  • 7/31/2019 Laura Creed-Research Holocaust Overview-Graded


    Research Paper

    Holocaust Overview

    Laura Creed

    English 102-102

    Mr. Neuberger

    25 July 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Laura Creed-Research Holocaust Overview-Graded


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    The Nazi Party Members 1922

    When one hears someone mention The Holocaust most do not understand what really

    happened, how it began, and how innocent people were killed. The point of having history is to

    learn from the mistakes that occurred and to not let it happen again, and The Holocaust is no

    exception. The Holocaust is an event that most people cannot wrap their head around because it

    is so shocking, upsetting and even disturbing. In order to comprehend this tragic event one needs

    to know the series of events that occurred that allowed the Nazi to systematically murder over 11

    million people.

    Nazi Rise to Power

    The World War I ended in 1918 leaving the German population infuriated that they were

    disarmed and forced to pay reparations to France and Britain after signing the Treaty of

    Versailles. The Germans felt as if they were betrayed and

    stabbed in the back. According to A Teachers Guide to

    the Holocaust (TGH), Adolf Hitler joined a small political

    part in 1919 and rose to leadership through his strong,

    emotional and captivating speeches. In some of Hitlers

    speeches he encouraged national pride, militarism, and a

    racially pure Germany. He also railed against the Treaty of Versailles and delivered anti-

    Semitic tirades, blaming the Jews for Germany's problems. Since Hitler was a great speaker by

    the end of 1920 the Nazi Party otherwise known as the National Socialist Party, had around

    3,000 members and he became the leader also known as The Fhrer. The Fhrer ended up being

    the foundation for all legislation. Hitlers power was unlimited along with his personal power, it l

    was equated with the destiny of the German nation. (Rise of the Nazi)

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    Nazis Views on Jews: Anti-Semitism

    While Hitler was trying to form the Nazi Party, he also was trying to form his members

    into being anti-Semitic towards Jews. Since Hitler was a strong speaker the members of the Nazi

    Party started to believe that the Jews are not a true German also

    considered as non-German. According to the website About Nazism,

    Hitler wrote a book calledMein Kampf, and in the book he writes about

    how he notices the Jews on the streets for the first time and then he

    asks himself, Was that a German? (qtd. in Adolf Hitler; Mein

    Kampf). He divides the human race up based on physical appearance.

    Hitler openly announces his hatred for the Jews and why there is a need

    to remove all of them so the German race can continue to expand.

    Hitler is very detailed in why there is a need to expand the German race, and believes that the

    Jewish genes are unworthy, and thats one of the reasons why they needed to be eliminated. The

    bookMein Kampfwas not popular until after Hitlers rise to power, the book he wrote then

    gained fame and virtually became for every Nazi the Bible. (Adolf Hitler; Mein Kampf)

    Nuremberg Laws

    After Adolf Hitler was announced the Chancellor of Germany, in 1935, the Nazi Party

    announced here were going to be new laws that would need to be followed. Hitlers plan of

    trying to make German the master race was moving in the direction he wanted. His power and

    authority kept growing over the Jewish and German people. The website United States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum (USHMM) describes that the first law called Protection of German Blood

    and German honor, prohibited marriages and sexual activity between Jews and the German

    people. Another law in the Nuremberg laws called the Reich Citizenship Law is where Jews

    Hitlers bookMein Kampf

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    were stripped of their German citizenship. These laws were stricter than they seem, being Jewish

    was not based on religious beliefs. Anyone who had three or four Jewish grandparents was

    defined as a Jew, regardless of whether that individual identified himself or herself as a Jew or

    belonged to the Jewish religious community

    (The Nuremberg Race Laws). The photo in this

    paragraph is the sign that was distributed over

    Germany showing the standards of determining

    whether or not you were Jewish. Another thing

    that made the Jews stand out was they were

    forced by the government to have a red J stamped

    on their identity card, making it more visible and easier to spot Jews in the community. (The

    Nuremberg Race Laws)


    In 1933 Hitler wanted to persuade the German people more about Jews. He established a

    Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

    which was led by a man named Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi

    Party used propaganda to motivate those who disagreed of

    the mass murder of the Jews, to get more support and to

    make their army of believers stronger. This made the

    atmosphere around the Jews filled with violence and terror.

    The website Holocaust Education and Archive Research

    Team (HEART) explainsthat "The function of propaganda

    is to attract supporters, the function of organization to win

    The Nuremberg Laws that was posted to show the

    determination of a Jew.

    htt ://

    Propaganda That Was Used.

