Download pdf - LakeCaster August 2013

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013


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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013




    Tylor Renne takes 1st at theYFL Finale on Rayburn.

    a e Lipham oConroe, TX won 1stplace in he Li le

    League ivisionwi h . lbs

    n place in he Li le Leagueivision was won by ohnny

    Hudson o Conroe, TX with 4.49 lbs

    Hunter Muncrie o Pineland,

    oppe he el in he inor Leaguewinning 1s place wih . lbs

    n place angler or he inorLeague was Hun er ar in aleo Jasper, TX with 1.39 lbs

    ackson arrell o n erson, ook 1splace in he ajor League wi h . lbs

    n place in he ajor Leaguewas won by La aye e, L anglerLogan Chaney with 2.67 lbs

    . lbs won 1s place in he ll arivision, aken by ylor enne o a y,

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013











    1 100 ADE LIPHAM ONROE 5.55 8.37

    2 99 JOHNNY HUDSON ONROE 2.59 4.49

    79 JUSTIN MANAK RICHMOND 0.00 0.00


    MINOR LEAGUE (10-12)



    1 100 HUNTER MUNCRIEF PINELAND 2.48 7.87


    98 MICHAEL COOKE SPRING 0.00 1.35

    4 78 JACOB COMPTON MAGNOLIA 0.00 0.00

    5 78 HUNTER TODD ANGLETON 0 0.00 0.00

    MAJOR LEAGUE (13-15)





    1 100 JACKSON CARRELL ANDERSON 0.00 7.30

    2 99 LOGAN CHANEY LAFAYETTE, LA. 2 0.00 2.67

    98 OE BEEBEE THE WOODLANDS 1 0.00 1.54

    4 78 TANNER MORENO SHEPHERD 0 0.00 0.00

    5 78 COY WINDER COLLEGE STATION 0 0.00 0.00

    ALL-STARS (16-18)

    NGLER o.




    1 100 TYLOR RENNE ATY 0.00 8.67

    2 99 O MCGRAW ONROE 6.97 8.37

    98 DILLON HARRELL PORTER 0.00 8.15

    4 97 MASON HOFFPAUIR SPRING 3.39 5.53

    5 96 JOSH PERRIN HOUSTON 0.00 3.55

    6 95 COLE JONES MAGNOLIA 0.00 2.20


    o c raw o onroe, ook a closen place in he ll ar ivision wi h .

    lbs. He also caugh he overall larges basso the tournament weighing in at 6.97 lbs

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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






    Randall and Taylor take the win atRayburn Finale with 19.53 lbs









    1 100 DONALD RANDALL DON TAYLOR 5 5.21 19.53 1,110.00

    2 99 KEITH COLE CHUCK COLE 5 4.36 13.13 550.00

    DUSTIN JARRETT KENNETH JARETT 5 0.00 10.89 240.00

    BRAD PARISH 5 0.00 9.17 50 G&S



    . . . . I ITE IT

    . .

    OHN ED HUDSON MIKE WILLIAMS 1 6.13 6.13 160 BB + A 50




    10 91 CHRIS KING JODY NORSWORTHY 2 3.44 5.35

    . .

    . .

    . .

    14 87 AMES WEST WILLIAM WEST 1 0.00 2.03

    15 43 assCat JEFF STIMITS ADE LIPHAM 0 0.00 0.00

    16 43 ARL BERTRAND SHANA BERTRAND 0 0.00 0.00

    . .








    TOTAL POUNDS 105.42

    VE FISH IN-BOAT 2.76

    VE LBS / B AT 6.20

    VE LBS / FISH 2.24

    PAYOUT AT RAMP 2,050.00

    CLASSIC FUND 170.00

    OC FUND 85.00

    PRO RATED POLY $150.00

    TOTAL PAYOUT 2,455.00



    IR TEMP 68 - 94





    BEST DEPTH 4 - 25FT

    onal an all an on aylor hammere he nal el o compe i ors,winning the tournament by more than six pounds ahead o the pack!

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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






    B Alis Hart

    Scales, Stats, & Stories:

    Alligator Gar Seaso 101

    Its t at time o year again

    No, not Hurricane Season. in water,

    carnivorous s , an weig ts eavy enoug to

    t row your ac out

    ats rig t! Its A igator Gar Season!

    oug not a state-sanctione unting

    season, or seasone s ermen, summertime

    in exas in icates prime a igator gar unting

    con itions. A Pineywoo s perspective on Historys

    Swamp Peop e i you wi , minus t e swampsan air oats. Wait or itour very own Ang er

    anagemen .

    A igator gars an te evision? On y time wi

    te . W ic , coinci enta y, is one c aracteristic

    a igator gars ave on t eir si e: time. On

    average, an a igator gars i espan reac es over

    ty years o age. Not too s a y w en compare

    to ot er co-s species.

    A igator gars are t e argest o t e 7 nown

    gar species. At 10 eet in engt an 300 s in

    weig t, t ese e emot s o ten prove tric y tocatc ue to t eir s eer size a one. Natura y, or

    most am itious ang ers, t is a s to t eir a ure.

    e argest recor e a igator gar caug t in

    exas e onge to .C. Pierce, Jr. Accor ing to

    exas Par s an Wi i e Departments recor s,

    Pierce caug t is recor eeper using a trot ine

    on t e Nueces River on January 1, 1953. e

    gars staggering size o 302 s an 90 inc es in

    engt as gone unoppose to t is ay.

    Or, as it? Pierces a igator gar is t e argest

    recor e gar caug t in exas accor ing to

    t e exas Par s an Wi i e Depar tments

    Ang er Recognition Program, a program t at

    maintains state recor ists or pu ic an

    private waters an water o y recor s or a

    pu ic a es, rivers, an ays. In or er to ave

    a catc recor e in t e ARP, a series o specic

    proce ures an stipu ations must e o owe .

    One o w ic inc u es veriying t e imensions,

    weight, and species o the sh (done by a TPWD

    Bio ogist t roug appropriate ocumentation

    o measurement an i entication. Wit t ose

    ca cu ations, a prospective recor s s size is

    t en compare against t e current recor o er,

    all o which has to occur within 0 days o the

    catc .

    Nee ess to say, t ere is quite a ot t at goes in

    to aving a catc recor e in t e ARP. As suc ,

    severa wou ve een recor catc es are justt at: unrecor e .

    One suc wou ve een catc e onge

    to Brent Craw or o Corpus C risti. Memoria

    Day 2012 turne out to e just as momentous

    as t e o i ays name suggests or Craw or .

    ere y is ouse in a cana was w at Craw or

    escri e as a s wort c asing. Using a

    homemade arrow or his vintage bow, Craword

    impa e t e gar; on y to rea ize is epic power

    strugg e over t e s a just egun.

    Ater literally hours and little avail, Craword

    i w at any guy own on is uc wou o an

    ca e in is est rien or ac up. Arriving wit

    a shotgun, Craword nally silenced the beast.

    e two rien s quic y rea ize just ow

    ig t e gar was. A it too was trying to move

    it. Craword remembered the sh maxing out

    a 300 s capaci ty scae, wi t ony 3 4t o i ts

    o y on it. He guesse t ere was at east 100 s

    in t e tai t at wasnt even weig e . Assuming

    t e accounts va i ity, Craw or s a igator gar

    weig e aroun 400 s. A t at to a engt

    o a little over 8 t., and youve got yoursel a

    massive s .

    Not aware o t e state recor a rea y in p ace,

    or ow to go a out recor ing is own catc ,

    Crawor eci e to turn is s in to ets,

    about 250lbs. o them to be exact, and thus, the

    c ance to o cia y recor t e catc was gone.One o t e essentia items Craw or wou

    ave nee e in or er to recor is catc wou

    ave een a certie sca e wit a max capacity

    over 300 s .

    Any record-hopeul angler interested in

    a igator gar unting s ou now t e ocation

    o t e nearest ig -capacity certie sca e.

    They come in two types: electronic or spring.

    A so, in or er to e consi ere certie , eit er

    t e Internationa Game Fis Association or a

    licensed scales calibration company must have

    inspecte t e scae.

    Luc y or us, Jasper County as suc a sca e.

    Lake Sam Rayburn KOA in Brookeland houses a

    00 s. max capacity certie sca e. Its ocate

    at 505 CR 212, Broo e an , exas. For more

    inormation, give them a call at (409) 98-3422.

    oug o ten consi ere aggressive, a igator

    gars are actua y quite passive in nature. at,

    however, does not suggest they are tame or

    goo pet-materia . Converse y, it oes suggest a

    major misconception a out t em, ue in part

    to a lack o knowledge regarding the gar species

    in genera . Scientists c aim its ue to a ac

    o nee e researc , researc t at recent y as

    begun all over the state.

