (income) + Expected return on plan

    assets – Actual return on plan assets

    10.  Adjusted Pre-tax Income:

    •  = Reported Pre-tax income + (Actual

    return on plan assets – Expected return

    on plan assets)


    •  = Reported Pre-tax income + Total

    reported pension and other post-

    retirement benefits - Current service

    costs - i exp component of pension

    cost + Actual return on plan assets

    11.  Adjusted Net Operating Exp=Reported Net

    operating exp – Total reported pension and

    other post-retirement benefits + Current

    service costs

    12.  Adjusted i Exp. = Reported i exp. + i exp.

    component of pension cost

    13.  Adjusted i and investment Income

    =Reported i and investment income +

    Actual return on plan assets

    14.  Compensation exp. = FV of stock on the

    Grant Date

    16. "#N‚JEB=A#E J„‚ 2J…#KEAÎJ@ (



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    Reading 20: Multinational Operations

    1.  Cumulative Translation Adjustment = CTA = Assets – Liabilities –

    Common Stock – Retained Earnings


    Balance Sheet Exposure:Foreign Currency (FC)

    B.S Exposure Strengthens Weakens

    When assets translated atcurrent X rate > liabilitiestranslated at current X rate

     Net Asset B.Sexposure





    When liabilities translated atcurrent X rate > assetstranslated at current X rate

     Net Liability B.Sexposure





    (X = exchange)

    3.  Re-measurement Gain = NI . NI before re-measurement gain

    4.  Re-measurement Loss = NI . NI before Re-measurement loss


    Rules For Translation Of A Foreign Subsidiary’s FC Financial

    Statements (F.Ss) Into Parent’s Presentation Currency Under IFRS &

    U.S. GAAP

    Foreign Subsidiary’s Functional Currency

    FC Parent’s PresentationCurrency

    Translation Method: Current Ratemethod

    Temporal Method

    X rate at which F.Ss are

    translated from foreignsubsidiary’s bookkeepingcurrency to parent’s

     presentation currency.

    ASSETS Monetary assets: Cash, a/creceivables

     Nonmonetary Assets:i) Measured at current valuei.e. marketable securities &inventories measured at

    Current rate

    Current rate

    Current rate

    Current rate

    Foreign Subsidiary’s Functional Currency

    FC Parent’s PresentationCurrency

    market value under the lowerof cost or market rule.ii) Measured at historical

    costs e.g. PP&E

    Current rate Historical rate


     Monetary liabilities: a/c payable, LT debt, accruedexp., and deferred incometaxes.

     Nonmonetary liabilities:i) measured at current valueii) not measured at currentvalue i.e. deferred revenue

    Current rate

    Current rate

    Current rate

    Current rate

    Current rate

    Historical rate

    EQUITYOther than R.E  i.e. CommonStock

     Retained Earnings (R.E)

    Historical rates

    Beg R.E +

    translated NI – div.translated at

    historical rate

    Historical rates

    Beg R.E + translated NI –

    div. translated at historicalrate

    Revenues Average rate Average rate

    EXPENSES Most Expenses

     Expenses related to assetstranslated at historical X rate 

    e.g. COGS, Dep.,& Amort. etc.

    Average rate

    Average rate

    Average rate

    Historical rate

     NI Average rate Mixed (a mix of averagerate & historical rate)

    Exposure Net Assets or NetLiabilities

     Net monetary assets or Netmonetary liabilities

    Treatment of translation parent’s consolidated F.Ss

    Accumulated as aseparate component

    of equity

    Included as g/l in NI

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    METHOD Net MonetaryLiability Exposure

     Net MonetaryAsset Exposure


    relative to parent’s presentation


    "  Rev Р"  Assets Р

    Liabilities Р

    "   NI Ñ "  SH’ equity Ñ "  Translation


    "  Rev Р"  Assets Р

    Liabilities Р

    "   NI Р"  SH’ equity Р"  Translation


    "  Rev Р"  Assets Р

    Liabilities Р

    "   NI Р"  SH’ equity

    Р"  +ve


    FC weakensrelative to parent’s


    "  Rev Ñ "  Assets Ñ " 

    Liabilities Ñ 

    "   NI Р"  SH’ equity Р"  Translation


    "  Rev Ñ "  Assets Ñ " 

    Liabilities Ñ 

    "   NI Ñ "  SH’ equity Ñ "  Translation


    "  Rev Ñ "  Assets Ñ " 

