


INDUSTRY Education, K-12

PROFILE Brevard Public Schools (BPS) in Brevard

County, Florida, is the 50th largest school

district in the country. The District is

comprised of approximately 70 schools;

72,000 students; 5,000 teachers; and

9,500 employees.

CHALLENGE BPS implemented a BYOD initiative and

needed a solution to deliver their digital

resources and network files in Active

Directory to their students and staff.

SOLUTION In 2013, ClassLink LaunchPad was

extensively evaluated by BPS as a

consistent cloud desktop, delivering the

District’s entire library of digital resources

and files. The solution utilizes single sign-

on (SSO), accessible by staff and students

at school and home.

PROJECT LEAD Matt Frey Manager, Educational Technology

[email protected]

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Brevard Public Schools Deliver Files and

Resources to Over 80,000 Users with

ClassLink LaunchPad

LaunchPad integrates seamlessly with Active Directory & ADFS,

providing single sign-on (SSO) to all applications, school and cloud

files. The solution saves valuable instructional time and costs.


Single Sign-On (SSO) and File Access

With the implementation of BYOD, Brevard Public Schools (BPS)

faced challenges managing the increased use of varying devices,

platforms, and curriculum resources. Teachers spent too much

time logging students into online curricula, assessments, and e-

textbooks. The District recognized the need to consistently deliver

access to applications and files on any device.


BPS evaluated several single sign-on (SSO) providers. They chose

ClassLink LaunchPad primarily due to the simplified management,

end user experience, and easy access to existing network files.

Users now have SSO to all resources and files using ADFS/SAML.

Any Device, Anywhere Access

LaunchPad is accessible on any device by staff and students at

school and home. ClassLink created the BPS LaunchPad app,

available in both the Apple and Chrome stores and on any web


Streamlined Reporting to Inform Decisions

With LaunchPad reports, BPS administrators monitor usage of

instructional resources. The District is now able to make informed

decisions when renewing licenses. They also identify applications

that may be used more effectively with additional professional


“ClassLink LaunchPad is a comprehensive single sign-on solution

that is utilized by all of our students and employees. LaunchPad

provides anytime/anywhere access to all of our files and folders.

We are pleased to have implemented this remarkable technology

solution in all of our schools.”

- Matt Frey, Brevard Public Schools [email protected] | 1-888-963-7550