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Landscape, The City and WasteDavid Bromley

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Concept for LandscapeMy concept for Landscape is about how we consume food and the never-ending high demand for it and because of this high demand producers use artificial methods to cope with demand e.g. growing food on an industrial scale in carefully controlled environmental conditions such as artificial lighting and temperatures to maximise space and yield and because of this I think that the food we eat is becoming artificial. To visually translate my ideas I want to photograph plastic play food on a plate in a field to emphasize this idea of the food being artificial and to show how food should be grown in the earth.

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Mind Map for Landscape

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Research : Landscape Frans Synders

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Research : LandscapeSimone Nieweg

I chose to reference Nieweg because she relates well to project because of the angle she photographs her images in this series, the most significant thing I have learnt from this work are the weather and lighting conditions which have played an important part in my final images.

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Research : LandscapeFreya Najade

I chose to reference Najade because of the similarity of my theme to hers which fits really well within my project. The most significant thing I have learnt from this series is the sense of distance and the creation of lines.

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Research : LandscapeHannah Collins

I chose to reference Collins because she works well with my project because of the camera distance of her photographs in this series. Moreover the most significant thing I have learnt from this series is about the mix of different camera distance within her work

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Contextual Research

Food price crisis: What crisis?: food banks serving record numbers:, Technology Key Players in Future of Food Production:

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Location ScoutingNewmafruit

Broad Oak

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Test Shoot 1

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Test Shoot 2

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Test Shoot 3

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Test Shoot 4

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Test Shoot 5

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Final Prints Landscape

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Evaluation for LandscapeIn this project I have explored how high demand for food has dramatically changed the way that our food is produced. My understanding of the issues is that producers are struggling to keep up with demand for food and have to change the way they produce food by growing it under artificial conditions rather than using older traditional methods of producing it. However, people in third world countries are starving while we still have this high demand for food. I wanted to photograph plastic play food to show how artificial our food is becoming, I wanted to photograph on an overcast day to have even lighting in my photographs, I wanted to photograph using a shallow depth of field to draw the viewer into the photograph and wanted to photograph at that height and angle to show vastness of the environment I am photographing in. I believe that my visual choices and idea translate into my final images because what I have learnt from referencing photographers such as Freya Najade, Hannah Collins and Simone Nieweg and the test shoots that I have done. The most challenging thing in this project has been waiting for the ideal weather / lighting conditions I wanted to shoot in, In future to resolve this I need to take weather/ lighting opportunities when they present themselves. I feel that to improved I could of experimented with different plastic play food to have a more varied range of photographs.

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Concept for CityMy Concept for City is about how a city is fragmented because of the rapid growth of Urbanization of Small Town/ Cities. To show this fragmentation I will be using double exposures in my photographs which goes against the very nature of photography. This project will be very experimental because I will be under and overexposing my shots to show this domination of urban elements within my photographs .

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Mind Map for City

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Research for CityAlexey Titenrenko

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Research for CityYenny Huber: 48 Hours

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Research for CityYenny Huber: Urban Rooms

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Research for CityHans Malm: Forecast

I chose to reference Malm because of his work with double exposures which relates well with my project. The most significant thing I have learnt from this work is being really experimental with double exposures and to just shoot and not think.

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Research for City Jason Evans:

I chose to reference Evans because of his work with double exposures which relates well with my project. The most important thing I have learnt from this work is how to experiment with under and overexposing different elements within the photograph to get the desired effect

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Research for CityLee Friedlander

I chose to reference Friedlander because of how he separates different elements within the frame which relates well with my project. The most important thing I have learnt from this work is how an Image can be separated into individual images with the use of lines.

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Contextual Research• Green Belt Land cover 13% of land area in the UK• Today the Green belt is 32,000 hectares smaller than It was in

2003• Nick Bowels the Planning Minister for the Government says

that 1,500 square miles of Open Countryside will be needed to build housing to keep up with the demand.