    Liabilities Ñ 

     Net Income

    Ñ "  SH’ equity Ñ 


    6. Impact of Changing Exchange Rates on Exposure

    Foreign Currency

    Strengthens Weakens

    CURRENT RATE METHOD: Net Assets Net Liabilities



    TEMPORAL METHOD: Net Monetary Assets Net Monetary Liabilities



    Hyperinflationary Economy

    7.  Restatement Factor =¹µ

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    Reading 21: Evaluating Quality of Financial


    1.  DSR (days sales receivable index) =

    (Receivablest/Salest) / (Receivablest– 


    2.  GMI (gross margin index) = Gross

    margint–1 / Gross margint 

    3.  AQI (asset quality index) = [1 – (PP&E t+

    CAt)/TAt ] / [1 – (PP&Et–1+ CAt-1)/TAt-1]

    4.  SGI (sales growth index) = Salest/Salest–1


    DEPI (depreciation index) = Dep ratet– 1/Dep ratet 

    where, Dep rate = Dep/(Dep + PP&E)


    SGAI (sales, general, and admin exp

    index) = (SGAt/Salest) / (SGAt–1/Salest–1)

    7.  Accruals = (Income before extraordinary

    items – Cash from operations)/TA

    8.  LEVI (leverage index) = Leveraget /

    Leveraget–1  where, Leverage = Debt /



    Earnings t+1 = ) + (*1 % Earnings t) + ! 

    10.  Account receivable turnover = (365/DSO)

    11.  Z-score = `LI ɼŠ Ò¹

    Uº + `LÓ É


    Uº +


    Uº + ÕLÖ É

    ×LØ 4m RÀµyŠP

    ÁLØ 4m ³y;´y³yŠy9 +

    `LÕ ÉS;³9


    Reading 22: Integration of Financial Statement


    1.  DuPont Analysis:

    •  ROE = Tax Burden % Interest

    Burden % EBIT margin % TATO % 

    Financial Leverage

    •  ROE = NI/EBT % EBT/EBIT % 

    EBIT/Sales % Sales/Assets % 



    ROE = Net profit margin % asset

    turnover % leverage

    •  Adjusted Asset base = Adjusted Total

    Assets = Total Assets of the company

     – Investments in Associates

    •  Adjusted NI = NI of Co – NI from


    •  ²@ÂDB=J@ Ù„ ÊD2@JE (¼»+RÀµyŠP y034½



    ²@ÂDB=J@ Ù²ÙÚ (ÛÜÝÞÜß àákÞÜß âãLä-Ýåæç-æLèâ-‘ àákâ-‘ âãLä-Ýåæç-æ

    Accruals and Earnings Quality

    2.  B.S based aggregate accruals

    •  Aggregate Accrualst = NOAt – NOAt-1

    where, NOAt = Net operating Assets t 

    = Op Assets t – Op Liab t = [{TA t –

    (Cash t + ST invstmnt. t)} – {Total liab

    t – (Total LT debt t + Debt in current


    •  ÊL Q CBJ@ ²……2DÌB é=A# (¼Èº~+¼Èº~k/



    3.  CF based aggregate accruals:

    •  Aggregate Accruals = NI t – (CFO t +

    CFI t)

    •  "€ CBJ@ ²……2DÌB é=A# (¼»æ+8¹†Èæ’¹†»æ:


    •  Op. CF before interest and taxes = Op.

    CF + cash i paid + cash taxes paid

    •  Op income adjusted for accounting ¸ 

    = Profit before i& taxes + amort. ofgoodwill

    4.  "BG éJ=D2E #E ²BBJ=B (  ȉL¹†

    º5 ULº 

    5.  Cash Flow to Reinvestment =ȉL¹†

    3;‰yŠ;³ O‰0ˆyŠµ

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    9.  Parent Co. pro-rata share of

    subsidiary/affiliates = (Subsidiary’s share

     price in FC% Shares held by Parent Co. % 

    X- rate)/Parent Co. total market


    10.  Implied Value of Parent Co. (excl.

    subsidiary/affiliates) = Parent Co.’s Mkt

    Cap - Value of subsidiary/affiliate holdings

    11.  P/E ratio of Parent Co =¤;

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    •  Total value of Co. = NPV (PV of RI)

    + Original Equity investment +

    Original Debt investment

    Claims Valuation


    Total value of Co. = value of liabilities +

    value of equity

    Reading 24: Capital Structure

    1.  ±²"" ( 2Òº¹¹ (  ›

    Ø  É2ˆÉ ` H = r


    Ø  É2 

    2.  Total value of Co. = V = D + E

    3.  WACC without taxes = 2Òº¹¹ (›

    ØÉ2ˆ   r



    4.  "#B= #M ƒ™DA=¡ ( 2 ( 2u r 82u H 2ˆ:›


    Ë ( Ç r ƒ ( »0Š

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    Payout Policies:

    7.  Stable Div. Policy

    •  Expected Рin Div. = Рin Earnings % Target payout ratio % Adj. factor

    •  Adj. factor = 1/no. of yrs. over which

    adj. in div. will take place

    •  Expected Div = Last div. + (Expected

    Рin earnings % Target payout ratio % Adj. factor)


    Residual Div. Policy

    •  Div. = Earnings – (Capital budget % 

    Equity % in capital structure) or

    •  Div. = Zero, whichever is greater.


