Page 1: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Disparage- 1. To speak of or treat slightingly; depreciate; belittle: Do not disparage good manners.

2. To bring reproach or discredit upon; lower the estimation of: Your behavior will disparage the whole family.

Page 2: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Laudable- deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable:

Reorganizing the files was a laudable idea.

Page 3: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Fiasco- A complete and ignominious failure.

The heavy rain caused a lot of flooding, and the picnic was a complete fiasco.

Page 4: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Masticate- To chew. To keep from choking, you must masticate each piece of food completely.

Page 5: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Eschew- To abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid: to eschew evil.

That actor was once very outgoing, but now he eschews the paparazzi.

Page 6: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Quell- 1. To suppress; put an end to; extinguish:

The troops quelled the rebellion quickly. 2. To vanquish; subdue. 3. To quiet or allay (emotions, anxieties,

etc.): The child's mother quelled his fears of the thunder.

Page 7: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Voluble- Characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words; fluent; glib; talkative:

He was a voluble spokesman for the cause.

Page 8: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Confidant-A close friend or associate to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed.

We all should have a confidant with whom we can talk with from time to time.

Page 9: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Obsolescence- The state, process, or condition of being or becoming obsolete.

The obsolescence built into computer is done so that consumers have to buy new ones every few years.

Page 10: Laudable-  deserving praise; praiseworthy;  commendable:

Dubious- 1. Doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt: a dubious reply.

2. Of doubtful quality or propriety; questionable: a dubious compliment; a dubious transaction.

3. Of uncertain outcome: in dubious battle. 4. Wavering or hesitating in opinion; inclined to

doubt. The police were dubious of his response as to

who stole the jewelry.
