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  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code




    Title I


    Chapter I


    Art. 211. Declaration o Polic!.

    A.It is the policy of the State:

    a.To promote and emphasize the primacy of free collective ar!ainin! and ne!otiations" incl#din! vol#ntary

    aritration" mediation and conciliation" as modes of settlin! laor or ind#strial disp#tes$

    .To promote free trade #nionism as an instr#ment for the enhancement of democracy and the promotion of

    social %#stice and development$

    c.To foster the free and vol#ntary or!anization of a stron! and #nited laor movement$

    d.To promote the enli!htenment of &or'ers concernin! their ri!hts and oli!ations as #nion memers and as


    e.To provide an ade(#ate administrative machinery for the e)peditio#s settlement of laor or ind#strial


    f.To ens#re a stale #t dynamic and %#st ind#strial peace$ and

    !.To ens#re the participation of &or'ers in decision and policy*ma'in! processes a+ectin! their ri!hts" d#ties

    and &elfare.

    B.To enco#ra!e a tr#ly democratic method of re!#latin! the relations et&een the employers and employees

    y means of a!reements freely entered into thro#!h collective ar!ainin!" no co#rt or administrative a!ency

    or o,cial shall have the po&er to set or -) &a!es" rates of pay" ho#rs of &or' or other terms and conditions

    of employment" e)cept as other&ise provided #nder this ode. /As amended y Section 0" Rep#lic Act No.

    1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    hapter II


    Art. 212. De"nition#.


  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    361" as amended.


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    ommissioner of the division shall e iss#ed and a copy thereof attached to the record of the case and served

    #pon the parties.

    The hairman shall e the >residin! ommissioner of the -rst division and the fo#r /9 other memers from

    the p#lic sector shall e the >residin! ommissioners of the second" third" fo#rth and -fth divisions"

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    respectively. In case of the e+ective asence or incapacity of the hairman" the >residin! ommissioner of

    the second division shall e the Actin! hairman.

    The hairman" aided y the E)ec#tive ler' of the ommission" shall have administrative s#pervision over

    the ommission and its re!ional ranches and all its personnel" incl#din! the E)ec#tive Laor Ariters and

    Laor Ariters.

    The ommission" &hen sittin! en anc shall e assisted y the same E)ec#tive ler' and" &hen actin! thr#

    its ivisions" y said E)ec#tive ler's for the second" third" fo#rth and -fth ivisions" respectively" in theperformance of s#ch similar or e(#ivalent f#nctions and d#ties as are dischar!ed y the ler' of o#rt and

    ep#ty ler's of o#rt of the o#rt of Appeals. /As amended y Section 4" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63"


    Art. 21(. )ea*+,arter#- Branche# an* Proincial E/ten#ion 0nit#.The ommission and its ;irst"

    Second and Third divisions shall have their main o,ces in 5etropolitan 5anila" and the ;o#rth and ;ifth

    divisions in the ities of e# and a!ayan de Oro" respectively. The ommission shall estalish as many

    re!ional ranches as there are re!ional o,ces of the epartment of Laor and Employment" s#*re!ional

    ranches or provincial e)tension #nits. There shall e as many Laor Ariters as may e necessary for the

    e+ective and e,cient operation of the ommission. Each re!ional ranch shall e headed y an E)ec#tive

    Laor Ariter. /As amended y Section 1" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 21. Appoint'ent an* ,ali"cation#.The hairman and other ommissioners shall e memers ofthe >hilippine Bar and m#st have en!a!ed in the practice of la& in the >hilippines for at least -fteen /349

    years" &ith at least -ve /49 years e)perience or e)pos#re in the -eld of laor*mana!ement relations" and shall

    preferaly e residents of the re!ion &here they are to hold o,ce. The E)ec#tive Laor Ariters and Laor

    Ariters shall li'e&ise e memers of the >hilippine Bar and m#st have een en!a!ed in the practice of la& in

    the >hilippines for at least seven /29 years" &ith at least three /09 years e)perience or e)pos#re in the -eld of

    laor*mana!ement relations: >rovided" Fo&ever" that inc#ment E)ec#tive Laor Ariters and Laor Ariters

    &ho have een en!a!ed in the practice of la& for at least -ve /49 years may e considered as already

    (#ali-ed for p#rposes of reappointment as s#ch #nder this Act. The hairman and the other ommissioners"

    the E)ec#tive Laor Ariters and Laor Ariters shall hold o,ce d#rin! !ood ehavior #ntil they reach the

    a!e of si)ty*-ve years" #nless sooner removed for ca#se as provided y la& or ecome incapacitated to

    dischar!e the d#ties of their o,ce.

    The hairman" the division >residin! ommissioners and other ommissioners shall e appointed y the

    >resident" s#%ect to con-rmation y the ommission on Appointments. Appointment to any vacancy shall

    come from the nominees of the sector &hich nominated the predecessor. The E)ec#tive Laor Ariters and

    Laor Ariters shall also e appointed y the >resident" #pon recommendation of the Secretary of Laor and

    Employment and shall e s#%ect to the ivil Service La&" r#les and re!#lations.

    The Secretary of Laor and Employment shall" in cons#ltation &ith the hairman of the ommission" appoint

    the sta+ and employees of the ommission and its re!ional ranches as the needs of the service may re(#ire"

    s#%ect to the ivil Service La&" r#les and re!#lations" and #p!rade their c#rrent salaries" ene-ts and other

    emol#ments in accordance &ith la&. /As amended y Section 2" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 213. Salarie#- %ene"t# an* other e'ol,'ent#.The hairman and memers of the ommission

    shall receive an ann#al salary at least e(#ivalent to" and e entitled to the same allo&ances and ene-ts as

    those of the >residin! G#stice and Associate G#stices of the o#rt of Appeals" respectively. The E)ec#tive Laor

    Ariters shall receive an ann#al salary at least e(#ivalent to that of an Assistant Re!ional irector of the

    epartment of Laor and Employment and shall e entitled to the same allo&ances and ene-ts as that of a

    Re!ional irector of said epartment. The Laor Ariters shall receive an ann#al salary at least e(#ivalent to"

    and e entitled to the same allo&ances and ene-ts as that of an Assistant Re!ional irector of the

    epartment of Laor and Employment. In no case" ho&ever" shall the provision of this Article res#lt in the

    dimin#tion of e)istin! salaries" allo&ances and ene-ts of the aforementioned o,cials. /As amended y

    Section 8" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    hapter II

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code



    Art. 214. 5,ri#*iction o the La%or Ar%iter# an* the Co''i##ion.

    a.E)cept as other&ise provided #nder this ode" the Laor Ariters shall have ori!inal and e)cl#sive

    %#risdiction to hear and decide" &ithin thirty /0C9 calendar days after the s#mission of the case y the parties

    for decision &itho#t e)tension" even in the asence of steno!raphic notes" the follo&in! cases involvin! all

    &or'ers" &hether a!ric#lt#ral or non*a!ric#lt#ral:

    3.@nfair laor practice cases$

    6.Termination disp#tes$

    0.If accompanied &ith a claim for reinstatement" those cases that &or'ers may -le involvin! &a!es" rates of

    pay" ho#rs of &or' and other terms and conditions of employment$

    .laims for act#al" moral" e)emplary and other forms of dama!es arisin! from the employer*employee


    4.ases arisin! from any violation of Article 61 of this ode" incl#din! (#estions involvin! the le!ality of

    stri'es and loc'o#ts$ and

    1.E)cept claims for Employees ompensation" Social Sec#rity" 5edicare and maternity ene-ts" all other

    claims arisin! from employer*employee relations" incl#din! those of persons in domestic or ho#sehold

    service" involvin! an amo#nt e)ceedin! -ve tho#sand pesos />4"CCC.CC9 re!ardless of &hether accompanied

    &ith a claim for reinstatement.

    .The ommission shall have e)cl#sive appellate %#risdiction over all cases decided y Laor Ariters.

    c.ases arisin! from the interpretation or implementation of collective ar!ainin! a!reements and those

    arisin! from the interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies shall e disposed of y the

    Laor Ariter y referrin! the same to the !rievance machinery and vol#ntary aritration as may e provided

    in said a!reements. /As amended y Section 7" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 216. Po7er# o the Co''i##ion.The ommission shall have the po&er and a#thority:

    a.To prom#l!ate r#les and re!#lations !overnin! the hearin! and disposition of cases efore it and its re!ional

    ranches" as &ell as those pertainin! to its internal f#nctions and s#ch r#les and re!#lations as may e

    necessary to carry o#t the p#rposes of this ode$ /As amended y Section 3C" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch

    63" 37879

    .To administer oaths" s#mmon the parties to a controversy" iss#e s#poenas re(#irin! the attendance and

    testimony of &itnesses or the prod#ction of s#ch oo's" papers" contracts" records" statement of acco#nts"

    a!reements" and others as may e material to a %#st determination of the matter #nder investi!ation" and to

    testify in any investi!ation or hearin! cond#cted in p#rs#ance of this ode$

    c.To cond#ct investi!ation for the determination of a (#estion" matter or controversy &ithin its %#risdiction"

    proceed to hear and determine the disp#tes in the asence of any party thereto &ho has een s#mmoned or

    served &ith notice to appear" cond#ct its proceedin!s or any part thereof in p#lic or in private" ad%o#rn its

    hearin!s to any time and place" refer technical matters or acco#nts to an e)pert and to accept his report as

    evidence after hearin! of the parties #pon d#e notice" direct parties to e %oined in or e)cl#ded from the

    proceedin!s" correct" amend" or &aive any error" defect or irre!#larity &hether in s#stance or in form" !ive

    all s#ch directions as it may deem necessary or e)pedient in the determination of the disp#te efore it" and

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    dismiss any matter or refrain from f#rther hearin! or from determinin! the disp#te or part thereof" &here it is

    trivial or &here f#rther proceedin!s y the ommission are not necessary or desirale$ and

    d.To hold any person in contempt directly or indirectly and impose appropriate penalties therefor in

    accordance &ith la&.