    Div. Payout Ratio =›y5L


    10.  Div. Coverage Ratio =¼»


    11.  FCFE Coverage Ratio =†¹†R


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    •  When takeover premium is given in

    %, Estimated takeover price of Target

    = (Estimated stock price of Target

     based on Comparables) %  (1 +

    Takeover premium in %)

    18.  Target Shareholders’ gain = Premium = P T 

     – V T 


    P T = price paid for target company

    V T = pre-merger value of target



    Acquirer’s gain = Synergies – Premium =

    S – (P T – V T)

    20.  Post-merger value of the combined

    company = V A* = V A + V T + S – C


    V A = pre-merger value of the acquirer

    C = cash paid to target SH i.e. cash paid =

    cash price paid per share of target co. % no.

    of shares outstanding of target co.

    21.  In Stock offer = P T = (N % P AT)


    P T = price paid for target co.

     N = No. of new shares target receives

    P AT = price per share of combined firm

    after merger announcement

    Reading 29: Equity Valuation: Applications &


    1.  Mispricing = VE – P = (V- P) + (VE –


    •  VE –P: Mispricing

    •  V–P: True Mispricing

    •  VE –V: Valuation Error

    where,VE = estimated value

    P = market price

    V = intrinsic value

    2.  Residual Income Model = NI – (cost of

    equity % Beg value Equity)

    Reading 30: Return Concepts

    1.  Dividend yield or investment income =


    2.  Price appreciation R = (PH-P0)/P0 

    3.  HPR = r = {(DH + PH) / P0} – 1 OR r =

    {(P1 – P0+CF1) / P0 


    Expected Alpha = Exp. R – Req. R

    5.  Realized Alpha (Ex-post alpha) = (Actual

    HPR) – (Contemporaneous Req. R)


    Expected HPR:

    •  When an asset’s intrinsic value # 

    market price, the investor expects to

    earn = RR + return from the

    convergence of price to value

    •  When an asset’s intrinsic value =

     price, the investor expects to earn RR


    •  E (R T) & r T + {(V0 – P0) / P0}

    where,r T = periodic required RoR,

    •  {(V0 – P0)/P0} = estimate of return

    from convergence over period



    •  Intrinsic value= D1 / (k-g)

    •  If asset (fairly priced), market price =

    intrinsic value: k = (D1 / P0) + g

    8.  Req ROE = R f  + ERP

    9.  GGM Intrinsic value = D1/ (k-g)

    Macroeconomic Model Estimates (Supply side



    ERP = [{(1+EINFL) (1+EGREPS)

    (1+EGPE)-1} +EINC]-Expected R f  R

    •  where EINFL= expected inf.(

    forecasted as) {(1+YTM of 20-yr T-

     bonds) / (1+YTM of 20-yr TIPS)} –


    •  EGREPS = expected growth rate in

    real EPS.


    Real GDP growth rate = labor productivity growth + labor supply

    growth rate

    Labor supply growth rate = population

    growth rate + increase in labor force

     participation rate

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    •  EGPE = expected growth rate in P/E

    ratio. (For efficient markets 1+EGPE

    = 1+0 = 1.

    •  EINC = expected income component

    (includes dividend yield &

    reinvestment R)

    11.  CAPM: Required Return on share i =

    Current expected Rf R + Bi (ERP)

    •  where ERP = Expected R on mkt

     portfolio – R F R

    •  Beta = Cov of returns with mkt R /mkt

     portfolio var.

    12.  Adjusted Beta = (2/3) (Unadjusted beta) +

    (1/3) (1.0)


    Beta Estimation for Thinly Traded Stocks

    and Nonpublic Companies

    •  Bu & [1/ {1+ (D/E)}] %Be

    •  Be’ & [1+ (D’/E’)] %Bu

    14.  Multifactor Models = r = R f + (RP)1 +

    (RP)2 + … + (RP)k  

    •  RPi = (Factor sensitivity)i % (Factor


    15.  The Fama-French Model (FFM): r i =R f  +

    Bimarket% RMRF + Bi

    size% SMB + Bivalue % 


    •  RMRF = R M –R f  

    •  SMB(small minus big) = Avg. R on 3

    small-cap portfolios – avg. R on 3

    large-cap portfolios.

