
EL NUEVO ORDEN se define as: _El despertar de Rusia - China y pases Emergentes (izquierda) socialistas irrumpen mundialmente empoderandose del mercado tras evitar usar el dolar como divisa... -Descom,posicin d ela credibilidad de UA, cae su hegemona militar, rechazo internacional. -ONU por sus caractyeres de servilismo imperial, provoca la salida de muchas naciones de esta organizacin. -Solicitud de las reservas de oro de las naciones ponen en descubierto el FRACKING- cae la bolsa mundial. - Guerras ya no son toleradas y por lo tanto el ppal pais USA, ffabricante de armas y guerras tras no poder seguir invadiendo y saqueando las riquezas petroleras y energticas da inicio a establecer restricciones al consumo. (apogeo de una guerra civil en USA) LA GRAN TRIBULACIN TRAS EL TERREMOTO EN USA: 2016- EL QUIEBRE ECONMICO GLOBAL- ROBO DE LAS ARCAS DE ORO-EL DESPERTAR INTERNACIONAL. -EXTERMINIO, XODO MASIVO Y DEPORTACIONES SELECTIVAS.-GUERRA CIVIL ESTADOUNIDENSE.-NUEVO ORDEN GEOPOLTICO.-DOMINIO Y CONTROL TECNOLOGICO HEGEMNICO NEGADO Y QUE PONDR EN DESVENTAJAS A LAS NACIONES.- LA NUEVA FORMA DE SACRIFICIOS A LOS DIOSES.-EL XODO A MARTE.

Inteligentemente, como cualquier plan ya fraguado, las piezas comienzan a armarse. Los Estados Unidos de Norteamrica requiere de justificar la desaparicin del oro de las arcas en las cuales las naciones del mundo han sido inducidas a colocar sus reservas y dems fondos por lo cual con ello se aseguraron durante dcadas el control de la economa global as como de las tecnologasTRAS DEVELARSE LAS ENTIDADES OSCURAS, las elites gobernantes actuarn prximamente extirpando lo que ellos denominan desechos humanos y tras inducir diversas catstrofes como el venidero terremoto (catstrofe inducida) solo darn como opcin evacuar las zonas afectadas y donde millones de personas, norteamericanas, latinos, afrodescendientes y cualquier otra nacionalidad inmigrantes que no puedan costearse los altos costos de alimentos, agua y refugio debern dirigirse a las naciones suramericanas y africanas ya que la Unin Europea tampoco los recibir, al menos no a los pobres. Van a depurar suelo norteamericano.La muerte de millones de seres humanos en territorio USA ser la detonante a la continuacin de los principios polticos de el fin justifica los medios, con tanta conmocin, sin mediaciones las lites tomarn control de toda tierra (ciudades, estados) bajo estado de sitio decretado no por la presidencia de la repblica (quienes desaparecern) sino de los mandos militares que esperan tomar el control y actuacin libre, sin atadurascomenzar el exterminio selectivo ya que todo manifestante u oposicin ser tratada como amenaza nacional y terrorista.Sin embargo no cuentan con todos los recursos energticos, una vez agotado el petrleo, el agua conviene como el bien ms preciado. Con la induccin (HAARP) de este terremoto justificarn lo injustificable para establecer un control total de la zona Estadounidense y desde all tener su base de control humano total, podrn generar guerras a todo el mundo adems de la guerra civil que se avecina y sin tener peligros de ataques internos tras la seleccin de sus ciudadanos ya civilmente serviles a este NWO donde al final el xodo ser de la tierra a marte donde ya no han podido sostener la mentira de que no era habitable.Las naciones no actuarn hasta tanto se den cuenta del robo de sus arcas de oro que se encontraban bajo tutela del gobierno de Estados Unidos y al evaluar que dichos fenmenos fueron ciertamente inducidos y ante los desmanes de las epidemias que se desatarn, temern nuevas guerras LA NUEVA FORMA DE SACRIFICIOS A LOS DIOSES: el origen humano y su ambigua realidad. (Plan global de exterminio de civilizaciones)Quienes viven los horrores y terror de la guerra son testigos de hechos inhumanos cometidos por cientos, miles y hasta millones de individuos (seres a los que han llegado a describir como no humanos y no solo podramos configurarnos la idea de que se aprecia que estos matan solo por matar, sin ningn tipo de remordimiento y no obedecen a ningn patrn poltico y llegando incluso a ser desconocidos por los bandos en confrontacin, es decir, se incorporan a pescar en rio revuelto.Para nadie es un secreto que se ubican de diversas fuentes que exponen y dejan al descubierto un complejo plan global de exterminio de civilizaciones, naciones completas son ahora el objetivo para saciar la sed de los que muchos denominan control global y sin embargo si hojeamos la historia, tras ver que estos actan en impunidad ante las naciones, pareciera que estos hechos son justificados, que esa matanza obedeciera a un tipo de cuota, lo mismo que aconteca hace miles de aos cuando se ofrendaban vidas a los dioses a cambio de favores o de levantamiento de castigos o catstrofes.Sin duda que nadie podra explicar la manera en que ahora se matan de un solo acto u hecho a decenas, cientos y hasta miles de humanos, con bombas, aparentemente, armas que son desarrolladas bajo control de los estados, actuando como mediadores y como atacantes, perola realidad apunta a que en realidad es una prctica constante que se permiten a grupos de lite que nada tienen que ver con lo humano, y que cuentan ahora bajo la mirada y aprobacin de los gobiernos del mundo con aprobacin de llevar a cabo actuaciones de exterminio, matar a regiones completas y que luego hacen aparecer como vctimas de guerra, pero la verdad es tan oscura porque saben engaarnos e infundir miedo y terror sobre aquellos que siquiera muestren rasgos de pretender obstaculizar sus objetivos.De all que se pudiera deducir que la verdadera III Guerra Mundial ya haba comenzado poco despus de que Alemania y Japn fueran vencidas por estos bandos. Esta vez, la guerra era contra todas las naciones distintas a USA, Inglaterra y Francia.Irak, Siria, Libia, y frica han sido los ltimos y ms contemporneos blancos de exterminio masivo de sus pobladores, y esta ola masiva se va a extender a todo el continente asitico hasta llegar a convertirse en el pandemnium y entrega del estatus quo humano a las especies que ahora se disponen a dar su nuevo estado de Nuevo Orden Mundial.China y Rusia se vern encasilladas cual trincheras, sus economas que sern mermadas por el colapso de sus aliados tras fuertes intervenciones por parte de estas naciones llamadas Superpotencias, cuya sola denominacin ya infunde terror sobre pueblos de menor desarrollo, pero que en verdad ocultan pueblos sometidos a sus status quo, el silencio de la barbarie ahora tendr una nueva denominacin: Democracia Neoliberal.La pregunta ahora es, cul es la agenda para los dems pueblos que faltan por exterminar?, nos van a llevar a morder el polvo de nuestra madre tierra porque no reconocemos a nuestros verdaderos enemigos, mientras la ONU, en complicidad con las naciones y usando las fuerzas de la OTAN como tapete permiten ataques masivos a poblaciones enteras, trasponer la verdad de una agenda de exterminio sin precedentes cual si fuesen muertes necesarias y lo cual ni siquiera podra compararse a la cantidad de muertes realizadas como sacrificios a deidades del pasado y que ahora y siempre requieren de interminables cuotas de sangre.Solo dejarn nuestro mundo una vez puedan establecerse como NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL y sin oposiciones, por lo cual nos veremos entregados a estos por elites que han ostentado estratgicamente los cargos presidenciales y de poder de las naciones.Solo dejarn nuestro mundo una vez puedan cumplir con sus metas: las cuotas de sangre (ADN) humano que permita a estas desarrollarse, establecerse como entes dominantes y reconfigurar nuestras mentes.Nuestro mundo, nuestra gran mentira a ojos abiertos, no ha podido descifran que existen incuestionables pruebas de todo ello, que no somos nosotros los humanos quienes controlamos el mundo, veamos los ltimos hallazgos de mi persona:La luna nuestro satelite, no es ni nuestra ni es un satlite, es un gigantesco TANQUE de AGUA (Arca) lo cual explica muchas interrogantes desde que el ser humano (Xra generacin, interrumpidas cada 4.5 millones de aos) se posa en este planeta y en marte: 1_ El sol cada 4.5 mill aos emana o baja su energa, convirtiendo el entorno del sistema solar en su parte interna en un lugar caliente en la tierra y frio en marte, o viceversa repitiendo este ciclo. 2- Por millones de aos se han realizado xodos de las civilizaciones que debiendo huir de las ya conocidas condiciones planetarias con respecto al sol deben y necesitan desplazarse no solo estos en grandes grupos, porque no todos los pobladores son mudados, mudndose a marte o la tierra en conjunto deben tambin llevarse el agua. La luna es del tamao que tiene porque debe contener toda el agua del planeta, y eso explica lo del diluvio mencionado en las diferentes culturas del mundo y tambin explica que solo se aceptan 4.5 millones la edad del planeta 3- Si el ultimo xodo fue de marte a la tierra, previndose que las condiciones del sol eran que all se congelara todo, los supervivientes de la tierra que fueron evolucionando en las condiciones severas (ubicndose en los polos, estas por ser ms fras para soportar vida humana, all se explica por qu estaran en la Antrtida y la Atlntida (que no se corrobora su existencia) pero al volver los AMOS HUMANOS de la tierra, siempre han inundado trayndose toda el agua de nuevo desde marte y as causan cada DILUVIO de los cuales solo quedan los vestigios de construcciones ya bajo el mar...esta es una de las tantas que van a realizar...Preguntmonos todos: vamos a dejarlos de nuevo eliminarnos?, a que solo ellos materialicen sus estampas?...negndonos nuestros derechos de existir eternamente?...a polarizar nuestras energas?. 4- El HAARP, al COLISIONADOR DE HADRONES, y otros diversos instrumentos de aceleracin molecular ya existentes, de hecho solo desconocidos por la mayor parte de la humanidad, estarn actuando ahora para ir calentando sus motores, para as drenar el agua o evaporarla (calentamiento global inducido), hacer aparecer de la nada agujeros, naves, zombies, cualquier mtodos que pueda hacer que nos matemos entre nosotros, a que temamos a lo que vemos, aunque no lo percibamos como debe serbien sea como acte esta para poder llevar a cabo el traslado de materiales y agua a la luna para poder transportarla a marte en estos aos. Tratarn de interponer una realidad virtual, tan real a los ojos que puede llevarnos al miedo y a atentar unos contra otros... 5- Preprense porque en los prximos aos, para poder llevar a cabo la materializacin de todo esto deben posicionar un status quo global que permita a las elites gobernantes actuar con total libertad, y para ello deben posicionarse como DIOSES, para as no tener oposicin de la sociedad humana que estar condenada a una nueva extincin, sobreviviendo solo los que siempre han sido amos del contexto interplanetario. Despierten, observen y evalen, porque ya cada vez que coloco este msj lo desaparecen de las redesdifndelo si te parece que debes actuar, primero debemos concientizar sobre lo que nos depara la inconciencia para ser conscientes de la realidad. Si se puede cambiar esta realidad donde no todos vamos a sobrevivir. Apunta a las elites que en estos tiempos van a ir dejando de figurar. Pues se estarn yendo.Victimas del CERN: de los creadores interdimensionales.Tras haber sido victimas de sus propios fracasos en el control del SUPERCOLISIONADOR ...los humanos (habitantes de otras dimensiones (agreagadas y sumergidas dentro de los mismos agujeros negros) interdimensionales, volveran a tener una nueva oportunidad de probar si logran controlar la misma...tal vez seamos la 6ta o 7ma humanidad sumergida por el caos de materia no la cual nadie puede escapar, porque no es el agujero lo ms peligroso, sino, el ego de quienes siguen jugando con lo que ya saben que no pueden controlar sin un verdadero concenso espiritual y mental...Estos seres humanos interdimensionales, que ya han acabado con varias culuras civilizaciones, ya estn sometidos al agujero interdimensional...volvern a intentar a ver si logran salir...salir masivamente...ya que solo enviaron ideas e informacin, aun materia no lograron para reeditar sus destinos.Lo que puede pasar, si no nos absorven, LLEGARAN SERES A POSICIONARSE Y ALL EST EL NUEVO orden mundial...ALGUNOS HUIRAN A MARTE...O ELLOS TOMARAN TODO EL CONTROL...nuestra propia raza en varias ediciones.......quizs...los dinosaurios no fueron extintos...fueron absorbidos de su propios inventos luego de alcanzar su mximo nivel de evolucin...y ahora tratan de salir...y como fsicamente no pueden ..enviaron los planos e informaciones `para el instalar el nuevo orden mundial...donde estar Dios de humanos ahora???Quieren verlos?: _ Usen visin de R-X solo prueben mirar hacia los atacantes y al cielo.