    Scientists ope to not on y gain in ormation

    about the species, but inormation on how to

    reverse t e current y ecreasing popu ation

    o gars ue to oss o foo p ain a itats an

    over-shing. One such eort includes the TPWDs

    imp ementation o a 1 ai y ag imit or gars

    across t e state.

    With eorts to better understand them and

    accounts o massive catc es, its no won er

    t at a igator gars ma e angers gi y wit


    I ts t e c ase . I ts t e c a enge. Its t e catc .

    Its A igator Gar Season!

    Happy unting.

    enny o caug s a gaor gar w c was a near recor a s - nc es ongon Rayburn.

    c roce c aug a new o e o end record gator ar on

    . t weg ed s.

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013







    Phil Johnson of Heath Wins the 2013

    Yantis Catfish ClassicB Sa Scrggis Th attachd phts ar crditd t Dick Walkr, LFSA Scrtar

    June 27 - Quitman, X ...La e For s Fi t Annua Yantis

    Cats C assic conc u e on Sun ay wit P i Jo nson o Heat ,

    exas ta ing t e 000 onus prize or t e argest s weig e in

    t e two- ay ournament. Jo nson an e is 37.4 poun fat ea

    cats ear y on Sun ay morning w i e s ing eep-water oat

    oc s wit ive ait .

    Jo nson an a t e ot er ournament ang ers compete

    in ivi ua y or ig cats wit cas prizes awar e or t e ve

    arges t s weig e eac our an onuses pai to t e t ose

    catc ing t e argest e ig t s overa . Inc u ing t e our y payout, Johnson collected a total o $ 400 or his sh. This years

    payout or a our y an tournament top nis ers was 27,700.

    Fi teen year-o Jo n Hi o Denison too secon p ace an

    pocketed $3400 in hourly and bonus money or a 10.55 pound

    c anne cat weig e uring t e na s ing our on Satur ay.

    Co y Beaver o Emory capture t ir p ace an a 1900 rewar

    or a 10.45 pound fathead cat that he caught early on Saturday.

    C ares Smit o Quitman an James Nugent o Weat eror t ie

    or ourt wit 8 .4 poun c anne s. Eac poc ete c ec s o 850

    or their eorts. There was also a tie or th place between Bobby

    Dris e o Grapean an roy Amason o Irv ing. Eac co ecte$ 50 or an 8.3 pound channel. Eighth place and $500 in total was

    awar e to Donnie Fountain o Jasper, Georgia or is 8.2 poun er.

    e most active our y winner was P i ip Lasswe o Lu in

    wit 5 s weig e uring t e course o t e two- ay tournament.

    Roger Stroman o Emory had 4 sh in the money and both Paul

    Mi es o La e Da as an C ar e s Dris e o Grape an a 3. e

    top yout ang ers were Dustin Wor ey wit a 3.85 poun c anne

    cat. He was ollowed closely by his sister, Amber Worley, with a 3.45

    poun er. e youngsters are ot rom Hu man. Apri Oney rom

    Longview took top ladies honors with .35 pounds. Roy Oney, also

    o Longview, topped all other seniors with a . 5 pound channel.e Yantis Cats C assic was organize y t e La e For

    Sportsmans Association an Ken Freeman Out oor Promotions.

    a ge ar na serve as s os . e ass c was c ose y n e

    wit t e nint annua Yantis Cats Day Festiva . Activities in

    Yantis inc u e a we -atten e Cats Day para e on Satur ay

    ternoon. e Para e Mars a , young cancer victim Dominic

    Aya a, e t e procession t roug owntown Yantis. He waso owe c ose y y Yantis Mayor Jerry Mi er, ournament

    Promoter Ken Freeman, an ournament Mascot Mo y Cat

    oar t e La e For Sportsmans Association Live Re ease Boat.

    evera oca usinesses an civic groups participate a ong wit

    ng ers rom t e BPS Big Cat Quest our in t eir state-o -t e-

    rt cat-s ing crat an tow ve ices. At t e conc usion o t e

    para e, t e tournament ang ers were treate to t e annua Yantis

    Vo unteer Fire Department s ry.

    e Yantis Cats C assic is open to a ang ers, ut it is a so

    part o t e Bass Pro S ops Big Cat Quest ournament rai .

    e next stop on t e Quest rai is e Wor C ampions ipo Cats ing on Ju y at Savanna , N. A ter two a itiona

    tournaments in August at C ar svi e, N an Crysta City, MO, t e

    rai conc u es wit its nationa c ampions ip on t e Mississippi

    River at Tunica, MS on September 14-15. The Big Cat Quests

    major sponsors are Bass Pro S ops, oyota ruc s, Ber ey LureCompany, an Coca-Co a. More on t e Big Cat Quest can e oun

    at t e Ken Freeman Promotions we site, www.

    e La e For Sportsmans Association is a non-prot

    organization t at was orme in 1999 to promote an e p

    conserve Lake Fork as a world-class shery. Its members are

    main y a e-area omeowners, usinesses, an gui es. More

    in ormation on t e Association an its mission can e oun on

    Facebook and its web-site,

    e Yantis Cats C assics major un erwriters were t e Bass

    Pro S ops, t e Woo County In ustria Commission, City Nationa

    Bank, and the City o Yantis. Other major contributors includedt e A o Us & exas ea Room, Ban exas, Broo s ires o Emory,

    Century 21 La e Country, Diamon Sports Marine, Fis ermans

    Inn, G&S Sales o Quitman, The Greater Quitman Area Chamber

    o Commerce, Kearney rai ers, La esi e Cove RV Par , Oa Ri ge

    Marina, Para es Bar & Gri o Quitman, Peop es Communications,

    Potts Feed Store o Quitman, S&A Sportswear, Sartin Marine, and

    Set s La e For Cree Stea & Sea oo Restaurant. KMOO 99.9 FM

    serve as t e events o cia ra io station.

    The 2014 event is tentatively scheduled or June 21 and 22.

    Detai s an ot er inormation wi e poste on t e La e For

    Sportsmans Association we -site as t ey are eve ope .

    ore inormation on the tournament is available rom

    ournament Director Sam Scroggins at 903-7 3-2191 or


    hil ohnson o Hea h wi hhis ournamen winning37.4 pound fathead

    ohn Hill oenison wih

    he n place10.55 poundhannela sh.

    Pictured right to let are: 1st -Phil Johnson o Heath - 37.40lahea n - ohn Hill oenison - 1 . hannel r -

    Cody Beaver o Emory - 10.45Flathead 4th - James Nugento eaheror harles

    mih o uiman ie - .hannel h - obby riskello Grapeland Troy Amason oIrving (tie) - 8.30 Channel 8th -

    onnie oun ain o asper,- . hannel

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013







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    we ve-year-o Hunter Martin a e is at t e top o

    is game; s ing game, t at is.

    Finis ing is ivision wit t e most points

    accumu ate , Martin a e, o Jasper, was presente

    wit t e Ignition Bass Yout Fis ing Leagues 2013

    Yout Ang er o t e Year awar on June 29, 2013.

    e son o Step anie an Craig Martin a e, o

    Jasper, Martindale successully competed in a

    tournament series put on y IBYFL in or er to c aim

    t e prestigious tit e. Proving to e a erce competitor,Martin a e nis e t e tournament series wit a

    recor o one 1st p ace nis an ve 2n p ace

    nishes. He also won 5 o the total fipping contests

    e uring t e series.

    Next on t e ca en ar or t e newy crowne Yout

    AOY is t e upcoming IBYFL C ampions ip. Sc e u e

    rom Septem er 7t to 8t at o e o Ben , Mar tin a e

    wi riva against ot er yout ang ers or covete

    sc o ars ips an prizes.

    But, Martin a e wont stop t ere; t is yout views

    is i e t roug ass-tinte g asses. An t an s

    in part to t e initiative o is mot er, Step anie

    Martin a e, sponsor o Jasper Hig Sc oo s premiere

    varsity s ing team, Martin a e an ot er s -

    oo e stu ents wi e a e to com ine ot

    aca emics an ang ing in t e oreseea e uture.

    Wit is current ace o a tournament recoran ingering ig sc oo s joc career on t e

    orizon, Martin a e is we on is way to ac ieving

    pro essiona ang er ame.

    Martin a e wou i e to t an CastAway Ro s,

    e Ro G ove, Navionics, R-1 Bass in Beaumont,

    an Nitro oats or t eir sponsors ip.

    uter Martidalew s A Y

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013




    Aglrs Qst Rabr Satrda Ta # 7

    Charles Bebber & Kris WilsonWINS!!