    •  HML (high minus low) = Avg. R on 2

    high Book-to-market portfolios – avg.

    R on 2 low book-to-market portfolios.

    16.  Pastor-Stambaugh Model (PSM): r i = R f  +


    %RMRF + Bisize% SMB + Bi

    value % 

    HML+ BiLiq% LIQ

    17.  5-factor BIRR Model: r i = T-bill rate +

    (sensitivity to confidence risk % confidence

    RP)–(sensitivity to time horizon % time

    horizon RP) – (sensitivity to inf. risk % inf.

    RP) + (sensitivity to business cycle risk %  business cycle RP) + (sensitivity to mkt.

    timing risk % mkt. timing RP)

    18.  Build-Up Approaches for Private Business

    Valuation: r i = r f  + ERP + Size premi 

    +Specific Co. premi 

    19.  Bond yield Plus RP (BYPRP) cost of

    equity = YTM on the co.’s LT debt + RP

    Country Spread Model

    20.  ERP estimate = ERP for a developed mkt

    + Country prem.

    •  Country Prem. = yield on emerging

    mkt bonds (denominated in currency

    of developed market) – yield on

    developed mkt. govt. bonds

    21.  Cost of Capital = WACC = {D/(D+E)}r d 

    (1-Tax rate) + {E / (D+E)}r E 

    Reading 31: The five competitive forces that

    shape strategy

    Reading 32: Your strategy needs a strategy

    Reading 33: Industry & company analysis

    1.  % of sales (specific geographic region) =

    Sales of a particular region / Total sales of

    a co.


    Co.’s projected Rev. growth = Projected

    mkt. share % Projected sales of a given

     product mkt.

    3.  Forecasted variable costs = % of rev. Or =

    Unit volume % Unit variable costs


    COGS =Raw materials + Direct labor +

    Overhead (in producing the goods)


    Finance costs = (Fixed i rate on debt % 

    Gross debt at beg. of period) – (i income

    rate % cash position at beg of period)

    6.  Gross debt = LT financial debt + ST

    financial debt + Accrued interest

    7.   Net debt = Gross debt – Cash and cash


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    8.  Effective i rate = i exp / Avg gross debt

    9.  i rate on avg cash position =i income / Avg

    cash position


    i rate on avg. net debt = Net i exp / Avg.

    net debt

    11.  Deferred tax asset/liability = Profit and

    loss (reported) tax amount – Cash tax


    12.  Projected A/C receivable = Forecasted

    annual sales (assuming all credit sales) % 

    (Assumed DSO/ 365)

    13.  Projected inventory = Assumed COGS /

    Assumed Inventory TO ratio


    ROIC= NOPLAT / Invested Capital = EBI

    / (Operating assets – Operating liab.)

    15.  ROCE = Op. profit / Capital employed (i.e.

    debt and equity capital)

    16.  Rev. loss for co. due to cannibalization of

    demand = Projected no. of units of product

    cannibalized by the new substitute product

    % Estimated ASP


    •  Average selling price (ASP) =¹4½‰;0P¿9 9Šy½;Šˆ ;5L

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    Add: Trade and other receivables

    Add: Cash & cash equivalents

    Add: Other current assets

    =Total current assets

    Total assets = Total non-current +

    Total current assets

    Share capital

    Add: Share premium

    Less: Treasury shares

    Add: Consolidated reserves+Net profit

    to co. owners

    Plus: Translation reserve

    +/-: Profit or loss recorded in equity

    = Equity attributable to

    shareholdersPlus: Non-controlling interest

    = Equity

    LT financial debt

    Add: Provision for employee benefits

    Add: LT provisions for liabilities and


    Add: Deferred tax liabilities

    = Total non-current liabilities

    ST financial debt and accrued interest

    Add: Trade and other payables

    Add: Income tax payable

    Add: ST provisions for liabilities and


    Add: derivative financial instruments

    Add: Liabilities held for sale

    = Current liabilities



     Normalized operating profit

    Less: Taxes

    = Normalized operating

     profit after tax

    Add: Dep. & amort.