    A person !#ilty of misehavior in the presence of or so near the hairman or any memer of the ommission

    or any Laor Ariter as to ostr#ct or interr#pt the proceedin!s efore the same" incl#din! disrespect to&ard

    said o,cials" o+ensive personalities to&ard others" or ref#sal to e s&orn" or to ans&er as a &itness or to

    s#scrie an a,davit or deposition &hen la&f#lly re(#ired to do so" may e s#mmarily ad%#d!ed in direct

    contempt y said o,cials and p#nished y -ne not e)ceedin! -ve h#ndred pesos />4CC9 or imprisonment not

    e)ceedin! -ve /49 days" or oth" if it e the ommission" or a memer thereof" or y a -ne not e)ceedin! one

    h#ndred pesos />3CC9 or imprisonment not e)ceedin! one /39 day" or oth" if it e a Laor Ariter.

    The person ad%#d!ed in direct contempt y a Laor Ariter may appeal to the ommission and the e)ec#tion

    of the %#d!ment shall e s#spended pendin! the resol#tion of the appeal #pon the -lin! y s#ch person of a

    ond on condition that he &ill aide y and perform the %#d!ment of the ommission sho#ld the appeal e

    decided a!ainst him. G#d!ment of the ommission on direct contempt is immediately e)ec#tory and

    #nappealale. Indirect contempt shall e dealt &ith y the ommission or Laor Ariter in the manner

    prescried #nder R#le 23 of the Revised R#les of o#rt$ and /As amended y Section 3C" Rep#lic Act No.

    1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    e.To en%oin or restrain any act#al or threatened commission of any or all prohiited or #nla&f#l acts or to

    re(#ire the performance of a partic#lar act in any laor disp#te &hich" if not restrained or performed

    forth&ith" may ca#se !rave or irreparale dama!e to any party or render ine+ect#al any decision in favor of

    s#ch party: >rovided" That no temporary or permanent in%#nction in any case involvin! or !ro&in! o#t of a

    laor disp#te as de-ned in this ode shall e iss#ed e)cept after hearin! the testimony of &itnesses" &ith

    opport#nity for cross*e)amination" in s#pport of the alle!ations of a complaint made #nder oath" and

    testimony in opposition thereto" if o+ered" and only after a -ndin! of fact y the ommission" to the e+ect:

    3.That prohiited or #nla&f#l acts have een threatened and &ill e committed and &ill e contin#ed #nless

    restrained" #t no in%#nction or temporary restrainin! order shall e iss#ed on acco#nt of any threat"

    prohiited or #nla&f#l act" e)cept a!ainst the person or persons" association or or!anization ma'in! the

    threat or committin! the prohiited or #nla&f#l act or act#ally a#thorizin! or ratifyin! the same after act#al

    'no&led!e thereof$

    6.That s#stantial and irreparale in%#ry to complainantHs property &ill follo&$

    0.That as to each item of relief to e !ranted" !reater in%#ry &ill e inicted #pon complainant y the denial of

    relief than &ill e inicted #pon defendants y the !rantin! of relief$

    .That complainant has no ade(#ate remedy at la&$ and

    4.That the p#lic o,cers char!ed &ith the d#ty to protect complainantHs property are #nale or #n&illin! to

    f#rnish ade(#ate protection.

    S#ch hearin! shall e held after d#e and personal notice thereof has een served" in s#ch manner as the

    ommission shall direct" to all 'no&n persons a!ainst &hom relief is so#!ht" and also to the hief E)ec#tive

    and other p#lic o,cials of the province or city &ithin &hich the #nla&f#l acts have een threatened or

    committed" char!ed &ith the d#ty to protect complainantHs property: >rovided" ho&ever" that if a complainant

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    shall also alle!e that" #nless a temporary restrainin! order shall e iss#ed &itho#t notice" a s#stantial and

    irreparale in%#ry to complainantHs property &ill e #navoidale" s#ch a temporary restrainin! order may e

    iss#ed #pon testimony #nder oath" s#,cient" if s#stained" to %#stify the ommission in iss#in! a temporary

    in%#nction #pon hearin! after notice. S#ch a temporary restrainin! order shall e e+ective for no lon!er than

    t&enty /6C9 days and shall ecome void at the e)piration of said t&enty /6C9 days. No s#ch temporary

    restrainin! order or temporary in%#nction shall e iss#ed e)cept on condition that complainant shall -rst -le

    an #nderta'in! &ith ade(#ate sec#rity in an amo#nt to e -)ed y the ommission s#,cient to recompense

    those en%oined for any loss" e)pense or dama!e ca#sed y the improvident or erroneo#s iss#ance of s#ch

    order or in%#nction" incl#din! all reasonale costs" to!ether &ith a reasonale attorneyHs fee" and e)pense of

    defense a!ainst the order or a!ainst the !rantin! of any in%#nctive relief so#!ht in the same proceedin! and

    s#se(#ently denied y the ommission.

    The #nderta'in! herein mentioned shall e #nderstood to constit#te an a!reement entered into y the

    complainant and the s#rety #pon &hich an order may e rendered in the same s#it or proceedin! a!ainst said

    complainant and s#rety" #pon a hearin! to assess dama!es" of &hich hearin!" complainant and s#rety shall

    have reasonale notice" the said complainant and s#rety s#mittin! themselves to the %#risdiction of the

    ommission for that p#rpose. B#t nothin! herein contained shall deprive any party havin! a claim or ca#se of

    action #nder or #pon s#ch #nderta'in! from electin! to p#rs#e his ordinary remedy y s#it at la& or in e(#ity:

    >rovided" f#rther" That the reception of evidence for the application of a &rit of in%#nction may e dele!ated

    y the ommission to any of its Laor Ariters &ho shall cond#ct s#ch hearin!s in s#ch places as he may

    determine to e accessile to the parties and their &itnesses and shall s#mit thereafter his recommendation

    to the ommission. /As amended y Section 3C" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 218. Oc,lar in#pection.The hairman" any ommissioner" Laor Ariter or their d#ly a#thorized

    representatives" may" at any time d#rin! &or'in! ho#rs" cond#ct an oc#lar inspection on any estalishment"

    #ildin!" ship or vessel" place or premises" incl#din! any &or'" material" implement" machinery" appliance or

    any o%ect therein" and as' any employee" laorer" or any person" as the case may e" for any information or

    data concernin! any matter or (#estion relative to the o%ect of the investi!ation.

    Art. 229. Co'p,l#or! ar%itration.The ommission or any Laor Ariter shall have the po&er to as' the

    assistance of other !overnment o,cials and (#ali-ed private citizens to act as comp#lsory aritrators on

    cases referred to them and to -) and assess the fees of s#ch comp#lsory aritrators" ta'in! into acco#nt thenat#re of the case" the time cons#med in hearin! the case" the professional standin! of the aritrators" the

    -nancial capacity of the parties" and the fees provided in the R#les of o#rt.D/Repealed y Section 31" Batas

    >amansa Bilan! 30C" A#!#st 63" 37839

    Art. 221. Technical r,le# not %in*in: an* prior re#ort to a'ica%le #ettle'ent.In any proceedin!

    efore the ommission or any of the Laor Ariters" the r#les of evidence prevailin! in co#rts of la& or e(#ity

    shall not e controllin! and it is the spirit and intention of this ode that the ommission and its memers

    and the Laor Ariters shall #se every and all reasonale means to ascertain the facts in each case speedily

    and o%ectively and &itho#t re!ard to technicalities of la& or proced#re" all in the interest of d#e process. In

    any proceedin! efore the ommission or any Laor Ariter" the parties may e represented y le!al co#nsel

    #t it shall e the d#ty of the hairman" any >residin! ommissioner or ommissioner or any Laor Ariter to

    e)ercise complete control of the proceedin!s at all sta!es.

    Any provision of la& to the contrary not&ithstandin!" the Laor Ariter shall e)ert all e+orts to&ards the

    amicale settlement of a laor disp#te &ithin his %#risdiction on or efore the -rst hearin!. The same r#le

    shall apply to the ommission in the e)ercise of its ori!inal %#risdiction. /As amended y Section 33" Rep#lic

    Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 222. Appearance# an* Fee#.

    a.Non*la&yers may appear efore the ommission or any Laor Ariter only:

    3.If they represent themselves$ or

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    6.If they represent their or!anization or memers thereof.

    .No attorneyHs fees" ne!otiation fees or similar char!es of any 'ind arisin! from any collective ar!ainin!

    a!reement shall e imposed on any individ#al memer of the contractin! #nion: >rovided" Fo&ever" that

    attorneyHs fees may e char!ed a!ainst #nion f#nds in an amo#nt to e a!reed #pon y the parties. Any

    contract" a!reement or arran!ement of any sort to the contrary shall e n#ll and void. /As amended y

    >residential ecree No. 3173" 5ay 3" 378C9

    hapter III


    Art. 22$. Appeal.ecisions" a&ards" or orders of the Laor Ariter are -nal and e)ec#tory #nless appealed

    to the ommission y any or oth parties &ithin ten /3C9 calendar days from receipt of s#ch decisions"

    a&ards" or orders. S#ch appeal may e entertained only on any of the follo&in! !ro#nds:

    a.If there is prima facie evidence of a#se of discretion on the part of the Laor Ariter$

    .If the decision" order or a&ard &as sec#red thro#!h fra#d or coercion" incl#din! !raft and corr#ption$

    c.If made p#rely on (#estions of la&$ and

    d.If serio#s errors in the -ndin!s of facts are raised &hich &o#ld ca#se !rave or irreparale dama!e or in%#ry

    to the appellant.

    In case of a %#d!ment involvin! a monetary a&ard" an appeal y the employer may e perfected only #pon

    the postin! of a cash or s#rety ond iss#ed y a rep#tale ondin! company d#ly accredited y the

    ommission in the amo#nt e(#ivalent to the monetary a&ard in the %#d!ment appealed from.

    In any event" the decision of the Laor Ariter reinstatin! a dismissed or separated employee" insofar as the

    reinstatement aspect is concerned" shall immediately e e)ec#tory" even pendin! appeal. The employee shall

    either e admitted ac' to &or' #nder the same terms and conditions prevailin! prior to his dismissal or

    separation or" at the option of the employer" merely reinstated in the payroll. The postin! of a ond y the

    employer shall not stay the e)ec#tion for reinstatement provided herein.