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    members... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes

    them ripe for the victory of this idea...." (Nazi Propaganda). Hitler made sure that the

    propaganda went through movies, flags, radio, cartoons, books, posters and music so that

    everyone was always around his mass plan to have the German race be the main race. Hitler

    wanted the propaganda to be everywhere, he saw propaganda as a transport of political

    salesmanship in a mass market of people, and argued that it was a way of conveying his

    message. (Nazi Propaganda)


    After the Nuremberg Laws

    a rush of hatred filled the air. According to the website Jewish

    Virtual Library: A Division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise ADOTACE), it

    explains why the Chief of Propaganda named Joseph Goebbels decided to attack the Jewish

    people. In October a 17 year old boy found out that his familys possessions were confiscated

    and they were forced to move over the Polish border. The boy opened fire killing the Third

    Secretary of the German Embassy in Paris

    Ernst Vom Rath; he intended toassassinate the

    German Ambassador. In November 1938

    gangs of Nazi troopers rampaged throughout

    Germany freely attacking the Jewish people at

    their work places, in their homes, and even in

    the streets. Joseph Goebbels then decided to

    attack the Jews he called his pogrom the Night of Broken Glass also known as Kristallnacht.

    At least 96 Jews were killed and hundreds more injured, more than 1,000

    synagogues were burned (and possibly as many as 2,000), almost 7,500 Jewish

    Kristallnachtalso known as The Night of Broken Glass

    htt ://

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    businesses were destroyed, cemeteries and schools were vandalized, and 30,000

    Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. (Kristallnacht)

    The Kristallnacht ADOTACE explains that this was the beginning of the first large wave of

    Jewish people that were capture and sent to concentration camps. (Kristallnacht)

    Rounding up the Jews

    After the unexpected Kristallnacht, the roundup of Jews did not happen overnight an

    months to complete. According the website The Guardian, many of the Jews were warned before

    they started to round up the Jews. Twenty-eight thousand

    people, including Jews of foreign origin, French Jews,

    and other French subjects regarded as suspects were

    wanted by the French and German authorities How the

    Jews in France were Rounded Up). The children did not

    get away easily, if they were over the age of three they

    were taken away from their mothers. Most of the children were left on the streets with nothing.

    None of the neighbors were able to help them, in matter of fact they were forbidden to taken

    them in and if anyone found out they would most likely be killed because of it. Most of the Jews

    were rounded up by trains and were taken to concentration camps. If they were not taken to

    concentration camps they were taken to Ghettos where they had to live without barley anything

    to survive off. (How the Jews in France Were Rounded Up) In these Ghettos they had to live in

    secluded area where they could not leave. The website My Jewish Learning describes that

    approximately 450,000 Jews were crowded into an area of 1.3 square miles that was the

    Warsaw ghetto. Other major ghettos were located in Krakow, Bialystok, Lvov, Lublin, Vilna,

    Kovno, Czestochowa, and Minsk (Ghettos under the Nazis). The living conditions for the Jews

    This is one way the Jews were rounded up.

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    Where the Final Solution Conference was held. In the

    villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee.

    in these ghettos included lack of food, water, and living space. The Jewish people in the ghettos

    were forced by the German forces to wear arm bands with a yellow Star of David on it. One of

    the main reasons the Jewish people were put in these ghettos was because it made it easier to

    gather them and kill them. (Ghettos Under the Nazis)

    Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution

    The "Wannsee Conference" as it became known after the war, was a meeting that took

    place in January of 1942. This meetings goal was to end the lives of all Jews which is where

    they came up with the Final Solution. The full title

    of the Conference was The Final Solution of the

    Jewish Question in Europe. According to the website

    USHMM, the SS men controlled the German police

    force and the concentration camp systems. The

    meeting consisted of fifth teen high-ranked Nazi Party

    and German government in the villa in the Berlin

    suburb of Wannsee. One of the most important people at the meeting was named Reinhard

    Heydrich; he was a SS General at the time. Heydrich announced that During the course of the

    Final Solution, the Jews will be deployed under appropriate supervision at a suitable form of

    labor deployment in the East (Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution"). The purpose for

    the Final Solution was to kill multiple Jews at one time, instead of letting them die of sickness,

    starvation, weather conditions and weakness. The point of the Wannsee Conference was clear to

    its participants, to further the coordination of a policy aimed at the physical annihilation of the

    European Jews.