    ¸ in WCLess: Capital expenditures

    = FCFF

    Reading 34: Discounted dividend valuation

    1.  Asset’s value is PV of its expected future

    CFs i.e. Ëu (  ¹†æ

    1’<  æ0Š\1  


    RI = NI – (cost of equity % Beg. BV of

    common equity)

    3.  In RI Model: Value of stock = BVPS at t =

    0 + PV of expected future residual


    •  where, BVPS = common SHs’ equity /

    no. of common shares outstanding

    •  RI model (assumes Clean Surplus

    Accounting holds) i.e. BV t = BVt-1 +

     NIt – Divt 


    DDM•  With Single HP = Value of Stock =

    PV of expected Div. + PV of expected

    Selling Price at the end of year one =

    Ëu (  ›/81’

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    10.  Ù2AÌAEK Å‹ƒ 2=A# (¤&R&



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    •  Total value of Equity (common) =

    Total Firm value – Market value of

    Debt – Preferred stock

    9.  Finding FCFF and FCFE from EBIT or


    •  FCFF = EBIT (1 – Tax rate) + Dep –

    FCInv – WCInv

    •  FCFF = EBITDA (1 – Tax rate) + Dep

    (Tax rate) – FCInv – WCInv

    •  FCFE = FCFF – Int (1 – Tax rate) +

     Net borrowing + issuance of preferred

    stocks – redemption of preferred stock

    10.  Forecasted FCFF = Forecasted [EBIT %(1

     – Tax rate) – FCInv – WCInv]

    11.  Incremental fixed capital expenditures as a

     proportion of sales increases =¹;‰yŠ;³ O‰+›‰ O‰


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    8.  Yardeni Model CEY = CBY – (b % LTEG)

    + Residual


    CEY = current earnings yield on the mkt.

    index i.e. E/P.

    CBY = current Moody’s Investors Service

    A-rated corporate bond yield.

    LTEG = consensus 5-year earnings growth

    rate forecast for the mkt index.

     b = coefficient (measures weight, the mkt

    gives to 5-year earnings projections).

    •  By taking inverse:¤

    R (


    ¹Á,+´ É ¾UR£ 

    9.  Own Historical P/E: Justified price =

    Benchmark value of own historical P/Es % Most recent EPS

    10.  Terminal Value (T.V) based on


    •  T.V in yr n = (justified trailing P/E) % 

    (forecasted earnings in year n)

    •  T.V in year n = (justified leading P/E)

    % (forecasted earnings in year n+1)


    Terminal Value based on Comparables:•  T.V in yr n = (Benchmark trailing

    P/E) % (forecasted earnings in year n)

    •  T.V in yr n = (Benchmark leading

    P/E) % (forecasted earnings in year



    P/B =  ¤

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    23.  Total Invested Capital = TIC = MV of

    Common equity + MV of preferred stock +

    MV of debt


    Earnings surprise UEt = EPS t – E (EPS t)


    UEt= unexpected earnings for quarter t

    EPSt= reported/actual EPS for quarter


    E(EPSt) = expected EPS for the


    •  Percent Earning Surprise =R;

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    10.  All Risks Yield = ²é' (V0Š

    V30Š 9;³9 ‰

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    "&$  Private market real estate debt 

    •  Loan-to-value = Loan / value of the


    •  Max. loan amount based on LTV ratio

    = LTV ratio (in %) % Appraisal value

    of property (in $) 

    •  Debt serve coverage ratio = NOI/Debt


    •  Debt service=Interest + Principal

     payments on the mortgage.

    •  Principal payments=Part of the loan

     payment that amortizes the loan over

    the loan term. 

    •  Max.debt service based on DSCR =



    When the loan is interest-only, amount based on DSCR=

    Max. debt service based on DSCR /

    Debt interest rate 

    26.  Equity dividend rate or Equity yield rate =

    Cash flow / Equity

    where, Cash flow = NOI – Debt


    Equity = Price – Mortgage

    27.  Calculating Leveraged IRR: 

    CF received by the equity investor from

    the sale = Sale price – Mortgage balance

    PV = – Initial investment

    PMT = Cash flow

    n = Holding period

    FV = Cash flow received from sale

    CPT# I/Y! Leveraged IRR.

    28.  Calculating Unleveraged IRR:

    Cash flow received by the equity investor

    from the sale = Sale price + NOI in the 1 st 


    PV = – Initial investment

    PMT = NOI in the 1st year

    n = Holding period

    FV = Sale price

    CPT# I/Y!Unleveraged IRR.

    Reading 40: Publicly traded real estate


    1.  Rent paid by Tenants = Net rent +

    Proportionate share of the common areacosts of the mall (based on space leased)

    2.   NAVPS = (MV of R.E Co.’s assets – MV

    of R.E Co.’s liab.) / # of shares outstanding

    3.  Appraised value = NOI / Cap rate

    4.  Estimating NAVPS:

    •  Pro forma cash NOI = NOI – Non

    cash rents* + Adj. for full impact of


    •  *Non-cash rent = Avg. contractual

    rent over the leases’ terms – Cash rent

    actually paid.