    B Bill & Barbara Lg

    July , 2013 - Anglers Quest 2013 Sam Rayburn Saturday

    eam Series # 7 out o e Ump rey Pavi ion at Sam Ray urn,

    X egan t is event wit 98 teame ang ers s owing up to s

    or the $8550.00 purse. Any team entering o the Sam Rayburn

    atur ay Series events wi automatica y qua i y or t e 2- ay

    Ray urn C ampions ip. e top team in points a ter t e series

    wi e ec are t e eam Ang ers o t e Year an wi e awar e

    ree entries to all 2014 Rayburn Saturday Series events. The teams

    entering a 8 Ray urn Satur ay series events wi automatica y

    ua i y or a 3 o t e La es Satur ay Series 2- ay C ampions ips.Any team qua i ying or any A Q C ampions ip wi e a owe

    to enter t e ournament o C ampions on Octo er 23-27 at

    o e o Ben .

    is 7t event o 2013 was starte at 5:55 am. Sam Ray urn

    water was in goo s ape an 2.50 eet e ow norma poo eve

    wit water temps running 80-84 egrees. e weat er at ta eo

    was a ca m 72 egrees wit a warming to 97 egrees y weig in

    time. e s catc ing was goo on Big Sam to ay as t ere were

    8 imits roug t to t e sca es, or a tota o 152 ass at 442.25

    s ma ing t e average ass roug t to t e sca es to ay weig

    .90 s.e team o C ares Be er & Kris Wison rom Wi is, X ran

    t eir ass rig to nort a e areas wit eep rus pi es to catc

    t eir ass t rowing exas rigs & Caro ina rigge aits in 12-25

    t o water. ey manage to cu a num er o times to nis

    in 1st p ace wit a mega sac o 5 ass at 30.79 s. Kris caug t

    t e 9.23 Big Bass o t e event. C ares a so a t e Foremost

    Insurance poicy t roug e Sa amone Agency an co ecte t e

    $200.00 bonus. This win & Big Bass made them $2 50.00 or their

    ay on t e water.

    e team o Darren Ro erts rom Nacog oc es, X & P i

    A ison rom Baytown, X ran P i s BassCat Mercury to nort

    a e areas to catc t eir ass t rowing Caro ina rigge worms &

    izar s a ong wit top water pop n rogs in 3-7 t o water. ey

    manage to cu rom many eepers to nis in 2n p ace wit

    20.22 s an ma e t em 1200.00 or t eir ay on t e water.

    e at er & son team o Stan & Steve Burgay rom impson,

    X ran t eir ass rig to mi & nort a e cree areas to pro e t e

    rassy areas o ing ass to ring 20.03 s to t e sca es. ey

    nis e in 3r an co ecte 1000.00 or t e ir ay on t e water.e team o Brian Branum & Keit W ite rom Sam Ray urn,

    X ran Brians Ranger Mercury ass rig to nort a e areas over

    rass to catc t eir ass in 10 t o water on Santone Jigs wit

    appy Da y trai ers. Brian & Keit wante to a so give t an s to

    ercury, Fa con Ro s an Car son Marine. ey manage to cu

    evera t imes to nis in 4t p ace wit 19.85 s. is ma e t em

    800.00 or t eir ay on t e water.

    urnamen winners, ris ilson harles ebberbrough in an awesome limi o sh ha weighe .lbs. which included an impressive 9.23 pounder.

    Darren Robertshil ison

    nishe inn place wih

    20.22 lbs.

    Stan & Steve Burgay brought 20.03 lbs to the scales& collected $1,000 or their day on the water.

    rian ranum ei h hi e came in hwih heir bag ha weighe 1 . lbs.

    ris ilson caugh he . lb ayburn sow hawon he ig ass honors o he ournamen .

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013







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    e team o Dona Ran a & Don ayor rom Nacog oc es,

    TX nished in 5th with 18.74 lbs. This nish made them $700.00

    or t eir ay on t e water. e team o Mic ae & Lance Lowery

    nished in th with 18.15 lbs and collected $ 00.00. The team o

    Patric Cascio & Lin y Ha ey nis e in 7t wit 17.97 s an

    co ecte 500.00.

    ere were 10 p aces pai in t is event. e entire resu ts rom

    t is an a A Q events put on y Ang ers Quest can e viewe atwww.ang

    e Sam Ray urn Resort is now giving away to 1st p ace out

    o the money a Stay & Play package valued at $200.00 or each

    o t e Ray urn team events. N Dee Wi iams & Je Wise were t e

    recipients o t is pac age at t is event. e Foremost Insurance

    Group t roug e Sa amone Agency in Jasper & Kir yvi e, X

    as come on oar wit A Q to o er a great incentive onus

    program or owning a Foremost po icyc ec out t e etai s

    on our site. Charles Bebber was the $200.00 bonus winner at this

    event ma ing im an a itiona 200.00.

    A Q wou i e to give a specia t an s to our sponsors w oo er t e Incentive Bonus o ars or our ang ers in t e Ang ers

    Quest ournament rai , e Foremost e Sa amone

    Agency, e Sam Ray urn Resort, Bow en Marine, Power Po e

    Captains Cas , So ar Bat Sung asses, Marte s R ino Be

    Liners, Buster McNuttys Gi t Car s an PAA mem ers ip onus.

    P ease rea t e qua ications or t ese great incentives on our

    Ang ers Quest we site.

    Ang ers Quest wi e ac on La e Houston or t e 1 t o 23

    ues ay evening events on Ju y 9t . On Ju y 13t Ang ers Quest

    wi e ac at La e Livingston or t e 7t o 8 Satur ay Series

    events. On Juy 14t A Q wi e ac at La e Houston or t et In ivi ua event o t e year. en A Q wi e ac on La e

    Houston on Juy 20t or t e 7t o t e Satur ay eam events.

    Ang ers Quest in an e ort to increase entries in

    t e In ivi ua Series events on La e Livingston & La e Houston

    as swi tc e t e ates o t e 2 series events to ma e t e In iv i ua

    events not a on t e same wee en as t e eam events. e 2

    remaining Livingston In ivi ua events wi e on Ju y 21August

    18. e 2 remaining Houston In ivi ua events wi e on Ju y

    14August 4. We o ope t is c ange oes not cause anyone any

    inconveniencewe are trying to ma e t ese 2 series etter or you

    an A Q.

    Ang ers Quest sti accepts cre it car s. Pre enter any eventan you DO NO ave to report to t e A Q us t e morning o

    the events. Call Mr. Bill or Barbara Long at 281-852-8842 or any

    in ormation or entry.

    Ang ers Quest suggest t e use o t ese sponsors pro ucts &

    services: Automate Mai ing So utions, Bow en Marine Sa es &

    ervice, Buster McNuttys, C ec -It Sti , City o Jasper, X-C am er,

    ity o Ona as a, Custom Bui t Awar s, Executive Security

    Integrators, Fis ingWor .com, Foremost Insurance Group, Foster

    ence Lt , Freeway ruc Sa es, Jasper Economic Deve opment

    District # 1, Kic apoo Bait & ac e, La e Houston Marina, Lone

    tar Buet, Martels Welding Works, Need More Tackle, Power

    o e, Ray urn Country Resort, Roya Purp e Synt etic Oi , Sa ineounty ourism, So ar Bat Sung asses, Superior Paint Wor s Inc.,

    e Stump Bar & Gri , ri County Construction Co. an Vincent

    ur Farms.

    God B ess & Good Fis ing to A

    p 11 places at the AQ Rayburn Saturday Team #7 tournament.

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013







    Run y t e exas Par s an Wi i e Department, t e Ang er

    Recognition Program is t e o cia state an water o y recor s

    ata ase in exas.

    Ca e awar s , t e ARP ac nowe ges s ix t ypes o recor s : y

    weig t, y engt , rst s , outstan ing ang er, ig s , an e ite

    ang er.

    In or er to ave a catc recor e in t e ARP, t ere are sets

    o rues t at must e stricty o owe . Genera rues t at app y

    to every awar category inc u e: t e s must e caug t in

    exas waters, t e s must e caug t w i e o eying a aws orregu ations governing t e s species an t e waters in w ic it

    was caug t, on y one person may catc t e s , an t e s must

    not ave containe anyt ing to assist in its ocating. Any e i erate

    a sication o any app ication wi resu t in isqua ication; a

    existing recor s wi e remove an uture app ications rom t e

    ang er wi not e accepte .

    A so inc u e in t ose ru es is a time ine o ea ines t at

    ang ers intereste in recor ing a catc s ou ami iarize

    t emse ves wit .

    From the day the catch is made, an angler has 0 days to le an

    awar app ication wit PWD. In t at 0- ay time rame, a serieso steps must e ta en.