Rusia sabe que USA tiene razn..USA afirma que Rusia ataca solo el 5% de los terroristas...lgico: todo el planeta sabe que el resto (95%) de ese el resto est en LA OTAN - US ARMY - Y LOS FRENTES TERRORISTAS QUE HAN ENTRENADO EN ARABIA SAUDI ...para all vamos se preocupen...ESPERAREMOS QUE china INCURSIONE DESDE ESTE MOMENTO TAMBIN ...a vaciar este mundo de esas ratas inmundas de NEOLIBERALES asesinos...VIVA RODIA...vIVA EL PUEBLO DE SIRIA...TOMEN NOTA: - LA UE y USA debern reintegrar con sus supremos intereses a LIBIA los fondos retenidos y ya robados de las arcas y tesoro nacional que superaban los 250 mil millones de dlares de igual manera a IRAKAFGANISTANpara reconstruir sus nacionesincluso si RUSIA Y CHINA no tratan este tema serian complices de elloasi que la responsabilidad es total en cuanto a las acciones que deseen y realicen en estos pueblos tan vctimas de estos sistemas depredadores e inhumanos de la UE USANi hablar de PalestinaISRAEL DEBE DESAPARECERno tiene sentido fraguar con una especie con esa sociedad de exterminio

: _the - , () empoderandose ...-SMS, d ela UA, , caractyeres , .- FRACKING - .- ppal , ffabricante , . ( ) : 2016 - - - . -, - . , . , , , ... , , , ( ) , , , -, , , . . , , (, ) , ( ), , ... , . , , . (HAARP) , , , , . , , , , ... : . ( ) , , (, , , , , - , . , , , , , , , , , . , , , , -, , , , , , , , , , , , . III . , , Francia.Irak, , , - , Mundial.China , , , , -, : . , , , , ?,