• The Urban Population of the UK is nearly 80% •


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Contextual Research

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35mm Double Exposure Test

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City Test Shoot 1

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City Test Shoot 2

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City Test Shoot 3

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City Test Shoot 4

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Final Prints for City

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Evaluation for City In this project I have been looking at the rapid growth of Urbanization. My understanding of this issue is that more land is needed to build housing for the ever-growing population of small towns and cities and that urbanization is going to continue until we run out of space to keep building structures on it. As I said before this project has been very experimental and the only photographic choices I have made is to under and overexpose my images during shooting to show the dominance of urban elements . . I did not make any plan to photograph what I photographed, I just walked around and photographed without much thought process. I chose to use trees in the majority of my double exposure images because I find they have this omnipresent quality of nature to them. I think that my final images visually translate my ideas because I purposely overexposed the man made elements in my images to make them seem dominant and underexpose the natural elements to make them seem submissive and from the photographers I have researched such as Hans Malm, Jason Evans and Lee Freidlander. The thing that I found most challenging was trying to re-create the images I made for testing purposes. This could be improved by taking more time to think about what I should photograph

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Concept for Waste My concept for waste is about how inhabited spaces change e.g. how the Family Home has changed when events happen as children moving out, spouses dying and asking the question is this space still a family home when most of the people living there have gone? I have chosen to visually translate this idea in my mother's family home where she and her sisters have moved out years ago and my grandmother who died in 2001 and only my grandfather is left still living there. I want to photograph rooms in the house that are unused and devoid of human presence to emphasize this idea of Memory and I want to play with overexposing parts of my photographs to represent these memories fading.

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Mind Map for Waste

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Research for WasteOyvind Hjelman

I chose to reference Hjelman because this series relates to my project because of how he photographs home interiors. The most important things I have learnt from this work is working with natural lighting and framing my photographs.

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Research for WastePhillip Toledano

I chose to reference Toledano because his work has a similar theme to my concept for this project. The most important thing I have learnt from this series is paying attention to detail within my images

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Research for Waste Dwayne Michals

I chose to reference Michals because of the similar theme to his work to my concept. The most important thing I have learnt from this work is how to play with this idea of Death and Memory

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Research for WasteBreda Beban

I chose to reference Beban because this series is similar to my concept for this project. The most important thing I have learnt from this work is photographing in different parts of the home.

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Research for WasteJessica Backhaus

I chose to reference Backhaus because the series is similar to my concept for this project. The most important thing I have learnt from this series is how to shoot a peculiar angles and paying attention to detail

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Contextual Research Death: Death is the permanent end of biological function in an organism. It is a natural part of life and we will all die eventually. Death has not always been feared, In Medieval times It was more accepted to discuss because of high mortality rates. Death has been associated with many objects such as Skulls, Birds and Books

Memory: Memory is an Organisms ability to store, retain and recall information. There are two types of Memory, Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory.

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Waste Test Shoot 1

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Waste Shoot 2

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Waste Test Shoot 3

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Waste Test Shoot 4

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Waste Test Shoot 5

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Final Prints

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Evaluation for WasteThroughout this project I have been looking at how the family home has changed when it is not being used as it should and therefore going to waste. My understanding of this issue is that when people move on or die the space won’t be thought as the same as previously thought as when there is a human presence in that space. I think that my visual choices and ideas translate into my final images because of the photographers I have referenced such as Jessica Backhaus, Oyvind Hjelman, Phillip Toledano, Dwayne Michals and Brenda Beban and the test shoots I have taken.The photographic choices I have made in my final images is that I wanted to overexpose my images to emphasize this notion of the memories that were once in the spaces are fading. To improve this I think I would of needed to overexpose the whole of image when photographing rather than just part of the image, but I think that just overexposing the window part works better because it shows how the memories start to fade. The most challenging part of this project was trying to get the overexposure right in my images when shooting and In future I should try shooting on a slower shutter speed to brighten the photographs and also to improve I need to expand on my contextual research for this project.
