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Business AnalyticsDatabase Marketing & Statistical ModelingDouglas Cohen, Director of Business Analytics @ Beachmint

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Online Consumer Market• Why do companies bother with database marketing?• Margin Players• Online Gaming, e-Commerce, Lead Generation• Buy low, sell high

• Cost To Acquire a Customer < Customer Lifetime Value

• Big Budgets• Zynga spent over $40 million in 2011 Q1• Acquisition spend rising in many industries

• Competitive landscape• Companies are competing for the same customers• Cost to Acquire a Customer is rising

• Marketing Analytics• Companies working to understand their target audience

• Which customers have highest Lifetime Value, LTV?

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Internet Advertising Revenues

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Margin Players

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Customer Database• Data store used to record all customer information• Attributes

• Name, Address, Demographics, Marketing Attribution• Transactions

• Internal Sales, Content Delivery• Behavior

• Click stream, Visits, Feature Usage

• Drives personalized communication• Target customers for products / services

• New home owner, recently married, birthday• Customer Lifecycle based promotion

• Versus traditional business centric promotion

• Importance of Data Warehousing• High attention to data driven discovery• Allows companies to understand their target audience

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Your Average CustomerEach individual customer contributes to the understanding of the customer as a whole.

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Database Marketing CycleDatabase is the center of the marketing cycle.

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Data Mining

• Marketing Campaign Assessment• Analysis shows whether campaigns were effective• Identify which customer segments responded well

• Visualization Tools• Excel, Tableau, Pentaho, D3

• Statistical Models• Great when number of segments is large• R, Mahout, Weka, Orange

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Visualization Example

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Statistical Model ExampleDecision tree used to find segments with high response rates.

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Statistical Modeling• Model customer behavior using statistical techniques• Campaign Management & LTV Prediction• Campaign managers need accurate forecasts of LTV• Buy Till You Die Model

• Customer Retention & Survival Analysis• Understand how to improve customer loyalty & reduce churn• Proportional Hazards Regression

• Calculate variation in hazard rates among customer segments

• General Profit Maximization• Product Recommendations

• Increase probability of purchase versus size of purchase• Response Rate Modeling

• Optimize response from customer communication efforts• Price Discrimination

• Dynamically assign pricing based on customer income levels

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Buy Till You Die ModelMost firms lump customers into segments & predict LTV per segment

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Buy Till You Die Model• Increase accuracy by looking at customer level data• Transaction Process (“Buy”)• While active, the number of transactions made by a customer

follows a Poisson Process with a transaction rate• Transactions rates are distributed gamma across the population

• Dropout Process (“Die”)• Each customer has an unobserved lifetime length, which is

distributed exponential with a dropout rate• Dropout rates are distributed gamma across a population

• Approximates complexity in customer behavior• Simpler to implement than a psychographic model

• Astonishingly good fit & predictive performance

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Buy Till You Die Model

• Poisson, Exponential & Gamma Distributions• Fit the appropriate curve to each customer

segment• Coefficients have direct interpretation

• Transaction, Dropout Rates are lambda• Gamma distribution describes heterogeneity

• Store coefficients in data warehouse & feed into reports

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Buy Till You Die Model• Implementation• Customers subscribing 2011, predict behavior in 2012

• Fit in calibration period was great.• Fit in holdout period was … horrible.• Why?• BeachMint made significant changes in discounting 2012.• Behavior did not transpose correctly for 2011 customers.

• Solution: Segmentation• Customers starting with no discount should be less prone to change • Segment Customers by starting discount amount• Split into 2 similar sized groups• Start Discount = 0 %• Start Discount = 50 %

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Buy Till You Die Model• Goodness of fit within calibration.• More repeat transactions from 0% Start Discount

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Buy Till You Die Model• Goodness of fit within hold-out period.• Customers binned based on calibration period transactions.

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Buy Till You Die Model• Actual vs. expected incremental purchasing behavior.• Monthly periodicity from subscription model.

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Buy Till You Die Model• Actual vs. expected cumulative purchasing behavior.• Irregularities in the holiday period not captured.

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Buy Till You Die Model• Transaction Rate Heterogeneity• Distribution of Customers’ Propensities to Purchase

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Buy Till You Die Model• Dropout Rate Heterogeneity• Distribution of Customers’ Propensities to Drop Out

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Buy Till You Die Model• Discounted Expected Residual Transactions• Given Behavior during Calibration Period

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Buy Till You Die Model• Discounted Expected Residual Transactions• Higher Frequency & Recency has more impact for Discounters.

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Proportional Hazards ModelExplain what factors contribute to survival over time.

• Explain hazards of various conditions / customer variables

• Commonly used in medical industry to compare risks of treatment groups

• Hazard Ratios• Simple, easy to interpret• Relative risk ratios• Example 2X increase

• Weibull versus Gamma distribution• Better curve fitting

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