Intelligently, like any plan already set, the pieces begin to arm themselves. The United States needs to justify the disappearance of gold from the coffers in which the nations of the world have been induced to place their reserves and other funds which thereby control the global economy as well as ensured for decades technologies ...AFTER unfold dark entities, the ruling elites will act soon removing what they call "human waste" and after inducing various disasters as the coming earthquake (induced catastrophe) as an option only will evacuate the affected areas and where millions of people, American, Latin , descendants and any other nationality immigrants who can not afford the high costs of food, water and shelter should be addressed to the South American and African nations and the European Union will receive either, at least not to the poor. They are going to debug American soil.The death of millions of human beings in the territory USA will trigger the continuation of the political principles of "the end justifies the means", with all the commotion, unmediated elites take control of all land (cities, states) under condition Site enacted not by the president of the republic (who disappear) but military commanders who hope to take control and operate freely, no strings attached ... start the selective destruction as everything protester or opposition will be treated as national and terrorist threat.But without all energy resources, once the oil, water it should be the most valuable asset exhausted. With induction (HAARP) of this earthquake will justify the unjustifiable to establish full control of the American zone and thence be based on total human control may generate wars worldwide and a civil war looming and without dangers of insider attacks after the selection of its citizens and civilly where subservient to this NWO will end the exodus from Earth to Mars where they have not been able to sustain the lie that was not habitable.The nations will not act until they realize the theft of his treasure of gold that were wards of the US government and to evaluate such phenomena were certainly induced and against the excesses of epidemics will be unleashed, they fear new wars ...The new form of sacrifice to the gods: the human origin and ambiguous reality. (Global plan of extermination of civilizations)Those who live the horror and terror of war are witnesses of "inhuman" acts committed by hundreds, thousands and even millions of people (beings who have come to describe as "non-human" and we could not only conformed the idea that shows that they kill only to kill without any remorse and do not obey any political pattern and even to be unknown sides in confrontation, ie are incorporated to "fish in troubled waters."It is no secret that are located from various sources that expose and expose a complex global plan of extermination of civilizations, whole nations are now aiming to quench the thirst of many call "global control" and yet if we browse history, after seeing that they act in impunity nations, it seems that these facts are justified, that killing obey a type of fee, as is happening thousands of years ago when lives were offered to the gods for favors lifting or punishment or disasters.Surely no one could explain how they now kill a single act or fact to tens, hundreds and even thousands of humans, bomb apparently weapons are developed under the control of the states, acting as mediators and as attackers but ... the reality suggests that in reality is a constant practice that elite groups that have nothing to do with the human, and they have now under the gaze and approval of the world's governments with approval to conduct allowed acts of extermination, kill entire regions and then make it appear as victims of war, but the truth is so dark because they know deceive and instil fear and terror on those who even pretend to show traits hinder their goals.Hence, it could be deduced that the real World War III had begun shortly after Germany and Japan were defeated by these sides. This time, the war was against all nations other than USA, England and France.Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Africa have been the latest and white contemporary mass extermination of its inhabitants, and this massive wave will spread to the entire Asian continent to turn into pandemonium and delivery of human status quo the species now have to give their new state of New World Order.China and Russia will be pigeonholed which trenches, their economies will be undermined by the collapse of its allies after heavy interventions by these nations called "superpowers", whose very name and strikes terror on people of less developed, but really hide peoples under their status quo, the silence of barbarism will now have a new name: "Neoliberal Democracy".The question now is, what is the agenda for others to exterminate people missing ?, will lead us to bite the dust of our mother earth because they do not recognize our real enemies, while the UN, in complicity with the nations and using NATO forces as mat allow massive attacks on entire populations, transpose the truth of an unprecedented extermination agenda as though they were "necessary deaths" and which could not even be compared to the number of deaths as sacrifices to deities made last and now and always require endless blood fees.They only leave our world once they can establish themselves as New World Order without opposition, so we will be given to these by elites who have flaunted strategically presidential and power of nations charged.They only leave our world once they can meet their goals: blood fees (DNA) that allow these human develop, establish themselves as dominant entities and reconfigure our minds.Our world, our big lie open eyes, could not decipher that there are indisputable evidence of this, that we are not humans who control the world, see the latest findings from me:The moon "our" "satellite" is neither ours nor is a satellite, it is a giant water tank (Ark) which explains many questions since humans (XRA generation, interrupted every 4.5 million years) perches on this planet and Mars: 1_ The sun every 4.5 million years emanates or low energy, making the environment the solar system on the inside in a warm place on earth and cold on Mars, or vice versa repeating this cycle. 2- For millions of years they have made "exodus" of civilizations that must escape from the known planetary conditions with respect to the sun should and need to move not just those in large groups, because not all people are changed, moving to Mars or the earth as a whole should also be water. The Moon is the size it is because it must contain all the water on the planet, and that explains the flood mentioned in the different cultures of the world and explains that only 4.5 million are accepted age of the planet ... 3- If the last exodus was from Mars to Earth, anticipating that sunny conditions were that there would freeze all survivors of land that evolved in the harsh conditions (standing at the poles, these being colder to support human life, there is explained why they would be in Antarctica and Atlantis (not confirms its existence) but on returning the human masters of the land, they have always flooded trayndose all the water back from Mars and thus cause each DELUGE of which there are only traces construction and under the sea ... this is one of many that will ... make us ask all going to leave again to eliminate us ?, only they realize their prints ... denying our rights to exist forever? ? ... to polarize our energies ?. 4- The HAARP, the Hadron Collider, and other various instruments existing molecular acceleration, in fact only unknown to most of humanity, will be acting now to warm their engines in order to drain water or evaporate (heating induced global), to appear out of nowhere holes, ships, zombies, any methods that can make us to kill each other, that we fear what we see, but not perceive it as it should be ... either as act is to bring out the transfer of materials and water transport to the moon to Mars in recent years. They try to bring one, so real in the eyes virtual reality that can lead to fear and undermine each other ... 5- Prepare yourselves because in the coming years in order to carry out the realization of all this must position a global status quo to allow the ruling elites act freely, and thus must be positioned as gods, so as not to have opposition from human society that is doomed to a new extinction, surviving only those who have always been masters of interplanetary context. Wake up, observe and evaluate, because every time you put it away this msg networks ... spread it if you think it must act, we must first raise awareness about what lies unconsciousness to be aware of reality. If you can not change this reality where we will all survive. Points to the elites in these times will be leaving to figure. For they will be going.Victims of CERN: the interdimensional creators ... .After having been victims of their own failures in controlling human supercollider ... (inhabitants of other dimensions (you agreagadas and submerged into the same black hole) interdimensional, will return to have a another chance to prove if they can control it ... maybe we are the 6th or 7th humanity submerged by chaos not physical matter ... of which no one can escape, because it is not the most dangerous hole, but the ego of those who still play with what they already know they can not control without a true spiritual and mental consensus ...These interdimensional human beings, who have already finished several culuras civilizations, are already subject to interdimensional hole ... will try again to see if they go out massively ... ... as only they sent ideas and information, not even matter they managed to reissue their destinations.What can happen, if not absorb us to position BEINGS COMING AND THERE IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER ... SOME flee to Mars ... Or they will take full control ... our own race on various issues ....... Maybe ... the dinosaurs were not extinct ... They were absorbed in their own inventions after reaching its maximum level of development ... and now ... and try to get out and physically can not ..enviaron plans and information for CERN `... the new world order ... where God human will now be installed ???_ Wear want them ?: RX vision ... just try and look at the sky attackers.

Russia knows that the US has said that Russia attacked razn..USA only 5% of the terrorists ... logical: the whole planet knows that the rest (95%) that the rest is in NATO - US ARMY - AND TERRORIST FRONT TO BE TRAINED IN SAUDI ARABIA ... so here we go soon ... do not worry ... We will expect Chinese inroads ALSO FROM THIS TIME ... to wash those filthy rats world of neoliberal murderers ... VIVA Rodina ... Long live the people of Syria ...PLEASE NOTE: - The EU and USA should reinstate its supreme interests with Libya funds "retained" and already stolen the national treasure chests and in excess of 250 billion dollars ... equally to Iraq ... to rebuild their AFGHANISTAN ... nations ... even if Russia and China do not address this issue would be complicit in it ... so the responsibility is total in terms of actions and wishing to make these people as victims of these predators and inhuman systems of the EU - USA ... No way Palestine ... "Israel must disappear" ... it does not make sense to forge a kind that society ... with extermination ... THE GREAT TRIAL AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE IN USA: 2016- ECONOMIC BREAK GLOBAL- THEFT coffers GOLD-THE AWAKENING INTERNATIONAL.-EXTERMINIO, MASS EXODUS and selective deportations.AMERICAN CIVIL-war.-NEW GEOPOLITICAL ORDER.HEGEMONIC -dominion AND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY WILL DENIED AND DISADVANTAGES TO THE NATIONS.- The new form of sacrifice to the gods.-THE EXODUS TO MARS.

