  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    CENG450 Project 16-bit Pipelined MIPS Processor

    Ibrahim Hazmi - 2018

    LAB 3

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    Register File & ALU8 16-bit registers: r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7

    Read operation: the register file gets rd_index1 and rd_index2 to deliver the corresponding rd_data1 and rd_data2.

    Write operation: the register file writes the value on wr_data to the register determined by wr_index, when wr_en is one.

    alu_mode ALU operation0 Nop1 Add2 SUB - Subtract3 MUL- Multiply4 NAND5 SHL - Shift Left Logical6 SHR - Shift Right Logical7 TEST

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    Some notes about ALU➡ ALU components can be built behaviourally or

    structurally. ➡ Signed data type is recommended for (+/-/*)

    operations, using “ieee.std_logic_arith.all”. ➡ Multiplication (*) results in 32-bit output. The

    decision on the higher 16-bit should be made. ➡ SHL & SHR can be performed using Barrel

    Shifter or by a simple LOOP of a single shift, e.g, for i in 1 to 16 loop if i

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    Simple CPU

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    Simple CPU➡ CPU entity here has 8-inputs and 3-outputs Ports. ➡ RF & ALU are defined as components, and

    rd_data1/rd_data2 as signals, in the CPU body. ➡ Wr_data is required to feed the targeted Registers

    with external data before reading from them. ➡ RF & ALU have the same clk & rst signals ➡ Testbench input samples should fall into 4 parts:

    ➡ Registers filling via (wr_data) ➡ Registers reading ➡ ALU operation select via (alu_mode) ➡ Register write back (result to wr_data of RF)

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    Pipelined CPU (Conceptual Format A)

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    Some notes about the CPU

    ➡ CPU entity here can have 3-inputs (clk, rst, IN) and 1-output (OUT) Ports.

    ➡ PC, ROM, RF, ALU, & ROM, and the Stages Registers are defined as components, and each internal connection as signals, in the CPU body.

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    Implemented through use of sequential logic units as a finite state machine (FSM)

    Organized as a sequence of micro-instructions with a control memory.

    Control Unit (CU) approachesHardwired CU (FSM) Microprogrammed CU

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; --Sequence detector for detecting the sequence "1011".entity seq_det isport(   clk   : in std_logic;      --clock signal        reset : in std_logic;      --reset signal        S_in  : in std_logic;      --serial bit Input sequence            S_out : out std_logic);    -- Output         end seq_det;architecture Behavioral of seq_det is --Defines the type for states in the state machinetype state_type is (S0,S1,S2,S3,S4); signal Current_State, Next_State : state_type; begin process(clk) -- Synchronous Processbegin    if( reset = '1' ) then           --Synchronous Reset        Current_State

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity Mult is port(CLK, St, K, M: in std_logic; Load, Sh, Ad, Done: out std_logic);end Mult;architecture SMbehave of Mult issignal State, Nextstate: integer range 0 to 3;begin process(St, K, M, State) begin Load

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    library IEEE;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity mult4X4_micro is port(Clk, St: in std_logic; Mplier, Mcand: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Product: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); Done: out std_logic);end mult4X4_micro;architecture microprogram of mult4X4_micro istype ROM is array(0 to 5) of 
 std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);constant control_store: ROM := (X"010", X"D28", X"630", X"E44", X"952", X"C01");signal ACC: std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); alias M: std_logic is ACC(0);signal TMUX, Load, Ad, Sh, K: std_logic;signal counter: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := “00";signal uAR: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";signal uIR: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0) := X”000”;alias TEST: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is uIR(11 downto 10);alias NSF: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) is uIR(9 downto 7);alias NST: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) is uIR(6 downto 4);begin Load

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB

    library IEEE;use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;entity Parity_Gen is port(OT: in std_logic; X: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); Y: out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));end Parity_Gen;architecture Table of Parity_Gen is type OutTable is array(0 to 15) of std_logic; signal ParityBit: std_logic; constant OT: OutTable := 
 ('1','0','0','1','0','1','1','0', '0','1','1','0','1','0','0','1');begin ParityBit

  • Ibrahim Hazmi | CENG 450 LAB