    •  Estimated future expected cash NOI =

    Pro forma cash NOI + Expected

    growth in NOI

    •  Estimated value of operating real

    estate =Estimated future expected cash

     NOI / Cap rate

    •  Estimated gross asset value =

    Estimated value of operating real

    estate + BV of Cash & equivalents +

    BV of Land held for future

    development + BV of a/c receivables

    + BV of Prepaid/other assets

    •   Net asset value = Estimated gross

    asset value – Total debt – Other liab.

    (but not deferred taxes)

    •   NAVPS = Net asset value / # of shares



    P/FFO = Current stock prices / Yr-aheadestimated FFO 

    •  FFO = Net earnings + Dep. Exp. on

    R.E + Deferred tax charges – g/l from

    sales of property and debt

    restructuring + Losses on sales of

     property and debt restructuring OR

    •  FFO = EBITDA – Interest Expense

    6.  P/AFFO = Current stock prices / Yr-ahead

    estimated AFFO 

    •  AFFO = FFO – Non cash rent* –

    Recurring Maintenance type Capital

    expenditures – Leasing costs (i.e.

    leasing agent’s commissions –

    Tenants’ improvement allowances)

    •  *Non-cash rent = Straight-line rent -

    Cash rent paid during the period

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    7.  Estimated Value of a REIT Co. in yr N

    = (P/FFO of overall REIT group for

    yr N) % REIT co.’s expected FFO in yr

     N or

    = (P/AFFO of overall REIT group for

    yr N) % REIT co.’s expected AFFO inyr N

    Reading 41: Private equity valuation

    1.  PIC: 

    •  PIC = Cumulative capital (CC) called


    •  PIC Multiple = PIC / CC


    DPI = Sum of distb. / CC called down (orPIC) 

    3.  RVPI = NAV after distb. / CC called down

    (or PIC) 

    4.  TVPI = DPI + RVPI 


    Mgmt. fees = % fee % PIC 

    6.  Carried interest= % % (NAV before distb.

     –CC) in year when NAV before distb. Is

    first > CC 

    '()*)+,-)*. /+**0)1 02-)*)3- 4 5 6 789:


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    Reading 44: The arbitrage free valuation


    Reading 45: Valuation & analysis: Bonds with

    embedded options

    1.  Value of callable bond = Value of straight

     bond – Value of issuer call option


    Value of issuer call option = Value of

    straight bond – Value of callable bond

    3.  Value of putable bond = Value of straight

     bond + Value of investor put option


    Value of investor put option = Value of

     putable bond – Value of straight bond

    5.  The rate in the up state = R u = R d% e2/ @ 

    where, Rd = Rate in the down state

    / = Interest rate volatility

    t = Time in years between “time slices”


    Duration (Øk+Øè

    >ÉØ&É ¸, 

    7.  Convexity (Øè’Øk+ >ÉØ&

    >É Ø&É ¸,  ? 

    8.  Effective Duration =¤Øk  + ¤Øè

    >É ¸¹µÉ §I&

    ¸Jüû:î  ? É §I& 

    10.  Value of capped floater = Value of straight

     bond – Value of embedded cap

    11.  Value of floored floater = Value of straight

     bond + Value of embedded floor

    Analysis of a Convertible Bond


    Conversion Ratio (CR) = No. of shares ofC.stock from exercising call option 

    13.  Conversion Price (or stated conversion

     price) = Par value of convertible bond ÷


    14.  Conversion Value (or Parity) = Market

     price of C.stock % CR  


    Straight Value or Investment Value =Market value of a security without

    conversion option 


    Min. Value of a Convertible Security is

    (greater of conversion value or straight


    17.  Market Conversion Price or Conversion

    Parity Price =×;

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    4.  Black-Scholes Option pricing Formula =

    S t   =  A

    t  N (d 

    1)! ke

    !r(T !1) N (d 
















    t T t T r  K 





    d2 = d1 – /  Ù H ` 

    5.  Value of debt = D (t, T) = PV of payoff on

    co.’s debt if default occurs + PV of payoff

    on co.’s debt if default does not occur =

    )()( 2)1(

    1   d  N  Ked  N  A  T r 




    where, N (d2) = Risk neutral probability of the co.’s debt not


    6.  Credit Risk Measures 

    •  Probability of the debt defaulting =

    Prob. (AT< K) = 1 – Prob. (AT 1 K) =

    1 – N(e2)



    t T 

    t T t T u











    (     )(2

    1)(ln   2



    •  e2 = e1 - /  Ù H ` 7.  Co.’s asset R in CAPM (a static one-period


    Co.’s asset R = R f  + ! of co.’s asset

    (Expected R per year on Mkt. portfolio –

    R f )