Intelligently, like any plan already set, the pieces begin to arm themselves. The United States needs to justify the disappearance of gold from the coffers in which the nations of the world have been induced to place their reserves and other funds which thereby control the global economy as well as ensured for decades technologies ...AFTER unfold dark entities, the ruling elites will act soon removing what they call "human waste" and after inducing various disasters as the coming earthquake (induced catastrophe) as an option only will evacuate the affected areas and where millions of people, American, Latin , descendants and any other nationality immigrants who can not afford the high costs of food, water and shelter should be addressed to the South American and African nations and the European Union will receive either, at least not to the poor. They are going to debug American soil.The death of millions of human beings in the territory USA will trigger the continuation of the political principles of "the end justifies the means", with all the commotion, unmediated elites take control of all land (cities, states) under condition Site enacted not by the president of the republic (who disappear) but military commanders who hope to take control and operate freely, no strings attached ... start the selective destruction as everything protester or opposition will be treated as national and terrorist threat.But without all energy resources, once the oil, water it should be the most valuable asset exhausted. With induction (HAARP) of this earthquake will justify the unjustifiable to establish full control of the American zone and thence be based on total human control may generate wars worldwide and a civil war looming and without dangers of insider attacks after the selection of its citizens and civilly where subservient to this NWO will end the exodus from Earth to Mars where they have not been able to sustain the lie that was not habitable.The nations will not act until they realize the theft of his treasure of gold that were wards of the US government and to evaluate such phenomena were certainly induced and against the excesses of epidemics will be unleashed, they fear new wars ...The new form of sacrifice to the gods: the human origin and ambiguous reality. (Global plan of extermination of civilizations)Those who live the horror and terror of war are witnesses of "inhuman" acts committed by hundreds, thousands and even millions of people (beings who have come to describe as "non-human" and we could not only conformed the idea that shows that they kill only to kill without any remorse and do not obey any political pattern and even to be unknown sides in confrontation, ie are incorporated to "fish in troubled waters."It is no secret that are located from various sources that expose and expose a complex global plan of extermination of civilizations, whole nations are now aiming to quench the thirst of many call "global control" and yet if we browse history, after seeing that they act in impunity nations, it seems that these facts are justified, that killing obey a type of fee, as is happening thousands of years ago when lives were offered to the gods for favors lifting or punishment or disasters.Surely no one could explain how they now kill a single act or fact to tens, hundreds and even thousands of humans, bomb apparently weapons are developed under the control of the states, acting as mediators and as attackers but ... the reality suggests that in reality is a constant practice that elite groups that have nothing to do with the human, and they have now under the gaze and approval of the world's governments with approval to conduct allowed acts of extermination, kill entire regions and then make it appear as victims of war, but the truth is so dark because they know deceive and instil fear and terror on those who even pretend to show traits hinder their goals.Hence, it could be deduced that the real World War III had begun shortly after Germany and Japan were defeated by these sides. This time, the war was against all nations other than USA, England and France.Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Africa have been the latest and white contemporary mass extermination of its inhabitants, and this massive wave will spread to the entire Asian continent to turn into pandemonium and delivery of human status quo the species now have to give their new state of New World Order.China and Russia will be pigeonholed which trenches, their economies will be undermined by the collapse of its allies after heavy interventions by these nations called "superpowers", whose very name and strikes terror on people of less developed, but really hide peoples under their status quo, the silence of barbarism will now have a new name: "Neoliberal Democracy".The question now is, what is the agenda for others to exterminate people missing ?, will lead us to bite the dust of our mother earth because they do not recognize our real enemies, while the UN, in complicity with the nations and using NATO forces as mat allow massive attacks on entire populations, transpose the truth of an unprecedented extermination agenda as though they were "necessary deaths" and which could not even be compared to the number of deaths as sacrifices to deities made last and now and always require endless blood fees.They only leave our world once they can establish themselves as New World Order without opposition, so we will be given to these by elites who have flaunted strategically presidential and power of nations charged.They only leave our world once they can meet their goals: blood fees (DNA) that allow these human develop, establish themselves as dominant entities and reconfigure our minds.Our world, our big lie open eyes, could not decipher that there are indisputable evidence of this, that we are not humans who control the world, see the latest findings from me:The moon "our" "satellite" is neither ours nor is a satellite, it is a giant water tank (Ark) which explains many questions since humans (XRA generation, interrupted every 4.5 million years) perches on this planet and Mars: 1_ The sun every 4.5 million years emanates or low energy, making the environment the solar system on the inside in a warm place on earth and cold on Mars, or vice versa repeating this cycle. 2- For millions of years they have made "exodus" of civilizations that must escape from the known planetary conditions with respect to the sun should and need to move not just those in large groups, because not all people are changed, moving to Mars or the earth as a whole should also be water. The Moon is the size it is because it must contain all the water on the planet, and that explains the flood mentioned in the different cultures of the world and explains that only 4.5 million are accepted age of the planet ... 3- If the last exodus was from Mars to Earth, anticipating that sunny conditions were that there would freeze all survivors of land that evolved in the harsh conditions (standing at the poles, these being colder to support human life, there is explained why they would be in Antarctica and Atlantis (not confirms its existence) but on returning the human masters of the land, they have always flooded trayndose all the water back from Mars and thus cause each DELUGE of which there are only traces construction and under the sea ... this is one of many that will ... make us ask all going to leave again to eliminate us ?, only they realize their prints ... denying our rights to exist forever? ? ... to polarize our energies ?. 4- The HAARP, the Hadron Collider, and other various instruments existing molecular acceleration, in fact only unknown to most of humanity, will be acting now to warm their engines in order to drain water or evaporate (heating induced global), to appear out of nowhere holes, ships, zombies, any methods that can make us to kill each other, that we fear what we see, but not perceive it as it should be ... either as act is to bring out the transfer of materials and water transport to the moon to Mars in recent years. They try to bring one, so real in the eyes virtual reality that can lead to fear and undermine each other ... 5- Prepare yourselves because in the coming years in order to carry out the realization of all this must position a global status quo to allow the ruling elites act freely, and thus must be positioned as gods, so as not to have opposition from human society that is doomed to a new extinction, surviving only those who have always been masters of interplanetary context. Wake up, observe and evaluate, because every time you put it away this msg networks ... spread it if you think it must act, we must first raise awareness about what lies unconsciousness to be aware of reality. If you can not change this reality where we will all survive. Points to the elites in these times will be leaving to figure. For they will be going.Victims of CERN: the interdimensional creators ... .After having been victims of their own failures in controlling human supercollider ... (inhabitants of other dimensions (you agreagadas and submerged into the same black hole) interdimensional, will return to have a another chance to prove if they can control it ... maybe we are the 6th or 7th humanity submerged by chaos not physical matter ... of which no one can escape, because it is not the most dangerous hole, but the ego of those who still play with what they already know they can not control without a true spiritual and mental consensus ...These interdimensional human beings, who have already finished several culuras civilizations, are already subject to interdimensional hole ... will try again to see if they go out massively ... ... as only they sent ideas and information, not even matter they managed to reissue their destinations.What can happen, if not absorb us to position BEINGS COMING AND THERE IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER ... SOME flee to Mars ... Or they will take full control ... our own race on various issues ....... Maybe ... the dinosaurs were not extinct ... They were absorbed in their own inventions after reaching its maximum level of development ... and now ... and try to get out and physically can not ..enviaron plans and information for CERN `... the new world order ... where God human will now be installed ???_ Wear want them ?: RX vision ... just try and look at the sky attackers.

Russia knows that the US has said that Russia attacked razn..USA only 5% of the terrorists ... logical: the whole planet knows that the rest (95%) that the rest is in NATO - US ARMY - AND TERRORIST FRONT TO BE TRAINED IN SAUDI ARABIA ... so here we go soon ... do not worry ... We will expect Chinese inroads ALSO FROM THIS TIME ... to wash those filthy rats world of neoliberal murderers ... VIVA Rodina ... Long live the people of Syria ...PLEASE NOTE: - The EU and USA should reinstate its supreme interests with Libya funds "retained" and already stolen the national treasure chests and in excess of 250 billion dollars ... equally to Iraq ... to rebuild their AFGHANISTAN ... nations ... even if Russia and China do not address this issue would be complicit in it ... so the responsibility is total in terms of actions and wishing to make these people as victims of these predators and inhuman systems of the EU - USA ... No way Palestine ... "Israel must disappear" ... it does not make sense to forge a kind that society ... with extermination ...

The new form of sacrifice to the gods: the human origin and ambiguous reality. (Global plan of extermination of civilizations)Those who live the horror and terror of war are witnesses of "inhuman" acts committed by hundreds, thousands and even millions of people (beings who have come to describe as "non-human" and we could not only conformed the idea that shows that they kill only to kill without any remorse and do not obey any political pattern and even to be unknown sides in confrontation, ie are incorporated to "fish in troubled waters."It is no secret that are located from various sources that expose and expose a complex global plan of extermination of civilizations, whole nations are now aiming to quench the thirst of many call "global control" and yet if we browse history, after seeing that they act in impunity nations, it seems that these facts are justified, that killing obey a type of fee, as is happening thousands of years ago when lives were offered to the gods for favors lifting or punishment or disasters.Surely no one could explain how they now kill a single act or fact to tens, hundreds and even thousands of humans, bomb apparently weapons are developed under the control of the states, acting as mediators and as attackers but ... the reality suggests that in reality is a constant practice that elite groups that have nothing to do with the human, and they have now under the gaze and approval of the world's governments with approval to conduct allowed acts of extermination, kill entire regions and then make it appear as victims of war, but the truth is so dark because they know deceive and instil fear and terror on those who even pretend to show traits hinder their goals.Hence, it could be deduced that the real World War III had begun shortly after Germany and Japan were defeated by these sides. This time, the war was against all nations other than USA, England and France.Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Africa have been the latest and white contemporary mass extermination of its inhabitants, and this massive wave will spread to the entire Asian continent to turn into pandemonium and delivery of human status quo the species now have to give their new state of New World Order.China and Russia will be pigeonholed which trenches, their economies will be undermined by the collapse of its allies after heavy interventions by these nations called "superpowers", whose very name and strikes terror on people of less developed, but really hide peoples under their status quo, the silence of barbarism will now have a new name: "Neoliberal Democracy".The question now is, what is the agenda for others to exterminate people missing ?, will lead us to bite the dust of our mother earth because they do not recognize our real enemies, while the UN, in complicity with the nations and using NATO forces as mat allow massive attacks on entire populations, transpose the truth of an unprecedented extermination agenda as though they were "necessary deaths" and which could not even be compared to the number of deaths as sacrifices to deities made last and now and always require endless blood fees.They only leave our world once they can establish themselves as New World Order without opposition, so we will be given to these by elites who have flaunted strategically presidential and power of nations charged.They only leave our world once they can meet their goals: blood fees (DNA) that allow these human develop, establish themselves as dominant entities and reconfigure our mindsOur world, our big lie open eyes, could not decipher that there are indisputable evidence of this, that we are not humans who control the world, see the latest findings from me:The moon "our" "satellite" is neither ours nor is a satellite, it is a giant water tank (Ark) which explains many questions since humans (XRA generation, interrupted every 4.5 million years) perches on this planet and Mars: 1_ The sun every 4.5 million years emanates or low energy, making the environment the solar system on the inside in a warm place on earth and cold on Mars, or vice versa repeating this cycle. 2- For millions of years they have made "exodus" of civilizations that must escape from the known planetary conditions with respect to the sun should and need to move not just those in large groups, because not all people are changed, moving to Mars or the earth as a whole should also be water. The Moon is the size it is because it must contain all the water on the planet, and that explains the flood mentioned in the different cultures of the world and explains that only 4.5 million are accepted age of the planet ... 3- If the last exodus was from Mars to Earth, anticipating that sunny conditions were that there would freeze all survivors of land that evolved in the harsh conditions (standing at the poles, these being colder to support human life, there is explained why they would be in Antarctica and Atlantis (not confirms its existence) but on returning the human masters of the land, they have always flooded trayndose all the water back from Mars and thus cause each DELUGE of which there are only traces construction and under the sea ... this is one of many that will ... make us ask all going to leave again to eliminate us ?, only they realize their prints ... denying our rights to exist forever? ? ... to polarize our energies ?. 4- The HAARP, the Hadron Collider, and other various instruments existing molecular acceleration, in fact only unknown to most of humanity, will be acting now to warm their engines in order to drain water or evaporate (heating induced global), to appear out of nowhere holes, ships, zombies, any methods that can make us to kill each other, that we fear what we see, but not perceive it as it should be ... either as act is to bring out the transfer of materials and water transport to the moon to Mars in recent years. They try to bring one, so real in the eyes virtual reality that can lead to fear and undermine each other ... 5- Prepare yourselves because in the coming years in order to carry out the realization of all this must position a global status quo to allow the ruling elites act freely, and thus must be positioned as gods, so as not to have opposition from human society that is doomed to a new extinction, surviving only those who have always been masters of interplanetary context. Wake up, observe and evaluate, because every time you put it away this msg networks ... spread it if you think it must act, we must first raise awareness about what lies unconsciousness to be aware of reality. If you can not change this reality where we will all survive. Points to the elites in these times will be leaving to figure. For they will be going.Victims of CERN: the interdimensional creators ... .After having been victims of their own failures in controlling human supercollider ... (inhabitants of other dimensions (you agreagadas and submerged into the same black hole) interdimensional, will return to have a another chance to prove if they can control it ... maybe we are the 6th or 7th humanity submerged by chaos not physical matter ... of which no one can escape, because it is not the most dangerous hole, but the ego of those who still play with what they already know they can not control without a true spiritual and mental consensus ...These interdimensional human beings, who have already finished several culuras civilizations, are already subject to interdimensional hole ... will try again to see if they go out massively ... ... as only they sent ideas and information, not even matter they managed to reissue their destinations.What can happen, if not absorb us to position BEINGS COMING AND THERE IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER ... SOME flee to Mars ... Or they will take full control ... our own race on various issues ....... Maybe ... the dinosaurs were not extinct ... They were absorbed in their own inventions after reaching its maximum level of development ... and now ... and try to get out and physically can not ..enviaron plans and information for CERN `... the new world order ... where God human will now be installed ???_ Wear want them ?: RX vision ... just try and look at the sky attackers.