    To disco#ra!e frivolo#s or dilatory appeals" the ommission or the Laor Ariter shall impose reasonalepenalty" incl#din! -nes or cens#res" #pon the errin! parties.

    In all cases" the appellant shall f#rnish a copy of the memorand#m of appeal to the other party &ho shall -le

    an ans&er not later than ten /3C9 calendar days from receipt thereof.

    The ommission shall decide all cases &ithin t&enty /6C9 calendar days from receipt of the ans&er of the

    appellee. The decision of the ommission shall e -nal and e)ec#tory after ten /3C9 calendar days from

    receipt thereof y the parties.

    Any la& enforcement a!ency may e dep#tized y the Secretary of Laor and Employment or the

    ommission in the enforcement of decisions" a&ards or orders. /As amended y Section 36" Rep#lic Act No.

    1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 22(. E/ec,tion o *eci#ion#- or*er# or a7ar*#.

    a.The Secretary of Laor and Employment or any Re!ional irector" the ommission or any Laor Ariter" or

    5ed*Ariter or ?ol#ntary Aritrator may" mot# proprio or on motion of any interested party" iss#e a &rit of

    e)ec#tion on a %#d!ment &ithin -ve /49 years from the date it ecomes -nal and e)ec#tory" re(#irin! a sheri+

    or a d#ly dep#tized o,cer to e)ec#te or enforce -nal decisions" orders or a&ards of the Secretary of Laor

    and Employment or re!ional director" the ommission" the Laor Ariter or med*ariter" or vol#ntary

    aritrators. In any case" it shall e the d#ty of the responsile o,cer to separately f#rnish immediately the

    co#nsels of record and the parties &ith copies of said decisions" orders or a&ards. ;ail#re to comply &ith the

    d#ty prescried herein shall s#%ect s#ch responsile o,cer to appropriate administrative sanctions.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    .The Secretary of Laor and Employment" and the hairman of the ommission may desi!nate special

    sheri+s and ta'e any meas#re #nder e)istin! la&s to ens#re compliance &ith their decisions" orders or

    a&ards and those of the Laor Ariters and vol#ntary aritrators" incl#din! the imposition of administrative

    -nes &hich shall not e less than >4CC.CC nor more than >3C"CCC.CC. /As amended y Section 30" Rep#lic

    Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 22. Conte'pt po7er# o the Secretar! o La%or.In the e)ercise of his po&ers #nder this ode" the

    Secretary of Laor may hold any person in direct or indirect contempt and impose the appropriate penalties


    Title III


    Art. 223. B,rea, o La%or &elation#.The B#rea# of Laor Relations and the Laor Relations ivisions in

    the re!ional o,ces of the epartment of Laor" shall have ori!inal and e)cl#sive a#thority to act" at their o&n

    initiative or #pon re(#est of either or oth parties" on all inter*#nion and intra*#nion conicts" and all disp#tes"

    !rievances or prolems arisin! from or a+ectin! laor*mana!ement relations in all &or'places" &hether

    a!ric#lt#ral or non*a!ric#lt#ral" e)cept those arisin! from the implementation or interpretation of collective

    ar!ainin! a!reements &hich shall e the s#%ect of !rievance proced#re and=or vol#ntary aritration.

    The B#rea# shall have -fteen /349 &or'in! days to act on laor cases efore it" s#%ect to e)tension y

    a!reement of the parties. /As amended y Section 3" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879.

    Art. 224. Co'pro'i#e a:ree'ent#.Any compromise settlement" incl#din! those involvin! laor standard

    la&s" vol#ntarily a!reed #pon y the parties &ith the assistance of the B#rea# or the re!ional o,ce of the

    epartment of Laor" shall e -nal and indin! #pon the parties. The National Laor Relations ommission or

    any co#rt" shall not ass#me %#risdiction over iss#es involved therein e)cept in case of non*compliance thereof

    or if there is prima facie evidence that the settlement &as otained thro#!h fra#d" misrepresentation" or


    Art. 226. In*or#e'ent o ca#e# to La%or Ar%iter#.

    a.E)cept as provided in para!raph /9 of this Article" the Laor Ariter shall entertain only cases endorsed to

    him for comp#lsory aritration y the B#rea# or y the Re!ional irector &ith a &ritten notice of s#ch

    indorsement or non*indorsement. The indorsement or non*indorsement of the Re!ional irector may e

    appealed to the B#rea# &ithin ten /3C9 &or'in! days from receipt of the notice.

    .The parties may" at any time" y m#t#al a!reement" &ithdra& a case from the onciliation Section and

    %ointly s#mit it to a Laor Ariter" e)cept deadloc's in collective ar!ainin!.D /Repealed y Section 31" Batas

    >amansa Bilan! 30C" A#!#st 63" 37839

    Art. 228. I##,ance o #,%poena#.The B#rea# shall have the po&er to re(#ire the appearance of any

    person or the prod#ction of any paper" doc#ment or matter relevant to a laor disp#te #nder its %#risdiction"

    either at the re(#est of any interested party or at its o&n initiative.

    Art. 2$9. Appoint'ent o %,rea, per#onnel.The Secretary of Laor and Employment may appoint" in

    addition to the present personnel of the B#rea# and the Ind#strial Relations ivisions" s#ch n#mer of

    e)aminers and other assistants as may e necessary to carry o#t the p#rpose of the ode. /As amended y

    Section 34" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 2$1. &e:i#tr! o ,nion# an* "le o collectie %ar:ainin: a:ree'ent#.The B#rea# shall 'eep are!istry of le!itimate laor or!anizations. The B#rea# shall also maintain a -le of all collective ar!ainin!

    a!reements and other related a!reements and records of settlement of laor disp#tes and copies of orders

    and decisions of vol#ntary aritrators. The -le shall e open and accessile to interested parties #nder

    conditions prescried y the Secretary of Laor and Employment" provided that no speci-c information

    s#mitted in con-dence shall e disclosed #nless a#thorized y the Secretary" or &hen it is at iss#e in any

    %#dicial liti!ation" or &hen p#lic interest or national sec#rity so re(#ires.

    ithin thirty /0C9 days from the e)ec#tion of a ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement" the parties shall s#mit

    copies of the same directly to the B#rea# or the Re!ional O,ces of the epartment of Laor and Employment

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    for re!istration" accompanied &ith veri-ed proofs of its postin! in t&o conspic#o#s places in the place of &or'

    and rati-cation y the ma%ority of all the &or'ers in the ar!ainin! #nit. The B#rea# or Re!ional O,ces shall

    act #pon the application for re!istration of s#ch ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement &ithin -ve /49 calendar days

    from receipt thereof. The Re!ional O,ces shall f#rnish the B#rea# &ith a copy of the ollective Bar!ainin!

    A!reement &ithin -ve /49 days from its s#mission.

    The B#rea# or Re!ional O,ce shall assess the employer for every ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement a

    re!istration fee of not less than one tho#sand pesos />3"CCC.CC9 or in any other amo#nt as may e deemedappropriate and necessary y the Secretary of Laor and Employment for the e+ective and e,cient

    administration of the ?ol#ntary Aritration >ro!ram. Any amo#nt collected #nder this provision shall accr#e to

    the Special ?ol#ntary Aritration ;#nd.

    The B#rea# shall also maintain a -le and shall #nderta'e or assist in the p#lication of all -nal decisions"

    orders and a&ards of the Secretary of Laor and Employment" Re!ional irectors and the ommission. /As

    amended y Section 34" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 2$2. Prohi%ition on certi"cation election.The B#rea# shall not entertain any petition for

    certi-cation election or any other action &hich may dist#r the administration of d#ly re!istered e)istin!

    collective ar!ainin! a!reements a+ectin! the parties e)cept #nder Articles 640" 640*A and 641 of this

    ode. /As amended y Section 34" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 2$$. Priile:e* co'',nication.Information and statements made at conciliation proceedin!s shalle treated as privile!ed comm#nication and shall not e #sed as evidence in the ommission. onciliators

    and similar o,cials shall not testify in any co#rt or ody re!ardin! any matters ta'en #p at conciliation

    proceedin!s cond#cted y them.

    Title I?


    hapter I


    Art. 2$(. &e+,ire'ent# o re:i#tration.Any applicant laor or!anization" association or !ro#p of #nions

    or &or'ers shall ac(#ire le!al personality and shall e entitled to the ri!hts and privile!es !ranted y la& to

    le!itimate laor or!anizations #pon iss#ance of the certi-cate of re!istration ased on the follo&in!

    re(#irements.a.;ifty pesos />4C.CC9 re!istration fee$

    .The names of its o,cers" their addresses" the principal address of the laor or!anization" the min#tes of the

    or!anizational meetin!s and the list of the &or'ers &ho participated in s#ch meetin!s$

    c.The names of all its memers comprisin! at least t&enty percent /6C9 of all the employees in the

    ar!ainin! #nit &here it see's to operate$ /As amended y E)ec#tive Order No. 333" ecemer 6" 37819

    d.If the applicant #nion has een in e)istence for one or more years" copies of its ann#al -nancial reports$ and

    e.;o#r /9 copies of the constit#tion and y*la&s of the applicant #nion" min#tes of its adoption or rati-cation"

    and the list of the memers &ho participated in it. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 30C" A#!#st 63"


    Art. 2$. Action on application.The B#rea# shall act on all applications for re!istration &ithin thirty /0C9

    days from -lin!.

    All re(#isite doc#ments and papers shall e certi-ed #nder oath y the secretary or the treas#rer of the

    or!anization" as the case may e" and attested to y its president.