    = R f + (! of co.’s asset % Mkt.’s ERP)


    Price of debt{   @& a (

     ^  «

    1’û/¸ 1’û/è¸  D  1’û•è¸ 

    9.  Credit risk measures in reduced form


    •  Default probability over [0,T] = Prob

    @ K a ( ̀ H

    ^ë  L M  «

    1’N L&¸ ’ 1 ’N L¸   D 1’N L•k¸  ¸ 


    Expected loss =

    ë̂\u¥+¸   ë  L M  «

    1’N L&¸ ’ 1 ’N L¸   D1’N LM  ¸

    O  vZ   ¸  

    •  Present value of the expected loss = K

    P (t,T) – D (t,T)

    10.  Historical Estimation 

    •  Probability of default over [t, t+'] =

    Prob (t) =!""=




    t i

    i X b

    e   11



    •  Parameters estimation: 








    t i

    i X b



    11ln   )    Where

    dt = {1 if default, 0 if no default}

    •  To estimate the loss given default:

    t(Xt) = !=





    i  t  X cc


    Where {ci for i = 1, …, N} are


    11.  Price of the coupon bond (assuming no

    arbitrage and frictionless markets)

    BG (t) = !"







    T t  P  F C it CP   

    12.  Credit spread (t) = Avg. yields on risky

    zero-coupon bond – Avg. yields on riskless

    zero-coupon bond

    Or= [Average yields on the risky zero-coupon

     bond – Average yields on riskless zero-

    coupon bond] + Liquidity premium


    = Expected % loss per year on the risky

    zero-coupon bond + Liquidity Premium

    13.  PV of expected loss = PV of CF of riskless

    debt – PV of CF of risky debt = [P (t,T) –

    D (t,T)] XT 

    Where, XT = Promised CF at T of a risky


    Reading 47: Forward Rate Markets &


    1.  Forward Price = Spot price % (1 + R f )T 

    F (0, T) = S0 (1 + r)T Or

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    S0 = F (0, T) / (1 + r)T 

    2.  Value of a forward contract (of long

     position)at time t during contract life

    (where t

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    4.  R C&C Arbitrage (when the Futures

    Contra ct is Underpriced)

    5.  Pricing Futures Contracts when there are

    Storage Costs and/or cash flows on the

    Underlying asset and/or convenience


    •  If holding an underlying asset results

    in monetary costs and benefits (net

    cost), futures price is:

    •  If holding an underlying asset results

    in non-monetary benefits

    (convenience yield), futures price is:

    6.  Pricing T-Bond futures Contract = F (0, T)

    = (S0 – PVC) % (1 + r)T 


    F (0, T) = [S0 % (1 + r)T] – FVC

    7.   No-arbitrage price of a Stock index futures

    contract = F (0, T) = (S0 – PVD) % (1 + r)T 

    Or F (0, T) = [S0 % (1 + r)T] – FVD


    Futures price as stock index discounted at

    dividend yield, compounded at Rf rate:

    F (0, T) = [S0 / (1 + +)T] % (1 + r) T 

    Or F (0, T) = S0 (1 – +*) (1 + r)T 


    Stock Index Futures Contracts with

    Continuous Dividends = F (0,T) =

    T r T   cc

    eeS   ! "


    F (0,T) =( )T r    cc

    eS   ! "



    10.  No-arbitrage futures price of a unit of

    foreign currency in terms of the home

    currency for a currency futures contract of

    length T in years = F (0, T) = S0 % [(1+ r)T/ (1 + r f ) T]

    11.  The continuous time price formulas for

    currency futures contracts:

    F (0,T) =T r T r    c fc

    eeS    !0


    ( ) T r r    fcceS    !"!0


    Reading 49: Options Markets & Contracts


    Put-call parity = c0 +X / (1+R f )T = p0 + S0 

    •  European call (synthetic call) = c0 =

     p0 + S0 – X / (1+R f )T 

    •  European put (synthetic put) p0 = c0 -

    S0 + X/(1+R f )T 

    •  Synthetic stock position = S0 = c0 – p0 

    + X/ (1+R f )T 


    Delta = hedge ratio = number of shares

     purchased per call sold

    •   No. of stocks per option (D) = (C+ - C-

    ) / (S+ - S-)