Nuestro mundo, nuestra gran mentira a ojos abiertos, no ha podido descifran que existen incuestionables pruebas de todo ello, que no somos nosotros los humanos quienes controlamos el mundo, veamos los ltimos hallazgos de mi persona:La luna nuestro satelite, no es ni nuestra ni es un satlite, es un gigantesco TANQUE de AGUA (Arca) lo cual explica muchas interrogantes desde que el ser humano (Xra generacin, interrumpidas cada 4.5 millones de aos) se posa en este planeta y en marte: 1_ El sol cada 4.5 mill aos emana o baja su energa, convirtiendo el entorno del sistema solar en su parte interna en un lugar caliente en la tierra y frio en marte, o viceversa repitiendo este ciclo. 2- Por millones de aos se han realizado xodos de las civilizaciones que debiendo huir de las ya conocidas condiciones planetarias con respecto al sol deben y necesitan desplazarse no solo estos en grandes grupos, porque no todos los pobladores son mudados, mudndose a marte o la tierra en conjunto deben tambin llevarse el agua. La luna es del tamao que tiene porque debe contener toda el agua del planeta, y eso explica lo del diluvio mencionado en las diferentes culturas del mundo y tambin explica que solo se aceptan 4.5 millones la edad del planeta 3- Si el ultimo xodo fue de marte a la tierra, previndose que las condiciones del sol eran que all se congelara todo, los supervivientes de la tierra que fueron evolucionando en las condiciones severas (ubicndose en los polos, estas por ser ms fras para soportar vida humana, all se explica por qu estaran en la Antrtida y la Atlntida (que no se corrobora su existencia) pero al volver los AMOS HUMANOS de la tierra, siempre han inundado trayndose toda el agua de nuevo desde marte y as causan cada DILUVIO de los cuales solo quedan los vestigios de construcciones ya bajo el mar...esta es una de las tantas que van a realizar...Preguntmonos todos: vamos a dejarlos de nuevo eliminarnos?, a que solo ellos materialicen sus estampas?...negndonos nuestros derechos de existir eternamente?...a polarizar nuestras energas?. 4- El HAARP, al COLISIONADOR DE HADRONES, y otros diversos instrumentos de aceleracin molecular ya existentes, de hecho solo desconocidos por la mayor parte de la humanidad, estarn actuando ahora para ir calentando sus motores, para as drenar el agua o evaporarla (calentamiento global inducido), hacer aparecer de la nada agujeros, naves, zombies, cualquier mtodos que pueda hacer que nos matemos entre nosotros, a que temamos a lo que vemos, aunque no lo percibamos como debe serbien sea como acte esta para poder llevar a cabo el traslado de materiales y agua a la luna para poder transportarla a marte en estos aos. Tratarn de interponer una realidad virtual, tan real a los ojos que puede llevarnos al miedo y a atentar unos contra otros... 5- Preprense porque en los prximos aos, para poder llevar a cabo la materializacin de todo esto deben posicionar un status quo global que permita a las elites gobernantes actuar con total libertad, y para ello deben posicionarse como DIOSES, para as no tener oposicin de la sociedad humana que estar condenada a una nueva extincin, sobreviviendo solo los que siempre han sido amos del contexto interplanetario. Despierten, observen y evalen, porque ya cada vez que coloco este msj lo desaparecen de las redesdifndelo si te parece que debes actuar, primero debemos concientizar sobre lo que nos depara la inconciencia para ser conscientes de la realidad. Si se puede cambiar esta realidad donde no todos vamos a sobrevivir. Apunta a las elites que en estos tiempos van a ir dejando de figurar. Pues se estarn yendo.Victimas del CERN: de los creadores interdimensionales.Tras haber sido victimas de sus propios fracasos en el control del SUPERCOLISIONADOR ...los humanos (habitantes de otras dimensiones (agreagadas y sumergidas dentro de los mismos agujeros negros) interdimensionales, volveran a tener una nueva oportunidad de probar si logran controlar la misma...tal vez seamos la 6ta o 7ma humanidad sumergida por el caos de materia no la cual nadie puede escapar, porque no es el agujero lo ms peligroso, sino, el ego de quienes siguen jugando con lo que ya saben que no pueden controlar sin un verdadero concenso espiritual y mental...Estos seres humanos interdimensionales, que ya han acabado con varias culuras civilizaciones, ya estn sometidos al agujero interdimensional...volvern a intentar a ver si logran salir...salir masivamente...ya que solo enviaron ideas e informacin, aun materia no lograron para reeditar sus destinos.Lo que puede pasar, si no nos absorven, LLEGARAN SERES A POSICIONARSE Y ALL EST EL NUEVO orden mundial...ALGUNOS HUIRAN A MARTE...O ELLOS TOMARAN TODO EL CONTROL...nuestra propia raza en varias ediciones.......quizs...los dinosaurios no fueron extintos...fueron absorbidos de su propios inventos luego de alcanzar su mximo nivel de evolucin...y ahora tratan de salir...y como fsicamente no pueden ..enviaron los planos e informaciones `para el instalar el nuevo orden mundial...donde estar Dios de humanos ahora???Quieren verlos?: _ Usen visin de R-X solo prueben mirar hacia los atacantes y al cielo.

