Page 1: Lanthony 15-Hue Desaturated Test for Screening of Early Color Vision Defects in Uncomplicated Juvenile Diabetes

Jpn J Ophthalmol 45, 607–611 (2001)© 2001 Japanese Ophthalmological Society 0021-5155/01/$–see front matterPublished by Elsevier Science Inc. PII S0021-5155(01)00413-0


Lanthony 15-Hue Desaturated Test for Screening of Early Color Vision Defects in Uncomplicated Juvenile Diabetes

Cristiano Giusti

Institute of Ophthalmology, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy


To identify the most appropriate test for screening of early color vision abnormali-ties in uncomplicated juvenile diabetes.


Enrolled in this study were 39 diabetic adolescents, characterized by optimalEarly Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study criteria for visual acuity, transparent dioptricmeans and angiographically normal retinas. Color vision was examined with StandardPseudoisochromatic Plates (Part 2, SPP2), Roth 28-Hue Test (R28), Farnsworth-Munsell100-Hue Tests (FM100), and Lanthony 15-Hue Desaturated Test (L15). Color confusionscore (CCS) and desaturation angle (DSAT) were measured on L15 only. Thirty-nine nor-mal subjects served as a control group. Poor metabolic control was an exclusion criteria.


CCS was significantly higher in the patients than in the controls (37.8

11.1 vs 0


.001) and normal scores were found in only 4 diabetic patients. DSAT values werespread, not showing a well-defined axis of the defect. The results of FM100 were clinically re-liable but affected by a longer execution time. R28 and SPP2 demonstrated a low sensitivity,as all patients scored normally with both tests.


Impaired color vision is a common observation even in patients with uncompli-cated juvenile diabetes. Our results indicate that L15 is the most suitable test for screeningof early color vision abnormalities in these subjects.

Jpn J Ophthalmol 2001;45:607


© 2001 Japanese Ophthalmological Society

Key Words:

Adolescence, color vision, diabetic retinopathy, juvenile diabetes, Lanthony

15-Hue Desaturated Test.


Early diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy (DR), byfar the most frequent complication of diabetes,


canslow its progression and help to prevent blindness.


Impaired hue discrimination is a common obser-vation among participants enrolled in the EarlyTreatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS)


:in particular, a tritan-like defect is usually prominentand increases in magnitude with increasing severityof macular edema. Therefore, color vision measure-ments have also been suggested for early detectionof changes in visual function in diabetic patients.


Although hue discrimination in diabetic subjectswithout retinopathy or with only microaneurysms

has been reported to not differ significantly fromcontrols,


other studies disagree, concluding, on thecontrary, that diabetic patients show abnormal re-sults in color vision tests


and a tritanopic reductionin chromatic-contrast threshold


when comparedwith normal controls. However, color vision testingcould not distinguish between type 1 diabetic pa-tients with and without retinopathy.


Recently, eventhough it cannot be considered a test for chromaticdiscrimination, blue-on-yellow perimetry has beensuggested as a useful and sensitive tool for detectionof preclinical visual field defects in diabetic childrenwith microalbuminuria but without clinically detect-able retinopathy.


In light of all these findings, the aim of the presentstudy was to determine, in a well-characterizedgroup of uncomplicated juvenile diabetic patients,whether or not significant color vision abnormalities

Received: January 11, 2001Correspondence and reprint requests to: Cristiano GIUSTI,

MD, Via Cassia 1280 (Pal. B1, int. 10), I-00189 Rome, Italy

Page 2: Lanthony 15-Hue Desaturated Test for Screening of Early Color Vision Defects in Uncomplicated Juvenile Diabetes


Jpn J OphthalmolVol 45: 607–611, 2001

existed even in the absence of DR and, in this case,which test was most suitable for clinical screening,combining accuracy and sensitivity with a short exe-cution time.

Materials and Methods

Thirty-nine carefully selected postpubertal diabeticadolescents (15 male and 24 female; mean age


8.2 years), regularly attending the Center forthe Study of Diabetes (Institute of Internal MedicineII, University of Rome “La Sapienza”) and classifiedaccording to the National Diabetes Data Group cri-teria,


were enrolled. Selection was made by thesame diabetologist on the basis of the following in-clusion criteria: type 1 insulin-dependent diabetesmellitus, as evidenced by deficient C-peptide secre-tion; duration of the disease longer than 5 years;good metabolic control lasting more than 3 months(HbA


7%). Thirty-nine healthy normal subjects,age- and sex-matched, served as a control group.

Exclusion criteria were poor metabolic control(HbA


7%), “borderline” hypertension (

140/90mm Hg), DR, smoking habit, pregnancy, cataract,aphakia or pseudophakia, intraocular pressure

21mm Hg, refractive error

4 D, or other systemicdiseases.

For all patients we recorded: sex, age at examina-tion, age at diagnosis of diabetes, duration of diabe-tes, metabolic control, therapy, blood pressure.None of our subjects was taking medication otherthan subcutaneous human insulin (regular and long-acting).

Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA


) was deter-mined spectrophotometrically using reagents fromBio-Rad (Richmond, CA, USA) on 3 mL of blooddrawn into evacuated siliconized tubes containingEDTA. The nondiabetic range used was 4.0–6.0%.In order to determine serum glucose and other meta-bolic parameters, blood was drawn into evacuatedsiliconized tubes and measurements were made byan autoanalyzer (Boehringer Mannheim, FRG) us-ing enzymatic methods.

The absence of microalbuminuria (30–300 mgday


: Albustix-Ames, Miles, Elkhart, IN, USA) wasconfirmed in at least three samples of early morningurine collected in a 6-month period in the absence ofinfections or other renal diseases.


Blood pressureand serum creatinine concentrations were deter-mined in order to evaluate renal function.

All necessary ethical approvals were obtainedfrom the University Ethics Committee, and thestudy itself was conducted in compliance with the

Declaration of Helsinki. All subjects were fully in-formed about the nature of the study and, thereafter,gave their written consent.

All patients underwent a careful ophthalmologicalexamination that included best corrected ETDRSvisual acuity, applanation tonometry, and retinal bio-microscopy using high positive power precorneallenses (Super Field and

78D Volk Lenses). Retin-ography and fluorescein angiography (HeidelbergRetina Angiograph, FRG) were performed in orderto ensure that only subjects with angiographicallynormal retinas were included in this study. Hue dis-crimination was examined by four different tests: (a)a more rapid test: The Ichikawa-Hukami-Tanabe-Kawakami Standard Pseudoisochromatic Plates foracquired color vision defects (Part 2, SPP2). Theseare 10 test plates (the first 2 are intended for dem-onstration only) in which a matrix of dots are ar-ranged to form a number in the center. The dotsmaking up the numbers are visible to people withnormal color vision but are confused with adjacentcolors by those who are blue/yellow or red/green de-ficient. (b) three more accurate tests, in which a se-ries of colored tiles—28 in the Roth 28-Hue Tests(R28), 84 in the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue Tests(FM100) and 15 in the Lanthony 15-Hue Desatu-rated Test (L15)—are arranged in separate trays.The trays of tiles are taken one at a time and jum-bled; thereafter, the patient is asked to rearrangethe tiles in chromatic order. The misalignment ofthe tiles from their correct position is then scoredand marked on a standard chart, and the greater thedisplacement the higher the score. On L15 only,whose color tiles are characterized by a lower satu-ration and a higher brightness, color confusion score(CCS) and desaturation angle (DSAT) were mea-sured using an Apple-Macintosh program (softwareby K. Huie, University of California—Berkeley,Berkeley, CA, USA). According to the regulationsof the Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage(CIE), which recommends a standard D


illumina-tion for color vision testing (color temperature of6504 K, close to daylight), all tests were performedat a 50 cm distance from the eye, using a 100-Wattwhite xenon lamp at a 1000-Lux luminance.

Data are expressed as means

SD, unless other-wise indicated. Comparisons between cases andcontrols were performed using the two-tailed pairedand unpaired Student


-test, whenever appropriate;Mann-Whitney


-test was applied in the case ofvariables with a nonparametric distribution, such ascirculating HbA


. A


value of less than .05 wasconsidered significant.

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Table 1 summarizes both the clinical features andthe laboratory findings of the diabetic cases and thehealthy controls. No statistically significant differ-ences in age, sex, blood pressure, renal function, andETDRS visual acuity were found between the twogroups of subjects. All subjects (cases and controls)had transparent dioptric means and angiographicallynormal retinas. Microalbuminuria was not detectedin the diabetic cases.

Color Vision Tests

Color vision tests are shown in Table 2. While inR28 and SPP2 results there was no distinction be-tween diabetic cases and normal controls, FM100and L15, on the contrary, yielded clinically reliabledistinguishing results, as only three (7.7%) and four

(10.25%) diabetic cases, respectively, scored nor-mally in these tests (


.001). However, a longerexecution time was necessary for completing FM100,compared to L15 (8.4

3.1 vs 1.5

2.2 minutes;


.001). Mean CCS, measured on L15 only, are re-ported in Table 2, while Figure 1 shows an exampleof a normal and a diabetic L15-plot with calculatedCCS and DSAT.


Impaired color discrimination is a common obser-vation even in diabetic patients with microalbumin-uria but without clinically detectable DR


, and aselective reduction of the short wavelength-sensitivecone electroretinogram has been reported already.


Increased retinal blood flow, mild intraretinaledema, reduced retinal oxygenation, and accelerated

Table 1.