    Wit in t e rst 3 ays o t e catc , s must e weig e

    on a certie sca e. Certie sca es are sca es t at ave een,

    on an annua asis, certie as accurate y a Department o

    Agricu ture License Service Provi er or t e Internationa Game

    Fis Association. PWD maintains a current ist o O cia Weig

    Stations t at ave certie sca es an ave agree to participate

    y t e o owing ARP ru es: at east one isintereste witness must

    o serve t e weig ing, t e s must not contain anyt ing or ave

    anyt ing attac e w ic articia y increases weig t, an i a

    non-certie sca e is use , t e app icant wi ave 30 ays romt e weig ing ate to ave t e sca e certie .

    For engt measurements recor e in inc es , app icants

    must a i e y t e o owing gui e ines : p ace t e s on i ts s i e

    wit jaw c ose , squeeze t e tai n toget er or turn it in a way to

    o tain t e maximum overa engt , an measure a straig t ine

    rom t e tip o t e snout to t e extreme tip o t e tai n.

    For verication o engt an species i entication, app icants

    re require to su mit p otograp s not v i eos o t e s wi t

    t eir app ication. Instructions or appropriate p otograp s to

    su mit are as o ows:

    ke clear, color, side view photographs from several different

    ang es. One must c ear y s ow t e s ying on its si e wit

    a ruer or ot er measuring evice p ace esi e t e s .

    Anot er p oto must s ow t e ang er wit t e s . Get close enough so that the image lls the frame. Make sure

    ana an orsa ns are sprea out an visi e.

    If the sh is a shark, photos of the teeth as well as photos of

    t e ea an ac ta en rom a ove must e su mitte a ong

    wit t e si e view p otograp s. e p oto o ea an ac

    s ou c ear y s ow w et er a s ar oes or oes not ave a

    ri ge etween t e orsa ns.

    Photos may be submitted by e-mail or mailed with the

    app ication. Su mitte p otos ecome t e property

    o PWD wit pu ication an teevision rig ts, an

    wi not e returne .A so, a io ogist must veri y t e s species; ot erwise, PWD

    wi not certi y t e recor . I io ogists are una e to i enti y t e

    species o sh rom the photographs taken, TPWD will require

    t e anger to provi e t e s or examination. An a avit o s

    aut enticity wi e require , as we .

    In Louisiana, t e Louisiana Out oor Writers Association

    maintains state recor s. e Louisiana State Fis Recor s

    recognizes catc es rom ot res an sa twater catc es using

    either rod and reel or fy-shing methods only.

    In or er to e consi ere or a state recor , severa gui e ines

    must be ollowed. Applications must be submitted within 0 dayso the catch, and like Texas applicants, all species o sh must be

    i entie y a ioogist.

    pecic to Louisiana app icants, s must e caug t in

    Louisiana waters with access to the general public. Also, sh must

    e caug t y a sporting means on ro , ree an ine or some ot er

    conventiona orm o regu ar s ing tac e.

    nly one person may catch the sh, and only scales inspected

    y t e Louisiana Department o Agricu ture may e use to weig

    t e s .

    nly clear photographs showing the side o the sh rom nose

    to tai an p otograp s s owing ang er an ro ree use to catct e s are accepte wit t e appication.

    Applications are available rom the Louisiana Outdoor Writers

    Association we site. A itiona proce ures regar ing app ications

    are is te urt er t ere , as we .

    or more inormation on Texas or Louisiana state shing

    recor s an app ications proce ures, p ease visit eit er o t e

    o owing we sites:

    ouisiana Outdoor Writers Association:

    ttp: www. aout Recor s LouisianaFis Recor s

    ta i 87 De au t .aspx

    PWD Angler Recognition Program:t tp: www.tpw .state. s oat s programs s recor s

    NOTE: e La ecaster ists certie sca e ocations

    on t e La e Recor s page.

    A water o y recor app ications must e ma e to

    exas Par s an Wi i e. is inc u es any s caug t ont e Louisiana si e o o e o Ben . App ication or a water

    o y recor can e oun at

    B: Alis Hart

    ou your ca ce a ew recor

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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013







  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






    TPWD Takig Public Commet o

    Use of Dogs to Trail Wouded DeerHearigs Slated for Woodville, Lufki ad Hemphill

    A proposal is being considered or 12 counties in East Texas by

    the Texas Parks and Wildlie Department that could allow hunters

    to use dogs to trail a wounded deer. It is a practice that has been

    prohibited in this area o the state since 1990.

    Hunters could use dogs to trail a wounded deer in 12 counties in

    East Texas, a practice that has been prohibited in this area o the

    state since 1990, under a proposal being considered by the Texas

    Parks and Wildlie Department.

    A series o public meetings will be held to provide details o the

    proposal and give the public an opportunity to comment. TheTexas Parks and Wildlie Commission is expected to take action on

    the proposed change at its August 22.

    In 1990 TPWD adopted rules prohibiting the use o dogs to

    trail wounded deer in 34 East Texas counties. The rulemaking

    was necessary because the department determined that dogs were

    being used unlawully to hunt deer, which was causing depletion

    o the resource.

    By 2000, TPWD determined that the practice o using dogs to

    hunt deer had declined to the point o being nonexistent in some

    o those counties and removed the prohibition in 10 o those

    counties. TPWD now believes the prohibition could be lited inan additional 12 counties, including: Harris, Harrison, Houston,

    Jeerson, Liberty, Montgomery, Panola, Polk, Rusk, San Jacinto,

    Trinity, and Walker.

    Details about the proposal, along with an opportunity to provide

    public comment, can be ound online at http://www.tpwd.state.

    deer_dog.phtml . Comment may also be made in writing to Robert

    Macdonald, TPWD Regulations Coordinator, 4200 Smith School

    Rd., Austin, TX 78744, in person at any o the ollowing public

    hearings or at the TPWD annual public hearing on Aug. 21 at 2

    p.m. at the above address.

    TPWD Pblic Hrin Clndr

    All meetings are set to begin at 6 p.m.Tuesday, July 30 in Woodville at the Woodville Elementary

    School Community Room, 306 Kirby Drive.

    Wednesday, July 31 in Lukin at the Angelina County Courthouse

    District Courtroom, 215 East Lukin Avenue.

    Thursday, Aug. 1 in Hemphill at the Sabine County Courthouse

    District Courtroom, 201 Main Street.

    At the conclusion o each public hearing, wildlie ocials willconduct a brie presentation on deer management and regulations

    in the Pineywoods. TPWD sta will present inormation related to

    regulations and data collection and take questions regarding deer

    management, deer hunting and regulations.


    30 Years Experience Fishing Toledo BendSYNDICATED COLUMNIST, PRO ANGLER / GUIDE


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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013




    Aglrs Qst Rabr Idividal # 7

    Brian BranumWins!!

    B Bill & Barbara Lg

    Ju y 7, 2013 - Ang ers Quest 2012 Sam Ray urn In ivi ua # 7

    ut o e Ump rey Pavi ion in Sam Ray urn, X egan t is event

    wit 32 ang ers s owing up to s or t e 2025.00 purse. is

    t event o 2013 was starte as a trai oring event at 5:55 am. e

    weigh in time was conducted at 4:00 pm. Any Individual entering

    o t e Sam Ray urn In ivi ua Series events wi automatica y

    ua i y or t e 2- ay Ray urn In ivi ua C ampions ip. e top

    In ivi ua in points a ter t e series wi e ecare t e Ang er

    t e Year an wi e awar e ree entries to a 2014 Ray urn

    In ivi ua Series events. e In ivi uas entering a 8 Ray urnIn ivi ua ser ies events wi automatica y qua i y or a 3 o t e

    a es In iv i ua Series 2- ay C ampions ips. Any In ivi ua

    ua i ying or any A Q C ampions ip wi e a owe to enter t e

    ournament o C ampions on Octo er 23-27 at o e o Ben .

    Sam Ray urn water was in goo s ape an 2.50 eet e ow

    orma poo eve wit water temps running 80-84 egrees. e

    weather at takeo was 72 degrees with a warming to 9 degrees

    y weig in time. e s catc ing was goo on Big Sam to ay

    s t ere were 9 imits roug t to t e sca es, or a tota o 48 ass

    t 14 .27 lbs making the average bass brought to the scales today

    weig 3.04 s.Brian Branum rom Sam Ray urn, X ran is Ranger Mercury

    ass rig to nort a e areas to catc is ass wit is Fa con ro s

    ippe wi t Santone oot a ea j igs wi t F appy Da y traiers

    in 7-10 t o water. Brian manage to catc many eepers an a

    .10 Big Bass to nis in 1st p ace wit a great ag o ass at

    3.72 s. is ag earne im 1000.00 or is ay on t e water.

    Ran y Despino rom Co ax, LA nis e is ay in 2n wit 5

    ass at 17.48 s an co ecte 450.00.