    Selection Process
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    Once the Jews made it to the concentration camps, the selection process began

    immediately after the Jews were taken off the

    deportation trains. The website Holocaust Memorial

    Day Trust explains that during the selection process

    people would arrive daily. The Jewish women and men

    were all separated before they did the examination. A

    Nazi physician would examine each person to see if

    they were healthy enough to survive forced labor. If

    they were healthy enough to do forced labor they


    usually worked to death from long hours

    and no food. The disabled, elderly, babies, young children, and pregnant women rarely had a

    chance of surviving the section because of their condition. Those who were selected for death

    were led to the gas chambers. If there were people panicking while in line for the gas chambers

    the German forces would simply tell them that they were going to take a shower to remove lice

    from their bodies. The Jews did not know that they were being led to their death. (Life in the


    Extermination Methods

    There were many concentration camps that Jews were sent to. There was a reason for

    different concentration camps, some camps were

    extermination camps, and most were working labor

    campsbutoverall the camps had the same intention,

    killing all Jews. The website Holocaust Education

    explains the killing methods used against Jews. The

    most popular method of mass murdering was the gas chamber. The Jews would go in massive

    The Selection Process

    Gas chamber building at Birkenau.

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    groups to take a shower and wouldnt come back. The web atrial states In Majdanek, on 3-4

    November 1943, between 17,000 and 18,000 Jews were killed in one day as part of a mass

    shooting (Extermination camps). There were different ways to kill the Jews,and besides gas

    chambers some other methods were firing squads, and mobile gas vans. The easiest way for the

    SS men to kill the Jews was the gas chambers. (Extermination camps)


    On June 6, 1944 was the day the Nazi power was starting to come to the end, this day

    was also known as D-Day according to the website USHMM. The U.S General Dwight D.

    Eisenhower had a plan to end the German Nazi power. Eisenhowers great plan needed many

    troops; some came from Canada, and Britain. This plan was called the Great Crusade, the

    destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of

    Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and

    security for ourselves in a free world (Liberation). The Soviet

    forces found prisoners of 7,000 people that were left in the

    concentration camps to die, once they found them they

    provided them with the food and the needed medical support

    that they needed. When the Soviet troops entered the concentration camps, they discovered some

    frail survivors, piles of corpses, bones, and human ashes. Some of the German Nazis found out

    that Eisenhowers army was coming so they made the Jews go on walks that lasted for miles

    hoping to kill more before they could make it there. The article explains On May 8, 1945, less

    than one year after D-Day, Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender became official, and the

    world could celebrate the liberation of Europe from Nazi rule (Liberation).

    After Liberation

    Liberation days in Holland, in 1944.

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    Life after liberation was also very hard, for many of the survivors. Ten of thousands died

    of over-eating, epidemics and exhaustion according to the website Yad Vashem. Many of the

    Jewish survivors feared to go back to their former

    homes because they didnt want to be reminded of

    how it all began. Since there was so much

    antisemitism where they lived they feared it would

    start all over again. The survivors who decided to go

    back to their homes didnt find any of their personal

    belongings. Hitler himself committed suicide after the end of the war and was never held fully

    accountable for the deaths and destructions he helped with. Many of the Jews were placed in

    Displaced Persons camps because they had nowhere to go. Soon after the Jews disbursed

    throughout the world and started to live their own lives.There were millions of people murdered

    throughout the course of the Holocaust because of the German Nazis. (After Liberation)

    The Holocaust is history that must not be repeated. We cannot fully understand how the

    conditions were because we did not live in that time era but educating our society on this topic

    will prevent it from happening again. The Holocaust will remain the most one of the most tragic

    and devastating periods of our history and will never be forgotten.

    Jews with soldiers of the Soviet Red Army in

    Latvia after its liberation.

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    Works Cited

    Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf."Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf. About Nazism, n.d. Web. 18 July 2012.

    "After Liberation." The Holocaust. Yad Vashem the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'

    Remembrance, n.d. Web. 23 July 2012.

    "Extermination Camps."Holocaust Education. The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide

    Studies, n.d. Web. 23 July 2012.

    Glazer, Susan D. "Ghettos under the Nazis."Modern History: Ghettos. My Jewish Learning, n.d.

    Web. 23 July 2012.

    "The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students." The Nuremberg Race Laws. United States

    Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), n.d. Web. 22 July 2012

    "Holocaust History."Antisemitism. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), n.d.

    Web. 16 July 2012.

    "Holocaust History."Liberation. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), n.d.

    Web. 23 July 2012

    "Holocaust History." Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution" United States Holocaust

    Memorial Museum (USHMM), n.d. Web. 23 July 2012.

    "Holocaust Memorial Day Trust."Life in the Camps. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 July 2012.

    "Holocaust Timeline: The Rise of the Nazi Party."Holocaust Timeline: The Rise of the Nazi

    Party. A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust, n.d. Web. 16 July 2012.

    "How the Jews in France Were Rounded Up." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 09

    Feb. 1942. Web. 23 July 2012.

    "Kristallnacht." Jewish Virtual Library: A Division of the American-Israeli Cooperative

    Enterprise. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 July 2012.

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    "Nazi Propaganda."Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team (HEART). N.p., 2009. Web.

    22 July 2012.