THE NEW FORM OF SACRIFICE TO THE GODSThose who live the horror and terror of war are witnesses of "inhuman" acts committed by hundreds, thousands and even millions of people (beings who have come to describe as "non-human" and we could not only conformed the idea that shows that they kill only to kill without any remorse and do not obey any political pattern and even to be unknown sides in confrontation, ie are incorporated to "fish in troubled waters."It is no secret that is available from various sources that expose and expose a global plan of extermination of civilizations, whole nations are now aiming to quench the thirst of many call "global control" and yet if we browse the history, after seeing that they act in impunity nations, it seems that these facts are justified, that killing obey a type of fee, as is happening thousands of years ago when lives were offered to the gods in exchange for favors or Rising punishment or disasters.Surely no one could explain how they now kill one-act hundreds of human bomb apparently weapons are developed under the control of the states, acting as mediators and as attackers, but ... the reality suggests actually it is a constant practice that elite groups that have nothing to do with the human, and they have now under the gaze and approval of the world's governments with approval to kill entire regions are allowed and then make it appear as victims of war, but the truth is so dark because they know deceive.Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Africa have been targets of mass extermination of its inhabitants, and this massive wave will spread to the entire Asian continent to turn into pandemonium and delivery status quo of the human species now They have to give their new state of New World Order.The question now is, what is the agenda for others to exterminate people missing ?, will lead us to bite the dust of our mother earth because they do not recognize our real enemies, while the UN, in complicity with the nations and using NATO forces as mat allow massive attacks on entire populations, transpose the truth of an unprecedented extermination agenda as though they were "necessary deaths" and which could not even be compared to the number of deaths as sacrifices to deities made last and now and always require endless blood fees.They only leave our world once they can establish themselves as NEW WORLD ORDDNE without opposition, so we will be given to these by elites who have flaunted strategically presidential and power of nations charged.Our world, our big lie open eyes, could not decipher that there are indisputable evidence of this, that we are not humans who control the world, see the latest findings from me:The moon "our" "satellite" is neither ours nor is a satellite, it is a giant water tank (Ark) which explains many questions since humans (XRA generation, interrupted every 4.5 million years) perches on this planet and Mars: 1_ The sun every 4.5 million years emanates or low energy, making the environment the solar system on the inside in a warm place on earth and cold on Mars, or vice versa repeating this cycle. 2- For millions of years they have made "exodus" of civilizations that must escape from the known planetary conditions with respect to the sun should and need to move not just those in large groups, because not all people are changed, moving to Mars or the earth as a whole should also be water. The Moon is the size it is because it must contain all the water on the planet, and that explains the flood mentioned in the different cultures of the world and explains that only 4.5 million are accepted age of the planet ... 3- If the last exodus was from Mars to Earth, anticipating that sunny conditions were that there would freeze all survivors of land that evolved in the harsh conditions (standing at the poles, these being colder to support human life, there is explained why they would be in Antarctica and Atlantis (not confirms its existence) but on returning the human masters of the land, they have always flooded trayndose all the water back from Mars and thus cause each DELUGE of which there are only traces construction and under the sea ... this is one of many that will ... make us ask all going to leave again to eliminate us ?, only they realize their prints ... denying our rights to exist forever? ? ... to polarize our energies ?. 4- The HAARP, the Hadron Collider, and other various instruments existing molecular acceleration, in fact only unknown to most of humanity, will be acting now to warm their engines in order to drain water or evaporate (heating induced global), to appear out of nowhere holes, ships, zombies, any methods that can make us to kill each other, that we fear what we see, but not perceive it as it should be ... either as act is to bring out the transfer of materials and water transport to the moon to Mars in recent years. They try to bring one, so real in the eyes virtual reality that can lead to fear and undermine each other ... 5- Prepare yourselves because in the coming years in order to carry out the realization of all this must position a global status quo to allow the ruling elites act freely, and thus must be positioned as gods, so as not to have opposition from human society that is doomed to a new extinction, surviving only those who have always been masters of interplanetary context. Wake up, observe and evaluate, because every time you put it away this msg networks ... spread it if you think it must act, we must first raise awareness about what lies unconsciousness to be aware of reality. If you can not change this reality where we will all survive. Points to the elites in these times will be leaving to figure. For they will be going.Victims of CERN: the interdimensional creators ... .After having been victims of their own failures in controlling human supercollider ... (inhabitants of other dimensions (you agreagadas and submerged into the same black hole) interdimensional, will return to have a another chance to prove if they can control it ... maybe we are the 6th or 7th humanity submerged by chaos not physical matter ... of which no one can escape, because it is not the most dangerous hole, but the ego of those who still play with what they already know they can not control without a true spiritual and mental consensus ...These interdimensional human beings, who have already finished several culuras civilizations, are already subject to interdimensional hole ... will try again to see if they go out massively ... ... as only they sent ideas and information, not even matter they managed to reissue their destinations.What can happen, if not absorb us to position BEINGS COMING AND THERE IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER ... SOME flee to Mars ... Or they will take full control ... our own race on various issues ....... Maybe ... the dinosaurs were not extinct ... They were absorbed in their own inventions after reaching its maximum level of development ... and now ... and try to get out and physically can not ..enviaron plans and information for CERN `... the new world order ... where God human will now be installed ???_ Wear want them ?: RX vision ... just try and look at the sky attackers.

La luna nuestro satelite, no es ni nuestra ni es un satlite, es un gigantesco TANQUE de AGUA (Arca) lo cual explica muchas interrogantes desde que el ser humano (Xra generacin, interrumpidas cada 4.5 millones de aos) se posa en este planeta y en marte:1_ El sol cada 4.5 mill aos emana o baja su energa, convirtiendo el entorno del sistema solar en su parte interna en un lugar caliente en la tierra y frio en marte, o viceversa repitiendo este ciclo.2- Por millones de aos se han realizado xodos de las civilizaciones que debiendo huir de las ya conocidas condiciones planetarias con respecto al sol deben y necesitan desplazarse no solo estos en grandes grupos, porque no todos los pobladores son mudados, mudndose a marte o la tierra en conjunto deben tambin llevarse el agua. La luna es del tamao que tiene porque debe contener toda el agua del planeta, y eso explica lo del diluvio mencionado en las diferentes culturas del mundo y tambin explica que solo se aceptan 4.5 millones la edad del planeta3- Si el ultimo xodo fue de marte a la tierra, previndose que las condiciones del sol eran que all se congelara todo, los supervivientes de la tierra que fueron evolucionando en las condiciones severas (ubicndose en los polos, estas por ser ms fras para soportar vida humana, all se explica por qu estaran en la Antrtida y la Atlntida (que no se corrobora su existencia).4- El HAARP, al COLISIONADOR DE HADRONES, y otros diversos instrumentos de aceleracin molecular ya existentes, de hecho solo desconocidos por la mayor parte de la humanidad, estarn actuando ahora para ir calentando sus motores, para as drenar el agua o evaporarla (calentamiento global inducido), bien sea como acte esta para poder llevar a cabo el traslado de materiales y agua a la luna para poder transportarla a marte en estos aos.5- Preprense porque en los prximos aos, para poder llevar a cabo la materializacin de todo esto deben posicionar un status quo global que permita a las elites gobernantes actuar con total libertad, y para ello deben posicionarse como DIOSES, para as no tener oposicin de la sociedad humana que estar condenada a una nueva extincin, sobreviviendo solo los que siempre han sido amos del contexto interplanetario.Despierten, observen y evalen, porque ya cada vez que coloco este msj lo desaparecen de las redesdifndelo si te parece que debes actuar, primero debemos concientizar sobre lo que nos depara la inconciencia para ser conscientes de la realidad. Si se puede cambiar esta realidad donde no todos vamos a sobrevivir. Apunta a las elites que en estos tiempos van a ir dejando de figurar. Pues se estarn yendo.