Clinical and Biochemical Findings of Insulin-dependent Patients and Healthy Controls*

Patients Cases (N

39) Controls (N




Age (years) 17.14

8.2 18.1

3.1 NSSex (M/F) 15/24 17/22 –Age at diagnosis of diabetes (years) 11.3

2.7 –Duration of diabetes (years) 6.2

1.1 –Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 122.7

9.4 120.0

5.5 NSDiastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 74.1

9.1 72.5

6.7 NSGlycosylated haemoglobin (%) 6.2

0.2 4.5


.001Insulin therapy Yes –Microalbuminuria Absent –Creatinine (mmol/L) 74.48

13.26 70.80

11.30 NSETDRS visual acuity [LogMAR] 1.08

0.15 [0.03] 1.07

0.24 [0.03] NSDiabetic retinopathy Absent –

* n: mean


NS: not significant.

Table 2.

Color Vision Test Scores in Insulin-Dependent Patients and in Healthy Controls*

Patients Cases (N

39) Controls (N




Standard Pseudoisochromatic Plates (Part 2)Normal 39 (100) 39 (100) NSAbnormal – – –

Roth 28-Hue TestNormal 39 (100) 39 (100) NSAbnormal – – –

Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue TestNormal 3 (7.7) 39 (100)

.001Abnormal 36 (92.3) –

.001Lanthony 15-Hue Desaturated Test

Normal 4 (10.25) 39 (100)

.001Abnormal 35 (89.75) –

.001Colour confusion score 37.8

11.1 0


.001Desaturation angle Not defined – –

* n: mean

SD. Values in parentheses are percentages.

NS: not significant.

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Jpn J OphthalmolVol 45: 607–611, 2001

yellowing of the lens have been related to the abnor-mal color perception in adult phakic type 1 sub-jects,


whereas some evidence exists for a corre-lation between changes in chromatic discriminationand poor glycemic control in children with diabetesof short duration.


However, prospective studies arerequired to assess this relationship over a long timeperiod.

As color vision tests do not alter the current treat-ment guidelines and have no potential impact on pa-tient care, their use is actually not yet recommendedin routine eye examinations. Nevertheless, the pres-ence of chromatic abnormalities, even in diabetic pa-tients without DR, might serve as marker of vulnera-bility, helping to identify a subgroup of patients at ahigher risk for complications.

The possibility of applying a color vision test (eg,SPP2, L15 and/or FM100) as an early risk indicatorin the clinical monitoring of a disease has been al-

ready evaluated in several different fields: vigabatrinor carbamazepine monotherapy for epilepsy


; chlo-roquine retinopathy


; ethambutol treatment fortuberculosis


; occupational exposure to metallicmercury


; keratoconjunctivitis sicca


; diabetic mac-ular edema.


Our study was designed to determine the most ap-propriate test for screening of early color vision ab-normalities in uncomplicated juvenile diabetic pa-tients. In order to avoid metabolic interference withour data, all diabetic subjects were required to havegood metabolic control (HbA


7%). The pres-ence of DR (even only a few microaneurysms), mi-croalbuminuria, and/or any type of lens changesidentified by slit-lamp examination, were exclusioncriteria (Table 1).

Statistically significant results were found usingFM100 and L15, as only very few diabetic patientsscored normally (Table 2). The results of both tests

Figure 1. Example of Lanthony 15-Hue Desaturated Test scores in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients and in nor-mal controls. CCS: color confusion score, DSAT angle: desaturation angle, axis of chromatic defect: p: protan, d: deutan, s:scotopic, t: tritan. (Apple-Macintosh software by K. Huie, University of California—Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA).

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were considered clinically reliable even though FM100was affected by a longer execution time. Most usefulwas the CCS calculation, which enabled us to numeri-cally evaluate even minimal errors in the cap order (Fig-ure 1). On the contrary, SPP2 and R28 showed too lowa sensitivity to be of any clinical utility, as normal scoreswere attained by all cases with both tests (Table 2).

The origin of such a mild color vision abnormalityas reported in this paper is uncertain. Some hypo-thetical causes of abnormal chromatic discrimina-tion, as listed above, excluded patients from thisstudy: in fact, all included patients had transparentdioptric means, optimal glycemic control and angio-graphically normal retinas. Moreover, one mightspeculate if this early hue abnormality might predictthe future onset of a prominent tritan-like defect, asreported in the ETDRS study,


as well as retinopa-thy, cataract or neuropathy. Further investigationson larger diabetic populations and a long follow-upare necessary in order to clarify this issue.

However, although not conclusive, these prelimi-nary results seem to suggest that L15 might be themost suitable test for screening of early color visiondefects in uncomplicated juvenile diabetes patients,because L15 combines accuracy and sensitivity witha short execution time.

The author is grateful to Dr. Patrizia Gargiulo for her invaluable

cooperation in recruiting the patients enrolled in this study.


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