    Je Wise rom Lu in, X ran is ass rig to nort a e areas

    to catc is ass t rowing Stan ey spinner aits in 2-7 t o water.

    Je manage to catc many eepers to nis in 3r p ace wit

    17.23 lbs and made him $200.00 or his day on the water. Ricky

    Guy rom Hum e, X nis e in 4t wit 5 ass at 17.87 s an

    co ecte 140.00. Keit W ite rom Sam Ray urn, X nis e in

    5th with 17.78 lbs and collected $75.00. The 1st out o the money

    Marte s We ing Wor s R ino Be Liner gi t certicate was given

    to Mar Ric ar or is 5 ass catc o 15.30 s. e entire resu tsrom t is an a A Q events put on y Ang ers Quest can e viewe

    at www.ang

    A Q wou i e to give a specia t an s to our sponsors w o o er

    t e Incentive Bonus o ars or our ang ers in t e Ang ers Quest

    ournament rai , e Foremost e Sa amone Agency,

    e Sam Ray urn Resort, Bow en Marine, Power Po e Captains

    Cas , So ar Bat Sung asses, Marte s R ino Be Liners, Buster

    McNuttys Gi t Car s an PAA mem ers ip onus. P ease rea t e

    qua ications or t ese great incentives on our Ang ers Quest we site.

    Anglers Quest will be back on Lake Houston or the 1 th o 23

    ues ay evening events on Ju y 9t . On Ju y 13t Ang ers Questwi e ac at La e Livingston or t e 7t o 8 Satur ay Series

    events. On July 14th A/Q will be back at Lake Houston or the

    t In ivi ua event o t e year. en A Q wi e ac on La e

    Houston on Juy 20t or t e 7t o t e Satur ay eam events.

    Ang ers Quest in an e ort to increase entries in

    t e In ivi ua Series events on La e Livingston & La e Houston

    as swi tc e t e ates o t e 2 series events to ma e t e In iv i ua

    events not all on the same weekend as the Team events. The 2

    remaining Livingston In ivi ua events wi e on Ju y 21August18. e 2 remaining Houston In ivi ua events wi e on Ju y

    14August 4. We do hope this change does not cause anyone any

    inconveniencewe are trying to ma e t ese 2 series etter or you

    an A Q.

    Ang ers Quest sti accepts cre it car s. Pre enter any event

    an you DO NO ave to report to t e A Q us t e morning o

    t e events. Ca Mr. Bi or Bar ara Long at 281-852-8842 or any

    inormation or entry.

    Brian Branum caught many keeperswhich inclu e a .1 lb ig asso nish in 1s place wi h . lbs.

    an y espino nishe his ayin n w i h bass a 1 . lbs Je Wise

    in rplace wi h17.23 lbs.

    ig bass honorswas won byBrian Branum

    wi h his niceayburn sow

    ha weighe7.10 lbs.


  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






    Ang ers Quest suggest t e use o t ese sponsors pro ucts & services: Automate

    Mai ing So utions, Bow en Marine Sa es & Service, Buster McNuttys, C ec -It Sti ,

    City o Jasper, X-C am er, City o Ona as a, Custom Bui t Awar s, Executive Security

    Integrators, Fis ingWor .com, Foremost Insurance Group, Foster Fence Lt , Freeway

    ruc Sa es, Jasper Economic Deve opment District # 1, Kic apoo Bait & ac e, La e

    Houston Marina, Lone Star Bu et, Marte s We ing Wor s, Nee More ac e, Power

    Po e, Ray urn Country Resort, Roya Purp e Synt etic Oi , Sa ine County ourism,

    So ar Bat Sung asses, Superior Paint Wor s Inc., e Stump Bar & Gri , ri County

    Construction Co. an Vincent ur Farms.

    God B ess & Good Fis ing to a p places in he In ivi ual ayburn ournamen .


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    i s ur ing t emse ves o oc s into open water, sig tseeing

    ami ies, an ass-savvy ang ers s ing or a win.

    Bass-N-Buc s tournament trai woun its way to o e oBends Big Bass Marina Sunday, July 14, with over $5, 00

    o payout. wenty-six teams turne out to compete or t eir

    are o t e winnings.

    Ang ers a unti 4:30 p.m. to ave t eir 5-s imit weig e .

    owing up to t e sca es wit two minutes to spare, t e team o

    cooter C ar an Ryan Pin ston were a smi es. Weig ing in

    t 25.94 s, t e team c aime Sun ays win an 2,500. W en

    s e a out t eir ay, t e team commente t at it went pretty

    we . ey s e in 10-15 t. ept s an caug t an ear y imit.

    A toget er, C ar an Pin ston caug t over 20 s , an ost two

    ig ass ope u s. ey cu e t eir ast eeper aroun 2:50 p.m.

    e team wou i e to t an Farm Bureau Insurance, St. Croix

    ro s, an t eir signicant ot ers.

    Ho ing 1st p ace or most o t e ay, t e team o S ane Gi son

    an Jimmy Jo nson en e up in 2n wit a weig t o 22.45 s.Even t oug t e team wa e away wit 1,250 in winnings,

    t ey s rugge t e ir s ou ers : i s appene to us at t e ast

    tournament! Being in t e money wasnt enoug or t ese guys;

    t ey wante a win. Gi son an Jo nson commente t at it was a

    s ow ay overa , an t at t e s werent rea y iting. ey spent

    most o t eir ay etween t rowing rogs an fipping grass, ut,

    un ortunate y, s ippe rag on severa ig catc es. We ost a ew

    s etween 7 s an 9 s, same as t e ast tournament, t e team

    soemny refecte . e ang ers wou i e to t an Mr. B itz j igs,

    an are ope u or an upcoming win in uture tournaments.

    e team o Step en Jo nston an rent Ho oway came in 3r

    wit an ear y weig -in o 22.12 s. Un ortunate y, t e team a to

    eave t e tournament s ort y t erea ter an was unavaia e or

    comment. ey were awar e 700.

    e 250 Big Bass Payout o t e ay went to t e team o V.

    Buck Lummus and Mitch Stevenson. Weighing in around 4

    p.m. Sun ay, Lummus c aime t e 8.48 . ig ass catc , appi ycommenting t at a t oug t e s were not iting, it was st i a

    goo ay.

    ut o t e twenty-six teams entere , ve en e up in t e money.

    4t p ace nis ers Joe Setina an Lamonte Loy won 500 or

    their 21.40lb. catch. The team o Gerald Granger and Jimmy Sorter

    p ace 5t on t eir 19.95 . cu , an were awar e 400.

    Next up on t e Bass N Buc s 2013 Summer Series trai is

    Sam Ray urns Ju y 27t tournament, provi ing yet anot er

    opportunity or eager ang ers to cu t e winning catc .

    am members Scooter Clark and Ryaninks on ake he win wi h wo minu es o spare

    on he ime clock weighing in a . lbs.

    Even though they slipped drag on a ew big catches,hane ibson an immy ohnson s ill nishe

    s rong wih . lbs., lan ing hem in n place.

    he igBass awardo the daywen o. uck

    Lummusand hiseamma e,i chevenson,

    or animpressive.



  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013




    s summer, an u rogs are ou n roves.

    Wou it na y e t e year we get to atten

    one o t ose e usive u rogging expe itions?It is a tra ition in our ami y t at rog egs are

    a main course in the amily 4th o July party

    at Gran mas ouse, an t e anticipation was

    a most i e C ristmas morning or us. ere was

    a ot o u rog unting to o, an t e gigs came

    out o t e s e s oo ing ran new every year.

    As t e cousins gat ere to ea out on t e unt,

    t e a s an unc es wou say you guys now, i

    you nee a an , we are rea y to go!

    Your Da asnt misse a rog in 25 years

    roy Boy Me vin sai . Yep es rig t! Garyc ime in wit con ence. An t at, rien s,

    was t e start o one o t e greatest tra itions in

    Knoc e ami y istory. W at i we now - we

    were sti in gra e sc oo ! O , an t is was our

    rst rog unt ever. Not t at we were scare .

    We were so excite ! It was Ju y, muggy, an

    pitc ac . e a e came a ive w en t e sun

    went own. Lig tning ugs everyw ere, rogs

    croa ing, an t e constant soun o our a s as

    t ey scoute a ea .

    ey a so were giving us a cras course inroggin. How an w ere to o t e i g t o t e

    fas ig t. Get in ront o im son. Keep t at

    ig t in is eyes! at reezes t em an o s

    t em sti ong enoug to gig im. An a ways

    a wor o encouragemen . rea o oys,

    oing goo . Keep your voices own! ats etter.