La luna nuestro satelite, no es ni nuestra ni es un satlite, es un gigantesco TANQUE de AGUA (Arca) lo cual explica muchas interrogantes desde que el ser humano (Xra generacin, interrumpidas cada 4.5 millones de aos) se posa en este planeta y en marte: 1_ El sol cada 4.5 mill aos emana o baja su energa, convirtiendo el entorno del sistema solar en su parte interna en un lugar caliente en la tierra y frio en marte, o viceversa repitiendo este ciclo. 2- Por millones de aos se han realizado xodos de las civilizaciones que debiendo huir de las ya conocidas condiciones planetarias con respecto al sol deben y necesitan desplazarse no solo estos en grandes grupos, porque no todos los pobladores son mudados, mudndose a marte o la tierra en conjunto deben tambin llevarse el agua. La luna es del tamao que tiene porque debe contener toda el agua del planeta, y eso explica lo del diluvio mencionado en las diferentes culturas del mundo y tambin explica que solo se aceptan 4.5 millones la edad del planeta 3- Si el ultimo xodo fue de marte a la tierra, previndose que las condiciones del sol eran que all se congelara todo, los supervivientes de la tierra que fueron evolucionando en las condiciones severas (ubicndose en los polos, estas por ser ms fras para soportar vida humana, all se explica por qu estaran en la Antrtida y la Atlntida (que no se corrobora su existencia) pero al volver los AMOS HUMANOS de la tierra, siempre han inundado trayendose toda el agua de nuevo desde marte y asi causan cada DILUVIO de los cuales solo quedan los vestigios de consrucciones ya bajo el mar...esta es una de las tantas que van a realizar...vamos a deharlos de nuevo eliminarnos?. 4- El HAARP, al COLISIONADOR DE HADRONES, y otros diversos instrumentos de aceleracin molecular ya existentes, de hecho solo desconocidos por la mayor parte de la humanidad, estarn actuando ahora para ir calentando sus motores, para as drenar el agua o evaporarla (calentamiento global inducido), bien sea como acte esta para poder llevar a cabo el traslado de materiales y agua a la luna para poder transportarla a marte en estos aos. 5- Preprense porque en los prximos aos, para poder llevar a cabo la materializacin de todo esto deben posicionar un status quo global que permita a las elites gobernantes actuar con total libertad, y para ello deben posicionarse como DIOSES, para as no tener oposicin de la sociedad humana que estar condenada a una nueva extincin, sobreviviendo solo los que siempre han sido amos del contexto interplanetario. Despierten, observen y evalen, porque ya cada vez que coloco este msj lo desaparecen de las redesdifndelo si te parece que debes actuar, primero debemos concientizar sobre lo que nos depara la inconciencia para ser conscientes de la realidad. Si se puede cambiar esta realidad donde no todos vamos a sobrevivir. Apunta a las elites que en estos tiempos van a ir dejando de figurar. Pues se estarn yendo. RODRIGUEZ DEBER ENFOCAR HACIA INQUITUDES de su homologo: pero creo que no muestran el video completo, porque yo creo que la ministra de Venezuela seguro debio responderle asi a cada formulacin de su homloga: 1 (Ministra Colombia)-PARAMILITARISMO NO EXISTE: "sabamos y combatamos a grupos dedicados a contrabando y narcotrfico"pero solo son bandas. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero que bueno que no haya entonces paramilitares, lo que hay es tallas para narcotraficantes, y tambin tallas de bandas para Narcopoliticos como Uribe, ...digame si usted cree que la talla de banda que el usa ser la misma de Santos?...bueno, pero ahora en verdad, volvamos a tema de la frontera colega porque debo irme a Caracas a hacer cola, a menos que usted me consiga modess, papel y comida de la nuestra que aqui si hay pa no hacer mas cola en Venezuela. 2- SE NECESITA QUE LOS DOS PAISES SE COMPROMETAN A HACERLO: o sea, compro que ustedfes compran, y meta que nosotros metamos pa ac todos esos productos que aqui nos tienen de panzas pa arriba de llenos que estamos, voy a ver si en Ccuta o en Maicao ya mis socios me depositaron en bolivares los dolares que les mandamos ... mas tarde me llamas y te aviso que te Consegu colega. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero seguro, porque aunque ya sabes que nuestra GNB, nuestros militares y policas no van a ser tocados ni de vaina ... de verdad me apena pero no podemos apresar a estos porque ya vamos a elecciones all tambin. Vamos a tumbar los videos donde estos salieron matraqueando tambien, no vaya a ser a que el pueblo se les ocurra que a los bachaqueros les quitemos los beneficios sociales (las misisones, casas, carros y pensiones...todo) eso si seria peligroso vale. 3-MIENTRAS USTEDES SIGAN SUBSIDIANDO LOS PRODUCTOS: no podemos arreglar nada vale, que berraca usted, pero mas berraquera la de Uribe, fijese que el contaba con esos churupitos pa mantener a los militares a su mando aun contentos, no vaya a ser que lo destronen por ese sector...ya sabe, por compromisos. Ya Santos no lo aguanta mas, est que me fusila...bueno dale...a ver que seguimos ganando de esto. saludos a malpico colega. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, eso si est difcil, no sigas diciendo eso vale...sieee... van a decir entonces que en Venezuela roban por culpa de que la gente tiene dinero, que secuestran y pillan carros porque la gente tiene bienes o y que violan a las mujeres por estar buenas, entonces vas a tener que explicar por qu te han violado a ti colega. 4_ A MI?...CUANDO?, siee! _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, que no es lo que insinuas? que aqu en Colombia violan por culpa de que la gente estn bien bonitas, o que hay narcotrfico porque la gente fuma y se siente chevere...adems...mira que a nadie le gustaria recibir en su casa a un hermano, y que luego este se coma tu comida, lleve de tu despensa alimentos a sus amigos, te use el carro y devuelva el carro sin gasolina y de paso que te quite tu trabajo pero que cobra y no pone ni medio...o es que Colombia va a pagar a Venezuela una indemnizacin por todos estos aos que ha tenido a su cargo a ms de 5.400.000 Colombianos que han sido desplazados por culpa de sus practicas malhechoras?...dime, pa saber que decirle a mi pueblo. 5_ DEJAME PREGUNTARLE A SANTOS A VER QUE DICE DE ESO URIBE...DALE...NOS VEMOS EN GUIGUE... 6_LAS TASAS DE CAMBIO EN VENEZUELA SON 3, Y ESTN REGULADAS. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, si, reguladas, las tenemos reguladas...pero ustedes si son berracos...que si no regulamos entonces?...ustedes no controlan ni regulan nada...mejor, sabes que colega: "vyase al carajo vale", asi no se puede.7-: (... YA VA!!...COLEGA ES QUE NO ME CONTESTA URIBE..DIGO SANTOS...!! _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, y en cuanto tiempo crees que el gobierno colombiano va a podr surtir de gasolina a estas regiones que estaban recibiendo ms de 1.000.000 ltrs de gasolina?... 8_ ??????????...AHPRA TE LLEVO TUS VAINAS...DEJALO ASI...pasate por las casas de cambio "nuestras2 y les dices que vas de mi parte.

Se aplicar lo mismo a los GNB, Policias, Militares que son responsables en conjunto a varios gobernantes de Vzla que instigan a Narcotrafico, Bachaqueo, Terrorismo de estado, Prevaricacin Administrativa y Contrabando...?...han visto alguno de estos ya apresados publicamente??? sin embargo. tambien, a pesar de no ser chavista expongo mi posicin en cuanto a frontareas:

PERO SANTOS no te entendemos vale...dices que no quieres fotos..que quieres es en q coo llamas?? ya cuadraron fecha para este lunes...en Quito vale...como hago pa hacerte un dibujo y explicarte y entiendas que tu mismo dices que no quieres fotos ni otra manera de reuniion que no sea personal...?? explico?..verga el lunes en llames para poner ms condiciones que ya tu pueblo quiere es SOLUCIONES...ESTAS OBLIAGDO A IR ESTE LUNES CHICO...ALLA TE VEMOS NO???...pareces jeva...sea varn vale!!!