    Art. 2$3. Denial o re:i#tration; appeal.The decision of the Laor Relations ivision in the re!ional o,ce

    denyin! re!istration may e appealed y the applicant #nion to the B#rea# &ithin ten /3C9 days from receipt

    of notice thereof.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    Art. 2$4. A**itional re+,ire'ent# or e*eration# or national ,nion#.S#%ect to Article 608" if the

    applicant for re!istration is a federation or a national #nion" it shall" in addition to the re(#irements of the

    precedin! Articles" s#mit the follo&in!:

    a.>roof of the a,liation of at least ten /3C9 locals or chapters" each of &hich m#st e a d#ly reco!nized

    collective ar!ainin! a!ent in the estalishment or ind#stry in &hich it operates" s#pportin! the re!istration

    of s#ch applicant federation or national #nion$ and

    .The names and addresses of the companies &here the locals or chapters operate and the list of all the

    memers in each company involved.

    Art. 2$6. Con*ition# or re:i#tration o e*eration# or national ,nion#.No federation or national

    #nion shall e re!istered to en!a!e in any or!anization activity in more than one ind#stry in any area or

    re!ion" and no federation or national #nion shall e re!istered to en!a!e in any or!anizational activity in

    more than one ind#stry all over the co#ntry.

    The federation or national #nion &hich meets the re(#irements and conditions herein prescried may

    or!anize and a,liate locals and chapters &itho#t re!isterin! s#ch locals or chapters &ith the B#rea#.

    Locals or chapters shall have the same ri!hts and privile!es as if they &ere re!istered in the B#rea#" provided

    that s#ch federation or national #nion or!anizes s#ch locals or chapters &ithin its assi!ned or!anizational

    -eld of activity as may e prescried y the Secretary of Laor.

    The B#rea# shall see to it that federations and national #nions shall only or!anize locals and chapters &ithin a

    speci-c ind#stry or #nion.D /Repealed y E)ec#tive Order No. 333" ecemer 6" 37819

    Art. 2$6. Cancellation o re:i#tration; appeal.The certi-cate of re!istration of any le!itimate laor

    or!anization" &hether national or local" shall e cancelled y the B#rea# if it has reason to elieve" after d#e

    hearin!" that the said laor or!anization no lon!er meets one or more of the re(#irements herein prescried.

    The B#rea# #pon approval of this ode shall immediately instit#te cancellation proceedin!s and ta'e s#ch

    other steps as may e necessary to restr#ct#re all e)istin! re!istered laor or!anizations in accordance &ith

    the o%ective envisioned aove.D /Repealed y E)ec#tive Order No. 333" ecemer 6" 37819

    Art. 2$8.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    h.Other than for mandatory activities #nder this ode" chec'in! o+ special assessments or any other fees

    &itho#t d#ly si!ned individ#al &ritten a#thorizations of the memers$

    i.;ail#re to s#mit list of individ#al memers to the B#rea# once a year or &henever re(#ired y the B#rea#$


    %.;ail#re to comply &ith re(#irements #nder Articles 602 and 608.

    Art. 2(9. E+,it! o the inc,'%ent.All e)istin! federations and national #nions &hich meet the

    (#ali-cations of a le!itimate laor or!anization and none of the !ro#nds for cancellation shall contin#e to

    maintain their e)istin! a,liates re!ardless of the nat#re of the ind#stry and the location of the a,liates.

    hapter II


    Art. 2(1. &i:ht# an* con*ition# o 'e'%er#hip in a la%or or:ani=ation.The follo&in! are the ri!hts

    and conditions of memership in a laor or!anization:

    a.No aritrary or e)cessive initiation fees shall e re(#ired of the memers of a le!itimate laor or!anization

    nor shall aritrary" e)cessive or oppressive -ne and forfeit#re e imposed$

    .The memers shall e entitled to f#ll and detailed reports from their o,cers and representatives of all

    -nancial transactions as provided for in the constit#tion and y*la&s of the or!anization$

    c.The memers shall directly elect their o,cers" incl#din! those of the national #nion or federation" to &hich

    they or their #nion is a,liated" y secret allot at intervals of -ve /49 years. No (#ali-cation re(#irements for

    candidacy to any position shall e imposed other than memership in !ood standin! in s#%ect laor

    or!anization. The secretary or any other responsile #nion o,cer shall f#rnish the Secretary of Laor and

    Employment &ith a list of the ne&ly*elected o,cers" to!ether &ith the appointive o,cers or a!ents &ho are

    entr#sted &ith the handlin! of f#nds" &ithin thirty /0C9 calendar days after the election of o,cers or from the

    occ#rrence of any chan!e in the list of o,cers of the laor or!anization$ /As amended y Section 31" Rep#lic

    Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    d.The memers shall determine y secret allot" after d#e delieration" any (#estion of ma%or policy a+ectin!

    the entire memership of the or!anization" #nless the nat#re of the or!anization or force ma%e#re renders

    s#ch secret allot impractical" in &hich case" the oard of directors of the or!anization may ma'e the decision

    in ehalf of the !eneral memership$

    e.No laor or!anization shall 'no&in!ly admit as memers or contin#e in memership any individ#al &ho

    elon!s to a s#versive or!anization or &ho is en!a!ed directly or indirectly in any s#versive activity$

    f.No person &ho has een convicted of a crime involvin! moral t#rpit#de shall e eli!ile for election as a

    #nion o,cer or for appointment to any position in the #nion$

    !.No o,cer" a!ent or memer of a laor or!anization shall collect any fees" d#es" or other contri#tions in its

    ehalf or ma'e any dis#rsement of its money or f#nds #nless he is d#ly a#thorized p#rs#ant to its

    constit#tion and y*la&s$

    h.Every payment of fees" d#es or other contri#tions y a memer shall e evidenced y a receipt si!ned y

    the o,cer or a!ent ma'in! the collection and entered into the record of the or!anization to e 'ept and

    maintained for the p#rpose$

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    i.The f#nds of the or!anization shall not e applied for any p#rpose or o%ect other than those e)pressly

    provided y its constit#tion and y*la&s or those e)pressly a#thorized y &ritten resol#tion adopted y the

    ma%ority of the memers at a !eneral meetin! d#ly called for the p#rpose$

    %.Every income or reven#e of the or!anization shall e evidenced y a record sho&in! its so#rce" and every

    e)pendit#re of its f#nds shall e evidenced y a receipt from the person to &hom the payment is made"

    &hich shall state the date" place and p#rpose of s#ch payment. S#ch record or receipt shall form part of the

    -nancial records of the or!anization.

    Any action involvin! the f#nds of the or!anization shall prescrie after three /09 years from the date of

    s#mission of the ann#al -nancial report to the epartment of Laor and Employment or from the date the

    same sho#ld have een s#mitted as re(#ired y la&" &hichever comes earlier: >rovided" That this provision

    shall apply only to a le!itimate laor or!anization &hich has s#mitted the -nancial report re(#irements

    #nder this ode: >rovided" f#rther" that fail#re of any laor or!anization to comply &ith the periodic -nancial

    reports re(#ired y la& and s#ch r#les and re!#lations prom#l!ated there#nder si) /19 months after the

    e+ectivity of this Act shall a#tomatically res#lt in the cancellation of #nion re!istration of s#ch laor

    or!anization$ /As amended y Section 31" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    '.The o,cers of any laor or!anization shall not e paid any compensation other than the salaries and

    e)penses d#e to their positions as speci-cally provided for in its constit#tion and y*la&s" or in a &ritten

    resol#tion d#ly a#thorized y a ma%ority of all the memers at a !eneral memership meetin! d#ly called for

    the p#rpose. The min#tes of the meetin! and the list of participants and allots cast shall e s#%ect to

    inspection y the Secretary of Laor or his d#ly a#thorized representatives. Any irre!#larities in the approval

    of the resol#tions shall e a !ro#nd for impeachment or e)p#lsion from the or!anization$

    l.The treas#rer of any laor or!anization and every o,cer thereof &ho is responsile for the acco#nt of s#ch

    or!anization or for the collection" mana!ement" dis#rsement" c#stody or control of the f#nds" moneys and

    other properties of the or!anization" shall render to the or!anization and to its memers a tr#e and correct

    acco#nt of all moneys received and paid y him since he ass#med o,ce or since the last day on &hich he

    rendered s#ch acco#nt" and of all onds" sec#rities and other properties of the or!anization entr#sted to hisc#stody or #nder his control. The renderin! of s#ch acco#nt shall e made:

    3.At least once a year &ithin thirty /0C9 days after the close of its -scal year$

    6.At s#ch other times as may e re(#ired y a resol#tion of the ma%ority of the memers of the or!anization$


    0.@pon vacatin! his o,ce.

    The acco#nt shall e d#ly a#dited and veri-ed y a,davit and a copy thereof shall e f#rnished the Secretary

    of Laor.

    m.The oo's of acco#nts and other records of the -nancial activities of any laor or!anization shall e open

    to inspection y any o,cer or memer thereof d#rin! o,ce ho#rs$

    n.No special assessment or other e)traordinary fees may e levied #pon the memers of a laor or!anization

    #nless a#thorized y a &ritten resol#tion of a ma%ority of all the memers in a !eneral memership meetin!

    d#ly called for the p#rpose. The secretary of the or!anization shall record the min#tes of the meetin!

    incl#din! the list of all memers present" the votes cast" the p#rpose of the special assessment or fees and

    the recipient of s#ch assessment or fees. The record shall e attested to y the president.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    &hether operatin! for pro-t or not" shall have the ri!ht to self*or!anization and to form" %oin" or assist laor

    or!anizations of their o&n choosin! for p#rposes of collective ar!ainin!. Am#lant" intermittent and itinerant

    &or'ers" self*employed people" r#ral &or'ers and those &itho#t any de-nite employers may form laor

    or!anizations for their m#t#al aid and protection. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 2C" 5ay 3" 378C9

    Art. 2((. &i:ht o e'plo!ee# in the p,%lic #erice.Employees of !overnment corporations estalished

    #nder the orporation ode shall have the ri!ht to or!anize and to ar!ain collectively &ith their respective

    employers. All other employees in the civil service shall have the ri!ht to form associations for p#rposes not

    contrary to la&. /As amended y E)ec#tive Order No. 333" ecemer 6" 37819

    Art. 2(. Ineli:i%ilit! o 'ana:erial e'plo!ee# to @oin an! la%or or:ani=ation; ri:ht o #,peri#or!