    A rig t ere we go. Ho it stea y oys so Garycan get a goo s ot at im. Remem er - e ont


    25 years oys. A rig t o er stea y. Watc

    t is! w o awestruc i s excite y e t eir

    fas ig ts on a ig u rog just i e we were to

    watc ing Ha o Fame rog gigger Gary Knoc e

    so we t oug t get into posit ion or t e i s ot.

    His orm was per ect. e ig ts e stea y on

    our rst victim o t e nig t. Gary raise t e gig,

    which was probably or 7 eet long, and stabbed

    at t e rog rom on y 3 eet away. W at appenenext was t e en o an era. An t e secon o two

    sayings 15 minutes apart t at ave een use on

    every roggin trip since. Loo s i e you misse

    t at one Da ! Garys excuse? I was s owing

    you oys ow not to o it!

    A ter t ey s owe us ow not to o it, t ey

    ma e up or it. We got p enty o rogs. A ter we

    ca e it a nig t Gar y an Me vin in orme t eir

    sons t ey were c eaning t ose rogs. An t ere

    was a specia way to o it. O . No iggie. Unti

    we got to Gary an Ju ys ouse. Frien s, oyou now t ere is a tric to oosening t e s in

    on a u rog ma ing t em easier to c ean? You

    i nt? Prepare to e amaze . Knoc e sty e.

    W at you are a out to rea an witness cant

    e ma e up. e ave n spu a e v eo proo

    or your viewing p easure. e wor s e ow are

    actua quotes rom t e vi eo rom two men w oaug e at t emse ves more t an t ey aug e

    with others. They also gave our amily a tradition

    t at as een passe on to cousins, nieces,

    nep ews, even our own c i ren or goo ness

    sakes! Oh and by the way, or uture reerence,

    we t oug t you s ou now t at in certain

    situations u rogs taste not ing i e c ic en!

    They taste like...well, i you will, nd out or

    yourse ves a ter rea ing t is an watc ing t e

    te ing o t is egen ary story. Wit t at, we give

    you t e two men t at starte it a . Me vin anGary Knoc e. Enjoy.

    Wit opsi e grins an aug ter, our a s

    launched into one o most inamous events in

    Knoc e istory o w at t ey i to us 10 years

    ear ier. Me vin Now t is is a true story!

    (Gary) Well go through the actions! They look

    at eac ot er an start aug ing again, seizing

    t e moment an very prou o t e events t ey

    were recreating.

    Me vin We , our two o est oys wante to

    go roggin, is c est pu e out i e Fog ornLeg orn, so we sai oys - we wi ta e you

    roggin, ut you are gonna o t e s innin. So

    we got a ew t at nig t. Coming ome, I as e

    Brother Bro here (Gary) i he wanted to teach

    t e oys ow to s in rogs. He i nt now w at I

    was ta ing a out, so e says yea . Snic ering,

    e gave t e reins o t e story over to Gary. You

    go a ea an te t em. As Me vin sai t is, e

    and Gary looked over their shoulders at the same

    time. W o nows w at pot t ey a a rea y

    stirre eating 4t o Ju y inner at Gran ma an

    Grandpa Knoches house that day!

    Me vin continue So we went to s in t em.

    Now you go a ea an s ow t em ow I taug t

    the boys to skin rogs. At this point, Melvin

    tagge in Gary, w o a a rea y turne is at

    aroun ac war s as t ey were sit ting on t e

    back porch. It should be noted that the whole

    time Me vin was spinning t is yarn Gary a

    never stoppe eating. An or a reason. O vious y

    our dads had perected their one two punch long

    ago. Gar y too t e an -o cue an i nt s ip a

    eat. is is w ere t e visua ai came into p ay.

    (Holding up a ried chicken breast) Gary:

    We I got a piece o c ic en ere more eartyaug ter now t is may not e appropriate,

    but lets assume, (now here is where the Oscar

    wort y acting comes into p ay a ies an

    genteman! Gary o y rips sai c ic en reast

    in hal) that this is two legs o a chicken.

    I mean a rog. At t is point Gary raises t e

    c ic en t ats suppose to e a u rog to i s

    mouth we taught them how to take that rog...

    an ow up t eir rear!

    A ter Gary puc ere up an ew a quic ar

    breath up the chicken breast he looked rightin t e camera an sai wit aut ority, at

    oosens t e s in up! Gary was rea y wor ing it

    now! It loosens that skin up so... yep it loosens

    t e s in up so you can just pu it r ig t o ! ey

    were on a ro ! Gary t rew it ac to is o er

    brother. They were both cackling now. Continue

    on wit t e story Me vin. Not missing a eat

    e jumps rig t ac in t e sa e. An is wi e

    caught us and she raised all kinds o heck and

    s e sai you guys aint ta ing t em oys rog

    unting no more! Everyone sti wit us? Goodeal. At this point Keith, a cousin rom Wisconsin

    w o was vi eoing t is con ession pipe in an we

    quote: Very narrow min e ! o w ic ot o

    our Dads said at the same time Yeah I know it!

    The firsT frog hunTShooting the Breeze

    By L.D. and Troy Knoche



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  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013





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    and These women just dont want to have no

    understanding! Gary was still eating so Melvin

    continued their Hall o Fame story.

    So the next summer our two youngest boys

    wanted to go with us and our two oldest boys

    (that would be us) said WERE gonna teach

    them how to skin rogs! That later resulted in

    my wie catching our two younger boys doing

    like a trumpeteer! Melvins reenactment o ourlittle brothers Dustin and Kevin blowing up a

    bullrogs backside made or interesting audio

    entertainment. Garys version o us doing it was

    WAY better. Not that we are proud o being better

    at it. Anyway the Knoche Brothers story ended

    with and there aint been no rog hunting

    since in our amily. Gary deadpans the amily

    tradition is gone! with his brother sadly shaking

    his head adding no understanding what so ever!

    Used to have a heck o a lot o un. Gary jumps

    back in we were gonna carry this tradition on

    orever and ever! Now they are talking over each

    other smiling Pass it down rom generation

    to generation! But these dang women just

    dont understand! Including Aunt Lou! Gary

    hollered good naturedly at our Great Aunt, who

    was walking by.

    And that riends, in a nutshell is Froggin...

    the Knoche Way! As told by our Dads Gary and

    Melvin Knoche. To say they ed o o each other

    is an understatement. Thats what a tight knit

    amily does. They were tough men, tough on

    their kids, and each other but thats what made

    all o us so close. They were jokesters too and

    loved to have un. They may be gone but their

    memories, traditions and legacy never will.Well, writing this brings back memories and

    then we realized that maybe or 25 years the gigs

    didnt even come out o the car. Thats why Gary

    didnt miss any! Little things like this are over

    looked when you are excited, and i we wouldve

    brought it up to Uncle Melvin we would probably

    just get that little Melvin smile letting you know

    that you were right. Hed never tell you.

    THougHT o THe Day:

    y will lrn mr rm sin wht

    is riht in rnt instd lkin

    rnd t s wht is hd. It is btil

    wrld. Dnt miss it.

    Cm t r cmpfr nd snd s

    lin! [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013




    B Bb Bakr (Txas Parks ad Wildlif Dpartt)

    Feral hogs i Texas

    Feral hogs have become part o the Texas Landscape. They are

    an invasive species t at as one an incre i e jo o inva ing.

    ey can e o cia y oun in a most every county at east 230

    o 254 in t e state. ose t at ont soon wi ave i t ey arentt ere a rea y . is is t e cause o many pro ems estruction o

    property an oss o income an some income rom unting . is

    artic e wi iscuss some o w at is nown a out era ogs in exas.

    Hogs are not native to exas. ey were roug t in to exas

    as a major oo source y ear y exp orers an sett ers. Hogs were

    origina y rom Europe an Asia. It as een estimate t at ogs

    have been in Texas since the 1 80s. Once here many escaped or

    various reasons an ecame era wi . In a ition ogs ave

    een roug t in or unting purposes as t ey are a c a enging

    quarry an ma e goo ta e are. ere are now estimate to e

    more t an 2 mi ion ogs in exas more t an 50% o t e ogs int e US . Javeinas w ic are native to exas are not reate to

    era ogs an are in a comp ete y i erent ami y o mamma s.

    e io ogy o ogs is interesting. e most prominent co or

    o era ogs is a soi ar ac , ut can e many i erent

    co ors an patterns. Most ogs wi average etween 130 an

    140 pounds when ully grown, but can reach sizes o over 400

    poun s. Hogs can repro uce as ear y as mont s, ut on average

    wait unti 8-10 mont s o age. A c utc o pig ets contains on

    average 4- piglets, but in older sows (emale) can be as large

    as 10-13 pig ets. e pig ets ave approximate y a 1:1 sex ratio.

    e gestation perio o ogs is aroun 11 ays. is means t atogs cou ave 2 itters per year, an on average wi ave a out

    1.5 itters per year ea ing to t e potentia or rapi popu ation

    increases. Soun ers a group o pigs usua y range in size rom

    2-20 but can be as large as 40-50. A sounder is generally made

    p o severa sows an t eir young. Boars ma es genera y are

    o itary except uring ree ing. e i e expectancy o ogs in

    he wild average 4-5 years, but they can live as long as 8 years.