odebe ser que quiere aclararle a Maduro: _Voy pero no muestres videos ni esas pruebas...vamos a hablar solo de violacin de DDHH a mis esclavos...digo...Compatriotas..Verga ...Sus fuerzas detectan nuestros aviones??...y no detectan las de los narcos, los paracos, los contrabandistas, ni mucho menos a los tienen nada de eso...solo detectan LAS MARRANADAS DE SANTOS Y DE URIBE...pues clarito les tumbaron su negocio con la gasolina, los bolivares y este modo deberian los colombianos realmente es preguntarse: _ Y les resolvieron al pueblo colombiano las deficiencias de Agua, combustible, trabajo, seguridad, asfaltados, casas, educacin, salud...?...en vez de tratar de seguir robando a los venezolanos sus alimentos, combustibles y usar nuestros hospitales y escuelas...que poca pena para aquellos que muerden la mano de los que les dan de comer...pero no son sino un montoncito frente a los millones de ese valeroso pueblo que despertar y echar a patadas a esos politicos paramilitares, militares narcos, y que roban los nios para meterlos a la fuerza a combatir en el paramilitarismo... que los han hundido a lo peor dejando desarrollarse a esa gran nacin Colombia...un paso al frente...Venezuela te acompaa!!!+TU PRESIDENTE SI ES UNA LUMBRERA...HASTA LOGRA QUE TU LO DEFIENDAS...LUEGO DE MASACRAR A TU PUEBLO Y ECHARLOS DE SUS TIERRAS PARA FOMENTAR SU TERRORISMO DE ESTADO PARAMILITAR...Y DE PASO TE MANTENEMOS A 5.800.000 COMPATRIOTAS TUYOS...dime: cuanto tarda tu gobierno en restaurar los servicios de agua, electricidad, salud, transporte, gasolina y educacin que se les propiciaba desde mi pais???EMPIEZA EL CONTEO REGRESIVO PARA VER EN CUANTO TIEMPO EL NARCO-PARA-GOBIERNO COLOMBIANO RECONOCE Y OTORGA EL DERECHO A LAS POBLACINES FRONTERIZAS AFECTADAS A VIVIENDAS-COMBUSTIBLE-SALUD-EDUCACIN (QUE AQU SE LAS DAMOS GRATIS Y SIN EMBARGO SAQUEARON LAS NEVERAS DE LOS QUE LSO ACOGIERON DURANTE TANTO TIEMPO) vamos a ver en cuanto tiempo se logra resolver el problema a esos miles de hermanos colombianos que fueron repatriados (muchos se regresaron por voluntad propia o le aplican extradicin y no podrn volver hasta 2 aos despus de confirmarse sus situaciones irregulares) Santos debe ver que el mundo est viendo que les mantenamos a su pueblo aqu mientras el despoja de sus tierras y terrenos a sus COMPATRIOTAS(y no tenerlas tanto tiempo en esas mazmorras y carpas), a la salud dndoles ayuda y hospitales, reconociendo sus derechos a la vida y a la propiedad, a no ser refugiados nuestros por haber tenido que abandonar o ser expulsados de sus tierras y patria por el NARCO-PARA-GOBIERNO COLOMBIANO (reforzado por Uribe y Santos), ADEMS...NO ERA UNA BASE MILITAR COLOMBIANA...ALLI COLOMBIA NO TIENE ESPACIO NI TERRITORIO YA QUE ERA UNA DE LAS 15 BASES ESTADOUNIDENSES...O SEA...SUELO ESTADOUNIDENSE...ES SUELO DE ESTADOS UNIDOS DE COLOMBIA... Santos dice que ha acabado con la pobreza: ....debe explicar que es asi: 4.4 han reducido los pobres...x esos se reparten en desaparecidos (enterrados en fosas comunes, y los dems muertos o desaparecidos a manos del PARANARCOTERRORISMO DE URIBE Y SU CALAA I.N.C....el restante VIVOS estn en Ccuta y Maicao (traficando drogas y comida para poder alimentar a sus familias), porque no es capaz de dar siquiera alimentos y agua a su pueblo...te mereces la santa inquisicin junto a Uribe...DELCY RODRIGUEZ DEBER ENFOCAR HACIA INQUITUDES de su homologo: pero creo que no muestran el video completo, porque yo creo que la ministra de Venezuela seguro debi responderle as a cada formulacin de su homloga: 1 (Ministra Colombia)-PARAMILITARISMO NO EXISTE: "sabamos y combatamos a grupos dedicados a contrabando y narcotrfico pero solo son bandas. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero que bueno que no haya entonces paramilitares, lo que hay es tallas para narcotraficantes, y tambin tallas de bandas para Narcoparapolticos terroristas vende patria y asesinos como Uribe, ...dgame si usted cree que la talla de banda que el usa ser la misma de Santos?...bueno, pero ahora en verdad, volvamos a tema de la frontera colega porque debo irme a Caracas a hacer cola, a menos que usted me consiga modess, papel y comida de la nuestra que aqui si hay pa no hacer mas cola en Venezuela. 2- SE NECESITA QUE LOS DOS PAISES SE COMPROMETAN A HACERLO: o sea, compro que ustedfes compran, y meta que nosotros metamos pa ac todos esos productos que aqui nos tienen de panzas pa arriba de llenos que estamos, voy a ver si en Ccuta o en Maicao ya mis socios me depositaron en bolivares los dolares que les mandamos ... mas tarde me llamas y te aviso que te Consegu colega. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero seguro, porque aunque ya sabes que nuestra GNB, nuestros militares y policas no van a ser tocados ni de vaina ... de verdad me apena pero no podemos apresar a estos porque ya vamos a elecciones all tambin. Vamos a tumbar los videos donde estos salieron matraqueando tambien, no vaya a ser a que el pueblo se les ocurra que a los bachaqueros les quitemos los beneficios sociales (las misisones, casas, carros y pensiones...todo) eso si seria peligroso vale. 3-MIENTRAS USTEDES SIGAN SUBSIDIANDO LOS PRODUCTOS: no podemos arreglar nada vale, que berraca usted, pero mas berraquera la de Uribe, fijese que el contaba con esos churupitos pa mantener a los militares a su mando aun contentos, no vaya a ser que lo destronen por ese sector...ya sabe, por compromisos. Ya Santos no lo aguanta mas, est que me fusila...bueno dale...a ver que seguimos ganando de esto. saludos a malpico colega. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, eso si est difcil, no sigas diciendo eso vale...sieee... van a decir entonces que en Venezuela roban por culpa de que la gente tiene dinero, que secuestran y pillan carros porque la gente tiene bienes o y que violan a las mujeres por estar buenas, entonces vas a tener que explicar por qu te han violado a ti colega. 4_ A MI?...CUANDO?, siee! _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, que no es lo que insinuas? que aqu en Colombia violan por culpa de que la gente estn bien bonitas, o que hay narcotrfico porque la gente fuma y se siente chevere...adems...mira que a nadie le gustaria recibir en su casa a un hermano, y que luego este se coma tu comida, lleve de tu despensa alimentos a sus amigos, te use el carro y devuelva el carro sin gasolina y de paso que te quite tu trabajo pero que cobra y no pone ni medio...o es que Colombia va a pagar a Venezuela una indemnizacin por todos estos aos que ha tenido a su cargo a ms de 5.400.000 Colombianos que han sido desplazados por culpa de sus practicas malhechoras?...dime, pa saber que decirle a mi pueblo. 5_ DEJAME PREGUNTARLE A SANTOS A VER QUE DICE DE ESO URIBE...DALE...NOS VEMOS EN GUIGUE... 6_LAS TASAS DE CAMBIO EN VENEZUELA SON 3, Y ESTN REGULADAS. _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, si, reguladas, las tenemos reguladas...pero ustedes si son berracos...que si no regulamos entonces?...ustedes no controlan ni regulan nada...mejor, sabes que colega: "vyase al carajo vale", asi no se puede. 7-: (... YA VA!!...COLEGA ES QUE NO ME CONTESTA URIBE..DIGO SANTOS...!! _ (Ministra de Venezuela) - Oye pero, y en cuanto tiempo crees que el gobierno colombiano va a podr surtir de gasolina a estas regiones que estaban recibiendo ms de 1.000.000 ltrs de gasolina?... 8_ ??????????...AHPRA TE LLEVO TUS VAINAS...DEJALO ASI...pasate por las casas de cambio "nuestras2 y les dices que vas de mi parte. (ahora seguro las nuevas victimas sern los nios, nias y jvenes estudiantes que pasan fronteras a estudiar, pues, no es mentira que si no los protegen los DUROS narcos y paras los van a usar a la fuerza para que les pasen de contrabando las drogas...)...por otro lado tampoco veremos nombres de autoridades EJERCITO-GNB-GOBIERNO Venezolanos implicados en estos hechos de desangramiento de nuestra patria...all seguiran...deberian al menos informar quienes estaban a cargo en estos ultimos 5 aos del resguardo de nuestras fronteras...y tratar al menos de ajusticiarlos...ponerlos a derecho...porque han amasado fortunas del robo de nuestros ahberes y patrimonios...deshonrrando la bandera e institucionalidad militar...cunto es el monto a indemnizar Colombia a Venezuela por sostener 6.000.000 de Colombianos en su suelo desde hace mas de 30 aos y por la sustraccin indebida (contrabando) de millones de barriles de gasolina?Cundo regresarn los alimentos (millones de toneladas que se llevaron y estn en Colombia)?Cundo el ParaNarcoGobierno Terrorista de Colombia va a brindarles por fin EDUCACIN, COMBUSTIBLE, ELECTRICIDAD, FUENTES DE TRABAJO, ALIMENTOS ... a los pobladores de esas ciudades fronterizas establecidas en Colombia que ya no podrn seguir chupandonos LAS VENAS ABIERTAS DE VENEZUELA?...Y CUANDO SERN TAN BERRACOS QUE VAN A HACERSE JUSTICIA LOS COLOMBIANOS ante los atropellos de sus gobernantes, en especial del Alvaro Uribe??

My Little Pony Temporada 1 capitulos 19,20 y 21 Completos

SEGURO ...PERO ESO NO ES NADA COMPARADO CON LOS MEJORES SUPERVIVIENTES DE VENEZUELA...seguro ningun marine- speknatz Bear Grills podra sobrevivir o salir ileso de las peores circunstancias infrahumanas a las que ac se someten nios, nias, mujeres y ancianos de Venezuela (y lo hacemos a diario) de una cola de Mercal, mercabar o para simplemente gestionar un documento (cedula, compra venta, inscripcin colegial, sacarse la sangre o en hospitales...)...imaginen hacer la cola pa comprar pollo...debes estar entrenado para enfrentar bachaqueros, a los policias a los malandros y de paso al final...a los perros que si logras sacarte un pollo o pieza de carne te van a seguir y en jaurias hasta tu casa ...eso siempre que encuentres la llave y si no se fu la electricidad podrias meter la llave si es que no te robaron hasta los pantalones en las apurruaderas de las colas ...y siempre y cuando adems no te hayas deshidratado ya que con tanto apagn las bombas no surten QUIEN ES EL MS ARRECHO DE VENIRSE PA AC?...NADIE PUEDE VENIR A ESTA RUTINA...LO QUE EN OTRO PAIS RESULTA UNA AVENTURA Y UNA PICA PROESA...AQUI ES EL DIARIO VIVIR...comn...te gusta esto?...bueno dale link...y de paso haga la cola pa irse de aquiiiii!