    e'plo!ee#.5ana!erial employees are not eli!ile to %oin" assist or form any laor or!anization. S#pervisory

    employees shall not e eli!ile for memership in a laor or!anization of the ran'*and*-le employees #t

    may %oin" assist or form separate laor or!anizations of their o&n. /As amended y Section 38" Rep#lic Act

    No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 2(3. Non?a%ri*:'ent o ri:ht to #el?or:ani=ation.It shall e #nla&f#l for any person to restrain"

    coerce" discriminate a!ainst or #nd#ly interfere &ith employees and &or'ers in their e)ercise of the ri!ht to

    self*or!anization. S#ch ri!ht shall incl#de the ri!ht to form" %oin" or assist laor or!anizations for the p#rpose

    of collective ar!ainin! thro#!h representatives of their o&n choosin! and to en!a!e in la&f#l concerted

    activities for the same p#rpose for their m#t#al aid and protection" s#%ect to the provisions of Article 61 of

    this ode. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 2C" 5ay 3" 378C9

    Title ?I


    hapter I


    Art. 2(4. Concept o ,nair la%or practice an* proce*,re or pro#ec,tion thereo.@nfair laor

    practices violate the constit#tional ri!ht of &or'ers and employees to self*or!anization" are inimical to the

    le!itimate interests of oth laor and mana!ement" incl#din! their ri!ht to ar!ain collectively and other&ise

    deal &ith each other in an atmosphere of freedom and m#t#al respect" disr#pt ind#strial peace and hinder

    the promotion of healthy and stale laor*mana!ement relations.

    onse(#ently" #nfair laor practices are not only violations of the civil ri!hts of oth laor and mana!ement

    #t are also criminal o+enses a!ainst the State &hich shall e s#%ect to prosec#tion and p#nishment as

    herein provided.

    S#%ect to the e)ercise y the >resident or y the Secretary of Laor and Employment of the po&ers vested in

    them y Articles 610 and 61 of this ode" the civil aspects of all cases involvin! #nfair laor practices" &hich

    may incl#de claims for act#al" moral" e)emplary and other forms of dama!es" attorneyHs fees and other

    a,rmative relief" shall e #nder the %#risdiction of the Laor Ariters. The Laor Ariters shall !ive #tmost

    priority to the hearin! and resol#tion of all cases involvin! #nfair laor practices. They shall resolve s#ch

    cases &ithin thirty /0C9 calendar days from the time they are s#mitted for decision.

    Recovery of civil liaility in the administrative proceedin!s shall ar recovery #nder the ivil ode.

    No criminal prosec#tion #nder this Title may e instit#ted &itho#t a -nal %#d!ment -ndin! that an #nfair laor

    practice &as committed" havin! een -rst otained in the precedin! para!raph. #rin! the pendency of s#chadministrative proceedin!" the r#nnin! of the period of prescription of the criminal o+ense herein penalized

    shall e considered interr#pted: >rovided" ho&ever" that the -nal %#d!ment in the administrative proceedin!s

    shall not e indin! in the criminal case nor e considered as evidence of !#ilt #t merely as proof of

    compliance of the re(#irements therein set forth. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 2C" 5ay 3" 378C

    and later f#rther amended y Section 37" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    hapter II


    Art. 2(6. 0nair la%or practice# o e'plo!er#.It shall e #nla&f#l for an employer to commit any of the

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    follo&in! #nfair laor practice:

    a.To interfere &ith" restrain or coerce employees in the e)ercise of their ri!ht to self*or!anization$

    .To re(#ire as a condition of employment that a person or an employee shall not %oin a laor or!anization or

    shall &ithdra& from one to &hich he elon!s$

    c.To contract o#t services or f#nctions ein! performed y #nion memers &hen s#ch &ill interfere &ith"

    restrain or coerce employees in the e)ercise of their ri!hts to self*or!anization$

    d.To initiate" dominate" assist or other&ise interfere &ith the formation or administration of any laor

    or!anization" incl#din! the !ivin! of -nancial or other s#pport to it or its or!anizers or s#pporters$

    e.To discriminate in re!ard to &a!es" ho#rs of &or' and other terms and conditions of employment in order to

    enco#ra!e or disco#ra!e memership in any laor or!anization. Nothin! in this ode or in any other la& shall

    stop the parties from re(#irin! memership in a reco!nized collective ar!ainin! a!ent as a condition for

    employment" e)cept those employees &ho are already memers of another #nion at the time of the si!nin!

    of the collective ar!ainin! a!reement. Employees of an appropriate ar!ainin! #nit &ho are not memers of

    the reco!nized collective ar!ainin! a!ent may e assessed a reasonale fee e(#ivalent to the d#es and

    other fees paid y memers of the reco!nized collective ar!ainin! a!ent" if s#ch non*#nion memers accept

    the ene-ts #nder the collective ar!ainin! a!reement: >rovided" that the individ#al a#thorization re(#ired

    #nder Article 66" para!raph /o9 of this ode shall not apply to the non*memers of the reco!nized collective

    ar!ainin! a!ent$

    f.To dismiss" dischar!e or other&ise pre%#dice or discriminate a!ainst an employee for havin! !iven or ein!

    ao#t to !ive testimony #nder this ode$

    !.To violate the d#ty to ar!ain collectively as prescried y this ode$

    h.To pay ne!otiation or attorneyHs fees to the #nion or its o,cers or a!ents as part of the settlement of any

    iss#e in collective ar!ainin! or any other disp#te$ or

    i.To violate a collective ar!ainin! a!reement.

    The provisions of the precedin! para!raph not&ithstandin!" only the o,cers and a!ents of corporations"

    associations or partnerships &ho have act#ally participated in" a#thorized or rati-ed #nfair laor practices

    shall e held criminally liale. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 30C" A#!#st 63" 37839

    hapter III


    Art. 2(8. 0nair la%or practice# o la%or or:ani=ation#.It shall e #nfair laor practice for a laor

    or!anization" its o,cers" a!ents or representatives:

    a.To restrain or coerce employees in the e)ercise of their ri!ht to self*or!anization. Fo&ever" a laor

    or!anization shall have the ri!ht to prescrie its o&n r#les &ith respect to the ac(#isition or retention ofmemership$

    .To ca#se or attempt to ca#se an employer to discriminate a!ainst an employee" incl#din! discrimination

    a!ainst an employee &ith respect to &hom memership in s#ch or!anization has een denied or to terminate

    an employee on any !ro#nd other than the #s#al terms and conditions #nder &hich memership or

    contin#ation of memership is made availale to other memers$

    c.To violate the d#ty" or ref#se to ar!ain collectively &ith the employer" provided it is the representative of

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    the employees$

    d.To ca#se or attempt to ca#se an employer to pay or deliver or a!ree to pay or deliver any money or other

    thin!s of val#e" in the nat#re of an e)action" for services &hich are not performed or not to e performed"

    incl#din! the demand for fee for #nion ne!otiations$

    e.To as' for or accept ne!otiation or attorneyHs fees from employers as part of the settlement of any iss#e in

    collective ar!ainin! or any other disp#te$ or

    f.To violate a collective ar!ainin! a!reement.

    The provisions of the precedin! para!raph not&ithstandin!" only the o,cers" memers of !overnin! oards"

    representatives or a!ents or memers of laor associations or or!anizations &ho have act#ally participated

    in" a#thorized or rati-ed #nfair laor practices shall e held criminally liale. /As amended y Batas

    >amansa Bilan! 30C" A#!#st 63" 37839

    Title ?II


    Art. 29. Proce*,re in collectie %ar:ainin:.The follo&in! proced#res shall e oserved in collective


    a.hen a party desires to ne!otiate an a!reement" it shall serve a &ritten notice #pon the other party &ith a

    statement of its proposals. The other party shall ma'e a reply thereto not later than ten /3C9 calendar days

    from receipt of s#ch notice$

    .Sho#ld di+erences arise on the asis of s#ch notice and reply" either party may re(#est for a conference

    &hich shall e!in not later than ten /3C9 calendar days from the date of re(#est.

    c.If the disp#te is not settled" the Board shall intervene #pon re(#est of either or oth parties or at its o&n

    initiative and immediately call the parties to conciliation meetin!s. The Board shall have the po&er to iss#e

    s#poenas re(#irin! the attendance of the parties to s#ch meetin!s. It shall e the d#ty of the parties to

    participate f#lly and promptly in the conciliation meetin!s the Board may call$

    d.#rin! the conciliation proceedin!s in the Board" the parties are prohiited from doin! any act &hich may

    disr#pt or impede the early settlement of the disp#tes$ and

    e.The Board shall e)ert all e+orts to settle disp#tes amicaly and enco#ra!e the parties to s#mit their case

    to a vol#ntary aritrator. /As amended y Section 6C" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 21. D,t! to %ar:ain collectiel! in the a%#ence o collectie %ar:ainin: a:ree'ent#.In the

    asence of an a!reement or other vol#ntary arran!ement providin! for a more e)peditio#s manner of

    collective ar!ainin!" it shall e the d#ty of employer and the representatives of the employees to ar!ain

    collectively in accordance &ith the provisions of this ode.

    Art. 22. eanin: o *,t! to %ar:ain collectiel!.The d#ty to ar!ain collectively means the

    performance of a m#t#al oli!ation to meet and convene promptly and e)peditio#sly in !ood faith for the

    p#rpose of ne!otiatin! an a!reement &ith respect to &a!es" ho#rs of &or' and all other terms and conditions

    of employment incl#din! proposals for ad%#stin! any !rievances or (#estions arisin! #nder s#ch a!reement

    and e)ec#tin! a contract incorporatin! s#ch a!reements if re(#ested y either party #t s#ch d#ty does not

    compel any party to a!ree to a proposal or to ma'e any concession.

    Art. 2$. D,t! to %ar:ain collectiel! 7hen there e/i#t# a collectie %ar:ainin: a:ree'ent.hen

    there is a collective ar!ainin! a!reement" the d#ty to ar!ain collectively shall also mean that neither party

    shall terminate nor modify s#ch a!reement d#rin! its lifetime. Fo&ever" either party can serve a &ritten

    notice to terminate or modify the a!reement at least si)ty /1C9 days prior to its e)piration date. It shall e the

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    d#ty of oth parties to 'eep the stat#s (#o and to contin#e in f#ll force and e+ect the terms and conditions of

    the e)istin! a!reement d#rin! the 1C*day period and=or #ntil a ne& a!reement is reached y the parties.