    Most o t e morta ity occurs in young ogs an once t ey reacmaturity ave ew pre ators. Humans are t e main pre ator.

    ogs especia y oars orm a s ie on t e s i es o t e ront

    ou ers as t ey mature. e s ie can e as t ic as 2 inc es

    is ma e o carti age, scar tissue rom fg ting , at, an t ic

    oug s in. Hogs are omnivorous eat meat an p ants an wi

    at w atever t ey can get. eir majority o t eir iet is vegetation

    acorns, roots, tu ers, an or s . Hogs are particu ar y on o

    gricu tura row crops. eir iet wi s i t t roug out t e year

    ase on w at resources are avaia e.

    Hogs are t e source o extensive amages across t eir range.

    ey cause an estimate 52 mi ion o ars o amages everyyear in t e state o exas. is comes in many i erent orms

    inc u ing crop amage, ee er amage, encing, an a itat

    estruction. Increasing y t is appens in ur an areas in t e

    orm o ve ic e co ision, awn estruction, an an scaping

    estruction. Lan owners are resource u an ave come up wit

    many inventive ways to recoup osses. e main ways are t roug

    easing unting rig ts, trapping, an se ing ive ogs to permitte

    o ing aci ities. Ho ing aci ities must e icense t roug t e

    exas Anima Hea t Commission www.ta . Fera

    ogs can e t e source or some iseases No not t e swine fu ,

    n some o t ese can e transmitte to umans. Diseases t at aret e most concern inc u e swine ruce osis, pseu ora ies, an

    u aremia. O t e t ree isease mentione on y one tu aremia

    is transmitta e to umans. e ot er two iseases are o great

    oncern to wi i e ivestoc as t ey can potentia y cause ie-o s.

    Hogs ave a arge presence in exas an are ma ing t at igger

    every ay. ey o t is t roug eing a aptive in t eir a itat

    nee s, ig ree ing potentia , an ac o pre ators on mature

    anima s. Hogs are a major source o amage an are espise

    y many in t e state. ey can cause amage t roug ee ing

    e aviors, interactions wit umans, an isease. Next mont ,

    t e artic e wi iscuss contro met o s an ow to mitigate t e

    pro em. More in ormation can e oun on t e exas Par s anWi i e Departments we site www.tpw . o n t e

    pu ications, scro own to t e ottom o t e page an oo or

    pu ications in t e ist un er t e resources ea ing.




    Your tournament

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013







    PuMPkin ice creaM


    2 cups heavywhipping cream

    1-1/2 cups canned

    pumpkin 1 cup packed

    brown sugar 1 t aspoon

    ground ginger 1 t aspoon

    ground cinnamon 1 t aspoon

    vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon

    ground cloves


    In a lar e bowl,combine all ingredients;stir until the sugaris dissolved. Fillcylinder of ice creamfreezer two-thirds full;freeze accordingto manufacturersdirections.

    Refrigerate remainingmixture until ready tofreeze. Transfer to a freezercontainer; freeze for 2-4hours before serving.Yield: about 1 quart.

    Milky Way ice creaM


    16 ounces Milky Way candy bars quart heavy whipping cream,

    ivided 4 eggs 6 cups cold milk

    package (3.9 ounces) instanthocolate fudge pudding mix

    package (3.4 ounces) instantanilla pudding mix

    dIrectI ns

    In a lar e saucepan, melt candybars with 2 cups cream. Beat eggs

    nd remaining cream. Whisk intohocolate mixture. Cook and stir over

    low heat until mixture reaches atleast 160 and coats the back of ametal spoon. Remove from the heat.

    ool quickly by placing pan in abowl of ice water; stir for 2 minutes.In a bowl, whisk milk and puddingmixes for 2 minutes. Let stand for 2minutes or until soft-set. Fold into

    hocolate mixture. Press plastic wrapnto surface of custard. Refrigerate

    for several hours or overnight.Fill cylinder of ice cream freezertwo-thirds full; freeze according tothe manufacturers directions.

    Refriger te remaining mixture untilready to freeze. When ice cream isfrozen, transfer to a freezer container;freeze for 2-4 hours before serving.

    Yield: about 3 quarts.

    **Recipes provided courtesy of Taste of Home magazine.

    Find more great recipes at www.afhm.m

    g!! DiD you know that if a Lakecasterpho ographer has taken your picture at anevent, you can get a copy of it?the great news is that we have an archive of

    vent photos Dating back to2008 available online.

    y mm

    d z. Dd d j ,

    , d d,

    m , , m .

    d l d ld l, ll 09-384-3441 d ll


    Its so easy!Its so easy!

    Step 1:Go to

    Step 2:Scroll down and click on the camera.It says Order your fshing tournamentphotos to the side o it.

    Step 3:Choose the year on thelet side o the page youare looking or, then thetournament under that year.

    Step 4:Browse through the photos in thatalbum until you locate the picture you

    ould like and click on it.

    Step 5:

    A selection o how you would like your photoproduct appears under the picture. Makeyour selection and proceed to check out!

    Your tournament


    are available online



  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






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    b pro gide, Joe Joslin

    CoLLege aND HIgH SCHooL BaSS TeaMS

    oN THe RISe

    Hello, Anglers. Fishing teams rom colleges,

    middle schools and high schools across the

    country are growing in number by leaps and

    bounds. This is very exciting to me as a pro

    angler to see the next generations loving and

    embracing the same sport that I have enjoyed

    or so many years. Weve always had young

    anglers out there but not with the excitment and

    organization that is currently trending. Many

    o these young anglers are also starting to sh

    tournaments and include both girls and guys.

    While the college teams were the rst to start to

    organize about 7-8 years ago, high school teams

    have organized somewhat dierently with state

    bass shing organizations leading the way.One o the rst states to have a strong state

    organization was surprisingly not a southern

    state but Illinois which was one o the rst

    to have state wide organizations or young

    anglers with competitive events. This soon led

    to a national championship event with teams

    qualiying in their home states in order to have

    the honor o shing in the National High School


    A prime example o such a young local

    angler who had rather bass sh than just about

    anything is Cole Moore o Anacoco, LA. Although

    Moore is just an 8th grader, he has a lot o

    shing experience under his belt. Recently he

    won the 11-14 age Division in the Louisiana

    TBF State Tournament held on Toledo Bend

    which qualied him to sh the National TBF

    Tournament in August.

    Other recent accomplishments included

    catching an 8.36 pound bass in the Toledo Sealy

    Big Bass Splash where he nished 5th over-all.

    He also is a member o East Leesville(Louisiana)

    Bass Club where he won Co-Angler o The Year

    honors in 2012 plus he also has shed some

    o the national Fishers O Men tournaments

    where he was very competitive. We congratulatethis ne young angler and wish him well in the

    national tournament.

    AUTHOR INFO:Joe Joslin is a syndicated

    outdoor columnist, tournament angler and

    pro guide on Toledo and Sam Rayburn.

    Contact him at 337-463-3848 or e-mail at

    [email protected] or website Cole Moore, up and coming 8th grade angler rom Anacoco,LA with part o his heavy catch rom a recent tournament.

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    Area Club Updates

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






    arry c erson won e any

    ass u s u y ournamen w a

    s m a we g e . poun s.

    Dickerson caught his sh in the mid

    lake and 1215 area o Toledo Bendusing a Carolina rig and fipping a jig

    in 14 to 20 eet o water. Louis Lee

    was the second place winner with a 5

    s s r nger we g ng . poun s

    n m x ey c a me r p ace

    w ano er s s r nger we g ng

    . poun s. ous ee was e

    g ass w nner w a . un er

    aug near o ans camp.

    o a o s were caug

    weg ng s or an average swe g o . s.

    ammy ong was e a y nger

    winner or July. Three times a year,

    April/July/October, the Many Bass

    Club sponsors a Lady Angler and

    uest tournament that coincides with

    the monthly club tournament. Tammy

    urren y ea s e a y ng er o e

    ear compe on gong n o e na

    ournamen o e year n c o er.

    Larry Dickerson wonwith a 5 fsh limit that

    weighed 15.07 pounds.

    Louis Lee won 2ndwith a 5 fsh stringer

    weighing 14.83 pounds.

    Tim Oxley claimed thirdplace with a 5 fsh stringer

    weighing 10.64 pounds.

    ere ong .m amp e . 1arvey owar .1ou s ee .c ar .