    •   No. of options per stock = 1/D

    •   No. of calls to sell = No. of shares

    hedged / delta of the call option

    •  Total shares of stock to purchase =

     No. of options short % Delta

    The two values of the put at the end of the first

     period are

    •  ŵ ( ‰¤

    ""  ’ 1+‰ ¤"‘


    •  Å̂  ( ‰¤‘"’ 1+‰ ¤‘‘


    0 T

    1. Borrow money

    2. Buy commodity

    3. Sell futures


    4. Deliver the commodity

    against the futures


    5. Recover money &

    payoff loan

    0 T

    1. Sell short the


    2. Lend money received

    from short sale

    3. Buy futures contract

    4. Accept delivery

    from futures


    5. Use commodity

    received to cover

    the short sale

  • 8/17/2019 l 2 Formula Sheet June 2016


    FinQuiz Formula Sheet CFA Level II 2016

    3.  ƒ„‚A2=A#E $ÌDJ #M …‚ÌJ= (½;O u& 1žP<

  • 8/17/2019 l 2 Formula Sheet June 2016


    FinQuiz Formula Sheet CFA Level II 2016

    2.  Expected Credit Loss (%) = Payout ratio =

    1 – Recovery rate (%)

    3.  Expected Credit Loss Amount or Payout

    amount = Payout ratio % Notional amount

    4.  Loss Given Default:

    •  Expected loss = Full amount owed –

    Expected recovery

    •  Expected loss = Loss given default % 

    Probability of default

    •  Prob. of default (at some point during

    T years) = 1 – Prob. of no default

    during T years


    Value of protection leg = Expected payoffof bond/loan with credit risk - Expected

     payoff of bond/loan with no credit risks

    6.  Value of premium leg = PV of pmts. made

     by the protection buyer to the protection


    7.  Upfront pmt = PV of protection leg – PV

    of premium leg


    Credit spread & Prob. of default % Loss

    given default (%)

    9.  Credit spread Pricing Conventions

    •  Upfront premium = PV of credit

    spread – PV of fixed coupon Or =

    (Credit spread – Fixed coupon) % D of

    the CDS

    •  PV of credit spread = Upfront prem. +

    PV of fixed coupon

    •  Credit spread & (Upfront prem./D) +

    Fixed coupon

    •  Upfront premium in % = 100 – Price

    of CDS in currency per 100 par

    •  Price of CDS in currency per 100 par

    = 100 – Upfront premium %

    10.  Profit for the buyer of protection & ¸ inspread in bps % D % NP

    11.  % change in CDS price = ¸ in spread in bps % D


    Basis = CDS spread (prem.) – Bond’scredit spread*

    *Bond’s Credit spread = Yield on bond -

    Investor’s cost of funding

    Bond yield = R f  rate + Funding spread +

    Credit spread

    where, R f  + Funding spread = LIBOR


    Synthetic CDO = Portfolio of default-free

    securities + CDS holdings

    Reading 53: An Introduction to Multifactor


    1.  Multifactor Model = R i = ai + b i1I1 + bi2I2+

    …..+ biK IK + !i 

    2.  Arbitrage Pricing Theory = E (R  p) = R F +

    3 1*  p,1 + 3 2*  p,2 + …..+ 3 k * p,k  

    3.  Carhart Four Factor Model = E (R  p) = R F+

    * p1RMRF + + * p2SMB + + * p3HML ++

    * p4WML…..+ SP 

    RMRF = Portfolio’s sensitivity to Mkt.

    IndexSMB = small minus big

    HML = high minus low

    WML = winners minus losers

    4.  Macroeconomic Factor Model = R i =ai + b

    i1 F1 + bi2 F2+ …..+ biK FK + !i 

    5.   biK  =Iìùüî ú— w —úû 쬬îë Z+T:îûîUî :ìùüî ú— w

    F 8—úû :ìùüî¬ ú— w: 


    Actual Inf. = Predicted Inf. + Surprise Inf.

    7.  Active R = Xý H XV 

    8.  Active R (decomposition)=

    WCq@8CAzC °p_°@zXz@Y H1wtp_·oY?q] °p_°@zXz@Y   w  É

    Z?·@Cq X   w r °p·[qz@Y °pAp·@zC_ 

    9.  Tracking Error TE = s(R P-R B)

    10.  Information Ratio = =V\+VÞ

    9 V\+VÞ 

    11.  Active risk squared = s2(R P-R B)

    12.  Active risk squared = Active factor risk +

    Active specific risk

  • 8/17/2019 l 2 Formula Sheet June 2016