    Art. 2$?A. Ter'# o a collectie %ar:ainin: a:ree'ent.Any ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement that the

    parties may enter into shall" insofar as the representation aspect is concerned" e for a term of -ve /49 years.

    No petition (#estionin! the ma%ority stat#s of the inc#ment ar!ainin! a!ent shall e entertained and no

    certi-cation election shall e cond#cted y the epartment of Laor and Employment o#tside of the si)ty*day

    period immediately efore the date of e)piry of s#ch -ve*year term of the ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement.

    All other provisions of the ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement shall e rene!otiated not later than three /09

    years after its e)ec#tion. Any a!reement on s#ch other provisions of the ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement

    entered into &ithin si) /19 months from the date of e)piry of the term of s#ch other provisions as -)ed in s#ch

    ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement" shall retroact to the day immediately follo&in! s#ch date. If any s#ch

    a!reement is entered into eyond si) months" the parties shall a!ree on the d#ration of retroactivity thereof.

    In case of a deadloc' in the rene!otiation of the ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement" the parties may e)ercise

    their ri!hts #nder this ode. /As amended y Section 63" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 2(. In@,nction prohi%ite*.No temporary or permanent in%#nction or restrainin! order in any case

    involvin! or !ro&in! o#t of laor disp#tes shall e iss#ed y any co#rt or other entity" e)cept as other&ise

    provided in Articles 638 and 61 of this ode. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 662" G#ne 3" 37869

    Art. 2. E/cl,#ie %ar:ainin: repre#entation an* 7orer#> participation in polic! an* *eci#ion?

    'ain:.The laor or!anization desi!nated or selected y the ma%ority of the employees in an appropriate

    collective ar!ainin! #nit shall e the e)cl#sive representative of the employees in s#ch #nit for the p#rpose

    of collective ar!ainin!. Fo&ever" an individ#al employee or !ro#p of employees shall have the ri!ht at any

    time to present !rievances to their employer.

    Any provision of la& to the contrary not&ithstandin!" &or'ers shall have the ri!ht" s#%ect to s#ch r#les and

    re!#lations as the Secretary of Laor and Employment may prom#l!ate" to participate in policy and decision*

    ma'in! processes of the estalishment &here they are employed insofar as said processes &ill directly a+ect

    their ri!hts" ene-ts and &elfare. ;or this p#rpose" &or'ers and employers may form laor*mana!ement

    co#ncils: >rovided" That the representatives of the &or'ers in s#ch laor*mana!ement co#ncils shall e

    elected y at least the ma%ority of all employees in said estalishment. /As amended y Section 66" Rep#lic

    Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 23. &epre#entation i##,e in or:ani=e* e#ta%li#h'ent#.In or!anized estalishments" &hen averi-ed petition (#estionin! the ma%ority stat#s of the inc#ment ar!ainin! a!ent is -led efore the

    epartment of Laor and Employment &ithin the si)ty*day period efore the e)piration of the collective

    ar!ainin! a!reement" the 5ed*Ariter shall a#tomatically order an election y secret allot &hen the veri-ed

    petition is s#pported y the &ritten consent of at least t&enty*-ve percent /649 of all the employees in the

    ar!ainin! #nit to ascertain the &ill of the employees in the appropriate ar!ainin! #nit. To have a valid

    election" at least a ma%ority of all eli!ile voters in the #nit m#st have cast their votes. The laor #nion

    receivin! the ma%ority of the valid votes cast shall e certi-ed as the e)cl#sive ar!ainin! a!ent of all the

    &or'ers in the #nit. hen an election &hich provides for three or more choices res#lts in no choice receivin! a

    ma%ority of the valid votes cast" a r#n*o+ election shall e cond#cted et&een the laor #nions receivin! the

    t&o hi!hest n#mer of votes: >rovided" that the total n#mer of votes for all contendin! #nions is at least -fty

    percent /4C9 of the n#mer of votes cast.

    At the e)piration of the freedom period" the employer shall contin#e to reco!nize the ma%ority stat#s of the

    inc#ment ar!ainin! a!ent &here no petition for certi-cation election is -led. /As amended y Section 60"

    Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 24. Petition# in ,nor:ani=e* e#ta%li#h'ent#.In any estalishment &here there is no certi-ed

    ar!ainin! a!ent" a certi-cation election shall a#tomatically e cond#cted y the 5ed*Ariter #pon the -lin!

    of a petition y a le!itimate laor or!anization. /As amended y Section 6" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63"


    Art. 26. hen an e'plo!er 'a! "le petition.hen re(#ested to ar!ain collectively" an employer may

    petition the B#rea# for an election. If there is no e)istin! certi-ed collective ar!ainin! a!reement in the #nit"

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    the B#rea# shall" after hearin!" order a certi-cation election.

    All certi-cation cases shall e decided &ithin t&enty /6C9 &or'in! days.

    The B#rea# shall cond#ct a certi-cation election &ithin t&enty /6C9 days in accordance &ith the r#les and

    re!#lations prescried y the Secretary of Laor.

    Art. 28. Appeal ro' certi"cation election or*er#.Any party to an election may appeal the order or

    res#lts of the election as determined y the 5ed*Ariter directly to the Secretary of Laor and Employment

    on the !ro#nd that the r#les and re!#lations or parts thereof estalished y the Secretary of Laor andEmployment for the cond#ct of the election have een violated. S#ch appeal shall e decided &ithin -fteen

    /349 calendar days. /As amended y Section 64" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Title ?II*A


    Art. 239.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    panel of ?ol#ntary Aritrators. Fearin! may e ad%o#rned for ca#se or #pon a!reement y the parties.

    @nless the parties a!ree other&ise" it shall e mandatory for the ?ol#ntary Aritrator or panel of ?ol#ntary

    Aritrators to render an a&ard or decision &ithin t&enty /6C9 calendar days from the date of s#mission of

    the disp#te to vol#ntary aritration.

    The a&ard or decision of the ?ol#ntary Aritrator or panel of ?ol#ntary Aritrators shall contain the facts and

    the la& on &hich it is ased. It shall e -nal and e)ec#tory after ten /3C9 calendar days from receipt of the

    copy of the a&ard or decision y the parties.

    @pon motion of any interested party" the ?ol#ntary Aritrator or panel of ?ol#ntary Aritrators or the Laor

    Ariter in the re!ion &here the movant resides" in case of the asence or incapacity of the ?ol#ntary

    Aritrator or panel of ?ol#ntary Aritrators" for any reason" may iss#e a &rit of e)ec#tion re(#irin! either the

    sheri+ of the ommission or re!#lar co#rts or any p#lic o,cial &hom the parties may desi!nate in the

    s#mission a!reement to e)ec#te the -nal decision" order or a&ard.

    Art. 232?B. Co#t o ol,ntar! ar%itration an* Vol,ntar! Ar%itrator># ee.The parties to a ollective

    Bar!ainin! A!reement shall provide therein a proportionate sharin! scheme on the cost of vol#ntary

    aritration incl#din! the ?ol#ntary AritratorHs fee. The -)in! of fee of ?ol#ntary Aritrators" &hether

    sho#ldered &holly y the parties or s#sidized y the Special ?ol#ntary Aritration ;#nd" shall ta'e into

    acco#nt the follo&in! factors:

    a.Nat#re of the case$

    .Time cons#med in hearin! the case$

    c.>rofessional standin! of the ?ol#ntary Aritrator$

    d.apacity to pay of the parties$ and

    e.;ees provided for in the Revised R#les of o#rt.

    Title ?III


    hapter I


    Art. 23$. Strie#- picetin: an* loco,t#.

    a.It is the policy of the State to enco#ra!e free trade #nionism and free collective ar!ainin!.

    .or'ers shall have the ri!ht to en!a!e in concerted activities for p#rposes of collective ar!ainin! or for

    their m#t#al ene-t and protection. The ri!ht of le!itimate laor or!anizations to stri'e and pic'et and of

    employers to loc'o#t" consistent &ith the national interest" shall contin#e to e reco!nized and respected.

    Fo&ever" no laor #nion may stri'e and no employer may declare a loc'o#t on !ro#nds involvin! inter*#nion

    and intra*#nion disp#tes.

    c.In case of ar!ainin! deadloc's" the d#ly certi-ed or reco!nized ar!ainin! a!ent may -le a notice of stri'e

    or the employer may -le a notice of loc'o#t &ith the 5inistry at least 0C day efore the intended date thereof.

    In cases of #nfair laor practice" the period of notice shall e 34 days and in the asence of a d#ly certi-ed or

    reco!nized ar!ainin! a!ent" the notice of stri'e may e -led y any le!itimate laor or!anization in ehalf of

    its memers. Fo&ever" in case of dismissal from employment of #nion o,cers d#ly elected in accordance

    &ith the #nion constit#tion and y*la&s" &hich may constit#te #nion #stin!" &here the e)istence of the

    #nion is threatened" the 34*day coolin!*o+ period shall not apply and the #nion may ta'e action

    immediately. /As amended y E)ec#tive Order No. 333" ecemer 6" 37819

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    d.The notice m#st e in accordance &ith s#ch implementin! r#les and re!#lations as the 5inister of Laor

    and Employment may prom#l!ate.

    e.#rin! the coolin!*o+ period" it shall e the d#ty of the 5inistry to e)ert all e+orts at mediation and

    conciliation to e+ect a vol#ntary settlement. Sho#ld the disp#te remain #nsettled #ntil the lapse of the

    re(#isite n#mer of days from the mandatory -lin! of the notice" the laor #nion may stri'e or the employer

    may declare a loc'o#t.

    f.A decision to declare a stri'e m#st e approved y a ma%ority of the total #nion memership in the

    ar!ainin! #nit concerned" otained y secret allot in meetin!s or referenda called for that p#rpose. A

    decision to declare a loc'o#t m#st e approved y a ma%ority of the oard of directors of the corporation or

    association or of the partners in a partnership" otained y secret allot in a meetin! called for that p#rpose.