    George Herr 68.35Bob Sel 60.05Skip Carlisle 58.26Je Da is .Clay Ivy .

    op Ten YTD2013 Year End


    The Hunchback is an exciting w ke bait that runs about1/2" under the surace, producing a w ke behind the lure as it

    wiggles back and orth. The patented shape produces a truly

    unique action, like a baitfsh lost rom its school.

    This lure is perect or the pro or beginning angler that w nts

    to get an action similar to a w lk the dog lure

    without jerking the rod tip. Simply retrieve

    the lure slowly and the Hunchback does the

    rest. Features a loud rattle and black nickel

    coated Owner wide gap hooks. AnArrAyofcolors.

    . tr

    SPORtSMANS BASS CLuBThe Sportsmans

    Bass Club o

    ou wes ou s ana

    e e r annua open

    eam n g ournamen

    n u y ou o

    g ass ar na on

    o e o en . eams

    ompee n e pm

    am even .

    The Sportsmans

    Bass Club would

    like to thank all o

    the anglers who

    participated, and

    would also like to

    thank all o the

    ponsors w o ma e

    s even poss e.

    1s . s ane ey aron ro er

    n . s n ony emmens erry ummers

    r 1. s ar an we ary roa way

    1 . s ason ra o er ra

    1 . s a e osne arry r mes

    1 . 1 s oug c ysm anny er

    1 . 1 s mmy o on av ar n

    1s g ass 11. s hane Gilley / Aaron Strother

    2nd Big Bass .47 lbs Larry Byrd / Dave Bushnell

    Winners were:

    Sportsmans Bass Club winners



    Sam Rayburn Tournament Schedule


  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013






    3 Patriots Challenge JaCkson hill

    10 anglers Quest team #8 umPhrey Pavilion

    10 Bass n BuCks summer series twin Dikes

    11 anglers Quest inDiviDual #8 umPhrey Pavilion

    17 & 21 Port arthur ChemiCal Bass CluB mill Creek

    17 southern outDoor ProDuCtions tournament twin Dikes

    31 anglers Quest inDiviDual ChamPionshiP Day 1 umPhrey PavilionsePTeMBer

    1 anglers Quest inDiviDual ChamPionshiP Day 2 umPhrey Pavilion

    7-8 Bassmaster weekenD series umPhrey Pavilion

    14-15 BFl - CowBoy Division umPhrey Pavilion

    14 southern outDoor ProDuCtions tournament twin Dikes

    21 Blt v & m Fall Division umPhrey Pavilion

    21 Patriots Challenge - oPen ChamPionshiP JaCkson hill

    28 anglers Quest team ChamPionshiP Day 1 umPhrey Pavilion

    29 anglers Quest team ChamPionshiP Day 2 umPhrey PavilionoCToBer

    3-5 everstart series - texas Division umPhrey Pavilion5 Flw College Division umPhrey Pavilion

    5 Blt v & m Fall series twin Dikes

    11-12 rayBurn oilmens ClassiC umPhrey Pavilion

    12-13 BnB & Blt ChamPionshiP Cassells Boykin

    12 & 16 Port arthur ChemiCal Bass CluB 255 PuBliCnoVeMBer

    9 Patriots Challenge JaCkson hill

    9-10 Blt v & m Fall series umPhrey Pavilion

    23 Patriots Challenge JaCkson hill

    30 Blt v & m ChamPionshiP umPhrey PavilionDeCeMBer

    14 Patriots Challenge JaCkson hill


    25 C.a.s.t. southeast Cassells Boykin


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    LakecaFishig Forecast

  • 7/27/2019 LakeCaster August 2013







    Lake level informationupdated daily at

    Lake level as of 07/23/13(160.58)Normal pool level


    For lake level updatesand generation schedules,

    call 409-384-5716.

    Fishig Forecast

    Lynn Atkinsoncell 979-220-0251

    Reel Um N GuideService,

    August 2013 and the heat is on hereon Big Sam with plenty o summerun or everyone.

    Big Sam has been in great shapeas ar as the water level or the yeareven with the small amount o rainallwe have had. The water has just begunto drop slowly as the days get longerand the summer sun turns on the heat.Sam Rayburn is a big lake with 114,000acres to play and explore with lots ogreat cover or the bass to hide in.

    Now here are some tips or shingon Sam Rayburn. The top water bitehas been a little tough to get startedthis year but with all the lily pads,peppergrass and hydrilla its going to

    happen. There are a lot o baits thatcome to mind but the Stanley Ribbitis one that stays on top o my list.Throwing a Ribbit into thick cover;pulling it across slowly; waiting to havesome Monster Bass try to take it awayrom me is awesome! It can be heart

    pounding when they blow up on it. Nowhere are a couple more oldies that haveproven their catching ability over theyears. Buzz Bait, Pop-R and Spook Jr.These oldies have caught sh all overthe world and still are avorites withmany shermen.

    These are also good to catch some othe schoolies that will be out chasingshad o the main lake points andhumps. These schoolies can be a lot oun or everyone and can sometimessave a hard day on the lake when thebass have lockjaw. The crank baits andspinner baits will be good around thegrass edges and o the points early andlate, and you can cover lots o water

    looking or active sh. Look or somebass to hang out o the long pointsand ledges in 8 to 20 t o water or thesummer. Thats where you switch overto Carolina or Texas rig and do a lot odragging. Stanley jig has a new castingjig we have been using around the grass

    edges to get some o the sh to bite. Itsbeen working pretty good with just alight tap to bring it through the grass. Iyou dont have a ew you need to checkthem out, the hookup has been great.Lets not orget the Stanley ootballjig as its a great tool to catch sh allyear around o the ledges and oshorestructure.

    Crappie will be out around most othe stumps this time o year. Movingrom stump to stump can put somenice slabs in the boat. The 147 bridgewill still put out some nice sh andyou can stay in the shade most o theday. Crappie shing this time o yearcan be a lot o un or everyone as you

    catch everything rom catsh, bass andperch out there. Grab the kids, come onand enjoy the great outdoors. I have apontoon boat to handle up to 8 anglerswith plenty o shade.

    Thanks and God Bless

    Well here we are at the rst oAugust; yes it is hot but this time o theyear is also known or hot top wateraction, perhaps the best o the year.Because its also about time to send thekids back to school, its also time to getthose last minute vacations and trips tothe lake in.

    As long as there are not aternoonthunderstorms built up, the school basswill get going rom about 2 PM untilabout an hour beore dark. The best

    baits or the schooling bass are any kindo shad or clear color top water baits,like a Spook, Spittin-King, or YellowMagic. When the bass are not hittingthe top its good to use a shad coloredcrankbait like a Strike King 3 or 5 XDand sh under them. This is also whenyour slab spoon will come into play.Keep in mind that when the bass quithitting the top they dont go back to thebottom they just suspend and wait oranother ball o bait to come over the

    top o their heads and then they run thebait back to the top and its on again,so make sure that when you jig or cast

    your spoon that you dont let it hit thebottom, but rather keep it up in theirstrike zone. This is a great opportunityto use your Humminbird 2D and DownImage. Find the sh on your unit andnotice what depth they are hangingat, this is the depth that you want yourspoon to be in. While shing theseschools, you nd that there are lots owhite bass and yellow bass (bar sh)mixed in with the black bass, so youllget a mixed bag and lots o great action

    all around!I hot aternoon shing isnt your

    thing, there will be some top wateraction happening or the rst hourat day light and again about an hourbeore dark, but remember most o thetime it doesnt last long. Its best to starto with a Yellow Magic, Spittin-King orSpook on the edge o the pepper grass oraround the pads. Then you can switchto a Texas rigged V&M R-Ringer wormand work it on the deep edge o the

    pepper grass or the pads. Middle divingcrankbaits also work great out a littledeeper rom the pepper grass and pads.

    Your best baits are Strike King 3 XDor Norman Baby N in a shad or perchcolor. Ater this, you can move out tomain lake points or ridges and crank aStrike King 6 or 10 XD or continue touse your Texas rigged R-Ringer. Theseareas are also great places to drag aCarolina rig hooked up with a V&Mworm.

    Have a great time on the lake thismonth, but do take care in the heat .. . drink plenty o water BEFORE you

    eel thirsty! When you need a breakrom the heat, or i you need to re-loadon hot baits and worms, be sure tostop by Needmore Tackle on Hwy 255;they have new stock arriving and willhook you up with what you need onBig Sam. For more inormation or tobook a trip with me or Sam Rayburnor Toledo Bend, ollow us on Facebook( Johnston s Guide Service) or email usat: [email protected].

    Stephen Johnston,Cell# 409-579-4213

    Johnstons GuideService


    Mid Lake & South Ed



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