    The decision shall e valid for the d#ration of the disp#te ased on s#stantially the same !ro#nds

    considered &hen the stri'e or loc'o#t vote &as ta'en. The 5inistry may" at its o&n initiative or #pon the

    re(#est of any a+ected party" s#pervise the cond#ct of the secret allotin!. In every case" the #nion or the

    employer shall f#rnish the 5inistry the res#lts of the votin! at least seven days efore the intended stri'e or

    loc'o#t" s#%ect to the coolin!*o+ period herein provided. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 30C"

    A#!#st 63" 3783 and f#rther amended y E)ec#tive Order No. 333" ecemer 6" 37819

    !.hen" in his opinion" there e)ists a laor disp#te ca#sin! or li'ely to ca#se a stri'e or loc'o#t in an ind#stry

    indispensale to the national interest" the Secretary of Laor and Employment may ass#me %#risdiction over

    the disp#te and decide it or certify the same to the ommission for comp#lsory aritration. S#ch ass#mption

    or certi-cation shall have the e+ect of a#tomatically en%oinin! the intended or impendin! stri'e or loc'o#t as

    speci-ed in the ass#mption or certi-cation order. If one has already ta'en place at the time of ass#mption or

    certi-cation" all stri'in! or loc'ed o#t employees shall immediately ret#rn*to*&or' and the employer shall

    immediately res#me operations and readmit all &or'ers #nder the same terms and conditions prevailin!

    efore the stri'e or loc'o#t. The Secretary of Laor and Employment or the ommission may see' the

    assistance of la& enforcement a!encies to ens#re compliance &ith this provision as &ell as &ith s#ch orders

    as he may iss#e to enforce the same.

    In line &ith the national concern for and the hi!hest respect accorded to the ri!ht of patients to life and

    health" stri'es and loc'o#ts in hospitals" clinics and similar medical instit#tions shall" to every e)tent possile"

    e avoided" and all serio#s e+orts" not only y laor and mana!ement #t !overnment as &ell" e e)ha#sted

    to s#stantially minimize" if not prevent" their adverse e+ects on s#ch life and health" thro#!h the e)ercise"

    ho&ever le!itimate" y laor of its ri!ht to stri'e and y mana!ement to loc'o#t. In laor disp#tes adversely

    a+ectin! the contin#ed operation of s#ch hospitals" clinics or medical instit#tions" it shall e the d#ty of the

    stri'in! #nion or loc'in!*o#t employer to provide and maintain an e+ective s'eletal &or'force of medical and

    other health personnel" &hose movement and services shall e #nhampered and #nrestricted" as are

    necessary to ins#re the proper and ade(#ate protection of the life and health of its patients" most especially

    emer!ency cases" for the d#ration of the stri'e or loc'o#t. In s#ch cases" therefore" the Secretary of Laor

    and Employment may immediately ass#me" &ithin t&enty fo#r /69 ho#rs from 'no&led!e of the occ#rrence

    of s#ch a stri'e or loc'o#t" %#risdiction over the same or certify it to the ommission for comp#lsory

    aritration. ;or this p#rpose" the contendin! parties are strictly en%oined to comply &ith s#ch orders"

    prohiitions and=or in%#nctions as are iss#ed y the Secretary of Laor and Employment or the ommission"

    #nder pain of immediate disciplinary action" incl#din! dismissal or loss of employment stat#s or payment y

    the loc'in!*o#t employer of ac'&a!es" dama!es and other a,rmative relief" even criminal prosec#tion

    a!ainst either or oth of them.

    The fore!oin! not&ithstandin!" the >resident of the >hilippines shall not e precl#ded from determinin! the

    ind#stries that" in his opinion" are indispensale to the national interest" and from intervenin! at any time and

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    ass#min! %#risdiction over any s#ch laor disp#te in order to settle or terminate the same.

    h.Before or at any sta!e of the comp#lsory aritration process" the parties may opt to s#mit their disp#te to

    vol#ntary aritration.

    i.The Secretary of Laor and Employment" the ommission or the vol#ntary aritrator shall decide or resolve

    the disp#te" as the case may e. The decision of the >resident" the Secretary of Laor and Employment" the

    ommission or the vol#ntary aritrator shall e -nal and e)ec#tory ten /3C9 calendar days after receipt

    thereof y the parties. /As amended y Section 62" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 23(. Prohi%ite* actiitie#.

    a.No laor or!anization or employer shall declare a stri'e or loc'o#t &itho#t -rst havin! ar!ained collectively

    in accordance &ith Title ?II of this Boo' or &itho#t -rst havin! -led the notice re(#ired in the precedin!

    Article or &itho#t the necessary stri'e or loc'o#t vote -rst havin! een otained and reported to the 5inistry.

    No stri'e or loc'o#t shall e declared after ass#mption of %#risdiction y the >resident or the 5inister or after

    certi-cation or s#mission of the disp#te to comp#lsory or vol#ntary aritration or d#rin! the pendency of

    cases involvin! the same !ro#nds for the stri'e or loc'o#t.

    Any &or'er &hose employment has een terminated as a conse(#ence of any #nla&f#l loc'o#t shall e

    entitled to reinstatement &ith f#ll ac'&a!es. Any #nion o,cer &ho 'no&in!ly participates in an ille!al stri'e

    and any &or'er or #nion o,cer &ho 'no&in!ly participates in the commission of ille!al acts d#rin! a stri'e

    may e declared to have lost his employment stat#s: >rovided" That mere participation of a &or'er in a la&f#l

    stri'e shall not constit#te s#,cient !ro#nd for termination of his employment" even if a replacement had

    een hired y the employer d#rin! s#ch la&f#l stri'e.

    .No person shall ostr#ct" impede" or interfere &ith" y force" violence" coercion" threats or intimidation" any

    peacef#l pic'etin! y employees d#rin! any laor controversy or in the e)ercise of the ri!ht to self*

    or!anization or collective ar!ainin!" or shall aid or aet s#ch ostr#ction or interference.

    c.No employer shall #se or employ any stri'e*rea'er" nor shall any person e employed as a stri'e*rea'er.

    d.No p#lic o,cial or employee" incl#din! o,cers and personnel of the Ne& Armed ;orces of the >hilippines

    or the Inte!rated National >olice" or armed person" shall rin! in" introd#ce or escort in any manner" any

    individ#al &ho see's to replace stri'ers in enterin! or leavin! the premises of a stri'e area" or &or' in place of

    the stri'ers. The police force shall 'eep o#t of the pic'et lines #nless act#al violence or other criminal acts

    occ#r therein: >rovided" That nothin! herein shall e interpreted to prevent any p#lic o,cer from ta'in! any

    meas#re necessary to maintain peace and order" protect life and property" and=or enforce the la& and le!al

    order. /As amended y E)ec#tive Order No. 333" ecemer 6" 37819

    e.No person en!a!ed in pic'etin! shall commit any act of violence" coercion or intimidation or ostr#ct the

    free in!ress to or e!ress from the employerHs premises for la&f#l p#rposes" or ostr#ct p#lic

    thoro#!hfares. /As amended y Batas >amansa Bilan! 662" G#ne 3" 37869

    Art. 23. I'proe* oer %allotin:.In an e+ort to settle a stri'e" the epartment of Laor and

    Employment shall cond#ct a referend#m y secret allot on the improved o+er of the employer on or efore

    the 0Cth day of the stri'e. hen at least a ma%ority of the #nion memers vote to accept the improved o+er

    the stri'in! &or'ers shall immediately ret#rn to &or' and the employer shall there#pon readmit them #pon

    the si!nin! of the a!reement.

    In case of a loc'o#t" the epartment of Laor and Employment shall also cond#ct a referend#m y secret

    allotin! on the red#ced o+er of the #nion on or efore the 0Cth day of the loc'o#t. hen at least a ma%ority

    of the oard of directors or tr#stees or the partners holdin! the controllin! interest in the case of a

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    partnership vote to accept the red#ced o+er" the &or'ers shall immediately ret#rn to &or' and the employer

    shall there#pon readmit them #pon the si!nin! of the a!reement. /Incorporated y Section 68" Rep#lic Act

    No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 233. &e+,ire'ent or arre#t an* *etention.E)cept on !ro#nds of national sec#rity and p#lic

    peace or in case of commission of a crime" no #nion memers or #nion or!anizers may e arrested or

    detained for #nion activities &itho#t previo#s cons#ltations &ith the Secretary of Laor.

    hapter II


    Art. 234. A##i#tance %! the Depart'ent o La%or.The epartment of Laor" at the initiative of the

    Secretary of Laor" shall e)tend special assistance to the or!anization" for p#rposes of collective ar!ainin!"

    of the most #nderprivile!ed &or'ers &ho" for reasons of occ#pation" or!anizational str#ct#re or ins#,cient

    incomes" are not normally covered y ma%or laor or!anizations or federations.

    Art. 236. A##i#tance %! the In#tit,te o La%or an* anpo7er St,*ie#.The Instit#te of Laor and

    5anpo&er St#dies shall render technical and other forms of assistance to laor or!anizations and employer

    or!anizations in the -eld of laor ed#cation" especially pertainin! to collective ar!ainin!" aritration" laor

    standards and the Laor ode of the >hilippines in !eneral.

    hapter III


    Art. 238. Prohi%ition a:ain#t alien#; e/ception#.All aliens" nat#ral or %#ridical" as &ell as forei!n

    or!anizations are strictly prohiited from en!a!in! directly or indirectly in all forms of trade #nion activities

    &itho#t pre%#dice to normal contacts et&een >hilippine laor #nions and reco!nized international laor

    centers: >rovided" ho&ever" That aliens &or'in! in the co#ntry &ith valid permits iss#ed y the epartment of

    Laor and Employment" may e)ercise the ri!ht to self*or!anization and %oin or assist laor or!anizations of

    their o&n choosin! for p#rposes of collective ar!ainin!: >rovided" f#rther" That said aliens are nationals of a

    co#ntry &hich !rants the same or similar ri!hts to ;ilipino &or'ers. /As amended y Section 67" Rep#lic Act

    No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 249. &e:,lation o orei:n a##i#tance.

    a.No forei!n individ#al" or!anization or entity may !ive any donations" !rants or other forms of assistance" in

    cash or in 'ind" directly or indirectly" to any laor or!anization" !ro#p of &or'ers or any a#)iliary thereof" s#ch

    as cooperatives" credit #nions and instit#tions en!a!ed in research" ed#cation or comm#nication" in relation

    to trade #nion activities" &itho#t prior permission y the Secretary of Laor.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    'ind" !iven directly or indirectly to any employer or employerHs or!anization to s#pport any activity or

    activities a+ectin! trade #nions.

    c.The Secretary of Laor shall prom#l!ate r#les and re!#lations to re!#late and control the !ivin! and

    receivin! of s#ch donations" !rants" or other forms of assistance" incl#din! the mandatory reportin! of the

    amo#nts of the donations or !rants" the speci-c recipients thereof" the pro%ects or activities proposed to e

    s#pported" and their d#ration.

    Art. 241. Applica%ilit! to ar' tenant# an* r,ral 7orer#.The provisions of this Title pertainin! to

    forei!n or!anizations and activities shall e deemed applicale li'e&ise to all or!anizations of farm tenants"

    r#ral &or'ers" and the li'e: >rovided" That in appropriate cases" the Secretary of A!rarian Reform shall

    e)ercise the po&ers and responsiilities vested y this Title in the Secretary of Laor.

    hapter I?


    Art. 242. Penaltie#.

    a.Any person violatin! any of the provisions of Article 61 of this ode shall e p#nished y a -ne of not less

    than one tho#sand pesos />3"CCC.CC9 nor more than ten tho#sand pesos />3C"CCC.CC9 and=or imprisonment

    for not less than three months nor more than three /09 years" or oth s#ch -ne and imprisonment" at the

    discretion of the co#rt. >rosec#tion #nder this provision shall precl#de prosec#tion for the same act #nder the

    Revised >enal ode" and vice versa.

    .@pon the recommendation of the 5inister of Laor and Employment and the 5inister of National efense"

    forei!ners &ho violate the provisions of this Title shall e s#%ect to immediate and s#mmary deportation y

    the ommission on Immi!ration and eportation and shall e permanently arred from re*enterin! the

    co#ntry &itho#t the special permission of the >resident of the >hilippines. /As amended y Section 31" Batas

    >amansa Bilan! 30C and Section 2" Batas >amansa Bilan! 6629

    Title I


    Art. 24$. St,*! o la%or?'ana:e'ent relation#.The Secretary of Laor shall have the po&er and it shall

    e his d#ty to in(#ire into:

    a.the e)istin! relations et&een employers and employees in the >hilippines$

    .the !ro&th of associations of employees and the e+ect of s#ch associations #pon employer*employee


    c.the e)tent and res#lts of the methods of collective ar!ainin! in the determination of terms and conditions

    of employment$

    d.the methods &hich have een tried y employers and associations of employees for maintainin! m#t#ally

    satisfactory relations$

    e.desirale ind#strial practices &hich have een developed thro#!h collective ar!ainin! and other vol#ntaryarran!ements$

    f.the possile &ays of increasin! the #sef#lness and e,ciency of collective ar!ainin! for settlin! di+erences$

    !.the possiilities for the adoption of practical and e+ective methods of laor*mana!ement cooperation$

    h.any other aspects of employer*employee relations concernin! the promotion of harmony and #nderstandin!

    et&een the parties$ and

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    i.the relevance of laor la&s and laor relations to national development.

    The Secretary of Laor shall also in(#ire into the ca#ses of ind#strial #nrest and ta'e all the necessary steps

    &ithin his po&er as may e prescried y la& to alleviate the same" and shall from time to time recommend

    the enactment of s#ch remedial le!islation as in his %#d!ment may e desirale for the maintenance and

    promotion of ind#strial peace.

    Art. 24(. Vi#itorial po7er.The Secretary of Laor and Employment or his d#ly a#thorized representative is

    herey empo&ered to in(#ire into the -nancial activities of le!itimate laor or!anizations #pon the -lin! of a

    complaint #nder oath and d#ly s#pported y the &ritten consent of at least t&enty percent /6C9 of the total

    memership of the laor or!anization concerned and to e)amine their oo's of acco#nts and other records to

    determine compliance or non*compliance &ith the la& and to prosec#te any violations of the la& and the

    #nion constit#tion and y*la&s: >rovided" That s#ch in(#iry or e)amination shall not e cond#cted d#rin! the

    si)ty /1C9*day freedom period nor &ithin the thirty /0C9 days immediately precedin! the date of election of

    #nion o,cials./As amended y Section 03" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 24. Triparti#' an* tripartite conerence#.

    a.Tripartism in laor relations is herey declared a State policy. To&ards this end" &or'ers and employers

    shall" as far as practicale" e represented in decision and policy*ma'in! odies of the !overnment.

    .The Secretary of Laor and Employment or his d#ly a#thorized representatives may" from time to time" call

    a national" re!ional" or ind#strial tripartite conference of representatives of !overnment" &or'ers and

    employers for the consideration and adoption of vol#ntary codes of principles desi!ned to promote ind#strial

    peace ased on social %#stice or to ali!n laor movement relations &ith estalished priorities in economic and

    social development. In callin! s#ch conference" the Secretary of Laor and Employment may cons#lt &ith

    accredited representatives of &or'ers and employers. /As amended y Section 06" Rep#lic Act No. 1234"

    5arch 63" 37879

    Art. 243.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    c.Any employee" &hether employed for a de-nite period or not" shall" e!innin! on his -rst day of service" e

    considered as an employee for p#rposes of memership in any laor #nion. /As amended y Section 00"

    Rep#lic Act No. 12349

    d.No doc'et fee shall e assessed in laor standards disp#tes. In all other disp#tes" doc'et fees may e

    assessed a!ainst the -lin! party" provided that in ar!ainin! deadloc'" s#ch fees shall e shared e(#ally y

    the ne!otiatin! parties.

    e.The 5inister of Laor and Employment and the 5inister of the B#d!et shall ca#se to e created or

    reclassi-ed in accordance &ith la& s#ch positions as may e necessary to carry o#t the o%ectives of this

    ode and ca#se the #p!radin! of the salaries of the personnel involved in the Laor Relations System of the

    5inistry. ;#nds needed for this p#rpose shall e provided o#t of the Special Activities ;#nd appropriated y

    Batas >amansa Bl!. 8C and from ann#al appropriations thereafter. /Incorporated y Batas >amansa Bilan!

    30C" A#!#st 63" 37839

    f.A special ?ol#ntary Aritration ;#nd is herey estalished in the Board to s#sidize the cost of vol#ntary

    aritration in cases involvin! the interpretation and implementation of the ollective Bar!ainin! A!reement"

    incl#din! the AritratorHs fees" and for s#ch other related p#rposes to promote and develop vol#ntary

    aritration. The Board shall administer the Special ?ol#ntary Aritration ;#nd in accordance &ith the

    !#idelines it may adopt #pon the recommendation of the o#ncil" &hich !#idelines shall e s#%ect to the

    approval of the Secretary of Laor and Employment. ontin#in! f#nds needed for this p#rpose in the initial

    yearly amo#nt of -fteen million pesos />34"CCC"CCC.CC9 shall e provided in the 3787 ann#al !eneral

    appropriations acts.

    The amo#nt of s#sidy in appropriate cases shall e determined y the Board in accordance &ith estalished

    !#idelines iss#ed y it #pon the recommendation of the o#ncil.

    The ;#nd shall also e #tilized for the operation of the o#ncil" the trainin! and ed#cation of ?ol#ntary

    Aritrators" and the ?ol#ntary Aritration >ro!ram. /As amended y Section 00" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch63" 37879

    !.The 5inistry shall help promote and !rad#ally develop" &ith the a!reement of laor or!anizations and

    employers" laor*mana!ement cooperation pro!rams at appropriate levels of the enterprise ased on the

    shared responsiility and m#t#al respect in order to ens#re ind#strial peace and improvement in prod#ctivity"

    &or'in! conditions and the (#ality of &or'in! life. /Incorporated y Batas >amansa Bilan! 30C" A#!#st 63"


    h.In estalishments &here no le!itimate laor or!anization e)ists" laor*mana!ement committees may e

    formed vol#ntarily y &or'ers and employers for the p#rpose of promotin! ind#strial peace. The epartment

    of Laor and Employment shall endeavor to enli!hten and ed#cate the &or'ers and employers on their ri!hts

    and responsiilities thro#!h laor ed#cation &ith emphasis on the policy thr#sts of this ode. /As amended y

    Section 00" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch 63" 37879

    i.To ens#re speedy laor %#stice" the periods provided in this ode &ithin &hich decisions or resol#tions of

    laor relations cases or matters sho#ld e rendered shall e mandatory. ;or this p#rpose" a case or matter

    shall e deemed s#mitted for decision or resol#tion #pon the -lin! of the last pleadin! or memorand#m

    re(#ired y the r#les of the ommission or y the ommission itself" or the Laor Ariter" or the irector of

    the B#rea# of Laor Relations or 5ed*Ariter" or the Re!ional irector.

  • 8/12/2019 Labor Relations Code


    @pon e)piration of the correspondin! period" a certi-cation statin! &hy a decision or resol#tion has not een

    rendered &ithin the said period shall e iss#ed forth&ith y the hairman of the ommission" the E)ec#tive

    Laor Ariter" or the irector of the B#rea# of Laor Relations or 5ed*Ariter" or the Re!ional irector" as the

    case may e" and a copy thereof served #pon the parties.

    espite the e)piration of the applicale mandatory period" the aforesaid o,cials shall" &itho#t pre%#dice to

    any liaility &hich may have een inc#rred as a conse(#ence thereof" see to it that the case or matter shall

    e decided or resolved &itho#t any f#rther delay. /Incorporated y Section 00" Rep#lic Act No. 1234" 5arch

    63" 37879